#Sam knows his man is a little crazy and hes fine with thag
uhsolikethis · 1 month
(Sam and Bucky laying in bed about to fall asleep)
Bucky: *Turns to face Sam* Would you love me if I was a worm?
Sam: *Turns to face Bucky* Hmm... Sure. I'd wear shirts with front pockets on them so i can carry you with me. We'd have to change your name to "Burmy The Wormy" of course but-... babe are you crying?!
Sam: *Turns to face Bucky* Would you love me if I was a worm?
Bucky: *Sits up in bed to turn the light on and pulls out a journal* Obviously, but first, I would need to build you terrarium. Then I have to find the rat bastard that did this to you.
Sam: Haha ok babe I ge-
Bucky: I would stop at nothing to find this son of a bitch! I bet you it's Steve! MHMM You know he's always hated our relationship and wants to take you from me!
Sam: WOW, you know what? How ab-
Bucky: Why does Steve all of a sudden like gardening, hmm? What kinda grown man keeps a plotted pant next to his bed - as a matter of fact, let me call this SOB right NOW!
Sam: *sighs* Good luck with that I'm going back to sleep.
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