onebadwinter · 3 years
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Name: Erik Magnus Lehnsherr
Meaning of Name: Erik: 'eternal ruler', Magnus: ‘great’, Lehnsherr:  ‘feudal lord’
Nickname/Alias(s): Magneto, Max Eisenhardt (”Real Name”, Contestable), The Master of Magnetism, Prisoner #214782, The Creator, White Pilgrim, Erik the Red,  Michael Xavier,  Grey King, White King, The Devil, Auschwitz I.D.  #24005(retcon from #214782), King Erik Magnus, The Leader,Magnus, Master (by Toad), Merciless Magneto, Miraculous Magneto, Mr. Sullivan, Phantom Saboteur, "Red,”, Henryk Gurzsky, 
Age: Appearing in 30s-40s (Biologically: 92 or so, De-aged at two points)
Birthday/Place/Time: November 28, Nuremberg/Germany, 1928-30ish.
Species/Nationality: Mutant, German, Genoshan, Krakoan
Accent: Yes
Language spoken:
German, Hebrew, English, Arabic, French, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Yiddish,
Magnetism Manipulation
Electromagnetism Manipulation
Metal Manipulation
Organic Manipulation
Light Manipulation
Reality Warping
Matter Manipulation
Energy Manipulation
Gravity Manipulation
Gadget Usage
Peak Human Intelligence/Enhanced
Invulnerability(Depending on variables)
Leadership Intuition
Peak Human Stamina/Enhanced
Peak Human Strength/Enhanced
Enhanced Unarmed Combat
Indomitable Will
Elemental Manipulation
Wormhole Creation
Social Magnetism
Psychic Immunity (Partial, Resistance but not complete immunity)
Weaknesses/Illness/Allergies: Physical Condition: Magneto's ability to wield his superhuman powers effectively is dependent upon his physical condition. When severely injured, his body is unable to withstand the strain of manipulating magnetic energy. When his powers are not at their peak, he also appears to have greater difficulty utilizing his magnetism for great feats. He is also susceptible to physical and mental fatigue that can ultimately affect his ability to adequately use his powers, especially if he overuses or extends them in a short amount of time. Magnetic abilities affect his nervous system, Plagued by paranoia and possibly a subconscious realization that he doesn’t deserve to be victorious, PTSD, A need to have superiority over humans combined with his need to have no harm done to mutants,
Pet: He ain’t got time for pets...Nightcrawler.
Occupation(s): Adventurer, Mutant rights activist; Former would-be conqueror, Sovereign ruler of Genosha, Teacher of the New Mutants, Headmaster of Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, Terrorist, Secret agent, Nazi-hunter, Volunteer hospital orderly, Carpenter, and other odd jobs, Geneticist,
Faceclaim: Michael Fassbender
Description: Black/Brown hair (Silver if your feeling extra spicy), Blue/Grey eyes. Has several’s scars. At least two of them are puncture wounds on his stomach. There’s a band around the entirety of his throat from once being decapitated by laser beams.
Outfit/Accessories/Jewelry: Helmet, Armour, Utility belt, Coin,
Height: 6′2″
Weight: 127
Body Build: Lean/Toned
Born into a middle class Jewish family, Erik was the second and youngest child of Jakob and Edie Lehnsherr. He had an older sister who was named Ruth. Born in Germany with the rise of the Nazi's extremism, Erik's family kept mostly to themselves to avoid the scornful eyes of their fellow German brother en. Erik had spent the first years of his life living in a world of constant turmoil and speculation of what horror was to come next as the Nazi party continued to grow more and more extreme as the years had gone by. By the time Erik had gotten into school there were Nazi rally's almost everywhere he went. As well as beatings of Jewish and Romani's people, and anyone else who did not fit under the Nazi umbrella of what was, or what was not acceptable to them. Erik mostly kept to himself however. As a young boy however he was prone to mischievous boyish behavior.
One day while attending school he met a young girl his age. Who he had immediately developed a crush on. Maybe even had fallen in love with her right then in their, if not for the fact that he did not entirely know what that kind of love truly was, yet. Erik learned her name, Magda. He then spent much of his time trying to impress the Romani girl. Who just so happened to be the daughter of the janitor that worked at their school, as well. Erik would make jewelry for Magda and gift them to her, in attempts to woo her. He had also entered himself into sports to gain Magda's attentions. Though one day after school Erik had happened upon yet another rally when he came to see that his Uncle, Enrich had been being beaten and tagged with a sign for shaming a German Woman in some way. Afraid to do anything Erik had decided to look the other way and flee from the scene.
Trying to look passed what he had witnessed Erik continued with school, and trying to win the affections of Magda. This all would lead to the day where he would enter himself into a javelin throwing competition for her attentions. Where he would win a medal for winning. However, he was not allowed to enjoy this win as he was accused of cheating. As well his Jewish heritage was brought up and how it was not right that a Jewish boy do better than his none-Jewish classmates. Erik was then demanded to return his medal for cheating, or to try throwing the javelin again. Erik took on the task a second time, refusing to return his medal. Again, he won the throw and again he was accused of cheating. Following this Erik had been expelled from school and beaten by his fellow classmates, while still accused of cheating, despite the second javelin being 'regulation'.
After this incident Erik had no where else to be so he spent much of his time wandering and learning other skills. Though his father, seeing that Erik had needed some where to be decided one day to bring his son along on a trip to meet a man he had once saved in World War I. That man's name was Major Scharf. While the two waited for Sharf to let them in his office, a troupe of Nazi's came by and beat Erik's father in front of him, accusing the pair of making trouble. By the time Scharf had finally let Jakob and Erik into his office, hours later, Scharf was unwelcoming and the meeting did not last very long. Scharf said he had re-payed his debt to Jakob for being there, and saved his life. Before kicking the two out of his office and sending them on their way, no more harm done. Not long after this things began growing worse in Germany. Jakob had taught his children to always fight back as he knew how bad things were going to become.
With his fathers words in his mind, Erik also took them to heart. But soon the family had to flee from Germany to Poland. Where they took refuge in a Warsaw ghetto, after the events of Reighskriskallnacht. Though it was not long after they got to Warsaw that Poland too was being invaded by Nazi soldiers. During his time in Poland, Erik picked up on smuggling skills in order to attained foods and other supplies for his family. In due time however the Warsaw ghetto was starting to be emptied as residents were removed and taken to the Treblinka Experimentation Camp, in the year 1942, of July. Jakob gathered his family up yet again and they fled from the Warsaw ghetto before they could also be taken to the camp. However, this attempt to escape did not last long and soon Erik and his family were betrayed and subsequently captured by the Nazi's. Erik's uncle and his uncles family were soon gunned down in front of him trying to make an escape.
Though it was not only his uncle Enrich's family that had been struck by the bullets. His sister Ruth had taken one to the back, ultimately being struck in the stomach and bled out as him and his mother and father were being dragged away from the scene. Erik often would wake up in the night hearing his mothers pain's screams and the memory reaching out for his sisters lifeless body. The family had been sent to Auschwitz.
Once the remaining three family members had arrived at Auschwitz, Erik was separated from his mother and father by soldiers. Erik struggled to break free of them, this is where his powers had at first showed some manifestation as the bars on the gates that separate him from his parents had bent to his will. But this did not stop the soldiers from taking Erik to his assigned camp. There Erik had become a teenager and spent his early teenage years in the Vernichtungslager Experimentation Camp. This is where he had first met the man called Mister Sinister and a geneticist by the name of Josef Mengele. He would also find out that the two had been conducting horrible experiments in the camp. In order to escape becoming one of their guinea pigs Erik bid to become a Sonderkommando to avoid being operated on by the two, since he did not trust either of them or their intentions. As a Sonderkommando Erik was forced to remove the bodies of victims that were in the gas chambers.
Unable to at this point in time, to use his power. Due to the fact that he had contracted a brief sickness with hepatitis at this time, along with his puberty being delayed because of his life up till this point in time had delayed the overall manifestation of his powers. However, despite this trying time, Erik is soon reunited with Magda. Who had also been captured and taken to the camp. After reuniting with her Erik again tries to win her affections, often in smuggling foods and other goods for her. As well, he saves her from the gas chambers and other execution attempts on her. But one day he is asked to go to the office of Sebastian Shaw. Where he see's his mother had also been brought. In that room Shaw demands for Erik to move the coin on his desk. As it would seem, word of the solders had spread of a boy who could bend metal. That boy being Erik, Shaw had come to find out. As Shaw again demands for Erik to move the coin, he shoots Edie in front of Erik.
In his rage Erik for another brief moment manages to tap into his powers, destroying things and taking the coin from Shaw’s desk. Shaw then has Erik returned to Auschwitz. There Erik reunites once more with his father and tells him of Edie's death. Saddened by the news of what happened to his wife on top of his sons inhuman abilities, Jakob promises his son he would get him out of there. Some time passed after this, and Erik and Jakob continue on trying to survive inside the camps. However, the pair are assigned to be executed by firing squad.  Being lead to their death Jakob remained silent but close to his young son. Erik didn't notice this as he had been petrified of what he believed was going to happen during this time. He had been preparing to die while Jakob was looking for a way to save his life. Once lined up Jakob saw what he needed to do. As the guns were being aimed and loaded, Erik began to panic, feeling his breaths escaping him and shorting with each passing second. Then the shots rang out.
Everything had been dark for a long time. Laying along the bodies of the dead, with his fathers blood and corpse over him, Erik in time woke up in a mass grave, staring up at the face of his deceased father. He had been saved he quickly realizes. Dragging himself from the bodies of the dead and out of the blood, decaying matter filled pit, Erik sets to motion to finally escape that hell. As well, he was determined to take Magda with him. After leaving the grave he sneaked around the camp, until finally coming to where Magda was being kept. What he was vaguely aware of was that at that very same time, Auschwitz was being liberated. These two events would fall in line together as he and Magda escaped from the camp, avoiding being caught by either factions of soldiers. After their escape Magda and Erik make their way to a group of Romani people where Erik uses the name 'Magnus'. In time the pair eventually get married and some time after have a daughter, Anya.
For a while their lives are a happy one. Erik has taken up up career in carpentry, which is simple and he thinks will cause little or no attention to be brought to him and his family. As well, to further provide for his growing family Erik takes on the odd job here and there. Things are good. The small family soon moved into a home of their own and were living peacefully. That was until one day while Erik was walking home he had been attacked by a group of people. Out of instinct, defending himself Erik lashed out toward his attackers and his powers which had been dormant up to that point woke from their dormancy, killing his attackers. Those who had survived or witnessed the incident had later gone to attack his home and set it on fire. With Anya inside. Erik returned to see the fire raging and hearing Anya's screaming he, without a second though, ran into the burning home in an attempt to save his daughter, but had been unsuccessful. As she had been burned to death by the time he could reach her.
Holding the burned body of his daughter Erik, yet again lost control over himself and in his rage over Anya's death had again activated his powers and killed the surrounding members of the mob that had formed around his home. At this time Magda had by then returned home to the horror of both the death of their daughter and the slaughter of people by her husband. Horrified further by witnessing the latter part Magda fled from the place she once called home with her family and never seen Erik again. After Magda left she gave birth two twins and was soon committed to an asylum where she had later died.
Following this incident Erik had moved to the States where he started a new life under a new name and took on a job some time after that in Israel in a psychiatric hospital. This is where he would meet who would later become his best friend, the man named Charles Xavier. Here they would begin their years long friendship one another as they conducted research and played games of chess with one another. This would as well lead to the both having insightful conversations between one another about mutation and mankind. When one day a patient by the name of Gabrielle Haller was attacked and the two had to use their powers to attempt to save her, Charles and Erik discovered that their ideals were not quite exactly the same as they had originally believed them to be.  However, Erik chose to remain with Charles and the pair worked on getting a team together, a team that would later be known as the X-Men. This would lead to other events in the downfall of Erik and Charles relationship.
Erik would become more and more aggressive after finding out about Sebastian Shaw’s involvements with things they were also involved in. Which would in turn lead Erik more and more astray from Charles. Erik had gone so far as to risk his own life trying to get revenge on Shaw for what Shaw had done to him in the past. Despite Charles attempts to sway Erik from his revenge Erik ignore the other and, taking the coin from so long ago send it through Shaw’s brain. Ultimately, finally, moving the coin. However, Charles had been connected to Shaw at this point in time, and felt and seen everything Erik did to Shaw. Even Shaw's death.  It is also after this incident where they are attacked by missiles and other gun fire. In defense Erik accidentally misdirects a bullet meant for him, into Charles' spine as Charles is trying to run behind him, to,..uh,....somewhere... Where the fuck he was going? No one knows. But he sure as fuck didn't get there. Ultimately this would lead to the original time Charles is paralyzed.
After realizing what he's done, a guilt stricken Erik runs to try and help his friend, removing the bullet from their spine though it does very little to help the outcome overall. Erik then decides that he's done enough for one movie and decides to dip. He needs a break from all this hardship. Maybe killing a president will bring him some happiness. Who knows. Anyway, Charles and Beast fuck off for a bit and do whatever in gods name it is they do with each other. Erik is off probably killing a president. Who knows! Never really confirmed. But he was framed guys, he swears! Anyway, somehow he is captured and locked in a plastic cell. First of it's kind, come one, come all. See the man in the plastic bubble hidden under the pentagon for CRIMES. Because he's a crime man now. Anyway, Charles has had enough of this nonsense and decides to break his boyfriend out of prison because it's important. Logan says so. Charles wants his his brat back though, convince me otherwise. So the smart thing to do is recruit Quicksilver.
So they recruit Peter. Nothing bad will happen with that. Because it's the best thing that could have ever happened! Erik has no idea however that Peter is his son. Since everyone decides not to tell him. Even Peter, who believes he's the one that should. Learning that the current Logan they are dealing with is from the future Erik decides, yeah, he will help prevent Mystique from killing Trask. He does this by pulling a gun on her and trying to kill her as she gets in his sights. The two then have a little bit of a skirmish. Which looks pretty bad because it only serves to bring him and Charles father apart, further shoving a wedge in their friendship. On top of all the other things Erik had accidentally done to Charles, like paralyzing him. Oh, and the murders, supposed murders....-Points, nods-, Plus the Shaw thing. It's amazing Charles still likes his Brat this much, honestly. But Charles still in this shit to win this shit, he's getting his brat bitch one way or another. Dead or alive. Preferably in a cell.
However Erik's main focus, despite seemingly wanting to repair his friendship with Charles, is to stop Raven from further fucking up. But as he again attempts to kill Mystique he is stopped by Beast. Escaping from Beast after a moment Erik flees and soon takes control over the Sentinel prototypes that could potentially come to be the threat of the future, if future Logan is to believed that is. Erik Takes control of the prototype and uses it against the other only to have this plan foiled when Mystique knocks his ass the fuck out on live television. Significantly calming down all in all Erik corrects his behavior enough to help Charles and the rest later on when recruiting more mutants with Charles. Both coming to find Jean Grey, a young girl with extremely powerful abilities that had awakened and been causing difficulties. After a visit to her and her parents home the two help in teaching Jean to control her abilities. Charles of course being the one that actually does anything productive here. Of course.  Jean would later go on to become on of the first X-Men of the Xavier Institute.
Though the moment of peace did not last between the two and Erik again decided to branch out from Charles, believing their ideals to be too different from one another. Erik proceeds to go on and join the CIA and hunt down Nazi's in the meantime. But when he learns that the CIA had been murdering mutants, after he had been befriending those they would find. After this incident Erik would disappear for some time only to later reappear once more, this time under the name of Magneto. At this point he has recruited Mystique along with several other mutants into his newly formed Brotherhood of Mutants. After he reappears he and his Brotherhood attack the Cape Citadel but are stopped by the now fully fledged out X-Men. Thus starting of the rivalry between him and the X-Men for the next several decades to come. Because why not.  Along with Mystique, The Brotherhood also included Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, which had still not been revealed to be his children yet. Peter was still sitting on that knowledge. So it still one big secret!
One of The Brotherhoods demands were that mutants get equal rights. This eventually got the attention of Charles. Bald, Shiny head, Charles. Erik's bestest of friends. Because no way was Erik just acting up to get Charles's attention. So, now that he had it it wasn't long before the Brotherhood were defeated as the X-Men #HandledIt.  This would follow many more fights with X-Men and The Avengers, and an array of other groups no one really cares about. Fuck you specifically The Fantastic Four and Defenders. Charles helped, his brain go brrr...Erik, eventually getting bored with all of that however when and just made himself an entirely new mutant entity called Alpha the Ultimate Mutant. Because why not just make people, right? Who is going to stop him? Erik creates this thing and it just betrays him and turns him and The Brotherhood members into infants. Charles then takes Erik into his care, for a minute. Only Erik, fuck the other baby's. He only wants the Erik baby. Charles then decides to abandon the de-aged Erik off at his ex's house for a couple of months.
Moira MacTaggert then raised Erik for a while. Anyway. Eventually Erik grows back up into his prime again. With the help of a Shi'Ar named Eric The Red. He had also retained his memories from the incident with Alpha and infancy. Which left him over all changed by the experience and made him decide to change his ways. Though it did not ultimately remove his desire to rage against the human race, either. Soon he was again battling against the X-Men before again disappearing because he just doesn't like humans at all, I guess. The X-Men won't let him kill them all, it's really just very rude of them.  But soon enough the X-Men find him again and arrest him. As they are taking him into custody however Wolverine goes all Wolverine on him and stabs Erik, badly injuring him. Which allows Erik time to flee from the X-Men yet again.  Again left to plan a way to get revenge on the X-Men.
His next plans however did not go exactly as he had wished for them to go. After healing from his wounds by Wolverine he again attacks the X-Men and in this exchange he nearly kills the fourteen year old, Kitty Pryde. Upon realizing what he's done he realizes his extremist behavior and that he had never intended to murder children. This shocked some sense into him.  As Erik had never wanted blood just to gain freedom for Mutant kind. AT least, not the blood of a child. He did not sign up for child murder. After this incident Erik renounces his terrorist ways. With this renouncing he dedicates his time to reflect on his past deeds and locate Magda. However, he comes to find that she had died, sometime after giving birth to a pair of twins. Erik, still lost on what to do returns to The Brotherhood to take back up leadership with them and perhaps lead them to be less of a chaotic force. Peter and Wanda accepted them as the leader and continued to run with The Brotherhood, but overall did not care for him in any other aspect. As he had been abusive to them.
Though in time they did come to forgive him and accept him. The closer the three got. Though still they never told him about his being their father. Erik would then leave to go join the X-men, after some persuasion by Charles to do so. Though not long after joining them, Charles is grievously injured in a battle and Magneto has to take over leadership of the School for him. Erik was not welcomed warmly by the older Mutants in the school and had difficulty for some time being accepted. But, in time, he too was part of the team and proved to be a good teacher for the students at the school. Wolverine even grew to trust him. In time he was even willing to be tried for his crimes in France. Though during this trial was interrupted by an attack before it could be concluded. Following this battle, one of Erik's old creations, The Asteroid M Base, lost a piece of it that came hurtling down to earth. Erik went to the side of the crash and destroyed the part that had landed. Only to be be confronted by The Avengers.
They accused him of doing something devious with the piece that had fallen to earth. Erik had attempted to explain himself but The Avengers attacked him. The situation only had been made worse when the X-Men showed up to help him. Which made even worse still when the Soviet Super Soldiers also joined in on the situation. As The soldiers were seeking to arrest Erik causing a volcano eruption in Russia in a prior incident. This information had caused the X-Men to also turn on Erik. Which all of this going on had driven Erik slightly over the edge as he looked toward the wreckage of the fragment where he spotted his old helmet, a taste of temptation to revert to his old ways striking him in this moment as his fate was argued over. In a bit of instability Erik suggested that he use the helmets mind control mechanics to brainwash the world to forget the things he had done in the past. Though Captain America had told him when he asked about it that it wasn't ethical, and would be taking away people's freedoms.
So, instead, Erik decides to surrender to The Avengers instead. Seeing what Steve had meant in the end. Then, Erik went to trial. Where his judge had proven to be bigoted toward Mutants. Using the helmet on the judge Erik changes his judges mind about mutants. After this Magneto proceeds to destroy his helmet and is then found innocent of his past crimes. He was a free man once more. He was going to try and be a source for good now...Or you would like to think. This is not possible though. Erik can never be happy. Remember that. It'll save you a lot of troubles in the future. So anyway shit happens. More attacks. Mutants are killed. Mutants are Hunted, Erik is getting madder and madder about it. Months pass since his trial. In his time as trying to be a good man, Magneto grows attached to one of his students by the code name Cypher, whom has become his star pupil. This boy, however, is eventually also murdered and Erik feels guilty for not being able to protect him. This is one final straw. In his sadness over Cypher's murder his stability yet again begins to show cracks in it.
Despite all these events going on and mutants being murdered, the X-Men go to Australia and Erik cuts ties with them.  Reverting in part to his old ways of hating humans once more. He takes the New Mutants with him to join the Hellfire Club. Wishing to protect them from also being killed. However, the New Mutants have also abandon Erik, no longer feeling loyal to him. Erik, Feeling betrayed by the X-Men and New Mutants on top of abandoned, leaves. He starts to yet again hate humans for what they have done and views his experience with the New Mutants and X-Men as a failure. Erik moves back to Asteroid M and goes into isolation in the end, for some time. Before being approached by another group of mutants. Which was lead by Fabian Cortez, called The Acolytes. Sought Erik out to make him their new leader. Erik, thinking that there might be something to them decides that he will make the base into a save haven for Mutants. With this he decides to try and make better defenses for the base.
However this involved resurfacing a submarine with missiles on it that he sunk years before that had been forgotten, or so it seemed. The X-Men become aware of what Erik is doing and attack the base, which was far out of their jurisdiction, but whatever. We need a story line. Rogue attempted to have the two sides be peaceful. But Erik, too far gone by that point attacked Rogue, stubbing whatever chance for peace they had. In time Fabian also betrays Erik while the X-Men continue their assault on Asteroid M. Injured and defeated Erik flees to his back op station called Avalon. Only becoming more bitter toward the X-Men after this incident. Not too long after the X-Men also find Avalon and attack it, too. Because Erik cannot have anything nice! Not even peace to stew in his bitterness. Though during these attacks Erik had been holding back as he did not want to hurt his former ally's. With his inability to completely wipe the floor with his former ally's Erik hesitated and is again attacked by Wolverine.
Wovlerine again tries to impale Erik, who retaliated by ripping Logan's Adamantium out of his body. All of it. Nearly killing Wolverine, but he got him to stop at least. But because of this situation, Charles shows up, now completely angered by what Erik has done, he invades Erik's mind and incapacitates him completely. Then, Charles puts Erik in a catatonic state, trapping him in his own mind. This action however turns Colossus gainst the X-Men, deciding to help Erik and fled with the other from Avalon, returning again to Asteroid M. Erik is set upon his throne back at the base where he sits as Colossuss does whatever Colossus does at this point. Erik sits upon that throne for who knows how long, completely catatonic and served only by the remaining Acolytes. Though things do change when Age Of Apocalypse starts. Someone named Holocaust soon entered the base with full intent to destroy it. Erik had been defenseless while this was happening, until Colossus managed to rescue him and take him back to earth.
On earth Erik still remains in his catatonic state, unable to communicate. After a time another mutant approaches him called Astra. She restores his memories as well as steals his DNA in order to create the clone of him, named Joseph. Once she had gotten Erik's DNA she had intended to kill Erik. However, her plans are put off when Joseph decides to to go out of control and cause enough of a distraction that the now, more or less mobile Erik, can move enough to escape from Astra and Joseph. In the months that followed Erik spent his time regaining control over his body and breaking free of any remaining effects of his catatonic state, seemingly so. While he is regaining autonomy, Joseph takes on Erik's identity and disguises himself as Magneto, then Joseph also becomes and ally to the X-Men. Erik meanwhile, near the end of these several months pretends to be an average human and comes in contact with a man he uses to decided the fate of human kind. The man does not pass Erik's test.
After the failed test Erik goes to the north pole and threatens to use magnetism to change the magnetic fields if he doesn't get his demands met. Though, again, as is always the case, the X-Men show up and defeat him. But in this attack on him Joseph is killed. Which solves that problem. As well, Erik's demands are met and he is given an entire Island to rule over for mutant-kind. This island is called Genosha. While Mutants and Humans are having a civil war with one another. Erik is transforming his island into a mutant safe haven. Priorities, man. He recruits his son and daughters to help him create his Utopian island as well. But Erik just cannot leave well enough alone. So he abducts Charles Xavier to show his friend what all he has done for Genosha and mutant kind. And just like clock work, the X-Men show up again to take Charles back as the play date is now ever. Wolverine also manages to again impal Erik. Seriously injured, Erik is left to tend to his wounds and the X-Men leave with Charles.
Healing after being stabbed again Erik spends the next few weeks not causing any trouble what so ever. As he is spending most of his time helping the mutants of Genosha, instead. Though, Erik can never be happy, or at peace. A Giant Sentinel soon attacks Genosha, which is being controlled by someone named Cassandra Nova. Erik is apparently one of the first to die as the building he was in is hit by a ship that looks like a fist. Following this the city is mostly destroyed and most of the mutants living there are murdered. The X-Men come to see what has happened, finding the destruction and death. While they searched the ruins they had found a video of Erik made moments before he seemed to have died. However, jokes on you, Erik's not dead. But someone's pretending to be him for a bit. By the time Charles finds out that the real Erik is in fact not the person they believed to be Erik, and is still alive on Genosha he goes to visit the other. There he wished to find out what Erik had planned to do next, now that he was the most hated man on earth due to mistaken identity.
Even though he was not at fault for any of what he was hated for at this time, the accusation had upset and angered Erik, greatly. But instead of exacting some kind of revenge or trying to redeem himself, Erik decides instead to find any survivors of Genosha. Charles joins him in this task and the two reignite their tattered friendship once more over the course of this time together. During this time Erik again rejects his violent ways. Though this peace does not last for long as Wanda had come to have a nervous breakdown, where she attacked and killed many of The Avengers. Erik left the island to go retrieve her and bring her back to be protected in Genosha, and attempt to help her. Once she is brought to the island Charles helps by keeping her unconscious while they figure out the best way to help her. Though The Avengers and others demand that Erik release her to them so she could face judgment. Erik refuses to release her and ultimately the Island is attacked once more. Before they could retrieve Wanda, however, a flash changed everything.
By the time they all woke up again they were in a new world. One that seemed to be ruled by Mutants and humankind had been in a state of decline. As well, it seemed that Erik had sovereignty over the world. With his head base being Genosha, the now superpower of the world of Mutants. In this new reality mutants mistreat humans instead of the other way around. Mutants in this reality wait for the day humans go completely extinct. However, Wolverine and a young girl by the name Layla Miller are aware things aren't quite right. So they set out to restore the memories of everyone else. Soon attacking the Genosha Headquarters with those they restore the memory of. Where it is quickly discovered that it's not Erik who was ruler, but Peter. Peter had manipulated Wanda into having a breakdown, and then convinced her to change reality. After this reveal Wanda again remakes the world, changing reality yet again.
With the change she makes it so that mutants do not exist, for the most part. That includes her own fathers powers being removed. But most of the rest of the world returns completely back to normal. After things are changed back Erik spends the next several months aimlessly walking the earth before finally he contacts Charles. Only for them to then be attacked by Erik's former Acolytes who tried to kill Charles and now ignore Erik for not having his powers. The two are captured by the Acolytes but eventually break free of them and stop them from capturing them again. With this latest incident Charles and Erik decided to separate again. Erik again goes back to wandering before he comes in contact with High Evolutionary, which returns Erik's powers to him. Only discovering this fact after he attacks the X-Men...again...But it doesn't last too long. And with Erik being one of very few mutants left that have their powers after M-Day, Caused by Wanda, Erik has a decision to make. Return to his old way, or Join the  X-Men.
Joining the X-Men Erik goes to their home base. Charles is not happy to see Erik turn up and tells him to go away. But Scott decides to give Erik the change and in the end tells Charles to go away since Charles is being really suspicious of Erik. Which of course, why wouldn't he be. Oh, and Charles also telepathically attacks Erik. So Erik stays and tries to make up for the wrongs of his past, often lamenting of the Mutant future. Scott assures him that they have Mutant Jesus and that they can do anything apparently as long as they have Hope Summers on their side. They can move mountains bro. As Erik is trying to find ways to make life better on the base he realizes that he had to bring Kitty Pryde back, as she has been trapped by the High Evolutionary ever since she made contact with it. After he succeeds in getting her back however, he succumbs to a coma. Where he is placed in Hanks care for that time being. During his coma things continue to happen.
Things that eventually lead to Hope Summers leaving the island base the X-Men call home now. But then being brought back by the dying Nightcrawler some time later. After this Nimrod Sentinels attack the island where a comatose Erik has begun to wake up. Helping Hank to protect the other patients as he did not want to abandon them, Erik eventually moves on to hel protect the entirety of Utopia, which is the name of the Island base. After doing so he gives a speech which endears him to the many young mutants inhabiting the island. After these events there is some downtime before yet again, another situation comes up where Erik learns from Dr. Nemesis about one of his old Nazi tormentors making waves, again. Which Erik then brings up to Wolverine as he asks Logan to take the X-Force and handle the Nazi. Logan decides to do this mission solely on his own and succeeds, of course. While that is going on Scott has Erik and the others of the Execution team that Erik is a part of make a public appearance.
During this appearance the group is attacked by the Hellfire Club, where each member of the team is taken down by a strange form of technology each specifically engineered for hurting the exact mutant that it was aimed at. Erik had ended up being shot by a miniaturized neutron star. Then the Hellfire Club, taking advantage of the incapacitated heroes set slugs upon them to keep them all unconscious. Thankfully Idie, whoever that is turns up and saves the day, killing all of the Hellfire Club. Erik is then placed on a team not long after that involves Storm, it's not important. We just really love Storm. And you should know she was there. Though Erik has also come to a conclusion to leave Peter out of things because of what Peter did to Wanda in the past, that caused her breakdown and all that followed it. He's grounded, essentially, for...um...forever. So anyway, Joseph returns. But it's a NEW Joseph, and he starts killing people and The Avengers get BIG mad about it and go back on thier bullshit.
But because Erik is clearly smarter than pretty much everyone, he realize, hey. That's not me. I'm me, and tells everyone what's really going on. Which circles us back to Astra who has been free this entire time? Despite what she's done? That's just okay with everyone? Stealing DNA from a defenseless man, AND plotting to kill that man? So, anyway, Erik kicks her ass, BEGONE THOT! Joseph gets imprisoned. Erik, does not live happily ever after, but thank god that's over. Then Captain America shows up because he's bored, there's not been enough drama for him lately. Erik and him have a chat. Everyone hates each other now. But they need drama, guys! The fans are gonna leave! So some unimportant fighting breaks out because why not. Erik tries to help both sides but then Hope goes missing and needs to be found. Phoenix bestows powers on some X-Men. Look. A lot of shit happens okay. Scott his arrested. Erik Breaks him out. They all go wrong from the X-Men. The Phoenix Force Breaks the rogue teams powers. They gotta save the mutant Gene it don't work no more. There's no mutant babies. Fix it.
Erik decides to fix it by fuc- So anyway, Erik joins SHEILD for a hot minute. He then plays double agent. Scot gets pissy. How dare, how dare. Erik goes "Ey man it's nothing personal. I was doing it for you guys" Then he fucks off to go build another school in Charles name, a new Xavier Institute. Because everyone's getting a school these days...Then he steals some of Jean Grey's students, he calls is recruiting. Potato/Potatoes.  He fights Dormammu and his demons. His side wins. Scott's big mad because Erik was being pretty sketch to him, I guess? But they work it out with a big boy chat, it's all good. Erik helps some new mutants with their powers. Then they gotta save some douche named Fabio from SHEILD where Maria Hill goes "Come talk to me in private." But then she won't share much else and tells him to meet someone who is named Dazzler instead. Dazzler got them deets yo. Erik goes back to the X-Men Hideout, watches some pro-mutant stuff. Arrives fashionably late to a Blockbuster Sentinel fight--Whatever! WE DON'T CARE!
Dazzler is Raven, that's all you need to know. It's Mystique! Anyway, Raven and Erik go to Madripoor and fuck around and find out for ab it. It's a new safe haven for Mutants and the drug Kick is there, which we found out about during the whole Xorn thing. I did. You didn't. I didn't tell you about it. It's a thing. But it's not important. This is the last time it will be brought up. You're welcome. Anyway! Raven, get to the point. She's getting the old gang back together. The OG squad. Sabertooth, Toad, Glob, others....What the fuck is going on. Who knows. Because Erik has a crisis and he's gotta dip. So he leaves after attacking them all and knocking over a skyscraper in his rage. Then he fucks off for a bit with no one hearing from him for some time. Erik needed some me time and WE can forgive him FOR that.
Erik shows back up though when Red Skull starts using a now DEAD Charles Xaviers brain for his nefarious deeds. Because Erik ain't gonna be havin' none of that now. So he sets out to avenge Charles. Red Skull has also decided, in his infinant wisdom to just go ahead and make some Concentration camps again and starts locking mutants up in them. And what better place to do this on, than...the island of GENOSHA! Erik is not happy, as you can assume. So Erik and the X-Men go to beat Red Skulls ass, and the X-Men get their shit handed to them. Which leaves it all up to Erik in the end. Who beats the ever loving shit out of Red Skull, I guess. Then he takes his island back and starts another group of villains. Because Erik is unstable, remember that. AND he doesn't need to make sane decisions. Fuck Mystique trying to reform the OG gang, Erik does whatever Erik wants to do.
Even if that means being so CHANGEABLE! That's how he defeats Red Skull though, ultimately. Just throw some villains at the man. Good play, sir. Good play. Soon enough the remaining superheroes get enough strength to help out here, too and they manage to defeat Red Skull for good. Or at least till Marvel gets bored again and brings him back. Now back in complete control over Genosha again, Erik tries to live in peace. But how many damn times do I gotta tell you. This man does not deserve happiness. OR to know any peace. Or that's what one should expect from now on. Because the peace does not last. As the universe just starts to ...do stuff. Mmmhm. You read that right. Universal Incursion, baby! The Multiverse starts unraveling even as attempts to stop it are implemented. Even Erik's efforts to stop it does nothing for it. Nothing will ever be the same guys. Ever again.
During this trying time the Secret Wars happens. Erik becomes leaders of the X-men for a bit. There's a cure they need for Terrigen Mist. Healers are wanted, but not appreciated enough. Something about The Dark Riders, which, ugh. We honestly, don't care. Don't have time to get into that. Erik didn't even bother, he sleep. But hey, someones probably controlling them. So let someone else deal with it for a change. Damn.  During ALL this crazy shit however Erik and Rogue hook up, you know, totally over that one time he fucking attacked her when she was trying to be nice. They fuck. Have a son, Erik names that son Charles. Who is still dead by the way. Sad. Apocalypse comes back and starts raising more hell. Apocalypse also thinks it's a good idea to just kill Wanda off. Then he proceeds to capture Erik and Charles. Approaching Erik with a proposal, follow him, or he kills the boy. Erik, takes the offer in his rage, as well as prior traumas in losing his family members being a source of manipulating him.
Thus Erik becomes one of Apocalypses Horsemen. Apocalypse unlocks Erik's true potential, which grants Erik the ability to move earths core. While Apocalypse mind fucks Erik, Charles Xavier is brought back to life and finds out what's going on with Erik and Apocalypse. Charles attempts to reach Erik who believes that his son, Charles, is dead, and that he is alone again at this point time. Charles tries to convince Erik otherwise but ultimately fails to bring Erik to reasoning and turn against Apocalypse. Erik being to lost in his grief and overcome by his rage once more refuses to believe in anything Charles has to say, claiming it's all too late for them. Erik believes Apocalypse is the only way to get revenge for all that had been done to him, against the humans. Later, as Erik is attempting to finally destroy the earth, he is momentarily stopped by Peter, as Wanda had been dead at this time.
Peter tries talk Erik out of destroying earth. Confronting Erik on several things, trying to convince Erik that he isn't alone. That he has family he can still protect. A confused Erik grows frustrated with Peter, and just before Erik is about to attack and Peter hesitates, he blurts out that he is Erik's son, and Wanda is Erik's daughter. The twins he heard about all those years ago, it had been them all along. They had been adopted by the Maximoff family as infants when their mother, Magda had become too unstable to care for them. At this revelation, Erik stops his attack on earth, and turns his power against Apocalypse. Then, Apocalypse is finally defeated, for now. His loyalist are also tracked down and taken care of as well. While Erik and the X-Men are fighting with Apocalypse, Rogue manages to make it to where Charles, their son, is being held captive and rescues the boy from his prison. Which also results in humanity being saved from a bomb, I guess. After this incident Erik is globally named a hero.
As most believe it was him that saved them from the bomb, Erik, knowing full well it wasn't, accepts this claim anyway. Since he has no idea who it was, yet. A year later Erik has created the Bureau for Mutant Affairs to capture those still alive and loyal to Apocalypse. He also comes to figure out it was in fact, Jean Grey who is the one that saved humanity from the bomb. Erik keeps it a secret though since he likes the attention it brings him, as well as Jeans a bit...well...She's a bit sus. And she becomes even more sus when she shows up with the Sinister Six. They reveal what actually happened a year ago. Erik happens to be able to free Jean from her hold by Sinister’s power after this and then Erik straight up KILLS Sinister. Though because he lied he is later imprisoned. Since, hahah....WE arrest liars, I guess. Erik spends much of his time in prison doing fuck all in his plastic cell. That is until Weapon X kills him and becomes the New Apocalypse.
Some time passes before Erik is revived to help with a fight and again starts up his relationship with Rogue once more. They have another son together, Magnus. Who has inherited both Rogue and Erik's powers. And seems like one day he will eventually be better at them than his parents. Because that's how genetics fucking work. So, anyway, Magnus grows up. Nothing bad happens for a while. I know. Shocker. Then one day he just straight up disappears for a bit. Only for his burned corpse to be returned with a letter talking about how he was a hero, in some other dimension. He is given a proper funeral by his parents who for the most part ain't got shit to say about it. As they can't travel through time and space, now can they. Though it is still quite devastating, as you can imagine, for Erik, as well as Rogue. After this Erik's grief and anger builds up and soon he reforms The Brotherhood again, with a new team, and is working with villains now. Which in time leads him into attempting to kill Reed Richards, but The Avengers stop him.
Grief stricken and angered still, Erik continues to act up and during one of these incidents he is directly to blame for the accidental death of Hawkeye. Who is then avenged when Mockingjay kills Erik in kind. Erik again remains dead for quite some time before his remains are stolen and used to create a new mutant with combining his body with several other mutants. This new mutants name would be known as Brother Mutant. Who had possessed Erik's powers, along side all of those whose other bodies he had absorbed into his own. Eventually however, Brother Mutant was defeated by a team created by Wolverine and everyone was split apart once more, as well, Erik was once again alive but bound to a wheel chair after this incident. He was then taken to yet another Concentration Camp that had been built and overseen by Sentinels. Though with Frank Richards help, Erik helped to free the captured mutants. Though sacrificed his own life to make sure the mutants weren't stopped by the Sentinels.
Dead again, Erik remained dead for a long time. Though was, yet again, needed and revived as well as partially de-aged by an unknown person. Erik gets back on his feet, now once more in the prime of his life, he wanders for a while trying to learn more about what was going on while he had been dead, and again hears about the project with Weapon X. At this time it's a little more than familiar. Something he had heard once or twice in his childhood, he had remembered. While investigating he comes to learn that his mother, Edie had been involved with the research and projects for the initial trials of the Weapon X Program. As well as been a supporter of trying to find and 'cure' the mutant gene. He had also learned about what she had done to Erik. Which brought a brief memory back to him of his childhood yet again, one that he had locked away and forgotten do to only being just barely a toddler at the time. But, reading further into his beloved mothers background. He read she had also wished to 'cure' him after finding he had the mutant gene.
All of thus heart breaking news did not go over well for the unstable Erik. Who could not cope with the idea that his beloved mother had tried to potentially kill him for being a mutant. Erik eventually becomes consumed by his anger and confusion that he has a mental breakdown and starts to revert to something even worse than who he had ever been in the past. Becoming for a time someone more ruthless and sadistic. This results in several attacks on the US government and yet again, crippling Charles when Charles tried to talk Erik down. Though at this situation, Erik showed an opening, reliving the horrible things he had done to Charles in the past, with the first time Charles was paralyze because of him. Taking his moment, Charles attacks Erik and brainwashes him to forget his former life. While giving him new memories and making Erik believe he had lived a normal life. After, Charles leaves Erik in an attempt to let him live a normal life.
However, this is Marvel guys, Erik does not get a happy ending. Erik eventually regains his memories of his former life when The Brotherhood frees him of Charles brainwashing. Which brings all the instability that was yet to be resolved before. Erik again attacks the X-Men in his rage, and takes out Peters kneecaps in the process, since he finds out that Peter is working for those disgusting humans. Gross. Then, yet again, in his madness, Erik decides to again threatened to change earths magnetic fields and gets a machine built to amplify his powers.  However, eventually, he is again defeated by the X-Men and imprisoned by SHIELD where he remains for some time. While their, Erik plots to frame his daughter Polaris for a crime and get her imprisoned there as well. During this, another machine is created that will mimic both his powers, and Polaris'. Mystique then comes to visit him and takes on his appearance. She then uses that machine to fool everyone into thinking that she is in fact Erik, by using his powers from the machine.
After a fight with the X-Men Mystique is then arrested and sent to prison which allow, in some way for Erik to escape. Not that he's not off his fucking rocker, he's able to think more clearly. But is still grief stricken by the death of his daughter Wanda, and his mothers evil. Erik eventually also learns of the death of Polaris, too. Which sends him spiraling further into madness. He manages to keep it together long enough however to make his way back to the machine and without much warning, reverses the magnetic poles which also causes a great flood that kills millions of people. Following this incident Erik then proceeds to also kill Charles as well. The X-Men fight him once again, and in the end Scott is able to decapitate Erik with his eye beams.
It is believed that Erik is dead for good, this time. Though when other mutants are brought back to life, so too was Erik. As the X-Men, yet again, needed his help. Significantly chilled the fuck out now, Erik attempts to help. But as everyone else, is unable to prevent the next event from happening. A disease spreads over the world after contact with a space entity. Erik is eventually the only mutant left to defend the remainder of Mankind from the disease that has taken over the rest of the heroes and humans alike. Then one day, Wanda shows up from a different timeline, needing to cut the links between their worlds. While she's there, she reverts time back to before the disease came into contact with anyone, and helps the people of Erik's dimension prevent the disease from reaching earth and so destroying mankind. However, all the good Erik tried to do is also reverted and he is sentenced back to prison.
Though Erik would not stay long in prison as Jean Grey has finally lost complete control over her abilities when she comes into contact with yet another space entity of some sort, by some means. Erik doesn't know how, because he wasn't there when it happened. Jean however has gone mad and started destroying anything in her path however which causes the remaining mutants that she did not kill, the deaths including that of Mystique and Scott. Erik is allowed to go free in order to help. Though his ultimate solution for the problem is to have Jean killed. Which is okay in Beast's book because of Raven's death. Erik finds himself wondering just why no one would just revive her. But doesn't bring the subject up. Overall they managed to defeat Jean and save her.
Following this event Erik tries to again set off on a path for good. Though finds it at times to be a difficult one. Instead he decides to keep with The Brotherhood and make it more of an anti-hero faction, that is not a source for good nor evil at any given time. Following the events of Thanos' snap, Erik does not get snapped. Instead he remains and tries help those that remained. When the avengers also get their shit together, he offers to help them with their time traveling adventures to recover the infinity stones and prevent the snap. Erik then joins everyone at the scene of the fight where he is, as one can imagine, a capable fighter and one of the most powerful people there. 
Many years down the line Erik and Charles, have, once again, in their old age, become good friends and spend much of their time together teaching newer generations of mutants how to control their abilities as well as live among humans peacefully. Erik however still suffers from moments of evil despite his attempts to teach otherwise and eventually ends up in yet another plastic cell, where he and Charles will often converse for long periods of time, and play chess. However, as always, there seems to be something sinister lurking around the corner. This peace will not last...
(Work In Progress)
Personality: Magneto personality Stats
Extremism, Prejudiced (Toward humans), Repressed, Traumatized, Unstable, Calculating, Well spoken, Intense, Good intentions, Vengeful, Cultured, Stylish, Irrational, Fanatical, Ruthless, Powermad, Aggressive, Arrogant, Corrupted, Tense, Protective, Verbally Abusive, Defensive, Guilt Stricken, Hopeful, Idealistic, Radical, Complex, Changeable, Opinionated, Unpredictable, Deceptive, Manipulative, Cunning, Temper Mental, Morally Grey, Sophisticated, Precise, Compassionate, Dedicated, Courteous, Elegant, Responsive, Extraordinary, Scholarly, High-minded, Experimental, Emotional, Paternalistic, Sarcastic, Proud, Familial, Misguided, Self-indulgent, Aloof, Cynical, Intolerant, Boisterous, Condemnatory, Vague, Confused,
Quirks/Savvies/Other: Some public schooling, unspecified advanced training in genetic engineering and robotics, Publicly known, Married, Widowed, Ashkenazi jew (Does not practice), Adores everything about tadpoles, Can wield Thor’s Hammer (Did this because Wanda and Peter were killed by Ultron)(Through his powers, he is not worth, Maybe, -smirks-), Had a mental breakdown over a wooden gun, Ripped Apocalypse in half to prove a point, Is stronger than Apocalypse (NO ONES TALKING TO YOU JEAN! CLOUT STEALER. lol), Gives speeches, Was the Physics teacher at Xavier Institute, Is a mass murderer, Once greeted the X-Men with “Welcome, TO DIE!” because he’s a fucking dork, Sometimes refereed to as one of Four gods (Don’t ask, it’s not important, just a fun fact.), Met Captain America and Wolverine as a child, Is a closet fanfiction author with a hundred stories under their belt, Was potentially going to be Charles Xavier’s brother (But Stan Lee changed his mind, we’ll trust him, for now.), Will literally fucking just abandoned all his plans to go help Charles out, Has a tendency of laughing at the most inappropriate times, Got his solo movie stolen from him and it was made into a three part movie series about Jean Grey(And look how THAT turned out overall, lol), Immune to Rogues powers, Can use Cerebro effectively, Uses electromagnetism to induce mental effects, Inhuman reaction time, Expert at hand to hand combat, Loves bands that wear costumes on stage, Doesn’t prefer guns over his powers, But is not unlikely to use them for serving his purposes if need be, Knife fanatic, Detect and read micro expressions, Genius level polyglot, Genius in the field of genetics, He is an Omega level mutant, Wolverine’s afraid of him, Has an island that’s HP Lovecraftian, Is convinced they know the truth about who shot JFK, 
Likes: Chess, Being difficult, Fighting the X-Men, Bugging Charles Xavier, Rogue, Wolverine, Being Dramatic, Mystique, His idiot son: Peter, Being the smartest person in the room, Being heroic, Theater, Painting, Milkshakes, Donuts, Video games, Camping, Podcasting, Golf, Javelin throwing, Sports, Puzzles, Birdwatching, Traveling, Oranges, Soup, Hunting, Birdhouses, Rocks, Folklore, Tadpoles, Turtles, Outer space, Engineering,
Dislikes: Wooden guns, X-Men, Wolverine, Charles Xavier, Being wrong, Not being forgiven (Come on guys, it was only a million people he’s killed, at least! Give a guy a break.), Being anti-hero, Sharks, Bowties, Renaissance music,
Fears: Losing his family, Being alone(Outside Isolating himself), Abandonment, Betrayal, Being held captive/against his will, The deaths of his children,
Personality Tests: ENTJ-A/INTJ-A, Enneagram 6/8, Slytherin, Slytherdor, Horned Serpent, Thunderbird/Pukwudgie, Choleric, (Alt:Chaotic)Lawful Good/(Lawful)Neutral Evil,
Other: Sagittarius, Tropes,
  -> Father: Jacob Lehnsherr
  -> Mother: Edie Lehnsherr
Sibling(s): Ruth (sister, deceased),
Children: Anya (deceased), Zala Dane (alleged daughter, presumed deceased), Lorna Dane (Polaris),  Wanda (Scarlet Witch) and Peter/Pietro (Quicksilver)(Shhh,... Shut up. Just shut the fuck up. You’re not the boss of me. I know what I am doing.), Charles(Son with Rogue), Magnus(Son with Rogue), Plague, Alpha, NIGHTCRAWLER?!, Probably countless more, One specifically that I am NOT going to mention,
Wife: Magda (wife, deceased),
Significant Others: Rogue(Bizarre Love Affair, not serious),
Other Relatives: Erich (uncle, deceased), Joseph (clone), Enrique(Ancestor),  William “Billy” Kaplan (Wiccan, alleged grandson), Thomas “Tommy” Shepherd (Speed, alleged grandson), Luna Maximoff (granddaughter),
                                                                              Alternate Universes
Brothers with Charles Xavier AU
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