sxrrandomfanfics · 1 year
Psychonauts headcanon
Compliments, if they have enough positive energy in them, can heal someone in the brain.
(This is why Sasha and Milla are on missions so frequently together /j)
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heretodefyfate · 7 months
Still a little sad that V isn't some cool sci-fi middle-age lady but they are funny
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fangaminghell · 8 months
Arrow, giving the most deadpan expression known to man: ( <- is happy to be there. Vibing)
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rozetheeuwu · 5 months
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My rejuv ocs Maxwell and Cameron wade, they are cousins that were born in Paldea.
Maxwell Wade - 27, He/they, Nonbinary (Masc/ + amab)
Maxwell's team:
Hisuan Braviary
Hisuan Typhlosian
Hisuan Samurott
Hisuan Decidueye
Aevium Sigilyph
Cameron Wade - 24, They/him, Nonbinary, (Masc/agab up to interpretation)
Cameron's team:
Enamorus (Almost never used in battle)
Maxwell left when he was 16 to study in Axis high, after he graduated they became a historian. They are first met in Blacksteeple Castle where they were taken after being in Akuwa Town while the people were being taken by team Xen.
He's close with the people in Sashilla Village, he's very close with Alexandra and Ryland in particular. Although he and Ryland are romantically interested in each other, they both agree that they aren't ready to be in a relationship with each other right now.
Cameron left Paldea when he was 15 to study at the Pokemon Art Academy. However after becoming 18 he dropped out. Ashamed to tell their family, especially their beloved cousin Max, they ran off to Sinnoh where they worked as a graphic designer for a few years.
During his time there they met the pokemon Enamorus who he didn't realize was a pokemon at the time. She stuck around them because she found him amusing and interesting.
At some point he left to face his cousin in Aevium (Where Enamorus forced them to catch her so she could travel with her, only then finally realizing she is a pokemon.). However when they arrived to GDC they chickened out and ran away.
Now they were in a strange region with no money or connections, that's when Madelis found them and gave them the offer to work for her and team Xen. Not realizing what he was getting into he agreed.
He works as the graphic designer for Team Xen (More specifically Madelis). He is first met in Madelis's Palice when you travel alongside Keta.
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jazz-kitty · 1 month
For ask thing - 6, 10 (i think like i have an idea) and 13?
ended up being long
6. least favorite ship(s)
i had beef with melivenam [venelia? (menam? {something else?})] a while ago but i think it's chill now. cute even. adorkable perhaps. and i think talon & florin are interesting enough as Brothers In Arms as opposed to dating. but even that is loose; i just don't think they'd ever call each other the word boyfriend and at the end of the day don't actually care if people want them making out. and that's about the extent of it i think?
i don't really mind any of the ships i've seen; it's a small fandom and the amount of people that mention ships is even smaller. i'm chill with most of em. i'll draw like 80% of them. i see the vision and respect it even if i do not follow it
10. favorite villain / antagonist
smiles. You know. besides flora though who is the default answer because she is the best character ever. i like texen a lot. my friends have made several pieces of artwork with religious allegories with texen because it has been a joke for multiple years. i knew texen before i so much as thought about playing a pokemon fangame. texen was the first fangame character i ever drew. my friend made an entire reborn texture pack just for texen
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and horrifically dedicated bit aside, i do think he's funny & enjoy seeing him on screen. don't diss the do
13. any random theories
this is already getting long as shit so im not explaining any of them #sorry. also because if i think about any of these for too long they fall apart:
eizen is the fourth of whatever eden clear & kieran have going on [chess piece thingies implied there was a fourth bitch and he's weird. idk. theyre in chess club together idk], madame x is the 2nd interceptor thats mentioned at the... interceptor computer thing... in like zeight? i think it was called that?, puppet master is risa and just uses he/him pronouns on the weekend (but she has a job so she doesn't really care about that right now {or rune but its more boring to think its rune just bc she's been off screen and mysterious. she's just dead or something bro #GiveItUp [< i am aware it is probably rune]}), nymiera is one million year old, vitus is one million year old and fumbled nymiera so bad that the plot of rejuvenation happened, whatever the gang in sashilla [ren, erin, venam, melia, you, aelita, other people im forgetting] is was wished for by maria and is why they were all uplled together & maybe the cause of intereceptors entirely, dr isha died however many years ago under a different name and stole the body, brain, organs, or something else that he definitely shouldn't steal to continue "living",
and the evil gang cool squad is the 6 protagonist kids who gave away their bodies to adrest's mom whatever her name is to stop storm 9. they can't do it themselves because they're just a bunch of teenagers, which is why they get uhh. me. hi. to fix the world using their image, while they get to watch Yay! im not sure why anything is specifically LIKE that, but im pretty sure that's whats happening. + adrest is here too because Mom said you have to bring me along if you wanna hang out with your friends :'(
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DarkCupid being nixed is so sad... like I think it'd be at least fun to see some of the Psychonauts fighting against their friends due to his powers. It would be fun to see Sashilla having to go through the same thing that Ladynoir has to go through
Yeah, but I do have a completely different idea for a Valentines Akuma though and this new one is gay :D
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tired-needs-sleep · 1 year
nia likes pretty much anything having to do with the sky, i've noticed- her second favorite type is flying, she likes to fly, likes to cloud watch and later during her stay at sashilla village finds she likes stargazing. there's just something about the sky that calls to her.
she feels completely at ease in the sky when the fear of falling is out of her mind, but she tries not to think about it too much before it gets in the way of flying and she has to land.
she only really knows how to pick out three constellations but might find a guide of some sort to learn more
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tshidar · 5 years
/awkward laugh/
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sxrrandomfanfics · 1 year
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I know her legs aren't long enough but... c'mon. My sister told me "Nutcracker AU" for Psychonauts and... instead of doing my usual ship I KNEW it would fit Sashilla much better.
Screenshot that was the reference under the "Keep reading"
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
If you were to pick a couple song for the following three ships what would they be
Dion X gisu
Raz x Lili
Sasha X Milla
Dion X Gisu/Tricks N Flips/Disu - Either "Invisible Touch" by Genesis Or "Accidentally in Love" by Counting Crows
Raz X Lili/True Psychic Geeks/RazLili - Either "I Won't Say I'm in Love" from Disney's Hercules (or if you want a male voice with the same story "despair" by leo) Or "Bubbly" by Colbie Calliat
Sasha X Milla/Science Party/Sashilla - Either "Nine Lives" from GanzWorld (aka Webkinz) Or "Fly Me to the Moon" by Frank Sinatra
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fangaminghell · 2 years
Everyone @ Blair: Why are u white
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fangaminghell · 4 months
I'd like a recap on Arrow, please!
Alrighty! Arrow has gone through some changes recently so this is a good chance to explain them!
Short version: Arrow is an Ex- bladestar that was on the run from said group, when meeting Imani in Goldenleaf, and then later in blacksteeple castle ( they got yoinked). Arrow is a Star mechanic and engineer, who for a long time had struggled with running away from their own problems, up until they decided it was time to face the future head on! They're very close with Imani and Flynn, acting as an older sibling to both of them!
Long version below~
So all the way from the beginning: Arrow was born and raised in Alamissa Urben, before the Xen strike. They were actually childhood friends with Adam, Ryland, Damien, Alexandra and Karen! When the strike happened they would be,I think, 15? Not entirely sure, I'm waiting for someone to give us a proper timeline of events in rejuv ( which I know would be hard bc. Yeah), but I'm assuming the strike on Alamissa was 10 years before the main events of the game. During that attack, Arrow lost their parents, as a lot of the Alamissa gang did.
Time passes and one way or another, Arrow gets accepted into Axis High University, where they study to become a mechanic. This is where they meet Flora and ultimately join Team Bladestar, due to the pain and anger of what happened to Alamissa never fully going away ( though let's be honest I don't think it ever will). At Bladestar, Arrow was arguably their best mechanic, having a hand in a lot of their machinery- which meant Arrow knew a lot. So much so that Flora couldn't risk them really leaving. But that's getting a bit ahead of ourselves.
Arrow was always quiet, often keeping to themself within the base. That coupled with their hard rbf and soon some grunts thought they were a snobbish asshole who wouldn't bother talking to anyone bc they thought they were better. The reality is that Arrow was either thinking of mechanical stuff, food, or totally not Ryland. SPEAKING OF WHICH. It was nice to be with Ryland in Team Bladestar. They often worked together really, Ryland not taking Arrow's quietness as them being superior and Arrow understanding Ryland's anger and desire for revenge. They understood.....until they really stopped to think about it. What they were doing. That they were going to cause. They were angry, yes, but they would never wish what happened to them to anyone else. That's when they knew they had to leave. And Flora couldn't risk that. The details are still wonky but the end results are the same. Arrow fighting their way out of Bladestar. A fight between them and Ryland that resulted in them now having a bitter connection than a romantic one. And Arrow on the run. Traveling around Aevium. Never going back home. Because they were a coward, and couldn't face their old friends. Their own home.
A lot of things kinda made Arrow realize they need to stop running. For their sake and others. Getting kidnapped and being around Adam during blacksteeple and Terajuma kinda forced Arrow to confront something they have been holding off for a while. It did not help that Flora and Ryland were in Terajuma, which meant more hiding, which meant they couldn't help fight as much as they wanted to. ( They didn't hide when seeing Ryland again. It was brief. It was bitter. But they.... didn't hide).
After Terajuma ( and dropping Flynn off in GDC) they.....well I'm not entirely sure if they stay in GDC for the time travel stuff or they immediately go home to Sashilla. The end results is that Imani meets up with them in Sashilla again, and they help confront Bladestar one last time. To say Arrow was pissed to see what happened to Ryland was an understatement. They were livid. By that point, Arrow's arc of no longer running away is pretty much complete and they officially join Imani n co! Right now I'm figuring out stuff with the school of nightmares since they'll be in it. Aaaaand. Yeah!
Other facts!
Arrow is Hard of Hearing now! They wear hearing aids. They can kinda hear fine without them, but the hearing aids are helpful. They became hoh post the attack on Alamissa.
They have. A lot of scars. From the attack on Alamissa, from raising their pokemon, from their work as an engineer, from escaping Bladestar etc. It makes them look very scary, but I swear they are very nice!
Got their top survey done by Jenkel. To this day they still don't know why or what the fuck Jenkel is going with their chest. But hey free top surgery?
And yeah! That's everything for now, I think! I know this was supposed to be a recap but some things have changed and I wanted to hopefully get it all down lol. If you read all of that: thanks! I hope you enjoyed the read.
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fangaminghell · 6 months
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Been thinking about giving Arrow a new design! Might change some things, but I wanted something more fitting of their like towards warm weather + the fact they have a desert team. Why have such long gloves?.....bc why not. It's also an excuse to show off Arrow's scars and muscles. This is your reminder that Arrow is kinda buff. Not Adam buff, but strong enough to carry heavier objects. Gonna ramble about arrow a bit and it'll have slight spoilers so....yeah!
In general,Arrow kinda has a new arc. They're still running away from Bladestar, but there's more of a them of cowardice with them. They keep on running away. They haven't been in Sashilla in ages, nor have they really contacted their friends. Even Bladestar was a bust, they just kept running until they literally couldn't ( terajuma was the first sign for them, seeing how uh. The majority of their old friend group is there). It's interesting since Arrow had always been seen as this heroic figure in my eyes. The one that's cool calm collected and constantly taking a stand. But here they are, constantly running away. Like a coward. I really like this direction I'm taking with Arrow. Don't worry, Arrow will become the Arrow we all know and love soon enough. They already met Imani and Flynn, and pretty much became an older sibling to them ( Flynn especially who was constantly scared out of her mind in terajuma). Okay, I think that's everything I wanted to say. Later!
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fangaminghell · 2 years
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Gonna answer this here! Chances are, very few of them actually had a sleepover before. Honestly, the only ones that I think would have had one would be Arrow( with the other Sashilla village kids) and maybe Cande ( he seems like the type to have lots of friends). Oh and Asra. Probably tried to summon Giratina. The rest probably never had a proper sleepover during their childhood. Or at least a good one ( *looks at Leo*)
So I feel most of them would be down. Imani would be ECSTATIC. The closest thing she had gotten to a sleepover was camping out with Aelita way back then. So yeah, she's pretty pumped. Flynn and Arrow would just watch her go back and forth packing everything and everything fun they all could do. Which of course includes a makeup kit,nail polish, comics, movies etc. Also she always wanted to do karaoke. It doesn't matter if that's not part of a traditional sleepover, she wants to do it!!! It is adorable, though, watching her get so excited like a little kid. To get something she never had/ could never remember.
Flynn is just going along with whatever is going to happen. She's nervous, she never had a sleepover before, and just hopes she doesn't o ruin the fun. Scary movies are her favorite part though. She loves those.
Arrow hasn't had a sleepover in sooooo long, it kinda makes them feel kiddy. Though at the moment, they are making sure Imani doesn't go overboard and Flynn is comfortable with the others. They aren't overbearing- especially if they are part of the sleep over - but as the "sleepover expert " ( Imani's words, not theirs), they kinda have to be on the look out.
If we are including ALL the ocs here, let's do a quick speed run of
Leo: Nervous as hell. Tries to stay in the background most of the time so he doesn't hog any of the attention. This is due to how he acted in the past. Ultimately joins the fun and would have a good time. Would probably be dragged into an impromptu fashion show by Imani ( it's literally them just posing with their pajamas and blankets lol)
Suraya: Trying to get her brother to join and have fun. Knows he's changed and deserves to be happy for once.
Blair: Is most likely there against xyr will. Tries to be a body gaurd for the group but gets dragged into the mess. Xe hate it ( xe don't).
Asra: Wants to summon ghosts and stuff. Likes scaring others with their horror stories ( though they are very appreciative that Flynn is a fellow horror enthusiast). Generally liked listening to the conversations that are happening around them.
Cande: Another "sleepover expert" according to Imani. Though unlike Arrow, he also wants to go all out. Very much feeds into Imani's excitement. LOVES truth or dare ( she always chooses dare lol).
And that's it! I think! I hope this suffices!!!
Edit: hgvhvgvgvcg I just saw your ask lol.
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fangaminghell · 2 years
Quick question, how long ago was the team Xen attack on sashilla? And was this before or after the calamity?
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fangaminghell · 2 years
1 and 10 for everyone?
Everyone?! Oh boy. Buckle up kids, we're in for a doozy.
1)What’s something that puts them to sleep without fail?
I already did Leo so I'm skipping him.
Imani: Something warm to drink, like hot cocoa! Bonus if there's marshmallows! Yes, it's sweet, but it makes her body warm enough to fall back asleep. Oh! And her plushies :3
Flynn: Usually a good book! Helps her clear her mind after a long day. Either that, or a night of binging horror movies XD
Arrow: Just a good soft bed ☺️. Probably the last to fall asleep of the rejuv trio due to checking on the girls and making sure they're sleeping well AND to work on some projects of their own. But after all that, the hit to bed like a rock lol.
Suraya: She usually hums to herself before sleeping! Or listen to calming music to get her to relax.
Blair: Blair is also the last to sleep, or not sleep at all. Xe take xyr job as a bodyguard seriously,which sadly means xe don't allow xemselves to sleep much. When xe do sleep, xe just do. However, if that sleepover bit I did means anything, it's that Blair, once xe feel comfortable around people, likes having xyr hair played with. It's a new revelation to xem, but it lulls them to sleep easily.
Asra: Asra seems like the type to have lava lambs. The colors and moving lava helps them fall asleep. But they are perfectly fine without it. Though, above all else, having their parasol by their side makes them feel safe and secure.
Cande: Cande is new, so I'm not 100% sure, but I think a heart meal before bed helps!
10)Do they prefer cuddling or holding hands (platonically or romantically <3)?
Imani: BOTH!!! BOTH ARE ALWAYS GOOD!!! Both platonically or romantically, but we all know Imani. She's mostly thinking her hugs and hand holding are platonic. Sadly, some people don't view it that way and thus the "harem" is born. Not gonna stop her though. She loves hugs and holding hands <3
Flynn: Flynn is a shy nervous wreck sometimes, so hand holding and hugs takes a lot. Her time with Imani has made her more used to hugs, though that's probably because it's Imani and she doesn't mind Imani's display of physical affection. Also, the fact that Flynn is one of the shortest, I feel like she's just gonna get squished XD
Arrow: Hugs are eh unless it's super personal. Hand holding is more their thing, so much so that they'll just do it casually without thinking. Que Damien getting flustered by the sudden display of (platonic) affection while Alexandra is pleasantly surprised. Neither let's go, btw. I think Arrow reserves platonic cuddles for those who they consider family ( so Imani and Flynn, and the rest of the sashilla village gang). If we're talking romantically, hand holding is still superior, but cuddles are a lot more often. Even more so, Arrow is usually the one doing the cuddling <3
Leo: Do you want this man to be a flustered mess? I think you do lol. Leo isn't used to either unless they're from his sister. So cuddling or holding hands makes him nervous. This is when it becomes obvious that this poor man is tough starved and is too embarrassed to say anything about it. Cause trust me, once you give it to him, he wants more. He will melt. So yeah. Basically a flustered mess, especially if it's romantic.
Blair: Another touched starved person who won't admit it lol. They definitely realized this when Suraya gave xem a hug to comfort xem ( Suraya gives good hugs y'all) and when Leo played with xyr hair. Blair is much more....reserved than Leo, though. Xe don't want big displays of affection. Xe honestly prefer to keep it small, so hand holding is probably better for xem. That being said, hugs and cuddles aren't completely off the table, just very rare ( cherish it if xe ever ask you for one)
Asra: Both are fine. They prefer being carried lmao. If they had to choose one, however, it would be cuddles. Asra is very small and should be held. This is fact. No. This is LAW.
Cande: Literally whatever works bro. Opposite of Asra: Tall with big string arms meant for cuddling. You can see why Asra likes her so much.
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