misxnderstccd · 6 years
What Do You Truly Want? (Closed)
Burns from fire were normally easy to heal. A simple salve made to help sooth the skin, a few days rest, and the skin would heal. But burns from fire made by magic was entirely different. In protecting Theseus, in trying to get his brother to safety, Newt had sustained burns from the blue flames. Any longer and he would have likely disintegrated like the rest. Like Leta.
He was lucky. Grindelwald had likely intended to kill him that night, handing out obvious threats. The man had forced his hand too, make him pick a side. The burns sustained were along his arms and up across his back, a result of shielding Theseus before apparating away. The flames didn’t appear to burn his clothing, but burned through his clothing. Charring skin and leaving the magizoologist with yet another scar to add to his collection. Though, this was twice now that Grindelwald had left a mark on his body and he did not like the habit the man was starting to make of it.
As a precaution with Newt’s injuries, Theseus insisted that he stay at Hogwarts. Although Theseus was not very trusting of Dumbledore at the moment, it was the safest place for Newt after Grindelwald’s threats. To his brothers surprise, Newt did not fight him on this one. In fact, he plainly agreed to it. He had not informed anyone of the item that his niffler had swiped from Grindelwald, not even Theseus. Dumbledore was a long time friend of his and he knew blood magic was strictly forbidden. He didn’t want the Ministry to find yet another reason to hate Albus Dumbledore. So he kept it a secret, figuring he could talk to Albus about it during his stay at Hogwarts.
Newt had been given accommodations, the school having several spare rooms for staff members that they were not using at the moment, so he at least had some privacy. Though, he was still required to get his bandages changed on his arms and back changed at least once a day so he had to make daily trips to the medical wing of the school. He preferred to do it in the morning to get it out of the way, and it appeared to be one of the quieter times in the medical wing. It was still so strange to be back in the very place that his life had fallen apart.
“Thank you...” he spoke softly, pulling on his shirt and carefully doing up the buttons. “Not a problem, Mister Scamander,” the older woman smiled at him, “You always were one to get yourself into trouble. I remember treating several injuries when you were a student here...Though, some of them were not made by any creature you were caring for...” She hummed as she put away her medical supplies, Newt watching her for a moment. “I’m not trying to make a habit out of this, I promise...” he gave a weak smile, “Nor did I expect you to be the one treating my injuries again, Misses Ardrine.” She sighed, looking back at him rather fondly. “No, I suppose it is simply an occupational hazard,” she winked, noting as he looked away again, “Have a good day, Newt...” She put a gentle hand on his shoulder for a moment before turning away to continue with her work.
Newt waved his wand and his bowtie quickly tied itself around his neck, under the collar of his shirt. With that done, Newt left the medical wing. He had already memorized Albus’ teaching schedule since arriving there so he knew that his class would be ending. A perfect time to drop by for tea. A hand instinctively rested on the right front pocket of his trousers, feeling the blood pact was there. Today was the day he hoped to discuss it with Albus, he only hoped the man would finally be truthful with him. He moved through the halls, eyes glancing towards the familiar moving portraits as he went. This place hadn’t changed much at all since he had last attended here.
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He heard chatter up ahead, bringing his attention forward as he noticed the groups of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor students exiting the area that led to Albus’ classroom. He stepped aside, pressing himself against the wall as the children moved past him. They all but ignore him, continuing on with their laughter and chatter. It was a familiar feeling of being ignored. He often found himself ignored when he was a student there, though he did garner some unwanted attention from several bullies. He shook his head, brushing aside those silly thoughts of the past and peeled himself from the wall as the last few students trailed away.
Newt stepped towards the classroom, peering inside as he tapped on the door. “Good morning..” he smiled softly, looking to Albus before his gaze quickly fell to the familiarity of the room. He stepped inside, eyes wandering over the room that felt oddly smaller than he remembered it being. “I was hoping..we could have some tea together..?” Newt asked absent-mindedly, “If you aren’t busy, of course...”
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Unto The Breach
Closed RP @vehuhia-rp
The aftermath of Grindelwald’s attack in Paris had left the entire country on the brink of war.
With half the auror population consumed by the protego diabolica flames, The Ministry had become enslaved to chaos. Every able body had been drafted to work around the clock to regain some semblance of order but the government had been hit hard and now struggled to keep the country from collapsing.
Theseus was suffering the worst.
Leta Lestrange had been killed directly in front of them, she had sacrificed herself to buy them more time to escape with no intentions of ever winning. So consumed with guilt and trying to repent for the demise of her brother, facing Grindelwald head on in battle alone was a suicide mission and she had known that. Leta had died a martyr and left them to grieve together.
They needed each other more than ever. Newt had insisted Theseus move to his home, no where was safe any more but at least together they could look after each other. Or rather that had been Newt’s plan but his brother had thrown himself into hunting Grindelwald down personally to bestow great vengeance upon the wizard. Theseus wanted to avenge Leta and Newt knew when Theseus burnt out, he would have to be there to pick up the pieces.
Until then he needed a plan.
It was time he visited Hogwarts again to confront his Professor. Albus Dumbledore had a lot of explaining to do, especially considering he had entered a blood pack with Gellert Grindelwald. Newt knew they were close but a blood pack? They might as well be married. This was far beyond some school boy crush.
Then their was the matter of Credence to discuss. The young man has been poisoned by Grindelwald’s honey sweet words and was now in Nurmengard, an unknowing prisoner. No doubt Credence would be manipulated into Gellert’s plan for world domination. The entire situation was snowballing into complete pandemonium.
But. First things first. Hogwarts. Newt wrote a quick letter and began packing. Dumbledore would not reject his letter, too much was stake. For now his creatures could stay here, Bunty could watch over them but Niff and Pick would no doubt want to come along for the ride. He would take his case anyway but he would have to think of a long term plan now he was a target.
There was too much to think about. Newt needed to get his affairs in order.
Thankfully morning arrived with a much needed reply after a fitful nights sleep. His professor had agreed to a meeting. Together, with a bit of luck, they might be able to resolve each issue as it came up practically. 
No matter how many times he had visited Hogwarts over the years the castle was still beautiful and intimating. It was a shame he had so many painful memories connected to his school years, the forest had been his shelter back then. Dumbledore had encouraged his gifts with magically creatures and had more than once turned a blind eye to his nightly escapades. Newt might have to take a wander through the familiar grounds after his meeting.
Taking a deep breath, Newt walked along the bridge feeling like this might be the last peaceful walk he would get in a while. Dumbledore was waiting for him at the entrance, with how many students there were milling around it was clear they were going between classes.
“Professor.” Newt greeted softly. “I think there is a lot we need to discuss.” He requested, wanting to go somewhere private. Even if it meant waiting till nightfall for Dumbledore to be free of his classes to ‘have that cup of tea.’
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Bonded enemies || Closed rp with vehuhia
Percival Graves had become cocky. It was to be expected, really. One couldn’t be the most powerful auror of their time, become Director of Magical Security and head of MACUSA’s Department of Magical Law Enforcement without becoming overconfident. Percival knew it, and he didn’t hide it. Wasn’t ashamed of it. That was a part of who he was, now.
But he had become cocky, and that had been his biggest mistake.
When Gellert Grindelwald had appeared in an empty alleyway where Percival had been investigating the disparition of his friend, Theseus Scamander - disparition, yes, because he wasn’t dead, he couldn’t be dead, he was just missing, it was all, and Percival would bring him home safe and sound, thank you very much -, Percival hadn’t run away. Hadn’t called out for help.
Because, honestly, if there was someone who could bring down Gellert Grindelwald, greatest wizard of their time, it was him. Percival Graves. So he had merely smirked, drawn out his wand - and he could already imagine Picquery’s face when he would brought her Grindelwald, wrists bound and fury clear into his mismatched eyes -
Except that the fight that ensues wasn’t at all what Percival had imagined. He had known that Grindelwald was an excellent duelist, and yet, it seemed that he had underestimated him. It actually didn’t take long for the man to disarm Percival - less than twenty minutes, that was pathetic - and to bring him to his knees.
Percival had been so sure he was going to die there and then, and he had already made peace with his destiny. He had always known that this was how he was going to go: in a glorious fight against evil.
But Grindelwald hadn’t killed him. No. He had knocked him out, and brought him into a miserable cell, where he had tortured him, trying to extract informations from him. Again. And again. And again. For what had felt like months. But Percival had kept his mouth shut, his mental wards up, and hadn’t revealed any secret. Hadn’t allowed the bastard into his head, despite the hunger, the pain, the exhaustion, the fear.
If he was going to die there, he wasn’t going to talk. Never. The man had taken everything from him, he wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction to open his mouth.
That was in this state of mind that he opened his eyes, one day - night? -, lifting his chin defiantly as Grindelwald entered his cell, looking at him in the eye, fury making his magic swirl furiously inside him - But the chains on his wrists and ankles didn’t allow him to use it. It was furious inside him, and it was useless, and it drained Percival more surely than any torture Grindelwald had up his sleeve.
He wasn’t going to show the man how scared he really was. He had fought during the war, damn it. He didn’t fear a fucking mismatched eyed albino.
But that time… something was wrong. All of his instincts screamed it to him. Something was terribly, terribly wrong. There was a smell, a smell he knew all too well, and the wolf in him clawed at his insides and whined as he realized that it wasn’t right. There was Theseus’ smell, but… it was wrong, somehow. Different. He smelled like death. He smelled like blood.
He smelled like vampires.
And his doubts were only confirmed when the auror, his friend, stepped into the room, eyes wide and mad, dry blood creaking in his chin and fangs pointing between his full lips.
And Percival suddenly wanted to be sick.
“What did they do to you…?”, he breathed, his heart clenching painfully in his chest, his voice made hoarse by too many hours spent screaming in agony. So worried and furious in his friend’s behalf that he forgot to be scared, forgot that he was in the same room as a vampire lost in a blood frenzy.
Had he always smelled like that? Theseus cocked his head to the side and breathed in deeply, trying to pinpoint the exact smell. But he couldn’t, he’d never smelled that scent before, couldn’t pinpoint it even with his sensitive nose. He just knew Percival's scent was deeper, like the forest, pine, musky, but also the slight smell of wet dog, which was just off putting.
At the same time, his blood smelled tantalizing. Rich, deep, like velvet chocolate cake fresh out of the oven. It made him hum with excitement as he slowly moved closer, waiting for his master to give him space before moving in.
“Bite him and feed, but don’t drain him. I need him alive...” His master and creator took their leave and he was left alone with poor little Percy.
Theseus smirked at the question, at the look of horror on Percival’s face. He carefully reached out and stroked the warm cheek, feeling the blood thrum in its veins underneath his fingers. 
“So now you want to know?” He chuckled, anger churning inside of him. Percy had abandoned him, had never even bothered to find him. Both his creator and master had made that abundantly clear and Theseus had no reason to distrust them at this point. “I spend seventy six hours in agony, Percy...
Do you know how fast we turn? Within twenty four hours... but not me. Oh no, no I turned in three days. Because fate doesn’t give a fuck about me. And neither did you.”
He leaned in, pressing his nose against Percival’s cheek and inhaled. Groaning at the conflicting smells he picked up. Confusion settled on his features and he leaned back slightly, cupping the wizard’s cheeks to make eye contact. “Your blood smells divine, but you....”
Theseus scoffed “You smell like wet dog.”
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Soul bound || closed with vehuhia
@vehuhia People passed him by on the street as if he was nothing. And maybe he really was nothing, ma told him so all the time after all. He kept his head down, trying to pass out the little pamphlets he'd been given. But as always he had very little success. He rubbed his right arm, over the name that had been engraved in his flesh from the day he was born. A rare thing among soulmates apparently. For most they showed up during puberty. But of course Credence was an exception, he was abnormal, an abomination. Percival Graves. That was the name he'd been marked with for twenty two years already. He'd given up hope that he would ever find the man. He looked up, freezing as he spotted a man across the street. He was being watched... But Why?
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riluu · 7 years
pretty sure @vehuhia saved my life today, like, not even joking
RP indirectly saved my life
if I hadn’t chilled in my car for ten minutes writing up a reply after work, I probably would have been *in* the fatal wreck that I came across rather than being detoured around it
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Let me be me || Closed rp with vehuhia
“Daddy? When’s uncle Newt coming off the boat?” Cassie looked up at him, her big green eyes filled with wonder and excitement at seeing her uncle again. It was so strange to see someone who looked so much like him, to see his daughter standing next to him. Holding his hand as they waited for the boat to dock and unload.
“Any minute, darling. Just be patient.” He gently ran a hand through her hair, letting her press close to his leg. A lot of people were gathered on the docks, waiting for the steam liner from America to arrive. It wasn’t packed, but it was busy and he didn’t want Cassie to get lost in the chaos. “Just stay close, alright?”
“It’s so big…” Cassie looked at the enormous vessel with wide eyes, jumping up and down as they lowered the walking board and people started coming off. The docks filled with more people, bumping into them here and there. But nothing Theseus couldn’t fend off himself, he made himself broader,  protecting Cassie while keeping an eye out for his brother. With his 6’0 feet, he was taller than most everyone around him and it was easy for him to spot people in a crowd.
Still, he hadn’t seen this guy coming. Someone bumped into him and he instinctively reached out to grab said person. Frowning as he felt a spark of magical energy release from the man’s form. He could sense something was wrong, he wasn’t sure what it was but he knew it wasn’t good. So he made the quick judgement to offer his help. “Are you alright? Do you need help?”
Cassie caught on. “We can help, mister. My daddy fixes anything!”
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Lost & Found || Closed rp with vehuhia
Three days, that’s the amount of time he’d been granted before he had to leave the country. A few days to get his affairs in order and his suitcase sorted. But there was one last task he had to complete. Back in the underground he’d seen the little whisp of black escaping MACUSA’s clutches. It gave him hope that Credence Barebone survived the attack on his Obscurus.
During his time in Sudan he’d had the time to study the magical parasite, learned its secrets and magical signature. And he was fairly sure he was on Credence’s trail at the moment.
The last time he’d seen him, the Obscurus had been hurt badly. So it was unlikely he’d gotten very far. Newt stayed in the shadows of New York’s dark alleyways, trying to stay on the trail to the best of his abilities.
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misxnderstccd · 5 years
★★★★★ YO! Five star blog. Send this to those who you think are not only quality in character but beautiful and quality out of character too.
So instead of posting each one I received in my ask box, I decided to do this. First off, thank you to everyone who sent me one/tagged me. You’re all amazing. I really wish I could tag everyone in this, and there is always a chance I will miss someone. But just know that you are all amazing people, both IC and OOC. I love interacting and chatting with each and every one of you, even if you’re not tagged. You’re all beautiful and I’m so lucky to have you and your patience <3
@loveisforchildren-percivalgraves, @magicalmusesandwheretofindthem, @bittenasachild-remus, @was-wicked, @scharfezunge, @headmasterofhogwarts, @gallertgrindelwald, @aurorofconfidence, @greatergoodfolly, @allforthegreatergood, @nicholas-wolfwood, @folgtmir-odersterbt, @implicatedbyprophecy, @obscuredbones, @jonathancrane2011, @therevcnant, @ofvallianceandvillainy, @nuntiusdiaboli, @wemadeemcocoa, @vehuhia-rp, @yoursaviourhasarrived, @fcntcsticmuses, @hannah-the-small, @dontsaysalamander, @persimmonsofsilver, @directorofmagicalsecuritymacusa, @magicalxwarriors
I probably missed people, and I know some I tagged we haven’t talked/rped in a while. But you’re all still on my mind and I admire you all, even from afar <3
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misxnderstccd · 6 years
#Positivity Protocol! 😄💙☀️ Send this to ten muns who you think portray their muses so damn well and are just generally awesome!
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You guys are too sweet to mean, I swear!
Positivity for all! Cause there are far too many of you!! If I tagged you on Connor, well you’re being tagged again
@nicholas-wolfwood, @gallertgrindelwald, @headmasterofhogwarts, @scharfezunge, @greatergoodfolly, @allforthegreatergood, @was-wicked, @implicatedbyprophecy, @loveisforchildren-percivalgraves (And all your blogs!), @aurorofconfidence, @wizardingvisionary, @ofdumbledores, @folgtmir-odersterbt, @mega-ringsandthings-world, @dontsaysalamander, @thatsecondsalemboy (and all your blogs @directorofmagicalsecuritymacusa, @magicalmusesandwheretofindthem (and all your muses!), @yoursaviourhasarrived, @hannah-the-small, @fcntcsticmuses, @vehuhia-rp, and everyone!!!
If I didn’t tag you, consider yourself tagged by reading this! You are all absolutely amazing and you put up with me. Thank you
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🍵 tea time.
Originally posted by bigfreddieenergy
Newt got : Nettle Leaf Tea
You’re a little tough and prickly on the outside, but around people you trust and like, you’re actually nurturing. If people take the time to work past your barbs — like your pessimistic and sometimes mean sense of humor, tbh — you reward them with loyalty. You might not be for everyone, but you *are* true to yourself. Just be careful that you don’t push people away before they learn what a supportive human you can be.
Tagged: Thank you @vehuhia-rp it was a fun quiz xD
Tagging: @wickedobscurialaurelius if you fancy a crack at it :)
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~ What Chess Piece Represents You? ~
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Newt’s Result:
White Knight
You are a White Knight, The ideal hero, the man of the people. As the only type of piece that can jump over others, you can easily get yourself in or out of a situation - always catching people off guard. Being a knight doesn't mean you have to be sworn to the crown, your first love is for the people around you, or maybe it's for yourself. Knights are known to be eccentric and known to bend the rules in their favor. Just be careful, for all your charisma, there is a limit to how far the truth will get you. Will you bend your morals just like the truth? Or will you stay your course upon your trusty steed.
“A man defending the liberal rights of all magical creatures absolutely,” Newt huffed in bewildered amusement, “The rest could be used as admissible evidence in a court of law.” Bending the rules when they were morally unjust is the only way to make real change happen.
That, and he found the customs desk in most countries to be incredibly tedious.
Tagged by the wonderful: @askjerrydandridge
Tagging: @wickedobscurialaurelius​ @vehuhia-rp​
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Heart- What’s the absolute best experience you’ve had in RP? 
Good question! The best RP experience I think I’ve had was when we started our RP over email Bad Moon Rising and you challenged me to writer better than I ever have with a partner and then you encouraged me to write a tumblr blog and here we are! Party Popper/light/firework- Has roleplay positively affected your life in some ways?Aww hell yeahh~ I’ve made some incredible friends in the last 9 months and I talk to you 3 on a regular basis :’) (@director-percival-graves&@vehuhia) and I actually got the chance to visit Vehuhia in France for a week which was incredible. Hopefully I get to see the rest of you soon #casuallyinvitingmyselfover. But in all serious you three are the best things to come out of this blog and RP in general. 
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After all the things that have happened in my private life, I would like to think all of my wonderful rp partners for being so patient with me. @realpercivalgraves, @vehuhia, @askjerrydandrige, @macusa-directorofmagicalsecurity, @classification-newt-scamander, @director-percival-graves and many more, thank you for being so patient and awesome. I'll try to get as many replies out as I can tonight.
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• NAME: Ash • PRONOUNS: She/her • TAKEN OR SINGLE: I’m a single pringle. 
– THREE FACTS. • I would consider myself a fine artist. I typically paint in acrylic but I also enjoy pencil, pencil crayon, chalk, charcoal, oil paint and pastel.  • I have an undergraduates degree in psychology • I have an anxiety disorder I’m working through in CBT therapy. 
– EXPERIENCE. • HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): I have been writing since I was 17 so for the last 6 years.  • PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Email, Omegle, Tumblr and Skype • BEST EXPERIENCE: Too many to count. I feel collective my best experience is when the person you talk to becomes your friend. I’m grateful for every friendship I’ve forge with my rp partners. You are all deeply appreciated. 
– MUSE PREFERENCES. • FEMALE OR MALE: Male. • FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I enjoy fluff, angst mostly, I think my favourite it hurt/comfort. I need a light at the end of the tunnel.  • LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Overall I prefer long replies because I feel you get a better sense of both characters but I also like short replies. You can build a world much quicker or if you want to drabble :)  • BEST TIME TO WRITE: Any time I get a free moment to myself.  • ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I think I’m a bit like Newt in away. A gentle soul. I try and find the good in everyone and everything. I hope to make a difference. 
I was tagged by the lovely @deathlesshallows and the fantastic @nootnootandthesaurusscamander
I would like to tag @vehuhia, @director-percival-graves, @tinathecareergirl, @trucidavit you don’t need to do it if you don’t want too. I hope you’re having a good day :) 
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About the mun
I got tagged by @deathlesshallows
I’m 5′3
I have a smol scar on the left side of my nose
I have a mole on one of my waterlines
My eyes are heterochromic, they’re blue/green with a brown band around the pupil
My hair is dark blonde but I dye it golden blonde
I have shoulder lenght hair, that is curly/wavy
I have medium-ish hair, kinda like Ezra before they cut the hair for the Credence role. And it’s curly-wavy too.
I wear comfy clothes 99% of the time, sweatpants, shorts, sweaters, graphic t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. I’m basically genderless when it comes to my clothes.
I’m a Hufflepuff, through an through. On nearly every test I take I’m sorted into the house of Badgers. I’m also a pukwudgie. But don’t be fooled, you hurt my friends and I will end you. If you’re cool and nice, I will be your friend until the end of my days.
My Pottermore patronus is a horse, but I personally disagree. My patronus should be a labrador retriever.
INFP-T personality type, the Mediator
I’m a very polite and friendly person and generally a friend to all.
My biggest hobbies are cosplay, writing and video making
I still live at my parents’ house at age 25.
I tend to wait and see what people do, I’m not very assertive and pretty insecure. Although I’m better when in cosplay or on Tumblr.
Thanks to my partner in crime I have a huge celeb crush on both Ezra Miller and Collin Farrel. Other celeb crushes include Eddie Redmayne, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Josh Duhamel, Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Felton, Emma Watson and Grant Gustin.
I’m a fairly decent writer, my grammar and spelling aren’t the best, neither is my sentence structure. But I’m very good at coming up with different scenarios and I’m told my characterization and emotional capacity when writing are very good.
I’m calm, patient and very understanding of people’s view points.
I’m very bad at debating and hardly ever win, but that’s what Slytherin friends are for.
I’m really good with dates and useless facts
I’m fairly decent at coming up with headcanons and theories.
I’m like the muggle version of Newt Scamander, I know my animals and they tend to gravitate towards me.
Reading and RP
Writing fiction
Videography / Video editing
Gif making/ Graphic making
Played field hockey for 18 years
I curse like a motherfucking sailor and I tend to blabber before I think
I babble like crazy and people either love it or hate it.
I am demiromantic and bi/pan-sexual.
I am currently single.
I have one biological sibling
Two adopted sisters and one adopted brother/platonic soulmate @realpercivalgraves​
I go to college and work at Domino’s pizza as a delivery driver.
Worrying means you suffer twice
I love Theseus Scamander and will defend my potato beyond the grave
Thesival/Gramander/Gradence and Thedence are my jam
I don’t like Newtina or Goldgraves (have nothing against those who ship it, you do you)
I’m Dutch but I live in Germany
I tag anyone who wants to do it, and those that I actually tag don’t have to do it. It’s up to you, guys.
@realpercivalgraves, @vehuhia, @ofnifflersandbowtruckles
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