nakamorijuan · 4 months
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lynarc · 1 year
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Wanted to try drawing Selfina again. Last time was just a small doodle.
+ some other stuff
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petraevesplace · 1 year
Flower Language for Jugdral, Pt. 15
Shiva- Sea Holly: Independence, severity, toughness
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Carrion- Forsythia: Anticipation, excitement, devoted love, optimism, dependability, loyalty, new beginnings
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Selfina- Rosemary: Remembrance, friendship, fidelity, commitment, love, respect for the deceased, happiness in marriage
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Cain- Salvia: Wisdom, thoughtfulness, esteem
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Alva- Sunflower: Loyalty, optimism, honesty, peace, positivity, faithfulness, friendship
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Robert- Cyclamen: Devoted heart, timid, innocence, lacking self-confidence
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Fred- Red Camellia: Deep love, long-lasting devotion, admiration, empathy, passion, loyalty, boldness in facing adversity, courage, strength
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Olwen- Black-Eyed Susan: Justice, truth, motivation, encouragement, resilience, positive change
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Mareeta- Liatris: Apology, a desire to try again, resilience, determination, joy
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Salem- Dandelion: Healing from emotional pain/physical injury, spiritual/emotional intelligence, surviving through challenges and difficulties
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Is not in Heroes yet...
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dithorba · 8 months
1, 6 and 19 about a Fire Emblem of your choice?
We're doing Genealogy
1) What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
- Finn/Lach. Listen. Everything about it is very after the fact. How the fandom read Beo's last lines. Finn being cold to women by Selfina. Finn's most significant relationships are exclusively men (Quan and Glade). There are even more things like the fact that Selfina specifically marries Finn's best friend. Which maybe is to imply that a younger Selfina initially had eyes for Finn but Finn didn't feel the same. Not saying that is the case but it would be a Kaga thing to do. Like with the sole exception of Brigid, Finn has such a negative presence with it comes to women. It's almost like the shonen characteristic of a character who has no impactful relationships with women being insisted as straight when there are more compelling gay or ace interpretations.
6) Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
- I have gotten softer to Ares/Seliph and that has to do with oofmies. I never hated the pairing. I just found the animosity that Ares has to be hard to pass. Shifting tastes and time made me more endeared to it. Toxic yaoi hm.
19) What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
- It's the first Fire Emblem game to have pairing choice, and yet the fandom wholeheartedly ostracizes you for choosing the "wrong" pairings. Horseti still incites people to violence.
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katofvalentia · 3 months
I am a Finn × Lachesis truther till the end of time but-
I can't help but love that you *can* read their relationship in Thracia 776 as sort of, how do you put it... "mutually unrequited"? As in by the time she leaves to search for Diarmud, both Lachesis and Finn pine for each other but neither really crossed the line. And it's not a strech knowing how Finn's sense of duty can be damaging to both himself and those around him (like Leif for example). Which is why that one conversation where Selfina calls him out is absolutely brilliant.
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louvay · 7 months
In a very blessed AU where Elliot and Finn live in an internet partnership trollymony, do you think this can push the Lanzenritter to retrieve him back thinking he has fallen victim to a foul play, and now becoming a damsel in Agustria? What if THIS ends up triggering the war between Leonster and Agustria instead? Will Grahnye steal Selfina from Glade, and eventually leave Eldigan maidenless?
I know one man who can stop this calamity from happening and you may not like this miss but to fight evil, you often must resort to a greater evil
The mad maidenless abomination of the west
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skelezomperman · 10 months
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quan and ethlyn are playing paintball. the loser must cook and clean the house for a week straight without help, and pamper the winner.
both are given the same rifle type. both have three team members. quan has finn and glade, ethlyn has selfina and lachesis.
Lachesis shoots Quan immediately because he exposed himself while trying to charge at Ethlyn. Finn and Glade stick together and walk back-to-back so they're always walking together. They do succeed at getting Ethlyn and then Selphina, but Finn instinctively cowers when he sees Lachesis. Lachesis shoots Finn point-blank.
Ethlyn wins.
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ladyleonster · 2 years
“ I don't know you very well. ” It's a genuine admission, perhaps a shameful one given their relationship as mother and son, but it is one that he cannot deny and has failed to deny for some time. There are many people who tell him about Ethlyn, but it is never quite a full picture.
With the exception of Selfina and Sara's anecdotes, the image of Ethlyn they leave behind for him is more a footnote than a woman. She is always there in tandem with her husband in those stories, and whilst one may call it a song of love, it leaves Leif in the dark. It tells him more of the man his father was than it ever even hints at his mother's character.
Even the famed story of her pearl tiara says nothing of how she felt about it. Did she like it? Does she keep it with her still now? It was never found within Leonster Palace once he returned. Did it sink into the sands of Aed?
He hasn't seen her wear it since they've met, but then again, there's little time they've spent together too. Perhaps if he had spent more time, he would get the chance to see it, but even then, it's still a gift from his father. To look for it is to search for him, and to instead give her anything like it is to act as if he could replace him.
He cannot overwrite the past nor can he rely on it. All he can rely on is what little he knows now, what he's learned from his own two eyes.
“ But you should be able to find a use for this. Even if you can't, you can sell it. I don't know if it'll get you much though. ”
And so he hands her a pair of riding gloves. There's no frills to it, in neither the gloves themselves nor the packaging, but he's not the type of prince who gives dreamy gifts to princesses. He presents them as they are, presents himself as he is, to the woman he knows so far as she is too.
To others, she is Quan's wife, Leonster's princess, Chalphy's daughter… a noblewoman in all parts. But to Leif, she is a woman who worries for him, who goes on missions, and will ride into battle if need be.
Every good rider needs something for their hands, he reasons. He knows that from his own callouses, from seeing them on Finn's and Nanna's hands too…
“ Using them as a spare works. Or giving them to someone else. You never know what another person needs or what will turn them towards you, after all. ”
That ought to be a truth then for Ethlyn too, or any other rider she might meet later in her life. If she continues to live, she will continue to meet others. That is the idea, anyway.
For now, Leif treats her as living, because even if the stories say she ought to be nothing more than a ghost, what she shows up to him now, as she is, is someone very real, someone with a beating heart, and someone who still has life left to live.
She doesn't really know him either. He's not very good at talking about himself but maybe she isn't either. She could make excuses for them. It isn't like there is some sort of manual for bonding with your child when they're only a handful of years younger than you are. No one would blame them for how strange their relationship is.
She blames herself. She knows the blame lies solely on her shoulders.
He continues and holds out a pair of riding gloves. They're plain, simple, practical. They aren't the fine, kid leather pair with Leonster's coat of arms embroidered in silk thread that Quan had given her once. They aren't carefully designed to match her wardrobe. She could probably walk into any shop in the village and find something similar.
But that hardly matters. Ethlyn wastes no time in trying them on and smiles as she flexes her hands inside them. These gloves are a gift from her son. They might be simple to someone who might happen to watch the scene unfold, but she knows what they really are. Her son's love and her son's protection.
He keeps rambling. She can tell he's nervous. He worries she won't like them. She smiles and sets her now gloved hands on each of his shoulders. "Leif, hush, they're perfect. I love them. You said you don't know me that well but i can tell that you do. Better than you think, at least. If you're not terribly busy today, maybe you would join me for a ride? I can't wait to try them out!"
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Selfina from the Fire Emblem series loves her husband!
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owainbradys · 5 years
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randomnameless · 5 years
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Who taught him how to use a bow while riding
Selfina has some explaining to do
People don't put their feet on their horses gfdi
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petraevesplace · 22 days
One Completely Good Constant
On a lighter topic than yesterday, some gushing about Leif/Nanna and a beautiful piece from DaigoDoggyma
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Leif and Nanna have one of the strongest, deepest bonds of any pair in Thracia. They’ve not only grown up together but did so while living on the run, leaving behind and losing every other relationship they formed and shelter they were accepted in, with a guardian who took care of them physically but was not emotionally available or dealing with his own issues well. They don’t know what it’s like to have a home, be part of a family, to have something stable and permanent and that’s left them both longing for all of it. They have had one completely good constant in their lives though in each other. They’re the one friend the other hasn’t lost and being there through everything allows them to understand, empathize, comfort, and encourage each other better than anyone else ever will. Their mutual support isn’t just a mechanic in Thracia, it’s been the core of their relationship for years and something that only grows deeper once the war starts, Leif confessing to Nanna he wouldn’t have fought half as well if he hadn’t had her keeping him going.
Their introduction in FE4 shows Nanna being the calm voice of reason to Leif’s passionate drive and the value and trust Leif has in her opinion as he immediately chooses to follow her suggestion even though it requires him to abandon the home he just got back and risk losing it once again. Loss isn’t something Leif deals with well and reclaiming Leonster has been one of his biggest dreams and desires for years. But still he doesn’t hesitate to agree to Nanna’s idea because he has just as much faith in her as she does in him. He doesn’t always listen to her though. When Raydrik tries to use Nanna against Leif, Nanna tells Leif to run anyway. She doesn’t care that her life is actively being threatened and Leif running would likely make her situation worse, she cares about Leif staying safe and alive. But Leif feels the opposite, surrendering himself to Raydrik so long as he doesn’t harm Nanna. They both put each other’s life and safety above their own because they’d rather die than lose each other.
As Leif tells Nanna in FE4, Thracia, Cipher, and FEH, he wants her to stay with him, and Nanna promises she will, willing to always be by his side no matter where he may go, even to the very ends of the earth. They want to keep being together, to always be together, because of that deep trust and understanding, the irreplaceable value they have to each other, and all of the other loved ones they’ve lost leaving them feeling alone and longing for a deep, permanent love. Leif expresses this most often through his desire for family, an idealized concept to him and what he believes is the only way he’ll receive a close, open, unconditional love rather than the distant respect and obligatory concern and care his title has always led to. He craves affection and becomes quickly and deeply attached to the kindest people around him; Selfina, Queen Ethnia, Seliph, and of course, Nanna.
Nanna isn’t as open about her desire until towards the end of Thracia. She admits to Eyvel she used to cry to herself out of longing for the dependable love Mareeta received from Eyvel. She does cry when thinking about that kind of deep love as she’s comforting Diarmuid when they meet. She wants to be loved that deeply, unconditionally and openly by someone and that is exactly how Leif loves. He has no issue admitting he’s so happy he could cry when he reunites with Selfina, he wanted to see Eyvel again so badly he dreamt about it every night after saving her, and of course, that he wants to find Lachesis so he can ask her permission to marry Nanna.
One of the biggest issue people seem to have with Leif/Nanna is the sibling comparisons. I don’t think they actually see each other as siblings, they just don’t have a better word for how important the other is to them. They’ve made other friends and what they have with each other is deeper than what they have with them and to children, the only other option for a close relationship is family. This is part of why as mentioned before, Leif sees family as the only way he can be loved so slaps the most age appropriate family member title on whoever he wants that relationship with. He does it with Seliph, calling him like a brother, in their second conversation. But once he’s reminded there’s another way he could have the love he’s longed for now that he’s older, that romantic relationships are an option, he turns to the closest person to him, the person whose support and friendship gave him the strength and encouragement to keep going, who knows and understands him better than anyone else and still stays close with him, the one good constant in his life, and she immediately and happily returns it. Because he’s all of that to her as well. They’re each other’s strength and support, bring out the best and understand the worst, complete and compliment each other. They’re the one completely good constant they’ve always had and always will.
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gameotheque · 7 years
Yeahhh, as expected, the final chapter is really, really easy and underwhelming in this game, haha. 
EITHER WAY, here was my #Squad for taking down Veld and six of the Deadlords! 
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This game, honestly, was fun, and not at all as difficult as I was lead to believe it would be, even with some of the really clunky, old mechanics in place. I definitely suggest giving it a shot, even if you haven’t played Genealogy yet, though you may wanna read up on what’s what beforehand.
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dithorba · 1 year
8 and 16?
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Good dad Finn. If you mean Finn kept Leif alive, sure. If you mean giving Leif the emotional vulnerability and connection that is necessary for the development of a child, no. If Finn can't confide in his best friend Glade after having a literal breakdown in front of him, what makes you think he's emotionally available for Leif. Heck, even his supposed own daughter doesn't get that. Can't have an emotionally mature conversation with Selfina. And at the end of it all, he spends the rest of his life painfully clinging and searching for the past rather than moving on with his life. Whether that be his supposed wife and mother of child, or his former lady & leige.
16) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
- Not so much anymore but Feminist Jeritza. All of Jeritza's named targets have been women. The way he talks about being drawn to Byleth while also murdering people, he has a weird conflation of his sexuality with violence which is...idk eh. A connection not unnoticed by some unfortunate people. I call him Clean Valter for a reason.
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sireneia-a · 5 years
💖lmao not that i need more muses but /hypothetically/ if i were to write one from the thracia cast ( rip i still haven't played thracia ) who would u recommend
+*. muse recs from games you haven’t played.
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based on your roster, i feel like you write a lot of women who are a little on the older side or are at least dealing with very mature things, but those characters can still be a bit playful and young at heart despite the other dire and stern moments they have! they still deal with very, very real issues and have deeper topics you can possibly unleash and expand upon beyond just what the game gives you.
selfina was a knight of leonster before it fell and leads the royal guard, training knights in addition to giving orders and being a commendable archer herself. she served as an older sister figure to leif when he was very young and also good friends with both ethlyn and lachesis. she has grown up very motherly in the tragedy of war, and she strives to stay strong despite the terrifying circumstances that kept happening around her. she looks after others in both body and mind, and her emotions come out for the sake of other’s hearts.
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