#Seán x Ailis
unfortunate-arrow · 2 years
🌓 O'Donnell quads [ellie-e-marcovitz 😊]
Seán O’Donnell and Ailis Lynch have two first meetings.
Their first meeting was at Hogwarts. They were both sorted into Ravenclaw and happened to sit next to each other during the welcoming feast. They hit it off but never became close friends during their Hogwarts years.
Their second meeting, and the one that really mattered, happened in 1959. Seán literally ran into Ailis, spilling his drink all over her. He apologized profusely, his cheeks going bright red. Ailis managed to laugh and reassure him that his spilled drink wasn’t actually a problem. A year later, their relationship moved from platonic to romantic. This was followed by a marriage two years later and in the next dozen or so years, they added five children to their lives. Of course, they would also end tragically yet happily, with Seán refusing to take off his wedding ring.
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Send me a 🌓 + an OC and I’ll tell you how their parents met
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
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"Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while." — Westley, The Princess Bride
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
Day 22: V - Vows.- Seán and Ailis
[Link to the challenge here.]
[Write your otp+’s wedding vows or, if you prefer: love letters to each other.]
“Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.” -Westley, The Princess Bride
HPHM - 1975
Mo grá, 
I miss you more each day, Ailis. It has been a little over a year since you passed, my dear. Luckily, each day gets a little easier. Our five beautiful children have made all of this possible. By the way, Cian, Ryan, Cara, Sara, and Conor send you all of their love. They miss you a lot too. Enclosed is a small drawing from each of them. Cian signed his name on his. I wrote Ryan’s, Cara’s, Sara’s, and Conor’s names on each of them, mo grá. 
My parents have moved in with me to help with the children. Cian is doing his best, but I fear that he is becoming lost. He was always closer to you, my dear. He shall start at Hogwarts next year. It’s a scary thought sending our child into the world. I fear that the world will bend him to their will and his grief will consume him. But, there is only so much that I can do for him. 
The quadruplets have started talking, not much tough and Ma and Dad have helped me locate a speech therapist for them. Ryan cannot say the “l” sound when it starts a word. He replaces it with the “w” sound. It is quite sweet. Cara is unable to say “s” or “z.” She replaces them with the “th” sounds. Sara’s speech is the best of the four of them, and Conor is still lagging and has less words than the others. 
Mo grá, I don’t believe that I will fall in love again. I believe that you are my one love. I don’t wish to burden you, if you even are able to know what I’m writing to you. I highly doubt most women would be interested in a widower with five children, including toddler quadruplets. You are once in a lifetime, mo grá. 
Your forever loving husband, Seán 
HPMA - 1992 
Seán, my love, 
It has been a year since they took you away from us. I miss you dearly each day. The children miss you as well. I don’t know if you’re watching over us like your religion tells us you are. Maybe this is just for my peace of mind, a way to ease my heart ache. I have gone on a few dates these past few months. But none of them are you. I knew that already, but most men run scared when they find out about the children. 
Kingsley Shacklebolt has reached out to me more than once, offering his condolences and returning all the trinkets and photographs that you kept in your office. It seems wild to think that our wedding was nearly fifteen years ago. We looked so young in those photographs. You looked as handsome as ever, my love, with your black hair and blue eyes. I see your eyes in our sweet Conor, the most. Cara’s and Sara’s blues are extremely close as well. Ryan’s eyes are closer to your mother’s with their bright green. They are growing up before my eyes, my love. They are the same age as Cian was when we lost him. Three. If you are together, tell our sweet oldest son that Mummy loves him. 
Seán, I never expected to fall in love with you. But, I believe that you will be the sole love of my life. I have no interest in dating other men and have never gone beyond dinner with them. I meant it when I said I miss you each day. There are little reminders of you, everywhere. In our beautiful, precious children, in our home, out in the fields. Every time it thunders, I think of you. I once told Ryan that each clap of thunder was Daddy telling him how proud he is of him. I love you, Seán Michael O’Donnell. That will never change. I tell our children each day how much you love them. 
Love you forever, 
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
Day 18: R - Rain.- Seán and Ailis (the quads’ parents)
[Link to the challenge is here.]
[Are the otp+ caught up in the bad weather, cozy inside, or are they somewhere like on a space ship or in the middle of the desert yearning for a good storm?]
Seán O’Donnell gently pulls his sweater over his head. He hands to his beautiful new wife, Ailis. He still can’t believe that Ailis had actually married him. After all, they’ve been married less than a week. They’re walking along the sandy coast somewhere in Donegal. 
“Here you are, mo grá,” he says, handing Ailis his sweater. 
“Seán, my love, I cannot take your sweater. It’s freezing,” Ailis says. 
“Ailis, I’ll be fine. You were shivering and I want you to take it.” 
Ailis sighs, but she allows him to wrap her in the thick sweater that he’d been wearing. He grins and wraps his hand tightly around hers. They walk quietly down the beach, hand in hand. There’s the low grumble of thunder suddenly. Seán swears loudly, and Ailis laughs, kissing his cheek. 
“We’ve both grown up here, my love. We know how the weather works,” she says and Seán can feel the heat creeping up his cheeks. 
“I just hoped we would be able to avoid the rain on our walk. It’s the first day that it hasn’t been raining, mo grá,” he replies, and both of them have started walking faster, towards the small cottage Seán’s parents had rented for them to have a nice two week honeymoon. 
“I know, but we can do other things in the cottage.” 
“Was that intentionally suggestive?” 
He smirks when Ailis hits him on the shoulder. He fakes a little gasp that it actually hurt. What, he loves watching the blush forming on her cheeks. Or maybe it’s that he loves that he can make the blush form. 
“God, I love you,” he says. 
“Love you too, Seán,” Ailis says, and he leans over to kiss her. 
It’s short as fat raindrops begin to fall on them. They move quickly across the beach, trying to get to the cottage before they get soaked. The rain is coming down harder, now. There’s more thunder and Seán catches a flash of lightning on the horizon. 
“Race ya!” he exclaims, suddenly. 
“Oh you’re on, O’Donnell!” Ailis yells back. 
“You’re O’Donnell now as well!” 
“Still means that I’ll be able to kick your ass!” 
“We’ll see about that!” 
“You’re clumsy!” 
“Am not!”
“Seán, hun, you ran into me twice. Literally.” 
“I was twelve the first time!” 
“What’s your excuse for the second time?” 
“You were beyond beautiful!” 
Seán smirks and breaks out into a full run. They both manage to reach the small cottage at the same time. They’re both soaked to the bone and the wind has started howling. They slip into the cottage. Seán moves to the fireplace and pulls his wand out. 
“Incendio!” he mutters and flames ignite, filling the room with a subtle heat. “Why don’t you go out on some dry clothes, mo grá?”
“Alright,” Ailis says before frowning. “You should as well. I’d rather my husband not get sick on our honeymoon.” 
It doesn’t take either of them long to change into dry clothes. They curl up on the couch, each with a mug of tea. Seán smiles, wrapping an arm around Ailis’s shoulders. They quietly listen to the thunder cracking overhead and the wind rattling the windows. Every once in a while, lightning illuminates the room. 
So maybe the day didn’t turn out how I pictured it, but I’ll take having her wrapped in my arms any day, Seán thinks. 
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