juicifeur · 7 years
Down By The River (Castiel x Reader)
Another submission for @riversong-sam‘s birthday challenge!
My prompt was Last Goodbye
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Warnings: character death, depressed Cass
Word Count: 1.7k A/N: 
Sorry I suck at keeping active 
I’m using the spelling ‘CASS’. I’m warning you because people get triggered for some reason and then they get mad at me
Also, if your URL is crossed off in my tags, it means Tumblr is not allowing me to tag you under that URL anymore. Message me if you still want to be on tags but you want to change your URL
His hand lay under your head, supporting it so it wouldn’t touch the sullied ground. The unclean ground where your body lay nearly motionless. He cradled your torso in his lap and kept you close, warm, as comfortable as he could make you. His beige trenchcoat lay in half in the mud that was close to freezing over for the night in attempt to conserve some of your body heat
  “Guess we won’t be going on that second date huh?” You smiled weakly up at him, finding his other hand with your own, resting on your abdomen. He shook his head.
  “No, I’m afraid not.” He breathed out shakily and tried to smile back.
As per usual, a hunt had gone wrong, but this time it ended with your blood slowly leaking into the dirt. It was hard for Cass to grip what was happening; you’d known him so long, and just recently you were beginning to have feelings for the angel, as weird as that was.
  “Put your coat back on Cass.” You mumbled, trying to focus on his eyes, his lips, anything that could keep you in this world a little longer.
  “I do not get cold, Y/N. I’ll be fine.” His thumb brushed against your cheek gently.
The colour of your face was slowly draining, like your blood, and your lips were turning cold along with your fingers. Cass’ hand ran through your hair gently and you breathed out, calm.
  “Please just let me heal you.” He begged. Angels didn’t really cry, but if they did, you’d guess that Castiel was about as close as they could get. His hands were leaving yours warmer and his voice broke when he managed to speak. The blue in his eyes seemed vibrant when he was most upset. You shook your head slowly.  
  “You’ve saved me...too many times, Castiel.”
  “Then don’t leave me just yet, Y/N, please.” He pressed his cool lips to your forehead and you smiled softly. Both Sam and Dean returned, stopping in their tracks as they saw Castiel kneeling. They’d gone after the demon that had provided you with a nice lethal stab wound. Lucky enough for you, you were on the hellspawn’s list just because you affiliated with the Winchesters.
They decided not to get any closer. Castiel’s shoulders were shuddering above you and your breath was getting shallow.
  “I think it’s time for me to go.” All you could get out was a whisper.
  “I don’t want to watch the love between us die...” Cass muttered, a small teardrop fell from his eye and he breathed softly, the light fog swirling and then disappearing. You were silent. It was forbidden for humans and angels to be together, but Castiel’s current track record showed that he wasn’t exactly keen on following the rules lately.
  “Y/N, please don’t leave me... Wake up.” Cass shook your shoulders gently and his heart pounded softly. He was struck with the fear that he would never again see your smile. Behind the tragic scene, Dean bit his lip and glanced at his brother knowingly, whose head was down in mourning. Losing people was in their job description, but they never thought they would lose you too.
Castiel knelt on the ground with your body early into the cold morning, just stroking your stiff, soft skin. Sam and Dean couldn’t bear it any longer, especially since they couldn’t feel their toes.
  “Cass, buddy. Y/N’s gone... we gotta go.” He didn’t want to pry him away from you; he knew as well as his brother that in the time you’d known each other, Cass felt a certain way about you that was unheard of in angel disposition.  
Rigid, Castiel stood up, holding your limp body bridal style in his arms. His eyes were cold and fixed upon the ground.
  “Cass, you know anything else about- Hey, Cass,” Dean repeated as he looked up from the lore book that lay on the kitchen table.
Castiel was standing near one of the bookshelves with an old shoebox in front of him, a shoebox he kept of your things.
  “Cass?” Sam piped up, which earned them a look from the angel.
  “You okay?” Dean asked. Castiel nodded slowly and glanced back into the box briefly before putting it back on the shelf. Whatever was in his hands, he folded and tucked into one of his coat pockets.
  “Yes, I am okay. What is it you need help with?” He was quick to change the subject.
As Dean explained their newest case file, Castiel’s mind wandered.
It had already been a few months since your death and he still regretted the fact that he hadn’t tried to save you.
His eyes had lost their lustre and his voice had lost its sincerity. He no longer could feel the warmth of your touch or the feeling that sparked inside him whenever he would see your face.
He kept thinking about that godforsaken promise he’d made to you. The promise that you’d proposed all those months back that entailed the angel not to save you if it came down to it. Your rationale was that if you were supposed to die, you were supposed to die. You weren’t going to mess with Fate. It didn’t work out so well last time.
Cass disappeared from the room before the boys realized how tight he was clenching his fists.
Dean let out an exasperated sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
  “He’s gotta get over this damn wall.” He grumbled. His best friend had been disconnected ever since the accident, and they needed him to be at his best just in case they needed him.
  “C’mon Dean, you can’t blame him, and we can’t just keep asking him to solve our problems,” Sam said softly, uncrossing his arms and walking around the table to his brother.
  “I’m not asking him to solve our problems, I’m just asking him to get his head out of his ass and take one for the team. He’s gotta get over it at some point.”
  “He lost Y/N, you can’t expect him to be...all there.” Brushing a few strands of hair out of his face, Sam sighed.
  “We lost Y/N, too, Sam. You don’t see me crying about it.” Dean glared up at his brother but Sam knew better. Both of the boys were upset that you were dead, but they both processed it differently. Already, Dean had gone overkill on three big baddies. Sam knew he was taking it hard, but still not as hard as Cas was taking it.
Defeated, Sam spoke again.
  “Even angels need time to grieve, Dean. Give him a break.”
  “Hello, Y/N.” Cass’ gravely voice mumbled, his lips curling slightly at the ends. For some reason, he always hoped you would answer him.
The grey headstone looked back at him with the same blank face as always but he still smiled and sat down on the ground in front of it, fighting back his sadness. The old tree that twisted up behind the grave provided shade for the ground that was patched with unique rays sunlight that managed to stream through the leaves overhead. The sun would be setting soon. Cass’ trench coat flapped gently in the quiet wind and he breathed shallowly.
He made sure to bury your body in the most beautiful place he could find, so secluded and peaceful that only he could visit you there and no one could find you by accident. Having a hunter’s funeral for you, like the boys wanted, was out of the question. He could not let his last memory of you to be filled with fire. He only hoped where you were, you could be as at peace as the river was.
   “The stars should be beautiful tonight.” He looked up through the break in the trees at the sky and left himself in silence, imagining you responding to his statement with a fact about constellations or the recent meteor shower. He looked back down at your grave and sighed.
  “I thought of you again today, Y/N.” His fingers pressed to the ground where he clearly remembered laying your body, wrapped in sheets. The river bubbled by the gravesite and he watched the water find it’s way around the rocks. If only it was that easy for him to get around this rock.
  “I never got to say goodbye to you, Y/N.” Cass’ voice broke. The clouds overhead floated by, ill-concerned about whatever was going on down on earth. If any of his brothers or sisters saw him this way, they would be convinced that Earth had corrupted him, somehow made him more human, which they thought of as a bad thing.
  “You gave me more life than you’ll ever know.” A few tears slid down his cheeks and he pulled the folded item from his pocket. He couldn’t ever tell you how he felt. With trembling hands, he unfolded the photograph and stared at your smile. He’d taken a liking to Polaroid cameras just a few months before your death. And even though he wasn’t particularly good with technology, or photogenic for that matter, he found a way to get a picture of the two of you together. It always made him smile.
He quickly wiped his eyes and started digging a small hole in the dirt in front of the grave, where a few wildflowers had begun to grow.
  “I want you to have this. So you can remember us.” He folded the photograph again, into a small square and he set it into the ground, burying it gently. His tears, by now, had started to flow again, and he imagined them being fuel for more flowers.
Slowly, he stood up again and glanced at his surroundings before turning back to your headstone, where he would make sure it would never snow or be damaged. He intended to visit you often to tell you everything that was happening without you, as much as it broke his heart.
  “Goodbye, Y/N.”
With one more look, Castiel pressed a kiss to his fingers and set them on the top of your headstone.
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Always Tags: @knightofmischief @potato8queen @sherlock44 @too-much-winchester   @krista200022   @mcdoyle22   @thegameisafootwatson @leiassorganaa @arixky@katestiel @kylorentrsh @trashbutnotforyou @angel-allie-exol-army@thedamnchesters @kickasscas67 @hoe-zier @kyara2015@trustnobodyshootfirst @all-ur-friends-r-dead @rhae-winchester @one-shots-supernatural @spn-imagineers @abigrumple @livelovelike555 @missdestiel67  @lemonadegazeelle @elsatxx @superhero-lover101 @jadepc
Cass tags: @jesuisdabbo
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Halloween Fun
Summary: The stars aligned for you & Jensen to have all 6 children on Halloween.  Will trick-or-treating be a blast or a disaster?
Pairings: Jensen x reader; JJ, Arrow, & Zeppelin Ackles, Seraphina (OC), Maddox (OC), and Gemma (OC)
Warnings: Fluff
Prompts: Costumes & trick-or-treating with Jensen AND Halloween with Jensen
This is my extremely late entry for Bamby’s First Challenge at @bamby0304. Also written for Sam’s Birthday Challenge at @riversong-sam.  Hope you enjoy!
October 2022
Halloween has always been a big deal to you but this year was shaping up to be the best yet. You and Jensen had the house decorated to perfection, there was plenty of candy to hand out to the neighborhood children, and the crisp Fall air was the perfect backdrop. Most importantly, however, was that this was going to be the first Halloween that your blended family celebrated together. You & Jensen have been married for 2 years with 6 kids between you, 4 girls & 2 boys. You both worked out schedules with your exes to share holidays but they never aligned until now.
Of course, that meant you were going to go all out. The house had been decked out in every Halloween decoration you could get your hands on since 12:01 on October 1st.  You loved all things Fall and Halloween was definitely included in that.  Once you found out that you’d have all the kids together, you immediately started brainstorming ideas for a family costume.  After much deliberation, everyone decided on being The Avengers with this as the lineup:
Jensen: Hawkeye You: Black Widow Seraphina: Falcon JJ: Thor Maddox: Iron Man Gemma: Scarlet Witch Arrow: Captain America Zeppelin: Winter Soldier
You worked hard to gather all the accessories to make everyone look authentic. Why do it if you’re just half-ass, right? Today, it was the day of Halloween and there was a buzz of excitement all throughout your house. Your neighborhood started trick-or-treating at 7 so you gave yourself a couple hours to get everyone dressed and for you to squeeze into the catsuit (having 3 kids gave your body some lovely extra curves that Jensen very much appreciated).
You were especially thankful for the extra time when JJ and Zepp came to you in a panic. Somehow, the plates of his fake Bucky arm got caught in her hair and they tried to resolve it by just pulling. Luckily, it was an easy fix and you sent a prayer of thanks to every deity you could think of that the night was saved.
Finally, it was your turn to get dressed. You had a seamstress friend who was able to sew your Black Widow costume but secretly added a couple areas for breathing room. Bless Thalia, you thought as you shimmied it on. As you were checking to make sure everything looked good, a familiar pair of hands made itself known around your waist.
“Babe, how can we go out with you looking like that? All I wanna do is tear it off you.”
Laughing, you turned in his arms and planted a passion-filled kiss on his lips. Just as things started to get heated, the sounds of 6 pairs of feet came pounding down the hall, screaming for candy.  “To be continued, Mr. Ackles,” you whispered huskily in Jensen’s ear, making him groan.  Knowing he was going to need a minute to calm down, you led everyone downstairs for last-minute costume checks.
Once Jensen came to the living room, you gathered everyone to take a family photo while everyone was still clean.  After it was done, you posted it to Instagram and set out for a night of trick-or-treating fun.
*An hour later*
Whatever possessed you to think it would easy to take 6 kids 12 & under trick-or-treating?! Herding a group of wet, angry cats would be easier than this! First, Arrow & Zepp kept fighting. Then, Maddox was annoying Gemma & JJ by poking them. Seraphina acted like she was too cool to be seen with you guys. Even Jensen was bothering you, not wanting to keep his hands on your ass.  You took a deep breath and reminded yourself that this was about family bonding time and to just go with the flow.
Thankfully, everything went smoothly after that and before you knew you were at the last house.  The Johnsons were empty nesters who always have a huge display for every holiday and are easily the neighborhood favorite.  As you approached, you could see them on the porch dressed as Bob & Linda Belcher and you knew that that had to be influenced by their grandkids.  As soon as she saw everyone, she fussed over you all and playfully demanded a photo to show her kids  since you were her favorite family.
Once you finally left the Johnson (after she loaded the kids up with candy),  you headed home to peel yourself out of your costume and hopefully get the kids to wind down for bed.  The entire walk back was filled with excited conversations and comparisons of candy stashes.  You linked your arms with Jensen, looked at your brood, and whispered to him, “Life doesn’t get any sweeter than this.”
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