#Sean's among us merch is stolen
im-lmfao · 4 years
It's ridiculous how who made that "Seán's among us merch is stolen" post are crying Jack didn't gave them their 5 minutes of attention.
All because:
They credit "Stupid n' skatchy" that stole exactly as it is from the original artist (and still didn't correct that), while Jack's one was at last a little bit transformative. So they credit the REAL art thieves while Jack in his apologize credit the original artist thanks to his mods. Proof Proof 2
Jack block them not because don't want to hear criticism. The tone of all their posts in general are mostly trolling, mocking and bullying (in the same post they are crying Jack didn't gave them attention call his fans a**kissers*. Frustrated much?). And in discussions instead of argument their opinions mock his community saying "He (Jack) isn't going to f* you” (proof), trip guilt people using family or personal mistakes and then call "abuse" the criticism directed to them or when are called out. Proof
At words they say they care about Jack and are doing it for his good, but their acts actually point to just discredit him because mostly criticize him for irrelevant things or ignore when other people do the same. Proof
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i-maybe-exist · 4 years
it feels weird yet fitting to move “jacksepticeye + jse egos” from my “main interests” to “other interests” on my carrd
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blue-shaded · 4 years
Sean’s among us merch is stolen.
The original artist is Stupid ‘n Sketchy They released the concept of the image in January 2019 on their facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/Stupid-N-Sketchy-336054400334103/
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Then released shirts in black and white with the art on it in February 2019
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Sean simply took the artwork, erased the skull, added a scythe, flipped it horizontally and erased the watermarks
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There is NO credit what so ever on the merch website of Sean. The shading, the details. It’s the EXACT same art and Sean’s stealing it for profit. DO NOT BUY THIS MERCH DO NOT PREORDER IT.
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lady-raziel · 4 years
So. We got your thoughts on Jacksepticeyes Stolen "Among Us" Merch shitshow that happened in the past. And he took it down after apologising... However he apparently only apologized for the stolen design and not for trying to make a quick buck off of Innersloth as he now has NEW Among us "Inspired" merch up in his store again. I don't think he should be making any at all. MattPatt did the right thing and stopped when the fans called him out on it. Why can't sean?
Yeah. I don’t want to get too into the whole discourse today because my service is still spotty so therefore I wouldn’t be able to answer as many asks about it if we got into the stuff again...but yeah. I was a little irritated when I saw that he had added it to the store.
Clearly he didn’t understand that it wasn’t just the art theft that people were upset about. It was also the trying to capitalize off a game he doesn’t own and a meme he doesn’t own. Like I said in my previous ask about this last time, by making merch Sean is putting out an implicit claim on this meme that his community didn’t come up with and he has no right to exert a sort of ownership over by putting it on his merch. It’s just not cool. It’s not even a meme that really has to do with him—just a game that is popular right now.
And although the merch doesn’t explicitly name among us or feature any art or phrasing that is explicitly part of among us (and therefore is a loophole in Innersloth’s ‘no unofficial merch’ request), everyone knows that that’s what it’s referring to. ‘Kinda Sus’ might not be an official trademarked part of Among Us, but we all know that that phrase became a meme because of the game. So although on a legal level it might be fine, it’s more the principle of it—Sean is still trying to capitalize off something he doesn’t own.
It’s like, I don’t know, the same idea as if Sean made merch based on that ‘Level of Stress: 99%’ Detroit Become Human Meme. Sean doesn’t own the game, he didn’t come up with the meme, and it’s not an insular thing just to his fans or his community, so therefore it would be wrong on multiple levels for him to try to make merch about it even if he didn’t explicitly use copyrighted images or material.
It’s about the idea of it. Sure, this merch is definitely better than the other one because it’s now an original design, but I think Sean failed to understand that the art was not the singular issue. I don’t think he should have re-made the merch. Better to do what GameTheory did and stop making the merch and then wait and take cues from Innersloth themselves. If he wants to make Among Us merch, he should partner with them. He certainly has the clout to do something like that, and it would probably be better merch in the long run.
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iamonlyperson · 4 years
I'm out of the loop, what did Seàn do last year and this year that was bad? If you don't want to talk about it I get it, I'm just curious.
So before i get into it, this isn't made up or anything. If i know this person is good then i don't to shit up because why i would be.
Homophobic/transphobic - last year Sean hired a new editor that turn out to be homophobic. People from LGBT community got very mad. Like extremely mad and said he should do research next time. And the good thing was he apologized and said he fired him.
This year, January, Sean played some game which turned out the developer(s) (I think it was two or not) were homophobic. Someone sended him the ask and he apologized and said he took the video down.
So there is some stuff I have heard that incident have happened more but i am not sure because i was in break that time.
Covid-19 joke - back in January when he streamed with Mark, Wade and Bob on Twitch. Mark sneeze or cough and people have said he did a Covid-19 joke (aka he said Mark has covid). Turns out that actually this is very racist joke because Mark is half asian. Of course Wade and Bob said he shouldn't have said that. This is what people have told (not tea blogs).
Im gonna be little over the place.
Merch - well technically this isn't very big issue but his team stolen someone arr and Seán didn't know until the community got very bad and did noise and he apologized over discord. Second one is Among Us merch, i think this is not okay because technically the game doesn't belong to him. If he has © mark then maybe it counts. Idk. But some people think its not remotely okay.
One the things it's extremely sad is he doesn't really listen us that much and it has left me thinking that he doesn't even care us too. Like yes sis get that bag. Plus he usually apologize in tumblr or now discord. Never on twt. There is some stuff he haven't apologized but i think its okay.
For me is just big dissapointed. There is two more but i have realized this isn't very bad thing but the same time kinda is. Just thanks for these i went to "break" for 4 months. I have said this in the past but he is turning into THOSE youtubers. The fucked up youtubers, the bad person.
Of course i don't say you should stop watching him. Do whatever you want but sometimes i just cant yk. There is alot of talking about it so i leave it here.
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blue-shaded · 4 years
Sean took down the Among Us Merch, looks like he found out that the art was stolen. So, now I want to know why it happened in the first place. And how it happened. And...how Sean found out about the stolen art?
Someone linked my post in that discord, mods found out. They went into panic mode, alerted Sean and he spoke to the design team and took it down. He’s posted about this on his private discord. He doesn’t want anyone to know about this, he doesn’t want anyone finding out it happened, or anyone finding out that if it wasn’t for me and my mutuals finding out about his nasty way of going at things.. The merch would still be up. He wouldn’t have volunteered to do any research himself. Neither would the stannies have done. They’d justify it anyway and let Sean get away with stolen artwork.
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