vampyr-game · 2 years
As someone who admittedly was getting a bit of tired of seeing Sean Hampton getting woobified and turned into "soff uwu sub boy" in fanworks, I am absolutely living for your post about Sean Hampton topping. Thank you so much
bro yes, what the hell, I love u. he's sassy! he's bold! he's his own advocate! he's a capable man single-handedly running a homeless shelter for YEARS, who is very opinionated about government incompetence! he has a strong sense of justice, even if he feels beatifically obligated to forgive everyone who's ever wronged him without maybe addressing his own feelings on the matter... but just because everybody disrespects his boundaries doesn't mean he doesn't know how to SET them.
I think part of the difficulty of getting Sean to top (or shipping him at all) is that he's a workaholic with a troubled relationship with sex, so he's not likely to pursue a relationship of his own volition, and that necessarily situates him to be the recipient of such advances. in such a scenario, it may seem like a foregone conclusion that the one who is pursued is NOT dominant in the relationship... but I think Sean would benefit from a divergence from traditional relationship roles like top/bottom. we have to get creative if we want to restore agency to our boy!
(This got long and delves a little into similar hurdles faced when writing SeanReid AND GeoffReid, so I'm putting it below a cut lol)
as an example -- of the SeanReid fics I've enjoyed, several make it a point to assure the reader that No Mesmerism Was Employed Nor Maker/Progeny Bond Exploited To Facilitate These Sexual Relations.
but... what if that WERE the case? then Sean would feel wronged, and he would be right to feel wronged, and he would be in a position to demand restitution (😏) or apologies from Jonathan. let Sean get pissed! let it be Jonathan's fault! maybe Jonathan, newborn Ekon, accidentally puts his private desires in Sean's head, and Sean's status as a Skal enthralled to him compels him to meet Jonathan's needs! Sean would be pissed! but what's funny is he would probably know more about this than Jonathan, on account of his years-long acquaintance with Bridget and the Sewer Skals (honestly every character should know way more about Jonathan's capabilities than Jonathan. and I think that's very sexy of them to know him/his body better than himself. anyway.) meanwhile Jonathan would feel terrible and contrite, and perhaps try to compromise with the sex act that would be the LEAST objectionable to Sean. which could be Sean topping! though there's also a case to be made that Sean refuses to hurt Jonathan and insists on receiving (tho maybe he could ride Jon, that could be a good compromise...) -- you could honestly play that a lot of ways! all of which bring Sean's agency a little more forward into the relationship.
honestly, I love Extra Good (Even Gooder Than Canon!) Good Boy Jonathan Reid, but I've started to notice he creates something of a magnetic morality field when left unattended: everyone around him who doesn't wholeheartedly trust him seems ridiculous against his infallible kindness, and there's little room for them to do more than be worn down over the course of a fic and capitulate, in their own way.
everyone plays the kneeling scene a little differently, but a Jonathan who is nothing but guilty/regretful/contrite/apologetic gives Sean little room to be angry or standoffish, so Sean is rendered mostly passive. interestingly, Good Jonathan also creates this problem in GeoffReid -- if Jonathan is a perfect faultless angel, then that goes COMPLETELY against Geoffrey's worldview. as a matter of existential preservation, he'll rail against it and refuse to trust it, and Jonathan is left to chase after Geoffrey's coattails begging and pleading for his acknowledgment. it's hard to characterize Geoffrey as anything but a cornered animal, or a blind and stubborn thug, when Jonathan is so committed to defying his expectations -- but if you START with a Dark Roast Reid, for example, Geoffrey's worldview isn't being challenged every time he looks at this guy -- it's being VALIDATED, and it's a problem he knows how to solve. and then who knows, seducing the demi-god leech could be a form of damage control, and a way for Geoffrey to establish dominance. I imagine he doesn't relish the thought of being dragged into emotional honesty by a leech, but bringing a leech to heel is just part of his job description.
So, making Jonathan a little bit of an asshole gives the characters around him opportunities to hold him responsible, and his willingness to BE held accountable to them gives them agency. imo this is accomplished beautifully in scoriasoil's Catch Me When You Can -- it's WaverReid, and Jonathan's a bit more of a pedantic asshole than we tend to get in fic, and I just find that so refreshing,
THAT SAID I'm still very much interested in writing Glutton For Punishment Jonathan and Surprisingly Into This Sean Hampton. someday. I will put a star sticker on it just for you anon, thank you for joining hands with me in appreciation of Sean Hampton's agency 🤝
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secondarythings · 2 years
New Vampyr fic
This one wouldn't leave me alone. 2nd person narrated perspective featuring s flustered Jonathan secretly going to a tailor to request a special garment for him and his beloved
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official-brennivin · 4 years
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this could be us.............
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rjjameshiii · 4 years
Sean: Ow, I got a papercut.
Jonathan: *shaking fist at the sky* DAMMIT HASN'T HE SUFFERED ENOUGH?!
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whywhyallnametaken · 5 years
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They’re going off on an adventure! Sean Hampton deserves all the soft and good things in the world and I will fight whoever says otherwise. Soft seanreid is my guilty pleasure. Pls let me have pure things.
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jhorton2003-blog · 3 years
The Weekly Reid - Does J. Horton Really Make Movies that Make Money
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sdeeys · 6 years
So you're drawing a LOT of Jonathan and McCullum, but you got any thoughts on Jonathan and Sean ? Just asking :3
the big difference between McCullum and Sean in their relationship with others is that McCullum would struggle and fight where as Sean would turn the other cheek
Based on the only somewhat good ending on Sean and Jonathan my thoughts on them are unwholesome and blasphemous, and I love Sean too much to constantly impose such thing on the poor man. 
I would like to redirect you to @mountainfoxes for wholesome SeanReid material 
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vampyr-game · 2 years
Sean Hampton. Bonus points if he gets to top in at least one of the ships.
Sean Hampton? Topping? Are you me???? I have no higher aspiration than to put this man in charge of a relationship, god bless you for asking Sean Hampton/Jonathan Reid Sean Hampton/Mary Reid Sean Hampton/Ichabod Throgmorton Sean Hampton/Tom Watts Sean Hampton/Lady Ashbury Sean Hampton/Fergal Bansha Sean Hampton/Thelma Howcroft Sean Hampton & Clay Cox
One way you could swing Sean topping in SeanReid is if Jonathan’s healing factor is making him feel numb and inhuman, and he starts to court injury just to feel something again (yes, very edgy, but isn’t that just so Jonathan? the grieving flagellant!); well, who better to absolutely fuck this man up than a Skal with a mouthful of serrated teeth? on Sean’s end of things, you could play it off like ~ Skal instincts ~ are compelling him to fight and feed and fuck, and really Jonathan is doing him a favor by letting him take those urges out on him~
You could also just have Jonathan be considerate and offer to take it up the butt, rather than assuming he has the privilege. I don’t think that’s a huge leap from knowing Sean’s past to extending the most basic courtesy of asking if he’s comfortable with that. That aside, I don’t begrudge what SeanReid exists for not delving into unpleasant subject matter. I’m just saying it could honestly write itself (but since it won’t I guess I’ll put that on my to-do list).
Mary is an interesting case, because she indicates in her boss fight that she was privy to Jon’s conversation with Sean--which is less surprising if we recall she drops a corpse outside right after said conversation. Well. I don’t see why Jonathan couldn’t “I envy the peace you’ve found” out of there, leaving Mary to contemplate the wisdom of her revenge (foregoing the corpse dropping and subsequent scavenger hunt), only to be conveniently in the area when Sean’s Skal transformation gets worse and his brain starts oozing out his ears. Need Ekon blood to survive the transformation? Mary is right here! And St. Mary is also Sean’s Saint of choice, so there’s really a LOT of depth to mine here for fever-induced beatific/romantic visions.
Also, a rich young heiress like Mary probably already does charity work, so it’s likely they’ve met over soup kitchens or something? Good works are absolutely the way to Sean’s heart--if you want to earn this man’s affections, you have to provide for his flock--so that puts Ichabod, Mary, Tom and Lady Ashbury in the running in several ways.
Ichabod has appointed himself the self-proclaimed guard dog of the night asylum, and has demonstrated he’s soft on vampires besides; Sean already has a glowing opinion of Tom, and he was probably there for the whole Dyson Delaney debacle--surely if anyone’s seen Sean vulnerable and in need of a friendly shoulder to lean on, it’s Tom? Mary seeking religious guidance from Sean after Dylan died... please...And Ash, well. I just think there’s a lot you could do there! What if she was gonna drink his blood and realized he was on his way to becoming a Skal? Doesn’t she think Skals are gross? And what does he think of her? I daresay he’d take Nurse Crane’s stance on the matter if he learned she was misusing her charitable position to eat patients, but there’s still room for nuance or even enemies to lovers there. And I mean. Ekon blood is Ekon blood (if we pretend she is not infected with the blood of hate)...
also Sean’s hospital bed was literally right next to Thelma while she was doing vampire ERP all over Thomas Elwood so that’s something. I don’t know WHAT. But it’s SOMETHING.
As for Fergal, well. I just think they’re neat! :) They are both Irish, both probably Catholic (albeit formerly in Fergal’s case), and they are both second-class citizen species of vampires. Who knows! Maybe Sean can invite Fergal to that “First Church for the Undead” he mentions in his voice lines? 🥰✝🧟‍♂️
Also the Wet Boot Boys leave the Night Asylum completely alone and that’s insane. Clay Cox has no damn sense but even he thinks better of bugging Sean? Okay. So. Sean has the city by the balls? Of COURSE he tops.
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jmsdev · 8 years
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Love at first site! The cacophony of online gear reviews and tech talk can be overwhelming...Sean Reid to the rescue. For thorough and reliable camera tests and information be sure to check out Reid Reviews. Not only does he know his shit, he's a talented photographer to boot. 
Image © Sean Reid (2008)
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crossroadsalpha · 10 years
I'm enjoying that this season is moving toward "this is how Oliver Queen become Green Arrow."
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