#See I already knew what Chidori ends up doing for Junpei
digital-dulci · 7 months
Currently shedding real tears (again) over jundori persona 3 is amazing
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qiangweirosa · 7 months
it was april again
" Akihiko makes Minako’s life happier. "
relationships: akihiko/femc, minor/implied yukari/mitsuru, minor junpei/chidori, femc & her friends in general tws: minor character death, persona 3 spoilers, hurt/comfort wc: 501 extra: femc is called minako, i havent played her route yet so there may be inconsistencies, and this was a vent fic where i projected on her sorry.
read on ao3!
These days, Minako’s life was more than hectic. 
There was the obvious having to unpack from the school trip, but she wished that was all. 
School duties were immediately dropped back onto her; the student council had her running around everywhere for any reason Hidetoshi could think of, and the ever growing list of clubs and activities she had signed up for and joined also kept her busy. 
(Seriously, who told her it was a good idea to have so many engagements?)
On top of that, things weren’t calm either at the dorm. The entirety of SEES was on edge, stuck in this weird place where none of them knew what to do next. Ikutsuki had died, and the Dark Hour still existed, but they had defeated all the Full Moon shadows already… As the leader, it was Minako’s duty to decide when to go to Tartarus again, if they even went.
That’s putting aside Mitsuru’s current situation; grieving her father, and definitely depressed - although she seemed to be feeling better after the trip. Her and Yukari had also grown closer. Hm. 
Not to mention, Junpei also seemed to not be feeling well. Something about Chidori?… Whenever Minako asked, he’d brush it off or completely ignore her. 
And Aigis’ weird obsession with that new student, Ryoji… If Minako could go one day without hearing about how he was dangerous from her, she’d cheer. Still, she had to admit something was off about him.
And finally, Minako herself was still grieving. She still hadn’t gotten over Shinjiro’s death, and as much as she tried to deny it by showing off her cheerful persona and her bright smile, it had affected her more than she’d like to admit.
All her problems seemed to disappear whenever she was with Akihiko, though. He made her feel lighter. Akihiko was close to Shinjiro too; he understood. Akihiko was worried about the rest of SEES too; he understood. Akihiko was worried about Minako. He helped. 
He stood waiting for her in front of the student council room, when meetings ended late, and walked her home, just like she had done a few months prior when she still had the time to wait for him after practice. Sometimes he even bought her a snack; anything to cheer her up. 
When they were in Tartarus, Akihiko always checked on her, making sure she wasn’t overworking herself, and pushed for her to take breaks when needed. 
He even went out of his way to keep an eye on her in the dorm. He took care of her. Woke her up early to bring her on his runs. Sometimes even cooked for her, if Minako was feeling especially tired. Akihiko may not have been the most emotionally intelligent person she knew, but he still did his best to love Minako. 
Whenever Minako was with Akihiko, she felt light. 
Whenever Minako was with Akihiko, it was April again, and her only problem was whether or not she’d make friends in Port Island. 
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tacitusauxilium · 5 years
Unforeseen Circumstances // Ch. 01
Unrequited love is the most painful thing to feel, and yet, Fuuka is persuaded to try her hands at getting Junpei’s attention, no matter what. However, after multiple failed attempts, what will she do when she catches the eye of the boy with the maroon peacoat? The heartache that comes with falling in love might even be more than she bargained for. 
Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort
Chapter 1;; The Beginning of the End
October 4th, 2009
Her heart was racing and pounding in her ears—she told the twins that she knew where Shinjiro and Ken was. And, on top of sensing those two, she shivered and felt Takaya was nearby as well. She didn't have the heart to tell anyone because if all of her friends were holding her back, then this attempt to save their lives will be futile.
Fuuka Yamagishi held her evoked closer to her chest, knowing that if she couldn't run faster, someone would get hurt—or die. She knew deep down that Takaya was filled with malice over wanting her down and out—they did still have Chidori to this day. It ached her heart knowing that what she was going to do may be the dumbest, stupidest, and idiotic thing she ever did. It would top anything Junpei ever did.
Even if it was for someone she loved and that love was unrequited.
Feeling beads of sweat running down her face as she carefully maneuvered the train tracks back to Iwatodai. She cursed softly, wishing that Lucia's power was so much stronger—she could barely sense Ken and Shinjiro as far as they could be from the whole group. She assumed Akihiko and Mitsuru had a reasoning as to why they were together, but Fuuka has no time to listen to them.
As she made it carefully off of the tracks and into Port Island Station, she heard a gunshot ringing throughout the surrounding area. Her heart dropped to the center of the Earth as she shook her head—this was becoming more serious that she thought. She had to stop her legs from shaking and knowing this was best for her allies, and for her.
Lucia urges Fuuka toward the boys—she didn't really need her help since the smell of gunpowder was enough to draw anyone awake from their coffin-like status. Once she was within meters of them, she took a couple deep breaths and listened in on the conversation around a corner—she had to be careful on how to walk into the situation.
Her eyes darted to Shinjiro clinching his stomach in pain—the smell of copper lead to her seeing blood oozing from his side. She almost gagged—Fuuka's hand moved from her mouth and back to her heart. Fuuka forgot to give back Shinjiro's pocketwatch to him—she found it by asking Officer Kurosawa if there was anything in he lost and found. She found an old pocket watch with someone's date of birth and initials. Obviously, she deducted it was Shinjiro's by the initials and by asking Kurosawa if it was his. It took her a good few days to get the clockwork fixed and all shiny. But she never could give it back to him.
And she feared she would never be able to.
Fuuka's heart strings tugged at her as she could see Takaya playing with his revolver. "Now," Takaya moves a little closer to the SEES members, his voice getting rough and annoyed, "there is one among you that has the power just like Chidori does. Where are they?" He uttered, pointing the gun towards the injured Shinjiro.
She could sense the turmoil inside of Ken and Shinjiro's hearts—they knew it was her, they knew if they told Takaya, she'd be targeted. All because they have Chidori and they don't have Fuuka. Before Ken could speak, Fuuka took a leap of faith and walked into the scene, under the shadows, as her knees were buckling under the pressure.
"It's me."
Shinjiro and Ken's eyes darted quickly towards the petite female.
"Yamagishi—! No!" Shinjiro cried out as he winced in pain, even though he moved a millimeter—the bullet was doing more damage if he even moved a bit.
Takaya let out a laugh that echoed all around them, but then frowned. "Is this a joke? …why have you appear now?"
Fuuka gripped her evoked again, still against her chest, knowing she had to keep cool, calm, and collected. Outwardly she was, but internally, she was freaking out. "Because I sensed them from where we battled the full moon shadows." She slowly spoke. Fuuka was speaking the truth—she then saw Ken coward behind Shinjiro, knowing he was the most vulnerable at the moment.
Takaya considered the few words that Fuuka spoke. He considered that she looked weakly, that she could sense them from a considerable amount of distance, and within seconds he pointed the loaded gun towards Fuuka. She put her evoker down to her leg and into its holder. Fuuka put her right hand up to her chest, only to try to calm her rapid heartbeat. Closing her eyes, she felt how heavy and tense the situation was now.
She could sense the others would be here in a couple minutes—Lucia was unknowingly sending a distress signal to the others. If she didn't do anything to save Shinjiro and Ken—but then, a thought came to her mind. If only I could stall, everyone would get here and then everyone would be fine until the Dark Hour ends. Would even Takaya—?
"She…will do."
Fuuka's eyes shot open the moment she heard the gun go off. She could hear Shinjiro and Ken's screams mellow out of existence as she felt the bullet grazing her hand and her chest being pelted by the bullet. A small ding could be heard, but it was drowned out by the boy's cries and screams for her. It took Fuuka a moment to realize what really happened. Her hand dropped to her side as she noticed blood flowing off her hand and down her chest.
This is how it should be, right? …an eye for an eye? A navigator…for …another?
Her fingers dripped with blood as Takaya let out a boisterous laugh as it echoed in the alleyway, as if the Reaper was laughing along with him. She fell to her knees as Ken darted to her side—she saw that her vision was fading. She could feel the others coming around the corner—she could barely see Akihiko screaming out his Persona's name, trying to attack Takaya who was already long gone; Minako immediately went to Shinjiro, so did Mitsuru, too.
Fuuka felt ridiculous. She was literally bleeding for a boy she cared so much for, and yet he still drew the eyes of their leader to her. Minato and Junpei went towards her as she lowered her head, hiding the tears that were falling from her eyes as Minato checked her horrid wound. They didn’t care about what happened in the past--she was more important now.
"The…the idiot—!" Shinjiro cried out, taking a heavy deep breath. "—she offered herself in f-front of Takaya—!" He coughed, spitting up some blood as Minako tried to heal his wounds with some bandages. Shinjiro got up slowly, darting his eyes at Fuuka and feeling his heart twinge in pain and worry.
Fuuka leaned towards Junpei, the one closest to her, as her blood began to stain her clothes and his as well. "Why…? Why Fuuka? Wh-what was the point!?" He whispered softly to her as he saw Minato taking her pulse. His worried eyes said it all—Minato had an idea, but magic wouldn't work since something of this magnitude couldn't be healed by something this bad.
Ken was shaking with fear and anxiety—his friends got injured and yet, he was unscathed. Akihiko noticed this and pulled him closer to him in a side hug. Fuuka lifted her head slowly, seeing everyone's eyes on her, especially Shinjiro's. They eyes linked for but a moment, as she closed her eyes. "T-tell Shinjiro…senpai…" she whispered as she watched Minato coming closer to her. "…I am sorry…a-about his pocket watch. …I-I think the bullet…" Fuuka gripped Junpei and Minato's arms as she let out a heartfelt cry of pain, sorrow, and heartache.
Yukari felt anxious now, beginning to voice her concerns. "Isn't the Dark Hour almost over?" Fear began to shine in her eyes as Junpei began to pick her up and nodded along with Minato. It seemed they have the right idea and thought at the same time.
"…we should get going. By the time we get to the hospital, the Dark Hour should end…" Junpei murmured softly, feeling as if this was going to be futile. He turned towards his allies and Minato began to list commands out to SEES. "Sanada-senpai, Kirijo-senpai, sister… we need to get them both to the hospital—it's only a stone's throw away. Junpei and I will take Fuuka—you guys should take Aragaki-senpai. Yukari, Aigis, Koromaru," the dog barked as he heard his name, "take Ken-kun back to the dorm. He needs some support and to keep him distracted." He mentioned to them quietly as Junpei could feel the cold blood hitting his shoes.
As Junpei watched his senpais and their other leader take off with Shinjiro, Junpei began to take a mad dash with Minato at their side. He had to shake his head to remove the negative thoughts. She will make it—she is strong. She is strong. She is—
Junpei kept pounding those words into his head as he felt his blood run cold the moment Fuuka's body went limp. Just how much blood…has she lost!? Junpei felt his eyes grow as he pulled at Minato's arm, his head shaking as they tried to pick up the pace even more. His heart ached as sweat rolled down his face and his back—he was in saying that once they got to the hospital the Dark Hour would end.
However, it wasn't saying much as Fuuka was slowly fading in Junpei's arms, the color already drained from her face as if she decided to give up already.
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tacitusauxilium · 5 years
Unforeseen Circumstances // Chapter 07
Unrequited love is the most painful thing to feel, and yet, Fuuka is persuaded to try her hands at getting Junpei’s attention, no matter what. However, after multiple failed attempts, what will she do when she catches the eye of the boy with the maroon peacoat? The heartache that comes with falling in love might even be more than she bargained for.
September 14th
After a long couple hours of watching food being cooked by Shinjiro, and enjoying the delicious food he made, Fuuka, and the others, were as happy as they could be. Minako must have convinced him to do a little get together with everyone—even Mitsuru and Ken were pleased with the results. She looked down at the hand, still a bit sad that it hasn't started healing yet, but knew that it took patience—it was a bit difficult to write up notes or do homework. She laid her hand in her lap as she saw Minato coming her way. She tilted her head sideways as she could see him stopping behind her chair and a smiled appeared in his lips.
Fuuka felt herself being a bit more closer to Minato any day she had free—she even had something to give him, so now it'll be the best time as everyone was full and tired. "What is it?" She asked as she watched him reach for her good hand and held her close as Koromaru began laying down and Ken gaging with his finger pointing to his tongue off at the side.
"I want to talk to you—could we go to your room?" He asked as Fuuka felt her cheeks heating up. A quick nod and within minutes they were heading to Fuuka's room. Minako, after washing her face and heading downstairs to use the shower, saw that she watched Fuuka unlock her door to her room and saw her twin brother heading in with her. She let out a small gasp as she heard the door shut quietly and the lock clicking in place. Minako walked back into her room, unable to believe she was with Minato. She swore that she was admiring Shinjiro more than her brother—Minato wasn't a bad brother at all, just that he got possessive, even though he was a silent leader.
Minako bit her lip as she didn't see them come out for another minute or two. She was trying her hardest to get them together—Shinjiro and Fuuka that is—and frowned as she worried that Shinjiro would find out. She knew she had to go to someone whom she believed might be able to help her out. She grabbed her bath stuff and new clothes as she tipped toed passed a Fuuka's bedroom and flew down the stairs towards the boy's door she wanted to knock on. "Akihiko-senpai? Could I come in and talk to you?"
Fuuka felt the tension slowly diffuse around them as she explained she had a gift for him. Minato raised an eyebrow as he saw a Fuuka with a pair of headphones—silver mixed in with a tint of baby blue. They looked sharp and Fuuka smiled at him.
"I made these—I knew your current pair was…probably worn from wear and tear. And thought you might like these." She stated as Minato began to put them to his ear while he unplugged the old ones from his MP3 player and plugged the new ones in. His eyes grew in amazement.
"Fuuka…the sound on these is amazing!" He could hear every little instrument, as if they were made to be the most expensive pair, and yet they were free. Minato threw his old pair into her trash can and saw her cheeks heating up.
"I know I'm not really feminine, aren't I?" She whispered as she played with the end of her skirt, feeling nervous all of a sudden. "And this is just something I like to do on my spare time—I thought of you and knew you'd like them."
Minato walked over to her and put his arms around her and pulled her into a tight embrace. "So? This is who you are. I hope you keeping doing what you love." He whispered as he put his hands on the top of her head, watching as she looked up at him. "I hope you could teach me everything you know."
Fuuka felt her heart picking up as she saw their eyes locked onto each other. Her breath seemed to be caught in her throat—she wondered if she could convey what she felt before it was too late. In a blink of an eye, she felt Minato's lips on hers—soft, and small plump lips on her own made her barrier come down as she didn't worry about anything or anyone.
But, deep in her mind, her thoughts did come across Shinjiro, and even Junpei a bit—she was the first to remove her lips as she looked at how determined Minato was. "Minato…"
"I don't care if you like Junpei—"
"He doesn't like me."
Fuuka quickly inserted before Minato continued onward. Minato was a bit startled at how quick Fuuka responded to that rumor in a heartbeat. "Chidori?"
"Ah." He nodded as he cupped her cheek tenderly, being as suave as he could. Minato never wanted to play the second man—he felt more like a man to lead. It seemed to be something that was thrusted upon himself most of the time. "Do you want to talk about it?"
She thought for a moment. "I do, but I would rather think of you at a time like this. Junpei is with Chidori, he likes her, and I have stopped chasing him." She explained as she wrapped her arms around his neck, which made Minato wrap his arms around her waist and waited for her move. She began to think briefly about Shinjiro and the dream of him kissing her forehead—she didn't realize it happened in reality. Losing blood makes you a bit loopy and exhausted. "I have no qualms with you."
Minato took that as his cue and carefully maneuvered Fuuka towards her bed and laid her down gently. "Fuuka, I promise, that I won't hurt you in any way. You have been so precious to me that I cannot see you in such a negative light." He removed his uniform jacket and tossed it aside. "I'll be sure to love you like no one has."
Fuuka was speechless—she heard rumors of him sweet talking his way with Yukari and Chihiro, then again they were just rumors. Her cheeks were stained a bright, red color, looking like a tomato. She could see Minato move toward her lips, one leg in between her own pair of legs, as he slithered up towards her as Fuuka wrapped her arms around his neck. Their lips touched and Fuuka was in bliss.
Akihiko opened the door to his room, seeing a nerve-wracked Minako waiting for him. "Minako? Is everything okay?" She shook her head as she barged in and closed the door, locking it herself as she turned to put her stuff on Akihiko's desk and turned to face him. Her face covered in worry, a couple beads of sweat running down her neck, and she felt like she was having a panic attack.
"Listen, wh-whatever I say to you, right now, in this room, cannot leave this room." Minako pulled his desk chair out from said desk and sat down in it. She looked as if she was writ with anxiety. Akihiko nodded slowly, reaching for one of his protein shakes and sat down on the bed. "And you cannot tell Shinjiro. I don't want him to be angry and start a fight."
Akihiko's eyes grew, not knowing what she could be meaning. "Well? What is it?"
Minako let out a big heavy sigh. "Okay, first off: have you noticed that Shinjiro is more… what's the word… relaxed and a bit happier? Maybe not happier but as if some weight has been lifted off his shoulders?"
"Has he? He seems too busy to hang out with me but once a week, if I'm lucky." He sipped his shake and put it down afterwards on his side table by his bed. "I thought that was because of you. Not that I am hating the idea of him being friendly."
Minako smiled. "Well, yes I might be like…20% of the reason why, but Fuuka-chan is the other 80%." She stayed as he could see Akihiko's eyebrows raise in surprise. "N-now, they are both very friendly to one another—he did help her how to fix her beef stroganoff the other day. And I don't know what Fuuka is saying or doing—doubtful of her doing anything, she seems so shy—but have you noticed how stronger Shinjiro has been in battle?"
Akihiko nodded as he started to get up and moved towards Minako, his hand placed firmly on his desk. "No kidding—critical attacks, more outgoing and confident with his Persona—so Yamagishi is the cause? …" he paused for a moment to let the gears in his head start to turn. "In battle, she does well in keeping our energy going. Just, maybe Shinji is actually listening?"
Minako shook her head as she looked up at Akihiko. "Yes and no. She's got more confident in her skills, too. Have you notice Oracle hasn't been failing us? Like we are getting more energy back quicker and faster. I think it's ten-fold." She mentioned as she held up her finger before Akihiko could speak. "That's in battle though. I think there is something going on between those two. But I cannot pinpoint what it is. The way they talk to each other, seemed more than acquaintances. And…" she looked up at Akihiko and lowered her finger, "…when she hurt her hand, Shinjiro was quick to her aid and it was amazing, like he knew what to do and how to handle everything so calmly!"
Minako felt herself getting worked up—she had to take a breath and put her elbow on his desk and her chin in her hand. "So, why is that a problem?" Akihiko asked as Minako sighed and lowered her eyes to her feet.
"Because I just saw my brother walking into Fuuka's room, alone, and I heard the locked click. …" she whispered as Akihiko leaned against his desk. "…I don't know what to say or do—what if Shinjiro finds out?"
Akihiko crossed his arms, unsure of what to say. He just started a relationship with Minako a month ago, around after the full moon battle in August. Akihiko was just trying to get used to the idea of love much less anything else.
"Why don't you keep an eye on him? I mean, I already try that, but he seems more warmed up to you." He stated as he kept his back to Minako. "You can keep him cool if he does find out. Then again," he turned to face Minako, a small smile on his lips, "wouldn't expect Shinji to be so fond of Yamagishi."
Then again, she reminds me... ...of Miki. ...just a little bit... Akihiko thought silently, wondering if that was the main reason they were always by each other's side. It made him wonder what would've happen if Miki really was alive and saw this happening.
"I know, right? I'm all for Fuuka finding someone after Junpei basically denied all of her outings—"
"Ohhhhh, so that's why Yamagishi was asking for Junpei." A lightbulb went off in Akihiko's head, his brain connecting the neurons. "…but, she's with Arisato in her room."
"Yeeeeeep. Now you see why I am worried?"
Akihiko nodded and reached for his boxing gloves. "I'm not worried because he is in her room." Minako blinked, wondering what he could ever mean. "I'm worried because it sounds like Yamagishi invited your brother to her room. Not the other way around. If you think those two have something in common, Shinji and Yamagishi, then it would probably be a kick in the chest if he saw those two leaving at the same time." He frowned as he began to lace up his gloves and kept his body from facing Minako. "And Shinji usually keeps his anger to himself--hopefully, he still does."
If one would to look at the monitors on the fourth floor, and peered into Fuuka's bedroom, they would see that their arms and limbs were a tangled mess, just like their clothes on the floor. Minato's hair stuck to his face as he had to catch his breath—he was only clad in his pants as Fuuka was laying there in only her bra and panties. Fuuka laid her arm on her forehead, wondering how something so sinful could feel so good.
"Are you okay?" Fuuka asked Minato as she sat up slowly reaching in to kiss his neck. "It would be a shame to end it just now." She whispered as she nibbled on his neck, determined to have her way with him, if he didn't mind.
He nodded as he wiped his forehead of sweat. "Yeah—guess I needed this as badly as you did, Fuuka." Minato stated as he let out a moan with his head slightly leaning back, letting out a chuckle. "You don't get to have all the fun!" Fuuka gasped as she was grabbed by her hands, a giggle escaping her lips, as Minato laid her back down and let his eyes roam up and down her petite frame.
Minato began to lean forward as his eyes caught a glimpse of her right hand where the laceration a few days ago appeared. He then become concerned as Fuuka turned her head and Minato sat back up again. "What happened to your hand?" He asked as his eyes filled with worry. "Did you get hurt when we went to Tartarus?"
She shook her head. "No no." She sat up with him, her cheeks pink with warmth. "I was putting up some glasses and I fell and got a decent sized cut." She mentioned as Minato showed concern in his eyes. "But don't worry! Minako-chan helped clean up the glass and Shinjiro-senpai fixed me up—"
Minato's eyes turned dark once she brought up Shinjiro. And with that smile on her face, it seemed like it wasn't a big deal to her. " 'Shinjiro-senpai'? Is that what you are calling him now?" He uttered with a taste of anger on his lips. "What happened with calling him by his last name?" Minato felt his heart was already overcome by jealously and aching in anger.
Fuuka could sense the hostility in Minato's voice. She looked at him as if she just got slapped in the face. "M-Minato…?" Fuuka felt herself move quickly away. His eyebrows were lowered and small winkles appeared between his eyebrows. "H-he is just…"
"Just what, Fuuka?" He spat at her, her heart breaking as she sat there speechless. She couldn't understand why all the boys she cared for seemed to get angry over the name "Shinjiro". A long silence passed as Minato lowered his head and let out a laughter filled with frustration. "…I wanted to make love to you and what—you've fallen for him!" Minato got off the bed and began searching for his clothes off the floor.
"What makes you think I have?!" Fuuka exclaimed as she felt his cold eyes back on her.
"Because I can feel it when you were kissing me!"
Fuuka winced as she wasn't as experienced as she hoped for, but those words stun her into more silence. He almost yelled those words for everyone in the dorm to hear them. Minato found his dress shirt, putting it on haphazardly, and shook his head. "What the hell am I doing? Should've known that you'd be…" he spoke to himself, stopping before he called her something he shouldn't. He kept his back to her and went to the door. Fuuka got up off the bed, still clad in panties and her bra, as she felt tears stinging her eyes.
I should've stayed with Yukari--what an idiot I am!
"Don't. Don't 'Minato' me. Don't suck face with me when you are thinking of Shinjiro." He opened the door, after yelling that last statement a bit loudly, and slammed the door harshly. Fuuka covered her lips, her body trembling as she slumped to her knees and reached for her clothes, tears blurring her vision.
Minako and Akihiko moved towards the stairway and heard Minato yelling out to Fuuka and then the door was slammed hard; they flinched in sync. Minako covered her lips as she put a hand on Akihiko's shoulder and shook her head. They both heard Minato letting out a heavy sigh as they could hear his footsteps coming towards the stairs. Minako moved her index finger to her lips as they both turned around slowly and saw Shinjiro coming up the stairs from the first floor.
Minako froze, along with Akihiko at her side, as Shinjiro blinked a few times and climbed to the second floor as he crossed his arms. "Just what are you two do—?"
Minato stopped as he was a few steps away from the second floor as he saw Shinjiro coincidentally on the same floor as him. Minako and Akihiko moved away carefully as Shinjiro seemed to feel confused. The silence was deafening as Minato button up his shirt, keeping his eyes trained on Shinjiro. Minako reached for Akihiko's sleeve as she didn't know who was going to respond first.
"What are you looking at?" Minato spat at Shinjiro as he pulled up his zipper on his pants. Shinjiro's eyes squinting as he saw Minato was getting dressed right in front of him. Literally. He buttoned up his shirt only two buttons before Shinjiro spoke to him.
"Why are you giving me attitude?"
Minato huffed, letting out a "tch" as he fixed his hair and wiped the sweat off his forehead. "I don't know. Why don't you ask your little girlfriend upstairs?"
Shinjiro turned to Minako, as she looked back at him, noticing that only Akihiko was with her—Mitsuru and Yukari were busy, he assumed, and Aigis must have been in her room anyway, so he thought of Fuuka instantly. "What did you do?" He carefully said, venom leaking from his words as he moved carefully towards the male twin. Akihiko moved quickly between them, Minako right behind, as he put his hand on Shinjiro's chest.
"Shinji, not now."
"Oh, I didn't do nothing to her. She's just two-faced—" he turned towards Minako and glared at her, "—better watch out: she might take Sanada-senpai, too." Shinjiro felt some anger in the pit of his stomach—he didn't know what it was, but it made him sick to hear how he spoke so badly about Fuuka. Akihiko still kept his hand on Shinjiro's chest as Minato walked by cooly. "Oh," Minato turned towards Shinjiro, a devilish grin upon his lips, "while she was making out with me, she only wanted you. Can't fuck Junpei, doesn't want to fuck me—she wants someone who kisses her boo-boos and make her feel better. Guess she needs a father in her life to screw some sense into her."
Minato gritted his teeth while bringing up his fists to the corner of his eyes and turned them towards his face to resemble tears; Shinjiro felt his ears turning red from embarrassment, anger, and albeit a bit happy, but didn't want to explain that outloud. He wondered if he was a bit chaotic thinking like that. "Don't stay with her—she can't be happy with anyone." Minato moved to his bedroom door, opened and closed it loudly as Akihiko carefully removed his hand from Shinjiro's chest.
Shinjiro took a deep breath, knowing that Minato had to be lying, right? Minako and Akihiko watched Shinjiro walk up the stairs, to create less of a nuisance and saw Fuuka's door was still shut. Minako and Akihiko stayed behind, standing on the stairs as Shinjiro stood at the doorway. He turned back around and Minako waved him to keep going. He sighed and turned back to the door, knocking softly on her door.
"Fuuka?" He asked softly as he heard a sob and then a click on the door. Shinjiro hesitated, but moved his hand to the door, his palms sweating, as he tried to open the door but nothing. She locked it on him and to everyone else. Shinjiro turned around and walked towards the two SEES members. "What the hell happened?"
Minako closed her eyes and rubbed her eyelids over and over. "I just saw him going into her room, and half an hour later or so, he yells out… Er…" Minako knew this was going to make her feel even worse for Fuuka. "He said, and I quote," she lowered her voice to a whisper as Shinjiro moved closer, " 'Don't suck face with me when you are thinking of Shinjiro.' And then he slammed the door on her."
"Yeah. Heard that door slamming from all the way on the ground floor…" he uttered as he felt like an idiot. He should have been taking more care of her as he felt hopeless currently. Shinjiro moved to a nearby arm chair and sat down, his fingers hiding his face, as he seemed a bit defeated. No one told him how to react in a situation like this.
Minako sat across from him, sitting on the coffee table, and put her hand on his knee. "Listen: Minato gets really jealous and possessive easily. Teenage boys are like that, sometimes. But, for our sake, and possibly Fuuka's, be there for her. She might not want to see anyone for a little bit." Minako stated, wondering, and hoping that she was right about Minato.
I have never seen him act like this—besides, doesn't he have a thing for Yukari anyway? Much of a player, isn't he?
Minako thought silently as she felt a bit worrisome about the two people she wanted to be together. It annoyed her a bit and thought of something. "Shinjiro, why don't you sit next to Fuuka's door? If she opens it up, maybe she'll let you in and you both could talk?" Minako suggested. "I mean, it doesn't hurt to try. And, maybe I'll go talk to Minato. Maybe I'll take Akihiko with me and we could beat him up?"
"No." Akihiko stated flatly. "We are not beating up a member of SEES, as much as I'd want to."
Minako was just kidding around, so that was another thing to work on with Akihiko at least. Minako got up from her spot, almost face palming, as she could see Shinjiro wrought with anger and fear and heartache. "Shinjiro, just trust me. Us girls are complicated, but I know she'd be happy to know you were there for her, even if it wasn't the best situation currently."
"...Minako, she was making out with your brother." Shinjiro stated, his teeth slightly gritting together in anger. "Maybe she doesn't need me." He dejectedly stated as he began to get up and walk away from Minako.
"Shinjiro..." Minako got up slowly and tried to reach out for him but Akihiko stopped her and shook his head. "...Don't be like Minato, okay?" Minako called out as she saw him stopping on the staircase. "Because Fuuka thought of you-don't forget that, alright? She thought of you and probably feared you would hate her." She lowered her head and her arm slowly in sync—she wondered if she was even getting through his head. "Please-"
"...just leave me alone, leader." He stated harshly, darting down the stairs and towards his room and Minako slithered into the empty seat Shinjiro sat in. She didn't even hear the door slam down below—maybe he was going out for some fresh air?
Minako covered her face and ran her fingers through her hair, untying it and closing her eyes tightly. "...this isn't the way it was supposed to happen." She stated softly as she could see Akihiko sitting on the coffee table this time around. "Should we leave him alone?"
"Shinji? … …" Akihiko took a moment to think and nodded after he thought about all that has happened in the last month alone. "Give him half an hour—he might need to walk and let the steam leave his big, inflated head. Go talk to your brother—see if he needs a good punch in the face or not." He stated, holding his fist close to his chest. Akihiko smiled weakly as Minako nodded and began to talk down towards his room.
"I feel like this is my fault, but it isn't... is it?" She whispered to herself as she took the stairs one step at a time and began to look at her brother's door, wondering if this was the best way to solve everything. She could hear him pacing the room over and over—Minako knew this was going to get worse before it got better for everyone.
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