#Semi Guided Elk Hunts
tiluc-radiance · 14 days
In 13,000 BCE, near the shores of what is now Lake Michigan, an advanced hunter-gatherer society thrived. They called themselves the Anurii, meaning "Children of the Stars" in their ancient tongue. This civilization was deeply spiritual, centering their lives around the worship of Celestial and the other deities of The Radiance. The Anurii believed that the gods guided their every step, providing them with light, life, and the bounty of the natural world.
The Anurii Civilization: Society and Culture
1. Spiritual Beliefs
The Anurii were a deeply spiritual people who revered the celestial forces. They believed that Celestial, the Deity of Life and Light, brought all living things into existence and that the other deities of The Radiance each governed important aspects of life. The Anurii saw the world as a reflection of the divine, with the natural elements—sun, moon, stars, forests, and lakes—imbued with spiritual power.
Worship: Their worship was centered around natural features, such as groves, mountain peaks, and especially the waters of Lake Michigan, which they believed reflected the radiant light of Celestial. Ceremonies often took place at dawn and dusk, times of transition between light and darkness, symbolizing the cycle of life.
The Great Prism Ceremony: Once a year, during the winter solstice, the Anurii would gather near the lake to recreate the myth of Celestial’s creation of the major deities. Using naturally occurring crystals, they would focus sunlight to cast rainbow light, which represented the divine spectrum. It was a time of renewal, where the Anurii would reaffirm their devotion to the gods and thank them for the bounty of the land.
Deity-Specific Rites: Each season, the Anurii would perform specific rites dedicated to different gods, asking for their blessings. For example, during the planting and gathering season, they honored Jade, the deity of nature, with offerings of fresh plants and a vow to maintain balance with the land.
2. Social Structure and Roles
The Anurii’s society was egalitarian, with men and women holding equal roles in both hunting and spiritual leadership. Their society was organized into kinship clans, each of which had a unique connection to a particular deity. For example, the Clan of Euphora was known for its focus on nurturing familial and social bonds, ensuring the tribe’s unity and joy, while the Clan of Solar excelled at hunting and guiding the people through the wilderness with the strength of the sun.
3. Hunter-Gatherer Practices
Living along the shores of modern day Lake Michigan, the Anurii were semi-nomadic, moving with the changing seasons. They thrived on fishing, hunting, and foraging. The lake provided a rich variety of fish, and the surrounding forests offered game like deer, elk, and smaller animals. They gathered berries, nuts, and medicinal plants, always careful to leave enough for the land to regenerate, as was the will of Jade.
Their tools were crafted from the resources around them: flint knives, bone spears, and woven baskets made from reeds. The Anurii saw craftsmanship as sacred, honoring Ferron, the God of Craftsmanship and Labor, in each item they made. They believed every tool had its own spirit, and artisans were treated with deep reverence.
4. Dwellings and Community Life
The Anurii lived in semi-permanent structures near the lake, made from wood, hides, and clay. These round homes were designed to honor Haven, the deity of home and cooking. Hearth fires were central in each home, symbolizing the hearth of Haven, where all life’s warmth and sustenance originated.
Communal meals were vital to Anurii life. Every day, hunters, gatherers, and artisans would return to share the bounty of their labor, and they would offer the first portion of each meal to Haven in gratitude for a bountiful home.
5. Astronomy and Celestial Worship
The Anurii were keen astronomers, and their spiritual practices were deeply connected to the stars. They believed the stars were the spirits of their ancestors, shining down on them as part of Celestial’s divine plan. The cycles of the sun, moon, and stars dictated their calendar, with rituals dedicated to Luna, the moon cat, performed during the phases of the moon. Solar, the sun dog, was honored during the solstices and equinoxes, marking the passage of time and the balance of light and dark.
6. Language and Oral Tradition
The Anurii had a rich oral tradition, passing down the stories of the gods through songs, dances, and spoken word. The elders of the community, known as Radiant Speakers, memorized these tales, ensuring that the myths of creation, the deeds of the gods, and the stories of the heroes who served them were never forgotten.
The Myth of Celestial and the Creation of the World
One of the most revered stories among the Anurii was the creation myth. They believed that Celestial, in the beginning, was the first light in the cosmos. By creating a prism, Celestial split their radiant light into the colors of the rainbow, and from this divine light, the other gods were born. This story was recited at every significant ritual, reinforcing the Anurii’s connection to the gods and their belief in the cyclical nature of life and light.
Legacy and Influence
Though the Anurii disappeared from the region as the centuries passed, their influence left an indelible mark on the land. Evidence of their deep connection to the cosmos and nature can still be found in ancient burial sites, where bodies were laid to rest facing the sun, and in rock carvings that show the prism of Celestial and the rainbow of gods.
The Anurii's dedication to balance with nature, reverence for the light, and deep respect for the gods influenced later cultures in the region. The Lake Michigan region remained a sacred area for many generations, long after the Anurii had passed from the physical world.
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hunt-nation · 3 years
Semi Guided Elk Hunts | Hunt-Nation
New Mexico is one of the favorite places where many outfitters looking for a hunt. A Semi Guided Elk Hunt In New Mexico is quite difficult for those who have not any experience in hunting. Our New Mexico Elk Outfitters is best suited for this Cheap Elk Hunt. Visit our website hunt-nation for more information. 
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The Beacon Activation
Also available here on AO3
Thank you @dapandapod for helping me figure this out!
RATING: Mature
PAIRINGS: Geralt/Jaskier, Geralt & Cirilla, Geralt & All Other Witchers
SUMMERY: Unknown to humans, the witchers have a what's known as a Beacon. The beacon is activated when something comes up that needs all witchers from all schools to stand together. It has never had to be used. Until now.
The Beacon is activated. The witchers are coming for their swallow.
It was secret to all surviving witchers of the sackings that a spell could be activated and witchers from all schools would come together in an emergency. So when Cirilla was kidnapped by Nilfgaurd, Geralt decided to use The Beacon. 
No one but Geralt and Eskel knew that Geralt was a very powerful mage as well. Many witchers thought Geralt's lack of powerful signs was a side effect of the extra mutations but that wasn't true. He kept them weak to not hint off that he's a powerful mage.
So, when Geralt felt Cirilla's tracking spell activate in Nilfgaurd, Geralt opens a portal close to where he scensed Eskel. To his luck, Eskel was drinking with Lambert. Geralt stepped out of the portal to see he was just outside of a town.
"Come on, Roach. Let's go see Eskel and Lambert. I can hear them in the tavern." Geralt mutters and spurs Roach forward. He arrives then to the post outside then goes inside.
"Another witcher! What brings the majestic White Wolf to these parts." The barman asked curiously.
"I'm here for my brothers." Geralt said before walking past him to greet Eskel and Lambert who had stood up. Geralt pulled Eskel into his arms and pressed his nose against his neck.
"Geralt's what's the matter?" Eskel asked worriedly.
"Nilfgaurd has the pup. I came to get you both so we could activate The Beacon. I'm sure we don't need the backup but I'm sure the others from the other schools will want a piece of the army that took our Swallow." Geralt said quietly. Eskel nods but Lambert looks at Geralt in confusion.
"How are we gonna activate it? Will Yennefer help us? The beacon was made when mages still resided in Kaer Morhen. None of us, except maybe Eskel, has that kind of power." Lambert said quietly. Eskel looks at Geralt who sighs and nods.
"There's something Eskel and I should probably tell you. Follow me." Geralt said nervously, before leading them out to the horse post. 
They got their horses and Geralt led them to a clearing where Geralt sighed and looked at Lambert.
"So, Lambert, there's something you should probably know about me. Before I say anything, I just- please don't think I didn't tell you because I don't trust you or love you. I haven't even told Vesemir. Eskel and Yennefer are the only ones that know and Yen only knows because she read my mind. Eskel helped me through it as children. Jaskier doesn't know, Cirilla doesn't know although she might be able to sense it, even if she doesn't know what it means. Anyway, I just don't like people being afraid of me or see me as less than a witcher. I-" Geralt started to ramble but was cut off by Lambert's hand over his mouth.
"Geralt, I know you like dick. It's fine. Just get to the point." Lambert said tiredly.
"It's not that. This is probably more that that. Truth is, I'm not just a witcher, I'm also a very powerful mage. My birth mother was a sorceress. I got that gift. My signs are even stronger than Eskel's but I always toned them down during training so I wouldn't be taken back again for more experiments. If they knew I could move things with my mind, they would have tried to take me for a third round. They would have tried to figure out how to recreate my powers in other witchers and more boys would have been subjected to experiments. I couldn't let that happen to them and especially you. I read their minds. They were going to try and take Eskel back for more experiments. I used a very powerful Axii that they had no hope of overcoming and made them forget about their plans for him. I used Axii on 5 different Master witchers at the same time, Lambert, I broke through their walls in seconds. I had them all under my spell and they never knew it. And I was 15." Geralt said quietly, looking down at his hands as he levitated a dagger in front of him before flipping it with his mind and sends it soaring across the clearing and into a tree, only for it to reappear in his hands a second later.
"Fuck. So you didn't tell them so Eskel and I wouldn't go through the extra trials? If that's the reason, why would you have kept this from me? Geralt, you saved my life, and Eskel's." Lambert said quietly before moving his horse over to Geralt's and pulled Geralt to him in as much of a hug as he could manage.
"I was scared." Geralt said quietly before hugging Lambert back. After a few second, Lambert pulled back with a determine look.
"Come on, let's go save our little pup." Lambert said, making Geralt nod with a chuckle while he opened a portal to the Kaer Morhen gates.
Inside, Lambert goes and gets Vesemir while Geralt goes to the beacon room while Eskel stables the horses.
Inside the Beacon room, Geralt familiarizes himself with the equipment and when the others arrive they see Geralt standing in the room with his arms outstretched and a potatent smell of ozone as they all felt the chaos pulsing from him.
While Chanting in elder, Geralt puts one hand on a stone and the other stretched out in front of him before suddenly they see all their medallions lifting up.and Geralt's face appears above them in a cloud of magic mist.
"My witchers brethren of all schools,  I have activated the Beacon in a plea to help us wolves rescue our little cirllia. Nilfgaurd has taken my daughter, your niece. I ask you all to aid me in storming the gates of Nilfgaurd to save our Swallow and to teach the kingdoms of the continent why they wouldn't go after someone who is under the witchers' protection. So, whose with us?" Geralt asked with a smirk. Using the chaos surrounding them all he hears almost 50 witchers respond with enthusiastic agreement.
"I thank you. I will open a portal to Kaer Morhen courtyard for all of you. We'll discuss our strategy here." Geralt said before taking a deep breath and looking at Eskel.
"Eskel, place your hand on my shoulder. I just need a little more energy. Lambert can you go get the dining room cleared out for about 50 witchers and Vesemir, can you fo get the gate open. I'm going to open the portals to the outside of the gates. Then have a few witchers go hunting so we have some food for tonight and tomorrow.  I'm gonna start opening portals but I'm running out of energy. If I pass out, just lay me down somewhere I'll only take a few hours and a good meal to regain strength." Geralt said tiredly as he lets out another pulse of chaos as Eskel crowds in front of him and presses their foreheads together. Eskel closes his eyes and presses his hand to Geralt's cheek and hip.
While Lambert goes to the dining room Vesemir walks out to the gates to see a single portal open and witchers come out in groups. Vesemir waits until the portal closes and then looks around ar the group.
"Coen, Adian, Terrent, Gabriel, can you please go hunt for our dinner? this is a very unexpected gathering and we don't have enough supplies. The rest of you, follow me, show you to dining room the barracks. Most of our rooms are unusable so you'll all have to sleep where the apprentices used too. I apologize for the state of the keep, us wolves try and keep it as clean and safe as we can but with only 4 of us, it's difficult. All of you are free to uar the courtyard and training equipment if you please during your stay." Vesemir said as he guided the group inside.
Eskel walked in with a semi-conscious Geralt hanging off him. Eskel sits Geralt down and sits beside him then lets Geralt lay down. Once Geralt was asleep in Eskel's lap, Letho speaks up.
"So, I think I can speak for all of us and ask how the fuck Geralt was able active the Beacon and portal us all here?" 
Eskel brushes his hand through Geralt's hair and looks at the group of witchers who have settled themselves around the room.
"Geralt's birth mother, Visenna, is a sorceress. Geralt has alway been a mage and mutations just made the connection to chaos stronger." Eskel said before looking at Vesemir.
"He said he kept it a secret because the Masters who did the experimental trials figured out that my signs are stronger and was planning on bringing me back for extra trials. So at age 15, he heard their plans and put 5 Master witchers under Axii at the same time and made them forget about their plans for me. He saw the future in one of his dreams, He saved mine and many other witchers' lives, including Lambert's." Eskel said nervously. Vesemir looks at Geralt in shock and pride, however before he could say anything, four other witchers walk in with 5 large elk. 
"We got dinner!!" Aiden cheered!
Later that night, over dinner, the witchers worked over the strategy for their invasion and rescue. And once, the plan was in place, the witchers sharpened their blades and looked to Geralt who was now fully energized again and was fully armoured. All the witchers then make their way out to the stables 
"Brothers, Nilgaurd has mages so I can't risk portaling straight into the castle but I can let us off a couple hours ride away. Let's go get our Swallow!" Geralt yelled, making everyone raise their swords and roar in agreement.
Geralt opened a portal and kicks Roach into a gallop and lead the witchers out of Kaer Morhen.
Pasty, as old as she was, had seen a lot in her long life. She had lost her husband and her sons to her Emperor's conquest for land and power, so she hoped and prayed that the war would end soon. She didn't realize that her prayers would be answered mere hours later. Patsy was tending to her little shop when suddenly the ground started to shake. 
The villagers around her look around in shock and fear then suddenly 50 terrifying looking horses run through the village square, all of them were carrying heavily armed and armoured witchers. And they were heading towards the palace.
"Why are the witchers here? They've never been seen in one place before." Lana, her daughter in law croaks beside her.
"I heard rumors that they took that white haired female that they say is the daughter of the white wolf. I assume that right there, that was an invasion force. The king took the white Wolf's daughter, its known he's very protective of her. He probably gathered all the others and is going to breach the castle." Adam, Patsy's youngest son said shakily. 
"Good riddance." Patsy sneers and hobbled back inside.
As Geralt and the others approach the castle, Geralt sends a telepathic message to Ciri through their bond and sends her flash images of the outside of the castle and his witcher brothers behind him. He smiles slightly at the thankfulness and love she projects back before frowning as she sends back images of a thought to be dead Duny 
"He wants to take me, dad, to bed. He says our future son will be all powerful and will be his heir according to prophecy." her fearful voice fills his head. Geralt snarls loudly before looking at the others.
"THE EMPEROR IS MINE ONLY! he wants to rape Ciri for a prophecies all powerful son." Geralt yells making everyone growl and hiss respectively.
"We're coming Pup, hold on. We're coming up on the palace gates. Are you able to get out of your bonds?' He asks through the mental link.
"I'm already out of them, I've just been keeping my arms behind my back. They didn't think to check me for weapons. I have my daggers and I can still teleport. They don't know I already have training."
"Good girl. Don't go after Duny. He can have you defiled in minutes. Leave him to me. He's mine. I saved his life at your mother's betrothal feast, I would like to correct that mistake. As soon as he leaves the room, portal yourself to my location. I have a sword for you, it was going to be a birthday present but you need it now." Geralt sent back as they arrive at the gate.
Geralt summons a strong blast and the doors blow off their hinges and rattle the entire castle as they fall.
Emperor Emhyr was sitting across from his daughter, trying to convince her to let him breed her when suddenly a loud expression rocks the castle. Cirilla states laughing manically and grins at her birth father.
"You pissed off the wrong people, Emhyr. You've sighed your own death warrant!" She crows in laughter as the sounds of screaming, roaring and laughter wind through the castle walls.
Suddenly a terrified and heavily injured guard barges in.
"SIR! Witchers! An army's worth. And they're pissed." The man pants before collapsing. Emhyr looks at Ciri who smirks but gets up and runs out the door, leaving Cirilla alone.
"Finally! Coming to ya dad!" Ciri sends Geralt before standing up, stretching a little and the disappearing in a flash of green light. When she arrives, she is standing next to Roach and Geralt is holding a sword. He hops down off Roach and hugs her tightly before handing her the sword.
"Wow, it's a shame it'll already see its first blood." She said, obviously not sorry at all. She and her dad, move with fluid grace as they fight back to back as soldiers run at them. 
Then suddenly Geralt senses other magic and puts Cirilla behind him and throws up a shield that covers all the witchers. He looks over to see a shocked and fearful sorceress.
"Impossible! Witchers cannot control chaos!" She cried.
"That's partly true, I'm the only mutant mage. And I'm a damn powerful one." He said before baring his fangs and shoots a spell at her to transform into a dandelion. She tries to block it but he's too powerful for her and sudden a small dandelion sat on the ground where she stood.
"Why a flower, wolf??" Lambert called from his left.
"Because of this!" Geralt replied with a grin and walked over, picked up the flower and held it to Roach, she knocked happily and ate it from his hand.
The soldiers and witchers gape at him as the court silences. The witcher had just fed Nilfgaurds most powerful sorceress to his horse and did it with a smile on his face. One by one, soldiers suddenly start dropping their weapons in surrender, thoroughly terrified at that display of magic.
Emhyr tries to run to a back entrance in the throne room when suddenly the door way in front of him glowed with a barrier. Emhyr looks to see a bloody but uninjured Geralt stalking through with an equally bloody and uninjured Cirilla by Geralt's side and with dozens of witchers filing in behind him.
"Tsk tsk tsk. I saved your life, Duny. And you kidnap and try and rape my daughter. Is this how you repay me?" Geralt sneers with a nasty smirk.
"She's my daughter, Witcher." Emhyr says coldly.
"That's where you're wrong, Geralt is more of a dad than you have ever been. Where were you when I was grieving my parents, where were you when I learned to play the harp? Where were you when I was lost in the woods for months, where were you when I was learning to sing? Where were you who I scraped my knees when I fell down some stares? Where where you when my kitten died and grandmother and Eist were to busy to help me calm down? ..mhmm. you were here. Hiding and planning my rape and probably subsequent murder. Geralt is the one who helped me learn to survive, to live. He taught me how to fight, he taught me what real love looks like. I was having a terrible nightmare a few months ago. Almost brought Kaer Morhen down with my screams. And dad helped me breath again and he told to bundle up and meet him outside. That he had a tradition to show me, an ancient witcher tradition. And when I for out there, he threw a snowball at my face. We had a snowball fight in the middle of the night and after, I fell asleep with a smile. He put away old rivalry and forgave old betrayal to bring all of the witchers together to rescue me. The wolves, cats and vipers have never been in the same room before without beating eachother bloody. Geralt is my dad, Vesemir is my grandfather, Yennefer of Vengerberg is my mom, Master bard Jaskier is my papa and Triss Marigold is my sister. The witchers of the continent are my uncles. I have my family. And you, emperor asshole, are not my family. I exercise my right to renounce my title as heir and princess. I renounce you, Emperor Emhyr var Emreis. I am not your daughter." Ciril rants before looking at Geralt with a smile.
"Let the record reflect that I, Geralt of Rivia, claim Cirilla as my own. She is now Cirilla of Kaer Morhen, our little swallow." Geralt said before picking Emhyr up with his magic and tearing the man's head from his body with a sickening pop. 
Geralt takes the head and guides out the witchers and they mount their horses again. Geralt pulls Ciri up in front of him and lead his brother out of the castle gates. They walk to the town center and toss Emhyr's head onto the ground infront of a crowd.
"Let it be known that anyone who hurts who is under our protection, the consequences are severe. Good luck to you all." Geralt before urging Roach down the road. Geralt opens a portal and puts them near Ban Gleán. They trot along quietly, revealing in the victory and the relief that Cirilla was safe but then Geralt heard strumming, familiar strumming. Geralt looks forward to see Jaskier walking in front of them.
"Jask!" Geralt yelled, making Jaskier look up and stumble in shock. He runs to Geralt's side and let's Geralt dismount Roach, leaving Ciri in the saddle.
"Why the hell are you all traveling together and soaked in blood?" Jaskier asked worriedly as he checks Geralt for injuries but Geralt just chuckles and pulls Jaskier to him.
"I'm okay Jask, we're all okay. The blood isn't any of ours. Nilfgaurd took Ciri, so we brought down Nilfgaurd." Geralt said as he nuzzled  against Jaskier's neck and jaw.
"Oh ok good I- wait. YOU TOOK DOWN NILFGAURD!!??" Jaskier yelled before looking at Ciri.
"Kiddo, I thought we taught you better? How on earth did you get taken?" Jaskier asked worriedly.
"Papa, I'm an 18 year old woman. Even with training, I can't take down 20 men by myself. I took 7 down before they got me though. And I bit one guy's finger off. He wouldn't go near me again when I was there" Ciri said smugly.
"That's my girl." Jaskier said before rounding on Geralt. 
The witchers behind them couldn't believe it. This little bard was ranting and raving and shouting that he should have been there, and how he could have made a beautiful song out of it and how dare Geralt not tell him that Ciri had be kidnapped. This bard scared them a little at his lack of fear but the sheepish smile on Geralt's face would surely result in teasing for years.
However, as the bard, continue to rant, one thing became evident. The white wolf had been tamed but he was not soft nor slow or weak, but instead, ferociously protective, loyal, and loving to those he loved. Yet, he was brutal and unforgiving in his vicious attacks if those he loved were threatened. 
Jaskier isn't his. He is Jaskier's.
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majestyrising · 6 years
This is literally two pages long so it’s going under a cut but worldbuilding for Hythveard, the secondary base for Thanatos!
So Hythveard is on an just off the coast of the Southern Icefield, about here:
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Here is a very rough map drawn by yours truly:
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Pink is population density! Can you tell I’m better at writing than, you know, maps.
Warm water from the north mixes with cold water from the south, creating dense fog and fertile plankton for fish; doubly so thanks to hardy plague plankton. (Possibly an invasive species.) Very cloudy due to moisture in the air. The moisture freezes and falls as snow. The strongest snowfall is just past the eastern mountains, as the wind blows the snow from the peaks.
Lots of fish due to abundance of food and shelter in the natural harbour; including mussels, coldwater crab, jumbo shrimp, octopus, oyster, and trout.
Hardy plants grow but they tend to be tasteless and tough; these include arctic willow, grasses, winterbelle (purple saxifrage), ice variation of aether cherries, seagrass (underwater), amaranth (instead of wheat), ice variation of honeycrisp apples, hearty spinach, broadleaf plantain, cinnamon, roses, and lume/midnight daffoldil. Vodka can be made from amaranth! How fortunate.
There are mostly smaller land locked mammals due to less food, and general low populace of these due to it being an island. These include snowshoe rabbits, arctic foxes, stoat, various domesticated chicken, bats, songbirds, and swan. Some larger animals include snowfall elk, wolves, caribou, and moose. As for aquatic mammals, there’s beluga, narwhal, porpoise, seals, and the odd orca.
Domesticated wolves are used to hunt, guard, guide, transport, and patrol. Magpies/Eagles are used to hunt, guide, and patrol. Cattle are used for meat, milk, leather, and horns. Sheep are used for meat, milk, wool, and horns. Chickens are used for meat, eggs, feathers, and pest control. Horses can be used for transportation (maybe semi aquatic? I’ll work on it.)
Plentiful resources are therefore are seafood, traditional ice plant based dishes, and vodka (usually sweet flavoured.)
The cliffs are, in places, made of granite, which contains quartz (usable in glass/optics/jewellery), labradorite (usable in jewellery), gypsum (for chalk/fertiliser), and microcline (glass/ceramics). There are also a few veins of copper (tools) in the area.
There are several freshwater springs and streams and a small, emergency desalination plant if those resources fail.
The buildings are made from bleached white granite, imported obsidian, self-made glass, imported steel, and wood imported from the Tundra to the south.
The main industry is fishing. Then trading, farmers, artisans, academics, travellers, entertainers. Thanatos forces out any mercenary competition back onto the mainland- depending on if you’re good or bad and how much of a fuss you’re kicking up, either they’ll charm you to have you on their side, dump you onto the mainland, or kill you in a back alley.
The inner city is more multicultural, but fiercely protective of their identity as Ice. Any reference to how close they are to Arcane is met with open hostility. They are often call ‘pink snow’ by those who live deeper in Ice territory. Calling someone ‘pink’ means they’re weak, wimpy, or away with the fairies. The trade with fire is begrudging but required. Fire ships are not particularly welcome in harbour. The relationship with arcanite traders is far better, although they are stereotyped as superior intellectuals and the locals don’t appreciate being looked down on. The trade with wind is medium level and are categorised as hagglers. Ice flighters hate haggling.
Hyth locals are more adaptive to change than their deeper brethren, have a close relationship with the sea, stars, and weather. They view themselves as the outer bastion of Ice, a bulwark against invasion. They do not welcome change, but they believe that by giving themselves the best position, their future is more secure. They are seen as principled and determined people by themselves, whom embrace their climate. Here, Ice tradition is upheld by ritual and the calender. Meals, festivals, feasts, entertainment, and the careful recording of everything. To outsiders, they are stoic, stringent people who eat too much fish.
There is no university on the island, but there are a few professors from the academies from the Icefields. Therefore, academics are rare and valued. There are a lot of fishermen, but they are greatly respected as without them the whole city would die. There are several pubs, several bars, boarding houses, residential houses, tailors, tanners, metalworkers, artisans, a few clubs, breweries, coffee shops, training dojos, magical guilds, bookshops, animal suppliers, butchers, produce makers. Primary education is a communal city affair; the people have a rotor of teaching literacy, maths, language, history, war, and magic. The aforementioned academics teach speciality subjects for those who show an interest in them.
The Icewarden is worshipped. Food in the Icefields isn’t plentiful enough for it to be offered wholesale, so food is made to be his in a prayer, and then consumed. Bookbinders and historians are seen as especially religious, as well as any in the justice system/those who punish evildoers. Hence, Thanatos fulfils a semi-religious role in Hyth.
The legal system is codified in a very dense but surprisingly easy to read text, which is enshrined with Thanatos. The laws on drugs and prostitution mean they are legal in certified establishments, and Thanatos holds the reigns on what gets certified. Meaning they get the profits. But, these establishments are well kept, the workers are safe and paid well, so the citizens agree with the law.
Conflicts are primarily dealt with by the individuals in question; if they aren’t, Thanatos steps in to handle it.
Most goods can be obtained in Hyth due to the trade routes in the harbour, however luxury goods include anything from deep inside the Labyrinth (as this is a world away), pelts from animals which are hard to take down, and anything easily damaged by the cold.
Common goods in Hyth include pearls (from local oysters), feathers from the local bird population, furs/hides from local animals, labradorite jewellery, spruce furniture.
The Kingdom of Thanatos is the ruling legal and governmental body in Hythverd. They contribute towards the cities’ welfare, negotiating the trade routes and monitoring the ships which come in, and what their goods are. The citizens are free to do as they wish without restriction- all but try to challenge this rule. They are seen as benevolent overlords. Everyone is aware that they are mercenaries, but the relationship with the non-members is good, as half the mercenaries live in town and are good, honest people.
The city is called Hythveard, often shortened to Hyth. The northern quarter is Chelyu, where the people live, and the southern quarter is Ostr-Zubi. Chelyu is from челюстная кость, meaning jawbone. Ostr-Zubi is from острые зубы, meaning sharp teeth. The island itself is called краеугольный камень замороженных народов, aka keystone of frozen peoples, also known as Keystone Island in the common tongue.
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dorishannah · 2 years
The Great American Sport Hunter's Dream - Academy Sports Outdoors
If you are a hunter, shooting range, or just enjoy the outdoors in general, then I highly recommend checking out Academy Sports   Outdoors. They have an amazing selection of guns and ammunition to suit your needs - from small caliber pistols to .50 cal machine guns. Their website is fun to explore with all sorts of outdoor gear for sale, whether you want to make your own bow or buy one already made for you.
Hunting Etiquette, a Beginner's Guide
Hunting etiquette is a beginner's guide to ensuring a safe and enjoyable hunt. Whether you are hunting for your first animal or your hundredth, following these simple guidelines will help ensure a successful outing.
First and foremost, always respect the game animals you are hunting. Do not chase or harass them, and do not make any sudden movements. If you spot an animal, slowly walk or crawl towards it until you are within shooting range. When hunting big game, use common sense. If an animal is bedded down in a spot where it is difficult to get close without disturbing it, don't shoot until you have a clear shot. And finally, be prepared for anything - weather conditions can change quickly in the field, so always dress appropriately for the conditions.
Hunting and Preparation
Academy Sports Near Me, The great American sport hunter’s dream is to be able to take their game trophy home for the holidays. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford the luxury of hunting every year, or even every month. If you want to put a deer or elk in your freezer, then you will need to start preparing your hunting grounds. The following are some tips that will help make your hunt more successful:
1. Start by scouting out the area you will be hunting. Make sure that you know where all the good hiding spots and watering holes are located. This will help reduce your chances of going on a long, frustrating hunt.
2. Get familiar with the terrain and weather conditions in the area you are hunting. This will help you plan your route and make better decisions about when and where to hunt.
3. Always take appropriate safety precautions when hunting in unfamiliar territory. Stay aware of your surroundings at all times, and avoid hiking alone if possible. Stay safe and have fun!
Hunting Gear
If you're in the market for a new hunting rifle, you're in luck. Academy Sports has a wide selection of rifles and ammunition to choose from, all at competitive prices.
Accuracy is key when it comes to hunting, and Academy has the right equipment for any shooter. From bolt action rifles to semi-automatic firearms, we have the perfect rifle for you.
Our selection of ammunition is just as impressive. We have everything from muzzleloading rounds to modern cartridges, ensuring that you can hunt with the best gear available.
Stop by Academy Sports today and start your dream hunt!
Ideal Trapline
The ideal trapline for a sport hunter is one that offers an abundance of game while still providing some degree of difficulty. There are many different types of traplines available, but the following five are popular among sport hunters: deer, elk, bear, rabbit, and squirrel.
Getting Started on Tramping
Most hunters have a particular area they love to hunt, but for those who want to venture beyond their normal hunting grounds, tramping is a great option. Tramping is the term used for hunting overland on foot, and it can be a great way to experience different parts of North America.
There are several things you need to consider before embarking on your tramping journey. The first is your equipment. You'll need proper clothing and footwear to protect you from the elements and potential wildlife encounters. Make sure you have enough food and water to last the trip, and remember to take a first-aid kit in case of injury. Finally, make sure your vehicle is in good condition - if you're travelling over rough terrain or through remote areas, it can be helpful to have a 4x4.
Once you've gathered all of your necessary gear, it's time to plan your route. There are many great tramping trails across North America, so it's important to do your research before setting out. Some popular trails include the Appalachian Trail, the Pacific Crest Trail, and the Continental Divide Trail. Once you've chosen your route, it's time to start planning your hunting trips.
Commonly Used Trapping Methods
When it comes to trapping, there are a few methods that are commonly used. One of these is the live-trapping method. This involves trapping prey using live animals as bait. Another common trapping method is the use of dead animals as bait. This can be done by either setting traps baited with dead prey or using live animals as decoys.
There are a variety of trapping methods available to hunters, but some are more popular than others. Trapping can be accomplished using a wide range of equipment and techniques, but some common methods used by sport hunters are described below.
Netting - Netting is the most common trapping method used by sport hunters. Netting is typically made from steel wire or barbs on a frame, and can be set in a variety of configurations to capture prey. Nets can be suspended from trees, poles, or other elevated points, or placed on the ground around prey areas. Netting is effective for capturing small game such as rabbits, squirrels, and voles, as well as larger game such as deer and elk.
Snares - Snares are another common trapping method used by sport hunters. Snares are typically made from wire stretched across a narrow opening, such as between two poles or tree limbs. The wire is typically baited with food to lure prey into the trap. Snares can be set in a variety of locations, including around prey areas and along game trails.
If you're in the market for a new sporting rifle, or just want to upgrade your current one, Academy Sports is the place to go. Not only do they have an amazing selection of guns and ammo, but they also offer an impressive customer service department that can help you find what you're looking for. And if you're looking for something specific, odds are good that they've got it in stock.
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Elk Scouting
Scouting is very important to searching any animal. Regrettably, most non-residents and several residents don't have the time or luxury to scout a place for elk. For people who are not able to scout you will find a few approaches to growing their success prices. The clearest method is to utilize the services of an outfitter. By employing an outfitter you remove the requirement to scout since the outfitter can it to you. They scout the region before the search, select the best areas to search and do the directing. Should you prefer to be involved with the search it's possible to decide on a semi-guided search. Some manuals provide pack-in and pre-scouting solutions to lower the quantity of time you need to scout throughout the search. A semi-guided search usually entails one manual for every four seekers, together with the manual telling you to search, instead of actually directing you and moving along. In this circumstance, you can do your very own daily scouting.
Another alternative for people who prefer to perform their own scouting would be really that a fall camp. A fall camp is precisely what the name suggests: you're carried to the region from the manual, generally on holiday, and fell in a region where the camp, tents, cooking equipment, and firewood are prepared for you. You supply your own sleeping equipment and meals, cook your meals, and subject apparel, quarter and package your own video game right into camp, in which the outfitter will package it out to your own headquarters. Normally you won't have horses at camp, and now you need to perform all your hunting and searching on foot. In the event, you opt for this kind of search you ought to be in great physical condition, possess First Aid, CPR and success training.
In case you've got the capacity and the opportunity to perform your scouting, do it a few weeks prior to the search. For sailors, this might be as early as late August. By this time a number of these older bulls have started to lose their velvet; producing presses, wallows; plus they might be bugling and linking with all the cows. But lots of the bulls might be in bachelor herds independently at high alpine meadows.
If you're hunting private property which you're able to push on, make sure you stop far away from the place you hope to view elk you don't disturb them. If you're using ATV's to enter the backcountry on National Forest land recognize it is going to alarm the elk and push them from this region for you as well as each other hunter that has worked so tough to get in the area without bothering the elk. Should you truly wish to be effective as an elk hunter do not enter elk nation with a motor vehicle? To do a comprehensive job of scouting you'll need to pay a great deal of land; elk house ranges will cover up to twenty square kilometers. Due to these huge home ranges, elk do not leave a good deal of hint in a number of the regions they use. Not locating recent elk signal does not mean there aren't any elk in the region, or they will not be using it the following day or even the next week.
 Interpreting Elk Signal
 Whenever you're scouting you ought to start looking for a signal along paths, in meadows, close to probably bedding regions in thick cover, and close to water holes. Tracks and droppings ought to be obvious in case elk have utilized these regions any period in a previous couple of months. The paths of an adult bull elk are between 4 and 4.5 inches without the dewclaws. Bull elk monitors have a straightforward outline compared to the ones of cow elk and national cows (that can also frequent the exact identical place ). Elk droppings are bigger than deer droppings and also, therefore, are more oblong in form. The pellets of bulls are usually pointed to one side and indented on the flip side, although the pellets of both cows have been usually pointed to both ends. If elk are refrigerated on moist, succulent grasses and Forbes that the rabbits are usually clumped and seem like little cow pies.
Whenever you're scouting search for beds that the elk use during the nighttime in open meadows, then start looking for beds that they utilize in the daytime in thick cover. Start looking for scratches in receptive night bedding places and covered daytime bedding areas; and wallows close slopes, low-lying locations or streams. Start looking for waist to shoulder height rubs (together using the bark stripped out of the tree) on walnut, pine and aspen trees. Start looking for broken outer branches of spruce and brush in which the bulls have thrashed the trees. Start looking for tooth discoloration (two parallel gouges in the incisor teeth) about the trees from aspen groves. Each one these signals indicate elk usage in earlier times so the elk may use exactly the very exact areas again as you're searching for.
You should start scouting by assessing a topographical map to find east-facing finger-ridges with adjoining watercourses, meadows and conifer woods. Saddles involving top drainages along with meadows are exceptional elk crossings, and search points you may use to search and listen to elk. High ridges, where you are able to overlook a number of valleys and meadows, permit you to listen to and watch elk in a broad place. Start looking for elk at sunset because they encounter open meadows to nourish; remain as long as possible - since the bulls frequently don't reveal themselves before the slopes cross the meadow, which might be around some half-dozen after the cow's initial start to appear. When you visit elk in sunset watch these to determine how the move once it becomes dark. If they're not disturbed through the night they may remain in the meadow all day, or come back to it the following morning.
At the daytime elk frequently feed till the slopes recede, they then go into neighboring mountainous regions to bed, generally close to the water that they could utilize during midday. If you understand where these bedding regions are prior to the search it makes it a lot easier to find the elk when the season opens. Check wooded regions you believe may be utilized as the bedding websites. When you locate bedding places ascertain whether there's a means to stem or ambush the elk while they're in the bedding space, or as they go into or outside of it. Don't enter the bedding area so long as your elk isn't there; wait patiently till you're certain the elk have abandoned their beds, even realizing that many forested bedding regions are utilized throughout the daytime, never at nighttime.
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hunt-nation · 3 years
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Whenever you want to enjoy and take a guided trip or a little bit you want to take your responsibility, a semi guided elk hunts trip is considered the best option. In the end, a guide will be there to assist you with the coordination, but at some point in time, you are the one who will search for the elk and hunt on your own.
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hunt-nation · 3 years
Elk Hunt In New Mexico | Hunt Nation
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Are you ready for the hunt? One of the best-known Elk Hunt In New Mexico areas is the famed Unit 4. If you are looking for a New Mexico Elk Outfitters we are happy to tell you that we have the best Elk Hunting Outfitters In New Mexico and providing Cheap Elk Hunt at very good prices. 
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hunt-nation · 3 years
Cheap Elk Hunt | Hunt Nation
The elk, also known as the wapiti, is one of the largest species in the deer family. Hunting these big elk is also a risky task but if you are looking for a Semi Guided Elk Hunts in New Mexico then visit hunt-nation cause you will find the best outfitters who are well expertise and trained in Elk Hunt.
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