#Santiago Armas Estevarena
moviemosaics · 2 years
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Argentina, 1985
directed by Santiago Mitre, 2022
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rookie-critic · 1 year
Rookie-Critic's Top 25 Films of 2022: Honorable Mentions - Argentina, 1985 (dir. Santiago Mitre)
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I know next to nothing about Latin/South American history, so imagine my surprise that as recently as the 1980s, Argentina was under fascist rule. Argentina, 1985 seeks to educate the world (which is going through something of a fascist uprising at the moment) about how horrible it was, and how hard it was to put the people responsible for numerous human rights violations during the fascist regime behind bars, even after a democratic government had replaced it. at 140 minutes long, this is a film that never once feels its length, and never once misses a beat. I honestly could have done with even more. This one is just an all-around highly well-made courtroom drama, and an educational one, at that.
Currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video. Read my wrap-up review of Argentina, 1985 here.
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lunesalsol · 1 year
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tctmp · 1 year
Biography  Crime  Drama
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clubearlivre · 1 year
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