#Seasoned Pollack Roe
buffetlicious · 10 months
Japan's top-selling conveyor belt sushi chain Sushiro (スシロー) opened its first Southeast Asia outlet in Singapore on the Aug 19, 2019. I have wanted to visit it but somehow I have been putting it off due to it not being near where I am staying, that is until their Causeway Point branch opened.
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I started off with three red plates (S$2.20++) and a gold plate (S$3.80++). The Broiled Mackerel Oshizushi with Mentai is topped with a thick piece of fish brushed with savoury sweet sauce. A refreshing shiso (perilla) leaf sits between the fish and rice. Hidden within the rice are seasoned pollack roe (mentaiko) which imparted the briny umami flavours.
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Next up, Spear Squid with Ponzu Jelly has two whole squids sitting atop their rice ball, topped with jellies and scallions. I read that the translucent squids are allowed to age for about a day to let the flesh turn white and acquire a sweet flavour. The ponzu jellies offered a lovely balanced sweet, sour and salty flavour to the otherwise plain mollusk.
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When I ordered the Salmon with Basil Cheese, I was kind of skeptical on how this combination would work out. Popped the sushi into the mouth and I was pleasantly surprised by how good it tasted. The fish, cheese sauce, finely chopped basil leaves and the searing worked to bring out the best in flavours.
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The Swordfish Sushi is plain looking after the all the colourful toppings that came before it. But it does make up with sweet and firm flesh, not forgetting to mention the tiny dollop of wasabi hidden underneath it.
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katyatalks · 5 years
MP100 OVA Drama CD Track 8 - Episode 7: Breakfast - English Translation
The MP100 OVA Drama CD, titled “The first spirits and such company trip; The other side of a journey that mends the heart and heals the soul and such” comes with the blu-ray/DVD, and is officially described as a compilation of 1) conversations from the day before the OVA itself & 2) exchanges that aren’t depicted in the OVA. More info here! Here’s the translation of the eighth track, “Episode 7: Breakfast”! Characters: Mob, Ritsu, Serizawa, Reigen, Dimple, Teru
You can listen to this track from the masterlist!
MOB [As narrator]
This seventh story takes places during breakfast the following morning.
[BGM: birds chirping, SFX: door sliding]
(Yawning) Ah, I slept well… I feel great, I’m sure that’s in part thanks to the onsen… Ah, good morning, Ritsu! Did you sleep well, too?
S-sure! Super soundly.
Everyone! Good morning! Woooow, it’s such a refreshing morning, isn’t it?
Yeah. It’s fantastic.
You don’t look so good. You’ve got bags under your eyes, too.
Reigen-san… were you unable to sleep…?
Even though the futon was really soft and felt great to lie on…
It’s because you sleep too much during the day… for someone who made a whole guidebook, you sure don’t have any planning ability.
Don’t say that, moron, I slept fine! Well, if you guys had just been quiet, I probably could’ve slept more soundly, but...
Eh? Were we loud?
No, t-that’s not true at all, nii-san! We slept just fine.
Eh, whatever! More important than that - food! I missed my chance to eat last night, so I’ve been looking forward to this…!
[SFX: door sliding]
Oooooh, it’s here, it’s here! This is it - a real ryokan breakfast! White rice in a wooden container, colourful pickled vegetables, crispy nori, natto, raw eggs… Oh!! Walleye pollack roe and simply scalded whitebait! And that’s iwanori there too, isn’t it! Everything’s here! Moreover, warm flavourful miso soup, and wanmono with a delicate touch of high quality seasoning. Then! Grated daikon and grilled salmon, cut in a rare way… 100% perfect! As expected of a long established ryokan! This is it! A real Japanese-style breakfast!
[SFX: door sliding]
It really does look delicious…
Looking at this I feel like I could eat everything, even though we ate so much the night before…
Considering I live alone, this breakfast is like a dream to me.
And I only ever eat cup noodles… Reigen-san, thank you so much for bringing me along on this trip!
I already told you this doubles as your welcoming party, didn’t I? In any case, let’s eat! It’s all gonna go cold otherwise!
[SFX: hands clapping together]
Let’s eat!
[BGM: that soft music that plays when OVA title drops]
[SFX: eating, cutlery against bowls and such, happy exclamations]
Mob… seriously, did you put raw egg on top of your natto?
I did.
Ah, amateurs are such as bother... Listen. With the raw egg, your body becomes unable to absorb the precious vitamins in the natto! 
Really? But, I like having raw egg with my natto…
If you want to have your natto with eggs, then make it only the yolk. That way, you don’t lose any of the nutrition from the natto. That’s something good to remember.
Alright. If that’s what you say, Shishou…
And Ritsu. You shouldn’t put whitebait on your grated daikon. The daikon inhibits your body’s ability to absorb amino acids from the whitebait. I recommend you have the grated daikon with the grilled salmon, and the whitebait with something else on the table.
(unimpressed) Huh. Is that so.
Reigen-san, you really know a lot, don’t you?
Hanazawa… are you really eating that high-quality nori just the way it is? There’s a griddle over there! Nori is something you should lightly toast before eating!
Ah, that’s right, isn’t it? That must be what I forgot when I was eating the ibo-niku steak from last...
I’m not talking about that! ...In any case, don’t talk about about delicious-sounding food I didn’t get a chance to eat!
Seriously… stop trying to one up these middle schoolers with how much you know about food, it’s immature.
On the contrary, it’s evidence of my maturity that I’m able to give this advice. They’re in middle school, they’re still growing - I have to teach them the most nutritionally-beneficial ways in which they can eat. It’s my obligation as an adult!
You say that, but you just want to show off how much you know, don’t you?
Shut up, evil spirit!
But really, all of this food is delicious, isn’t it! This pickled daikon radish [SFX: mouth stuffed, still talking] is so crunchy…
Serizawa… you’ve still got a lot to learn as well.
Ehhh?? Did I... do something wrong? Did I take too much or…?
Needless to say, pickled daikon radish just by itself is delicious. However, there’s ways to make it even more so…! [SFX: knife brandished, loud chopping] First of all, cut the pickled daikon radish into tiny pieces using the provided knife, then mix it with natto! You could leave it like this and it’ll be delicious BUT, you could also throw in walleye pollack roe cut into little pieces with a hint of seasoning plus some iwanori! After that, roast some nori for 30 seconds or so until it’s crunchy, break it into pieces on top and… complete! The ultimate pollack-daikon-natto!
[SFX: munch, echo] MM! TASTY!
Eh…? Is that a special recipe?
So? Anyone fancy a bite?
Ah, I’m sorry… I don’t really like natto.
I’m not great with walleye pollack roe.
And I just ate natto, so…
T-then… I’ll have some!
“Then”?! What the hell do you mean, “then”!? Fine. I’ll eat it by myself.
I… I’m sorry…
In any case, Serizawa. I noticed that you’re not eating the skin of the salmon - why is that?
T-that’s…! It’s because I don’t like the skin… I deeply apologise.
Hey now, I’m not criticising you. I was just thinking that I felt a little sorry for you is all, not knowing how delicious salmon skin can be.
So how delicious can it be?
Well, firstly, toast the remaining skin on the griddle until it’s crispy. After doing so and pulling it apart, put it on rice with some whitebait! ...but, with just that, it’s pretty fishy, SO! [SFX: knife brandished] You take the pickled vegetables, cut them finely… (carries on mumbling in concentration)
Ah… I really do want to eat this, but… I’m so full…
You were able to serve yourself two more times while Reigen’s been making that.
Well, what can you do. So, Mob? You’ve been training your muscles, you need to eat a lot, don’t you?
Reigen… you’re abusing your authority over your employees.
I’m not forcing anyone. It’s advice, through and through! It comes from a place of love...
That’s just what a boss abusing their authority would say.
Ah, you’re annoying! Someone who can’t even eat this stuff should just shut up and go suck up some spirits!
[BGM end]
Seriously?! Was that an order?!
ANYWAY! All I wanted to say is; delicious food is something that shouldn’t be eaten sloppily. Remember that! And now; I’m eating!
You’re slow. Everyone’s finished.
[SFX: Reigen eats grossly ASMR]
Mmmm!! Delicious, delicious!! [SFX: slurp] Alright, what should I go for next!!
Oi, licking your chopsticks, Reigen… that’s a breach of manners.
[BGM change]
Huh!? [SFX: more slurping, mouth full] MM!! This pollack-daikon-natto is so delicious!!
Shishou… my mum told me that you shouldn’t draw plates toward you using your chopsticks.
Ah, you’ve dirtied the miso soup!
The way you eat is filthy.
[SFX: mouth stuffed] Oh, shut up, you guys!
Reigen-san… I don’t think it’s good to speak when your mouth is full.
And the natto, too...
And I think holding the plate that holds the fish is a breach of manners, too, isn’t it... I’ve heard it’s only fine to hold rice bowls, small bowls and small plates.
Piling up plates when you’re done with them isn’t good, either.
And, my mum told me eating with an open mouth is-
Oh, come ON, you’re all so annoying! I was showing you all what NOT to do! Everything I just did was for that purpose. So don’t copy me! I just wanted to show you! Understood?!
Uh… understood.
[SFX: gross eating continues]
You’re deplorable, you are.
(echo) MM! TASTY!
Ah… the onsen was great, the food is delicious! What an amazing trip, huh? Haha! Hahahaha!! Haha!! Haha… ha… ha.
Track 1 (Intro) is here!
Track 2 (Episode 1: Serizawa’s Preparation) is here!
Track 3 (Episode 2: Going Shopping) is here!
Track 4 (Episode 3: Onsen) is here!
Track 5 (Episode 4: Dimple & The Local Spirit) is here!
Track 6 (Episode 5: Reigen’s Will) is here!
Track 7 (Episode 6: Ritsu Can’t Sleep) is here!
Track 9 (Outro) is here!
Crossposted on twitter here!
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naturalstyleyuripom · 4 years
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"Japanese Washoku"🐟🍚🥢
1.main dish:Grill salmon🐟
2.side menu①
Freeze-dried Tofu Simmered in Seasoned Broth
side menu②
Potato salad with seasoned pollack roe🥔
Miso soup with chinese cabbage and tofu🍲
Japanese rice and salmon roe🍚🌟
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proprhettcies · 4 years
Season 4 Episodes 63-73 (337-347)
S4 Ep 63 (337)- Thanksgiving Theme Ep
Happy Thanksgiving Song- to the tune of Happy Birthday
Axe #7- Feed the pilgrim cutout using potatoes and a turkey leg as a bat
S4 Ep 64 (338)- Game using movies- Settings
Link has great guesses not seeing any of the movies except one
S4 Ep 65 (339)- 6 Ways the World Could End
Aired 12/2/2013
*From various lists and speculation
-Asteroid- RandL solution- Huge slingshot/Giant Ping Pong Paddle
-Global Pandemic- Pathogen/Virus Wipeout- RandL idea- Personal Bubbles like the hamster balls
-Fungus- “There’s a fungus among us” tshirt
-Overpopulation- R & L get vasectomy together
-The Snowball Effect- Mass catastrophic events
Folding T-Shirt More
S4 Ep 66 (340)- Essential Items for the Apocalypse
Rhett buying Link supplies with Link paying him back
-water storage
-food bucket
-folding stove & camp heat
-Life Straws
-Water Purification Tablets
R-” You're a cheapskate!”
L- “You just like to buy stuff!”
LA River-Concrete Ditch
Shave with a knife
Crank flashlight
Rhett’s Rambo Knife- The Bushmaster
S4 Ep 67 (341)- 15 Things You Didn’t Know Had Names
Link’s blue vest
-Lunule- crescent shape marked at the base of your fingernail
-Glabella- space between your eyebrows
-Tittle- the dot over an I or J
-Zarf- cardboard holder for paper cups
-Frisson- the sudden passing of emotions- goosebumps
-Petrichor- the smell of fresh rain after a long drought
-Interrobang- a combination of a? and! In one
-Ferrule- metal part on the end of a pencil
-Paresthesia- a sensation you feel after body parts falling asleep
-Wamble- When your stomach growls
-Dysania- the state of finding it hard to get out of the bed in the morning
-Phosphene- still seeing light but eyes are shut
-Purlicue- space between thumb and forefinger
-Philtrum-groove between your nose and upper lip
-Mondegreen- Misheard lyric
Creating a cologne
Link and certain colognes-instant headache
S4 Ep 68 (342)- Forgetting Deodorant
- If just a casual day just roll with it not if you have an important place to be
Axe #8- Making it snow on a gingerbread house by grating a block of cheese
Candian Candy
Lays Ketchup Chips
S4 Ep 69 (343)- McRib
Rhett loves the McRib
Rhett falls for the window ads
Link- “My 1st and last time eating one” & “Your pie hole!”
Seasonal Item
Jay Z
Link enjoys Big Macs more
S4 Ep 70 (344)- 6 Weird Holiday Traditions
International Christmas Traditions
-Christmas Pudding- Stir Clockwise and make a wish
-Cansada Feast- Portugal
-Hide Brooms- Norway
-Greek Folk Tradition- Evil Goblins- Kallikantzaroi
-Spain- Catalonia- Poop Log
Rhett acting like a cat
Grey Mary- Horse Skull and sheet- Welsh tradition
Kirkland’s Decor Store
S4 Ep 72 (346)- Strange Candy
-Australia Musk Sticks
-Avocado Doritos
-Milkita- Indonesia
-Pretz Pollack Roe & Citrus Sticks
-Red Bean Milk Chewy
-Botan Rice Candy
-Everyburger- Japan
-Matcha Kit Kat
-Lucas Salsagheti Chamoy Extremo- Mexico
-Tayto Cheese &Onion Chocolate Bar
S4 Ep 73 (347)- Christmas Theme Episode
Cat Memes
Axe #9- Christmas Smoothie- Gingerbread Cookies, Apple Cider, Egg Nog, Candy Canes, Fruit Cake, Turkey. Have to make it and drink it.
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kembungsusu · 3 years
Setsubun: Golden Ratio for Hand-Rolled Sushi & Sushi Rice. Setsubun (節分) is the day before the beginning of spring in the old calendar in Japan. The name literally means 'seasonal division', referring to the day just before the first day of spring in the traditional calendar, known as Setsubun; though previously referring to a wider range of possible dates. I was going to make a potato recipe, but I just found out that today is Setsubun in Japan!
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My Family's Easy Hand-Rolled Sushi with Inexpensive Fillings. Thinly-sliced pork or beef•Canned tuna mixed with mayonnaise•Cod roe mixed with mayonnaise•Negitoro (minced fatty tuna with green onions)•Salmon•Cheese, etc. A seven-ingredient sushi roll is basically a futomaki, or fat sushi roll, and that is what the directions are for.
Hello everybody, hope you are having an incredible day today. Today, we're going to prepare a special dish, setsubun: golden ratio for hand-rolled sushi & sushi rice. It is one of my favorites food recipes. This time, I will make it a little bit unique. This will be really delicious.
Setsubun (節分) is the day before the beginning of spring in the old calendar in Japan. The name literally means 'seasonal division', referring to the day just before the first day of spring in the traditional calendar, known as Setsubun; though previously referring to a wider range of possible dates. I was going to make a potato recipe, but I just found out that today is Setsubun in Japan!
Setsubun: Golden Ratio for Hand-Rolled Sushi & Sushi Rice is one of the most well liked of current trending foods on earth. It is easy, it's fast, it tastes delicious. It is appreciated by millions daily. They're nice and they look wonderful. Setsubun: Golden Ratio for Hand-Rolled Sushi & Sushi Rice is something which I have loved my whole life.
To begin with this particular recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can cook setsubun: golden ratio for hand-rolled sushi & sushi rice using 24 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.
The ingredients needed to make Setsubun: Golden Ratio for Hand-Rolled Sushi & Sushi Rice:
{Get of White rice.
{Get of Vinegar Mix.
{Take of Vinegar.
{Prepare of Sugar.
{Prepare of Salt.
{Take of Fillings.
{Prepare of Tuna (sashimi quality).
{Take of Amberjack (buri).
{Prepare of Salmon.
{Take of Shrimp.
{Take of Negitoro (minced fatty tuna with scallions).
{Take of Avocado.
{Take of Cucumber.
{Make ready of Imitation crab sticks.
{Make ready of packet Daikon radish sprouts.
{Prepare of Canned tuna mixed with mayonnaise.
{Prepare of Umeboshi paste.
{Make ready of Mentaiko spicy salted pollack or cod roe.
{Take of pack Natto (fermented soy beans).
{Prepare of leaves Shiso leaves.
{Make ready of leaves Leafy lettuce.
{Prepare of all Accompaniments with the sashimi packs.
{Get of Mayonnaise・wasabi・soy sauce.
{Prepare of sheets Nori seaweed (large sheet cut into 4).
Last year, the Superbowl fell right on Setsubun no hi, so there's a New York-Boston (remember it was the Giants vs. Recipe: Tasty Setsubun: Golden Ratio for Hand-Rolled Sushi & Sushi Rice. Recipe: Yummy Easy Hand-Rolled Sushi with Sushi Vinegar. Easiest Way to Prepare Perfect Temari Sushi.
Steps to make Setsubun: Golden Ratio for Hand-Rolled Sushi & Sushi Rice:
[Vinegar mix] Put everything in a pan and turn on the heat to medium. Stir until the sugar and salt has dissolved and the mix is transparent..
Cook the rice with a little less water than usual. I don't have a sushi rice tub, so I just transfer the cooked rice to a bowl. Add the vinegar mix and mix..
Place the fillings on dishes, and then just roll and eat..
[Fillings] Roll whatever you like, such as shrimp & avocado; tuna mayo & daikon radish sprouts; shiso & umeboshi & cucumber; fresh tuna & avocado.
The accompaniments that come in the sashimi packs can also be used as fillings, or just pour over dressing and eat like a salad..
Well you're in luck, because here they come. It's a long sushi roll filled with seven different ingredients to represent the seven gods of happiness. SushiHeads are serving up one with grilled eel, cucumber, carrot Because of this, it is now traditional to eat the rolls in order to bring out good luck when driving out pesky demons at the time of Setsubun. ◆ Event Summary ◆ The extremely difficult 「Setsubun Drinking Banquet Picture Scroll: Kiraku Hundred-Story Pagoda」 limited event is finally here! Sushi dimakan tanpa berhenti sambil menghadap ke arah mata angin tempat bersemayam dewa keberuntungan untuk tahun tersebut. A wide variety of hand roll sushi options are available to you, such as plastic, bamboo.
So that is going to wrap this up for this exceptional food setsubun: golden ratio for hand-rolled sushi & sushi rice recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I am sure that you can make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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chilly-territory · 7 years
K ~ Four Seasons of K: Become a Star
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July’s story features Anna, Kuroh and Neko, with a brief cameo by Kusanagi.
The original Japanese text is still kindly provided by blueseraphima
Become a Star by Raikaku Rei
Those who died become stars and watch over you from up above.
Someone tried to comfort Anna by telling her that when her parents died.
Anna was only 6 at the time, but she already knew that dead people couldn't turn into stars. Stars were stars, and they were there long before someone went and passed away, existing irrespective of people's life and death.
From when she was a very young child, Anna, gifted with an empathic superability, was way more knowledgeable about the world than your average kid had any right to be, and she had no innocence required to believe the pretty but empty words of comfort said to her.
"Let's go gaze at stars!" declared Neko with her big almond-shaped eyes sparkling when she dropped by bar HOMRA.
Anna tilted her head to the side a little. "Stars?"
"Kurosuke said you can see lots of stars from his village, and they're really pretty! So we decided to go there for Tanabata and stargaze! But Shiro is busy grading end-of-term tests or something, so he said for the two of us to go on our own, but it'll be so boring with just Kurosuke, so I came to invite you along with us, Anna! Eheh!" Neko threw out her chest with pride at her great idea.
Anna blinked a few times, then slowly shifted her gaze to Kusanagi behind the counter.
Kusanagi gave her a little wry smile, not stopping his hands polishing a glass. "Well, if Yatougami-kun is coming, then I don't imagine there will be any danger to you even at night, so if you want to go, Anna, you should."
Neko would drop by bar HOMRA every so often, whether her objective was Kusanagi's snacks (the pervy glasses' snacks were all glittery and the type she'd want to eat from time to time, as she put it, while Kurosuke's were the type she'd eat every day) or she just genuinely wanted to see Anna. Every time Neko came, Kusanagi, his face reading 'oh well, can't be helped', would smile and take snack requests. Even Yata, who at first never failed to look annoyed askance along the lines of 'why the hell is she here again!', got used to it and even started greeting her with simple interjections like 'Hey' or 'Sup'. He had trouble dealing with females, but it appeared that he had learned not to be overly conscious of Neko being a girl, treating her as something of an oft-visiting stray cat so long as she didn't start stripping in the bar or taking off her panties and forgetting them in the bathroom.
To Anna, Neko was a girl who, despite being technically slightly older, didn't really feel older. But Anna had no experience with being invited to hang out with other girls to draw on in the first place.
Anna, gazing into Neko’s pure, sparkling eyes with no sliver of agenda behind them, finally gave a small nod.
The prospect of going out at night was exciting.
Neko and Kuroh were supposed to come pick her up at dusk, so Anna had finished her preparations before then. For a change of pace, she braided her hair and put the thermos and the snacks she had Kusanagi make for the three of them into her bag.
"Anna! We came for you!" Neko entered the bar, boisterous as ever and sporting the same braided hairstyle as Anna, mysteriously enough. Perhaps she wanted to look different, too? Seeing Anna, she exclaimed, "Oh, we match!" and brandished her own pigtails, grinning widely. "Shiro braided my hair for me."
Anna, watching the happily grinning Neko, showed a smile of her own and complimented her look, "It looks good on you".
"Well then, as of now, I take Kushina Anna under my care and promise to keep her safe and sound." Kuroh, who quietly entered the bar behind Neko, walked up to the counter and bowed to Kasanagi from the waist with all seriousness. "Yes, yes, I'm counting on you. Call me if something happens," Kusanagi waved his hand lightly, and Anna exited the bar after Kuroh and Neko.
On the train on the way to their destination, they ate a bento that Kuroh made.
"The triangular onigiri are with plum filling, the round ones with salmon, and the rectangular ones are filled with grilled walleye pollack roe." "I want salmon~!"
Swaying in their box seats, they chewed on the onigiri that Kuroh made.
The triangular one that Anna chose had just enough firmness to deliciously crumble in her mouth, letting red pickled plum out and making Anna smile.
"I apologize for Neko suddenly coming and inviting you on such short notice," Kuroh smiled at Anna. "No," Anna shook her head. "I was happy that Neko invited me. The place we're going to is your old home, Kuroh?"
Kuroh smiled broader and nodded. His old home must be the place where Miwa Ichigen, the late Seventh King, lived.
"Stars you can see from that village make an amazing sight. Besides, I was thinking it was about time for me to visit Ichigen-sama's grave either way. After we stargaze tonight, we will stay at Ichigen-sama's house for the night, and tomorrow, after I have paid respect to his grave, I will go greet the villagers, while you two can play together for the time being." "Grave..."
Now that she thought about it, Anna hardly ever got to visit her parents' graves. Cold-hearted as it may look, Anna had no religious faith and, like with her educated conviction that dead people didn't turn into stars, didn't feel a need for graves. But the way Kuroh treasured Ichigen's grave and the village where he lived with the Seventh King so dearly looked very beautiful to her eyes.
In the village where Kuroh grew up, a modest celebration of Tanabata was being held, with big decorated bamboo and paper lanterns in sight.
The Miwa house was situated on the edge of the town, on the side of the mountain. Guided by Kuroh, Anna and Neko were making their way up on an unpaved hill road, holding hands.
Before long, a one-story house surrounded by a wooden fence came into view. The Miwa house, no doubt, but the group went past it, continuing on their way up. When the already sparsely lined up poles of street lights disappeared completely, Kuroh took out a flashlight.
Neko appeared to have good night vision, confidently walking in the dark, and Anna squeezed her hand harder. The temperature of Neko's hand was a little higher than Anna's.
When they reached a small clearing on the mountainside where you could hear the sound of running water, hinting at a waterfall possibly being nearby, Kuroh stopped.
"Here should be good." Producing a big picnic sheet out of his luggage, he spread it on the ground, "Lie down on it and look above you."
Anna settled down on the sheet face up next to Neko. "Wow..." "So many stars~!"
In the dark and with absence of light in vicinity, the starry sky up above made a picturesque view.
"This is my first time seeing the Milky Way..." Anna whispered quietly, gazing up at the sky.
Countless small stars cut across the night sky like a river of light. And on the two opposite shores of it, two stars shone especially bright. They were Vega and Altair. Gazing at the great expanse of the sky full of stars that was impossible to see in Tokyo, Anna let out a breathless sigh.
To Anna, only the red color was visible. Although she tried to avoid having a hangup about it, but when she thought that there probably was little difference between how this magnificent view of mixed darkness and pure light appeared to her and to Neko and Kuroh, she felt just a little bit happier.
Neko at first couldn't contain her joy, chattering away excitedly, but soon she quieted down. Suspecting that she might have fallen asleep, Anna peeked at the girl lying next to her, but surprisingly, Neko's big eyes were wide open, their gaze directed at the sky above.
"Dead people become stars. Someone told me that long ago. ...Although I don't remember who it was."
Anna's eyes widened in surprise when she heard Neko's quiet voice that she didn't know Neko was capable of. It apparently surprised Kuroh as well, as he rose up on his elbow.
Neko, looking much younger than Anna and as innocent as a newborn infant, cocked her head to the side, "I wonder if it's true?"
Anna was lost for words, just gazing at Neko's profile until a quiet click resounded, like some kind of switch turned on.
'Feelings lighting up your heart will become stars,' a deep voice recited what sounded like a haiku, coming from Kuroh's recorder - the recorder that contained records of Kuroh's mentor, Miwa Ichigen.
Kuroh smiled gently.
"If you ask me, if someone gazes at the stars in the sky, remembering a person who passed away, that's when the late person turns into a star," he said, tone serene. "I believe that Ichigen-sama can be found in the stars twinkling in the sky, and in this recorder, and in the wind that blows when I lose my way, and in the first rays of the morning sun I bask in... he's always there for me."
Anna knew that dead people didn't become stars. Stars were stars, and they were there long before someone went and passed away, existing irrespective of people's life and death. But like she believed that Mikoto's red and Tatara's memories were alive in her heart supporting her, maybe dead people could become stars when someone looked up thinking of them.
"Hmmm," Neko made a non-committal noise. She didn't appear to be feeling about the whole deal very strongly, the expression on her face really reminding that of a child.
Anna lightly clutched at the hand of the sprawling Neko next to her. Neko returned the gesture, clasping her hand in turn. The red-eyed girl felt a tender feeling spreading from their interlinked hands. She also sensed that to Neko, pretty things were just that, pretty. And that Neko was becoming slightly sleepy. Neko was honest and true to herself like that.
There was a time when Anna, through her empathic superability, felt Neko's past. Neko had a lot of sadness and loneliness inside, but also just as much joy, fun, and affection. Neko was a person who lost a lot. And so did her companions, Kuroh and Shiro. They had been through a lot of sadness and loneliness, and it's because they intimately knew those that they valued and loved things they had at the moment.
"Neko." "Meow?" "It's pretty." "Yup. But I'm getting sleepy." "Neko." "Mew-mew?" "Thank you for inviting me along."
Stars were stars. But they reflected the feelings of those who gazed at them.
Still clasping her friend's hand, Anna squinted as she took in the whole expanse of the starry sky above.
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leyhejuhyunghan · 4 years
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2021.1.3. With mom at the Swiss Grand Hotel in our town on Sunday afternoon. Today in the afternoon did dishwashing and listened to the radio. Made steamed egg with pollack roe and tea. Served pears and persimmons for family. In the evening ate steamed egg with cooked rice and cheese and desserts. Listened to podcasts and ate water jelly and mints. Tomorrow in the afternoon will do dishwashing, serve cabbage, and make seasoned spinach. Have a safe and good day.   
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bap-time · 7 years
Starpop Dish List
Here is a masterpost of all the dishes in Starpop, including satiation/health/affection values, ingredients required and anything needed to make pre-cooked ingredients (like fried egg requiring egg, for example).
This list is as of posting probably about 97% completed. It does not include temporary dishes (such as the B.A.P members’ favourite foods). If a dish in this list is not present in your recipe book it is most likely because you haven’t made 10 of the “lower-tier” dish (check the dish listed above the one you don’t have).
If you have uncovered any dishes not listed here, the ingredients of any “????” dishes or have any corrections; please send me an ask and I will edit it.
I will also insert this list into an Excel spreadsheet that can be accessed here.
Korean Food
Bibimbap (🍴70,⚡16,❤70) red pepper paste, rice, carrot, fried egg (req. egg) Perilla Dough Soup (🍴70,⚡18,❤73) wheat flour, potato, anchovy broth (req. anchovy stir fry, meat stock) perilla powder Bean Paste Stew (🍴70,⚡19,❤80) soybean paste, tofu , mushroom, anchovy broth Stir-fried Rice Cake (🍴70,⚡22,❤98) rice cake, red pepper powder, spiced soy sauce (req. soy sauce, sugar, garlic, welsh onion), fish cake Kimchi Fried Rice (🍴80,⚡26,❤117) kimchi, rice, onion, fried egg (req. egg) Pork Kimchi Stew (🍴80,⚡30,❤138) kimchi, tofu, pork, welsh onion Steamed Ribs (🍴80,⚡30,❤154) seasoned pork ribs (req. spiced soy sauce [req. soy sauce, sugar, garlic, welsh onion], pork), carrot, meat stock, welsh onion Tuna Rice Ball (🍴80,⚡35,❤160) tuna, rice, laver, mayonnaise Braised Potatoes with Beef (🍴90,⚡50,❤359) beef, potato, onion, spiced soy sauce (req. soy sauce, sugar, garlic, welsh onion) Bulgogi (🍴90,⚡50,❤363) beef, cabbage, egg,  spiced soy sauce (req. soy sauce, sugar, garlic, welsh onion) Oden Soup (🍴28,⚡16,❤80) anchovy broth (req. anchovy stir fry, meat stock), white radish, fish cake, welsh onion Stir-fried anchovies with Red Pepper Paste (🍴45,⚡20,❤105) anchovy stir fry, red pepper paste, spiced soy sauce (req. soy sauce, sugar, garlic, welsh onion) Spicy Blue Crab Stew (🍴65,⚡35,❤170) crab, red pepper powder, soybean paste, mushroom Fried Pork Rib Balls (🍴75,⚡35,❤185) seasoned pork ribs (req. spiced soy sauce [req. soy sauce, sugar, garlic, welsh onion], pork), fried flour, hot spice (req. red pepper powder, habanero chili, garlic) Chicken Noodle Soup (🍴45,⚡16,❤63)  chicken, wheat flour, egg, mushroom Red Pepper Paste Stew  (🍴60,⚡24,❤88)  red pepper paste, potato, onion, anchovy broth (req. anchovy stir fry, meat stock)  Braised Tofu (🍴50,⚡24,❤94)  tofu, spiced soy sauce (req. soy sauce, sugar, garlic, welsh onion), red pepper powder Braised Spicy Ribs (🍴85,⚡38,❤197)  seasoned pork ribs (req. spiced soy sauce [req. soy sauce, sugar, garlic, welsh onion], pork), potato, onion, hot spice (req. red pepper powder, habanero chili, garlic) Bulgogi Green Onion Pancake (🍴100,⚡60,❤293) beef, welsh onion, wheat flour, egg Leek Pancake (🍴80,⚡44,❤180)  chives, wheat flour, red pepper, soy sauce Stir-fried Pork Belly with Bean Sprouts (🍴80,⚡36,❤142)  pork, green bean sprouts, onion, spiced soy sauce (req. soy sauce, sugar, garlic, welsh onion)  Bamboo Leaf Rice (🍴45,⚡17,❤60)  chicken, rice, bamboo leaf, chestnut Pollack Stew  (🍴100,⚡58,❤274)  frozen pollack (req. pollack, ice, salt), red pepper paste spice (req. red pepper powder, red pepper paste, soy sauce, garlic), white radish, tofu Abalone Rice Porridge (🍴100,⚡65,❤333)  abalone, rice, sesame oil, meat stock Stir-fried Kimchi and Tuna  (🍴100,⚡59,❤278)  tuna, kimchi (req. napa cabbage, red pepper powder, salt, pickled shrimp [req. shrimp, salt]), sesame oil, welsh onion Braised Cutlassfish (🍴100,⚡65,❤272)  seasoning hairtail (req. hairtail, red pepper paste spice [req. red pepper powder, red pepper paste, soy sauce, garlic]), white radish, red pepper Cutlassfish Pumpkin Stew (🍴100,⚡65,❤337)   seasoning hairtail (req. hairtail, red pepper paste spice [req. red pepper powder, red pepper paste, soy sauce, garlic]), sweet pumpkin, welsh onion, meat stuck Pollack Pancake (🍴80,⚡35,❤168) frozen pollack (req. pollack, ice, salt), wheat flour, egg, salt Stir-fried Squid (🍴100,⚡56,❤234)  seasoning squid (req. squid, red pepper paste spice [req. red pepper powder, red pepper paste, soy sauce, garlic]), garlic, onion, zucchini Dongtaetkkuk (🍴100,⚡61,❤297)  frozen pollack (req. pollack, ice, salt), white radish, welsh onion, refined rice wine Braised Mackerel (🍴100,⚡55,❤230)  salted mackerel (req. mackerel, salt), red pepper paste spice (req. red pepper powder, red pepper paste, soy sauce, garlic), meat stock, white radish Roasted Mackerel (🍴85,⚡36,❤146)  salted mackerel (req. mackerel, salt), soy sauce, welsh onion, garlic Grilled Halibut with Butter (🍴71,⚡26,❤101)  salted halibut (req. halibut, salt), butter Braised Halibut with Daikon (🍴70,⚡23,❤108)  salted halibut (req. halibut, salt), welsh onion, white radish, red pepper Halibut Steak (🍴80,⚡35,❤178)  salted halibut (req. halibut, salt), salt, butter, garlic  Stir-fried Webfoot Octopus (🍴100,⚡51,❤226)  seasoning webfoot octopus (req. octopus, red pepper paste spice [req. red pepper powder, red pepper paste, soy sauce, garlic]), welsh onion, onion, red pepper Fried Rice with Webfoot Octopus (🍴100,⚡52,❤228)  seasoning webfoot octopus (req. octopus, red pepper paste spice [req. red pepper powder, red pepper paste, soy sauce, garlic]), welsh onion, bean sprouts, rice  Roasted Webfoot Octopus (🍴80,⚡37,❤193)  seasoning webfoot octopus (req. octopus, red pepper paste spice [req. red pepper powder, red pepper paste, soy sauce, garlic]), welsh onion Grilled Eel (🍴100,⚡50,❤216) salted eel (req. eel, salt), ginger, red pepper paste spice (req. red pepper powder, red pepper paste, soy sauce, garlic), sesame oil Electric Eel Soup (🍴81,⚡37,❤194) ???? Chilled Jellyfish Salad (🍴60,⚡18,❤82) seasoned jellyfish (req. jellyfish, vinegar, sugar, soy sauce), cucumber, horseradish, sesame oil Chilled Pigs’ Feet Salad (🍴71,⚡26,❤101) seasoned jellyfish (req. jellyfish, vinegar, sugar, soy sauce), pork, cucumber, horseradish Noodle Soup with Clams (🍴60,⚡17,❤76) wheat flour, clam, anchovy broth (req. anchovy stir fry, meats stock), zucchini Stuffed Squid (🍴60,⚡17,❤75) squid, tofu, pork, egg Ginseng Chicken Soup (🍴100,⚡56,❤248) chicken, ginseng, rice, jujube Spicy Abalone Soup (🍴100,⚡75,❤420) abalone, jujube, mushroom, hot spice (req. red pepper powder, habanero chili, garlic) Abalone Steak (🍴100,⚡70,❤630) abalone, beef, steak sauce, garlic Pheasant Dumpling Hot Pot (🍴80,⚡35,❤163) dumpling, welsh onion, mushroom, meat stock Mackerel Loach Soup (🍴45,⚡16,❤75) salted mackerel, red pepper, mushroom, red pepper paste Flowers Seaweed Rice Rolls (🍴60,⚡18,❤80) rice, flying fish roe, laver, edible flower Flowers Bibimbap (🍴100,⚡65,❤353) rice, beef, edible flower, red pepper paste spice (req. red pepper powder, red pepper paste, soy sauce, garlic)
Western Food
Scrambled Egg (🍴30,⚡5,❤7) egg, salt Cheese Scrambled Eggs (🍴45,⚡14,❤25) egg, salt, cheese Ham Cheese Scrambled Eggs (🍴60,⚡25,❤52) egg, salt, cheese, ham  Toast (🍴45,⚡8,❤17) bread, cabbage, egg Cheese Toast (🍴45,⚡15,❤27) bread, cabbage, dressing, cheese Bacon Cheese Toast (🍴100,⚡40,❤102) bread, cabbage, cheese, bacon Popcorn (🍴45,⚡10,❤20) corn, salt, butter Corn Soup (🍴45,⚡15,❤26) corn, potato, onion, butter Cheese-burger (🍴45,⚡16,❤28) bread, lettuce, cheese Chicken Burger (🍴60,⚡20,❤42) bread, lettuce, cheese, chicken Barbeque Burger (🍴100,⚡43,❤107) bread, lettuce, cheese, chicken Tofu Steak (🍴60,⚡17,❤38) tofu, egg, steak sauce, onion Tuna Steak (🍴100,⚡41,❤103) tuna, salt, steak sauce, onion Potato Pizza (🍴60,⚡16,❤36) wheat flour, cheese, tomato sauce, potato Bacon Pizza (🍴100,⚡42,❤106) wheat flour, cheese, tomato sauce, bacon Lobster Pizza (🍴100,⚡69,❤218) wheat flour, cheese, tomato sauce, bacon Mushroom Risotto (🍴60,⚡18,❤39) onion, rice, mushroom, cheese Shrimp Roll (🍴60,⚡25,❤51) butter, mayonnaise, bread, shrimp Crab Roll (🍴100,⚡41,❤102) butter, mayonnaise, bread, crab Lobster Roll (🍴100,⚡️68,❤214) butter, mayonnaise, bread, lobster Tofu Cheese Roll (🍴60,⚡24,❤50) tofu, flying fish roe, cheese, fried flour Strawberry Whipped Cream Roll (🍴40,⚡6,❤23) strawberry, bread, fresh cream Salmon Rolls with Pomegranate Sauce (🍴30,⚡9,❤50) pomegranate sauce, salmon, lettuce, onion Lobster Salad (🍴85,⚡50,❤285) lobster, dressing, cabbage, corn Banana Crepe (🍴45,⚡18,❤65) banana, fresh cream, wheat flour, egg Sweet Pumpkin Cream Spaghetti (🍴80,⚡31,❤110) sweet pumpkin, cream sauce, noodle, mushroom Milk Cocoa (🍴45,⚡18,❤65) milk, chocolate, cocoa powder, fresh cream Paella (🍴60,⚡25,❤113) rice, tomato sauce, octopus, shrimp
Japanese Food
Udon (🍴30,⚡6,❤8) noodle, soy sauce Fried Tofu Udon (🍴45,⚡13,❤24) noodle, soy sauce, fried tofu Fried Shrimp Udon (🍴60,⚡19,❤41) noodle, soy sauce, fried flour, shrimp Egg Sushi (🍴30,⚡8,❤10) egg, rice, horseradish Shrimp Sushi (🍴45,⚡14,❤25) shrimp, rice, horseradish Tuna Sushi (🍴80,⚡️35,❤79) tuna, rice, horseradish Strawberry Wagashi (🍴55,⚡9,❤39) rice cake, sugar, adzuki beans, strawberry Okonomiyaki (🍴70,⚡16,❤67) wheat flour, cabbage, dried bonito, pork Natto Topped Rice (🍴70,⚡16,❤70) rice, natto, egg, welsh onion Buckwheat Noodles (🍴70,⚡23,❤104) buckwheat noodles, white radish, welsh onion, dried bonito broth (req. dried bonito, meat stock) Chicken Topped Rice (🍴80,⚡26,❤113) chicken, fried egg (req. egg), onion, spiced soy sauce (req. soy sauce, sugar, garlic, welsh onion) Takoyaki (🍴80,⚡26,❤117) octopus, wheat flour, spiced soy sauce (req. soy sauce, sugar, garlic, welsh onion), dried bonito Salmon Sushi (🍴80,⚡35,❤169) sushi (req. vinegar, rice, sugar), salmon, horseradish Gyudong (🍴100,⚡35,❤369) beef, egg, onion, spiced soy sauce (req. soy sauce, sugar, garlic, welsh onion) Beef Yakisoba (🍴100,⚡35,❤369) beef, spiced soy sauce (req. soy sauce, sugar, garlic, welsh onion), noodle, mushroom Octopus Sushi (🍴30,⚡15,❤75) sushi (req. vinegar, rice, sugar), octopus Natto Sandwich (🍴40,⚡19,❤95) natto, bread, lettuce, dressing Katsuo Udon (🍴60,⚡21,❤125) dried bonito broth (req. dried bonito, meat stock), noodle, soy sauce, fried tofu Japanese-style Tomato Salad (🍴45,⚡12,❤48) tomato, soy sauce, vinegar, onion Japanese-style Fried Bell Pepper (🍴60,⚡21,❤83) bell paper, pork, wheat flour, barbecue sauce Clear Soup (🍴60,⚡25,❤179) dried bonito broth (req. dried bonito, meat stock), mushroom, clams, welsh onion Braised Chicken with Soy Sauce (🍴80,⚡37,❤179) chicken, soy sauce, rice wine, sugar Rice Wine Steamed Clams (🍴100,⚡45,❤190) clams, garlic, soy sauce, rice wine Kobe Beef Stew (🍴100,⚡50,❤198) kobe beef, onion, potato, tomato Flying Fish Roe Fried Tofu Balls (🍴70,⚡26,❤99) flying fish roe, fried tofu, sushi (req. vinegar, rice, sugar) Japanese-style Fritters (🍴80,⚡26,❤113) fried flour, shrimp, sweet pumpkin, marinade  Eel Rice (🍴60,⚡25,❤114) salted eel (req. eel, salt), rice, ginger, sour sauce Electric Eel Sushi (🍴60,⚡25,❤117) ???? Apple Candy (🍴45,⚡9,❤40) apple, honey Japanese Fried Noodles (🍴50,⚡24,❤94) noodle, cabbage, pork, worcester sauce Flowers Sushi (🍴80,⚡30,❤124) edible flower, fried tofu, sushi (req. vinegar, rice, sugar), sesame oil
Chinese Food
Bubble Tea (🍴45,⚡️10,❤45) milk, black tea leaves, tapioca pearl Knife-cut Noodles with Tomato (🍴40,⚡️11,❤45) wheat flour, tomato, onion, egg Chinese-style Tomato Egg Soup (🍴40,⚡️13,❤52) tomato, egg, soy sauce, salt Chinese-style Stir-fried Chicken (🍴45,⚡️15,❤58) chicken, peanut, peppers, soy sauce Chinese-style Steamed Garlic and Clams (🍴45,⚡️17,❤64) clams, welsh onion, salt, garlic Fried Pork Belly in Soy Sauce (🍴70,⚡️17,❤67) pork, soy sauce, sugar, welsh onion Chinese-style Braised Spicy Clams (🍴65,⚡️21,❤80) clams, garlic, red pepper, soy sauce Sichuan-style Stir-fried Pork (🍴65,⚡️28,❤115) red pepper, pork, chili oil, marinade Dan Dan Noodles (🍴80,⚡️28,❤115) noodle, chili oil, meat stock, peanut sauce Stir-fried Korean Chili Peppers and Pork (🍴80,⚡️30,❤135) pork, chili oil, bell pepper, mushroom Chinese Cold Noodles (🍴80,⚡️32,❤135) buckwheat noodle, pork, peanut sauce, meat stock Chinese-style Stir-fried Lettuce (🍴40,⚡️16,❤56) cabbage, garlic, welsh onion, salt Chinese-style Milk Pudding (🍴45,⚡️10,❤34) milk, egg, sugar Chinese-style Banana Pancake (🍴40,⚡️14,❤60) wheat flour, egg, milk, banana Mackerel-ball Soup (🍴45,⚡️9,❤42) mackerel, salt, wheat flour, meat stock
World Food
Salt Chicken Skewers (🍴30,⚡️5,❤7) salt, chicken Barbecue Chicken Skewers (🍴45,⚡️11,❤21) salt, chicken, barbecue sauce, welsh onion Cheese Barbecue Chicken Skewers (🍴60,⚡️19,❤41) salt, chicken, barbecue sauce, cheese Cabbage Salad (🍴45,⚡️9,❤18) soy sauce, cabbage, onion, dressing Curry and Rice (🍴45,⚡️14,❤25) potato, rice, onion, curry Curry Bread (🍴60,⚡️23,❤48) potato, rice, onion, curry Vegetable Pilaff  (🍴60,⚡️18,❤39) rice, butter, onion, mushroom Phat Thai (🍴80,⚡️26,❤62) shrimp, noodle, garlic, egg Pork Topped Rice  (🍴55,⚡️15,❤63) pork, soy sauce, onion Black Tea Cookie (🍴68,⚡️20,❤90) black tea leaves, butter, sugar, wheat flour Whipped Cream Red Bean Bread (🍴20,⚡️8,❤45) adzuki beans, fresh cream, bread Stir-fried Ham and Vegetables (🍴45,⚡️22,❤110) ham, mushrooms, carrot, tomato sauce Spicy Chicken Skewers (🍴40,⚡️23,❤120) chicken, rice-cake, hot spice (req. red pepper powder, habanero chili, garlic), welsh onion Roasted Spices Tongojingeo (🍴100,⚡️51,❤203) seasoning squid (req. squid, red pepper paste spice [req. red pepper powder, red pepper paste, soy sauce, garlic]), welsh onion Fish Cutlet (🍴83,⚡️36,❤147) salted mackerel (req. mackerel, salt), curry, egg, tartar sauce Fried Eel Salad (🍴80,⚡️36,❤147) salted eel (req. eel, salt), curry, cream sauce, lettuce Pork Chops with Grilled Skewers (🍴60,⚡️22,❤83) pork, mushroom, welsh onion, barbecue sauce Blue Crab Ramen (🍴80,⚡️31,❤110) noodle, egg, crab, welsh onion Grilled Butter Shrimp (🍴80,⚡️30,❤163) shrimp, butter, salt, garlic Cheese Sausages Grilled Skewers (🍴80,⚡️35,❤163) ham, cheese, bell pepper, carrot Smoked Pork Belly (🍴51,⚡️25,❤104) pork, potato, sweet pumpkin, salt Strawberry Shaved Ice (🍴40,⚡️11,❤45) milk, strawberry, ice cream, ice Ice Cream Mango Shaved Ice (🍴50,⚡️25,❤103) mango, ice, coconut milk, ice cream Chocolate Banana Shaved Ice (🍴60,⚡️25,❤113) cocoa powder, condensed milk, banana, ice Mango Cheese Shaved Ice (🍴70,⚡️26,❤100) ice, mango, condensed milk, cheese Chocolate Shaved Ice (🍴60,⚡️18,❤80) ice, chocolate, cocoa powder, condensed milk Chocolate Banana (🍴65,⚡️28,❤115) banana, nutella, strawberry, cocoa powder Peanut Butter Grilled Squid (🍴80,⚡️35,❤164) squid, butter, peanut sauce, sugar Chocolate Crêpe (🍴70,⚡️23,❤105) wheat flour, egg, cocoa powder, nutella Flowers Smoothie (🍴45,⚡️16,❤78) milk, banana, edible flower, ice Flowers Package Rice (🍴80,⚡️36,❤146) edible flower, pork, white radish, spiced soy sauce (req. soy sauce, sugar, garlic, welsh onion)
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honeyseekr · 7 years
Modern Korean Style Lunch in Ikseondong,Seoul
Ikseon-dong, one of recently famous regions to Korean young guys is definitely full of fancy and modern-traditional mixed style cafes and restaurants. 
Every weekends, young Koreans are gathering in Ikseon-dong and strolling around to find nice place to have a meal or get some coffee.
However, if it’s the first time to there and even you are a stranger, you might get confused and lose your way in this maze like town surrounded by traditional Korean houses.
To be prepared for such situation, I hope I could give a recommendation through this article about where to eat when you visit Ikseon-dong.
Ikseon Banjoo 
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Ban (飯) stands for a meal, Joo (酒) means an alcohol. 
So Banjoo altogether means an alcohol with the meal or dishes served with liquors, as you have already guess Ikseon Banjoo sells liquors, especially various Korean traditional liquors. 
During the day time they serves a lunch course and after lunch time it turns to a sort of bar in Korean traditional style house.
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When I visited Banjoo it was almost the end of lunch time, there was not long queue, so after about 20 minutes could get into the restaurant. 
But, normally there are a lot of people in Ikseondong on the weekend and even the places do not have enough space to serve many customers at a time. So, you should be known that you might need to wait for a long time if you want to go to some place in Ikseon-dong not only this restaurant also including other places.
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Makkoli (Rice Wine)
Had ordered a Korean rice wine (Makkoli) before lunch course started
This one is quite different from normal Makkoli in green bottle selling in ordinary supermarkets or convenience stores. It has its own brand called ‘Bok-soon-do-ga’  It has originated from Ulsan, the city located in southern area of S.Korea. It is made in a family’s own secret way (hand made and using traditional yeast). The most interesting thing of this rice wine is that It’s very SPARKLING like sparking wine.
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It may hard to get noticed it’s sparkling in this picture, but I took this one after a few minutes later the restaurant staff had opened it. She specially opened it by herself saying “It’s too much sparkling”.
Flavor of this makkoli is much softer than other ones and it feels very light, since it’s sparkling. So if you didn’t like the own flavor of makkoli when you tasted it, this one could give you another chance to try to enjoy makkoli. Furthermore, it does not tastes heavy and it does not interrupt the own scent and taste of dishes served with it. But It’s a little bit stronger than normal makkoli as 9 % alcohol content. 
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Chicken broth Porridge with barely and seaweed
Please do not be worried about the word ‘seaweed’, I guarantee that you never feels the  taste of it at all. It’s just a kind of vegetable grows in the ocean and it’s absolutely good for your health. 
It tastes like chicken porridge but has more Korean flavor since it made of Barely. pieces of red and yellow paprika make it taste refreshed(?).
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(from left) Dried white radish kimchi, stirred and steamed egg, salted squid and white radish kimchi.
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Grilled octopus and Potato
chewy octopus and well grilled octopus. a sort of harmony of land and sea. a feature of Korean cuisine is the harmony between the ingredients which seem  that really not related to each other.
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One of the best thing of living in Korea is enjoying fresh and fine oyster as really low price compared to Western countries.
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Beef tartare
you can enjoy the own flavor the beef has when having this Korean style tartare.
Seasoned and minced raw beef (Yook Hwe) is one of cuisine that loved by many Koreans, however, of course, there are also many Koreans who can not eat raw beef.
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Spicy Korean Chicken soup
This chick soup is not spicy for me, as you know Korean love spicy food and immunized to such spicy food. So, it might be spicy for foreign tourists. Though it may be spicy, it is sweet at the same time.
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What you need to enjoy this soup is separate some soup to your own bowl, then enjoy it with a rice with some vegetables, pollack roe and mayonnaise.
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Menu for food
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Menu for Liquor
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yugiri315 · 7 years
GRAPH Nov2015 STUDY – Asumi Rio [Part 2]
Disclaimer:  reading this may make you hungry.
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Favorite Things Graph There’s really nothing but theater in my head but other than that…
      50% All the people in my life like my troupemates & the staff       50% Food Food -> More details!       30% Meat & Fish                1st place:  beef (steak yakiniku(3))                2nd place: chicken (chicken karaage (4))                3rd place: pork (shabu-shabu (5))                (But I like all of it!)       30% Vegetables (my favorite is water spinach)       30% Carbs
Carbs -> More details!!       15% Pasta (whether oily or creamy, I love them all!  I often order pasta               when eating out.)       10% Ramen (I like cold noodles with seafood seasoned with citrus and salt)       4%   Bread       4%   Malony (I always order extra from there whenever I’m working late)       40% Rice (Definitely has to be white rice!  It’s best paired with Pollack roe               and miso!  But I can’t survive on rice alone so I go through a cycle of               “rice->noodles->bread”)       20% Somen (I like warm somen served with egg yolk and dashi broth.  I               would also add soy sauce, sesame seeds, & katsuobushi (6)) 
A few words looking back! “All hail Takarazuka!!” (That’s what I live by.)
Translator Notes: (3)    Yakiniku: Japanese-styled grilled dishes (4)   Karaage: deep fried dishes (5)   Shabu-shabu: hot pot usually featuring thinly sliced meat (6)   Katsuobushi: tuna flakes 
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urmahkind · 6 years
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Udon know how much I love you, Udon noodle!"❤🍜❤ . . . Have you try MYUNGRAN CREAM UDON ($16) FROM MYATO GUSTROPUB?  - Salted pollack roe, cream, dried seaweed flakes, scallion . . . " Udon know my history?" - So, Udon noodles are traditionally a Japanese dish but were actually introduced to Japan when 🇯🇵 a Buddhist priest returned from a trip to China🇨🇳 in the 9th century and tried to took as an example to create a similar noodle found in China🇨🇳. Sanuki and Osaka, cities in western Japan 🗾 are considered the birthplaces of the Udon noodle, but each area of the country serves the dish in different ways! Such as Zaru and in a broth. . . . There are few traditional Japanese dishes more universally adored than Japanese Udon noodles. Yeap, Soba and Ramen! You know it!; I hope Marukame Udon will be here in Toronto soon! - Udon noodles are made from wheat flour, salt, and water, and are thick and chewy in texture when prepared correctly. As well as being an easy-to-use ingredient for home-cooked meals, there are also specialty Udon bars and Udon restaurants all over Japan and in other countries❤❤❤ . . . Are you familiar is Mentaiko? Oh, I LOVE Mentaiko! One is my favorite thing that I always eat when I am in Japan. So, Mentaiko is identical to tarako in that it is a sack of salted cod re, but differ from tarako in that the roe is marinated in different seasonings and spices to create an array of subtly different flavor profiles. You’ll find that raw mentaiko is offered in different colors, ranging from a muted pink to bright red, depending on the food manufacturer. I heard that Mentaiko is coming from Korea🇰🇷! I absolutely love them❤ Mmm mmm mmm!!  . . . What is your favorite noodle dish? Please tell me!  . . . #うどん#Udon#Japanesefood### (at MYATO Gastropub) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtWZo0DBz1f/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vocn2b30fdvm
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Hakata Mentai! Pirikarako-chan
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Hakata Mentai! Pirikarako-chan is set in a mysterious shopping center in a town that is like but also not quite like Hakata. In this setting, a walleye pollack roe fairy named Pirikarakochan rushes about every day trying to ease the worries and solve the rumors of the other food fairies.
First Impressions
This is an extremely short children’s show, that seems almost like it’s advertising walleye pollack roe for whatever reason.  I could kind of tell this was a kid’s show by the simplified art style, but I wanted to give it a chance just for the sake of covering everything in the season.  I don’t know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this.  The show’s structure was incredibly nonsensical even for a kid’s show, the events that transpired were just hilariously bizarre.  I cannot imagine anyone besides very little children getting enjoyment out of this.  Do not put this on unless you’re babysitting a Japanese toddler, because any kid old enough to read subtitles would probably like something else.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Crunchyroll to Stream To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts and More
  Anime Central 2019 is currently in full swing at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare and the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois (near Chicago), and at their official panel Crunchyroll has revealed a slate of five new streaming acquisitions and Crunchyroll Co-productions that are coming to the website during the Spring 2019 and Winter 2020 seasons.
  The new announcements include:
    Are You Lost? (Coming to Crunchyroll in the Summer of 2019)
  Synopsis: Because of a plane crash…starting today, we’re spending the springtime of our lives on a desert island!! There’s nothing here, so we have to make everything!! And eat everything!! (Ugh!) Check out our high school girl survival story of courage and knowledge. We’re actually doing pretty well!
    Magical Sempai (Coming to Crunchyroll in the Summer of 2019)
  Synopsis: “I encountered her … a cute, but ‘weird’ sempai!” Magic-loving but stage-fright-addled, this sempai comes with a failure rate of 100%—but you can’t take your eyes off her! The off-color, magical gag manga that's caused an uproar all over Japan is finally here! Here's to non-athletic hobbies!
    Hakata Mentai! Pirikarako-chan (Crunchyroll Co-production coming in the Summer of 2019)
  Synopsis: Hakata Mentai! Pirikarako-chan is set in a mysterious shopping center in a town that is like but also not quite like Hakata. In this setting, a walleye pollack roe fairy named Pirikarako-chan rushes about every day trying to ease the worries and solve the rumors of the other food fairies.
    To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts (Coming to Crunchyroll in the Summer of 2019)
  The democratic nation of Patria was created on the continent of Patria.
Because of economical disputes, the country split north and south, creating the Northern Union of Patria and the Southern Confederation of Patria and they waged a long civil war. With their numbers dwindling, the North decides to use forbidden technology in order to defeat the South. This technology turns humans into monster-like soldiers, giving them almost godlike powers. And with those powers, the long war came to an end and peace was restored.
Incarnates. They were the heroes who saved the country and were regarded as gods.
Time had passed, leaving the war behind. The people who had given up their human forms to become Incarnates were now feared by the masses due to their overwhelming power and were now called Beasts.
The former captain of the Incarnate squad, Hank, was on a journey to find his former Incarnate comrades who had turned into Beasts and was hunting them down as the Beast Hunter. A young woman named Schaal was on a journey to find the person who killed her Incarnate father. She encounters Hank and decides to go on a journey with him to discover the truth behind her father’s death. She eventually finds out that the battle is never truly over, and the existence of the man Hank is looking for who is apparently responsible for letting the Beasts loose into the world.
Where does Hank’s path lead him, as he bears the sins for killing his own comrades?
    In/Spectre (Crunchyroll Co-production coming in the Winter of 2020)
  Synopsis: Both touched by spirits called yokai, Kotoko and Kuro have gained unique superhuman powers. But to gain her powers Kotoko has given up an eye and a leg, and Kuro’s personal life is in shambles. So when Kotoko suggests they team up to deal with renegades from the spirit world, Kuro doesn’t have many other choices, but Kotoko might just have a few ulterior motives…
      The official release dates and region availability for each new show will be revealed at a later date.
  Survival comedy, dark fantasy, food fairies, and risque humor, there's something for everyone in this newest slate of announcements. Which series are you looking forward to the most?
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cucinacarmela-blog · 7 years
20 5-Ingredient Recipes to Keep Your Winter Evenin...
New Post has been published on http://cucinacarmela.com/20-5-ingredient-recipes-to-keep-your-winter-evenin/
20 5-Ingredient Recipes to Keep Your Winter Evenin...
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[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
I think there’s a tendency for winter cooking to get pretty complicated—simple salads often get replaced by elaborate stews, pastas, and other heartier fare. There’s nothing wrong with that, but sometimes I want to be able to cook a simple meal even during the colder months. Often that means simple roasted vegetables, but what about when you want something a little more interesting? Fortunately, winter lends itself to easy 5-ingredient cooking just like summer does if you know what you’re doing. From pressure chicken cooker stew to warm broccoli salad to cheesy pastas, we’ve got 20 five-ingredient recipes to prove that cooking in winter can be just as easy as in any other season.
Colombian Chicken Stew With Potatoes, Tomato, and Onion
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
This Colombian stew is pressure cooking at its simplest—just throw in chicken, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and a couple of bay leaves and turn on the cooker. You don’t even need to add stock or water because the chicken and vegetables release plenty of flavorful juices under pressure.
Get the recipe for Colombian Chicken Stew With Potatoes, Tomato, and Onion »
5-Ingredient Fried Chicken Sandwiches
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Our ultimate fried chicken sandwich isn’t a wildly complicated recipe, but if you want something easier we have you covered. We use two tricks to keep this recipe down to five ingredients—self-rising flour already has baking powder mixed in and gives the chicken a great crust, and we make double-use of the jar of pickles by using the pickles themselves as a condiment and their juice as a brine.
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Spicy Chicken Quesadillas
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
You really only need two ingredients (tortillas and cheese) to make a delicious quesadilla, but if we have room for three extra ingredients we might as well use them. Here that means cooked chicken breast, pickled jalapeño, and cilantro, but also try our recipe with spinach, black beans, and chipotles in adobo. Either way, mix all the ingredients with the shredded cheese so that the filling stays intact as the quesadilla cooks.
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Classic Pulpo Gallego (Galician Octopus Tapa)
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Pulpo gallego is a Galician tapas classic made by cooking octopus until tender and serving with olive oil, salt, and Spanish smoked paprika. I like to add onion and garlic to the pot (or better yet, pressure cooker) with the octopus, but you can leave it out if you want the dish to have a simpler flavor.
Get the recipe for Classic Pulpo Gallego (Galician Octopus Tapa) »
Broiled Salmon With Chili-Lime Mayonnaise
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Broiling is one of the easiest ways to cook a salmon fillet—the intense heat lets you brown the exterior of the fish without overcooking it. To be even gentler on the fish you can coat it with a flavored mayo like we do here—the mayo browns and leaves the salmon underneath perfectly tender.
Get the recipe for Broiled Salmon With Chili-Lime Mayonnaise »
Japanese Mentaiko Spaghetti (Pasta With Spicy Cod Roe and Butter Sauce)
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
This Japanese-Italian fusion pasta is as easy as it is hearty. Besides the spaghetti all you need is mentaiko (spicy cured pollack roe), light soy sauce, unsalted butter, and nori. Mentaiko freezes well, so next time you find yourself at a Japanese grocery, stock up and be ready to make this whenever the craving strikes.
Get the recipe for Japanese Mentaiko Spaghetti (Pasta With Spicy Cod Roe and Butter Sauce) »
Charred Broccoli Salad With Sardines, Pickled Shallot, and Mint
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
One of my favorite easy lunches any time of year, this salad pairs nutty charred broccoli florets with olive oil–packed canned sardines, quick-pickled shallot, and fresh mint. Slice the shallot and get it into red wine vinegar before you start the rest of the prep and it will be perfectly pickled by the time the broccoli is ready.
Get the recipe for Charred Broccoli Salad With Sardines, Pickled Shallot, and Mint »
Ohitashi (Japanese Blanched Greens With Savory Broth)
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
This simple Japanese side is made by blanching leafy greens (spinach works well) and marinating them in a mixture of soy sauce, mirin, and dashi. Because the dashi is such a major part of the dish’s flavor we recommend making it from scratch—it only takes a couple of minutes and doesn’t push this recipe over the 5-ingredient limit.
Get the recipe for Ohitashi (Japanese Blanched Greens With Savory Broth) »
Other Meats
Sous Vide Leg of Lamb With Black Olives
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Looking for something a little heartier? This leg of lamb is elegant enough to be a dinner-party centerpiece but still only requires a couple ingredients. We roll the lamb with black olives, parsley, and garlic before cooking it sous-vide to a perfect medium and searing quickly in a hot skillet.
Get the recipe for Sous Vide Leg of Lamb With Black Olives »
Tonkatsu or Chicken Katsu (Japanese Breaded Pork or Chicken Cutlets)
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Katsu—fried pork or chicken cutlet—is a comfort-food favorite across Japan. It’s made with a simple panko breading and always served with thick, sweet katsu sauce. Making your own sauce would definitely break our ingredient limit, but to be honest nothing you make at home will be better than Bull Dog anyways.
Get the recipe for Tonkatsu or Chicken Katsu (Japanese Breaded Pork or Chicken Cutlets) »
Roasted Carrots With Black Sesame Dressing
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
It often takes no more than simple dressing to make roasted vegetables shine. Here that means serving roasted carrots with a deep, earthy black sesame dressing. Along with some bright lemon juice and parsley, the bitter sesame paste wonderfully complements the sweet carrots.
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The Lazy Cook’s Black Beans
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Dried beans are a staple of my diet in the winter since they’re cheap, versatile, and filling. They are also super easy, as evidenced by this four-ingredient recipe. All we use to flavor the beans (besides kosher salt) is garlic, onion, and an orange, the latter of which we simmer whole to add both a citrusy sweetness and a subtle bitterness.
Get the recipe for The Lazy Cook’s Black Beans »
Roasted Kabocha Squash With Soy Sauce, Butter, and Shichimi Togarashi
[Photograph: Shao Z.]
The combination of soy sauce and butter is used in Japan to flavor all sorts of things, from fried rice to beef to McDonald’s French fries. Here we spike it with a sprinkling of the Japanese seven-spice blend shichimi togarashi and use the mixture to flavor roasted kabocha squash. You can make the sauce on the stovetop, but a microwave is easier.
Get the recipe for Roasted Kabocha Squash With Soy Sauce, Butter, and Shichimi Togarashi »
Fast and Easy Pasta With Blistered Cherry Tomato Sauce
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Fresh tomatoes aren’t usually part of my winter diet, but cherry tomatoes are pretty good all year so I keep this recipe in rotation even when summer is long gone. We cook the tomatoes until they burst and release their juices. Rich in pectin, those juices emulsify with olive oil to create an incredibly easy sauce. Looking for other easy tomato-based pastas? Check out our bucatini all’amatriciana and penne arrabbiata.
Get the recipe for Fast and Easy Pasta With Blistered Cherry Tomato Sauce »
3-Ingredient Stovetop Macaroni and Cheese
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
I promise that after you learn this recipe you’ll never buy a box of macaroni and cheese again—with just three ingredients (equal parts macaroni, evaporated milk, and cheese), this is actually even easier than Kraft. While some similar recipes call for cooking the pasta in milk, we use water to prevent scorching.
Get the recipe for 3-Ingredient Stovetop Macaroni and Cheese »
Cacio e Pepe (Spaghetti With Black Pepper and Pecorino Romano)
[Photograph: J. Kenji López-Alt]
Perfect for lunch or a midnight snack, cacio e pepe is made with spaghetti, olive oil, butter, black pepper, and Pecorino Romano cheese. The cheese, olive oil, and a little starchy water from cooking the pasta all emulsify into a creamy sauce in minutes.
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Spaghetti Aglio e Olio
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Pasta doesn’t get much simpler than this—the sauce is made with nothing more than olive oil and sliced garlic (plus a pinch of red pepper flakes if you want to get crazy). As with cacio e pepe, the secret is using the starchy pasta water to make a sauce.
Get the recipe for Spaghetti Aglio e Olio »
Pasta al Limone
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
At its heart, pasta al limone is basically lemon-spiked fettuccine alfredo—it starts with the same base of butter and Parmesan, with the citrus adding a brightness that we love on a cold day. We cook lemon zest into the sauce and finish with fresh juice—we don’t say how much because it’s really just a matter of taste.
Get the recipe for Pasta al Limone »
Eggless Chocolate Mousse
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
This recipe came into existence partially by accident—we were trying to make chocolate condensed milk, but the starch in the cocoa thickened the mixture into something closer to a pudding. Rather than throw it out and start again, we folded in some whipped cream and wound up with a remarkably intense chocolate mousse.
Get the recipe for Eggless Chocolate Mousse »
Marbled Ganache for Easy Chocolate-Covered Strawberries
[Photograph: Vicky Wasik]
Marbled chocolate strawberries seem like a fancy dessert, but all they require is a simple ganache (or rather, two simple ganaches). The only trick to the recipe is to remember that dark and white chocolate need different amounts of cream to reach the right consistency—we use a 2:3 chocolate:cream ratio for the former and a 3:2 ratio for the latter.
Get the recipe for Marbled Ganache for Easy Chocolate-Covered Strawberries »
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