amonerdj · 2 months
Gobernadora Rafaela Cortés, lidera replanteamiento del cese al fuego
Ante el anuncio de la extensión del cese al fuego entre las disidencias del Estado Mayor Central (EMC) de las Farc y el Gobierno Nacional, la gobernadora del Meta, Rafaela Cortés Zambrano, se mostró en desacuerdo con esa decisión. Por lo que confirmó que durante el cese al fuego se ha disparado la criminalidad y dijo que “cada vez hay más hostigamientos, más reclutamiento, sigue la extorsión que…
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xlevelpr · 2 months
Gobernadora Rafaela Cortés, lidera replanteamiento del cese al fuego
Ante el anuncio de la extensión del cese al fuego entre las disidencias del Estado Mayor Central (EMC) de las Farc y el Gobierno Nacional, la gobernadora del Meta, Rafaela Cortés Zambrano, se mostró en desacuerdo con esa decisión. Por lo que confirmó que durante el cese al fuego se ha disparado la criminalidad y dijo que “cada vez hay más hostigamientos, más reclutamiento, sigue la extorsión que…
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moriceramirez · 2 years
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Tome estas fotos entre el 2021 y el 2022 de les integrantes de la fundación Dignidad Trans de Aruca, con quienes trabajé apoyando una iniciativa de memoria que resultó en una serie de videoperformances. EL producto audiovisual fue lanzado en julio de 2021 en el amrco de la exposición SaNaciones, Caminos de Resistencia.
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davhynephitt · 2 years
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#FML it’s too early for this 🤬 . . . . . . #marketingdigital #eda #brasil #antioquia #arauca #love #bucaramanga #nfts #vida #manizales #f #objetivos #sue #crypto #cundinamarca #dinheiro #art #metas #sonho #monteria #bitcoin #fitness #contentcreator #moda #nftart #determina #yocomprollanero #creatorweek #meta https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckk9DtwOwFN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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llavesmisobrino30 · 2 years
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Cambio de Bateria, Programación y Configuración de Control #Chery #Arauca Realizamos Modernización, Programación y Duplicado de Llave, tiempo Récord, en menos de 15 Minutos.🕑 Contamos con Delivery Gratis para toda la gran Caracas.🚚 Cubrimos cualquier Emergencia que presentes en Cerraduras con Nuestro Servicio a Domicilio 24/7. 🏍 15$ el Domicilio en Toda Caracas ⚡️⚡️⚡️ No dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros por WhatsApp..📲 04120181862 https://wa.me/message/KYDM3RQGQNM4H1 Pág. Web https://bit.ly/3f0lVHp Te Esperamos! #HAIMA7 #GMC #MAZDA #LEXUS #DAEWOO #BMW #LANDROVER #INFINITI #MITSUBISHIMOTORS #CHERY #AUDI #Cerrajeria #cerraduras #Candados #Llaves #Catia #Carros #Motos #Automotor #Residencias #Bancos #Puertas #Cilindros #DistritoCapital #Caracas #Venezuela (en Distrito Capital. Venezuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjeGwT4uTRV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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"Con profunda tristeza lamento informar el desvivimiento de los Soldados Profesionales Julián Patiño Arango y Bayron Andrés Correa Vargas de nuestro Ejército Nacional de Colombia , quienes a pesar de los esfuerzos médicos, lamentablemente quedaron desvividos tras el cobarde ataque perpetrado con artefactos expl0siv0s en el Puesto de Mando de la Base Militar en Puerto Jordán - Arauca.
Este acto que afectó a 28 militares en estado de indefensión y que atenta contra los Derechos Humanos y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario, será denunciado ante las autoridades competentes.
Los Soldados, Marinos y Aviadores enviamos nuestras más sinceras condolencias a sus familiares, toda nuestra solidaridad para ellos, a quienes acompañamos en este difícil momento": #AlmiranteFranciscoCubides
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dailyanarchistposts · 2 months
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For the third time, I carry a smoldering branch from the cooking fire to the nest of dry kindling I’ve placed in the brush, and finally it catches, and the orange feathers flap and flutter like a bird stuck in a thorn bush. Despite all the anarchist romancing of fire, I’ve never before thought of arson like this.
Angelica and José have taken us to reclaimed land, a plot well suited for farming, where the hillside isn’t so steep. José is driving the team of oxen over the acre that was cleared last year, pulling a heavy iron plow through the earth to make furrows for sowing potato and onion. The adjacent acre has already been seeded with barley. Angelica, meanwhile, is tending the fire. One fire is patiently cooking our lunch, while its children are spreading through the brush to clear the earth for next year’s fields. And my friends and I are helping. Environmentalists starting forest fires, I snicker.
Of course, there’s been no forest here for decades. This was a pine plantation on stolen Mapuche lands, identical rows of genetically modified, non-native pine trees planted by Forestal Mininco, a company owned by one of the wealthiest families in Chile. Ten years ago, a number of hectares were taken over by community members. At first, only the most politically active members of the community dared to participate in the re-occupation, and some others would come out to cook or otherwise give support. When the courts found out that both the community and the timber company held titles to the same land, they declared they could take no action, and on the ground the community members have overwhelmed the forestry employees. Now, it’s basically a done deal, and the whole community comes out to farm the recovered land. Each family has its own plot of land that inheres to it individually. The recovered land, meanwhile, is communally owned and collectively maintained. One family will work a specific plot one year, but another family might work the same plot the next year. When needed, the whole community will get together to talk about how to use the land, but they seem to prefer to work things out on their own and informally, within the framework of common understandings of what’s proper.
Soon enough, we figure out how to work the wind and fuel, and here and there, flames leap twenty feet to the sky before calming down and slowly gnashing through the thorn bushes and old pine stumps. It’s a small section we clear, not even a quarter acre, but it’s not bad for a day’s work, and the watchword of the Mapuche I meet seems to be “poco a poco.” Little by little.
Angelica finds me an herb, sietevenas, for me to press against the thorn-cuts on my ash-black hands, and then I walk down to the lake, the Lleu Lleu, to cool off in its waters.
* * *
Mapuche land takeovers began in the early 1990s, after the end of the Pinochet dictatorship, with groups like Consejo de Todas las Tierras. They would take over plots of usurped Mapuche lands for one day, symbolically, to remind themselves and the world that it was their land. It was an important step forward, but like any step forward, it wasn’t enough. “It didn’t frighten the big companies.” Angelica tells me how subsequently, in 1998, the C.A.M. formed, Coordinadora de Arauca-Malleco. By developing the tactic of “productive recoveries,” the C.A.M. “enraged” the landlords. They recovered land for good, coming in with a group of thirty people to cut down the trees, turning timber plantations into gardens so Mapuche communities could feed themselves. Back in Temuco, when I asked about all the “C.A.M.”s I saw graffitied on the walls, José had joked that “C.A.M. was to the Chilean state what Al Qaida is to the U.S. government.”
Angelica tells us how both she and José had been members of C.A.M., and it too was an important step forward, but they left the organization when they realized it had a fundamentally leftist way of thinking, “not truly Mapuche. We’ve always survived because we have our own way of thinking. We can build solidarity with the Left but we can’t become part of it; that would be against who we are.”
I ask if the land recovery actions sometimes involve replanting native forests. Angelica says that some Mapuche are replanting native tree species, and perhaps it needs to happen more often, but for now they are focused on planting gardens so they can win the ability to feed themselves, and create their independence at an economic level.
Later, she tells us about living in clandestinity. “For one thing, you don’t have any peace of mind. On top of that, you can’t plan for the future or have any projectuality. While you’re eating breakfast, you’ll be keeping your eyes on the road outside, ready to run at any time.” One time, a caravan of 400 cops with buses, tanks, water cannons, and jeeps came to arrest them, a huge display of force to show the futility of resistance. But Angelica saw the caravan when it was still on the other side of the lake, and they ran for the hills. “The whole path was green” with uniformed police.
Angelica gave birth to their son while the two were underground. Eventually they were caught when a neighbor became an informant for 500,000 pesos (about a thousand dollars). Angelica spent 4 months in pretrial detention and went through three trials, but was ultimately acquitted of “illegal association” under the antiterrorist law. Before being accused she had almost completed university, everything except the final exams, but it was a Catholic school and they wouldn’t let her take the exams in jail so she never got her diploma. Now, in her community on the banks of the Lleu Lleu, she smiles at the thought of university.
On the way back from the fields, José has me help him return the oxen and the plow to the neighbors from whom he has borrowed them. He talks to the oxen in a special language or touches them on a shoulder with a long stick to guide them through the turns, and they need no more prompting than that. As we walk he tells me more about the Mapuche worldview. “Unlike Western society, the Mapuche don’t see humans as the center of the world. We don’t think humans are the perfect species that can dominate all the other species. We understand that we are just a part of the world.” In turn I tell him about debates anarchists have had, regarding animal liberation, ecocentrism, and veganism. When we reach the neighbors’ house, the oxen bow their heads so we can untie the yoke, and then they wander off in search of hay. We take a shortcut back to the house, following the path he and Angelica used to escape the police, a few years earlier.
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warningsine · 2 days
Colombia's government has halted peace talks with the leftist rebel group the National Liberation Army (ELN) following an attack on a military base which left two soldiers dead and more than two dozen injured.
"Today the peace process is on hold. Its viability is severely diminished and its continuation can only go ahead with an unequivocal demonstration of peace by the ELN," government negotiators said on social media platform X on Wednesday.
The attack — blamed on the ELN — occurred on Tuesday in a rural part of Colombia's Arauca province, near the border with Venezuela.
Officials said the attackers detonated explosives in a truck at the army base.
Petro's peace policy suffers blow
The decision to suspend peace negotiations is a huge blow to President Gustavo Petro's key policy of "total peace."
Petro's quest for "total peace" has looked to remove the ELN from its role in the country's six-decades-long internal armed conflict.
"This is an attack that practically closes a peace process, with blood," the president said on Tuesday.
There has been no immediate statement from the ELN.
The ELN has stepped up attacks on military targets since August, after it chose to not renew a cease-fire in place from 2023.
Colombia's military has also resumed operations against the rebels.
The suspension of peace talks suggests the reissue of arrest warrants for the guerrilla group's top commanders who, according to the government, are currently based in Venezuela and Cuba.
dvv/jsi (AFP, Reuters)
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amonerdj · 8 months
Como quedo el Pico y placa en Villavicencio, acá les contamos!
luego de varios días de concertación entre la administración municipal de Villavicencio y los diferentes actores viales como comerciantes, gremios, empresarios y demás. se logró una concertación para expedir el Decreto No. 024 del 2024 por el cual se toman estas medidas para el manejo del tráfico en la ciudad. dentro de las medidas publicadas en el decreto están: Pico y placa para el perímetro…
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xlevelpr · 8 months
Como quedo el Pico y placa en Villavicencio, acá les contamos!
luego de varios días de concertación entre la administración municipal de Villavicencio y los diferentes actores viales como comerciantes, gremios, empresarios y demás. se logró una concertación para expedir el Decreto No. 024 del 2024 por el cual se toman estas medidas para el manejo del tráfico en la ciudad. dentro de las medidas publicadas en el decreto están: Pico y placa para el perímetro…
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smunalianzaliberal · 4 months
El Diario Independiente
Calls for Ceasefire in Casanare
26th Jan 1950
Guadalupe Salcedo, Eduardo Franco Isaza:
“To the people of Casanare! Conservative, Liberals, everyone! Chaos, death, conflict! Our lives, or work, our safety has been mired in conflict for years and years. This is not a show of weakness, no. We are extending a hand to everyone, Conservatives, Liberals alike. Please, consider a ceasefire in Casanare, in Vichada, in Arauca! The people are hurting. The soldiers are demoralised. The only way to win is not to play. Let us try for a small pocket of peace in this war torn nation.”
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calypsoskaleidoscope · 5 months
The Carmilla Camine backstory that no one asked for, but I'm giving anyways, because I love her. TW mom death and war (but it's ok she's reunited obvi)
Carmilla is a fallen angel. Why else would she know what she knows? Why else would she have access to so much angellic steel? With that in mind. Carmilla was raised in a small farming village on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia. She always wanted to help those in need. Eventually, she gave birth to two daughters, and they became her everything. Her family was what was most important. Her passion expanded into when her town was dragged into the 1000 Days War. She became a fighter, fighting for her community, and what was right. Think the Encanto backstory because yes that's based off of a real thing. She died in battle, going to Heaven because she gave herself for her people.
She left behind her daughters, who were probably about 14 and 16 by my math. They took up her cause, becoming fighters and carrying her legacy, which was pretty important in her community. Meanwhile, in Heaven, Carmilla was stirring up trouble with the Exterminations and not wanting to do them. She has a strong sense of justice, that's canon. Long story short, as punishment, when her daughters died together as a result of war (probably in the battle of Arauca, which, over 100 years later, is still contentious tbh but this time because of Venezuela), they were sent to Hell. Carmilla was told, and she couldn't bear to watch her people, let alone her daughters, go to Hell without her. It was against every bit of her mission. And so, she demanded that she get sent down, or else Heavenly blood was going to spill. And tada CARMILLA!
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Doña Bárbara - Rómulo Gallegos
Doña Bárbara es una novela escrita por el venezolano Rómulo Gallegos y publicada por Editorial Araluce, el 15 de febrero de 1929. Ha sido reeditada más de cuarenta veces y traducida a otros idiomas. Consta de tres partes y se ambienta en los llanos de Apure en Venezuela, en los predios del río Arauca. Doña Bárbara es la novela venezolana más popular: desde su aparición, en 1929, se leyó con avidez quizás porque entre líneas Gallegos expresaba su rebeldía al régimen dictatorial de Juan Vicente Gómez y al atraso que vivía el país. La novela examina el tópico sociológico, de raíz positivista, civilización frente a barbarie en la vida venezolana rural. Entre otros méritos, se destaca la maestría del escritor en cuanto a la creación de personajes, así como también la descripción del paisaje llanero.
Lee más sobre esta novela en Wikipedia.
Doña Bárbara - Rómulo Gallegos
Doña Bárbara (Lady Bárbara) is a novel by Venezuelan author Rómulo Gallegos, first published in 1929. It was described in 1974 as "possibly the most widely known Latin American novel". This regionalist novel deals with the confrontation between civilization and the barbaric aspects of the rural environment and its inhabitants. It is written in the third person and mixes vernacular language and regionalisms with literary narrative, making the main conflict more obvious and at the same time more tangible. This novel is considered a masterpiece of Venezuelan literature and a classic in Latin American literature. It establishes a psychological study of the people of the Venezuelan plains: victims of unfortunate situations, but at the same time strong and courageous.
Read more about this novel on Wikipedia.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Events 7.20 (after 1940)
1940 – Denmark leaves the League of Nations. 1940 – California opens its first freeway, the Arroyo Seco Parkway. 1941 – Soviet leader Joseph Stalin consolidates the Commissariats of Home Affairs and National Security to form the NKVD and names Lavrentiy Beria its chief. 1944 – World War II: Adolf Hitler survives an assassination attempt led by German Army Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg. 1950 – Cold War: In Philadelphia, Harry Gold pleads guilty to spying for the Soviet Union by passing secrets from atomic scientist Klaus Fuchs. 1950 – After a month-long campaign, the majority of North Korea's Air Force was destroyed by anti-communist forces. 1951 – King Abdullah I of Jordan is assassinated by a Palestinian while attending Friday prayers in Jerusalem. 1954 – Germany: Otto John, head of West Germany's secret service, defects to East Germany. 1960 – Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) elects Sirimavo Bandaranaike Prime Minister, the world's first elected female head of government. 1960 – The Polaris missile is successfully launched from a submarine, the USS George Washington, for the first time. 1961 – French military forces break the Tunisian siege of Bizerte. 1964 – Vietnam War: Viet Cong forces attack the capital of Định Tường Province, Cái Bè, killing 11 South Vietnamese military personnel and 40 civilians (30 of whom are children). 1968 – The first International Special Olympics Summer Games are held at Soldier Field in Chicago, with about 1,000 athletes with intellectual disabilities. 1969 – Apollo program: Apollo 11's crew successfully makes the first human landing on the Moon in the Sea of Tranquility. Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first humans to walk on the Moon six and a half hours later. 1969 – A cease fire is announced between Honduras and El Salvador, six days after the beginning of the "Football War". 1974 – Turkish invasion of Cyprus: Forces from Turkey invade Cyprus after a coup d'état, organised by the dictator of Greece, against president Makarios. 1976 – The American Viking 1 lander successfully lands on Mars. 1977 – The Central Intelligence Agency releases documents under the Freedom of Information Act revealing it had engaged in mind-control experiments. 1977 – The Johnstown flood of 1977 kills 84 people and causes millions of dollars in damages. 1981 – Somali Airlines Flight 40 crashes in the Balad District of Somalia, killing 40 people. 1982 – Hyde Park and Regent's Park bombings: The Provisional IRA detonates two bombs in Hyde Park and Regent's Park in central London, killing eight soldiers, wounding forty-seven people, and leading to the deaths of seven horses. 1985 – The government of Aruba passes legislation to secede from the Netherlands Antilles. 1989 – Burma's ruling junta puts opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest. 1992 – Václav Havel resigns as president of Czechoslovakia. 1992 – A Tupolev Tu-154 crashes during takeoff from Tbilisi International Airport, killing all 24 aboard and four more people on the ground. 1999 – The Chinese Communist Party begins a persecution campaign against Falun Gong, arresting thousands nationwide. 2005 – The Civil Marriage Act legalizes same-sex marriage in Canada. 2012 – James Holmes opened fire at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, killing 12 and injuring 70 others. 2012 – Syrian civil war: The People's Protection Units (YPG) capture the cities of Amuda and Efrîn without resistance. 2013 – Seventeen government soldiers are killed in an attack by FARC revolutionaries in the Colombian department of Arauca. 2013 – Syrian civil war: The Battle of Ras al-Ayn ends with the expulsion of Islamist forces from the city by the People's Protection Units (YPG). 2015 – The United States and Cuba resume full diplomatic relations after five decades. 2017 – O. J. Simpson is granted parole to be released from prison after serving nine years of a 33-year sentence after being convicted of armed robbery in Las Vegas.
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motherdolores · 8 months
recommend me books !! plss
♡ Doña Bárbara (1929) - Rómulo Gallegos.
Read this book of imperialism, surrealism, action and drama that occurs in the River Arauca. This book was recommended to me when I was barely 8 years old at school, I started reading it when I was 15 and I was really liking it, unfortunately I didn't complete it.
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a-new-weirdo · 1 year
Primeras veces, descripción de mayo hasta el momento:
Pienso enumerarlas para no olvidar la fecha más adelante:
1. Organice la radicación de un permiso de aprovechamiento forestal (espero que si lo otorguen :0)
2. Viajé completamente sola sin conocer a nadie al destino de la radicación
3. Radique mi primer permiso de aprovechamiento en la Corporación
4. Visite una frontera:0 y recorrí bastante de arauca, me tome unas pocas con personas que conocí ese mismo día y me sentí muy bien. Cansadimisima pero muy bien
5 Conocí el río arauca, inmenso, majestuoso, se olvidan un poco las problemáticas fronterizas ♡
6. Me pusieron los bracketsssss
7. Me floreció mi cactus, una cosa preciosaaa
8. Conocí la macarena UD, con mi amorcito
9. Tome changua y ahora me gusta :)
10. Vi rayos muy cerca del avión en el que estaba 😱
No sé si la lista siga, pero me encanta vivir todo esto :) espero que sean miles de primeras veces más jeje
07 de mayo de 2023 ♡
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