#Schepers Bosman
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In MUSEUM JAN in Amstelveen until June 18 the exhibition of fashion illustrator PIET PARIS (ArtEZ Fashion Design BA alumnus) in dialogue with other ArtEZ alumni such as Viktor & Rolf, Spijkers & Spijkers, DIED/Diederik Verbakel, Schepers Bosman and Jef Montes.
thanks to @schepersbosman for the pics
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freshthoughts2020 · 5 years
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crocomag · 6 years
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Get to know Nina Catalina Dancet! We soon picked up on her work when we saw her latest project title 'X' which aims to showcase talented people who need more recognition. Team: ig. photographer: @ninacatalinadancet | ig. MUA: @mathildevanhoof | ig. Stylist: @elisabarbadoro | ig. Production: @oto.studio | ig. Models: @michielloonen @aramgerits | brand:Schepers Bosman
More here
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mimi-berlin · 6 years
Schepers Bosman
Last Thursday, 21st of June, Dutch fashion label Schepers Bosman presented their new collection from Paris, France. The Spring / Summer 2019 menswear collection is about ‘being a tourist in your own city’. With their fashion design Schepers Bosman try to paint an image of a big city, with it’s unknown, undiscovered peripheral areas.
photocredits: Schepers Bosman
photocredits: Schepers Bosman
photocredits: Schepers Bosman
photocredits: Schepers Bosman
Look 9, Schepers Bosman, SS19. photocredits: Schepers Bosman
(imagecredits schepersbosman.com)
Modern Escapism
Schepers Bosman gathered exotic elements from their surroundings in Amsterdam, which is situated in the New-West part of the city. Fifties mosaics and murals found in that neighborhood have been translated into abstract prints and cast as a layer over Schepers Bosman’s modern, elaborated holiday wardrobe, Dutch fashion at it’s best.
Dutch Fashion
All patterns and garments are designed, developed and manufactured in their own studio. Same goes for the prints, which are applied and embroidered both manually and mechanically. Except for nylon, the materials used for this collection are natural: satin cotton, silk, light weight denim and jersey.
About Schepers Bosman
Schepers Bosman is an Amsterdam based designer duo made up of Sanne Schepers (1989) and Anne Bosman (1988) which was formed in January 2017, after the closure of their former label Futura.
Schepers and Bosman graduated in 2011 with honours at ArtEZ Institute of the Arts Arnhem, BA Fashion Design. Schepers continued her studies at l’Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) in Paris. Bosman also studied further and graduated from Central Saint Martins London, MA Menswear.
In past years Schepers won the Lichting G-Star Raw Talent Award 2011, while Bosman won two H&M Design Awards. In 2017 the duo won the international design competition Les Etoiles Mercedes-Benz.
A future vision of Amsterdam as a metropolis
“The collection was made possible thanks to the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK) and the 3PackageDeal. Shoes in collaboration with Mephisto. Schepers Bosman joins with this vision the mission of ‘We Make the City’, and proudly present Amsterdam Nieuw-West. A future vision of Amsterdam as a metropolis.”
Dutch fashion label Schepers Bosman are based in Amsterdam but they presented their newest menswear collection for SS19 from Paris, France. Read more about that! Schepers Bosman Last Thursday, 21st of June, Dutch fashion label Schepers Bosman presented their new collection from Paris, France.
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nishetanil · 4 years
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Schepers Bosman Spring/Summer 2021 http://dlvr.it/Rbw7cY via @JennaBellaRose
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inge-portfolio · 4 years
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BOS Design a Can Competition at X BANK - Oct. 2017
This was a small event in collaboration with BOS Ice Tea. I focussed mainly on production, F&B (making sure everybody got a cocktail with - of course - BOS Ice Tea in it) and creating awareness via social media. 
ABOUT THE OPENING “In collaboration with BOS Ice Tea, we festively launched their BOS Design A Can Competition at X BANK on the 12th of October. With this campaign BOS encourages everyone to express their creativity by designing their own BOS signature can.To kick-off the competition and get inspired, BOS created limited edition prints in collaboration with seven Dutch designers; Juhee Hahm, Jelle Rietveld, Tess van Zalinge, Schepers Bosman, Karim Adduchi, Harris Blondman and Brent Dahl.” - X BANK
Credits: BOS Ice Tea
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virginiamurrayblog · 6 years
Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week. Primavera Estate 2019
Adam Kost
Adam Kost
Adam Kost
Adam Kost
Adam Kost
Artez: Martan
Artez: Lisa Konno
Artez: Maison The Faux
Artez: Schepers Bosman
Artez: Peet Dullaert
Dominika Kozakova
Dominika Kozakova
Dominika Kozakova
Dominika Kozakova
Dominika Kozakova
Jan Cerny
Jan Cerny
Jan Cerny
Jan Cerny
Jan Cerny
La Formela
La Formela
La Formela
La Formela
La Formela
Outsiders Division
Outsiders Division
Outsiders Division
Outsiders Division
Outsiders Division
UTB-ZLIN: Eva Papouskova
UTB-ZLIN: Eva Papouskova
UTB-ZLIN: Eva Papouskova
Il Clam-Gallas Palace ha ospitato per la seconda volta la Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week di Praga per la stagione Primavera Estate 2019. La regalità dei suoi saloni, che rievocano una ricchezza prussiana, ha perfettamente incorniciato quello che ormai può essere definito come un possente desiderio di creatività che anima la capitale della Repubblica Ceca. Questa ultima edizione è stata caratterizzata da un clima di maggior rilassatezza, oltre che da temperature decisamente più ospitali, non riuscendo però a oscurare del tutto la mancanza, seppur sottile, di alcuni designer di spicco. Questa assenza ha d’altra parte favorito i creativi più giovani che hanno dato prova del proprio talento e, in alcuni casi, della rapida evoluzione di quest’ultimo.
Ecco i migliori secondo Vogue Talents.
Tra i primi a sfilare c’è stato il giovane Adam Kost che ha mostrato una crescita stilistica rispetto alla precedente edizione, eufemisticamente impressionante. Revision of Masculinity è il tema della sua collezione che reintepreta capi prettamente appartenenti al mondo femminile rendendoli perfetti per il guardaroba dell’uomo moderno, senza però far pensare troppo e quindi superando velocemente una noiosa estetica genderless. Con un sapiente uso di colori brillanti la maglieria diventa il fulcro per Kost  con pantaloni ampi, maglioni oversize al cubo e una serie di completi con un collo allungato dalla stampa vagamente preistorica, fatto per rievocare un foulard.
Dominika Kozáková è la più dolce e timida tra le anime punk. Ma resta pur sempre punk. La sua collezione Homecoming Queens è un omaggio psichedelico a Vivienne Westwood con una rielaborazione del logo della designer britannica in chiave Kozáková. Le stampe prepotenti, l‘uso del latex e del pitone, così come i dettagli al neon si combinano a una acuta profondità della designer che si chiede cosa ci si aspetta dalle persone, soprattutto basandosi sull’impatto estetico. Il risultato è divertente ma davvero potente e rappresenta un invito a entrare nel suo mondo.
La ArtEZ University of the Arts di Arnhem in Olanda ha presentato cinque dei suoi talenti migliori con uno show collettivo che ha fatto subito dimenticare la loro giovane età. A partire da Peet Dullaert che ha proposto un plissé raffinatissimo, tale da rievocare le meraviglie di Mariano Fortuny. Martan, brand di Diek Pothoven e Luuk Kuijf ha invece giocato con i toni acidi e le ricche decorazioni per i suoi moderni tailleur, mentre Sanne Schepers e Anne Bosman di Schepers Bosman ha disegnato una collezione unisex che omaggia il bowling ma con un’attitude che mixa la vacanza allo skateboard. Lisa Konno diventa regina del nylon con overcoat e bomber dai toni saturi, accostati a contrasto a pantaloni ampi e morbidi; per concludere con Maison The Faux di Tessa de Boer e Joris Suk che hanno portato a Praga il loro fetish punk con accenti borghesi.
L’università Tomáše Bati di Zlín ci ha fatto conoscere due giovani e talentuose designer. Eva Papoušková con la sua collezione Fashion follows Function ha mostrato con vera genialità come la funzionalità possa essere assolutamente vincente. I suoi capi unisex dall’attitude sportiva hanno innovative abbottonature prodotte in Giappone, volumi ripensati per un utilizzo che non intacchi la silhouette e dettagli che rivelano una vera comprensione della vestibilità quotidiana. Michaela Hrinova con il suo AiM si ispira invece ai festival musicali estivi per una collezione divertente che, pur mantenendosi essenziale, non perde neanche una goccia della sua forte personalità.
Laformela di Antonín Soukup e Mirdzina Kohutiarová ha optato per una svolta iper-femminile e vagamente glamour per la sua nuova collezione che mantiene comunque il caratteristico concept sportivo. I tessuti luminosi si combinano così a coulisse e nylon per abiti moderni, mentre le giacche a vento sono proposte su pencil skirt, così come i blouson di pitone sono abbinati a pantaloni solo apparentemente sartoriali. Questo gioco si ripete e si alterna in tutte le proposte, pur facendo comunque sentire la mancanza del menswear che ci aveva colpito così tanto nella scorsa edizione.
Jan Cerny è un vero enfant prodige dello streetwear e lo ha nuovamente dimostrato con una sfilata presentata in un parcheggio all’aperto collegato a un garage sotterraneo usato come backstage. Egotrip è il titolo scelto da Cerny perché, come ha spiegato subito dopo lo show, questa collezione è stata realizzata per se stesso. In realtà spicca la collaborazione con l’artista slovacco Martin Lukáč che lo ha aiutato nella creazione di questi “viaggi egoistici” con decorazioni dipinte a mano che conferiscono un tocco di sofisticatezza. La collezione rivela quindi una qualità superiore rispetto al passato, grazie anche a lavorazioni come il maxi plissé delle felpe.
Outsiders Division è il brand spagnolo fondato da David Méndez Alonso, Alberto Perancho  e Ales Gallifa. Il divertimento e il colore sono decisamente gli elementi chiave della collezione presentata a Praga, grazie a un’estetica pop arricchita da decori naïf. I pantaloni cropped e ampi sono proposti con un outerwear brillante fatto di trench e bomber. Perfettamente in linea con l’intero concept i bucket hat e i volumi velatamente clowneschi, ma nell’accezione più positiva del termine.
Infine Chatty di Radka Sirková e Anna Tušková torna alla carica dopo una precedente collezione un po’ fiacca. Per la prossima Primavera Estate il rapporto tra sport agonistico e moda rappresenta un perfetto fil rouge con lo scopo di cogliere lo spirito che anima questi due mondi così lontani. In passerella ricompare il denim caratteristico del brand, di cui si era sentita la mancanza, con completi moderni, overcoat e jeans dal taglio asimmetrico. La femminilità si combina perfettamente a questa ispirazione sportiva con trasparenze delicate e fantasie rigate.
L'articolo Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week. Primavera Estate 2019 sembra essere il primo su Vogue.it.
Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week. Primavera Estate 2019 published first on https://wholesalescarvescity.tumblr.com/
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preports · 7 years
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Schepers Bosman @ #amsterdamfashionweek #mbfw #Amsterdam #mbfwa #fashionweek #menswear #streetstyle #sailing #artez #schepersbosman #raincoat #fashionbrand #dutchdesign
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Schepers Bosman X Auping: CONSUMPTION QUARANTINE Designer duo SCHEPERS BOSMAN (ArtEZ Fashion Design BA graduates 2011) and bed and mattress manufacturer AUPING will present 'Consumption Quarantine', a capsule collection made from residuals from the Auping factory in Deventer during Dutch Design Week 2020.
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mimi-berlin · 7 years
Mimi Berlin Blogger Team at Amsterdam Fashionweek
It’s that time of the year again; Fashionweek in Amsterdam has started. Mimi Berlin Blogger Team saw 3 Shows on Thursday, January 26, 2017. And two more on Friday. First we went to see the presentation of Collectie Arnhem 2017. After that it was time for the opening night of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Amsterdam.
The Opening-Night shows are always situated at the Gashouder; an inmense venue which houses a couple of thousand people. This year Martan (design duo Diek Pothoven and Luuk Kuijf) opened Amsterdam Fashion Week. A very gutsy move: Martan is a debutant to the ‘ball’ and this also was their first collection ever made! Martan took inspiration for their designs from “various world religions and spirituality” and in particular from the Bahá’í Temple. They showed 30 looks in total for men and women. We think it’s a smart move that they collaborated with various designers on embroideries, knits, shoes (Ailissa Nicolai), prints (Marieke van de Ven) and bags (Adinda Anna). We are not sure if we mentioned all….if not please let us know. (read and see more HERE)
Martan, opening show of at Mercedes-BenzAmsterdamFashionweek (photo; Team Peter Stigter)
Martan, opening show of at Mercedes-BenzAmsterdamFashionweek (photo; Team Peter Stigter)
Martan, opening show of at Mercedes-BenzAmsterdamFashionweek (photo; Team Peter Stigter)
Marlou Breuls (photo; Team Peter Stigter)
The Painting at Mercedes-BenzAmsterdamFashionweek. Boys; Liesbeth Sterkenburg at at Mercedes-BenzAmsterdamFashionweek/photocredits: beja von Bis
The Painting at Mercedes-BenzAmsterdamFashionweek/photocredits: beja von Bis
Drawings by Sjoukje Birema at Mercedes-BenzAmsterdamFashionweek
Drawings by Petra Lunenburg at Mercedes-BenzAmsterdamFashionweek
Next and last we visited a group show;’The Painting‘. Nine young designers: Ailene van Elmpt, Johannes Offerhaus, Liesbeth Sterkenburg, Marlou Breuls, Merel van Glabbeek, Sunanda Koning, TRINHBECX, Yoko Maja and Zyanya Keizer each showed 3 or 4 outfits, all made in white. It’s always nice to see the diversity of designs at group presentantion. This show clearly had a theme: Peace (which we love!). After the models were done walking the catwalk, a choir, dressed in colorful Vlisco prints, appeared while singing John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’. We aren’t sure why: the statement made was already absolutely clear before this ‘church-encore’
Fashionweek in Amsterdam day 2
Disney’s Beauty and The Beast Fashion Collaboration. (Image courtesy of the designer: Liesbeth van Sterkenburg)
Disney’s Beauty and The Beast Fashion Collaboration. (Image courtesy of the designer: Liesbeth van Sterkenburg)
Disney’s Beauty and The Beast Fashion Collaboration. (Image courtesy of the designer: Boaz van Doornik)
schepers bosman- flat dutch (image credits team peter stigter)
schepers bosman- flat dutch (image credits team peter stigter)
schepers bosman – backstage
tringhbecx (image credits team peter stigter)
tringhbecx (image credits team peter stigter)
tringhbecx – backstage
Disney’s Beauty and The Beast Fashion Collaboration: With the movie in mind and in particular Belle; set in modern day times, nine (young) designers (Boaz van Doornik, Elke van Zuylen, Liesbeth Sterkenburg, Zyanya Keizer, Marlou Breuls and Jazz Kuipers) designed one outfit each. We didn’t visit the show but met up with 2 very enthusiastic participants; Boaz van Doornik and Liesbeth Sterkenburg. They sent us their photo’s which you can see above.
Schepers Bosman, Collection F/W2017 ‘Flat Dutch’ (men and women’s wear.) Designers Anne Bosman and Sanne Schepers are starting over with a new name after the close-down of their former label Futura. The designs of SchepersBosman are very recognizable as theirs; they are from The Netherlands and this duo doesn’t hide that fact. No way! They embrace their roots and managed to translate them into a fresh, intelligent and the most casual collection we’ve seen so far at MBAFW. (Our guess it WILL be the most casual one for sure.) The ‘Flat Dutch’ collection, (for which Dazzle camouflage and sailing were inspiration sources) was a breath of fresh air because of the originality and honesty in design. And even more so because of the fact that a dreamworld rules at MBFWA. Please visit the SchepersBosman site to see collection for yourself.
TRINHBECX showed their 2nd collection, womens’s wear made for A/W2017, in 21 looks, at Mercedes-Benz FashionWeek Amsterdam. According to the designers this season was based on “vintage cycling shirts, liquorish, Alessandro Mendini’s special chair, medieval costumes and 2000’s pop music videos.” That’s what we noticed as well but In our minds the 1970s aesthetics linger on the most, maybe because these outfits were translated quite literally from that era? Never mind that! We had a great time watching this show. It was noticeable, in comparison to trinhbecx’ previous collection, that the designers Tung Trinh and Tim Becx are growing into making less experimental designs and are creating their personal signature within the bounderies of making wearable and unique fashion.
There was much much more to be seen of course; Go to Amsterdam Fashion Week to read about and see all shows and events
It's that time of the year again; @amsterdamfashionweek has started. Mimi Berlin Blogger Team visited. Part two. #MBFWA Mimi Berlin Blogger Team at Amsterdam Fashionweek It's that time of the year again; Fashionweek in Amsterdam has started.
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SCHEPERS BOSMAN spring/summer 2021 - by ArtEZ Fashion Design BA alumni 2011 Anne Bosman & Sanne Schepers [photo-credits Schepers Bosman]
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SCHEPERS BOSMAN S/S 2019 [by ArtEZ Fashion Design Arnhem graduates 2011 Anne Bosman & Sanne Schepers] photography by Schepers Bosman
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The first collaboration of SCHEPERS BOSMAN and HACKED BY_.
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SCHEPERS BOSMAN [ArtEZ Fashion Design Arnhem graduates 2011] ‘A capsule to honour the Métiers d’Art / Craftsmanship of the Schepers Bosman Factory at Couture Paris Fashionweek.'
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SCHEPERS BOSMAN (ArtEZ Fashion Design Arnhem graduates 2011 Anne Bosman & Sanne Schepers) entry for LES ÉTOILES MERCEDES-BENZ photo by Julie Trannoy
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Amsterdam Fashion Week - SCHEPERS BOSMAN [ArtEZ Fashion Design Arnhem graduates 2011 Anne Bosman & Sanne Schepers] photography by Team Peter Stigter
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