#Same goes for the guys like Ares or Legendary Xander or Eldigan
childofaura · 2 years
have you done penekoR yet?
*heavy breathing*
PenekoR's artwork.
Probably another one of my top favorite artists in FEH, and definitely considered one of the most skilled, seeing as they have a HUGE list of credits for characters they've drawn (though for some reason the website I'm using to look at the credits doesn't have Legendary Xander there, even though he is on the website under PenekoR?). Anyways, moving on.
Before I start talking about the things I love about PenekoR's artwork, all the good stuff and then the criticisms, I have to get one criticism out of the way just so y'all know I AM aware of it, and that is: PenekoR has issues drawing noses when they draw faces straight on:
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I fully acknowledge that as a criticism because it does look funky, and I think it's something they could easily improve on, but for some reason it hasn't fully been addressed. Though I will say that Legendary Xander looks like they're finally trying a different approach, as they gave him nostrils and some lighting/shading:
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But I'm including the fullbody portrait here because we're gonna talk about why PenekoR's artwork is so friggin' awesome. PenekoR has some AMAZING artwork in the multiple fields: expression, posework, anatomy, color, and detail. All can be seen here with Xander's stern face and this gorgeous armor design.
Seriously, look at the posework and expression for Yarne, Valter, and Catherine:
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Everything checks out, nothing looks funky, Valbar's insane face is captured perfectly, and the babe Catherine looks confident and beautiful. Plus look at Yarne, he doesn't exactly have much going for him in terms of clothing or hair to give him motion, but PenekoR pulls it off by giving him his hunched forward pose with his arms stretched forward. He's leaping forward to attack.
And then there's the other thing: PenekoR draws gorgeous men AND gorgeous women.
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(Which, pardon me for a moment but PenekoR is like Sgt Johnson: They know what the ladies like)
And Sonya:
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Which I also have to say that Sonya's art here is perfect, it shows exactly how sultry and assured she is as a character, something I kind of felt was missed with the Easter alt we had.
Now aside from the nose criticism, the only other criticism I can think of was Aversa's attack portrait:
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It IS possible for women who are super flexible to twist like that, but that's like for gymnasts, and even showing it in artwork can look funky to the eye. But I understand what they're trying to go for, Aversa's a seductive temptress so you really wanna push that flirty angle she has. Still a little funky to look at, but it looks like from future artwork we've seen that they've tried to go for more of a plausible pose, like with Sonya:
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... Seriously IS, why didn't we get Duo Sonya/Aversa?! Aversa would have fit WAYYYY better than Tharja! Could you imagine? Sonya's 25, Aversa's thought to be like... 27 or 28 years old, so Aversa doting on Sonya like Marla or Hestia would could have made for a great interaction! Now I'm just bitter >:(
Anyways, PenekoR's one of my favorite artists. I'm sure to most people, it's hard to get past the nose thing, so they'd see PenekoR as a 7/10. But to me, they've constantly put out such amazing work that's so pleasing to look at, so I personally rank them a 9/10. They're another artist I'd love to see draw Shura when he gets in the game. Or a Priam alt if they get the chance.
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