#Sarada keeps this tape in preparation for times like this
bdamanlover4ever · 7 years
Boruto: I cheated.
Boruto: I mean.. I cheated on the test in class.
Mitsuki: ;-; oh...
Sarada: I'll get the friendship contract bonding tape.
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yenni19 · 3 years
Chapter 15
The family is halfway through the movie, suddenly Kawaki notices Akamari has not joined them since the movie started
Kawaki(to Sumire): honey I'm gonna go find Akamari and Saphire....I'm worried they are lost
Sumire(giving him a kiss): ok dear...don't stall too long
Kawaki: I'll be back soon ok
He searches for Akamari and the baby, he finds them on the dock, as he gets closer he stop in his tracks. He realizes Akamari is using her gift to read Saphire a story
Akamari(explaining): So the fairy King falls in love with the human woman...but the evil pirate finds out....he transforms into a human saving her from her grim fate....
Saphire(trying to talk): wab puret
Akamari: yeah bad pirate...anyway back to the story....so the fairy King is so in love with her...they marry....but as they try to live happily ever after...the evil pirate wages war with the fairies....but as the war wages on....the king has a son...a prince....he is the pride and joy of the fairy kingdom...and the new heir....but tragedy strikes.....
Saphire: uh ohhh....no no...bad
Akamari: yeah bad....the king dies in battle....while leaving his wife the new queen in charge of winning this horrible war....she perishes as well...
Saphire: bad...baby?
Akamari: the prince is taken to this world to be looked after by the wife's family....it is said till this day the fairies hide in thier kingdom while the pirates still look for their hideout...its also said the evil pirate grieves for the human woman that he loved.....and seeks revenge by wanting to destroy the fairy kingdom...the fairies believed the boy died of old age...and are waiting his reincarnation as a fairy prince...so they hide until thier warrior returns...to win the war the pirate started...and to have peace once again in thier land
Saphire: again, again....purat sury.....
Akamari(getting up): I think it's time we go back to your mother (turns around to see kawaki standing there) oh hey Kama-kun
Kawaki(smiling): I've never seen her excited to repeat a story....what's the story called
Akamari: it's made up...I have a knack of being a good story teller...it makes the storyline interesting...I use to project this story to the twins when they were little...they would always want a repeat after I told it several times
Kawaki: you know you would be a great parent
Akamari: I just have a thing for children...they are like mini sponges...they are interested in anything
Kawaki(stretching his arms to Saphire): come on princess....your mom is waiting
Saphire(stretching her small hands): dada...me go mum...
Akamari(handing over Saphire): she's special...your daughter...she is a interesting little bundle of joy
Kawaki(holding Saphire): not as special as you are...you go out of your way for everyone....but never for yourself....why is that?
Akamari(turning her back to him): I have to make sure everyone is happy...and that no one is sad...and I have to make good memories before I leave with Jerico...
Kawaki(upset): Jerico....who's Jerico...
Akamari(sighing): Jerico is my sensei....Kama-kun....he's going to train me for the next six years...I need to be ready for anything
Kawaki: you sound like a war is approaching...
Akamari(lying): well...its better safe than sorry...besides being prepared is better than getting caught off guard...you never know
Kawaki(placing a hand on Akamari): let's enjoy the now....and worry about tomorrow
Akamari(turning around): you sound like grandfather....now I know who you learned patience from....are you ok Mr Short fuse
Kawaki(annoyed): I don't lose my temper all the time....just when it suits me
Four days pass.....
Akamari is taken to the docks, she looks back to see if anyone is coming to see her off
Izuke: is something wrong miss?
Akamari(upset): I'm fine I just thought they would want to say thier last goodbye
Izuke: I wouldn't give up the thought just yet...
He points to where the whole gang is two yards from her running to see her off
Sarutobi(screaming): Akamari...wait....don't go...not yet
Akamari(drops her luggage to run to Sarutobi): Sarutobi....you came (embraces him) I thought you would miss me leaving
Sarutobi(crying as he looks at her): don't go Akamari...don't leave...you have a home here...you don't have to go...
Akamari(guilty): I'm sorry Sarutobi...I've made my choice...I promise to write to you often ok...
Sarutobi(hugging her): but your the only good memory I have....your my best friend...how do I move on from this...
Akamari(looking at him): promise me...that you will make more friends besides Itachi and Minato....and that you will be a good person
Sarutobi: ok I'll try
She walks over to her grandparents
Sauske & Sakura(hugging Akamari): well miss you so much
Akamari: me too
Naruto & Hinata(embracing Akamari): take care sweetheart...we will always love you
Akamari: thank you guys....for everything
The twins(hugging her): bye cousin....don't forget us
Akamari(pulling away): me forget you....never.....take care of Sarutobi for me?
The twins: yeah we will....he's grown on us...so don't worry we won't leave him alone
Akamari(to Sarada and Boruto): so how about it or its too...
Sarada & Boruto(embracing Akamari): take care kiddo...don't forget to come back one day and say hello
Akamari(crying): I won't.....I'll come back and say hello...and we'll have family time once more
They let go of eachother.....she notices Kawaki with his hands in his pockets not willing to look at her while Sumire waves goodbye
Akamari(walking up to Kawaki): what....too macho to say goodbye to someone?
Kawaki(not looking): just thought to see y...
Akamari(lightly punching him in the gut): don't act tough....
Kawaki(chuckling): you barely taped me
Akamari: it's ok to act vulnerable sometimes.....there's nothing wrong with that
Kawaki(smiling while looking at her): I'll have that in mind.....next time I see you
Sumire(hugging her): bye Akamari....come back soon
Akamari: I will Sumire....thank you
Izuke(walking towards Akamari): we have to go....the passengers are boarding the ship...well miss it if we delay
Akamari waves goodbye as she boards the ship, they all stay until the boat is no longer visible
Four years pass.....
It's the fourth month of spring April has already ended and the first of May has arrived, fifteen year old Sarutobi is at Borutos with the twins watching a movie
Itachi(bored): why are we watching this...the plot line is stupid....this is the corniest horror film I've ever seen.....The night of the living Dead was better than this!
Minato(irritated while with his girlfriend): shut it will you...your annoying you know!
Sarutobi(drawing in his notebook) : you guys never stop fighting do you?
Itatchi: I don't fight....I cause them....remember
Sarutobi: yeah which I had to save your ass or you would of been thrown around like a sock with no owner with those three guys the other day...which I got in trouble for....by my dad
Minato: why do think we keep you around...your five feet nine inches....while we are only five feet seven inches...you can intimidate anyone with your size
Sarutobi(annoyed): well I got to go....its lunch time at my house and I promised mom to help her with some refurbishment in the living room....see you two later
The twins: ok take care....see you tomorrow
Sarutobi heads home, as he arrives Sumire has him help her
Sarutobi(greeting his mom): hi mom...I'm here to help you refurbish the living room...
Sumire(smiling): how was the movie?
Sarutobi: sucks....the plot was horrible
Sumire: oh....well now that your here can you just help me put together the new book shelf I bought
Sarutobi: sure...no problem
They spent an hour putting it together, Sumire watches as Sarutobi puts the books in alphabetical order
Sumire: thank you....oh I forgot (handing him a letter) this came in the mailbox....its from Akamari
Sarutobi(excited): thanks mom (kisses her cheeck repeatedly) thank you times ten (runs upstairs) I got to go call her!
He goes to his room and shuts the door he grabs his phone and video calls her, she answers its five eastern time in the city
Akamari: hey Terrubi....long time no see...you look good...any girlfriends yet?
Sarutobi(chuckling): you wish...but I do have girls asking me out often....but I decline due to not wanting complications
Akamari(laughing): wow your funny....you need to stop with the jokes...hey did you get my letter there's something special inside
Sarutobi(opening the envelope): what is it a love confession (two tickets fall out) what's this....no way (excited) really for real?
Akamari: surprise it's boat tickets one for departure and for arrival check the dates!
Sarutobi(realizing): but why does the arrival say September fourth?
Akamari: your spending the next four months with me at the main land....check the departure date you are leaving next week...on a Monday....so see you next Monday!
Sarutobi: ok wiskers....see you soon
Akamari(Irritated): don't call me that!....anyways bye see you soon
Sarutobi hangs up the video call, he heads down stairs to talk to his mom
Sarutobi: mom can we talk?
Sumire(making lunch): sure honey what is it...is it about Akamari?
Sarutobi: see....the thing is.....that I got tickets to go to the mainland to see her but...
Sumire: yes...so what's the catch?
Sarutobi: its....its a four month...trip
Sumire: are you nuts no....your father will be here before then...he's at the summit and will be back at the end of August...your grounded remember
Sarutobi: but I already paid my jail time...and I did what you asked...I even missed a concert with the twins because of it...come on mom...I can't I have just one fun summer with my half sister...I'll even call you every night....promise
Sumire(contemplating): fine...you can go...but with the condition that you call every night....ok....its a deal...
Sarutobi(happy): it's the perfect deal....I promise to call every night while I'm away and I'll even get you those Chelsa boots you always wanted
Sarutobi runs upstairs to pack, while Sumire smiles to see her son so excited to go to the city
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