#Seiki Ryder
changeling-fae · 2 years
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I’ve been replaying ME: Andromeda and after finishing Seiki’s playthrough, I’m now playing Ourania (Ori for short).
I still love the game and pray that bioware will come back to it at some point and let us finish Ryder’s story.
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avitusrixx · 7 years
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Ryders belonging to (Seiki) @changeling-fae (Adam) @yoursquadisgay and @earlgreyer1 in that order!  Thanks for sending them over, they’re all beautiful! I might/probably will do a few more tonight!
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changeling-fae · 6 years
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Still playing on picrew and made my Ryder twins, Seiki and Kensei.
Seiki got the brown hair and eyes from Alec and Kensei got the black hair and blue eyes from Eiko (Ellen).
Once Seiki became a teen she started dyeing parts or all of her hair pink.
Before going to Andromeda she and Kensei cut their hair short, as a way to symbolize starting over.
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changeling-fae · 7 years
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The top image should be used to recruit Initiative people.
Also I always laugh so hard when Jaal yanks her to his side, that second image is her having flashbacks to when her brother got a growth spurt and used to do the same to her tiny 5′1 ass.
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changeling-fae · 7 years
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She didn’t know Jaal was naked until he walked out and boy was she red. Liam teased her for it hours after. Peebee eventually got wind and was mostly jealous and kept asking her questions.
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changeling-fae · 7 years
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I headcanon that Seiki looks like her paternal grandmother and she got Alec, his mom, and his grandfather’s eyes (Kensei has their mother’s eye color). It’s actually one of the reasons he was closer to Seiki than Kensei since his mother died when he was 14 and before that was in an abusive relationship with his dad, so Alec always felt like he should have protected his mother.
Which of course led to his near fanaticism with trying to save Eiko (Ellen). So he was more subconsciously protective of the women in his life. He loved Kensei of course but it was that beginning subtle difference that started the wedge between them. 
Alec did threaten his father, who tried to appear in his life again when the twins were born, saying he’d shoot him without hesitation if the man ever came near his wife and kids again. He never saw him again after that.
Alec was incredibly close to his maternal grandfather who raised him once his mother died. His grandfather lived in Nevada and was the main reason he joined the military.
Side note: Alec’s mother’s name was Akemi (暁美), his grandfather’s name was Hiroshi (裕史), and his father’s name was Alexander or Alex for short.
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changeling-fae · 7 years
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I like the second image because it’s the closest I can get to an accurate depiction of their height difference.
Seiki was totally crying when they do the head bump. She cries when she’s emotionally overwhelmed.
She’s trying not to hate Akksul since she understands his source of anger, especially after the letter he sends her.
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changeling-fae · 7 years
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This  game should be renamed “all the ways to make Jaal cry”. Also Seiki herself looks like she’s about to cry in the 8th pic which fits because she’s one of those people who cry when angry. She hates that she does because it’s hard to look intimidating, especially when she’s already so much smaller than everyone.
As a side note, I almost have all the materials I need to finally make her a sidewinder pistol. I miss it.
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changeling-fae · 7 years
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My Ryder sims family. 
Top - Alec and Eiko (Ellen) Ryder
2nd - Seiki and Kensei
3rd - Seiki’s spouse Jaal and Kensei’s spouse Peebee
Last - Tica (Seiki/Jaal) and Aisa (Kensei/Peebee)
I mean, obviously in the ME universe Aisa wuld be an Asari and Tica probably couldn’t happen.
I am potentially headcanoning her birth being possible through SAM in that using his AI space magic he can mimic Asari reproduction in Seiki and strip Jaal’s DNA to its most basic thus allowing them to have children. It would simply mean any child would be human and born female though.
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changeling-fae · 7 years
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Seiki and Kensei as adults and yeah, they’re a pretty good blend of their parents here.
Also I’m pretty proud of Jaal and Peebee. Seiki is married to Jaal and Kensei to Peebee and they’re all living together.
Eventually I’ll add the rest of the Tempest crew.
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changeling-fae · 7 years
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I lowered the resolution and that seemed to help the performance of the game.
I wonder if Alec keeled over so fast because he transfered SAM over to Ryder Jr who had been suffocating for a short bit already. Lexi did say untangling SAM from Ryder could kill them. He died pretty quickly for an N7 is all I’m saying.
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changeling-fae · 7 years
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Lowering the resolution really helped my fps but for some reason Eos has a lot of stuttering happening, it’s annoying.
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changeling-fae · 7 years
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The thing about the hair dye mod is it gives half the npcs a dye job. Addison now has purple highlights.
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changeling-fae · 7 years
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The more I mull it over the more I think these three will become an OT3. I’m kind of writing something for it already anyway, it’s just a dabble right now but it could easily evolve into something more.
Alec is just like “…..” from beyond the grave.
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changeling-fae · 7 years
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More of Seiki Ryder’s aesthetic/mood board.
Look, I just have perverse pleasure in imagining Alec Ryder, aka Mr. Emotionally Constipated Badass N7, having to deal with his practically a magical girl daughter, who looks like a unicorn threw up on her and is super emotional all the time.
Like she’s the type to unironically wear light up sneakers and will absolutely cry in public if she sees an old couple holding hands because she thinks it’s beautiful.
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changeling-fae · 7 years
Gift To Give (Jaal x F!Ryder)
Seiki has a surprise for her crew and Jaal finds himself loving her even more.
“The Pathfinder requests that everyone come to her quarters.” SAM’s voice rang out through the Tempest.
Jaal stopped what he was doing, deciphering the schematics Liam gave him of a human sniper rifle, and gave a curious look in the direction of her quarters. Already he could hear the noisy footsteps of the crew passing by his door and walked to join them.
They were all exchanging curious looks and shrugs as they entered her quarters and found enough chairs for all of them facing her window.
Seiki was standing in the center with an excited expression while nervous energy rolled off of her in waves.
Drack was the first to speak, “Uh Kid, you planning an intervention for someone in here?”
She grinned, “Nope! Wait does someone need an intervention?”
Gil chimed in, “Only Vetra in her attempts to beat me at poker.”
Vetra scoffed and crossed her arms but before anymore could be said Seiki threw confetti on all of them, “Happy AOFANAADB Day!”
Everyone looked at each other confused, made somewhat amusing by the rainbow confetti littering their clothes.
“Uh, happy what?” This time it was Liam.
Seiki was motioning for all of them to sit and turned around, pulling packages they all just noticed from off her bed and handing it to each of them. “Happy AOFANAADB Day, as in Happy Appreciation of Family and Not at All Dad’s Birthday Day.”
Everyone froze and Cora cleared her throat, “It’s the Old Man’s birthday?”
Seiki sat on her bed and Jaal could see the tension she was trying to hide behind the excitement from before.
“Ah, yeah. It’s his birthday and before any of you ask, yes I’m fine and no I didn’t just make this up to cope or anything. So…,” she clapped her hands together once and took a deep breath before exhaling, “-story time! My dad hates, hated his birthday for as long as I can remember. My brother and I never found out the reason why and we knew not to ask but when you’re a parent you can’t just not celebrate your birthday so mom made this up for the family. We made it a sort of holiday where we all make each other gifts, like it was the absolute rule that it had to be handmade but dad liked it because the day was no longer about him but about all of us. So um, these are your gifts all handmade by me.”
Jaal felt his heart squeeze from his affection for his Darling One and he looked at the package in his lap. Lexi’s voice broke through the emotional silence everyone was feeling. “This is a very kind gesture Seiki, thank you.”
It seems Lexi was making it known to the others to not question or make Seiki feel any more nervous than she clearly felt and Liam raised his hand. “Sounds good, should we open one by one or all at once?”
Seiki shrugged, biting her bottom lip, and twisting her fingers.
Drack, Peebee, and Gil were already opening theirs, leading the others to follow. Jaal carefully unwrapped his and felt his breath hitch when it revealed a blanket, handknitted with the image of the galaxy he had showed her when he confessed his feelings to her. He felt a lump in his throat as his love for grew even more, each day giving him more reasons to.
“Woah!” and “No way!” was being exclaimed by the group as they held up their gifts and Jaal took a good look at everything.
Cora was holding up a hand painted pot with some kind of flower design, he believes these ‘roses’ they talked about so much. Drack had a Kett Wraith claw fused with some kind of chain hook, Peebee had a necklace with a small piece of glowing Remtech, Suvi had a hand painted mug painted to look like a geode, Gil had a hand painted wooden box to hold his poker deck, Liam had knitted socks with movie quotes stitched on which Jaal only knew because Liam read them out loud, Kallo had a knitted scarf with the Tempest stitched on it, and Lexi had a handmade pillow meant for her work chair.
When Vetra held up hers, a handknitted cylindrical bag of some kind, Seiki finally spoke up, “Ah, it’s a heater. You put rice in it, which I have from the Nexus, and then use the microwave to heat it and then put it on your neck to relax the muscles.”
“These are all fantastic Seiki!” Liam looked really excited and Seiki smiled.
“I’m glad, but I’m not done!”
There was more?
Evidently since Seiki then handed them each another gift, all around the same size.
Peebee’s voice cut through. “Damn Ryder, when did you even have time for all of this?”
Probably one of the most smuggest grins he’s ever seen on her broke out on her face. “My family has always been very tactile so we learned how to do a lot in a little time. I’ve been knitting since I was six so most of this was easy to make. It was mostly the materials that were a bit harder to find but Kesh helped with that. Now open!”
This time everyone revealed sweaters, each with a constellation from their homeworld’s perspective. He couldn’t stop the smile on his face, his was made with Angaran threads.
He got up and gave her a crushing hug, pulling back to see another beautiful blush that he loved giving her. “These are wonderful gifts, thank you my Darling One.”
Liam followed suit and also hugged her, “You do know that you’re totally getting gifts from us now right?”
Seiki was still blushing, “You don’t have to.”
“Nope, it’s happening.” He was grinning and Suvi excitedly stood, “Ooh, I already have ideas!”
Good feelings were all around and everyone either gave her a hug or a or a pat on the back before slowly leaving her quarters, some even already wearing their new sweaters such a Drack.
It was just Jaal left with her and he picked her up into his arms, nuzzling her neck. “My Darling One, I have no words to express my love for you.”
She was hugging him tightly and he felt her shiver when his breath tickled her ear. They haven’t yet consummated their love and he really wanted to but he knew she wasn’t quite ready for that part of the relationship. Also this day was meant for honoring her father, and her family’s memory, that was the important part.
He pulled back to give her a kiss before setting her back down and grabbing her gifts to him, the blanket in particular a beautiful surprise. “How did you stitch this from memory?”
“You can thank SAM for that one.” She chuckled, rubbing the threads between her fingertips.
He sat on the bed next to her. “I will cherish it forever.”
Her smile was blinding and she curled into him. “I’m glad everyone liked what I gave them. This day has always been important and you guys are all my family now. I do have a blanket and sweater I need to drop off at the Nexus for my brother, even if he isn’t awake yet.”
He wrapped his arm around her, to once again place her in his lap, and wrapped the blanket she made around them both. They were silent now, words not really being needed and the unspoken sadness she was no doubt feeling lingered in the air but was not consuming her.
He knew she did this for that very reason and this was her way of coping. Her family, small as it had been, was everything to her. He understood this and could only offer his support to her in whatever way she needed.
After a few more minutes of contemplative silence, Jaal chuckled. “Liam is right, you are going to receive so many gifts from us.”
She let out a snort, “That’s not why I did it.”
An amused hum left his throat. “It is the custom to share yes? If it’s important to you then it’s important to us too. Besides, I already have ideas.” Several in fact, he’ll have to arrange some things on Aya the next time they are there.
His thoughts were interrupted when she squeezed his hand, her warm brown eyes staring sleepily up at him. “Hey, will you stay for a bit? I need a nap and you’re very comfortable and warm… and I don’t want to be alone right now.”
She was so small and vulnerable in that moment that literally nothing could tear him from her, not even a call from Evfra. He smiled, gave her a soft kiss, and scooted back on the bed so he could get comfortable. “I will always give you whatever is in my power to give, my love. Happy AOFANAADB Day.”
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