#Scamandore rp
Unto The Breach
Closed RP @vehuhia-rp
The aftermath of Grindelwald’s attack in Paris had left the entire country on the brink of war.
With half the auror population consumed by the protego diabolica flames, The Ministry had become enslaved to chaos. Every able body had been drafted to work around the clock to regain some semblance of order but the government had been hit hard and now struggled to keep the country from collapsing.
Theseus was suffering the worst.
Leta Lestrange had been killed directly in front of them, she had sacrificed herself to buy them more time to escape with no intentions of ever winning. So consumed with guilt and trying to repent for the demise of her brother, facing Grindelwald head on in battle alone was a suicide mission and she had known that. Leta had died a martyr and left them to grieve together.
They needed each other more than ever. Newt had insisted Theseus move to his home, no where was safe any more but at least together they could look after each other. Or rather that had been Newt’s plan but his brother had thrown himself into hunting Grindelwald down personally to bestow great vengeance upon the wizard. Theseus wanted to avenge Leta and Newt knew when Theseus burnt out, he would have to be there to pick up the pieces.
Until then he needed a plan.
It was time he visited Hogwarts again to confront his Professor. Albus Dumbledore had a lot of explaining to do, especially considering he had entered a blood pack with Gellert Grindelwald. Newt knew they were close but a blood pack? They might as well be married. This was far beyond some school boy crush.
Then their was the matter of Credence to discuss. The young man has been poisoned by Grindelwald’s honey sweet words and was now in Nurmengard, an unknowing prisoner. No doubt Credence would be manipulated into Gellert’s plan for world domination. The entire situation was snowballing into complete pandemonium.
But. First things first. Hogwarts. Newt wrote a quick letter and began packing. Dumbledore would not reject his letter, too much was stake. For now his creatures could stay here, Bunty could watch over them but Niff and Pick would no doubt want to come along for the ride. He would take his case anyway but he would have to think of a long term plan now he was a target.
There was too much to think about. Newt needed to get his affairs in order.
Thankfully morning arrived with a much needed reply after a fitful nights sleep. His professor had agreed to a meeting. Together, with a bit of luck, they might be able to resolve each issue as it came up practically. 
No matter how many times he had visited Hogwarts over the years the castle was still beautiful and intimating. It was a shame he had so many painful memories connected to his school years, the forest had been his shelter back then. Dumbledore had encouraged his gifts with magically creatures and had more than once turned a blind eye to his nightly escapades. Newt might have to take a wander through the familiar grounds after his meeting.
Taking a deep breath, Newt walked along the bridge feeling like this might be the last peaceful walk he would get in a while. Dumbledore was waiting for him at the entrance, with how many students there were milling around it was clear they were going between classes.
“Professor.” Newt greeted softly. “I think there is a lot we need to discuss.” He requested, wanting to go somewhere private. Even if it meant waiting till nightfall for Dumbledore to be free of his classes to ‘have that cup of tea.’
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vehuhia-rp · 6 years
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live
The battle against Grindelwald had gone as badly as Newt could’ve feared. Not only did Leta die, and Credence and Queenie leave to join Grindelwald, but there were a lot of casualties, too.
Newt, especially. He stayed behind for Theseus as he tried to fight the fire, to reach where Leta had disappeared into dust, and Newt had a hard time grabbing him by the coat and sending him away. And even once he had apparated Theseus to safety, he stayed behind to look for the Niffler.
He couldn’t leave him behind. He’d seen him leave his case, seen him crawl under Grindelwald’s boots, and he couldn’t abandon him when the risks of him getting killed were higher than ever.
But of course, it was only him and his wand, and the curse of a maniac that had gone wrong. His shield charm couldn’t keep the fire at bay for long, and it wasn’t long before it broke and the fire licked at him with a burning tongue.
The smoke was terrible, too. The pain, he could deal with it, but the smoke...
It was everywhere. In his mouth, in his nose, in his eyes, in his lungs. The more he tried to breathe, the more he suffocated, and soon enough his knees gave way under him as more fire surrounded him, burnt his clothes and his skin alike. Only the spells he kept firing kept it from destroying him entirely.
Last thing he saw were brown, battered boots in front of his eyes, before he promptly passed out.
He woke up later in a white bed, in a white room, with big windows on the walls and white curtains pulled against his bed. The walls were raw stone, and it took him a moment to remember where he’d seen them, why they looked so familiar.
Hogwarts. He was in Hogwarts’ nurse office.
He groaned and tried to sit up, only to realise that most of his body was covered in large bandages, and that it hurt.
“Where -”, he croaked, immediately looking for his case. Why was he here? Where was his case? Was the Niffler okay?
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