#San jose del guaviare
amonerdj · 8 months
Como quedo el Pico y placa en Villavicencio, acá les contamos!
luego de varios días de concertación entre la administración municipal de Villavicencio y los diferentes actores viales como comerciantes, gremios, empresarios y demás. se logró una concertación para expedir el Decreto No. 024 del 2024 por el cual se toman estas medidas para el manejo del tráfico en la ciudad. dentro de las medidas publicadas en el decreto están: Pico y placa para el perímetro…
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xlevelpr · 8 months
Como quedo el Pico y placa en Villavicencio, acá les contamos!
luego de varios días de concertación entre la administración municipal de Villavicencio y los diferentes actores viales como comerciantes, gremios, empresarios y demás. se logró una concertación para expedir el Decreto No. 024 del 2024 por el cual se toman estas medidas para el manejo del tráfico en la ciudad. dentro de las medidas publicadas en el decreto están: Pico y placa para el perímetro…
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chilomonas · 7 months
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Murcielagos en La Lindosa Puentes Naturales, San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia.
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newstfionline · 1 year
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Energy Drinks Are Surging. So Are Their Caffeine Levels. (NYT) It has been more than 25 years since Red Bull hit the market and introduced caffeinated energy drinks to the United States. While the company claimed its beverage would “give you wings,” it never said it was actually good for people. Yet as the energy drink market continues to grow rapidly, companies both new and old are trying to attract health-conscious customers with a wave of no-sugar, low-calorie drinks that claim to boost energy as well as replenish fluids with electrolytes and other ingredients. This new focus has helped the energy drink market grow, with sales in the United States surging to $19 billion from $12 billion over the past five years. But there are concerns that drinks being pitched as healthy are resulting in children and teenagers consuming caffeine in unhealthy amounts. A 12-ounce can of Prime Energy contains 200 milligrams of caffeine. That’s roughly equivalent to two Red Bulls, two cups of coffee or six cans of Coca-Cola. Some schools in Britain and Australia have already banned the beverages. In the United States, federal regulations say schools cannot sell or provide caffeinated drinks to elementary or middle school students, although many schools do not restrict what students can bring from home. “Not long after drinking them, the students showed up in the health office saying they didn’t feel good and that their hearts were racing,” said [one school nurse].
A Puzzle in Arizona’s Boom Towns: How to Keep Growing With Less Water (NYT) As the mayor of an old farming town bursting with new homes, factories and warehouses, Eric Orsborn spends his days thinking about water. The lifeblood for this growth is billions of gallons of water pumped from the ground, and his city, Buckeye, Ariz., is thirsty for more as builders push deeper into the desert fringes of Phoenix. But last week, Arizona announced it would limit some future home construction in Buckeye and other places because of a shortfall in groundwater. A new state study found groundwater supplies in the Phoenix area were about 4 percent short of what is needed for planned growth over the next 100 years. That may feel like a far-off horizon, but it is enough of a change to force the state to rethink its future in the near and long terms. Now, there are urgent questions about how Arizona should be using its increasingly precious water—for water-guzzling alfalfa and lettuce farms or thirsty new computer chip and battery factories and coffee-creamer manufacturing? For new sprawl or more development inside cities? Could the Phoenix suburbs keep up their frenzied pace of growth? Should they?
Four Colombian children found alive in jungle weeks after plane crash (Reuters) Four children from an Indigenous community in Colombia were found alive in the country’s south on Friday more than five weeks after the plane they were traveling in crashed in thick jungle, Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro said. The plane—a Cessna 206—was carrying seven people on a route between Araracuara, in Amazonas province, and San Jose del Guaviare, a city in Guaviare province, when it issued a mayday alert due to engine failure in the early hours of May 1. Three adults, including the pilot and the children’s mother Magdalena Mucutuy, died as a result of the crash and their bodies were found inside the plane. The four siblings, aged 13, 9, 4, as well as a now 12-month-old baby, survived the impact. Narcizo Mucutuy, the grandfather of the three girls and one boy, told reporters he was delighted at the news of their rescue.
Argentina inflation seen hitting 149% this year, up from previous poll (Reuters) Analysts polled by Argentina’s central bank forecast annual inflation this year at 149%, above the 126% expected in the previous poll, according to the monthly survey released on Friday. For May, the analysts polled expect prices to have risen 9% in the month. Argentina’s economy, strained by a historic drought that has worsened an ongoing currency crisis, is expected to shrink 3% in 2023 from 2022. Analysts see the weakened Argentine peso, currently officially valued at 245 pesos per dollar, ending this year at 408.68 pesos per dollar and 2024 at 917.54 pesos per dollar. Rising prices and tumbling foreign reserves pose a challenge for Argentina’s left-leaning government ahead of general elections in October.
Boris Johnson quits as UK lawmaker after being told he will be sanctioned for misleading Parliament (AP) Former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson shocked Britain on Friday by quitting as a lawmaker after being told he will be sanctioned for misleading Parliament. Johnson resigned after receiving the results of an investigation by lawmakers into misleading statements he made to Parliament about “partygate,” a series of rule-breaking government parties during the COVID-19 pandemic. By quitting, he avoids a suspension that could have seen him ousted from his Commons seat by his constituents, leaving him free to run for Parliament again in the future.
Russia to deploy nuclear weapons to Belarus in July. (1440) Russian President Vladimir Putin made the announcement in a televised meeting with the Belarusian leader Friday. Belarus, a close ally of Russia, neighbors Ukraine to the north and shares an almost-700-mile border. Russian forces have used Belarus as a staging ground since the beginning of the war.
UN aid chief says Ukraine faces ‘hugely worse’ humanitarian situation after the dam rupture (AP) The humanitarian situation in Ukraine is “hugely worse” than before the Kakhovka dam collapsed, the U.N.’s top aid official warned Friday. Undersecretary-General Martin Griffiths said an “extraordinary” 700,000 people are in need of drinking water and warned that the ravages of flooding in one of the world’s most important breadbaskets will almost inevitably lead to lower grain exports, higher food prices around the world, and less to eat for millions in need. “This is a viral problem,” he said in an interview with The Associated Press. “But the truth is this is only the beginning of seeing the consequences of this act.”
As Ukraine Launches Counteroffensive, Definitions of ‘Success’ Vary (NYT) After months of anticipation, Ukraine’s forces—newly trained on complex warfare tactics and armed with billions of dollars in sophisticated Western weaponry—launched operations on multiple fronts in the past week in an effort to dislodge entrenched Russian military units, a counteroffensive that many officials in the United States and Europe say could be a turning point in the 15-month war. What remains unclear, though, is exactly what the United States, Europe and Ukraine view as a “successful” counteroffensive. Publicly, American and European officials are leaving any definition of success to President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine. Privately, U.S. and European officials concede that pushing all of Russia’s forces out of occupied Ukrainian land is highly unlikely. Throughout the war, the Ukrainian army, with deeply motivated troops, creative military operations and advanced Western weaponry, has outperformed Russia’s military. But the Ukrainians have also found it difficult to dislodge the Russians from their entrenched defensive positions in the last few months, with the front lines barely moving.
A Rising India Is Also, in One Remote Pocket, a Blood-Soaked War Zone (NYT) People burned out of their homes by the hundreds. Villages, even refugee camps, raked with gunfire. Men, women and children beaten and set ablaze by angry mobs. India, the world’s most populous country and home to the fastest-growing major economy, is now also the site of a war zone, as weeks of ethnic violence in the remote northeastern state of Manipur has claimed about 100 lives. Militarized buffer zones now crisscross the state, patrolled by local women—who are seen as less hotheaded than men—and the thousands of troops who have been sent to quell the fighting, drawing down forces in other parts of India, including the border with China. More than 35,000 people have become refugees, with many living in makeshift camps. Internet service has been cut—an increasingly common tactic by the Indian government—and travel restrictions have made it difficult for the outside world to see in. The development has been jarring for a nation whose 1.4 billion people usually manage to get along despite belonging to thousands of sometimes rivalrous ethnic groups. And it presents an unwelcome image of instability for a national government focused on portraying India as a rising global power. “It is a nightmare,” said Mairembam Ratan, a small-town career counselor who escaped his home with help from the army. “It’s a civil war.”
The Pentagon Is Freaking Out About a Potential War With China (Politico) The war began in the early morning hours with a massive bombardment—China’s version of “shock and awe.” Chinese planes and rockets swiftly destroyed most of Taiwan’s navy and air force as the People’s Liberation army and navy mounted a massive amphibious assault across the 100-mile Taiwan Strait. Having taken seriously President Joe Biden’s pledge to defend the island, Beijing also struck pre-emptively at U.S. and allied air bases and ships in the Indo-Pacific. The U.S. managed to even the odds for a time by deploying more sophisticated submarines as well as B-21 and B-2 stealth bombers to get inside China’s air defense zones, but Washington ran out of key munitions in a matter of days and saw its network access severed. The United States and its main ally, Japan, lost thousands of service members, dozens of ships, and hundreds of aircraft. Taiwan’s economy was devastated. And as a protracted siege ensued, the U.S. was much slower to rebuild, taking years to replace ships as it reckoned with how shriveled its industrial base had become compared to China’s. The Chinese “just ran rings around us,” said former Joint Chiefs Vice Chair Gen. John Hyten in one after-action report. “They knew exactly what we were going to do before we did it.”      Dozens of versions of the above war-game scenario have been enacted over the last few years, most recently in April by the House Select Committee on competition with China. And while the ultimate outcome in these exercises is not always clear—the U.S. does better in some than others—the cost is. In every exercise the U.S. uses up all its long-range air-to-surface missiles in a few days, with a substantial portion of its planes destroyed on the ground. In every exercise the U.S. is not engaged in an abstract push-button war from 30,000 feet up like the ones Americans have come to expect since the end of the Cold War, but a horrifically bloody one. And that’s assuming the U.S.-China war doesn’t go nuclear.
Saudi crown prince threatened ‘major’ economic pain on U.S. amid oil feud (Washington Post) Last fall, President Biden vowed to impose “consequences” on Saudi Arabia for its decision to slash oil production amid high energy prices and fast-approaching elections in the United States. In public, the Saudi government defended its actions politely via diplomatic statements. But in private, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman threatened to fundamentally alter the decades-old U.S.-Saudi relationship and impose significant economic costs on the United States if it retaliated against the oil cuts, according to a classified document obtained by The Washington Post. The crown prince claimed “he will not deal with the U.S. administration anymore,” the document says, promising “major economic consequences for Washington.” It is unclear whether the crown prince’s threat was conveyed directly to U.S. officials or intercepted through electronic eavesdropping, but his dramatic outburst reveals the tension at the heart of a relationship long premised on oil-for-security but rapidly evolving as China takes a growing interest in the Middle East and the United States assesses its own interests as the world’s largest oil producer.
From restaurants to water towers, unrest dents Senegal’s economy (Reuters) A KFC restaurant ransacked. Public transport torched. Glass-paneled stations for a multi-million dollar electric bus link shattered. A water plant vandalised. Senegal is taking stock of the damage after the jail sentencing of prominent opposition figure Ousmane Sonko sparked the worst civil unrest in decades that threatens to dent progress in one of Africa’s fastest-growing economies. Sixteen people died and hundreds were injured. Rioters attacked banks, supermarkets and petrol stations. Small businesses were also hitAn attack on a state-owned water plant could create shortages in Dakar, where it hasn’t rained for eight months and where water cuts are common, an official said. Aside from the damage, a day of protests can slow economic output by the equivalent of up to around $33 million per day, the government estimates. Citizens rapidly feel the pinch in a country where over 95% of the work is informal.
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otachi13 · 2 years
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An old DC3 at San José del Guaviare airport #dc3 #aviacioncolombiana #avionesclasicos #classicairplanes #sanjosedelguaviare (en San Jose del Guaviare) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm9wpLQPg3C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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projectourworld · 1 year
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San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia. Soldiers of the Colombian air force give medical attention inside a plane to the surviving children from a plane crash in the Amazon jungle. Forty days after the crash, four Indigenous children were rescued – found malnourished and covered in insect bites but alive. Photograph: Colombian Air Force/Reuters / Guardian #columbian #amazon #jungle #survival #miracle
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cnwnoticias · 1 year
Bebê resgatado completou 1 ano na selva da Colômbia, e 'cão herói' está desaparecido
Objetos pessoais, restos de frutos e abrigos improvisados na selva foram algumas das pistas que nortearam as equipes da Colômbia nas operações de buscas de três crianças e um bebê, que estavam desaparecidos havia 40 dias, após um acidente aéreo. As crianças de 13, 9 e 4 anos e a bebê, que completou 1 ano enquanto estava na selva, foram resgatados na região de San Jose del Guaviare, na sexta (9),…
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trendydigests · 1 year
How Four Children Survived 40 Days in the Amazon After a Plane Crash
Four Indigenous children from Colombia have defied the odds and survived a harrowing ordeal in the Amazon jungle after their plane crashed and killed their mother and two other adults on May 1. Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas on Pexels.com The children, aged between one and 13, were traveling from the village of Araracuara to San Jose del Guaviare when the pilot declared an emergency due to…
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wamuzimedia · 1 year
Amazon plane crash: Colombian children survived on cassava and fruits, family say.
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According to the children's uncle, the extraordinary 40-day survival of four children in the Amazon jungle following the crash of their plane was made possible by the use of cassava flour and some familiarity with the fruits of the rainforest. Outside the Bogotá hospital, where the children are expected to remain for at least two weeks, the children's uncle, Fidencio Valencia, told reporters, "When the plane crashed, they took out a faria, and with that, they survived." In the Amazon basin, Faria is a type of cassava flour that people consume. Valencia stated, "They began to eat seeds after the faria ran out." An aunt of the children, Damaris Mucutuy, told a radio station that "the children are fine" despite having insect bites and being dehydrated. She added that the kids had been offered psychological well-being administrations. The children's ordeal came at a favorable time. Astrid Cáceres, top of the Colombian Establishment of Family Government assistance, said the adolescents were additionally ready to eat organic product on the grounds that "the wilderness was in reap". General Pedro Sanchez, who was responsible for the salvage exertion, said salvage groups had passed inside 20 to 50 meters (66 to 164ft) of where the kids were tracked down on several events yet had missed them. Sanchez stated, "The minors were already very weak." He continued, "And surely their strength was only sufficient to breathe, reach a small fruit, and drink a drop of water in the jungle."
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The Huitoto children, aged 13, 9, and 4, as well as a baby 11 months old, were traveling with their mother from the Amazonian village of Araracuara to San Jose del Guaviare when the plane crashed in the early hours of May 1. On Friday, a military sniffer dog discovered the children alive after spending weeks in a place where there are a lot of snakes, mosquitoes, and other animals. The children informed authorities that they had some time with a dog but that it later vanished. As of Saturday, the military is still looking for the dog, a Belgian Shepherd named Wilson. On Saturday, President Gustavo Petro met the children at the Bogotá hospital after jokingly announcing their discovery on Friday. Iván Velásquez, the defense minister, told reporters that the children were being rehydrated and could not yet eat. "In any case, as a general rule, the state of the youngsters is satisfactory," Velásquez said. Officials praised the bravery of the eldest child, a girl, who, according to them, knew how to survive in the rainforest and led the others through the ordeal. The four kids were in a Cessna single-motor propeller plane that was likewise conveying three grown-ups and when the pilot pronounced a crisis because of a motor disappointment. The little airplane tumbled off the radar a brief time frame later and a weeks-in length look for survivors started. Friday's air force video showed a helicopter that couldn't land in the dense rainforest, so it had to use lines to lift the kids up. On Friday, images of volunteers and a group of soldiers posing with the children, who were covered in thermal blankets, were posted on Twitter by the military. The smallest child was being fed from a bottle by one of the soldiers. Petro predicted that the children's story "will remain in history" and described them as an "example of survival." On May 16, two weeks after the crash, a search team located the plane in a dense rainforest and located the bodies of the three adults who were aboard; however, the small children were not found. Colombia's military stepped up their search because they thought they might still be alive. They flew 150 soldiers and dogs into the area, where it was hard to see because of thick foliage and mist. The search was also joined by dozens of volunteers from Indigenous tribes. In the hope that the boxes of food that soldiers dropped into the jungle in helicopters would aid in the children's survival, Flares were fired by planes passing over the area to assist ground-based search teams at night, and speakers were used by rescuers to blast a recorded message from the grandmother of the siblings advising them to remain in one location. Soon after Petro and National Liberation Army rebel group representatives signed a ceasefire, their rescue was announced. He emphasized the collaborative efforts of the military and Indigenous communities to locate the children, in keeping with the messaging from his government that emphasized his efforts to end internal conflicts. "The meeting of the minds: military and indigenous peoples," he tweeted. Colombia could go in a different direction: This, in my opinion, is the only way to peace. Read the full article
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kashmirmonitor · 1 year
4 children who went missing after plane crash found alive after 40 days
BOGOTA:  Four children who went missing after a plane crash in the Amazon jungle were found alive after 40 days. The children were alone when searchers found them and are now receiving medical attention, The group of four children had been traveling with their mother from the Amazonian village of Araracuara to San Jose del Guaviare, a small city on the edge of the Amazon rainforest. They are…
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4 trẻ em sống sót sau 17 ngày trong rừng Amazon
Lực lượng cứu hộ tìm thấy 4 em nhỏ mất tích 17 ngày sau vụ tai nạn máy bay trong rừng Amazon, thuộc lãnh thổ Colombia.
Ngày 1/5, chiếc máy bay Cessna 206 chở 7 người gặp nạn trên hành trình từ Araracuara đến San Jose del Guaviare, thành phố trong khu vực rừng Amazon của Colombia. Thi thể ba người lớn, trong đó có phi công, được tìm thấy tại hiện trường.
Điều tra cho thấy 4 đứa trẻ trong độ tuổi 4, 9, 13 và một em bé 11 tháng tuổi thuộc cộng đồng thổ dân Huitoto sống sót qua vụ rơi máy bay và đã vào rừng để tìm kiếm sự giúp đỡ. Giới chức lập tức mở "Chiến dịch Hy vọng", triển khai hơn 100 binh lính, ba trực thăng cùng chó nghiệp vụ, tiến hành tìm kiếm.
"Sau nỗ lực tìm kiếm không ngừng nghỉ, quân đội đã tìm thấy 4 đứa trẻ mất tích sau vụ tai nạn máy bay ở Guaviare", Tổng thống Colombia Gustavo Petro ngày 17/5 thông báo trên Twitter, nói đây là "một niềm vui cho đất nước".
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riklarmasas · 4 years
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EMPLEO PARA VISITADOR MEDICO EN COLOMBIA. Iniciamos convocatoria de empleo para importante laboratorio multinacional. Por esta razon, iniciamos proceso de evaluacion, para VISITADORES MÉDICOS en todas las ciudades en COLOMBIA. Asi mismo, indicamos que el proceso de reclutamiento, obedece al inicio del proceso…
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lo07on · 5 years
aiyellow bogota
aiyellow bogota
Compre o renueve aquí su anuncio de Aiyellow, Amarillas Internet, las Paginas Amarillas del Internet, Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Soledad, Cucuta, Ibague, Soacha, Bucaramanga, Villavicencio, Santa Marta, Valledupar, Bello, Pereira, Monteria, Pasto, Buenaventura, Manizales, Neiva, Palmira, Armenia, Riohacha, Sincelejo, Popayan, Itagui, Floridablanca, Envigado, Tulua, Tumaco, Dosquebradas, Tunja, Apartado, Giron, Uribia, Barrancabermeja, Florencia, Turbo, Maicao, Piedecuesta, Yopal, Ipiales, Fusagasuga, Facatativa, Chia, Pitalito, Cartago, Zipaquira, Jamundi, Malambo, Yumbo, Rionegro, Magangue, Caucasia, Lorica, Quibdo, Duitama, Buga, Sogamoso, Tierralta, Girardot, Cienaga, Sabanalarga, Ocaña, Santander de Quilichao, Villa del Rosario, Aguachica, Garzon, Cerete, Arauca, Mosquera, Sahagun, Montelibano, Candelaria, Chigorodo, Madrid, Caldas, Funza, Los Patios, Calarca, El Carmen de Bolivar, La Dorada, Arjona, Turbaco, Espinal, Acacias, San Andres, Copacabana, Santa Rosa de Cabal, San Vicente del Caguan, Planeta Rica, Cienaga de Oro, Chiquinquira, Necocli, San Jose del Guaviare, La Plata, Granada, La Estrella, Riosucio, Corozal, Puerto Asis, Zona Bananera, Plato, Carepa, Cajica, Villamaria, Baranoa, San Marcos, Girardota, Florida, Pamplona, El Cerrito, Pradera, Orito, Fundacion, Puerto Boyaca, Marinilla, El Banco, La Ceja, Ayapel, Tame, Sabaneta, Valle del Guamuez, Puerto Libertador, Barbosa, San Onofre, Guarne, El Bagre, Chinchina, Puerto Berrio
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cienciasnacionales · 3 years
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Río Lindo San Jose del Guaviares https://www.instagram.com/p/CZXr9_kPxRM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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otachi13 · 2 years
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Tramonto… #tramonto #sunset #pordosol #sanjosedelguaviare #igerscolombia #enmicolombia #atardecerescolombianos (en San Jose del Guaviare) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm9w4J-P6Mr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wegoplanet · 3 years
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📍 San Jose De Guaviare⁠ ⁠ San José del Guaviare is the gateway to the Amazon that opens the way to the legend of the Yurupary. Cave paintings from all eras, pink dolphins and much more fauna. Rock formations, natural pools and tunnels that will make you feel in a lost city.⁠ ⁠ That said, Is San Jose De Guaviare worth Visiting ? How to get there? What are the best places to stay and best things to do on site? We answer all your questions:⁠ ⁠ Check out our FREE Travel Guide full of valuable tips and beautiful photos:⁠ ⁠ 🌎 San Jose De Guaviare: Complete Travel Guide 2021 🌎 ⁠ 👉 https://wego-planet.com/san-jose-de-guaviare-travel-guide/⁠ 👉 Link in Bio ⁠ ⁠ ================================⁠ ⁠ 📷 Photo Credit @juanestebanso⁠ 🙏 Thank you for your fantastic photo !⁠ 👉 Visit and follow his amazing gallery !⁠ ⁠ ================================⁠ ⁠ 🏆 Do you want to get featured ?⁠ 👉 FOLLOW @Wego.Colombia⁠ 👉 TAG @Wego.Colombia or USE #WegoColombia⁠ ⁠ ================================⁠ ⁠ ⚙️ Selected by @WegoPlanet⁠ ⁠ ================================⁠ ⁠ #SanJoseDeGuaviare #Guaviare #Colombia #travelphotographer #travelphotographers #theglobewanderer #passionpassport #photooftheday #awesome_photographers #travelmore #goexplore #wonderfulplaces #openmyworld #lovetotravel #adventurethatislife #roamtheplanet #travelgirl #traveldudes #solotravel #travelcouple #wanderlust #adventureseeker #doyoutravel #responsibletravel #adventuretime #phototours #phototour #photographyworkshop⁠ ⁠ ⁠ 💬 Now your turn:⁠ ⁠ Do you have any questions about San Jose De Guaviare ? Or if you already visited San Jose De Guaviare, did you enjoy it ? ⁠ Either way, let me know in the comments below !
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