#Sebastian is dedicated to his family in a way Jack isn’t
ryuichirou · 15 days
About moray sketches, Idia’s little affair with Sebastian, drawing and art and other things.
Anonymous asked:
Morays are so derpy
They really are… the more I look at them the more obsessed I get lol those silly faces
Anonymous asked:
Those eels are so goofy-looking. Are they your favorite sea creature? If not, then what?
Thank you, Anon!
To be honest, I don’t think I have a favourite sea creature. For now, due to my love for the Octa-trio, I have a big soft spot for moral eels and octopuses. A couple of years ago we had a phase during which we read a lot about sharks. The fact that baby sharks are called pups!! I’m still obsessed with this fact.
In general, sea is fascinating and truly beautiful, but it was never really my thing, so I don’t know much about different kinds of creatures… Should definitely work on that 🤔
Anonymous asked:
OOoo Sebastián if Ciel finds out you're in troubleee
HEHE YES even though we still aren’t back to our Kuroshitsuji era and I just replied about it the other day… The desire to ship these two was sudden but too strong to resist.
I think Ciel would just roll his eyes to be honest, maybe he would get a bit disgusted… but overall, the whole thing probably happened due to their investigation, so he shouldn’t complain. Or is it jealousy that sours his mood?~
Anonymous asked:
Idia’s hips are so deliciously grabbable. Grabbing them, nibbling them, groping them, hmmm.
And with how thin he is one would think that he would be too sharp around the edges to probably grab. But I guess his bones make him easier to grab… Cute!
Anonymous asked:
The way Idia looks in the last panel…..I don’t think I would be able to resist going back and “interrogating” him more, perhaps all day even. I’m very dedicated, what can I say? 😔
What a hardworking person you are! This is truly inspiring.
I think the more you “interrogate” Idia, the more “interrogatable” he looks… this is magical.
tardigrade-misfit asked:
I’ve come to a realization that I’ve only ever seen one thing drawn of Leona and I need to see more of the lazy lion man 😭
Omg you’re right, we only posted him once (not counting a chibi drawing + fem!Leona in a big genderswap post). It’s so funny, I feel like I draw him every now and then because of commissions (thank you, everyone orz), but at the end of a day we barely have anything Leona-related. The only character less lucky than him is probably poor Cater…
To be completely honest, Leona just isn’t usually on my radar, and even though I sketch him sometimes, those sketches rarely get finished and are mostly posted on ko-fi. Sorry 😔
Anonymous asked:
my god, imagine a more messed up alternate universe where the Asim family had a "last one standing" competition to decide the successor... The head of the family dies and suddenly Kalim is put against his siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts, ecc. He would be so bummed out. As soon as he says "Jamil, I think we'll have to kill my family" Jamil just starts crying from joy. Yes! Let's kill all these rich people! And also make you the new head, that would be cool I guess...
AAAH honestly Anon it would be such an interesting story to read and/or watch. Kalim would probably consider giving up multiple times, but ultimately decide against it because he doesn’t really want to die either lol
To Jamil it would absolutely be a joy though. I think some of Kalim’s relatives would try to bribe him out of helping Kalim though, “kill him in his sleep and we will give you a better life” type of deal. But Jamil would refuse~ Not because he’s loyal to Kalim or anything, of course of course.
Anonymous asked:
Since that other anon asked about Epel might as well join in: Jack and Epel. I can see Epel looking up to Jack because "Oh strong muscle man, wanna be like him" so of course Jack being the goodest boy that he is would help Epel train... in more ways than one ;)
Anon, this ship is so good visually with the size difference and all, and Epel salivating at the thought of Jack’s muscles because he really wants to have muscles himself (in reality he is just attracted to Jack) is such a good idea, and we absolutely see its potential… but unfortunately somehow they don’t click with us just yet. Maybe it’s because it feels too fluffy, with Epel getting in trouble and Jack getting him out of trouble? Maybe we’re missing this spice because we haven’t seen a lot of their interactions. Only time will tell…
Nothing against it of course though! Epel should get railed by a big wolf man.
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valengory1234 · 2 years
I absolutely get and respect and ship whatever is going on between Talia and Margot, but honestly what is love if not fully devouring your wife’s abusive mother?
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juminly · 4 years
Love Written in The Stars
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Summary: When Leonardo only thought that he would look after you as a guardian, as a friend. He never expected to fall so deeply in love with you. Matchup story written for @meverilan​. 
Note from Leonardo: “I dedicate this song to you, mi amore. It made me think of you and I hope you enjoy it and always know, you are more than enough to me.” - You are Enough by Sleeping at Last. 
You were very lucky to find yourself in the mansion at a time where most of the residents were out and about except for a few. Arthur was in the city, playing detective; Vincent was in the gardens, painting away; Theo was doing some gallery scouting; Napoleon had managed to forcefully convince Jean to join him in teaching the orphans in the city some self-defense.
Comte always takes it upon himself to take good care of his guests and he always ensures to do so. Thoroughly. There’s also the fact that Sebastian also acts as his sharp eyes and ears so you had two guardian angels watching over you from the moment you arrived, without you even knowing it. While Comte showed you around, you discovered all the historical figures that were living in the mansion. It was all too surreal and daunting but obviously, you still managed to plaster a smile on your face.
While walking through the hallways with Comte, you heard a low husky voice calling out to him. “Didn’t you have something important to attend to, Mr. Le Comte?”
What was this tall man (quite respectfully flirtatious man, if I may add) talking about? Comte actually had something to attend to and he put it on hold and disregarded it because he wanted to be there for you. (Isn’t he just the perfect gentleman? Come on…)
The vampire had called you “a refreshing beauty”[in Italian] the moment he saw and the blush on your face didn’t go unnoticed. That was enough for him to register the fact that you were quite a shy one, in his mind.
Leo is quite the observant type and empathetic, so just a few glances at you, he was able to take a few mental notes on you [and they were 99.9% accurate, most of the time, if not, all the time]. He also noticed the slight wavering in your eyes that indicated that you didn’t truly believe what he said.
[Men had a way of whispering sweet nothings into people’s ears, only to use them as a means to an end. Was he that type? You didn’t really know him so you couldn’t tell, but it didn’t mean that these thoughts didn’t/wouldn’t cross your mind.]
Leonardo came to the rescue, sweeping in and picking up where he basically persuaded Comte to leave because whatever business he had was important and his best friend knew. After introducing himself to you, the Italian polymath took over and that’s where your story began.
At first, the smell of his cigarillo was quite strong but it had an inconspicuous sweetness to it that was quite delightful. He asked you if you were bothered by it, not knowing if you would be or not, since he found your eyes focused on the smoke he puffed from his lips. The scent was oddly comforting and added some sort of mysterious and alluring coat to his aura.
As you wandered the mansion with him, Leonardo took it upon himself to give you a thorough briefing about the residents, not that you didn’t know of them, but interacting with historical figures was a completely different story and he knew that (especially when they were all vampires).
He was able to get your attention by promising to let you in on the biggest secret of the entire mansion (after your tour ended). Even Sebastian didn’t know this secret.
The location of Theo’s stash of sweets was the biggest mystery in the mansion and Leo was the only person, aside from Theo, who knew where it was (and the younger Van Gogh was unaware of this fact). [Best ice-breaker ever!]
That man was probably the biggest sweet-tooth beast of Paris. Leonardo probably said something along those lines and it kinda reminded you of the cookie monster, which made you giggle when you met Theodorus for the first time, a day later (and the man was awfully confused and did not understand why you reacted the way you did).
Being part of the rowdy breakfast with the other residents was sometimes a little bit too much to take and draining as well, since a lot would be happening at the same time but it was a great opportunity for you to observe and understand more about the residents, piecing together the information that Leo had given you with your surroundings.
Arthur was his usual flirtatious self and getting on his bestie’s (Theo, obviously) nerves. Their banter was joined by the commentary of Dazai, the annoyance of Mozart and Isaac and Vincent, the angelic presence whose smile managed to brighten up your day almost instantly. Since you were the new person around, they couldn’t really hold back on all their questions to you, which was actually pretty overwhelming for you.
Leonardo was always there for you though, stopping them in their tracks whenever things became a little too much for you. [and this did not escape Arthur’s attention. He has a keen eye for human behaviour, being a former physician and he had vast knowledge about how the human body worked and coupled with his analytical side that came with being a writer].
You hadn’t given Leonardo any indication about how you felt or how you were but he didn’t have to. From the first few days, Leonardo became the closest person to you and you assumed that it was because he looked after you, the way he would with a little sister. He could only imagine how hard it was to be thrown in the past, into the unknown.
So when you confided in him and told him about having ADD, he simply nodded while you talked, giving you the space and time to explain whatever you were comfortable in telling him. He respects your boundaries and was fine with whatever you were able to tell you. He didn’t push for more. When you were done talking, he smiled and told you how he was curious to know about you and he wanted to make your time in the past, as pleasant as possible [until you had to go back to the present].
It was a vow that he declared to you, with the purest intentions. He was a pureblood after all, each and every human he came across was worth admiring and you were definitely one of them. Why did he think that way? He knew that you were shying away in an invisible cocoon and he was standing right outside of it, his hand outstretched, just for you to take it. Every second, every minute, every hour of a human’s life counted and he wanted to make sure that you wouldn’t regret not having done anything whatsoever during the time you had in Paris.
The more time you spent in the mansion though, you became a little more acquainted with the residents and felt a bit more comfortable around them, as they became a part of your daily life. Living in the same mansion made you all like roommates and somehow, they all looked out for you like you were family. 
Being a jack of all trades, most of the residents looked up to Leonardo as someone they could rely on, to go to when in need. He had such a carefree and laid back attitude, which made him approachable by all and many. You noticed that, not only with the residents, but also the townspeople.
Leonardo had told Vincent about a beautiful land he had discovered while wandering the outskirts of Paris one day and decided to organize a trip to spark the painter’s muse. Leo obviously invited you to come along and it was definitely a relaxing and insightful outing. You had the chance to watch, none other than THE Vincent Van Gogh, paint so masterfully, while being surrounded by the most beautiful of views in all of France: a large field of greenery, with tulips and daffodils.
It was like staring into a canvas, created by nature and Vincent wasn’t the only one that felt inspired. Leonardo brought along a drawing notebook just for you, where he gave you tips and instructions on how to go about sketching and analyzing the overall form of your sketch subjects before looking into the more intricate details.
He was an amazing teacher, his instructions were simple yet very clear and concise. He also gave you constructive feedback, even leaning in to adjust parts of your sketches while holding your hand, the sweet scent of his cigarillo would fill your nostrils, almost distracting you completely from your task. And even if it did, Leonardo would chuckle and tease you, bringing your attention back to the task at hand with a kiss on your hand.
The first time he did that, you couldn’t help but be completely surprised and taken aback. But you knew that he wasn’t the type to try to take advantage of you or anything, so you would laugh it out and throw in a sarcastic remark, which only made the vampire boom with laughter [which, if I may be frank, is such a wonderful sound, you wouldn’t be able to resist not laughing along with him].
That outing was more lengthy than you thought it would be and you ended up staying out until late at night, when Vincent was inspired by the night view of another area which you happened to cross while heading back to the mansion.
You were immediately captivated by the clear night sky, the stars twinkling and inviting you to simply marvel at them. And that only prolonged your time together even more. And right then and there, a new ritual was created.
For 12 consecutive nights, Leonardo recounted to you the story behind each horoscope and where their stars were located, telling you about the tales from Roman and Greek myths and started with the story of Scorpio and the Greek myth of Orion, the son of Posiedon and Euriale.
He didn’t mind repeating himself as many times as he had to and was not bothered by it, one tiny bit. If you flooded him with questions, he would answer each and every single one of them. Leo was not the type to get annoyed at all so you were always relaxed and comfortable around him.
He loved seeing the expression on your face as it lit up as the information and inspiration would sink in. Knowledge was a beautiful thing in itself, but it was even more beautiful when shared with others. With Leo, it was oddly intimate, especially with the mix of emotions that came with interacting with him.
Your night escapades of tales of myth and astrology (and art, because Vincent would sometimes join to do some painting) became even more interesting when Isaac began to join you as well. He looked up to Leonardo as a mentor and often wanted to dig and dive into the man’s brain. He was a genius of his time yet so humble about it.
Isaac would bring his telescope with him and give you an even better view of the stars blinking at you from the wide dark skies. Astrology was also one of his interests and despite being known for always wanting to be alone, the man secretly liked sharing his interests with those who were genuinely fascinated by it.
Soon after, Isaac also became close to you. He felt comfortable around you and just like Leonardo, didn’t mind it when you asked him questions or when he had to explain things to you that could be a little bit difficult to understand. [Leo was also there to translate since he would sometimes use overcomplicated terms]
Isaac was quite fond of you, especially when you would ask Arthur and Dazai to stop teasing him about apples. The physicist obviously told you that he didn’t really need you to stick up for him but he was definitely pleased about it, the hint of a smile touching his thin lips.
If you ever got a panic attack with Leonardo around, he would wrap his arms around you from behind, lacing his fingers with yours and placing your hands over your heart. Whenever you cried, he would be there with you until you cried it all out. Whenever you shook, he would be there to hold you together and find your center of gravity.
He never made you feel restricted, his hold was always loose so you didn’t feel suffocated. He offered you the comfort and the solace you needed without you having to ask him for it and would speak to you so softly, almost crooning, telling you all the words, all the things that you needed to hear, as if he could read your mind. He could tell that you were often very hard on yourself and he was prepared to remind you, time and time again, as many times as needed that… you are and will always be enough, just the way you are.
Towards the end of the month, everyone was suddenly counting down the days until you would leave. Nobody mentioned it but you could definitely feel it in the air, sense it in their gaze. Some of them actually asked you to stay but in the end, it was all up to you. You had already made up your mind but something deep down made you hesitate. Lots of emotions were building up inside of you and yet, you still managed to draw a smile on your face. However, you weren��t really fooling anyone.
The residents had planned a farewell party in your honour, a few days before the door would open again. Comte had arranged for you something to wear on that evening and you were more than flattered at the gesture. The man never missed a single detail and made sure that you always felt welcomed, even when you were leaving. As did Leonardo.
Leonardo came to find you, to escort you to the party only to open the door to your bedroom, his heart clenching hard in his chest at the sight of your tears.
You were crying your eyes out and he couldn’t think of any reason why you would cry. Maybe you were afraid of going back to your time? Going through the door?
He asked you whether there was something that bothered you in the design of the clothes that you were wearing. He noticed you were looking down at yourself, fisting the fabric hard in your hands. That was when you discovered that he designed the apparel just for you, to your exact liking, which made you cry harder.
When you told him that there was no issue with the clothes, they were perfect and beautiful, tailored, stitched and created just for you.
Leo: Cara mia, if it upsets you, you do not have to wear it. I promise, you would look beautiful in anything you wear. You: No, that’s not true. Look at me! How could you even say that? Leo: Lan… I am looking at you, cara mia. I have been looking at you ever since you arrived and you are absolutely and utterly divine.
You: Don’t say that just to flatter me. Please. I don’t need lies.
Leo: If I could give you my eyes so you could see through them, then, I definitely would. Unfortunately, I am not physically capable of doing that but I have something else in mind. You’re coming with me, Lan.
Before you even had the chance to say anything, he took your hand and whisked you away, finding yourself in his room. Letting you sit on his bed, he handed you a notebook and asked you to open it. They were all sketches of you and you couldn’t believe your eyes. You went through them one by one and realized that Leonardo was no liar and he proved it to you. As you looked up at him, he cradled your face in his hands and laid the lightest of kisses on your lips. He didn’t have to say anything. The notebook and that kiss were more than enough to show how much he loved you.
He would also come up with new nicknames for you just because he loved to see you blushy and get flustered (don’t forget all the Italian romance with “mi amore” and “cuore mio” that would literally make you melt with that voice of his). He adored seeing the flush on your cheeks and teased you about wanting to paint them red always, in every single way he can (wink wink).
This man had absolutely no qualms in whispering  suggestive notions in your ear whenever you were in public, challenging you and giving you a greater reason to get over with whatever you were doing, so you could relish in the love this man had to offer you.
He is fine with small displays of affection in public, however, not too much of it though. He always holds your hand or had an arm around your shoulders or your waist, keeping you close to him whenever you were out in town. He wouldn’t hesitate to tease you or just simply kiss you whenever he felt like it. However, the different expressions you would make when he would passionately kiss you, the small sighs and whimpers, those were all for him and he didn’t want anyone to hear them or see them.
Whenever he got jealous, you would immediately know it from his eyes and the tone of his voice. He was definitely not the type to let his emotions take over but whenever any other person was being a little too friendly with you, he did not appreciate it. And if you were the one to encourage such behaviour from another, he would have a “discussion” with you about it in the bedroom.
Kisses of affection: he loves to smell your hair and kiss your temple.
NSFW Ahead ~ 
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Your first time, Leonardo would do everything possible to make you as comfortable as possible. How it started? You were cuddling in his room with Lumière and just having a calm night together, just chilling with the candlelight surrounding you as he held you in his arms while you sketched.
He absolutely loves having his hands on you, like almost all the time. He kinda gets clingy like that. You had been at it for a while and the man wanted some attention from his lover so he tickled you, making you laugh your heart and giving him your full attention. He was kinda like a cat, which was actually adorable.
Finding yourself on your back, you were met with his smoldering gaze and he locked your lips in a breathtaking kiss, his hands gliding over your form, making you melt under him. He could feel and see the hesitation in you but he didn’t let it stop him. Why? He knew exactly how to make your worries wither away.
Leo was a vocal lover, not in terms of moaning/groaning (and FYI: he is usually all rough grunts and groans), but in terms of communicating with you when he was intimate with you. He told you every single thing he loved about you, praised you and repeated it, over and over again, etching it into your mind that he saw only you, loved only and wanted/desired nobody but you.
He wanted to know, see and feel all of you so he could show you the depth of his love for you. As he undressed you, he kissed every bit of skin that he would expose, leaving you completely breathless, with unshed tears of happiness burning in your eyes by the time he had you completely naked under him.
He actually had no intentions of taking you that night. He went down on you, making you come multiple times, using those skilled hands of his and that silver tongue (literally and figuratively). It was only when you pleaded to him and told him that you were ready that he gave in, his vampire instincts completely overpowering him, his need to feast on your blood and claim you were the only things he knew, in that moment.  He took you slowly and as gently as he could. He could never bear the thought of hurting you.
In the beginning of your intimate relationship, Leonardo was very gentle with you but after a while, he became a little bit more rough with you, but not in a way that was uncomfortable for you. He was experienced enough to know when you were reaching your limit and assessing what you were able to take and what you couldn’t. He is a very attentive lover and is all about making sure you are satisfied before he is. To your dismay, as much as you tried to put him first, he valued your pleasure more than his.
He always made sure that you were thoroughly made loved to/fucked, a physical and emotional reminder that you were his and he wouldn’t think of any other.
What he absolutely loves doing to you: Light bondage. Just tying you up and maybe blindfolding you (only if you were comfortable), heightening your senses. He likes to make you a complete and utter mess, making you unable to talk and after a while, unable to even walk. He’ll have you forget everything in the world and remember only his name.
He talks dirty and it is completely filthy, it has you whimpered and flustered and he just lives to see you like that. He doesn’t play fair and he doesn’t play on doing it anytime soon. Your pleasure is his reward and he’ll tease you by saying that he’s a masochist, and he likes to draw out his own pleasure, and your pleasure is his. (believe me, it’s all worth it in the end)
Places he loved drinking blood from: your neck (especially when he’s making love to you).
Favourite positions: any position that you are most comfortable in. However, he loves seeing you a complete whimpering mess under him. That’s the most beautiful sight to him. 
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rcris123 · 4 years
Sebthur thoughts, because sometimes that’s just the way it is.
Sometimes it just hits me that, if you put them in the same setting, somewhere where they meet, they will impact each other; they will crash into each other to make something meaningful because they fit thematically so well.
Guilt, family and redemption are core themes of both their story arcs, and the way their journey and issues mirror and complement each other.
If for Sebastian it’s a desperate fight to cling on to what he has left, to preserve that family because up until then he’s been going through it all alone, with no support or help to pull him up from the depths he’s sinking to. But Arthur’s generally friendly and surprisingly supportive, appeal to empathy and he’ll help; if Sebastian needs a friend, Arthur can be a friend. On the other hand, Arthur had a lot of people there but not many of them open to his struggles (he himself isn’t allowing close people to pry into the way he’s feeling), but damn if he won’t open up to strangers, tell them he’s feeling like shit right after saying hello, because for Arthur’s looking for a break with the people that are stifling and enabling him to do his worst. And if Sebastian’s just a stranger, there for a chat, for a moment of pouring out mutually vulnerable experiences that’s exactly what Arthur needs.
And that’s not even mentioning parenthood and how important it is to both of them, Sebastian’s definitely a family man, without it he just sunk into work and alcoholism, but for Arthur too: he regrets losing Isaac so goddamn much, and the way he treats and interacts with Jack, the way he begs and fights tooth and nail till the bitter end so that John doesn’t lose what he has lost. If Arthur met Lily he’d let no harm come to that girl – by extension Sebastian. Arthur has another chance at being a father; Arthur has a chance at a different life, one to appease his own mind and dreams, to make of it what he wants not just what he got the chance to because he was the lowest rung on the social ladder as an orphaned child of an outlaw. And it’s a chance at a different life for Sebastian, not alone, with a friend, someone dedicated to taking care of his daughter with him, someone he can unwind and roam with.
And that’s how their paths to redemption collide: what else better than the prospect of family to spur Arthur away from Dutch, to put a stop to outlawry and do right by people again, what else better than just one someone that sticks with you to help Sebastian pull himself together to finally heal and sort his own shit out, not because they’re incapable of doing that on their own, but because it makes it easier, more pleasant.
And they just have a similar sense of humor and tendency for rough coping mechanisms like drinking, smoking or violence/reckless behavior – leads to injury, disease. Maybe that’s why I tend to write them meeting half drunk, spilling their vulnerabilities out, until they mount into a tension that can only be resolved in a fist fight or sex. It’s not healthy, but it’s what they got, for now... For now... And, now that the deed is done, they’re involved, so they have to do better; they met at their worst already.
From here on feelings become more nondescriptive and much more suited to being written in a fanfiction plot i think.
Well there would be one more thing; the Saint Sebastian thing, but that’s something else I guess.
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