acmkart · 1 year
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Seillans, France
Reference from MapCrunch
I'm pretty happy with this one! I think there's more work that could be done, but my layer management was not great so the changes I want to make would probably be more work than they're worth. Lessons learned, on to the next!
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bentectravels · 9 months
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cote-dazur-insider · 1 year
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velovelo · 7 months
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Paris-Nice dans 4⃣ jours 😋
Il y a 50 ans, Eddy Merckx & Joop Zoetemelk se battant pour le classement général, dans la dernière étape en ligne de Paris-Nice 1974 (Seillans > Nice
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bal-bullier · 2 years
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Max Ernst
La fête à Seillans, 1964
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agrpress-blog · 6 months
Un ricordo di Max von Sydow nell’anniversario della sua nascita Il grande attore svedese, interprete d... #maxvonsydow https://agrpress.it/un-ricordo-di-max-von-sydow-nellanniversario-della-sua-nascita/?feed_id=4522&_unique_id=6616d5ec9eb18
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newsbites · 1 year
News from Marseille, 23 June.
The mayor of Marseille hopes for new announcements regarding transportation, the port, and security during Emmanuel Macron's forthcoming visit.
The visit will likely include a focus on security and drug trafficking, with the president meeting with the families of victims and visiting a school undergoing renovation.
The President last visited Marseille in September 2021.
2. French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne has announced that young people aged 17 will be able to obtain their driver's license from January 2024, and that financial aid for apprentices to obtain their license will be extended to students in vocational high schools.
The move has been criticized by road safety advocates who argue that it contradicts environmental concerns and that encouraging accompanied driving would be a safer alternative.
Borne also announced that young people aged 18 to 20 engaged in national service or youth engagement contracts will receive free train passes for a month.
3. The pedestrianization of the Cours Julien neighborhood in Marseille was delayed due to a disagreement between the City and the Metropole over the installation of an automatic bollard on Rue Poggioli, but has recently been resolved.
The pedestrianization of both neighborhoods is expected to be completed in 2023, with the possibility of a September or end-of-year completion for the Cours Julien neighborhood.
4. Marseille is experiencing a heatwave with temperatures reaching up to 32°C.
5. European cruise ships emitted more sulfur dioxide than one billion cars in 2022, causing harm to ecosystems and human health.
Barcelona was the most polluted port in Europe due to cruise ship emissions, followed by Civitavecchia, Piraeus, Palma Mallorca, and Lisbon.
Governments and ports should take measures to reduce cruise ship pollution, including requiring ships to connect to electric networks and encouraging the adoption of zero-emission technologies.
6. The summer season brings a variety of festivities in the south of France, including a romantic night under the stars in Seillans, a piano recital in Plan de la Tour, and traditional Provençal celebrations in Pont-de-l’Étoile.
The Nuit Romantique event in Seillans, organized by the association of the Most Beautiful Villages of France, features music, dance, stargazing, and food tastings.
The festival in Pont-de-l’Étoile highlights the traditions of Provence, including concerts, a fair, the famous soupe au pistou, and the sale of garlic, a staple ingredient in Provençal cuisine.
7. The controversy over the end of the public service mandate granted to the Château de la Buzine association, chaired by Nicolas Pagnol, has caused political response in the Departmental Council of Bouches-du-Rhône.
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poavellaneda · 1 year

Avellaneda: Ferraresi encierra a una familia por más de un día y medio
El pasado martes 4 y miércoles 5 de abril Sarandí se copó de móviles y periodistas, por un nuevo acto de avasallamiento a les vecines y laburantes.
En esta ocasión el caso, que llega a tener un grado de bizarro, se dio en avenida Mujeres Argentinas al 2400, debajo del puente del ferrocarril General Roca. El fin de poner en valor el espacio público, montando una nueva placita, tapiaron con ladrillos y cemento la puerta de ingreso de una vivienda, dejando encerrados a sus habitantes por 36 horas. “Ayer vino gente del municipio y nos dijo que iban a tapiar la puerta por la plaza. Y que nosotros teníamos que hacer una salida al fondo, pero no tenemos. El municipio sigue sosteniendo que hay una salida y no hay. Tampoco la quiso corroborar” (Clarín, 05/04) informó uno de los integrantes del grupo familiar damnificado.
Pocas horas posteriores a conocerse de dicho encierro, la gestión encabezada por Jorge Ferraresi (Frente de Todos-PJ) justificó el hecho alegando que sus residentes se encontraban ocupando un terreno nacional. Pese a que no justifica lo efectuado, también es falso. “Es mi casa, tengo los planos hechos por un estudio de arquitectos y está al nombre de mi padre. Son terrenos fiscales cada uno de los vecinos tiene sus planos. En su momento se estaba pagando un canon. Nadie está usurpando nada”, declaró para A24 una prima de los cercados.
Las denuncias mediáticas provocaron la destrucción a mazazos del paredón. “Se hizo justicia y vinieron a liberar la puerta. Ahora estoy un poco más tranquilo. No pudimos ir a trabajar, y corremos el riesgo de perder nuestros trabajos”, concluyó José Luis” (La Nación, 05/04).
Este suceso, que puede ser catalogado como privación ilegítima de la libertad, por parte del gobierno municipal, deja al desnudo un programa pensando en beneficio de la especulación inmobiliaria. A lo que se le suma la fenomenal crisis habitacional. Donde las casas derruidas y el hacinamiento son moneda corriente en grandes partes de la ciudad del sur del conurbano bonaerense.
No ha sido un error de un grupo de trabajadores municipales, en la construcción de la nueva plaza. Fue un acto de gobierno, planificado y orquestado por la gestión Ferraresi. Lo demuestran los policías bonaerenses que custodiaron el levantamiento de la tapia.
Es fundamental y urgente un resarcimiento económico a los encerrados por los daños, tanto materiales como psicológicos. El inmediato empadronamiento catastral de todas las viviendas. Y la presentación de un informe de los sucedido el 4 y 5 de abril en Sarandí, por parte de la secretaría de obras públicas y servicios públicos del municipio, actualmente encabezada por Gastón Seillan.
La salida a la crisis habitacional no vendrá de la mano de gobiernos capitalistas que desarrollan sus funciones en beneplácito de los pulpos inmobiliarios y la patria contratista. Es hora de expulsarlos y tomarlo en mano de la izquierda y el pueblo trabajador. Comenzando por el desarrollo de planes de obras públicas y viviendas populares bajo control de les vecines y laburantes de las villas y barriadas.
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zehub · 2 years
#Sécheresse : « Retour à Manon des sources »... en #Provence la fin de l'abondance d'#eau
Le village de Seillans, dans le Var, connaît des restrictions d’eau depuis le mois de mai dernier. Fin octobre, face à la sécheresse persistante et alors que la situation devient alarmante, le rationnement d’eau a été renforcé
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faradaysketches · 6 years
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Seillans, France, May 2018
It was hard work to get this view, I had to climb up a steep thorny bank and it took ages.
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reyolivier · 6 years
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Senteur du sud!!!😍🌈 . . #seillans #lesud #lesud☀️ #provence #france #flowers #flowerpower #flower #floral #florals #flores #fleurs #fleur #nature #naturephotography #natural #natur #senteur #canon #macro #macrophotography #macros (à Seillans)
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picturissio-blog · 5 years
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Seillans and Tourettes
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olwog · 7 years
So Peeps, today we’ll learn about the heroics of superheroes and we have a lovely meal in Seillans. This beautiful village sprawls a little bit around the side of the Provence Alps near Cote de Azure and it’s a delight but it has a dark secret.
Harry and Zak before metamorphosis to superheroes
As we’re getting ready to go for a meal in a little square at the Restaurant La Gloire de mon Pere (literally “The Glory of my Father”) not sure if it’s Biblical or someone had a nice dad or, indeed, because tonight is a meal in honour of Lewis who’s survived another year and we’re celebrating his birthday. Of course, it could also be because the menus look good!
Tonight the boys are getting changed into their best going out clothes when a call comes in on the ‘special’ orange handset, it looks like a toy but everyone knows that it’s for communications from world leaders who believe the peace of the world is at stake and tonight, just as we’re about to go out, it rings.
Zak answers and nods a lot then calls Harry to explain they have a job to do and will require their Batman outfits to maintain their anonymity; he couldn’t actually say anonymity, but that’s what he meant.
So, after a brief discussion and some help from Mum they’re ready and I have to say having witnessed their warm up session earlier when they wrestled a crocodile with a foot pump, I’m feeling safer already.
Ready for anything that world villains can throw at us.
So, front door is opened and the two bat people go out like, well errr, like bats and do a Starsky and Hutch roll with Glock held in both hands and ready for action – a bit like Lewis entering a pub. Thankfully there are no Mr. Bigg’s around to spoil our evening and watching this enactment of extra precaution has meant we’re feeling confident we’re safe.
On a no action day it’s just a wonderful everyday family
Our getaway car is a Peugeot 2008 with a secret power unit that has to be experienced to be believed so I’ll not dwell on it. With neck snapping acceleration, well actually it was a bit of a jerk, we’re off along the main drive that’s been heavily disguised as a back lane as an additional precaution against world bullies and people with funny hair cuts.
As we get to Seillans we can appreciate the antiquity of this lovely little place. According to Wikipedia it’s one of the prettiest villages in France and I have to agree.
Legend would have it that the name Seillans is derived from the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene, or alternatively that the name is from a Roman knight called Selenus. It is probably more likely that the name was derived from some of the first settlers here, the Celtic-Ligurian tribe, the Sayllens in around 500 BC.
Then over the years various ‘visitors’ have left their mark including Greeks, Romans, Muslims and Christians a hint of secularism when a few toffs and other dignitaries were shown the intricacies of Madam le Guillotine at closer quarters during the ten years of the Révolution Française.
The buildings that have survived are influenced by all of the above and we’re now treated to a visual delight clinging to the slopes and offering well maintained alleyways and narrow cobbled streets. Just the place to hide threats to world peace, I’m so glad we have BatHarry and BatZak to keep us safe.
We park with the Batmobile pointing in the direction of travel to facilitate a fast escape should the need arise and we make our way past the Maquis pub/cafe/restaurant perched on the ridge and overlooking the beautiful plain between the southern Alps and Esterel. I note the Maquis for patronage at some point through this holiday. It’s named after a resistance movement in the last war and a beer with a view like this is hard to dismiss.
Beautiful Seillans
We make our way to the bar Charlotte which is in the middle of our little area with plenty of people passing enabling a full people-watch to be established and with this being an ‘arty’ village there are plenty of colourful characters. Apparently, In the late Sixties and early Seventies Max Ernst and Dorothea Tanning made Seillans their home. The village hosts a substantial Max Ernst collection, including several sculptures in open air.  It also enables our two Bats to regroup and plan the defence of the village.
Twenty minutes and reference to numerous odd but interesting people later (coupled with the production of a defensive plan) and we’re heading to the restaurant.
Lewis has been practicing his best French on the way here in the car. He takes a deep breath and tells the guy that we’ve a table booked and the waiter respond in word perfect English that’s it’s over here and within seconds we’re seated at a gloriously placed table on the periphery of the eating area, just perfect.
BatHarry and BatZak need to sit next to Grandad so I’m sandwiched between perfect security, I really couldn’t be feeling better. This is a wonderful little square, the temperature is about 25 degrees Celsius and there are beautiful trees over and around us. The tables are arranged with plenty of space and sit on cobbles with beer mats to keep them steady. There’s the fountain L’Amour in the middle with gentle jets of water keeping various posies of flowers fresh.
Restaurant La Gloire de mon Pere (literally “The Glory of my Father”)
The meal is astonishingly good with some of the best steak I’ve ever tasted and it wasn’t even my meal!
We spend a good hour and a half with the ‘protectors of world peace’ consuming a couple of excellent beers and great food (our BatBodyguards, of course, are not drinking, preferring to keep clear heads for whatever threats there may be on the way home). We make our way back towards the car along narrow, cobbled streets with ancient buildings on either side BatZak is in front scouting whilst BatHarry does the sweeping then they swap to ensure the enemy is kept on permanent alert.
Super-Heroes in action
BatZak going into hyperdrive
BatZak morphing and BatHarry lurking on point.
Surveying a Square for World Villains
At the bottom of the alley there is a branch to the left that enables both bats to consolidate our position and survey the main road for baddies and we make our way back to the car.
 Superheroes discussing strategy.
                                                       An excellent evening and safe too, I’m glad we had the superheroes to protect us, job well done. Oh, did I say the food and company were exceptional. I love you Bats…G..x
PS: Thanks to Nadine and Robbie for the loan of their wonderful Villa. You are lucky and descerning people to have it and we’re lucky people for your generosity. X
Seillans and the Defence of the World So Peeps, today we’ll learn about the heroics of superheroes and we have a lovely meal in Seillans.
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westsahara · 2 years
Die Lager Tinduf sind gänzlich vonseiten Algeriens in „skandalösen Bedingungen“ verwahrlost
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Rabat–Die Lager Tinduf haben sich zu „einer Pflanzstätte der Delinquenz“ ausgewachsen, welche gänzlich vonseiten Algeriens in „skandalösen Bedingungen“ verwahrlost sind“, bekräftigte der Präsident der Stiftung „Frankreich-Marokko, Frieden und nachhaltige Entwicklung“, Hubert Seillan.
„Die Lager Tinduf haben sich zu „einer Pflanzstätte der Delinquenz“ ausgewachsen, auf Grund ihrer gänzlichen Verwahrlosung vonseiten Algeriens in Bedingungen, welche der Einstellung der Menschenrechte wegen durchweg skandalös sind“, stellte Herr Seillan fest, welcher auf der Sendung „Questions d’Actu“ intervenierte, welche am Donnerstagabend auf dem Nachrichtenkanal Medi1 TV ausgestrahlt wurde.
Herr Seillan, welcher die ungeschmälerte Verantwortung Algeriens im Fortbestehen des Leidenswegs der Population der Lager Tinduf unter Beschuss genommen hat, ist darüber hinaus auf die Bemühungen eingegangen, welche vonseiten Marokkos zwecks der Entwicklung der südlichen Provinzen und der definitiven Beilegung des aus dem Boden gestampften Konflikts um die marokkanische Sahara an den Tag gelegt wurden und werden.
Der Präsident der Stiftung „Frankreich-Marokko, Frieden und nachhaltige Entwicklung“ hatte jüngst im Kongresspalast Laâyoune sein Werk „Die marokkanische Sahara: der Raum und die Zeit“ präsentiert und unterzeichnet, welches beim Verlagshaus “La croisée des chemins“ veröffentlicht wurde.
Die Stiftung „Frankreich-Marokko, Frieden und nachhaltige Entwicklung“ hat diese Woche Paris dazu aufgefordert, seine Position bezüglich der Frage der marokkanischen Sahara abzuklären, in dem es „ein klares Engagement“ aufzubringen hat.
„Die Position Frankreich ist heute ziemlich ambigue“,  brachte der Präsident der Stiftung auf dieser Sendung ”Questions d’Actu” vor.
Herr Seillan hat angegeben, der französischen Obrigkeit dazu angeraten zu haben, ihre Position „vermittels unzähliger Appels“ abzuklären, welche dem französischen Präsidenten ausgerichtet wurden, die vollendente marokkanische saharawische Tatsache anzuerkennen“.
Hubert Seillan, auch Rechtsanwalt an der Pariser Rechtsanwaltskammer, hat Marokko als Land eingestuft, welches in vielerlei Hinsicht beeindruckt“, anmerkend, dass das Königreich „mit einer Verfassung“ ausgerüstet ist, bei der die ausgeglichenen Bedingungen mit der Tradition und den Idealen der Demokratie einhergehen“.    
Er hat in diesem Sinne betont, dass die marokkanische Demokratie „einen reellen Tatbestand“ konstituiert, „den vorsätzlichen Willen eines gesamten Volkes klar herausstellend, sich vermöge massiver Investitionen verändern zu beabsichtigen (…)“.
Der Präsident der Stiftung „Frankreich-Marokko, Frieden und nachhaltige Entwicklung“ hat überdies die Bemühungen in den Vordergrund gedrängt, welche vonseiten Marokkos im Dienste des Friedens und der Stabilität in der Region an den Tag gelegt wurden und gelegt werden.
Diese Sendung, woran sich der Rechtsprofesseur und der Politologe, Mustapha Sehimi, und der Professor an der Universität Mohammed V Rabat-Agdal, Abdelhamid Benkhattab, beteiligt haben, war die Gelegenheit, die diplomatischen Errungenschaften, welche Marokko im Dossier der territorialen Integrität des Königreichs erzielt hat, sowie die internationale Dynamik zu Gunsten der Souveränität Marokkos auf dessen Sahara ans Licht zu bringen.
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the-conglomerate · 4 years
Oh! Hey guys! I didn’t see you there. Oh this? It’s just blood, haha! Turns out, you don’t want to involve yourself in a bar fight, haha! They can get pretty nasty 😊
Goodness, seillan, ye’ve got quite the cut on your forehead! What did ye do, pick a fight with a bear?
Saw the whole thing, if that woman wasn’t a bear, she might as well have been. I attempted to help fight her off, but I was shoved aside. Come in, moya lyubov, and I’ll fetch Gio. His skills in medicine are top notch.
Sure, for someone that was trained in medicine in the 1500’s. Do you want them to be treated with leeches?
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