#Sarumi version is sad though
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
idol k au sarumi of them "arguing" through their songs- for example idk if you've seen it but the albums "H.E.R vol 2" and "H.I.M vol 2" where their songs are contrasting each other
I can totally see this happening and I feel like Fushimi would be the one to really instigate it, like this is his way of keeping Yata’s eyes on him even though they’re signed to separate labels (and since in Idol K world it’s not like they can have physical fights, so they have song fights instead). Like it begins with Yata releasing a single soon after Fushimi leaves Homra, a kinda sad break up type song about how he doesn’t understand why he was ‘betrayed’ and ‘weren’t you my best friend,’ ‘I never saw the signs.’ Fushimi listens to it when it’s released, completely expressionless, but then he starts writing and requests to have this new song be his debut single. Yata’s song was called something like ‘Loyal Friend’ so Fushimi titles his ‘Traitor’ and the lyrics are notably a response to all the things Yata said, doubling down on his leaving and how ‘I gave so many signs’ (bonus points if you recognize where I took those last lyrics for each from). 
Yata is super pissed that Fushimi went so far as to make a song like this, feeling like Saruhiko’s mocking him. The next time Fushimi releases a song Yata makes his own rebuttal, like Fushimi’s song is about how he can do everything alone and Yata responds with the importance of having people to support you. This probably culminates in Yata releasing a short album and then a few weeks later Fushimi releases his own surprise album. All Fushimi’s song titles are reversed versions of Yata’s and the songs are more bitter rebuttals to Yata’s hopeful music, and any song about lost friends that Yata wrote is turned into a song about friends being overlooked or not understanding. Their fans are probably eating this whole thing up, people wondering if this is like a planned collab or some kind of inter-label synergy or did Yata and Fushimi really have a bitter breakup, it’s all over the tabloids. Yata and Fushimi both refuse to comment but imagine them both listening to each other’s songs over and over, Fushimi while writing his own album and Yata afterward, trying to find answers to why Fushimi left in those songs. 
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1-lightofjustice · 3 years
You feel uncomfortable about Scepter 4 year-end track, is it because you're Reisaru shipper and in that track Fushimi ditched Munakata to chase Misaki? You know that the track was made by Yellow, one of official GoRa's members, right? The track is, sadly for you, canon.
Fushimi ditched Munakata? Oho, I support it fully. Like hell, sometimes on Drama CDs or short stories (especially Gakuen K) Fushimi is so tolerant with Munakata's shenanigans and made me want to scream "just kick him and run away Fushimi!" (Case point : Munakata fishing trip, Munakata got handcuffed, Munakata's King Game, Fushimi became Santa Claus). And for me, the fact that Fushimi can refuse Munakata and willing to do so without any fear or hesitation is the cute and healthy point of Reisaru. He already coldly rejected Munakata many times you know, like when he refused to accompany Munakata on his hobby because it reminded him of the time when he was roped by Totsuka into various activities, he refused to play cheese with Munakata, he refused to see autumn falling leaves together with Munakata on their day off, etc. So yeah, the fact that Fushimi ditched Munakata to chase Misaki didn't bother me at all.
So what made me feel uncomfortable for this track? Just one word, Timeline. The explanation is a bit meta-y so if you don't want read my rambling, the short answer is there's discrepancy with the main canon timeline, and while it's not impossible, the implication made me uncomfortable. Again, not impossible but hella uncomfortable for me. For full explanation....
See, for me, since most of K Drama CDs are mostly gag tracks, the ones that I treat as canon are Drama CDs that I think can be slotted in canon timeline. Drama CDs like Crow's Repayment, Snow White, and Izumo's Room are definitely not canon because there's no way those were happened on main timeline situation. Drama CDs like Everything Sank Except Me and That Guy and Munakata Fish The World is obviously placed after ROK (since Munakata got weakened like he can't pull a tire and Sarumi's improved relationship). Other drama like Munakata-kun's Strap, Elevator, or For Justice can easily be slotted in pre-anime or even post season 1. Window Shopping, Figure Direction, and Private Hero are obviously pre-anime by the casual appearance or mention of Mikoto and Totsuka. There are Drama CD that used as blatant promotion of K Project, like Guys Meeting in The Shower and it's Girl Version counterpart which completely break the fourth-wall by "Hey we are bunch of K boys in K world let's we dip in hot water and talk" which is definitely not gonna happen in canon.
So what category is YEP (Year End Party) Drama CD? It's logical enough to happen on canon. It didn't break any fourth wall. If we assumed that YEP Drama CD is truly happened on canon, on what period it's happened? It's definitely on pre-ROK, and by the casual mention of Mikoto, can it happen on pre-Season 1?
The answer is no. Why? Because unlike other Drama CD who has no mention of time as our foothold, YEP Drama CD has two hints about the specific time it happened. First, it's about year-end party, so the drama CD was happened on the end of December. Second, by the mention of ABCDEFGH as a squad that was expected to come by Munakata, it means that Scepter 4 Special Ops Squad was already formed, since before it ABCD were leaders of 1st-4th platoons and EFGH were ordinary swordsmen of 4th platoon. Is it impossible for them to have casual gathering together? No. Is it impossible for them to get grouped together on formal gathering with their boss? Yes. Because based on Scepter 4 structure, they were not a group yet, they were not even on the same platoon. Like, if EFGH was invited, how about the rest of 1st-3rd platoons? How about the 5th platoon leader and members? (Poor 5th platoon, they didn't get any screen time except a brief mention on Season 1 episode 8). And before Special Squad was formed, Fushimi is just an ordinary rank on Intelligent Division, so why did he come to gathering for Scepter 4 bosses and leaders of Swordsmen platoons, with bunch of troublemakers from 4th platoon? (I mean, yeah he is Munakata's favorite and the King's private soldier, but that was not.... an official title). The Drama CD with the mentioned casts was not logical to happen if Fushimi and ABCDEFGH was not yet grouped under a special group, which is currently named Special Ops Squad.
Now when we established that YEP drama CD happened on late December, before ROK and after Special Ops squad was formed, let's look at the detailed timeline of K :
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Special Ops squad was formed on Side Blue, detailed time was on 1st May 2012. Fushimi particularly joined Special Ops Squad and became the third-in-command on 6th June 2012. So the mentioned casts (Special Ops Squad) plus Awashima and Fushimi were expected to have Year End Party together with Munakata, it certainly happened on late December 2012. And what happened on December 2012? Apocalypse well quite almost close to that. On 7th December 2012 Totsuka was dead, and 12 days after, on 19th December 2012 Mikoto was dead, killed by (a very unwilling) Munakata. So if YEP drama CD happened on 23-31 December 2012, more or less a week after the end of Season 1 and Mikoto's death, then...
-Scepter 4 ditched Munakata even thought they were aware that more or less a week before their King killed his friend. If the rest of squad didn't know about Mikorei's relationship, then at least Awashima knew how hard mental blow that was received by Munakata on K Season 1. Yet she still ditched Munakata. I don't know what happened on previous YEP, but would the ever loyal Awashima ditched her King when she knew that Munakata was very possibly on his sad and hurtful period?
-Fushimi taunted Yata with mentioning Mikoto just more or less a week after Mikoto's death. Sure we knew that Fushimi could taunt Yata even after Mikoto's death, but (I hope) he didn't specifically search for Yata and taunt him with how Homra and Mikoto is suck just after Mikoto's death. On canon, after Mikoto's death Fushimi avoided the hell of Yata and Homra, on Missing King Yata called him first, and on ROK, their meeting was coincidental.
-I love Scepter 4 as a whole, and I particularly love Munakata and Fushimi on the same degree. But my love for each of them is a little different. I love both of them to be happy of course, but if Fushimi got flooded with angst, I will feel "oh yeah Fushimi angst, mmm delicious, give me more" but if I stumbled upon Munakata angst I will feel "noooo don't be sad, I don't want him to be sad, please someone fix it!" Yeah sorry Fushimi XD. And that is the reason why I can't enjoy Mikorei after Mikoto's death, because watching Munakata's constant brooding over Mikoto's death is damn uncomfortable for me and I can't even feel sad along with him for Mikoto's death (I don't hate Mikoto, but I am indifferent about him). So yeah, hearing how Munakata sounded genuinely upset when Scepter 4 members ditched him, when Fushimi ditched him, when I heard Munakata's lament that he was alone on the end of video, when more or less a week before he killed his friend, I can't enjoy it. I can't laugh for Munakata's misery, I feel uncomfortable as hell instead.
Please note, just I said, the track is not impossible to be canon. Is it possible for Awashima and the rest of Scepter 4 members to be annoyed enough by Munakata to ditch him even though not long ago Munakata killed his friend and almost died in the process? Yes. Is it possible for Fushimi to taunt Yata with Mikoto after Mikoto’s death? Yes. Is it possible for Munakata to be left alone in a bar? Yes. BUT, as Fushimi, Munakata, Awashima, and overall Scepter 4 fans, that kind of portrayal makes me uncomfortable so much, especially since I valued Scepter 4′s bond so much and don’t care (or you can say quite disliked) about Sarumi’s taunting and fighting, also Munakata angsting over Mikoto. Also if the lack of Yata’s anger and depressed over Mikoto’s death means that the Drama CD happened before Season 1 a.k.a December 2011 (Fushimi joined Scepter 4 on October 2010, so December 2010 would be his first YEP and he shouldn’t know about previous party), then as Scepter 4 nerds I need explanation why only ABCDEFGH, Fushimi, and Awashima that was expected to come when they were not on the same squad before and Fushimi even just an ordinary member of Intelligence Division that rarely associate with Swordsmen Squad as Hidaka pointed out. Compare that to another Scepter 4 annual event like Flower Gazing that included Zenjou, Yayoi, and even we can assumed that there are other Scepter 4 member joined on flower gazing on other places. Also, Flower Gazing as annual event is already mentioned 4 times but there's no mention of Scepter 4 year-end party except on that Drama CD.
Speaking about portrayal, I also don’t like some of jokes on that track. Namely when Munakata said that he installed surveillance camera on Scepter 4 dorm, Awashima’s dorm to be exact. I knew that Munakata is an S and can quite ignore the concept of privacy and personal space, but as a boss and a man, just like Fushimi said, that action is a crime. And not the funny one. Awashima should and must protest for that, no matter how loyal she is to Munakata. And Fushimi as the main advocate of privacy and personal space should not accept that kind of behavior from Munakata and didn’t let Munakata be with just a simple protest. Honestly, if I have a boss who pulled that stint of me, no matter how amazing he is, I will lose my respect on him. And I respect the hell outta Munakata. I will not say that the track is mischarasterized Munakata, since as you said Kabei Yukako (Yellow) is the writer and she wrote an amazing Munakata in LSW and Sand Castle story, but maybe she played with fandom jokes “tyrant Munakata” a little bit too hard.  So yeah, I prefer if that track, especially that particular aspect, is not canon. 
Not that I hate the whole track of course. I like some trivia about Scepter 4, especially the ones that was confirmed canon on other materials like Awashima loves plushies and Benzai has younger sister. I also like when Fushimi can baffle Munakata with his card trick. But still, Scepter 4 YEP Drama CD is uncomfortable for me. 
Also track like Megane of Blue is also written by Gora Orange, it didn’t break the fourth wall or seemed happened on alternate universe, but you don’t actually believe that in canon Munakata truly became crazy if he lost his glasses right? Especially since we already got 2 glasses-less Munakata and he turned out just fine (three if you count Optician Drama CD, which is canon since it was mentioned on Countdown). On drama CD, script writers often exaggerate characters to create a joke, either Gora or non Gora.
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 years
AkiHida where Akiyama gets hit by a strain that makes him lose his dom personality and he basically becomes a docile kitten. Oh and misaru where saru loses his "Chase me notice me attitude" and becomes emotionally detatched like his mother.
So maybe Akiyama’s dom side is also the side that makes him a goodsoldier, like when he’s fighting and he’s all calm and commanding,that’s the dom side in action. So when he gets hit by the Strain ittakes away all of that and now it’s not just that he’s not pinninganyone to the bed anymore he can’t even fight or command the rest ofthe squad the way he normally does, like in the middle of the fightwith the Strain Akiyama suddenly drops his sword and jumps behind thenearest tall object (meaning Hidaka) clinging and shaking becausehe’s scared. Everyone’s very worried of course because Akiyama canusually be counted on to be so steady and good in a crisis and nowhe’s just whimpering and sniffling and won’t let go of Hidaka’s hand.Even Fushimi’s a bit worried because he’s used to Akiyama being oneof the few reliable members of the squad and suddenly Akiyama can’teven be left alone to do anything because he’s too docile to evenwield his sword. Benzai has to take over Akiyama’s duties as fourthin command and help gather the alphabet squad to go after the Strainso Hidaka’s placed in charge of Akiyama for the time being. At firstHidaka thinks that maybe this isn’t so bad, Akiyama’s timid now buthe’s pretty gentle and actually kinda cute, like all Hidaka has to dois pat his head and Akiyama just clings to his arm and smiles andlooks perfectly happy. But after a while it gets just weird, likeHidaka messes up some paperwork and he expects Akiyama to scold himbut instead Akiyama just looks at him (and then Fushimi comes in toscold him instead, which is scarier and ends up with Akiyama curledin the corner shaking like a scared rabbit because Fushimi-san isterrifying and Akiyama can’t take it in this condition). And eventhough they’re dating Hidaka suddenly finds that he can’t even reallykiss Akiyama because Akiyama’s just so docile and accommodating thatHidaka kinda feels like he’s taking advantage of the poor guy, plusit’s just not the same if he’s not being slammed into a wall.
Misaru version, Yata would probably be really worried that Fushimi’ssuddenly not paying any attention to him the way he normally does,like Yata doesn’t particularly like asshole traitor Fushimi who’salways taunting him but cold and aloof Fushimi is somehow worse.Say Fushimi gets hit by the Strain and as he’s trying to resume thechase he almost literally runs into Yata. Yata steels himself for afight, like huh funny running into you here monkey but Fushimi justgives him this cold imperious look for a moment before pushing rightpast Yata as if he was a stranger. Yata’s all confused like waitaren’t we going to fight but Fushimi keeps walking, not even lookingback at him. Part of Yata thinks that well maybe he should just letthis be because it’s not like he wants to fight but I think hewouldn’t quite be able to let it go, like for all Yata hates the wayFushimi acts now he also I think almost sees it in the same wayFushimi does, that at least this way Fushimi is in some measure stillpart of his world and Yata can’t quite let that go. He grabs Fushimiby the shoulder and asks him what his fucking problem is and Fushimijust coldly smacks Yata’s hand away and continues walking. Yatastares after him blankly and then maybe he just gets pissed andstarts yelling, like all right well who cares about you stupid Saruand Yata doesn’t even know why his voice sounds suddenly choked andhis face feels hot. Fushimi meanwhile stops for just a moment, almostimperceptible as he touches a hand against his scars before he keepswalking again, this cold emotionless look on his face, and he neverlooks back.
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Sarumi where Fushimi gets hit by a strain that can switch someone with their past self from an au/timeline. Yata is left with a younger Fushimi who looks terrified and confused as he's just been through something his dad put him through again and Yata is somehow the only one who could calm him until the effect wears off. Meanwhile, current Fushimi gets to take revenge on Niki. While he's not exactly saving his own past self, he's able to make sure that at least one au version of him is okay.
Maybe Fushimi gets switched with a younger Fushimi from a timeline where like Niki never died but maybe Kisa did instead and so Niki decides to make Fushimi the full focus of his 'affection.' Like imagine Fushimi gets hit by the Strain before Yata can jump in to save him, there's a flash of light and suddenly younger Fushimi is sitting there looking terrified. Yata assumes that this is just 'his' Fushimi from the past, it looks like middle school Fushimi but maybe he's wearing a different school uniform because Niki took him out of Himuka in his third year of middle school and sent him somewhere else, isolating him from Yata. Yata gives Fushimi this slightly nervous 'hey, Saruhiko, I know this is weird and you might not recognize me like this but--' and he hasn't even finished before Fushimi just clings to him and gives this small trembling 'Misaki!'.
So now Yata has to try and calm this poor kid down, Fushimi's all shaking and terrified and Yata has no idea what got him into this state but he wishes he could punch whatever that thing is. He's like stroking Fushimi's hair and Fushimi doesn't pull away from him at all, it suddenly reminding Yata painfully of how close he and Saruhiko always were in middle school and how even now that they've made up they haven't quite reached that level of intimacy again. He tries to ask Fushimi what's wrong but Fushimi just gives this little 'that guy was...' and that's really all Yata needs to know. He reassures Fushimi that like he's here and he'll protect Fushimi from anyone who tries to harm him, how he won't let Fushimi be hurt because Fushimi's the most important person in the world to him and even as he's saying that he's worrying about where the 'real' Saruhiko could have gone, like was he just switched with this other Fushimi or is he in the place that this sad terrified Fushimi came from.
Older Fushimi meanwhile finds himself like locked in his old room, tied to the desk with the sounds of someone laughing coming through the door. Fushimi's easily able to free himself using his knives and looking around he doesn't remember any time this happened to him in 'his' timeline, like this is definitely his room but this is a past he doesn't recognize. He hears Niki taunting him through the door though, talking about setting off fireworks in the room or dumping a bunch of cockroaches in if Fushimi can't free himself in two more minutes. Part of Fushimi immediately recoils on hearing that voice again, the voice that echoes in his nightmares sometimes, and he like grabs his own arm to try and stop himself shaking. One of his knives starts to glow red and suddenly Fushimi's able to remind himself that he's not that scared kid anymore, he's stronger than Niki now. Fushimi gets this twisted grin as he's like 'I'm coming out right now,' palming a knife and suddenly feeling this little rush of anticipation.
Hours later little Fushimi has fallen asleep on the couch in Yata's apartment, Yata sitting beside him stroking his hair with one hand and holding Fushimi's hand with the other. Yata thinks how he wishes he could have protected Fushimi at that time too, like maybe he could have done something to make this better. That's when there's another flash of light and the 'regular' Fushimi is sitting there on the couch, looking a little disheveled but no worse for the wear. Yata's so surprised to see him that he just gives this happy 'Saruhiko!' and hugs Fushimi before realizing that whoops, maybe that was too much. Yata worriedly asks Fushimi if everything's okay, just being all concerned about him and Fushimi can't help but give Yata this small soft smile as he assures Yata that everything's fine now, for him and for 'that kid.' (Elsewhere, little Fushimi wakes up standing outside Yata Misaki's house, with a note telling him 'that guy' won't be back anymore and that he should stay here from now on, and don't let go of Misaki once you have him no matter what the voices in your head say.)
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