#Scooter Battery charger
brogdenmedia-blog · 2 years
In recent years, kick scooters and E-bikes have become increasingly popular as a form of transportation. They offer a convenient and affordable way to get around, and they are also great for the environment. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of kick scooters and E-bikes and why they are becoming so popular. Kick scooters are a great way to get around quickly and easily. They are lightweight and portable, so you can take them with you
Not bad! Now, try making your instruction more specific.‍
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As you can see, addin
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okidasscooter · 1 year
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ranjith11 · 1 year
bs6 Activa starting problem | Scooty battery problem | kannada motovlog
Video is About ⬇️ : Having battery trouble starting your scooter? In this video, we'll guide you through the steps to troubleshoot common starting problems. Remember, the battery plays a crucial role in the starting process, assisting the starter motor to kickstart the engine. But if your scooter doesn't start, it might not always be a battery issue. Problems like faulty valve tappets, carburetor issues, loose fuel pipes, excessive spark plug gaps, or ignition wire/coil problems might be the culprit. This video will help you understand the relationship between these components and starting difficulties.
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rfantennaindia · 1 year
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Eteily Manufactures Best Quality and Light weight Rechargeable Battery. These batteries are commonly used for portable electronics and electric vehicles charger. The lithium ion battery have a high energy density, no memory effect, fast charging and low self-discharge. We have a wide range of Lithium-ion packs, Lithium Iron Phosphate packs, Polymer, Lead Acid, Prismatic batteries available in various capacities, voltages, sizes at reasonable prices. 
We are also Manufacturer and Suppliers of Lithium ion Batteries in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, Bangalore, Kolkata and Ahmadabad.
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irismfrost · 1 month
I've taken some mental notes of little differences between Taiwan/Japan (they have many similar customs) and the US. Just some little culture shocks that I had to get used to.
- Taiwan and Japan have cool toilet paper holders. Not all of them, but in some hotels and public bathrooms - I've never seen it before in the US.
- In Taiwan, sometimes, especially in public bathrooms, you cannot flush toilet paper. Also, sometimes the toilet paper is located outside the stalls and you have to remember to grab some before you go in or else.
- They don't have squatty potties in the US. In Japan, every toilet is also a bidet.
- There is no uncomfortably large gap between or under stalls in Taiwan/Japan.
- People on this side of the world don't use napkins like we do in the US. There are limited napkins and you usually don't get one with your food.
- In Taiwan they drink hot tea instead of water at restaurants. Sometimes they will give you normal cold water though.
- In Taiwan, many buildings (especially the hotels) will not have a 4th floor, it is bad luck as I mentioned in a previous blog.
- At the hotels in Taiwan, most of them served fries and chicken nuggets at breakfast, in addition to veggie noodles, congee, rice, etc. In the US, these are dinner items and never would be served for breakfast. I think the US has more of a separation between different types of foods for different types of meals.
- Space orientation is different here. People will walk right in front of you/ very close which would be a little rude in the US, but is totally normal over here.
- The driving has less rules. In the US, there isn't much room for interpretation, and in Taiwan, everyone pays attention and so people feel more comfortable getting super close to the people in front of them, and scooters (which are everywhere) don't really follow any rules.
- You get towelettes with every meal to clean your hands before you eat.
- Hand sanitizer stations are everywhere.
- There are prayer rooms in most large buildings.
- Unisex/ disabled bathrooms are more common.
- sugar syrup in addition to the granular (only saw this at the japan airport KIX)
- Heat protection: little battery operated fans (and other fans), and umbrellas are very common
- The vending machines usually just have drinks. I didn't see many food vending machines. There are some, but the drink ones are much more common.
- People dress nicer. I didn't see many people in leggings or sweatpants or loungewear. People are very put together.
- To wait in line at a restaurant, a lot of places there is a clipboard at the front and you just write your name and how many people and they will call out your name in order of when you wrote it- not sure how well this would work in the US - I feel like people would scratch out or erase other people's names.
- Most of the women's clothes have built in bras with a lot of padding.
- Wide pants are big here for women and baggy pants for guys.
- Foreign airlines are better (maybe it's just the international flights one but much nicer- more space, monitor thing, chargers, meals on every flight no matter the length).
- I'm not sure if they do this in other countries but the immigration cards that you are supposed to fill out on the plane were new to me and I had no idea they would do that.
- On Asiana Airlines, they have privacy screens on the airplane monitors.
- There are basically no trash cans on the street. You have to hold onto your trash for a while or just not create trash. There are also people who literally clean the streets in the early morning.
- Everyone here smokes cigarettes. That's the only trash on the streets, but like there are people who clean up the streets every morning, so it doesn't get too bad. However, it smells like smoke everywhere. Even in the airports and some large buildings, there are designated smoking areas.
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corbinite · 1 year
PSA: rechargable batteries have to be used. If you just leave a battery to sit for months, it will shorten its lifespan or potentially just outright kill it. It'll have to be charged every once in a while to stay good. So if you, for instance, don't drive your car much, still see if you can top off the battery at least like once a month. Wheelchairs and scooters are another big one, charge them once a month because if you let it sit they'll probably go bad by the time you need to use it next (but also don't leave it on the charger 24/7 unless it's specifically a battery maintainer)
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terror-time-again · 17 days
Today's the day! She thought to herself giddily as she put her final suitcase in the trunk of her car.
James and I have been excited for our cabin date for months! She grins ear to ear as she slams the trunk closed.
Annie had met James on a dating app roughly 10 months ago. They've been talking for awhile, but meeting up just never seemed to happen. When one was free, the other was busy. Classic.
Annie scrambles into the driver's seat and clicks her seat belt in. Shit. She says out loud before unclicking the seat belt. I forgot something
She runs back to the front door of her apartment building and is cut off by the creepy guy who lives a few doors down on her floor, Scooter.
You going on a trip? He asks breathily. Need somebody to watch your apartment for ya?
No thank you, Scooter. she says in the same annoyed voice that she uses everyday with him, avoiding eye contact as she squeezes past him hastily. Annie jogs upstairs, her breasts bouncing with each step. She looks over her shoulder. No Scooter. Good.
She unlocks her apartment door and runs to the bedroom. There you are she whispers as she grabs her soft suede purse James had bought and sent her on her 19th birthday last month. She unzips the top and peeks in. Lube, condoms, a butt plug and her favorite vibrator. Can't forget these. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees I find a nice use for the purse.
Annie starts to head out her front door again and notices Scooter skulking down the hall, looking in her direction. Scooter quickly pretends to be looking for something on the ground.
Ugh. She goes back inside and grabs her serrated pocket knife that she inherited from her grandfather, sheathing and tucking it in her jeans pocket before heading back out the door.
She speed walks past Scooter, his breathing wet and heavy. Have fun, Little Annie.
GPS says 20 more minutes until I reach the cabin she grins uncontrollably, bouncing in her seat, her favorite YouTube Playlist on a loop.
I hope he's just as nice in person as he is online. I wonder if he'll be weirded out by my sex stuff. Did we ever talk about kink? Am I too excited? Oh God, am I going to scare him off??
Her bouncing enthusiasm leaving her as paranoia and fear of rejection start to set in.
15 more minutes till the cabin.
Shit SHIT should I turn around? No, I can't do that to him, he's probably already waiting for me. Maybe he'll be understanding? Maybe he'll think it's hot? Maybe he'll--
Annie let out a scream as her car begins to shakily veer to the left. Knuckles white, she tries to fight the car to pull in the other direction, but it's no use.
Annie had never been in a car accident before. Hopefully this tree has insurance she groans, resting her forehead on the steering wheel. She looks up at the GPS on her phone. I'm not terribly far, maybe he can come pick me up. She starts to smile What a cute way to officially meet. As she reaches for her phone, the screen dimmed with the 5% battery warning.
OK, maybe I'll have time to get ahold of him and he can come get me. She calls him, no answer. 4%. She tries once more in vain. 3%
Fuck. Annie opens her glovebox to find that she forgot to pack a car charger. FUCK.
She sighs, defeated, before opening her car door and stepping out. She walks over to inspect her blown tire. She screams out in frustration. She tries to call one more time. Nothing. 2%
She opens the trunk and tosses all of her bags to the ground to pull out her spare tire. As she turns around, she could've sworn she saw a tall dark figure disappear behind a tree. She stares in that direction, scanning for motion.
God, I'm stressed...
Annie lugs the tire and jack over to change out the damaged one and gets to work, her phone on the ground next to her in case James calls back.
She gets the car off of the ground when suddenly, she's shoved against the car from behind. The car falls off of the jack, flat tire pinning her right hand to the ground. She let's out a blood curdling scream before a hand wraps around the back of her head to cover her mouth. She continues to scream through cold fingers.
Shhh shhh I'm so sorry, so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, a familiar voice. A calming voice.
James?? She tugs at her trapped hand in vain. She tries to turn her head to meet his gaze, but has her head sternly turned away and slammed into the car door.
Ow! What're you doing?! She protests. James, my hand is stuck under the car, this isn't funny! Help me!
She feels his cold hand follow her arm down to her hand, tender from pain. She can feel him breathing in the back of her neck, making her shiver and get a tiny bit wet.
He chuckles quietly in a smooth sexy tone before tracing his hand back up her arm to her neck, caressing it gently.
She squirms but doesn't fight back. James, we can have fun later, her voice shaking, I'm really scared and I think my hand is broken. Can we please just--
She gets cut off by the sound of her phone ringing. Sliding her face against the car door, she glances down at the caller.
It was James.
Wait- is all she can muster before feeling his caress quickly become a grasp. Realization sets in as she let's out a weak scream, coming out as a gurgle. She struggles, flailing in all directions as she feels another hand rubbing her crotch through her jeans. She can feel herself getting reluctantly wetter as her consciousness starts to fade. Her phone dies mid ring.
With the last bit of energy, she manages to pull her hand free. Grabs the knife from her waistband and slashes at the hand on her throat.
Aargh! You stupid cunt! The voice growled, becoming more warbled. Less human. Annie whips her head around just long enough to see 2 pairs of glowing white eyes from the silhouette. Her eyes widen in horror before 3 more arms emerge from the creature, 1 on each of her thighs, forcing her legs apart for the original hand to force its way into her jeans, the last hand wrestling the knife away from Annie, weak with fear.
The knife hits the ground with a dull clang as she gives up on fighting. This is it she thought. Killed by a monster in the woods. The thought makes her even wetter.
She avoids looking this creature in the eye. She feels her jeans start to rip from having 2 more hands start to aggressively tug them down from her hips.
Annie moans softly closing her eyes, accepting her fate but not wanting to look. She let's out a small yelp as these hands tear her jeans completely off, leaving her with just her panties and a blue button up.
Before she can react, the 6 hands lift her up off of the ground with ease. 1 on either wrist, ankles, 1 on her throat and 1 plunging it's fingers deeply into her pussy.
She writhes and squirms in vain as each hands grip tightens, pulling her body more and more taught. 4 fingers inside of her hole, the thumb rubbing at her clit while completely suspended. The grip around her throat tightens just as she feels herself cum, letting out a gargling moan, her face turning red. She can feel her soaked cunt dripping down her legs and splashing onto the dirt below her. The thumb rubs faster. Harder. She tries to scream only to be met by a tighter grip. Her vision blurs as her fingers reach out frantically, unable to move anything else. She cums again, tears flooding her cheeks.
The grip on her throat loosens slowly before completely letting go. She screams, coughing, gasping for air. She looks toward her assailant, unable to think.
Are you having fun, Little Annie?
Her eyes widen in horror, before she can let out another scream, the hand quickly finds it's way back to the hand marks on her pretty little neck.
No, please, i-
It's useless. She's reduced to an airtight gargle. She sobs mutedly as the thumb that was on her clit disappears into her cunt completely. Fisted. By a monster in the woods. The mere thought brings her to climax once more. She feels herself welling up, trying to push the hand out of her, but it did not budge.
Are you having fun, Little Annie?
Another arm slowly emerges from behind the creature. Reaching towards her button up and slowly undoing each one.
Losing oxygen to her brain, all she can do is lie limp and be used. The hand in her cunt thrusting in and out, Her eyes roll in the back of her head, cumming over and over, her pussy clenching on it's wrist, certain that this was her final moments before the creature loosens it's grip once more.
Annie gasps desperately, sobbing loudly and hoarse.
Why why why whyyyyy? Her voice shakes quietly as the hand that once occupied her neck is now caressing her cheek sweetly.
Because the wet, breathy voice coos
We're having fun
Story inspired by @loreandorder
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escooterbatteryuk · 8 days
Find the Premium e Scooter Accessories UK from the roof of EscooterbatteryUK
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Discover high-quality e-scooter accessories in UK with EscooterbatteryUK. Whether you're looking for durable batteries, chargers, or essential parts, our extensive selection has everything you need to keep your e-scooter running smoothly. Our products are designed for reliability and longevity, ensuring that your scooter remains in top condition. Shop with confidence at our store, where quality meets affordability. Explore our range of e-scooter accessories and enjoy fast shipping across the country. Trust us for all your e-scooter needs, from upgrades to essential maintenance tools. Enhance your ride today!
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nishant-gune-blogs · 13 days
Conquering Your Commute: How Electric Scooters Can Save You Time and Money?
Tired of the daily grind through traffic? Wallet feeling lighter from those hefty commuting costs? And don't even get us started on that carbon footprint! Well, strap on your helmet because we're about to introduce you to your new best friend: the electric scooter!
These little rides are here to shake up your urban commuting. Intrigued? Let's zoom in!
Traffic Woes? Let's Scoot Through Them!
Urban life is buzzing, but it often comes with one major bummer: traffic jams. You spend what feels like forever stuck in a sea of cars, honking away, while your stress levels skyrocket. Cars and buses? They’re often stuck in the same rut, making your commute a question of “Will I be late today?”
Counting the Costs
Between petrol, public transport fares, and those sneaky maintenance bills, the expenses pile up fast. And if you drive, don't forget about the parking fees that could have bought you something way more fun! Over time, it’s like your wallet’s on a diet—but not the good kind.
Mother Earth Isn’t Too Happy, Either
Now, let’s get real about the environment. Cars and buses are the major culprits in air pollution and those pesky greenhouse gases. With everyone becoming more eco-conscious, it’s high time we rethink how we get around town.
Electric Scooters—The Cool, New Ride
Electric scooters are easy on the wallet. Take the VIDA V1 Electric Scooter, for example. It costs just ₹0.18 per kilometre to ride. That means you can ride through 100 kilometres for only ₹18! Imagine saving up to ₹14,500 a year on petrol, repairs, and maintenance. That’s extra cash for things you actually want to spend on—like weekend getaways or splurging on something cool!
With a certified range of 165 km and a top speed of 80 mph, your rides just got a whole lot longer and way more exciting. Plus, with two powerful batteries and a portable charger in tow, you’re all set for those epic, hassle-free adventures. And guess what? You get a 5-year warranty on the scooter and 3 years on the batteries. Now that’s what we call cool, right? 
Ready to Glide into the Future?
Switching to an electric scooter is like giving the planet a high-five. Electric scooters save you money, cut down your commute time, and are easy on the planet. The VIDA V1 electric scooter is a prime example—low cost, high savings, and a smoother ride all around. As urban areas get busier and the push for sustainable transportation ramps up, electric scooters are your ticket to a smarter, greener commute. 
The future of urban mobility is here, and it’s electric, fun, and oh-so-smooth!
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ladakhtourism · 14 days
The Future of E-Mobility
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Introduction to E-Mobility
What is E-Mobility?
E-mobility, short for electric mobility, refers to the use of electric vehicles (EVs) and related infrastructure for transportation. This includes electric cars, buses, bikes, scooters, and any other vehicle powered by electricity rather than traditional internal combustion engines.
Why E-Mobility is the Future of Transportation
E-mobility represents a shift towards sustainable, low-emission transportation, driven by advances in technology and the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions. As the world grapples with climate change, the shift from fossil-fuel-powered vehicles to electric ones is becoming more critical than ever.
The Growth of E-Mobility in Recent Years
In recent years, the adoption of electric vehicles has skyrocketed. With more governments introducing incentives for EV buyers and automakers investing heavily in electric technology, the future of transportation is undeniably electric. The global e-mobility market is expected to grow exponentially, with millions of EVs on the road by 2030.
Key Technologies Driving E-Mobility
Electric Vehicles (EVs)
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At the heart of e-mobility are electric vehicles. These vehicles run on electric motors powered by batteries, which produce zero emissions, making them a cleaner alternative to traditional vehicles.
Charging Infrastructure
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Types of Charging Stations
To support the growing fleet of electric vehicles, various charging stations have been developed. These range from slow chargers, ideal for home use, to ultra-fast chargers, which can charge a car in under 30 minutes.
Smart Charging Systems
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Smart charging systems allow for more efficient energy use by adjusting the charging speed based on grid demand. These systems are pivotal in ensuring that EVs don't overload the power grid during peak hours.
Battery Technologies
Lithium-ion Batteries
Lithium-ion batteries are the most common type used in electric vehicles today. They are lightweight, rechargeable, and offer a high energy density, making them ideal for powering EVs.
Solid-State Batteries
The future of battery technology lies in solid-state batteries, which promise to offer greater energy storage and safety compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries. They are seen as a game-changer for extending the range of electric vehicles.
Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Technology
V2G technology allows electric vehicles to not only draw power from the grid but also return stored energy back to the grid when needed. This bi-directional energy flow could transform how we manage energy during peak times and improve grid stability.
Environmental Impact of E-Mobility
Reduction in Carbon Emissions
One of the most significant benefits of e-mobility is the drastic reduction in carbon emissions. Unlike gasoline or diesel-powered vehicles, EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier environment.
E-Mobility’s Role in Fighting Climate Change
The adoption of electric vehicles is a crucial component of global efforts to combat climate change. By reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, e-mobility helps lower greenhouse gas emissions, making it an essential part of the sustainable energy transition.
Challenges Facing E-Mobility
Charging Infrastructure Challenges
Despite the growth of charging networks, there are still significant challenges in building sufficient infrastructure to support the rising number of electric vehicles. Many regions lack the necessary charging stations, especially in rural areas.
Battery Production and Sustainability Issues
While EVs are environmentally friendly, the production of batteries is resource-intensive and has its own environmental footprint. Sourcing materials like lithium and cobalt can be harmful to the environment and workers if not managed responsibly.
Range Anxiety in Electric Vehicles
Range anxiety—the fear that an electric vehicle will run out of power before reaching a charging station—is one of the main concerns among potential EV buyers. However, advancements in battery technology and the expansion of charging networks are gradually alleviating this issue.
Government Policies and E-Mobility
Global Government Incentives for EV Adoption
Governments worldwide are offering incentives such as tax credits, rebates, and subsidies to encourage EV adoption. These policies aim to make electric vehicles more affordable and accessible to a broader audience.
Regulations Pushing for Zero-Emission Vehicles
Europe’s Green Deal
Europe is leading the charge with ambitious policies, including the European Green Deal, which aims to have zero emissions by 2050. This includes banning the sale of new gas-powered vehicles by 2035.
U.S. EV Tax Credits and Policies
In the U.S., the government is also stepping up its efforts with various tax credits for EV purchases and investments in charging infrastructure. States like California are implementing strict emission regulations, pushing the transition toward electric mobility.
E-Mobility in the Urban Environment
How Smart Cities are Embracing E-Mobility
Smart cities are at the forefront of the e-mobility revolution, integrating electric vehicles into urban planning. From EV-friendly public transportation systems to installing charging stations in strategic locations, cities are evolving to support electric transport.
The Role of Public Transport in E-Mobility
Public transport systems are increasingly incorporating electric buses and trains into their fleets. This shift reduces emissions and makes cities more livable by cutting down on noise and air pollution.
Future Innovations in E-Mobility
Autonomous Electric Vehicles
Autonomous driving technology is set to transform e-mobility by making electric vehicles self-driving. This combination promises safer, more efficient transport solutions in the future.
Wireless Charging for EVs
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Wireless charging is an exciting innovation that could eliminate the need for plugging in vehicles. By embedding charging pads into roads or parking spaces, EVs can charge automatically when parked or even while driving.
Solar-Powered Vehicles
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While still in the early stages of development, solar-powered electric vehicles could revolutionize transportation by reducing dependence on charging stations and fossil fuels altogether.
Artificial Intelligence in E-Mobility
AI is playing an increasingly vital role in optimizing the performance of electric vehicles, from improving battery efficiency to enabling self-driving capabilities.
For More tips & tricks Join NIDM
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kharido-ev · 14 days
5 Best Budget Electric Scooters in India
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The Indian roads are crowded with electric vehicles, and leading this revolution starts with the best electric scooters that spell a new transition for urban mobility. The requirement for sustainable and pocket-friendly transport is seeing an upward rise in sales of EVs, therefore manufacturing electric scooters is no longer a craze but a reality for commuting. From sleek designs to long battery lives, the top electric scooter in India embody the future. Whether you're battling with traffic or gliding through town, KharidoEV has wide options in e-scooters that offer the perfect blend of performance and style for your rides.
If you're looking to buy an e-scooter, it’s essential to have an eye on the top e-scooters in the Indian market, comparing battery life, performance, and overall specifications.
 Let's have a look.
1. Ola S1 Pro
Ola Electric has emerged as a prominent contender in the top electric scooter in India. and the Ola S1 Pro is one of the most considered when the consumer decides to buy an e-scooter. This e-scooter is famous for its aerodynamic and somewhat sci-fi-like-looking body, the tremendous power of the motor, and the range of the e-scooter. The Ola S1 Pro can go only up to 115 km/h and with a single charge goes for 181 km; the scooter seems to be built for those who seek both style and power.
The e-scooter rides have several options from Easy Mode up to Hyper Mode, for those who want to go faster. It comes with a 3 extended warranty which in this case offers an additional warranty for the product for three years. Km with a 97 kWh battery and normally will take roughly 6.5 hours to be fully charged up. The Ola S1 Pro also has a touchscreen dashboard, GPS, and Bluetooth integration, thus is equipped with smart features.
Want to know more about the pricing? Click https://www.kharidoev.com/scooter/ola-s1-pro 
2. Ather 450X Gen 3
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The Ather 450X Gen 3 is one of the market’s top electric scooter in India with state-of-art technology and highly enduring efficacy. Ather Energy is amongst the leading pure-play electric scooter manufacturers in India and 450X is their flagship product. Propelled by a 3.7 kWh lithium-ion battery the vehicle can drive up to 146 Km subject to test cycle conditions, with a maximum speed of 80 Km/h.
Ather 450X comes with a large 7-inch full-color digital dashboard with information regarding speed, range, and navigation among others. It also has a Reverse mode, and such aspects as Over-The-Air updates to make your scooter dumber over time. Ather Grid of fast chargers also comes in handy for the owners of the bike who may need a quick boost of charge to their battery.
3. TVS iQube Electric ST
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Another reputed Brand in the Indian two-wheeler industry is TVS, which has appropriately introduced the most reliable electric two-wheeler model named TVS iQube Electric ST among all these competitors 3. The scooter has a speed of up to a maximum of 82 km/h and a detachable battery capacity of up to 145 km which makes it ideal to use while going for work each morning.
Some of the features that accompany the iQube ST are a TFT touchscreen display which can be used for navigation, Bluetooth, and incoming call functions. Its quiet, vibration-free operation and the support of a large service network of the sponsoring company TVS, make this scooter very attractive for those consumers, who need only the best and are ready to pay for it.
It has a 4-stroke engine that enables the scooter, nowadays scooters are powered by a 4-stroke engine to produce power for movement. The lithium-ion battery of about 56 kWh and roughly, it takes approximately 4. And so it is important to know that it will take approximately 5 hours to fully charge the unit with a standard charger. The Indian style of the TVS iQube Electric ST in combination with a well-coordinated mechanism makes it one of the leading scooters now.
4. Bajaj Chetak Electric
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The new e-scooter called Bajaj Chetak Electric is a tribute to its namesake who was a mega best-seller in India of the 1980s and the 1990s. In the present time, the new Chetak is reshaped in the form of an electric scooter giving the aesthetics of the old scooter but comes jam-packed with modern electric scooter technologies. A 3 kWh lithium-ion battery drives it; this gives the e-scooter a range of 90-95 km on a full tank.
However, Chetak Electric is not as powerful as some competitors in this segment with the lower low-end torque, but the scooter is built very solid, has a great fit and finish, and provides a comfortable ride. It has a sturdy steel build and it has an Eco and sporting riding option. This scooter also has foot-operated regenerative brakes to assist in recharging the battery during a slow-down process.
5. Hero Electric Optima CX
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If you looking to buy e-scooter that is pocket-friendly, the Hero Electric Optima CX can be considered an ideal scooter in this segment. Optima CX is one of the cheapest electric scooters in India, and while it doesn’t boast of high-end performance, it is not a bad purchase. Its top speed is up to 45 km/h and its traveling distance is approximately 82 km on one single charge.
However, the Optima CX doesn’t have the luxury features or the high speed of high-end models but this electric scooter offers rides within the city and or for short distances with durability and efficiency. It is powered by a 1. electric motor with 53 kWh battery power and a charging time of about 4-5 hours to full power. This has been made possible by its large base of dealers and service centers throughout India which is an attractive feature to consumers in tier-two cities and other lower-income areas. Conclusion
Still confused about what and where to buy? Don’t worry we are here at your service. KharidoEV is growing to be the top electric scooter in India.
KharidoEV has a wide variety of e-scooters. We have 1000+ happy customers and more than 500 experience testimonials. Our experts will help you pick the best electric scooters in India that suit your pocket. We provide the best offers from time to time. 
We are sure, you can have the best ride with us. Have any doubts about buying an e-scooter? Contact us at https://www.kharidoev.com/contact-us. 
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ranjith11 · 1 year
bs6 Activa starting problem | Scooty battery problem | kannada motovlog
Having battery trouble starting your scooter? In this video, we'll guide you through the steps to troubleshoot common starting problems. Remember, the battery plays a crucial role in the starting process, assisting the starter motor to kickstart the engine. But if your scooter doesn't start, it might not always be a battery issue. Problems like faulty valve tappets, carburetor issues, loose fuel pipes, excessive spark plug gaps, or ignition wire/coil problems might be the culprit. This video will help you understand the relationship between these components and starting difficulties.
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rfantennaindia · 1 year
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avoneworl · 28 days
Safety Tips for Charging an Electric Scooter at Home
Charging an electric scooter at home is a convenient and straightforward process, but it’s essential to follow proper safety guidelines to prevent accidents, ensure the longevity of your scooter's battery, and protect your home. Here are some important safety tips to keep in mind while charging your electric scooter at home:
1. Use the Manufacturer’s Charger
1.1 Avoid Third-Party Chargers
Stick to the Original: Always use the charger provided by the manufacturer or a certified replacement. Third-party chargers may not be compatible with your scooter's battery and could lead to overcharging, overheating, or even battery damage.
Check Voltage and Amperage: Ensure that the charger’s voltage and amperage match the specifications required by your scooter. Using the wrong charger could result in electrical hazards.
2. Choose a Safe Charging Location
2.1 Avoid Flammable Areas
Keep Away from Combustibles: Charge your scooter in a well-ventilated area away from flammable materials such as paper, cloth, or chemicals. This reduces the risk of fire in case of an electrical malfunction.
Outdoor vs. Indoor Charging: If possible, charge your scooter in a garage or an outdoor space to minimize potential risks. If charging indoors, ensure the area is well-ventilated and clear of any obstructions.
2.2 Ensure a Stable Surface
Prevent Tipping: Place your scooter on a flat, stable surface while charging to prevent it from tipping over. An unstable surface could cause the scooter to fall, potentially damaging the charger or battery.
3. Monitor the Charging Process
3.1 Avoid Overcharging
Set a Timer: Overcharging can damage the battery and reduce its lifespan. Set a timer or alarm to remind you to disconnect the charger once the battery is fully charged. Some scooters have automatic shut-off features, but it's good to monitor the process regardless.
Check for Indicators: Pay attention to the battery level indicators on your scooter or charger. If the battery is full, disconnect the charger promptly.
3.2 Supervise Charging
Stay Nearby: It’s advisable to be in the vicinity while your scooter is charging. This way, you can quickly respond if you notice any unusual behavior, such as the charger or battery becoming excessively hot, or if you detect any strange smells or sounds.
4. Inspect Cables and Connections
4.1 Check for Damage
Regular Inspections: Before each charge, inspect the charger, cables, and connectors for any signs of wear and tear, such as frayed wires or loose connections. Damaged equipment can cause short circuits or fires.
Replace Damaged Parts: If you notice any damage, stop using the charger immediately and replace it with a new, certified one from the manufacturer.
4.2 Ensure Proper Connection
Secure Plugging: Make sure the charger is securely plugged into both the scooter and the power outlet. A loose connection can lead to arcing, which could cause burns or fires.
5. Avoid Extreme Temperatures
5.1 Charge in a Temperature-Controlled Environment
Optimal Temperature Range: Charge your scooter in an environment with moderate temperatures. Extreme heat or cold can negatively impact the battery's performance and safety. Avoid charging in direct sunlight or freezing conditions.
Allow Cooling Before Charging: If your scooter has been in use, allow it to cool down before starting the charging process. Charging a hot battery can increase the risk of overheating.
6. Follow Charging Best Practices
6.1 Partial Charging
Battery Health: Instead of waiting for the battery to be completely depleted before charging, consider charging it when it reaches around 20-30% capacity. Partial charging can help extend the overall lifespan of your battery.
Avoid Full Discharge: Try not to let the battery run down to 0% frequently, as this can reduce its longevity over time.
6.2 Unplug After Charging
Prevent Standby Power Use: Once your scooter is fully charged, unplug the charger from both the scooter and the power outlet. This not only conserves energy but also reduces the risk of electrical issues.
7. Understand Your Scooter’s Battery
7.1 Know Your Battery Type
Different Battery Needs: Understand whether your scooter uses a lithium-ion, lead-acid, or another type of battery, as each type may have specific charging requirements and safety precautions.
Follow Manufacturer’s Guidelines: Refer to the scooter’s user manual for specific charging instructions tailored to your scooter model.
7.2 Avoid Water Exposure
Keep Dry: Ensure that the charging area is dry and that the charger, cables, and battery do not come into contact with water or moisture. Water exposure can lead to short circuits and pose an electrocution risk.
Charging your electric scooter at home is a convenient way to keep your vehicle ready for use, but it requires careful attention to safety. By using the correct equipment, choosing a safe location, monitoring the charging process, and following best practices, you can prevent accidents and ensure your scooter’s battery remains in good condition. Adhering to these safety tips will not only protect your home and belongings but also extend the life of your electric scooter, providing you with reliable and eco-friendly transportation for years to come.
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henryuan · 1 month
High Performance 14.4V 14.8V Li-Ion Battery 16.8V 15A Lithium Charger
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High Performance 4S 14.4V 14.8V Lithium Li-Ion Battery Charger 16.8V 15A Product Description: 14.4V 14.8V Lithium Battery Charger | 16.8V 15A Li-Ion Battery Charger
The Henryuan 16.8V 15A Lithium Battery Charger offers top level charging performance for a variety of 4S 14.8V/14.4V lithium-ion battery applications. With UL, PSE, CE, EMC, LVD, SAA, and FCC certifications, this charger is built to meet the highest safety standards globally, ensuring safe and efficient charging.
Key Applications:
Electric marine, Electric Scooters.
Communication Base Stations, Robots.
LED Lighting, Diving Equipments and other 14.4V/14.8V lithium battery powered equipments.
Safety Certifications:
Worldwide certificates
Input Specifications:
Voltage Range: 90Vac-264Vac
Rated Voltage: 100Vac-240Vac
Frequency: 47Hz-63Hz
Current: 5A
Inrush Current: 60A
Output Specifications:
Model: 16.8V 15A Lithium Battery Charger
Power: 252W
LED Indicator: Dual color (Red during charging, Green when fully charged)
Compact and Portable Design
Its lightweight and compact design makes it easy to carry and store,but large power
Dimensions: 176 x 80 x 47 MM
Weight: 0.7kg
Protection Features:
Overcurrent Protection
Overvoltage Protection
Short Circuit Protection
Reverse Polarity Protection
Quality Assurance:
Experienced Sales Engineers: Over a decade of expertise in understanding and meeting customer needs.
Rigorous Material Selection: Only top-quality raw materials are used.
Strict Inspection Process: Comprehensive incoming material inspections ensure quality.
Expert Engineers: More than 20 years of design experience.
Skilled Production Team: Advanced production and testing equipment.
Aging Testing: 100% aging testing process, up to 4 hours at full load.
Comprehensive After-Sales Support: Feedback and resolution within 48 hours.
With over 13 years of experience in the production and R&D of 14.4V/14.8V lithium battery chargers, Henryuan Group is a leading industry supplier. Our 16.8V 15A lithium battery chargers are globally recognized for their superior performance and safety features. Exported to the Americas, Europe, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia, they are trusted by consumers worldwide for a variety of applications.
Henryuan 14.4V Li-Ion Battery Charger Range:
Various 16.8V lithium battery chargers with currents 0.5A, 1A, 1.5A, 2A, 2.5A, 3A, 3.5A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 6.5A, 7A, 8A, 9A, 10A, 15A, 20, 25A.
More 16.8V Lithium Charger Links:
Explore More 16.8V Lithium Battery Chargers.
Contact Us:
For a safe, reliable, and efficient 16.8V 15A lithium battery charger, contact Henryuan's expert sales engineers today. Keywords Related:
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rideonscoot · 1 month
How to charge electric scooter without charger? Learn ingenious ways to charge your electric scooter using power banks, car batteries, laptop batteries, universal charging adapters, solar chargers, and external battery chargers.
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