#Sarada's like 'are you serious. you're doing this NOW'
descendant-of-truth · 10 months
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A Borumitsu teamup at this point in the story would be the funniest thing ever actually
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mochiajclayne · 4 months
Hi there,
I hope you're doing well.
i read your post regarding SasuSaku and Sarada as a family and you stole the words right off my mouth.
I'd like to know your thoughts and opinions on Sasuke Retsiden because from what I can see, its only Jun Esaka (a mere light novel writer that writes non canon stuff) all over the internet being equally all over about her Sasuke Retsuden. I haven't seen any other light novel writer being more active about something non canon. Even kishimoto himself doesnt behave like this regarding his own work.
I'd like to also know about your opinions regarding Jun Esaka ATTEMPTING to remove or metaphorically kill Karin Uzumaki by making the main villain a Karin look alike and giving her sensory abilities to Sakura, which again, makes no sense. Does that woman hate Karin and SK so much? Is that woman so threatened by the very thought of SK as a couple that she had to incorporate a villain that looks like Karin Uzumaki down to a tee?
These are just my thoughts and speculations but I'm also really interested in knowing your side of the story.
Thanks for reading my long comment and i wish you a wonder day/afternoon/evening/night
Hi, @theuntamedangel! I appreciate the long comment! I hope you have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening/night, too!
Before I share my thoughts about Sasuke Retsuden, let me share that I did, unfortunately, have a sasusaku phase. I know. Shocker. The entire lore is here in case you're interested (promise it's relevant to my explanation).
I did hear about Sasuke Retsuden when I was still in college. Bits of information, specifically, about the chakra ring and from a perspective of someone who used to ship sasusaku casually, my initial reaction was okay good for them and I went on with my day. Note that I wasn't as heavily engaged in the Naruto fandom like I do now so for me to isn't active back then, hearing about Sasuke Retsuden, speaks volume on how it is over the internet that it even reached me.
I hate Sasuke Retsuden. It's badly written, it's OOC especially for OG Naruto characters, and the canon inaccuracies are more than enough to drive me into aneurysm.
Below this cut is my detailed thoughts about Sasuke Retsuden.
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The villain looking like the male version of Karin caught me off guard. I don't know what the intentions behind the character design but I think they aimed for association as Jiji, one of the characters from this godforsaken novel, reminded me of Juugo.
I am not a sasukarin shipper but I do understand where the shippers are speaking from. I think they'll make a cool couple because Karin actually freaking cares about Sasuke when shit gets serious and outside of her "gag", she respects Sasuke's boundaries. Might be speaking out of the box but this novel in its existence was meant to be sasusaku-centric so the possibility of being threatened by all Sasuke-related ships, especially those making far more sense than SS, is high. I don't think Jun Esaka hates Karin. I would dare say that she picked a random character that could work as a direct contender to Sakura and unfortunately, she decided to scapegoat Karin. Moreover, the entire sensory ability shtick added to Sakura was uncalled for. I would go even further and say that Esaka's version of Sakura is what her stans hailed her to be--a superior version of [insert any Naruto's female character]. Even their pink haired kunoichi is incredibly OOC here and you expect me to take her seriously?
The funniest thing about Sasuke Retsuden is the way that they had to use SNS at first, specifically, Sasuke's mission is to find a cure for that chakra illness that Naruto alone suffers. Sure, this is SS centric but it all comes down to Sasuke and Sakura working together to find a cure for Naruto. Now, she could just write a novel about SS without using Naruto's "sickness" as some kind of a plot device, right? But no, she had to convince us somehow and an effective way to do that is literally Naruto and Sasuke.
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The dinosaur. Don't even get me started. Even tailed beasts cannot fight against Sharingan to the point that canon graciously provided us evidence of both Madara and Obito controlling the Nine Tailed Beast. The very same Sharingan that made the higher ups of Konoha suspect the Uchiha clan as mastermind for that same incident. We're talking about the same dojutsu that manipulated the Fourth Mizukage. The canon inaccuracy throws me off the loop.
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More inaccuracies. Suddenly Sasuke is an Earth and Ice Style user. Wow. Conveniently forgetting about Kakashi mentioning in Part 1 how Ice Style is a Kekkei Genkai that even Sharingan can't copy. As far as Naruto canon goes, Sasuke is a Fire and Lightning Style user. I don't consider Boruto as canon but even that animanga doesn't show any moment of Sasuke using Earth Style. It's insane that people claimed this as canon.
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THIS DISTURBING INTERACTION. I did say that the OG Naruto characters are OOC in this shitshow novel and yes, unfortunately that includes Sakura. We've seen the way she react around Naruto's sexy ninjutsu antics. Unless objectification of women or the mere implication of it doesn't perturb her, then it says more about how Esaka portrayed her. I'd personally file a restraining order when a guy says he'd settle for my old, half smoked cigarette butts. I'm surprised that she didn't throw any snide remarks here.
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WHO IS THIS SASUKE AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM. This panel made me laugh so hard because I feel like Esaka straight up ignored that Sasuke canonically spent years with his family before the Uchiha downfall happened. I don't think he'd be this clueless about how a married couple acts. Even in flashbacks, Sasuke was shown around his parents or Itachi, literally with his family. I think he knows well enough about married couples.
The ring part as well makes me cackle because Kurenai literally wears a ring in Shippuden. Trust me, Juugo-look-a-like, rings are used in Konoha by couples.
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The Chakra ring in question. Finding out the lore behind this further upset me and I am thankful that I no longer ship sasusaku. Show these panels out of context to someone with little to no exposure to canon and it would be romantic but if you know Narutoverse like the back of your hand, this novel served nothing. Seriously, the fact that Sasuke is incredibly OOC on this novel speak volumes. Imagine annihilating Sasuke's character to make SS work? Insanity.
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Writing Edo Tensei with rose tinted glasses disgust me. That jutsu is straight up manipulating a dead body at your bidding. Tobirama shouldn't have invented that jutsu. Hinting that jutsu to be used to revive a loved one that passed away is vile and disgusting. The lack of attention to canon isn't a new thing for Esaka at this point.
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Even this novel can't cover up the fact that Sakura doesn't know Sasuke well. If there's one thing that's consistent in the prequel, it was Naruto that gets into trouble. Sasuke doesn't use honorifics and he got away with it. His bluntness doesn't get him and everyone around him in trouble. Sasuke only began resorted to extremes when he was batshit blind and sinking into the unhinged depths of his hatred. Probably the only things that Sakura got correctly was Sasuke's kindness and his nonchalance about his looks but that's it. So the claim of knowing Sasuke inside and out is preposterous. The one who can say that is, guess who? Naruto.
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Ending this long analysis with this panel because honestly, Ino is asking the questions for me. Unfortunately, despite being "married", their dynamic stayed the same. Sakura is still that same girl that has a crush on Sasuke, except she's in her 30s and Sasuke is still the same boy that rejected her date offers and the idea of being together with her, even reaching the point that he's away from her a lot.
I do apologize for going off to the point that I decided to pull a meta post about this. I do hope you're doing well and I appreciate the ask!
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Official name: Unexpected
Only here on En here. From author personally.
There are five days left before the start of school..
He could fool around, watch TV, play with your sister.. Yes, all this has already been redone, and Himawari just left to look for a suitable teacher who crossed paths with the Hyuga clan, who will be able to unlock her potential.
And this means that almost the whole family will not be there, and Boruto flatly refused to go.
And, frankly, he regretted that he had quarreled with his father again.
It's important for their family.
"So what should I do now? Sarada, I think, is already busy, so she hasn't answered since morning.. Does Mitsuki use gadgets at all? I hardly found a kettle at their house! And the numbers in any case, no .."
Boruto lazily stretched.. There wasn't much choice left.
-.. "THE MARTIAL ARTS CENTER IS CLOSED FOR REPAIRS"? Until the fifteenth?! Came the second time called..
He wouldn't even have realized who bumped into him at the same second if only one person hadn't called him like that..
..And of course, both of them rumbled right into a nearby grocery cart.
Menma jumped up, offering his hand. He looked like a disheveled, oddly enough, imp.
Boruto got up on his own, dusted himself off, and later noticed the chase.. He did not think anymore, but rushed after the topic.
As it turned out, Uzumaki was not the only one who could jump on roofs.
Uchiha-Uzumaki only grunted contentedly in the jump, catching up.
It looked like they were about to break away from the chase, and Menma was quite stretched in a smile...
...It turned out that he did it early, slipping on the tiles of someone else's very decent house. Someone's curious head popped out..
- What's interesting there?
- It's nothing Mom! - There was a hasty rattling of a spoon.
- Well, stand there, you little weasel!
Hearing a familiar voice after these two, Boruto had no difficulty guessing who Menma's pursuers were.
- Iruka, Kakashi-sensei, I have nothing to do with it!
- Then why are we running? - Hatake didn't seem tired of the chase at all. He just stared menacingly.
And here's Iruka.. Give me from above to catch my breath in this world, and not the other..(No wonder Kakashi called him an old man not so long ago)
- Why did you freeze, you knocked over the cart with me!
They took off again, sometimes overtaking each other, then running together.
- Actually, because of you!
- I didn't ask you to help me! You could have just disappeared! - And stuck out his tongue, turning into the already familiar street. To guess where exactly, it was not difficult ..
A second of delay... They catch both of them.
- I didn't expect your participation, Boruto. - Kakashi remarks with a bit of disappointment.
- Just like his father. And since he's not here, let's figure out the older sister, plowing for the benefit of the family of the second prankster. Aren't you ashamed? She's trying. Iruka continues.
Menma only tries to escape, which also ends unsuccessfully.
Boruto is still trying to prove that he was not involved in this. However, he is unlikely to be believed, he did it himself..
Ninja quickly get to the residence of the first, gallantly knocking.
- Kumiko-san, you're already home, aren't you? Your parodying offspring?
The door was unlocked. Other pairs of shoes appeared... That was the first thing Kakashi noticed. Alerted..
The water was running in the bathroom. Perhaps a polite thief? Although judging by the calmness..
A girl, barely dressed, appeared from the corridor.
- Menma, what have you done again?! And you're in league with him, as soon as you were left unattended? Don't you feel sorry for the heads?!
They were immediately pulled by the ears, scolded, and only then asked..
- What did these guys do? Not a robbery, I hope, or worse?
-K-Kumiko-sama, nothing too serious..
Iruka exchanged glances with Kakashi. They mentally said, "they will be punished even worse if we don't come up with something else," and changed their faces, building benevolent mentors.
- Let them fix what they've done. They painted the Hokage here, and ran away! Do you have a couple of buckets and rags? One for each, and let them drag themselves to wash through the whole block, to the former shine. - Umino came up with it quickly. - And here's what to do with the cart..
- What happened to the cart? Hijacking? Ruin?
- Rather the second. Unfortunately, you will have to deal with this, and we will.. We'll make sure they get there. They are already waiting for you on the square in front of the MAC.
- A...
- Martial Arts Center. You are similar to your brother, they will find out.
- I hear it again, only when I have to pay..
Mikoto wanted to say a few words to the instigator.. But he was already on the street, quickly turning around, but still taking buckets.
Boruto, if possible, began to be rightly indignant..
- Shut up, huh? Just help me not to carry these rags on myself. Otherwise I'll call Mitsuki, he's like a saint with you. He doesn't yell, he doesn't pretend to be stupid, he doesn't want to become a Hokage. - Menma snorted.
- What are these criteria, dobe!? I'm not stupid in any way and I'm not yelling. And in general, say thank you for helping.
- Fuck you. Follow me to the mountain, let's see how you concentrate the chakra! Maybe we can peel off your dad's face.. Or maybe he will come and admire the under-eyes, let him study fatherhood!
Uchiha-Uzumaki turned around. The eyebrow arched, the eyes narrowed..
- Did he leave yours for himself too?
- Yeah. But no one taught him to be a father. And yours is still trying, well, what can you do when you got married out of debt.
- YES, YOU FU....
For such words, Bo got really angry, starting to beat with rags, and Menma ran away.
However, running around with buckets is still a "pleasure".
In the meantime, one person was looking after them. And he was only upset.
- And who was chosen to be a jinchuriki..
..Menma listened. My insides ached - "you're missing, you're missing!", but there was nothing dangerous, except for the gloomy elderly caretaker of the pedestal.
- Why else can't we pass? The copying ninja together with the teacher sent us to wash our faces! Let's skip it, we won't fall down like some kind of youngsters!
- Why wash them?
She looked at them. At first with indifference.. Then her eyebrows arched in surprise, looking in the direction of the monuments..
- If you can walk on vertical surfaces, I will be glad not to look for equipment. You painted it yourself, and wash it yourself. It's not for an old woman to do this.
- We can. Give me the rags, Bo, you're out of breath like a locomotive!
Only when they had already descended (not without difficulty and possible slip) did the black-haired man not give the rag to a fellow in misfortune.
- Get down from here and go. You can say that I kicked you out, they'll take your word for it.
Uzumaki looked at him for a minute.. Then down..
...And flew back to the city. A couple of abrasions, of course, will remain, but..
"Is he really not as biting as he likes to show himself? Ugh, like Uncle Sasuke.. Maybe there is something good in you, little devil.."
He bought chips, mojito on the way.. And he went to Sarada's house. He can't sit alone, can he?
...When he heard the scream, he went to its source.
- Are you guys okay? Do you close the doors at all or do you like the guests so much?
Looked into the house..
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4th chapter " the power in me"
"I'm with you"
A little later at the same time:
"Wait Mitsuki!" Sarada calls after him worried. It's useless, he doesn't listen to her. Events have unfolded in the last hour.
It started with Mitsuki's idea to visit Kawaki, who has been living with the Uzomaki's for a few months.
Apparently it wasn't such a good idea after all. Hinata, Boruto's mother received them with concern.
She told both of them , that there was an incident involving Boruto and Kawaki where Boruto was badly injured. In addition, the 7th and Sensei Shikamaru were in mortal danger. Hinata and Himawari weren’t allowed to entrance the institute.
After this shocking news there was no stopping for Mitsuki, "I'll kill HIM!!!" were his alarming words. Sarada, just as shocked and horrified by the news, has since tried to calm her friend down, but with no avail.
Sarada has now caught up with Mitsuki and runs alongside him.
"You don't even know the background of the hole happening, maybe it was Code , who attacked both of them," she tries to rationally fathom what happened.
Or maybe the other side has resurfaced in Boruto after the Code was a massive threat to everyone and Borutoshiki‘s escape only made things a whole lot worse, she thinks and hopes.
If it turns out that Kawaki acted out of sheer malice, she wouldn't know how to handle the situation. But it is not yet the time to make decisions. Right?
Gradually she begins to understand that life as a Hokage also has its downsides. But if you have to take a life to save an entire city, you have to take that step.
Making a sacrifice, however, conforms to her father's way.
On the other hand, she had vowed years ago not to give up on anyone so easily and to save a friend.
Does the 7th have to make such difficult decisions as the Hokage, too? she thinks.
No, he would do anything to save a friend.
She recalls an experience when they first traveled to Kirigakure with Boruto. At that time their common and unfortunately deceased friend Kagura betrayed his village. Well it turned out that Kagura was blackmailed and they were able to save him and put the real masterminds in prison. Strange that she has to think of Kagura now during the current events
"Sarada if you're not on my side. Then stay out of it when it comes to Kawaki. I'll take care of him!” Mitsuki says admonishing Sarada.
"You can not be serious. Do you know what you're talking about?", she asks horrified,
"Listen! For some reason, Boruto kept a few things from us, you noticed that first. There must be more behind it..."
"WHAT, Sarada? Isn't it enough that Kawaki pierced Boruto with his ninja technology?” he yells at her emotionally.
Seeing an emotional and tearful Mitsuki breaks Sarada's heart. She puts herself in his shoes and probably would do the same if she were in his place.
"Okay, I won't intervene if it turns out that Kawaki attacked Boruto out of pure malice," she promises Mitsuki.
Her friend looks at her seriously, but says nothing more. She hopes that everything will be fine in the end and worries about her teammates.
At the institute:
" Shikamaru, have you gone insane? You can't just hand Kawaki over to an enemy cyborg like that. What has become of the man who promised to protect the next generation with all his might? Kawaki is also part of the next generation,” Naruto yells angrily at Shikamaru.
"Naruto, do you still not understand our hopeless situation? I'm just trying to protect our families and Konoha. And anyway? How much do we know about the boy?” Shikamaru explained.
"I think to betray him, will only bring him against us more," says Naruto.
Sasuke calmly watches the arguing, "I'll keep an eye out for Kawaki and Boruto until you two are done," and says goodbye. Time mustn't be wasted unnecessarily and that Boruto isn't back yet and that Kawaki has also disappeared, worries him.
Meanwhile, Sarada and Mitsuki arrive at the Institute. Strange, the institute seems deserted..., she thinks. Otherwise there is always a hustle and bustle here.
Both enter it, they go in the direction of the visitors' compartment, where they had visited Boruto in the morning. Mitsuki goes ahead of Sarada. She clearly senses his anger. There must be something she can do!
Surprisingly, a flea-sized Kawaki perches on her shoulder. Her Sharingan suddenly activates and she sees him clearly. WHAT THE?! she thinks and hides him under her top. Now just shut up! she hopes. I try to get you to safety and she suddenly realizes that he is the first to see this very personal glimpse of hers and her face blushes. She sincerely hopes that Mitsuki won't look at her now. He would immediately become suspicious.
" Where is he? Dammit ! He'll pay for doing that to Boruto,” Mitsuki yells angrily.
"Hey Mitsuki, please please calm down. It seems that he is nowhere here. There's no use getting so emotional," Sarada tries to calm him down and distract herself a little.
" WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" he yells at her, tears welling in his eyes.
"Mitsuki..." seeing her friend like that. Having to face Mitsuki’s nervous breakdown, breaks her heart.
"I understand you, I'm worried too," and holds her hand where Kawaki is right now, "but we have to keep calm and in the end Boruto is still alive."
Mitsuki calms down a bit and thinks about what she said, "You're right. It's so frustrating for me. He is my sun and I want to protect him for everything in the world..."
Sarada walks up to her friend and hugs him, "I know... he will be fine and we'll find him soon..."
Don't you touch me somewhere there!, she thinks of the third person between them and means Kawaki.
Meanwhile, Kawaki sits on her sternum, red as a tomato, finding the situation somehow odd standing between her and Mitsuki. He would rather be alone with Sarada...
Nothing like this has ever happened to him, but it's one of the nicer and funnier experiences he's had in his otherwise so sad life. He clearly hears Mitsuki and Sarada's discussion, knowing that the conversation is about Boruto and him. He understands, that Sarada wants to save his and Mitsuki’s life.
Mitsuki has always seemed a bit strange. He was always watching everything and everyone. Preferably Boruto and Kawaki. And his "you're interesting" didn't make it any easier for Kawaki. But it turned out to be a good one, because Sarada seems much calmer than Mitsuki.
Oddly, he's always worried up until now that she would be the one who would freak out after the Boruto incident last happened.
As soon as time permits, he will have to explain everything to her. He is reassured that she is a reliable friend, maybe the only one. He carefully nestles against her breastbone and feels safe at this moment. He closes his eyes for a moment and listens to her heartbeat in confirmation, Sarada places her hand on Kawaki.
Sasuke overhears Mitsuki and Sarada's conversation. One of his fears has come true, the two have figured out Boruto's and Kawaki's secret, judging by Mitsuki's angry voice in the visitors' compartment, he finds them both too. Disappointingly, he also realizes that there is a third person under Sarada's top.
You two will have to explain that to me! , he thinks. However, he doesn't betray Kawaki, that he doesn't need a fight between two hooligans gone wild right now, from which one of them would most likely die. On top of that, Amado could appear with this cyborg and he doesn't want to use the boy as a pawn.
Sarada looks at her father in shock. She can't fool him. He also sees Kawaki...
Not good... she thinks.
"You two are probably looking for Boruto and Kawaki?" He asks them both and looks sternly at Sarada, who looks shy and caught.
Meanwhile, Mitsuki is highly emotional. Sasuke has never seen Orochimaru's vessel in this condition. He worries about how Mitsuki will react when it comes to Boruto and an outbreak of the Otsutki genes. Then he and Sarada must necessarily act, probably Kawaki would help them in that as well.
"We have to split up! Come Mitsuki! We're looking for Boruto. Don't worry he's fine. And Sarada, you're looking for Kawaki! You're the only other person who has the Sharingan and should be able to track him down," he tells her.
"Okay, dad! Please be careful!” she says worriedly.
"We will!" Sasuke says to her.
Both groups separate. Sarada waits until the other two are out of earshot.
Finally she is alone with him, "it would be better if you don't lie to me and told me immediately what happened," she whispers. Does he hear irritation in her voice?
Kawaki crawls onto her shoulder so that she understands what he says.
"I've never lied to you, Sarada," says Kawaki, a little offended, pondering how to explain all of this, and climbs into her ear so only she can hear him.
" Thanks... for helping me and you should better not talk now. They're after me. I mean Amado and Shikamaru..." and explains the whole story to her with his resurrected Karma Mal, Code, the outbreak of Boorushiki. That Boruto asked for Kawaki to rid him of this monster. His own injury and unconsciousness, to the point that Shikamaru has to team up with a stranger without his consent.
"All I want is to protect Konoha and the 7th," he says earnestly, ending his explanation.
Horrified at what happened, Sarada heads towards the exit with Kawaki to take him to safety. She can't believe that Sensei Shikamaru wants to give Kawaki to a stranger, but she doesn't allow it. Shikadai's father has always been suspicious of Kawaki, which she doesn't understand.
Kawaki is an ass sometimes, but not a liar!
But she is also touched that Kawaki finally has the sense to protect the village and his own home.
You've learned so much and growed, she thinks happily and a small smile forms on her lips, which Kawaki doesn't get to see.
"I promised you. If you need help, I will be there for you and I will not allow you to be handed over to someone else. You are a good friend,” she tells him firmly and softly.
"Sarada..." he breathes into her ear full of admiration, giving her goosebumps.
"Come on, let's go!" she whispers softly.
In front of the institute:
Amado safely brought the two cyborg siblings, Eida and Daemon, to the Science Institute with the help of another of Amado's cyborgs named Koji Kachin.
"You're about to learn the leadership of Konoha, and Kawaki can often be found near the Hokage. The boy feels an obsessive fatherly love for him. I'll put you under Shikamaru and you'll have Delta for backup. Both of them are under your spell now, ”Amado explains to the attractive cyborg, her little brother is still sitting on his shoulders and playing piggyback.
"So I'll work with you," she whispers sweetly. This artificial human is really scary, just like her hyperactive brother.
"Hey, grandpa! You told me and my sister why you're so after Kawaki..." Daemon asks.
The scientist thinks for a moment, " His stepbrother is the problem. Kawaki is just a weapon against him and so is Code. However, a dangerous one and the current Hokage cannot control him. But I do... I know of an event in the near future that will wipe out entire generations, maybe even the world we live in..."
“Boruto?” asks Aida surprised, “Code is after him… I know what you're talking about. "
"It doesn't matter if Code gets hold of him or..." Amado is interrupted when he sees a young girl storming out of the institute and she doesn't pay much attention to the trio.
Eida looks after the young girl, "Tell Amado. Who is this girl?”
Amado looks after Sarada and sees the Uchiha's emblem on her back.
"That must be Sasuke Uchiha's daughter, Sarada . Both are the last descendants of the Uchiha's..." he says thoughtfully.
„Interesting“, said Eida.
"We're here and leave the talking to Shikamaru to me," Amado reminds her. You'll see Kawaki in a moment. When Eida is hearing his name, the cyborg immediately blushes and seems shy again. A strange phenomenon to observe in an artificial human.
At the institute:
The argument between Naruto and Shikamaru has calmed down a bit.
"What should we do with her? I have little faith in that cyborg,” uncomfortable memories with Delta flooded back into Naruto's mind.
"She works for Konoha now. The problem is that she is also under Eida's spell. She's still a useful protection against Code if we can get Eida on our side," Shikamaru muses.
Delta looks unimpressed. All she cares about is seeing Eida again. Oh, it hurts so much not being able to be near her.
"And if that person is still working with him, we've got a big problem. I'm all for disabling her ," Naruto suggests.
"Only Armado will be able to do that. Oh God, that's annoying again!!!”, frustration spreads in Shikamaru.
The intercom answers. Ino contacts Shikamaru and Naruto: "Hey you brawlers. I sense three strange chakra flows in the main corridor. One of them is Amado and he comes with two other strangers. One of them is a very attractive woman and a small child..." says Ino a little enthusiastically.
"Oh god, Ino! Now don't say you're under her spell now, too," says Shikamaru, horrified, "don't turn on the monitors now. Naruto is still here.”
Naruto looks at Shikamaru in shock.
"You heard it! Go immediately ! You noticed where they are. You must not come under their influence. You won't be able to defend yourself," Shikamaru explains to him worried.
There's already a knock at the door.
Naruto signals him "Okay" and takes a side entrance and quietly disappears...
The door slowly opens and in the entrance stand Amado, Eida and a little boy no older than Naruto's daughter Himawari.
This is supposed to be the still unknown person that Kawaki has done so? A little boy not more than 10 years old...
Well Shikamaru wouldn't be in this position if he had underestimated his opponents in the past and his intuition tells him that this boy is dead dangerous.
" Amado! I can't believe you survived all of this. We need to talk right away. And Eida! Greetings,” he tells her politely, trying to ignore her influence as much as possible.
Eida smiles seductively at him, " Shika dear! I am happy to see you again. This is my little brother and protector Daemon," she looks over at Delta, "hello Delta darling, I missed you so much..."
Amado rolls his eyes in annoyance at Eida's behavior, although she can't help it and acts according to her nature.
Delta acts like a shy teenager in love, trying to hide her flush with her hands. Oh God! She's back! she thinks.
" He...he..hello Eida...", she says shyly.
Meanwhile, beads of sweat form on Shikamaru's forehead. He knows that Eida is there for the sole reason that she wants to see Kawaki.
However, Sasuke hasn't come back with the boy yet and without him it will be difficult to get Eida on Konoha's side.
Eida looks at him reassuringly, "You're worried about me, Shika dearest. How sweet of you! But do not worry. I know where he is…." She turns to Delta and walks towards her and strokes Delta's cheek with her index finger, "My dear Delta. Would you do me a favor ♡ ?”
Delta's looks into Eida's eyes she could sink and forgets everything around her,
"I would fulfill your every wish...Tell me what you want."
Amado doesn't like the way Eida takes over so quickly, „Eida! It's enough now! Didn't I tell you to let me do the talking?!"
" Don't be so jealous, Amado ♡ . I'll get right back to you," Eida turns back to Delta, "you know I want to see my Kawaki. But he's not here, he's with a young girl. Her name is Sarada. She is easy to spot. She wears black short hair, red glasses and red clothes. Take care of her, I don't want to have to share Kawaki with anyone. "
"I will find her, dear Eida," Delta tells her, oblivious to other orders along the way.
Shikamaru's alarm bells are ringing. Shocked to hear what order Eida just gave to Delta, Shikamaru speaks up, "What are you trying to say? Leave the Uchiha's daughter out of the game. She has nothing to do with it..."
"Oh, she's very involved with everything here. But that doesn't have to bother you anymore, Shika-dear ...", she breathes menacingly, "Daemon, be so kind and take care of him..."
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Boruto's illness by NinJarX
Anime » Naruto Rated: K, English, Romance & Family, [Boruto U., Sumire S.], Words: 2k+, Favs: 39, Follows: 26, Published: Aug 30, 2017
Hello everyone here and welcome to another story by me. This is a little one shot to bridge the time to the next chapter of "My path towards a better future" without any relevance to said story. Boruto is ill and stays home for the current day. You'll see how things are turning out. Enjoy.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto/Boruo
Uzumaki household:
It was early in the morning. Hinata just woke up, seeing that Naruto wasn't in the bed.
"So he is already out huh? He seems to be really busy in the last few days".
She put on her clothes and walks out of the room and down the stairway. She began to prepare breakfast for Boruto and Himawari.
"Borutoooo, Himawariiiiii", Hinata shouted out to wake both of them up.
It was ment to be a typical morning in the Uzumaki household. Naruto was mostly already out, Boruto preparing for the academy and Himawari helping Hinata out in the household, but this time it was different.
"Good morning mom", Himawari said to her mother.
"Good morning Himawari", said Hinata back. "Where's your brother?".
"Onii-chan is still sleeping. I entered his room and still saw him lying on his bed. But his face was red like a tomato", Himawari told her mother.
"Ehhh. What?". Hinata was suprised by her answer, now walking up the stairway to his room. She opened the door and he was indeed lying on his bed.
"Boruto, wake up", Hinata said to the sleeping Boruto. He woke up from his mother's shaking.
"M-Mom", Boruto said to her with a weak tone. "I-I think I have a fever".
Hinata lied her hand on his forehead. It was pretty warm and it seems like he indeed have a fever.
"Boruto, you're staying home for today. Don't leave your bed for the rest of the day. I am calling a doctor for you to be sure it isn't something worse".
"Does Onii-chan not feel good?", Himawari asked her mother.
"Himawari, please look out for him as I call a doctor for him", she said to her daughter.
"Ok mom you can leave it to me", Himawari answered proud.
'That's going to be a hell of a boring day', Boruto thought, coughing.
Konoha academy:
"Nara Shikadai".
"Yamanaka Inojin".
"Uzumaki Boruto".
"Uzumaki Boruto?"
There was no response.
"Seems like he is missing today", Inojin said to Shino.
"Well then I hope it's not because of his lack of motivation to go to the academy", Shino told the class.
'I hope Boruto-kun is alright', Sumire, a girl with purple hair and uniform thought.
"I wouldn't be suprised if he actually skipped class to do some stupid things", Chocho said to her friend, sitting next to her.
"Well knowing him I think that wouldn't suprise me", Sarada said back to Chocho.
"D-Do you think that Boruto-kun would really do something like that?", Sumire asked them.
"I know him since my childhood. Something like that would fit his nature", Sarada answered her.
"Yeah, Boruto is still a bratty child", Chocho said".
"Please listen boys and girls. We are starting with today", Shino told his students.
Later in the Uzumaki household:
It was already 12 P.M as the doctor arrived and checked Boruto.
"It seems to be some serious illness. He's out for about two days and needs to stay on his bed", the doctor said to Hinata and Boruto.
"Oh come on it's not that bad", Boruto argued weakly.
"Boruto, do what the doctor says to you", Hinata said to him with a serious tone.
"Oh mom".
"No unhealthy food. Only soup and water for the next few days", the doctor said. "With that, he should regenerate in short time".
With that, the doctor left the household.
"You stay here. I am going to call the academy that you're going to miss for another day", Hinata said to him, now grabbing the phone.
Konoha academy:
Shino was writing something on the blackboard and suddenly his phone rang.
"Sorry for the interruption", he said as he left the class room.
"Shino sensei is weird. Trying to play the strict teacher but leaving the room for every phone call he gets", Chocho said, annoyed.
"Well he sure have some reasons", Sumire tried to defending him.
"Oh come on. He is doing that every day", Chocho talked back to her.
"I am bored the most time he is trying to teach us something, so I won't mind those little breaks", Sarada said to them.
After a short time, Shino entered the room, ready to announce something
"I got a call from Boruto's mother. He won't be participating for the next two days due to an illness", Shino said to the class
'Boruto-kun is ill? Oh no', Sumire thought, as she was worried about him.
"At least he did nothing stupid until now", Sarada told to Chocho
"Yes but I think that will change soon", Chocho told back to her.
"There's no more time left to start another subject. Homework is exercise 4 on page 12. You can go", Shino told to his students.
With that the most kids ran out, screaming. Just as Sumire was about to go, he was stopped by Shino.
"Sumire, as the class rep please go and visit Boruto and bring him the necessary papers to catch up and to do the homework", Shino said to her.
"E-Eh, it's a honor to do that", Sumire said to him.
'I am going to visit Boruto!', Sumire thought. She was shy when it was to talk with people, especially if those people are boys and that one boy was saving her not too long ago.
She left the class room. On her way to Boruto's home.
Uzumaki household:
"Boruto. I am out to buy you some medicine", Hinata shouted from downstairs.
"O-Ok mom", Boruto shouted, immidiately coughing afterwards.
"Himawari, please take care of him until I am back", Hinata told her.
"Ok mom".
Hinata left the house. She was on her way to the next pharmacy, which takes a while to walk there.
"Himawari, can you bring me a bottle of water", Boruto asked, still lying on the bed.
"Of course Onii-chan".
Himawari ran down the stairs, but when she arrived in the kitchen, the door rang.
"Is mom already back?", Himawari asked herself, as she opened the door.
There was a girl with purple hair standing in front of her.
"I-Is Boruto here?", the girl asked. "I am a class mate of him and I want to bring him some stuff to study".
"Yes, but he's ill. He lies on his bed upstairs", Himawari told her. "Come in so you can personally give him that".
"E-Eh o-ok", the girl stuttered, entering the house and walking upstairs.
She now entered his room and found Boruto watching some TV,
"Himawari, where's the ww-what! Sumire!" Boruto shouted.
"E-Ehhh h-hello Boruto-kun", Sumire stuttered.
"W-What a-are you doing here?", Boruto asked her with a suprising face.
"W-Well Shino sensei told me to bring you some study material. H-Here", she said to him, handing him some papers.
"Oh man Shino is even annoying me when I am ill". Boruto told to himself, annoyed.
"E-Ehm I g-go", Sumire said, trying to leave.
"H-Hey Sumire! Wait!", Boruto said to her. "C-Can you help me with that?"
"S-Sure, but w-why do you suddenly want to study stuff?", she asked him.
"Because I am pretty bored, so it's better than lying on the bed the whole day".
"Is this one of your friends?", Himawari asked Boruto after entering the room.
"Y-Yes Himawari. This is Sumire. She's the class representive of our class", Boruto introduced her to Sumire.
"H-Hello Himawari", Sumire greeted her
"You're Onii-chans girlfriend?".
"N-No", Sumire answered, blushing a bit.
"Ok do you want to play with me and Onii-chan", Himawari asked.
"Himawari, I need to study with her. Later ok?", Boruto answered.
"O-Ok, no problem".
With that, she left the room, running to her own one. Sumire showed Boruto some tips and tricks to solve the tasks. She was very intelligent and friendly to him.
"That's amazing. Thank you Sumire to help me with that. I am a total loser when it comes to Genjutsu in theory", Boruto said to her.
"N-No problem".
"I am back", shouted Hinata as he entered the house after unlocking the door.
"Mom, we have a visitor", Himawari ran down the stairway.
"Who could it be?", Hinata asked herself, walking to the kitchen first.
She quickly stored the food she bought in the fridge while leaving the medicine for Boruto on the table. Just then she heard multiple persons walking down the stairway. She walked to the entrance and saw a new face in front of her. Borutotalked to her:
"Mom, this is a good friend of mine"
"Hello, my name is Sumire Kakei. I brought Boruto some study material since he wasn't at school today and helped him a bit"
"It's nice to meet you Sumire", Hinata said to her. "Thank you for helping my little Boruto out".
"No problem. It was pretty fun to teach someone on my own", Sumire said to her with a smile.
"You seem to be pretty intelligent and friendly. Can you keep an eye on Boruto?", Hinata asked.
"M-Mom! Stop!", Boruto shouted, embarassed.
"Onii-chan is really shy", Himawari grinned towards Sumire. "Do you want to play something with me now?".
"You can stay for dinner if you want", Hinata told Sumire.
"Thank you Mrs. Uzumaki".
"You're welcome", Hinata told her. "Boruto please don't run around and lay ton the sofa until I am ready with dinner".
"Yeah yeah whatever", Boruto answered, annoyed.
"Come up with me Sumire", Himawari told her. "I am going to show you my room".
With that Himawari dragged her up, showing her all her toys. Both had a lot of fun. Himawari was proud to show off her collection of dolls and Sumire liked to learn more about the Uzumaki. Only Boruto was bored to death laying around. The time flew and the last member of the Uzumaki household just arrived.
"I am home", Naruto shouted.
"Welcome home honey", Hinata said to him, kissing him afterwards.
"That smells great. I am really hungry".
"Honey, we have a visitor", Hinata said
"Oh really? Who is it?".
"Daaaad!", Himawari ran down to greet her father. "Look who is here".
With that, Sumire also walked down the stairs, now looking at the Hokage in front of her.
"H-Hello, I am Sumire", she said in a shy tone.
"Oh you're that girl. It's nice to meet you personally. I am the Hokage, but you can call me Naruto".
"It's a honor to meet you. My parents told me about you in the past", Sumire said to him.
"I am sorry for what happened to you, but now everything is fine. I am glad Boruto helped you back then".
"Thank you very much Hokage Naruto", Sumire said to him.
Naruto walked to the living room and found Boruto laying on the sofa.
"Hello Boruto. How was your day?"
"Really really crappy", Boruto said. "Well actually not that crappy at all". Boruto thought about Sumire visiting him.
"Is this your girlfriend or why is she actually here?", Naruto asked
"N-NO she is the class rep and delivered me some school stuff", Boruto answered, slightly blushing
"That was a joke Boruto", Naruto grinned.
"Dinner is ready!", Hinata shouted
Everyone walked to the kitchen, where the table was already ready.
"Can you sit between me big sister?", Himawari asked Sumire
"B-Big sister?", Sumire asked, suprised
"Well you're the first girl that played with me. And I want a sister, who plays with me all the time", Himawari said to her
"Ok I am your big sister then. You got that little sister?", Sumire said to Himawari with a smile on her face.
"Yippie", Himawari shouted happy.
"Good appetite everyone", Naruto said to them before he started eating.
"Good appetite".
They started eating and Hinata began to ask some questions to Sumire.
"So where do you live?"
"Ehhh, I am an orphan. The village spended me an apartment near the borders where I live in. It's pretty old, but I like my home".
"If you want I can pull some strings for you to get a brand new apartment more close to the academy", Naruto said to her
"No it isn't necessary. I am happy with what I have".
"Well then...I heard you're pretty good at the academy. You was the class best this year", Naruto said.
"Yeah. My father trained me the whole time when I was younger".
"I've watched you and Boruto training with Shino sensei a week ago. You was pretty amazing"
"T-Thank you", Sumire said
"Big sis is really strong huh?", Himawari talked. "Can you please train me to become as good as you big sis?".
"E-Eh...of c-course, but I am not sure I am that type to be a teacher".
"That's not true!", Boruto said. "You was amazing when you helped me earlier".
"Please big sis", Himawari beged her.
"O-Ok", Sumire gave up.
After a half hour they finished with the dinner.
"Thank you for the dinner", Sumire said to the Uzumaki's. "Can I help you washing the dishes Mrs. Uzumaki".
"That would be nice. Thank you", Hinata told her.
They began to clear the table and Sumire started to help Hinata out in the household.
"You like that girl or Boruto?", Naruto asked his son.
"Yeah I like her really much, but not loving her if it was what you really wanted to ask"
After some time, Himawari joined Hinata and Sumire to clean the household. It took some time and it was already dark outside. Sumire was ready to leave the Uzumaki's.
"Thank you for the evening. I hope you'll get well very soon Boruto-kun", Sumire smiled towards him.
"Thank you for bringing me the school stuff", Boruto thanked back.
"I probably have to visit you again tomorrow. I'll help you out with the work, so don't worry".
"You're welcome", Boruto and his family said to Sumire.
"Ok good night", Sumire said, now leaving them.
'It seems like the next few days won't be that bad', Boruto thought.
'I have to help Boruto-kun as good as possible', Sumire thought while walking back to her home
Boruto closes the door and just as he started walking to his bed, his mother called him.
"Boruto come here. You need to take your medicine", Hinata called.
'I just hate being ill'.
That was it for the one-shot. I may release a sequel to this but right now I want to focus on my main project being "My path towards a better future". Sorry for you guys waiting for the next chapter, but the next few weeks are going to be difficult for me. I am going to release the next chapter in the next five-six days. After that I am on vacation for a week. I hope that doesn't bother you that much.
As always please review and have a nice day.
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bdamanlover4ever · 7 years
Mitsuki keeps the team peace
Boruto: Sarada, I can't sleep....
Sarada, going to bed: Oh well I can. Goodnight.
Boruto: I'm SERIOUS! I keep thinking who's more good looking? You or me?
Sarada, waking up: Why don't we ask, Mitsuki?
Mitsuki: It's late and I really don't feel comfortable being dragged into th-
Boruto: Mitsuki, answer this and next time you almost drown I won't think twice about not saving you.
Sarada: Yeah! Who's more good looking, Boruto or I? And remember who's the one who knows the secret location of where you live.
Mitsuki: I don't understand anything happening right now... You're both very beautiful.
Boruto: Well I'm BEAUTIFULER!
Sarada: That's not even a real word!
Sarada: I am a Uchiha princess! I don't need any validation from the likes of you!
Boruto: Oh, because I'm not royalty, I'm suddenly not good enough for you?
Sarada: I never said that.
Boruto: You never say a lot of things but you IMPLIED!
Mitsuki, sweating nervously: You're both FABULOUS! Okay? Now go paint each other's nails or something!
Sarada, smirks: Yeah, I can paint my nails way better than Boruto's.
Boruto: Over my dead sparkling electric blue nails you do!
Sarada: Have you ever even painted your nails before?
Boruto: Pff, Mitsuki can teach me. Right?
Mitsuki, pulls pillow over his head: How can they do so much talking? It's ONLY 3 am!
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Another day by s4sukekun
Anime » Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Rated: K, Spanish, Family, Boruto U., Sakura U., Sarada U., Sasuke U., Words: 2k+, Favs: 10, Follows: 4, Published: Aug 9, 2021
I know that we are all looking forward to another Uchiha baby, and the other day we were talking on twitter about the idea that Sasuke and Sakura had twin boys, AND THE TRUTH IS YES.
Anyway, I came up with this fanart inspired one shot. I didn't name the twins because I really had zero imagination with that, so names and ages I leave to your imagination.
I'm not sure it's my hc, but it's something that came to mind.
The one with pink hair and black eyes is one, with Sasuke's serious personality and Sakura's explosive one.
The one with black hair and green eyes with Itachi's calm personality, is the other.
I hope you like it.
"You're really stupid, look how hurting you are for training... Mom will be scared to death." The black-haired Uchiha says to his brother, whom he carries on his shoulder, wounded in a simulated fight.
-Ja, as if there was something that could kill mom.- he answers, in which his head sways to the beat of the road and his short pink hair moves to his rhythm.
-Yes there is. Do you remember when daddy cut his hair? That day we almost lost her.-
The pink haired Uchiha laughs out loud at the memory in his mind. -It is true. Do you remember how he initially ignored him and almost attacked him thinking he was a burglar in the house and then passed out when he realized it was him?
The black-haired nods smiling. -She always swoons over dad. Sarada says that before they acted like newlyweds all the time.-
-Of course, as if they didn't do it now.- answers ironically the one who is hanging, closing his eyes with impression when scenes of his parents together come to his mind that, he witnessed by accident, but that, clearly, he wishes he had not witnessed .
"I know what you're thinking and believe me, I wouldn't want to have seen it either." Said the dark-haired man wrinkling his forehead, while he shook his head. But you have to understand them. They have been together since they were children, they are one of those couples that last.-
The dark-haired man reaffirms his grip on his brother's body with a small jump, causing the other to moan in pain. "Hey!" he exclaimed furiously.
-Hmp.- the pink-haired man replied, then exhaled and calmed down.
He is generally calm and serious like his father, but occasionally has mood swings that even he himself cannot tolerate. It's usually his sister who helps him deal with it. And if not, he breathes. He inhales and exhales, just as she taught him.
"You know, old Naruto told me that daddy didn't pay attention to mommy when he was a child," the pink-haired man comments, in an attempt to change the subject to lessen the atmosphere, to which the black-haired man stops in his tracks.
He slowly turns his head back, to look into the black eyes of his brother, who had also raised his head, to look at his green ones. They both looked at each other with a leftover expression, raising an eyebrow and then bursting out laughing.
Both brothers laugh at their father's catchy ways with their mother, and ever since they learned to talk, they both teased him about it.
(In the kitchen of his house, while having tea with his wife, Sasuke sneezes twice and suddenly feels irritated.)
Although Sasuke was jealous of his wife and daughter, it goes without saying that both brothers were hyper-protective of the women in the house. Although both were older than them.
"Uncle Naruto is quite funny sometimes," says the dark-haired man. He found Naruto a wise and funny man, although he knew he was a bit clueless, he had respect for him, as Hokage, as his sister's mentor and as a member of his family. He even called him "Uncle".
-That crazy old man just talks nonsense.- On the other hand, for him with red hair, Naruto was just a friend of his parents. A very, very loud friend of his parents.
He didn't understand what Sarada saw in him to admire so much. If Sarada needed a mentor for his future task as Hokage, so might Kakashi-sensei. That yes, he was a ninja worthy of respect. He had become a chunnin at the same age as Kakashi, and was working on creating his own technique together with his Sharingan, just as the silver haired ninja had done at his age.
Oh yes, the pink-haired Uchiha admired the White Fang. Along with his parents, of course.
-I would ask you why you don't like him, but the truth is that you don't like anyone. Just mom and Kakashi.-
-Shut up stupid! It's not that I don't like him, it's just that he's loud and clumsy, just like the loud and clumsy son of his.-
Oh, no, here we go again.
How many times had they had this conversation?
-I see you still don't like Boruto.-
You can see that the pink-haired man doesn't respond to him and he isn't surprised. He can't see the look on his face, but he doesn't need to. She is his twin brother for a reason.
-I know you want to take care of her and I do too, but we already talked about this. It is what Sarada chose.-
-Sarada can get something much better than that moron.- sentences him. -She is the future Hokage.- she clarifies, as if the other didn't know.
-Boruto will take good care of her. Dad has trained him well.-
- "Pipi li initinidi bin" - mimics the other. -I can take care of my sister perfectly alone. I don't need anyone's help. Less than a blonde banana head.-
Says the one with the gum head. - reflects the green-eyed Uchiha while he sighs tired.
-Brother, you must accept that they are together. Boruto is already part of the family. Mom and dad already gave him their approval.-
-Bah, that doesn't count.-
The black-haired Uchiha smiles wistfully, and sadness is reflected in his eyes. "It's easy to say when you already have his approval."
An awkward silence settles between the two. The pink-haired man raises his head a little, changing his view from his brother's back to his nape, looking at the long black hair in a kind of bun.
"He hasn't told you yet." It wasn't a question. He cuts the silence, desperately needing his brother to open up to him.
-You know that no.-
It was obvious, the pink-haired man thought angrily. Angry at his brother or at his ideas. In truth he didn't know why he was angry, but he was angry.
-I know, Sarada knows, mom probably too, Mom wouldn't do any problem!-
-Believe me, I know that mom would not be the problem.-
-So what? Potato?-
The black-haired man's silence is tangible. The black-eyed Uchiha also knows his brother, and the absence of his words can be read like an open book.
-Oh, come on! Dad wouldn't even care! What's more, I'm sure it's the least important thing about us.-
-Of course! Uncle Naruto told me that one of his wishes was to restore the clan. What marriage means- he doesn't finish the sentence because his brother interrupts him shouting- I told you that that crazy old man only talks stupid things!- He claims angrily. "Dad doesn't really care about that!" Do not be silly! Who you like is your problem.-
Unlike his pink-haired brother and older sister, who could pass for the perfect mix of their parents, the dark-haired, green-eyed Uchiha didn't feel that way. It's not that his parents made a difference or anything like that, it's just that he always felt…different. He was neither as serious as his father nor as explosive as his mother. He was always cool and calm. Of course he played and laughed with his brother, but there was something that differentiated them, and it wasn't just their physical features. Remember that he once asked his father who he looked like from both of them and he answered that he looked like his uncle.
-Uncle Naruto? he asked confused, since it was absolutely the opposite of him.
-God no. Your other uncle. Itachi was called.-
Sasuke nodded.
"I see a lot of him in you," he told her, smiling. A smile that, they knew, he only showed to her mother.
Another thing that differentiated him from his brother was that he detested violence.
While his brother had chosen as his goal to follow his father's style, and become an elite ANBU like Kakashi, he preferred to follow his mother's path, training in medical ninjutsu. While his brother thought of killing a bird so that it would not suffer, he thought of healing it. He did not seek the glory that his twin sought, nor did he want to be a leader like his sister. He preferred to be another type of shinobi. For him, working in the hospital, healing the injured and sick children, was all that made him happy. He could live on it his whole life and he would be happy with himself.
Of course he was criticized for this. Both brothers had developed the Sharingan, and for a pair of these, considered privileged battle weapons, to go to waste in a hospital was considered a loss.
-Hey, dad is not as traditional as you think.-
-How could I know if he only trains with you.-
-But you don't train combat. What is it going to teach you? To cut the meat with one hand?
The black-haired Uchiha already felt tired of this conversation without any destination. -Leave it alone, it doesn't make sense.-
"I'm just saying you could spend time with him, and talk about this without necessarily training."
-What would be the point? For everyone Sarada and you are the next great Uchiha-Haruno. I just am…-
"Put me down," the pink-haired cuts him off, shaking himself.
"Put me down, I tell you!" The black-haired man stops his march in confusion. He holds his twin's body carefully from behind, as his torso is naked and bandaged. He lowers it to the ground with great caution, since she was not only his brother, but also his patient. His inner medical ninja was coming out, just like his mother was.
After helping him straighten up, the light-eyed twin holds on to his shoulders and the dark-eyed twin holds onto his forearms.
He's not sure letting him go was a good idea.
"What are you what?" asks the pink-haired man with his face lowered.
His brother raises his eyebrows in confusion.
-I'll tell you what you are, idiot. You are the second best medical ninja I know, the first one you already know. But maybe you can get over it. You are an Uchiha exactly like Sarada and me. We are brothers. You and me, we have an unbreakable bond. What hurts you, hurts me. Whoever comes for you, will see them with me. Even if that's dad, but I know he won't. He will accept you.-
The medical ninja is dumbfounded at his brother's words. He can see in her black eyes and his frown, the clear face of his father, an exact copy. But the force reflected in these is the spirit of his mother.
Another thing that differentiates them.
The one with pink hair has no shame in speaking in public, as in this case in the middle of the road. He could declare his feelings to the four winds, just like Sakura did. On the other hand, the black-haired man was as embarrassing as Sasuke was, he blushed for everything and clearly, he was blushing now, and more so with the people who walked by and looked at them.
"How do you know he'll accept me?" he asks, half sad, half hopeful.
"Because we're family," the injured Uchiha replies for sure, holding him by the neck so he can look into his eyes.
-Would you fight dad for me?-
-If I have to, yes.-
-And mom?-
-I... would beat myself up... but yes.-
"And Kakashi-san?" He asks with a small smile. Well, maybe she was bugging him a little now.
-Hey, don't put me in a difficult decision.- his brother points him with his index finger, in a clear indication that he doesn't pull the thread too much.
-Idiot.- answers the black-haired man smiling while narrowing his eyes.
He'll probably never say it, but he feels so lucky that one of the people he admires the most in this world is going up against the world for him.
-Good. Now come on, take me I have a date with a girl.- The pink-haired man places his hands on his hips, tilting his face. He may be serious and explosive, but he was still an Uchiha. And the Uchiha raise sighs and glances, and this member of the clan was aware of this.
-Huh? One more? Didn't you have one yesterday? -The dark-haired man bends down to load his twin back on his shoulder, again readjusting his grip with a jump, to return to take an insult from the other.
-I only live my youth. You should do the same.-
-Cast? Did you read Gai-sensei's book? - The light-eyed man asks, smiling, that smile that expresses tranquility and fun. Same as his late uncle's.
-Hears! Gai-sensei is Kakashi-sensei's eternal rival and friend, I must know everything about him!-
-Of course, of course.-
The pink-haired Uchiha is distracted by looking at her short strands of hair. It is slightly darker than mother's, while his brother's black pigment is lighter than his father's.
-I really mean it. Live your youth. Talk to dad.- she speaks to him in a low voice, with the illusion of sounding serious.
-I guess that… is a conversation for another day.- He comments in a sweet sorrowful tone, with hints of sadness and insecurity.
-Shannaro…- sighs the surrendered pink-haired man.
Surrendered, but never defeated.
After all, never underestimate an Uchiha.
0 notes
Boruto fanfiction: Sunflower Reign by reilisah
In the academy's principal's office, Himawari grumbled, "I'm going to be expelled for fuck sake."
The three boys standing next to her were furiously staring at her. The bluenette calmly remarked, "I told you, they were poking my head and laughing, and I admit I hit them, but it was not my goal to, you know, blow them up into a skyscraper. Despite the excruciating pain in her eyes, she was called to the principal's instead of the doctor's office.
"Himawari, you will be suspended for two weeks," Mr. Kaito said, sounding nonchalant. 'Like I genuinely give a damn.'
Which she actually does, because immediately when she gets to her apartment and presents her mother the letter about the suspension, all hell will break loose, but she can't say that to Mr. Kaito.
'Appear strong when you are weak'' Her mom told her when they were eating dinner, "What if I'm strong?' 'Appear Weak.' She sighed, thinking about her mom's philosophies. Taking the pink slip
She smiled graciously, not before stumping on one of the kids' toes.
The blue-eyed girl walked to class, taking her bag and notebook. Her deskmate, Shinji, gave her a questioning look. "I was suspended," she whispered in her ear before taking her belongings.
She got out of class without noticing the curious eyes her classmates gave her.
She waited outside the school for Shinji, her only friend, and she was usually funny, but not right now because she was making fun of her.
"You're the first kid in the class to get suspended, Hima," she said amusedly.
"I just love your positivity," Himawari said sarcastically. "But seriously, you're going to get called a troublemaker. Even Boruto, Sarada, and Shikadai were Snickering about it"
"Don't talk about them Sarada and Shikadai are just pissed I defeated them.
"In the theory exams," Himawari said unfazed, "besides the whole of Boruto's group laughs at
Anything. Do you think they'll laugh when I put your bugs in their food? " Shinki glared at her
"Do you want to get expelled now?" Himawari threw her bag at Shinji's smug face.
"You got suspended?" Her mom said, "Yeah." "You got suspended. Are you Himawari?
Even a serious "Does it sound like I'm joking?" Himawari thought, "Mom, I'm sorry, but you know..."
What have I figured out? " Hinata just stared at her as a sign to continue. I can't stop myself from fighting those boys; it was an accident; I didn't intend to push them into the building.
I just looked at them and my eyes started hurting," and "You know, I don't fight people.
"I know Himawari dear, that's why I'll teach you," Hinata sighed."What," Hinata asked, "weren't you complaining about not having anyone to train you?"
"Seriously? She said, grinning at her mom, "You're stuck with me for two weeks."
Himawari said, "I'll borrow Shinji's notes."
0 notes
Boruto fanfiction. Ruby Red by TheAuthor5263
Chapter 1: Prologue
"I'm home!" Sakura's voice echoed against the wooden walls.
Sarada placed her book down and stood up. "Welcome back." Her mother looked warn and tired as usual, but today, there was something unusual in her hands.
"Where'd you get the apples?"
Sakura smiled, retrieving the basket from its spot on the ground and placing it on the kitchen table. "An elderly woman offered them to me as a thanks for saving her son's life. She said that they were from her apple tree, so they should be extra delicious."
"Oh?" Taking one into her hands, Sarada eyed it carefully. It was a beautiful red. There was not a blemish or bruise to be found. In fact, the sight of it was making her mouth water. "Would it be alright if I ate one now?"
"Hm? I suppose," said Sakura, searching in the fridge for her plate of dinner. "By the way, what did you make for dinner tonight?"
Sarada took a bite of the apple and chewed. "Roasted salmon with asparagus... There should be a plate on the second shelf." And she swallowed.
"Oh, I see. Thanks-"
Sakura spun around. "Sarada?"
The fridge door was left hanging open.
Sakura knelt down next to her daughter, an apple with a single bite taken out of it lying on the floor by her hand.
Chapter 1
Sakura pushed the stretcher down the hallway, her mind in full panic mode. She had tried everything.
It was poison, but in order to concoct an antidote, she needed special herbs that could only be found in the treatment rooms at the hospital. And even then... There was something strange about Sarada's state. Her life didn't seem as though it was in danger. She was... in a deep sleep.
And so it was that Sakura worked. She gathered herbs, took notes, and tried dozens of antidotes. But none of them were effective.
Before she knew it, the morning staff was beginning to trickle in.
Frustrated and at her limit, Sakura wiped the sweat off of her head. There has to be something I can do.
But morning turned into afternoon, and she still hadn't made any progress. Just when she was feeling tired and out of it, Naruto's son casually strolled through the door.
"Hey, Sakura oba-san... Sorry to bother you while you're busy, but have you seen Sarada? We were supposed to meet up for a mission today, and she wasn't at the meeting spot... So I checked your house and she wasn't there either... The fridge was wide open, so I thought maybe something was wrong, and-"
The young blonde froze when he eyed who was in the hospital bed behind her.
Tears started welling up in Sakura's eyes. This was the first time she had ever worked this hard without any progress. Usually, she felt like she could get somewhere. But no matter what lead she followed, no matter what path she took, they all ended up in failure.
"Boruto." Wet blotches soaked into the piles of scribbled papers below her, more crumpled papers shifting as her forehead made contact with the desk. "What do I do?"
"...Sakura... oba-san?"
"I've tried everything... What if I lose her?"
"...What do you mean?"
She felt the panic in Boruto's voice giving rise to a new lump in her throat.
"What happened to Sarada?"
"I'm sorry," Sakura sniffled, attempting to stifle her tears. "I don't know." Her own pathetic state began to amuse her. What kind of medic ninja was she? She knew the truth. And the truth was that she couldn't save everyone. But why did the few she couldn't save have to include her daughter?
"Sakura oba-san?"
There was only one person that could possibly save Sarada now. Sakura picked herself up, wiped her eyes, and lifted her head. "I'm going to call in Tsunade-sama."
"Old lady Tsunade? Hey, Sakura oba-san, what happened to Sarada? Is it serious? What do you mean you don't know?"
Sarada only continued walking, her mind set on finding her master.
Chapter 2
Boruto's eyes fell on the ghastly figure of Sarada, lying atop a hospital bed. Her skin was paler than usual, somehow accenting her lips and making them seem ruby red. But if it wasn't for the still soft pattern of the rise and fall of her chest, he would have assumed that she was dead.
"Is that Sarada?"
Boruto jumped. "Mitsuki. You scared me."
"It seems I have a habit of doing that... Where is her mother?"
Boruto's fingers curled into his palms at his sides. "She went to go call her master... It looks like she's been poisoned with something so bad, Sakura oba-san can't cure it."
"Hmm... We'll have to abandon our mission then. I'll go report to the seventh. You should stay here."
Boruto looked on and nodded silently.
Before he left, Mitsuki took a chair and placed it behind Boruto. "You may want to sit down."
Boruto smiled weakly. "Thanks." He sat, his eyes lingering on the still figure of his childhood friend.
There were times when Boruto thought she was more annoying than friendly, but in the end, she had always been there for him. Ever since they were kids, she had stuck by his side, through good times and bad. For that very reason, he had promised to protect her. And it was also for that reason that her sudden poisoning came as a shock.
For Sakura to say, "I don't know," when it dealt with a medical matter was terrifying. It didn't seem like her life was in danger, but what if something worse was going on under the surface?
Boruto didn't particularly care if he died. But Sarada was a different story. Seeing her weak and defenseless made something snap inside of him. Whenever an attack came that she couldn't defend against, he wanted to be there to guard it for her. Throwing himself in harm's way to save her was second nature. But this... He couldn't protect her from this.
What even was... this?
Footsteps pounded behind him as the automatic door slid open.
It was none other than Cho-Cho, Sarada's best friend.
In a normal situation, Boruto would have given his chair to Cho-Cho. But this time... This time he wasn't sure he wanted to.
"What happened to her? Where's Miss Sakura?"
"...She went to go call old lady Tsunade."
Cho-Cho gripped the sides of the hospital bed. "...Is it that serious?"
"It seems that way," said Mitsuki, entering with the silence of a snake and going over to stand next to Boruto. "For now, Denki's team is taking over our mission. Boruto, how is she?"
Boruto's facial features crumpled. "She seems... Like she's asleep..."
"But she's so pale," added Cho-Cho. "When is Tsunade getting here?"
"...I don't know."
The three sat, faces stoic as they looked down on their friend. After what felt like hours of dead silence, Tsunade burst into the room.
"Where is the apple?!"
"On the table," Sakura replied, pointing to it weakly.
Tsunade clicked her tongue. "Giving up in defeat after one day... What kind of medic ninja are you?"
It was in that moment that Sakura, who hadn't slept for three days, collapsed to the ground.
Chapter 3
Boruto's eyes widened. First Sarada, now Sakura. Was it contagious? Or was she just overworked?
While his mind was panicking, Tsunade's was functioning properly. "Someone carry her home and tuck her in bed. She probably hasn't eaten or slept for days, that idiotic girl... And make something easy on her stomach, like porridge for her to eat when she wakes up."
"Got it," said Cho-Cho, her hand growing ten times larger than normal. She easily scooped up Sakura and began walking towards the exit.
"Wait," said Boruto, "I'll go with you."
"Huh? Why would you come with me?"
"There's something I want to confirm... Mitsuki, tell me if anything happens."
"Got it."
With that, Boruto followed Cho-Cho out of the hospital and towards Sarada's house.
. . .
Once Sakura was safely tucked in bed and Boruto had made sure that Cho-Cho did in fact know how to cook and wouldn't use the spoiled ingredients in the fridge, he began inspecting the basket of apples on the table. If they had the poison, couldn't they find the cure? How did one even go about finding the cure to poison in the first place?
No, that wasn't important. He couldn't do anything about that. The important thing was, whoever gave them the apples was likely targeting Sakura's life. It had been a coincidence that Sarada ate one and passed out first.
That was the question he needed to ask. That was what he could do to help.
"Cho-Cho, I'm going back to the hospital."
"Huh? Already?"
But by the time Cho-Cho turned around, Boruto was gone.
His feet pounded against the rooftops, a single thought at the forefront of his mind. Where did the apples come from?
Sakura might have told Tsunade before she passed out. And he wasn't about to sit around and do nothing.
When he returned to the hospital, onlookers stared at him with wide eyes. He could hear their mumblings. Why was the hokage's son in the hospital? Had someone been injured on a mission? Where was Sakura?
Boruto gritted his teeth. He wanted to yell at all of them to be quiet, but there was no time for that. Before he knew it, his hand was resting on the doorhandle to Sarada's hospital room.
Please, he thought, the hair on top of his head flattening against the door. Please tell me you know something...
Lifting his head, he slowly slid the door open and made eye-contact with Mitsuki. "Have you found anything?"
Tsunade bit her nail. "I've never seen anything like this before... But it's not like this is the first time I've encountered an unknown poison." She leaned back in her chair and poured over a new book. "I'm sure Sakura was at her wits end with exhaustion... Don't worry, I'll figure something out."
Those were the words he wanted to hear. They somehow eased the panic in his heart, albeit only a little bit. "Did Sakura oba-san tell you who gave her those apples?"
"Apparently it was an old woman... Sakura didn't ask for the name of her son. But the apples were apparently grown by her... I was going to ask Naruto to send you three on a mission to find her once I got this poison under control, but it seems like it will be a while before I can do that."
Boruto grew quiet. "Is..." The word left his mouth before he could stop it from coming out. He ducked his head in embarrassment. As worried as he was, why was asking a simple question embarrassing?
"Is she going to be ok? Her life isn't in danger... right?"
Tsunade sighed. "That's the weird part. Her life isn't in danger. The poison isn't doing anything. Poison usually consists of toxins that break down involuntary functions in your body and attack the immune system's weak points, but this poison... It's like it's putting her in a coma. And that's it. It lowered the blood circulation in her brain to the point where she is unconscious, but kept it stable at that level. Usually, this would be treatable... But Sakura's tried all the right treatment methods, and none of them were effective. The only time I've ever seen anything like this was when Sasuke and Kakashi came back from clashing with Itachi, both under the effects of the mangekyo sharingan's tsukuyomi... But Sarada simply took a bite of an apple..."
He attempted to make sense of Tsunade's answer, but most of it was gibberish. The only part he understood was her final sentence. None of them were effective. The words echoed in his brain like a curse, chanting that she would be asleep forever.
Calm down, Boruto thought to himself, it's only been a day.
"Is Sakura in bed?"
"Yes." Boruto's shoulders drooped.
"Did Cho-Cho make her porridge?"
"Yes," he said again.
"When she wakes up, send her back. Not that it will take her much convincing... She needs to attend to the other patients in the hospital while I figure out this matter with Sarada. Boruto, you and Mitsuki go scour the town for a yard with an apple tree. If you find one, report to the seventh before taking action."
"Understood," said Mitsuki, getting up from the chair by Sarada's bedside. "Boruto, let's go."
He reluctantly nodded his head. "Ok." With one last glance over his shoulder, they left the hospital room.
Chapter 4
Boruto followed after Mitsuki, his eyes on the lookout for an apple tree. If I find that old lady, Mitsuki's going to have to restrain me.
"Boruto! I think I found something."
Boruto nearly slammed into Mitsuki's back. Luckily, he caught himself before they both fell off of the roof and landed themselves in the hospital. "Where?"
"Over there. Don't you see that?"
His eyes squinted to make out the tree far off into the distance. It stood alone in the backyard of a quaint house with a yellow roof. "I see it..."
"Should we report to the seventh?"
"No... I think we should check it out first. From this distance, we can't tell whether or not it's an apple tree..."
Boruto followed Mitsuki towards the tree. Each leap was landed as silently as possible. In all his years as a shinobi, he had never put as much effort into stealth as he was putting now. That old woman was not getting away.
Mitsuki must have sensed his hostility, because once they were in range, an arm stopped him from getting any closer.
"Boruto... I think those are oranges."
"What if it's a genjutsu?"
"I doubt an old lady would use genjutsu... And look, there's a young woman hanging up laundry out back. We can keep this house in mind, but it's probably not the right one."
"Mitsuki," said Boruto, eyeing the woman suspiciously.
"Something about this house rubs me the wrong way."
"Hmm... I don't feel anything. But I suppose if you think so Boruto, then we can report this to the seventh."
The second Mitsuki was done talking, Boruto noticed the young woman smile at him. And that was when he realized. This woman was not an ordinary woman.
Without waiting for Mitsuki, he leapt off of the roof.
"Boruto! Where are you going," Mitsuki called, chasing after him.
"She smiled at me."
"She knew I was there. We didn't make a sound. I made sure of it... But she looked right at me. And smiled. It's her."
"If it's her, we're supposed to report to the seventh."
"Mitsuki," said Boruto, his eyes filled with burning emotion. "You want to let the person who did that to Sarada get away?"
"...I suppose not..." Mitsuki turned, eyes locked on the window in tandem with Boruto's.
The moment the two shinobi landed in the woman's yard, vines came up from the earth and wrapped tightly around their arms and legs, completely ensnaring them.
"What the..." Boruto strained his muscles and gritted his teeth. But it was no use. He couldn't break free.
"How nice," said the woman, not turning from her laundry. "I suppose you two are here to capture me for giving Sakura-san those poisoned apples?"
"Heh," Boruto laughed. "You missed your target. Her daughter ate one instead... Now cough up the antidote before I tear apart your house searching for it."
"Oh? You're hardly in a position to be threatening me, boy." The woman laughed sweetly. "However, I suppose I should at least tell you this: the antidote simply doesn't exist."
Boruto stopped struggling against the vines. "You're lying."
"I'm not. There's only one way to wake a sleeping princess..."
"And what would that be," asked Mitsuki.
Boruto's cheeks reddened. His mom had read him fairy tales when he was a kid... Heck, she still read them to Himawari sometimes. He assumed Orochimaru wasn't the kind of parent to read Mitsuki bed time stories... But the thought of what the woman had done was making his blood boil.
"It's a simple solution really. There are only a few conditions in fairy tales. First, you must be enchanted by her beauty. Second... you must be a prince."
"A prince?"
"I was originally thinking that Sasuke would have to return to the village... It's a shame he isn't around more often. I would never lay hands on a woman's husband, not that I even could in the first place... But I did have quite the crush on him back in my academy days..."
Boruto peered through the window. And what he saw made his eyes go wide with horror. Inside, the walls were plastered with pictures of Sasuke. Most of them were blurry, and from extremely far away. But a few were clear as crystal. And covered with lipstick stains. I shouldn't have threatened to tear her house apart to search for an antidote... It needs to be burnt to the ground.
"You see, I was just thinking of adding a new picture to my collection. I suppose if her daughter ate the apple, it can't be helped. She might be in an eternal coma," laughed the woman. "That is, unless... One of you just so happens to be a prince who is captivated by her beauty. Either way, I'll get what I wanted. Upon hearing the news of his daughter, Sasuke-kun will rush home!"
Boruto gritted his teeth, looking away. What about Sasuke is a prince? Maybe in this insane lady's mind... Or is that...
It was then that Boruto had an idea. "Hm. How annoying." He did his best to glare at the woman.
"Try all you want," said the lady, "but no one can beat Sasuke-kun."
She was a freak. This woman was an absolute freak.
Mitsuki extended his arm and reached into his bag, grabbing a kunai and cutting himself lose. With two swift motions, Boruto was also freed from the vine trap.
"Sorry. But you'll have to come with us for further questioning." In seconds, Mitsuki was behind her, a kunai to her throat.
The woman only laughed. "How unfortunate for you. This entire house is an illusion..."
At her words, Boruto looked around in horror to realize he was standing in a dark alleyway.
"Good luck to whoever decides to try and rescue the princess."
Chapter 5
Boruto made his way back to the hospital with Mitsuki in tow, feeling conflicted. Was there anyone that was enchanted by Sarada's beauty? Who was a prince? Who was willing to kiss her to wake her up and snap her out of it?
First of all, what even was a prince anyways? Didn't you need kings for that? If he thought about it, the one with the highest rank in the village would be a king... In other words, his dad. Did that make him... a prince?
Or was it a prince in the eyes of the beholder? If that was the case, there were only two options: have every guy Sarada knew kiss her until she woke up, or... Have Sasuke do it. The thought of his master kissing Sarada on the lips made him shiver. And I have no idea who she likes... But maybe Cho-Cho would?
He wasn't so sure about the beautiful part... Sarada wasn't ugly, but... Enchanting? That violent woman? Maybe some random guy that didn't know her would come along and find her beautiful. He didn't think any of his friends would be willing to kiss her. Or maybe they would. Maybe he was wrong. And that somehow made him feel... weird.
A random person would be fine. She would wake up, they could be friends, and he would make sure she never ate another apple. And maybe she would fall for the handsome dude and they would have a happily ever after. Boruto could throw rose petals at their wedding.
But the thought of Shikadai kissing her made him want to gag. Inojin made him want to punch something, and Mitsuki... Well, maybe Mitsuki was ok. But as far as he knew, the one Mitsuki was interested in was... him. So that was out of the picture.
When he opened the door to her hospital room, he found Cho-Cho standing over the bed, and Tsunade absorbed in a book. This was all too insane to be real. If anyone could find a cure, it would be Tsunade. So rather than thinking about unnecessary things, Boruto decided to sit back and wait.
But Mitsuki had other plans.
"Tsunade-san. We found the woman who poisoned Sarada. Unfortunately, she escaped... However, it seems like an antidote is impossible to create."
"...Impossible you say... I'm starting to believe you. But I can't leave Sarada in this state..." Tsunade's eyes never left her book as she spoke. "What else did you find out?"
"It seems like the only thing that can save her is a prince who is enchanted by her beauty."
Cho-Cho's eyes went from depressed to sparkling. "A prince?"
"Hmm? Boruto, is there a problem with me relaying this information?"
Boruto looked away. "...No..." It left him with an unsettling feeling. If everyone knew that a fairy tale ending was the only way to save Sarada, what would they do?
"So... You're saying that someone purposefully concocted a poison that would render the recipient incapable of awakening unless a prince who is enchated by her beauty creates the antidote?"
Mitsuki narrowed his eyes. "I'm unsure. But Boruto seems to know more about it than I do."
"You want to save her, do you not?"
Boruto sighed. "The prince doesn't create the antidote. The prince is the antidote. This prince is gonna have to..."
"Is going to have to kiss her to wake her from her sleep!" Cho-Cho finished the sentence when Boruto couldn't. "No wonder they couldn't find an antidote! It was love all along!"
"Of course! As long as the person who kisses her loves her, there shouldn't be a problem. If they love her, they'll become her prince!" With that, Cho-Cho stared intensely at Boruto.
And so did Mitsuki.
And so did Tsunade.
"W-Why are you guys looking at me?"
"Well Boruto, it seems like we have an antidote," said Mitsuki, a smile on his face.
"We'll leave the room so you can do it in private, ok?" Cho-Cho began to usher everyone in the room out, using her giant hands.
Boruto's heart felt like it was going to come out of his mouth. "Wait! Guys!"
They stopped.
"I... I don't like her like that! There has to be someone else. Cho-Cho, don't you know who she likes?"
Cho-Cho smirked. "It doesn't matter who the princess likes. The person who wakes her up is always some random stranger... But it's a stranger who loves her."
"Then it can't be me!" With that, Boruto dashed out of the hospital, his head down.
. . .
Tsunade sighed. "Well, as ludicrous as that may sound... there's actually several factors pointing to that solution... A kiss would be shocking enough to jolt her body out of hibernation and kick on her defense instincts. And when we are around people who have strong affection for us, our emotional receptors kick in and respond to their chakra, whether it's in a negative way or a positive way... Usually girls are more affected by this, and boys don't seem to notice. Either way, I'll continue looking for another way to cure her."
"Tsunade-sama," Cho-Cho sang sweetly, "If you would be so kind as to do your research in a different room, just in case a certain blonde haired boy decides to come back and stares at a certain raven haired girl for a little too long, you may not have to work so hard."
Tsunade chuckled. "Hm. I suppose you're right."
With that, Cho-Cho took the glasses off of Sarada's face and put them on the table beside her bed. She arranged her hair and hands so she seemed more like a sleeping princess, and less like a sick hospital patient. If she had the time, she would have changed her into a dress. But tucking the blanket around her in a more seemingly manner would have to do.
Smirking at her friend through a small crack, Cho-Cho slid the door closed.
Chapter 6
Boruto ran through the streets, his eyes staring straight down at the ground. Why me? Why do they think I'm the one who should do it? I can't do that! No way!
As he was running, he slammed into someone else, knocking them backwards.
But when he realized who he bumped into, he paused. "Inojin! Perfect timing! Something is wrong with Sarada and I need someone who likes her to kiss her to wake her up."
Inojin blinked a few times. "Huh?"
"Like I said," Boruto mouthed off, his brain racing too quickly to process the words that were coming out of his mouth. "You need to kiss Sarada."
"If someone doesn't do it, then she won't wake up!"
Inojin stopped. He grabbed Boruto's shoulders. "Boruto. Do you realize what you're saying?"
He rolled his eyes. "Clearly, you don't. Look, I don't like Sarada. Not like that. Sorry. You've got the wrong guy."
"Then help me find some random guy that thinks she's pretty!"
"Boruto... Would you be ok with some random guy kissing Sarada?"
He clenched his fists at his sides. "I don't know what else to do! Cho-Cho and Mitsuki... All of them looked at me! But I can't do that!"
The sting of a slap was heard across the whole street as Inojin struck Boruto's face. "Get a grip man! Don't you like her?"
"W-What? I don't... not like... Ah, nevermind! You weren't helpful!"
Boruto dashed off, leaving Inojin behind to sigh at his idiot blonde friend.
This time, Boruto was going to go to someone who knew what to do. He ran until he came to a set of steps that led to a tree with benches set up around the base. His target was immersed in a game of Shogi, despite having no one sitting opposite him.
. . .
"Listen, you've gotta help me. Sarada's in trouble."
"Hm?" He turned his attention away from the board. "What's wrong with Sarada?"
"She ate some dumb poisoned apple, and now she won't wake up unless someone who's in love with her kisses her."
"...And you came to me because?"
Boruto took a deep breath. He sat down. "I don't know."
"I don't know. Half of me thinks this is complete bogus, and the other half is going insane because not even Tsunade could find a cure, and..."
"Boruto," said Shikadai, resting his elbow on his knee and plopping his head into his hand. "You're telling me Sarada has turned into Snow White?"
"And the only way to get her to wake up is for some guy to kiss her?"
"...Yeah. Some guy that thinks she's... pretty."
Shikadai rolled his eyes. "What a pain."
"My point exactly."
"So? Why haven't you kissed her?"
Boruto groaned. "Not you too... Why does everyone want it to be me? It won't work if it's me... Come on Shikadai, you know how much we fight. I mean, it's not like she's ugly, but... she's violent. I'd protect her with my life, but kissing her is a little..."
The gears in Shikadai's mind began to turn. He calculated Boruto's frantic actions in with his words. And he formulated a plan. "Alright. Fine. I'll go kiss her. Where is she?"
Boruto froze. "...You will?"
"When she takes off her glasses and isn't mouthing off to someone, Sarada's pretty," he said, standing to his feet. "And if all you need is for a guy to kiss her... I'll just do it and get it over with."
"...Ah..! I see... Thanks, Shikadai!"
Shikadai raised an eyebrow as he watched Boruto's facial expression darken. He could feel the aura radiating off of him go from worried and confused to uncomfortable. Thought so.
"Come on, hurry up. I was in the middle of something, you know."
"Ah, right." Boruto stood, leading the way to the hospital. "She's over here."
. . .
As Boruto brought Shikadai to the hospital, his body began to feel like lead. Sure, the thought of Shikadai kissing her made him want to gag... But that was because he thought it would make Shikadai want to gag too.
So why was he feeling like a bag of bricks? Someone was willing to wake her up. Someone who thought she was pretty. Shikadai wasn't a bad guy. If it was him, he was fine with it.
Wait. Since when did anyone need my permission to... Boruto froze. Crud.
"Hm? Boruto, what's wrong?"
"Well, I was just thinking," he laughed nervously. "Having a poison that can only be cured by someone kissing someone is a little...Outlandish, don't you think? Maybe we should wait for Tsunade to find a cure..."
Boruto missed the slight smirk on Shikadai's face before he turned around, putting his arms up behind his head. "Hmm... If that's what you think, then maybe I'll just go kiss her for the heck of it. I've always wanted to anyways."
"Ah... Is that so..." Boruto knew that there was no point in refuting it. If he took back his plea for help now, he would only be teased. Besides, if Shikadai actually liked her... He really didn't have any right to interfere.
"She's in here." Boruto led him to the door.
Without hesitation, Shikadai waltzed right into the room. And Boruto was sure he felt his heart spasm in his chest.
Chapter 7
The second the door was closed behind him, Boruto gripped the fabric of his white t-shirt, his fingers clawing at the upper left part of his chest. Why, he thought, why does it feel like this? Am I going to have a heart attack?
There was nothing he could do. He was outside the door while one of his best friends was... probably kissing the girl he wished he could protect to his heart's content.
Dang it, thought Boruto, regretting his life decisions.
It wasn't like he hated her. He knew that much. But he didn't realize how much he had monopolized her male attention. He trusted his friends. They never showed any inkling that they were remotely interested in her as a girl. Everyone always had fun hanging out and playing together. He never had to think about this situation. Not once. And he never realized how much it was going to bother him until this moment.
He, as her friend and protector, was letting some other guy kiss her. That was why it bothered him. Because what if Sarada didn't want it? If she woke up and punched Shikadai, he would get the blame for letting him do it. What would she think?
Would she be disappointed? No, that's not the point. Gah, I wish I knew what this feeling was!
What if... What if she was enjoying it? What if she woke up and they started dating?
His body only felt heavier as he sagged against the door. What's wrong with me? I don't understand... Is this... Tears spilled over his eyes, his throat slowly closing in on itself. Oh... Darn... I guess... I must like her.
Just when he thought his heart was going to give out, Shikadai opened the door.
"So, did you figure it out?"
Boruto looked up. Tears spilled over his cheeks, despite his attempts to hold them back. But something about Shikadai's words confused him. "Huh?"
"Did you realize? Or do I need to go back in there and stare at the wall for a couple more minutes?"
"Stare at the..." It was then that Boruto realized. He had been played. "Shikadai!"
His friend laughed and shoved him inside the door. "Go claim your princess, idiot prince."
. . .
Boruto turned around, making sure Shikadai closed the door all the way and wasn't standing outside of it. He peered around the room. Under the bed. Under the desk. In the closet.
Taking a deep breath once he realized there was no one, he neared the bed.
Laying there was Sarada, somehow looking five times more beautiful than he had ever seen her. Everything about her looked like a princess, from the way her hair was arranged on the pillow to the way the blanket hugged her upper body like a dress.
Her pale skin didn't seem sickly; it seemed fair, akin to fine porcelain. If he touched her with any force that was less than gentle, she would shatter.
Her eyebrows weren't wrinkled into a frown, they seemed as though they were merely resting on top of her forehead.
Her closed eyes didn't remind her of the times she had gotten mad enough to use her sharingan and punch him with all of her strength, they brought back the memories of the times she laughed in his direction.
The light caught her eyelashes in a way that could only be described as beautiful.
And finally, her pale skin was accenting her lips and making them appear as though they were ruby red.
Boruto didn't realize it, but he was smiling. It was a soft and gentle smile, one that he rarely wore.
Slowly leaning over her, he closed his eyes and gently touched his lips to hers. And when he pulled back, his eyes slowly fluttering open, his heart skipped a beat. She was looking back at him.
"Yo, Sarada."
"Did you just..."
"...I have no idea what you're talking about," he said with a smirk, turning towards the wall and sitting on the edge of her bed.
"But you-"
"I did nothing of the sort."
Sarada's once peaceful expression became very, very confused. The color began returning to her face, much too fast.
"Hey, Sarada?"
He turned, his face dangerously close to hers. "Can I do it again?"
Chapter 8
Sakura awoke, a bowl of steaming hot porridge by her bedside. "Hmm?"
The last thing she remembered... She was with Tsunade... And then... "Sarada!"
Forsaking the porridge, she tried to get up, getting to the hospital at the top of her priority list. But the moment she stood up, she blacked out.
"...I guess I should eat this..."
It seemed edible, and even smelled good. But it wasn't made by Sarada... And Boruto... Could he cook? Then Mitsuki? Highly unlikely.
Instead of analyzing the contents of the dish, she simply took the metal spoon and began shoveling spoonfulls into her mouth. Whoever made it, it was delicious.
Moments later, she had a full stomach and her energy was mostly recovered. "Time to head to the hospital."
A few people greeted her on the way, not used to seeing her out at this time of the afternoon. As much as she was in a hurry, she also wanted to take the time to receive the thanks of the villagers, despite her recent traumatic encounter.
When she arrived at her workplace, there were already several sick patients awaiting her. But she kindly informed them she would be with them momentarily and made her way towards her daughter's room.
On the way, she passed Tsunade, studying in the hallway. "Master! Have you found a cure?"
"Actually, we did. Boruto and Mitsuki just-"
Before Tsunade could get the rest of the words out of her mouth, Sarada was making a beeline for her daughter's hospital room. On the way, she passed Shikadai.
Rather than greeting her, it seemed like he was trying to get her attention. But he ignored Shikamaru and Temari's kid and proceeded to throw open the door.
The sight she was met with caused her face to turn several shades of red. "Sorry for interrupting."
She shut the door.
Wait. Blonde hair. Black jacket. Boruto?!
Throwing the door back open, chakra surrounding her fist, she marched into the room. "What are you doing with my daughter?!"
Boruto was already standing, his hair a mess, sticking out of his headband in every which way. Likely the handiwork of her own daughter. "Ah... Well, ya see..." He awkwardly cleared his throat. "I found the antidote."
"Mama, I can explain..."
"You'd better explain or I'm going to shannaro this boy across the horizon."
Boruto put his hands up, backing away from Sarada's bedside, and straightening his t-shirt. "Have you read Snow White? You know, the one where the girl eats a poisoned apple, and there's dwarves, and... so on and so forth?"
Sakura narrowed her eyes. "I didn't ask for an explanation from you."
She huffed. "Fine. Yes. I know Snow White... Wait... Are you saying..."
Sarada nodded her head. "Boruto woke me up."
"And then, ya know, I may have-"
"Not another word out of you." Sakura's glare threatened to end him where he stood.
"Yes ma'am."
"So... Let me get this straight... The antidote was..."
Both her kid and Naruto's kid blushed and averted their eyes. Compared to the scene they had going on before, it was surprising that they felt such embarrassment over a single word. At least, to Sakura it was.
She sighed. "Alright. I get it. But you are coming with me mister. I'm going to educate you on self-control."
"Quiet Sarada."
"It was my fault... I told him he could."
"But I was the one that asked," retorted Boruto, not wanting her to get in trouble.
Sarada quickly averted her gaze, her face turning redder. "Anyways... Don't do anything annoying."
"...Fine. I'm going to examine you to make sure there aren't any traces of poison remaining... Boruto. Make yourself scarce."
He smiled. "Roger."
. . .
Walking down the hallway like the world was his, Boruto bumped into Shikadai. "Yo!"
"Someone's happy," Shikadai teased, looking forward to hearing the aftermath of his plan. "So? Did she wake up?"
"Shikadai, you know those books that Kakashi reads all the time?"
Shikadai flinched. His cheeks pinkened. "You mean... Make-out paradise? Boruto... You haven't read the contents of that book, have you?"
He shook his head. "Nope. But I think I at least know what the title means now."
"...I see," he said, a smirk stretching across his face. "So, what are you doing here?"
"Welllll... Sakura may or may not have interrupted and kicked me out."
He smiled the smile of a lovestruck teenager. "Because Sarada doesn't hate me."
"Ha... I guess the only one who can stop a monster is another monster... what a pain."
"It wouldn't have been possible without you. Thanks man, I owe you one."
"Don't mention it... Although, if you see any annoying girls loitering around me, do me a favor and have Sarada chase 'em off. Girls are such a drag..."
Boruto smiled, putting his thumb up in a nice guy pose. "You got it."
And so it was that Cho-Cho got her fill on gossip from Sarada every week, filling her in on all of the details of her and Boruto's relationship. The annoying girls loitering around Shikadai were chased off through the combination of teamwork from the genius, the prankster, and the threatening gaze of Sharingan. And the two in question lived happily ever after. After, of course, nearly getting murdered by Sasuke.
That is it.
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