#fe5 cain
petraevesplace · 1 year
Flower Language for Jugdral, Pt. 15
Shiva- Sea Holly: Independence, severity, toughness
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Carrion- Forsythia: Anticipation, excitement, devoted love, optimism, dependability, loyalty, new beginnings
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Selfina- Rosemary: Remembrance, friendship, fidelity, commitment, love, respect for the deceased, happiness in marriage
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Cain- Salvia: Wisdom, thoughtfulness, esteem
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Alva- Sunflower: Loyalty, optimism, honesty, peace, positivity, faithfulness, friendship
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Robert- Cyclamen: Devoted heart, timid, innocence, lacking self-confidence
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Fred- Red Camellia: Deep love, long-lasting devotion, admiration, empathy, passion, loyalty, boldness in facing adversity, courage, strength
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Olwen- Black-Eyed Susan: Justice, truth, motivation, encouragement, resilience, positive change
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Mareeta- Liatris: Apology, a desire to try again, resilience, determination, joy
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Salem- Dandelion: Healing from emotional pain/physical injury, spiritual/emotional intelligence, surviving through challenges and difficulties
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fefuckability · 3 months
Thracia Qualifier 2
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Feel free to reblog and comment with your reasons!
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memie-art-blog · 8 months
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Day 2 of sketching my votes for #CYL8!
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twobiit · 1 year
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The world needs more Brighton/Machyua posting
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princ3y · 9 months
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[ID: A bust shot doodle of Cain from Fire Emblem Thracia 776 on a white background. The lineart is sage green. Cain is looking off to the side with a neutral expression. His left eye is straying off to the side. End ID]
FINALLY DOODLED HIM. Hi Cain of the Abel archetype hi buddy :) I'm so sorry you share your name with Cain of the Cain archetype buddy. I like you a lot you're cool! :). Very good sage green and good official art.
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slyfire · 2 years
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cain (thracia 776) pink icons~
why does a character with maybe 3 lines of dialogue have such a sensual render? who knows...
feel free to use these icons without credit.
all artwork/renders used are from official sources.
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The FE5 cast rules and is a perfect example of doing a lot with very little, wich is why I love the old FE game.
Like take Ralph. At first glance he look like an extremly generic pre-promote : mid but usable base, generic portrait. But that the point ! He is the embodiment of the common folk that still choose to rise against atrocity. Or the Leonster knight scrub squad. Yeah they suck, because they are just a bunch of guy cosplaying as knight while Dryas remince of his "glory" day. Do you think it is a coincidence the two shitty cav you get are named like knock-off Abel and Cain (it's Alva and Kain, btw). Shannam is a garbage swordmaster who only worth is buying thing 50 % cheaper, because is a conman ! He is pretenting to be Shannan ! Xavier and Misha are horribly to recruit because they do not want to be recruited (You want to kill Xavier because his recruitement is the worst objective in the franchise ? Good news, he also want Leif to kill him !)
But my favorite example is Eda. At first glance, she is just a unpromoted, worst version of her brother who join as the same time. But here the thing : one, she has the best death quote in the franchise, and two, she is actually the perfect embodiment of one of the game theme. You see, while Genealogy is mostly focused on divine bloodline and a continental spaning war, Thracia take step back, being about one rebellion in one province in much smaller map (there a map in Thracia that take place in just one tile of chapter 8 of FE4), and one of it main point is that everyone can be a crusader( Ced just write it out in his chapter 23 dialogue) And here the thing : Deen and Eda are, physically, carbon copy of Dáinn and Njörun, despite having zero holy blood. So does holy blood really matter ? And what does it say about the high and mighty nothern thracian when they founder reincarnation is born in south thracia ?
Also she has a weirdly gay ending
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randomnameless · 8 months
Three houses get more representation in heroes because its popular ?
I guess?
My issue isn't with how popular or loved Fodlan is, but what FEH was supposed to be.
With FE Cipher, even if Fates and Awakening were very popular, we still had entire sets featuring FE6 characters. Ditto for FE4/5/8 (tfw a Bael got its own card).
CYL is a popularity contest, that much I understand.
And yet, I also understand FEH is supposed to be a celebration of the franchise itself - bla bla FEH is a main game because Vero is a paid DLC in Engage bla but would anyone really pay 60 bucks to play book 1 and 6 about Vero's story? Really ? If this is a main game , then the first warriors game is one too lol - so why are the same 3 games over represented ?
In Cipher, we had a Fates set, then a Jugdral set (featuring CIpher OCs?), then an Archanea set, then an awakening set, then a Valentia one, etc etc.
But if they follow the current FEH, it'd be one fodlan set, one thracia set, one fodlan set, one awakening set, one fodlan set, one tellius set, one fodlan set, one elibe set, one fodlan set etc.
I really get how popular units/games will always sell and the fan favourites are always represented, I played through 2 Tales gacha games lol, Links had basically a bajillion of Leons and Yuris while poor Caius barely existed, and Rowen never got a premium unit!
CYL is a fan event - for sure - but beyond CYL, it's just FEH that tires me - it's not a celebration of the FE series anymore, it's just a cashgrab to take money from some fans using their current obsession (Fateswakening in Year1-2, Fodlan now) so while it never concerned me in the first few years, I dgaf and moved on, wondering if the units I like would ever get a thing (and they did! Saias was released for free lol) but now with the state of powercreep the game has?
You have to roll for units, to get their skills and fodder them to units you care about, and even then, they might not be able to clean PVE content - I like when things are challenging, sure, but the last Seer's Snare was a cruel wake-up : even with the newest shiny skills and whatnot, Caineghis cannot compete with duo!Anna. P!Naesala has the WTA against them? Who gives a fig, he dies on initiation.
Hegemongard was just a prelude to what FEH would become lol - even if, with investment, old units could still put up a fight against her, but you had to get dedicated team to counter her.
Now? With a team with W!Mitris, L!Alear and A!Elincia? Good luck tanking anything lol - sure, Tina is a godsend and I find if hilarious how this random nobody from FE5 is supposed to counter the crazed current meta, but it's the same issue - sell ridiculous units, and sell ridiculous counters.
It's the essence of a gacha game.
Maybe the next A!Caineghis or maybe a L!Caineghis will make the character relevant again - at least if you want to play and use him, but... as far as FEH is concerned, no one gaf about Cain, so he might have gotten a refine and yet he'll not get another unit. Forgive him in you want to play PVE content - or roll for new premium units and field him as a cute mascot.
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barensian · 5 years
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abel archetypes.
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pangtasias-atelier · 5 years
Which Fire Emblem characters do you love to use and which you hate or don’t bother with, and why? Outside of Heroes of course
Characters I love to use everytime:
FE1/11: Merric, Linde, Maria, Wolf, Cain, Abel
FE2/15: Luthier, Delthea, Atlus
FE3/12: Kris, Sirius, Yubello, Yumina, Michalis
FE4: Azelle, Tailtiu, Finn, Arthur, Tinny
FE5: Salem, Sara, Miranda, Dean
FE6: Lugh, Raigh, Sue
FE7: Lyn, Rath, Nino, Liouse
FE8: Artur, Knoll, Natasha, Amelia, Cormag
FE9: Tormod, Muarim, Rolf, Mist, Astrid
FE10: Pelleas, Micaiah, all Dawn Brigade
FE13: Robin, Frederick, Panne, Henry, Tharja
FE14: Saizo, Corrin, Keaton, Kaden, Silas, Kaze
FE15: Byleth, Seteth, Flayn, Claude, Dimitri
For characters I hate? There's no real ones I hate. I don't mind using characters you have to baby, hell, most of these units are subpar lmao.
Sure there's a bunch I've never used outside of their joining chapter, but none that I downright despise.
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sireneia-a · 5 years
mount names... i’ve got a few hc ones since i tend to gravitate towards the characters who don’t have canonical ones smh
i’ve mentioned in a thread before that thea’s pegasus is named demeter. my reasoning behind this is because i was thinking about how karin’s is named hermes so i wanted to go with another mythology one. thea cares a lot about the safety of others and so i thought demeter was a good pick for her!
for silas, i headcanon his horse to be named kain. i want it to match sophie’s being named avel after abel, and now that CYL has romanized fe5 cain as.... cain, i’ve decided this corruption of the name can work for silas’s horse!
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markoftheasphodel · 6 years
Some highlights of the Roundtable as translated by @garms-translations.
K: “In the previous game, we saw the world on a micro-level through Marth’s eyes, but in this game, I wanted to portray a large world which contains the thoughts and perspectives of many people.”
K: Although Sigurd is the protagonist, he is also heavily flawed, his aforementioned love included. He is also extremely naïve, even compared to Seliph. The tragedy would not have happened were he a more competent person.“
(WHAM. We’re done with that argument. Also...)
K: “None of the characters are perfect; all of them have flaws because it is human nature, and it is precisely because of their flaws that they meet the fates that they do. The enemies are by no means the only ones with evil in their hearts.“
K: “Ethlyn being tomboyish comes from anecdotes of her as a child. Since she is a woman of noble birth, I would think she would’ve changed after marrying Quan, so it’s not as if she necessarily retains her tomboyish qualities. Deirdre isn’t the most sophisticated woman, so Ethlyn might be closer to a traditional heroine instead; at least, that’s how I had planned it.”
(Reminds one of the beta rumors where she was a Lord-class character.)
“Heuga: By the way, I’ve been wondering, why did Quan bring Finn with him when Finn’s still just a knight-in-training?
Kaga’s comment: Finn was orphaned after his parents passed away; basically, he and Oifey are in similar situations. He’s like a page in terms of ranking. The reason Finn is brought to battle may also partly be due to his own wishes to join in.”
(Why the hell does Team Leonster let fifteen-year-olds wage war because they feel like it? Even Sigurd has more sense than that. To revive an old argument, no wonder Finn signed off on Leif going to war in FE5.)
K: “The size of the troops in reality would be larger than what is shown in-game; there’s no way Sigurd’s army consists only of the characters you control. Similarly, Finn would be but one of the hundreds of subordinates led by Quan.“
(That contradicts what Quan says in-game, but OK...)
K: “Each person has flaws of their own, and while Eldigan is great as a person, his over-conscientiousness was his flaw. Basically, he’s just too straight-laced.”
K: “While I won’t say I intended for Sigurd to feel the same way, Edain feels friendship for Sigurd due to the time they spent together as childhood friends. Her courters are only interested in her romantically, so Sigurd may be one of the only ones she holds respect for. Edain is Edain, and she’s not really the type to be head-over-heels in love, not to mention that she also has her own goal of searching for her elder sister.“
Tsukamoto: Naoise didn’t end up with anyone in my game.
Kaga’s comment: Right, he’s barely in any events. He’s like Cain from the previous games, a character who walks the righteous path of a knight. In a way, he kind of reeks of masculinity. Naoise, Alec, and Arden are like ‘transparent’ characters who don’t carry any special bloodlines or outstanding stats, like Cain, Abel, and Draug from the previous games. They weren’t given any backstory either.
(Double YOW)
K: “While [Finn’d] be about 34-35 years old in Seliph’s chapter, I didn’t want to age his appearance like I did for Oifey.”
(BIAS. Poor Oifey.)
K: “Altena resembles Ethlyn, after all…Finn has a strong sense of admiration for Ethlyn. Not in a romantic way, more of looking up to her as an elder sister figure.”
(Yaaaaaaay. Big sis Ethlyn.)
K: “Sigurd is a highly flawed person, so when Azelle says “He’s nothing like Arvis” when he meets Sigurd, it was because Arvis was closer to a ‘perfect being’ than Sigurd was.“
“Heuga: By the way, Lester and Lex resemble each other a lot for some reason.Kaga’s comment: Although the children are determined by their mothers in the final game, the initial plan was to decide each pairing’s children based on both the father and mother. However, we couldn’t implement that no matter how hard we tried due to capacity limitations, and so it ended up the way it is right now. Since some of the children were taken from those we had originally created before having to cut them down, you might find that some children actually resemble someone else. “
I gotta leave. Go read the rest if you haven’t.
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fefuckability · 1 month
FINALS: Finn vs the glove guy
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gascon-en-exil · 5 years
Joyeuses Pâques and all that. When not otherwise occupied with entertaining and nominal displays of reverence (not in this case at the same time, though that’s always fun) my weekend has been taken up with the Project Exile patch for FE5. I’ve gotten up through Chapter 14, because even with Action Replay this game still manages to be a pain to play. Worth noting is that I’ve only encountered one or two notable glitches. The Crusader scrolls are the buggiest parts of the patch, and more than once the game crashed on me when I tried to read the tooltip on one or when the cursor landed on one in the armory. The armory itself has bits of glitchy text fairly often, although nothing else that breaks the game. So far I’ve encountered only one instance of the text wrapping incorrectly as the older patch did rather often, in a cutscene in Chapter 14. It’s still vastly more playable than the older translation. Thoughts on the script:
Like Project Naga, this patch uses a smaller font than the old patch which is much more pleasing to the eye and allows for more text to appear at once. The menus also look smoother as a result.
Most of the character names are faithful to recent localized sources like Heroes, but there’s a few that have been changed that I actually kind of like and hope IS takes a look at again for a remake. Stuff like Safy -> Safiya (sounds like Sophia/”wisdom” while also retaining the similarity to “sapphic” that they really should do something with), Carrion -> Callion, Perne -> Pan, Machyua -> Macha (still not a great name, but at least I have an idea of how to pronounce it), and Cain and Alva -> Kane and Alba (it would not surprise me at all to learn that these guys’ Japanese names are identical to those of the Archanea Christmas knights - and localizers have been doing their best to obscure that bit of laziness ever since)
I never liked the name Manster District, as a district is to me a municipal division and not an entity large and autonomous enough to be its own country. The translator goes for Northern Thracia instead which better expresses the point that both sides think of the peninsula as one entity divided over an extended family squabble over who gets to rule it. The preeminence of Manster is however preserved in a somewhat odd way, when August(us) refers to it as Leif’s “native Manster” while talking (mostly) about the city during the escape sequence. His point is that the Empire is conducting child hunts in the territories they control, including all of Northern Thracia, but it’s odd since Leif is everywhere else identified heavily as a scion of Leonster specifically.
Kempf no longer makes memes, and even more miraculously his battle tactic that gives Chapter 11x its title gets a rename that actually means something. No more Murder Hollace!
The sexual and romantic ambiguities come largely intact. Nanna’s is referred to early on as both Finn’s daughter and his “ward,” a term one normally does not use for biological children. Homer might swing both ways, but nothing is done with Dagdar and Marty and in fact the script implies that Dagdar has the hots for Eyvel earlier on. There’s less of an implied threat of rape in Tina’s introduction, or at least it’s obvious that the only person is implying rape at all is Saf(i)y(a) leaping to conclusions. Finn remains as impossible to parse as ever.
Bit characters like Ronan and Hicks and even generic house NPCs get some much-needed flavor added, in the form of colloquial dialects and slightly stronger character moments. Other highlights include Fergus talking down to Leif and Karin as children (he is a few years older than the rest of the Gen 2 cohort) and Tina commenting on Salem’s dumb hair.
If the script is indeed unfinished I guess I’ll find out in a few chapters, but so far this is really an exemplary work...pasted onto a nightmare of a game.
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wecthil · 7 years
People I want to get out of this new Choose your Legends and also in general (in no particular order, save for perhaps the game the appear in):
Wolf (FE1/3/11/12)
Frey (FE1/3/11/12, because he was always my second cavalier. Little Wec reasoned that Cain had come back barely alive just now and probably would still be on death’s door so it would make sense to leave him there and not Abel or Frey. Eh.)
Norne (FE11/12)
GHB Eremiya (FE12)
Phina (FE12, dancers. All the dancers.)
Fernand (FE15, I really liked that guy, I mean for once a motivation one could understand (if not support) in a villain.)
Any one of the rigelian generals like Massena because that artwork was on ♪ poooooint ♪
Rinea (FE15, reunite her with Berkut you animals)
(No FE4 and FE5 units here because I still know criminally little about those two games)
The rest of the wyvern generals aka Brunnya & Murdock (FE6)
Echidna (FE6)
GHB Idoun (FE6)
Igrene (FE6)
Marcus (Idc if FE6, FE7, or even FE7x, but Marcus is too good to not give him to us. But this time, don’t make the same mistakes as with Seth. Give him a good stat-spread, skills, and let Sachiko Wada do his art. There.)
Ephidel & Limstella (FE7)
Pent & Louise (FE7)
Vaida (FE7)
Gerik, Tethys and Marisa (FE8)
GHB Ashnard, Sephiran, Levail, Bryce, Petrine... (FE9/10, PoR and RD had some damn good villains imho.)
Greil & Elena (FE9, let me dream ok?)
Literally ANY heron (FE9/10)
Naesala, Tibarn, Nailah, Giffca, Skrimir, Ranulf, Nasir, Ena, GHB Deghinsea... (FE9/10, laguz when?)
Jill & Darahan/Haar (FE9/10, given that his german name would otherwise be “hair”, I think it’s obvious why we opted to change that.)
Nolan (FE10)
Pelleas (FE10, and you better give him his song back, I was disappointed by Oliver.)
Juri/Bastian (FE9/10)
Renning (FE10)
Basilio & Flavia (FE13)
Gregor (FE13)
(yeah, FE13 didn’t really catch me with characters and besides, we’ve got a metric ton of FE13 & 14 chars in the game already, so...)
Flora (FE14, and god help you if you don’t let HAKO do the artwork and it isn’t on par with Felicia.)
GHB Iago & Garon (FE14, what can I say, I like their design, if not their characters)
Mikoto & Arete (FE14)
For that matter, all the concubine-mamas of @lightningbug-lane too, please while we’re at it (FE14, again, let me dream)
Orochi & Reina (FE14)
Keaton & Velouria (FE14)
So... small and comprehensive list...right?
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princ3y · 9 months
1, 5 and 12?
Which is your favorite game? How about least favorite?
Favorite! From what I've played, by far Blazing Blade and Genealogy! Blazing Blade has such a lively cast of characters, I love the animations and colors!!! Colors are really important for me! It was also my introduction to the series!
Genealogy - it's just. the sheer. The story is big and there are so many details and I love finding these and picking them apart and well. I've always loved myself a good tragedy. I do wish the characters got more, but honestly it was an snes game.
I'm afraid my least favorite though would have to be fe11, shadow dragon. it's not a bad game really, i just dislike the graphics from what I'd played (though, I was starting to warm up to them), and the reclassing system being so open was... interesting as someone whos only modern fire emblem is engage (and even that was scary.)
Overall not a bad game though.
As for other games though. Three Houses. I've not played it, but the sheer exposure exhausted me and a lot of the fandom is scary. It's also a very big game and personally we don't have the most time.
5. Which titles have you played?
Ah. I'm afraid I've only fully completed a few, and tested the waters on a couple others.
Completed -
Blazing Blade, Sacred Stones Ephraim Route, Engage.
In the middle of -
Genealogy (start of ch5 - yes i know the Happenings.), Binding Blade (ch 7), Mystery of the Emblem (fe3)
Tested the waters of -
Path of Radiance, Shadow Dragon
12. What's your favorite class?
That's a tie between mage/sage and cavalier/paladin (and adjacent for both). I love the mages for the sheer power and color they bring, and I love the cavs and adjacent for their movement and weapon triangle coverage. If they don't have the latter, then they usually make an impression on me another way! (Finn. Alva. Cain fe5.)
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