#Seb's so pretty I want to pick him up by the ankles and swing him around E/nvy F/MA style
himemeika · 1 year
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Holy fuck this looks gorgeous
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softlass27 · 4 years
❛❛ C’mere. Lean on me. ❜❜ (robron AU, one of them gets hurt)
Hope you like it, Amy!
ao3 link here
Sometimes Robert forgets that he is married to a very stubborn man.
It’s easy to forget because Aaron’s a lot more open and easygoing these days, compared to how he was in the early days of their relationship. More willing to show vulnerability than he used to be.
He still has his moments, though.
Like on the football pitch.
The Woolpack football team reformed about six months ago, and actually – shockingly – they’re pretty good this time around. Now that they’ve got rid of some dead weight (Paddy, the team is too polite to say, even if Robert isn’t), recruited a couple of new players and actually had time to practice together, they’re less like a group of clumsy kids having a kickabout and more like an actual team. They’ve even started winning matches.
Matty is now a force to be reckoned with, his nimble feet making him perfect for stealing the ball from opposing players; Ellis and Billy are so in sync they practically move together as one unstoppable force; David is surprisingly good at tackles, even if he does whine like a baby every time he falls over; and Vinny is… well he’s not the best goalkeeper in the world (or even the Dales), but what he lacks in natural talent he makes up for in enthusiasm.
The star player – in Robert’s entirely unbiased opinion – is Aaron. Look, Robert’s not exactly an expert in football, but from where he’s standing (on the side of a cold, muddy field until he can’t feel his toes), Aaron scores the most goals, executes the most successful tackles, has the most energy… Robert’s earned bragging rights, okay?
So there he’s stood one chilly Saturday morning in March, like the supportive husband he is, watching Aaron and his team. Well, he’s half watching, half chatting shit with Dawn while keeping an eye on Seb and Lucas playing together.
Seb is easily Aaron’s biggest cheerleader, in awe of his dad every time he sees him play. Last month, Robert couldn’t resist surprising Seb with a tiny version of the team’s strip for him to wear to every match, and he doesn’t know who was more delighted by it, his husband or his son.
But it’s just past the 70th minute now, there’s only so long a four year-old’s attention span can last. Robert can’t say he blames him; to be honest, he’s counting down the minutes until the final whistle blows and they can all head to the warm pub for a full English.
If he had been paying more attention, perhaps he wouldn’t have missed the brutal tackle that sends Aaron flying. One second Robert’s absently checking his phone, the next he hears the unmistakable sound of his husband’s loud yell, and he whips his head up to see Aaron sprawled on the grass, his face scrunched up in agony as he grips his left ankle.
Billy and Ellis are already shouting to the ref and charging towards a player on the opposing team, who holds his hands up and loudly protests his innocence. The team checks Aaron over; Robert can hear them telling Aaron to sit out the rest of the match but he’s shaking his head and insisting that he’s good to keep going.
Robert feels a tug on his on jeans and looks down to see Seb clutching his leg worriedly. “Is Daddy okay?” His bottom lip’s already wobbling, so Robert quickly lifts him up and gives him a squeeze.
“Daddy’s fine, he just took a bit of a tumble,” he says in his best reassuring voice, despite the fact that he’s more than a little worried himself. “He’s already getting back up, see?”
Matty’s helping Aaron to his feet and he manages to stay standing, though Robert can see him wince and wobble as soon as he puts weight on his injured leg. He spots Robert and Seb staring at him and gives them both a smile and a thumbs up, before waving off his teammates’ concerns and lining up to take a free kick.
This is enough to calm Seb, who wriggles impatiently in Robert’s arms until he lets him back down and goes back to playing with Lucas. Robert, on the other hand, isn’t quite so convinced by Aaron’s supposed recovery.
He watches as Aaron continues to play for the remainder of the match, his face twisting as he tries to run without putting too much strain on his left leg. It’s only a few more minutes, but time seems to stretch out as Aaron becomes slower and slower, the clearly-increasing pain becoming more evident in his movements.
“Just stop, you idiot,” Robert mutters under his breath. Unsurprisingly, this doesn’t make a difference.
To say Robert’s relieved when the ref finally blows the whistle is an understatement. If the match had gone on much longer, he would have barrelled onto the pitch and dragged Aaron off himself.
The Woolpack’s team have won 2-1, so they’re in a jubilant mood, arms thrown over each other’s shoulders and slapping each other’s backs as they come off the pitch.
“Back to the Woolpack then, lads?” Vinny cries, to which they all cheer in agreement like it’s the best idea they’ve ever heard. Robert doesn’t know why they’re so excited; they always go to the Woolpack after a match, whether they win or lose.
Aaron walks – well, hobbles – over to Seb and swings him up into the air.
“You won again!” Seb crows happily.
“Course we did, we’re the best aren’t we?” Aaron grins and tips Seb back in his arms until he’s nearly upside down – a move that never fails to make him screech with delight.
Robert runs a hand through Aaron’s sweaty hair. “You’re not going to the pub, are you?”
Aaron puts Seb down and grabs Robert’s arm as he straightens up. Robert doesn’t miss the grimace on his face, the way his weight shifts to the side of his uninjured leg.
“Yeah, course I am. Team tradition, innit?”
“But your leg, you need to rest it.”
“Don’t fuss, my leg’s fine.”
“It is not fine.”
“It’s just a twinge, I can barely feel it,” Aaron replies with all the gusto of an idiotic footballer who’s just had a big win and wants to get hammered with his mates.
“You’re practically using me as a crutch right now,” Robert points out.
“No, I’m just… touching you. Normally.”
Robert blinks and tries very hard not to scream in frustration. He is literally the only thing holding Aaron up right now.
“Right, so you won’t mind if I just – ” He quickly steps away so Aaron loses his grip and tilts sideways, gritting his teeth when his weight lands on his injured foot. He reaches out for Robert quickly.
“Okay okay, fine, you've made your point, get back here.”
Robert rolls his eyes and returns to Aaron’s side, lets him lean against his chest and rest his head on his shoulder. He can feel Aaron letting out harsh, controlled breaths against his neck.
“On a scale of one to ten, how sore are you right now?”
“Like… four?”
“So that’s a seven, then.” All that gets him is an annoyed grunt and a soft headbutt in return.
“Sorry lads,” Robert calls out to the group. “I’m taking this one home, get some ice on his dodgy leg. You’ll have to have your piss-up without him this time.”
They whine and groan like they’re all half their ages, but agree readily enough, Matty coming over to pat Aaron on the back and tell he he hopes he feels better soon.
As the rest of the team troops off towards their respective cars, Robert pulls Aaron’s left arm around his shoulder. “C’mere. Lean on me.”
They set off at a slow pace, ambling towards the car while Seb zigzags about in front of them, kicking his miniature football that he brings to every match.
“You should’ve just stopped when the prick tackled you. You’ve probably made your leg worse now, you idiot.”
“Oi, I’m injured here, you wanna try being a little nicer to me?”
“Oh, now he admits it,” Robert grumbles and grips Aaron’s wrist a little tighter. “I’m just saying, you’re not exactly 21 anymore.”
“Rich coming from you, old man.” Aaron snorts.
They continue in silence until they reach the car, twin expressions of irritation on their faces.
Robert helps Aaron into the passenger’s seat, then goes to buckle Seb into his booster seat in the back. He spots one of Seb’s pillows (they keep it in there for when he needs to nap during long car journeys) and brings it to the front, tucking it under Aaron’s foot.
“Here, that might help until we get home,” he mutters, slamming Aaron’s door and heading for the driver’s seat before he can reply.
They pull out onto the main road and set off in the direction of Emmerdale, Robert driving as carefully as he can in an attempt to avoid jostling Aaron’s leg. It doesn’t take Aaron long to notice what he’s doing, and he reaches over to run his thumb over Robert’s wrist. A silent apology for snapping.
“Sorry you couldn’t go to the pub with the others,” Robert offers, only feeling a little bit bad.
“S’okay, think I’d rather hang out with you two anyway.”
Robert doesn’t know if he entirely believes that, knows how much Aaron loves hanging out with his teammates – especially on the high of winning a match – but he appreciates the gesture.
Aaron glances back to Seb, who’s happily tearing the little collection of daisies that he’d picked into shreds (Gonna have to give the backseat another hoover tomorrow, Robert thinks with a wince).
“What d’you say, mate – us three putting our feet up, big bowl of popcorn and a How to Train Your Dragon marathon?”
“Dragons!” Seb yells, throwing the remnants of his daisy petals in the air.
Dragons are Seb’s newest favourite thing, quickly overtaking dinosaurs in his estimations (“Because dragons are like dinosaurs ‘cept they can breathe fire, Daddy,” he’d explained matter-of-factly. Robert couldn’t really fault his logic).
Aaron laughs and turns to Robert.
Robert grins without taking his eyes from the road.
“Dragons it is.”
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smythesm · 4 years
Come Be My Teacher-Seblaine
Mini Para: - Come Be My Teacher
Rating: PG-13.
Pairing: Seblaine.
When: Sunday, May 24, 2020
Location: Sebastian’s (And Blaine’s) Cambridge apartment.
Notes: We had an idea and decided to do a little mini para in which Blaine catches Sebastian dancing and things get a little hot and heavy.
Warnings: Some dirty words and a lead up to smut.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian was good at dancing. He had never taken any lessons but could always easily pick up choreography and taught himself how to do flips when he was a Warbler. Seb always found himself dancing when he was out, even if it was just a little shuffle of his legs and the swing of his hips a partner always found him. Dancing was an easy way to get attention. He used to love going out and dancing with random boys and girls, the bass reverberating inside of his skull for hours after he had left the sweat slick, technicolor dance floor. Now, he had Blaine to dance with and the two of them still got a lot of attention when they were in sync together under a wash of blue and green lights, the pleasant thrum of a shot of vodka under his skin, the other man’s strong hands guiding his hips to a sexy beat. 
Often when Seb was bored, he’d find himself re watching music videos to teach himself the choreography. He wasn’t sure when he started doing this when he was bored but, he could remember teaching himself the “Getcha Head in the Game” choreography when he was about 11 and he knew almost every Lady GaGa routine he could find on Youtube. Sebastian liked dance moves that were athletic and hard hitting, he loved the challenge of learning an entire routine. If he found himself watching a music video on repeat, he ended up picking up the moves and would become obsessed until he knew the entire dance number. It didn’t matter that he didn’t show any of the routines off, they weren’t for anybody but himself. He loved the ache in his muscles from dancing all day, the triumph of mastering a move, the effortless flow when all of the moves came together, and the satisfaction of a tired body. Sebastian liked teaching himself choreography because it was cut and dry; here are the moves, here are the beats, this is when you move, stop when the song ends. 
Blaine had been gone pretty much the whole weekend. His dad had dragged him out to meet Elders in England. They usually had the weekends together, always had something planned out to do together. Sometimes it was as simple as watching a tv show together or as extravagant as an expensive dinner Sebastian had planned. Whatever it was, Seb always looked forward to the weekends with Blaine. But this weekend was put on pause until Blaine came back. He had popped in for about ten minutes the night before to give Sebastian a goodnight kiss. He had said that his father was keeping an extremely close eye on him and he wouldn’t be able to come back until their business was over. 
So, left to his own devices Sebastian had found himself watching BTS music videos on his tv. He wasn’t necessarily into K-pop and just sort of accidentally stumbled into a rabbit hole. Seb liked what he saw, though. Sure, the boys were beautiful with their candy colored aesthetic and expensive clothing. But the dance moves were captivating and super athletic. He found himself pushing his furniture out of the way and replaying the “Boy with Luv” SNL performance over and over again. He was sure his downstairs neighbors hated when he got this specific itch but he didn’t really care. 
It was about his tenth time through when he was sure he pretty much had it all, with a few of his own personal touches. Man, if he were still in the Warblers, this number would have killed and drove the girls at Crawford County Day crazy. Sebastian took a deep breath before restarting the video one more time to do the whole dance through, he laughed to himself and shook his limbs out before the music started. Ras sat diligently on the couch and watched as the familiar song filled the apartment.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine had spent the last few days in England with his father getting acquainted with a few of the Elders that preceded over that particular part of the Witches Council. They were some of the oldest living witches around and Blaine was nervous and a little angry that he had to go in the first place. It wasn’t that he hated being a Witch, no, he loved that about himself. He just hated the structure and knowing that he wasn’t allowed to be in love with who he loved. Even though the Fates had a hand in that. 
He’d been forced to keep his calm and smile politely as they talked to him about the plans they had for him next year once his advanced classes were finished. All he could think with each hand he shook and each smile he faked was that he didn’t want it. It was times like this that the reality of his situation with his very human and forbidden boyfriend slapped him in the face. And still he wanted nothing more than to get back to Massachusetts and wrap that very human boyfriend in his arms. He was still coasting on last night's short visit and sneaky kisses and was itching to steal a few more.
When his father finally allowed him to leave, much later than Blaine would have liked, yet earlier than he originally thought, he wasted no time. He stopped off to his room first, checking to see if Freya were around, she wasn’t. She must either be at Seb’s house or out under a sun drenched tree somewhere watching the goings on. He changed his clothes, sick to death of LeFay’s black and purple and pulled on a pair of jeans and a red fitted tee before slipping his feet into his standard white shoes. He briefly thought about stopping to get supplies to make them dinner, but decided he’d rather just wait and see what Seb wanted before doing so. It was surprising enough that he was home so early. The sun was still high in the sky and it was barely dinner time. He gave his curls a once over before putting out deflections and popping himself into Sebastian’s hallway.
 He pushed out calming energies toward Ras, the pup was famous for working himself up when someone knocked or came in. Normally he’d just land in the living room, but he was at least four hours early and he didn’t want to scare Sebastian too much. He could hear the pulse of music thumping through Seb's door, pushed his key into the slot, knocking softly as he turned the handle. He’d have tried to come home hours ago if he’d known what he’d be walking into. His boyfriend was in the living room, dancing. His body was moving in all the right ways. The tight white tee shirt twisting around his torso with each hard hitting, yet somehow sexual move that went along with K-Pop boy bands. Grey sweats, rolled up to expose ankles and the calves of long legs, and hugged Sebastian’s hips in a way that gave Blaine a little thrill all the way down to his cock. His Converse clad feet shuffling at exactly the right moment. 
Blaine stood there for a moment just watching, fixated, a look of awe and pure want gracing his face as he  watched the rhythmic way Sebastian’s body moved. He truly was a piece of work. Each little roll of his boyfriend's hips or roll of his body just as enticing as the last. Seb’s hips moving perfectly in time with the beat. It wasn’t until he felt the little press of a cold nose in his hand that he realized he’d been watching Sebastian dance his way through the rather complex routine twice. He jolted  a little and tore his eyes away from Seb’s seductive form and looked down at the culprit. Ras, of course. Blaine gave the dog a smile and a few pats, his free hand to his lips to shush him. 
He watched for a moment longer, not waiting to interrupted Sebastian's own brand of magic before stepping a little further into the room. He cleared his throat, hoping it didn’t sound as lazy and turned on as he felt.
“Do you give lessons?”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian was really into it. His body easily glided along to the happy beat of the song, perfectly mirrored the boy groups energetic dancing. He was pretty pleased with himself, couldn’t stop smiling as his feet moved, mouthed what words he knew and jumped around effortlessly. He spun around towards the end of the song and heard a cough? That wasn’t part of the song. Sebastian would know, he had only listened to it about fifteen times that day. 
He looked up and almost tripped over his own usually graceful feet when his eyes locked on Blaine. Of course Blaine was here right now, as he was sweating and dancing and blaring k-pop with all of the living room furniture askew. Sebastian caught himself and clutched his hips, his chest heaving a little bit from the exertion of the athletic routine. 
“Can you keep up?” Seb ran a hand through his hair and smiled. It hadn’t been very long that they had been apart but he missed Blaine. “C’mere.” He held out his arms and walked towards his boyfriend to give him a hello kiss. “How long were you standing there?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine couldn’t take his eyes off of Sebastian even as he asked his question. He almost instantly regretted interrupting him because Sebastian turned and stopped dancing and Blaine’s show was seemingly over. But, Seb was smiling and sweating and had a happy pulsing energy that Blaine wanted to bottle up and keep for the days when he was sad. Blaine tried to hide the smile fighting to break out on his face but lost the battle. His face split into the biggest grin at Seb’s words and his feet carried him over to his boyfriend. His arms wrapped around Sebastian as he pulled him close and lifted his face for his hello kiss, sighing at their close proximity and just being near Seb.
“You know, I could try. But, no, I doubt it…” He pressed a little closer to Sebastian before speaking again. “I’d rather just watch you, baby.” His voice was low and though he tried to fight it he was completely turned on and caught up in the moment. He pressed his face into the curve of Seb’s neck and kissed the tender spot right below his ear that Seb loved so much. His teeth nipped at the spot gently before allowing his tongue to sneak out to smooth the bite over. He delighted in the little shiver his boyfriend gave. Seb tasted like sweat and that raw energy and it gave Blaine another thrill. 
“Not too long. I’ve watched you do the dance twice, though I could watch you do this all day. Do you have any idea how good you are at this? How good do you look? Your body moves so perfectly, Seb.” Blaine slid his arms from around Sebastian’s waist and let his fingers grip at his hips. He pulled Seb to him, and pressed his hips close so that they could sway a little together. “Do you do this often? I feel a little put out that the only time I’ve seen you like this is when we're on the dance floor. Who knew you had this much in you.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Seb wrapped his arms around Blaine’s neck, “I have faith that you could keep up.” He shivered, a small moan dropped from his lips as Blaine kissed and licked the sensitive spot on his neck. Seb  blinked a few times in an effort to focus on the words that the other man was saying. He shook his head and blinked a few times, his hands fell to play with the hem on Blaine’s tee shirt. Sebastian shrugged and let their bodies move together. “When I’m bored or just restless, or if I’m obsessed with a song.”
He didn’t want to stand in the living room and talk anymore and Blaine knew that. He knew when he nipped at his neck that Sebastian would be totally distracted, especially with all of the adrenaline he had running through his body from dancing. Seb took a small step back and tugged the other man’s shirt up to reveal his tummy. He ran his fingers over the tan skin there for a moment before helping remove his shirt completely, he ditched it on the couch. “You can watch me anytime.” Sebastian stepped back to walk towards the bedroom, removed his shoes and white tee shirt as he went.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine shrugged, enjoying Seb’s faith in him even if he didn’t have any in himself. Sure, he could dance, but what Seb was doing was a whole different level of athletics. Blaine liked to jog, sometimes boxed to get aggression's out and played instruments. No, dancing like this was Seb’s magic and Blaine couldn’t wait to sneak up on him again. Especially if it got Sebastian looking at Blaine the way he was right now. He could feel him through the thin layers of sweats pressed against his hip. Hard and already ready to go. He nodded, acknowledging what his boyfriend was saying but, at this point, wanting nothing more than to press him down into their bed and use his mouth and fingers to make him dance in a different way. 
“Yeah? I’ll take you up on that.” He bit his lip, trying to keep his tone even, instead it came out low and a little raspy. “Especially if it gets you under me.”
He licked his lips, pouting a little when Sebastian stepped back but it was quickly replaced with a small gasp as Seb’s fingers ghosted over the sensitive skin of his stomach. He lifted his arms, allowing his shirt to come off. From the corner of his eye he could see Ras already making his way over to the clothing item so that he could lie on it like it was a gift. He licked his lips again, watching as Sebastian’s shirt and then shoes disappeared. Blaine followed, his eyes never leaving Sebastian’s lithe body, his hands already coming up to touch any exposed skin as they made their way to the bedroom. He slid his hands down the back of Seb’s sweats, his calloused fingers gripping the enticing curve of Seb’s ass to pull him even closer. His lips closing over Seb’s, his tongue already asking for more and it looked like his show wasn’t over after all.
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