#Send Indian Sweets To India
dwollfieldnotes · 8 months
Indica by Ctesias (5th Century BC)
Name literally means dog heads. Supposedly Indians call them Kalystrii
Live in the mountains of India
Can live to be 170, sometimes 200 years old
Look like men with the heads of dogs. Their teeth is larger than that of other dogs, their nails are round and long like other animals. Their skin is swarthy
Above their hips is a tail like a dog's, but longer and hairier [like a wolf's then?]
Understand the speech of humans but cannot replicate it. They communicate via barking and hand signs
Very just, like other Indians
Number around 120,000 at the time of writing [4th century BC]
Hunter pastoralists. Cook animals by leaving them to roast in the sun. Farm sheep (for wool and milk, which they love), goats, and asses
Also eat Siptakhora fruit for its sweetness. Love it so much that they also eat it dried
Trade the fruit for bread, flour, and cotton with the Indians, whom they also buy swords for hunting wild beasts, bows, and arrows
Skilled with bows and hurling spears. Once an animal is wounded they can overtake it, being very fleet of foot
Live in caves rather than houses. Wear skins of animals, tanned and de-furred to look very fine. The richest wear linen, but there are very few of them
Bathe rarely. Women do so only once a month, men only wash their hands. Sometimes (3 times every month) they anoint themselves with oil made from milk and wash themselves with skins
The richest is determined by he who has the most sheep
Have no beds. Sleep on leaves or grass
Every year they send a tribute to the Indian king via rafting on the rivers to his lands: Siptakhora fruit, purple flowers, purple dye, and 1260 talents of amber
The Indian king sends them a present of 300,000 bows, as many spears, 120,000 shields, and 50,000 swords ever five years
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I am so excited.
So I work in the customer service department for a company that is majority Indian. From the CEO to most of the way higher ups, including my own boss in my department. (She is a literal angel and id walk thru fire for her) We also have a sister office in India, with their own customer service dept.
So our customer service office and the Indian one chat constantly over Microsoft teams about issues and help each other out a lot, and have a very friendly and cooperative relationship. Like we even tease each other (the entire Indian staff spent Indian Independence Day good naturedly ragging on one of our leads because he’s from England. It was hilarious) whenever there’s a birthday party, we take pics and send them to each other, when I got married my office got me a cake and the Indian staff joined on zoom to congratulate me. It was incredibly sweet.
Because we’re so close knit, we love sharing things about our cultures with each other. Especially the India office. They have people from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds and religions that work in their office. It’s pretty great.
So whenever there’s a holiday/festival/feast day/etc we love educating our teammates about it and we all ask questions and learn. Everyone is super enthusiastic and polite and respectful of each other. (India is a huge place with over a billion people so they have a LOT of holidays)
So I educate about Jewish holidays and customs. (It’s a lot easier to just say I’m Jewish to my coworkers rather than a conversion student because they’ve seen my tiny desk menorah at Hanukah and have asked when I’m using my 2 floating holidays, and at secret Santa time at Xmas we filled out a worksheet of what we do at Xmas to get to know each other better and I’m like. Welp. I don’t do Xmas so please no Santa stuff, and the like. And I don’t feel like getting into Personal stuff at work. I got permission to do this a long time ago)
This Friday at sundown is the start of Rosh Hashanah. I’m so excited to share it with the team.
I might even bring some goodies in on Monday. (Yes the holiday will be over but everyone likes sweets!)
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daffyjjk · 7 months
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~ hi beautiful humans 💫…. a quick update i will be mia for the weekend since we are celebrating deepavali which is India’s biggest & most important holiday of the year called ✨FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS that celebrates light over darkness, good over evil✨
~ since im far away from my home && this festival is celebrated w family members i miss being w them :( buuut I have these beautiful, sweet friends here in boston with whom ill be celebrating the festival with 🥰 looking forward to seeing us in Indian outfit cus its been a while since we got dolled up hehe
~ hope each of you precious souls have a wonderful weekend ahead, take care of yourselves, remind yourself that you’re doing well, sending you more good energy & big virtual hugs, we are doing our best && I believe in us 🌿🤍💫
( PS: this particular jikook gif is closed to my heart, there’s something about it that just makes me smile like a fool every time i look at it c: && it also refers to the fact that jikook has a soft spot for the fireworks tehe )
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wakamotogarou · 1 year
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St. Christopher, The Christbearer
Dog-man, Cynocephali Saint, christened by baby Jesus after helping him cross a river.
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The Dogheaded people
They were seen by conquerors, explorers, evangelists and described in detail. Alexander the Great, Marco Polo, St. Augustine, Christopher Columbus all described these creatures. You also have Anubis the Egyptian god and St.Christopher who was converted to Catholicism and achieved Saint-hood by helping believers cross a river.
There were letters corresponding with the Vatican on whether or not these dog headed men could be saved or not. The Catholic church was not surprised and simply asked if their eyes were on the front of their heads or on the sides. Apparently dog headed men were nothing new to cultures around the world.
'Ratramnus’s Epistola de Cynocephalis, is a letter written concerning if dog headed men could be saved. The response was yes based on the evidence that they showed the ability to have free will; they wore clothes, kept animals, had relationships, and obeyed laws etc. So they could choose salvation and therefore could be worth ministering to.
( Canaanites = canines, described as cannibals and great fighters who did detestable things.)
In Tibet there was recorded history of over 200,000 living in a village. They lived in Parts of India along the Mountain Range, there are traces of them in the Celtic lands they lived in Ireland.
St. Christopher is the patron saint for travelers. Dog-headed people often have acted as guides, ferries and Shepards. I will cover this in a future post, which will feature Xolotl and Aztec Gods, including Anubis!
Canines are interwoven into human history.
On these mountains there live men with the head of a dog, whose clothing is the skin of wild beasts. They speak no language, but bark like dogs, and in this manner make themselves understood by each other. Their teeth are larger than those of dogs, their nails like those of these animals, but longer and rounder. They inhabit the mountains as far as the river Indus. Their complexion is swarthy. They are extremely just, like the rest of the Indians with whom they associate.  They understand the Indian language but are unable to converse, only barking or making signs with their hands and fingers by way of reply, like the deaf and dumb. They are called by the Indians Calystrii, in Greek Cynocephali (“dog-headed “). [They live on raw meat.] They number about 120,000.  Near the sources of this river1 grows a purple flower, from which is obtained a purple dye, as good in quality as the Greek and of an even more brilliant hue. In the same district there is an animal about the size of a beetle, red as cinnabar, with very long feet, and a body as soft as that of a worm. It breeds on the trees which produce amber, eats their fruit and kills them, as the woodlouse destroys the vines in Greece. The Indians crush these insects and use them for dyeing their robes and tunics and anything else they wish. The Cynocephali living on the mountains do not practice any trade but live by hunting. When they have killed an animal they roast it in the sun. They also rear numbers of sheep, goats, and asses, drinking the milk of the sheep and whey made from it. They eat the fruit of the Siptakhora, whence amber is procured, since it is sweet. They also dry it and keep it in baskets, as the Greeks keep their dried grapes. They make rafts which they load with this fruit together with well-cleaned purple flowers and 260 talents of amber, with the same quantity of the purple dye, and 1000 additional talents of amber, which they send annually to the king of India. They exchange the rest for bread, flour, and cotton stuffs with the Indians, from whom they also buy swords for hunting wild beasts, bows, and arrows, being very skillful in drawing the bow and hurling the spear. They cannot be defeated in war, since they inhabit lofty and inaccessible mountains. Every five years the king sends them a present of 300,000 bows, as many spears, 120,000 shields, and 50,000 swords. They do not live in houses, but in caves. They set out for the chase with bows and spears, and as they are very swift of foot, they pursue and soon overtake their quarry. The women have a bath once a month; the men do not have a bath at all, but only wash their hands. They anoint themselves three times a month with oil made from milk and wipe themselves with skins. The clothes of men and women alike are not skins with the hair on, but skins tanned and very fine. The richest wear linen clothes, but they are few in number. They have no beds, but sleep on leaves or grass. He who possesses the greatest number of sheep is considered the richest, and so in regard to their other possessions. All, both men and women, have tails above their hips, like dogs, but longer and more hairy. They are just, and live longer than any other men, 170, sometimes 200 years (Ctesias, “Indica”, from Photius I).
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rakhibazaar · 9 days
Explore the Most Premium Collection of Rakhi Gifts for Brother by Rakhibazaar.com
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One of the festivals that Indians around the world eagerly anticipate is Raksha Bandhan. Due to technological improvements, sending Rakhis to any part of the world is now a simple process that can be done online. In order to enjoy the online Rakhi shopping experience, we have curated a special collection of Rakhi gifts for your brother. We have the best selection of designer Rakhis to basic Rakhis, along with chocolates, dry fruits, personalized photo frames, coffee mugs, and lots more. Pair the Rakhi with flowers, Rakhi with cakes, keychains, T-shirts or anything that goes well with your brother’s personality.
Hence, choose the best Rakhi Gifts for Brother by Rakhibazaar.com and relax! Your loved ones are sure to be overjoyed with these Rakhi specials.
Celebrate Brotherly Love with Kids Rakhi of Rakhi Bazaar
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Rakhis are much more exciting for kids. This Raksha Bandhan, Rakhi Bazaar brings you some of the cutest and attractive Kids Rakhis along with exciting Rakhi gifts for your kiddos. Kids Rakhi of Rakhi Bazaar features playful and colorful designs that children will love. You can pick Superman Rakhi, Doraemon Rakhi, Batman Rakhi, Chhota Bheem Rakhi, Mickey Mouse Rakhi and more. If your brother is fond of lights, then gift LED kids Rakhis that blink with multiple lights when its switch is turned on.
You can also surprise your brother with Rakhis with gifts. Choose cartoon Rakhis with puzzles, chocolates, a stationary set, designer pen, and more. Owing to our wide range and flawless delivery services, you can buy Kids Rakhiand send it to your little brother anywhere in India.
Sending Rakhi to USA from Rakhi Bazaar
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If your brother is residing in the USA and thinking about how to send Rakhi to the USA, then Rakhi Bazaar is the best solution for you. Sending Rakhi to the USA from Rakhi Bazaar is easier now. Explore a wide range of Rakhis so that you can select the perfect Rakhi to make your celebration a lifetime memory. We have a wide range of traditional Rakhis, Kundan Rakhis, Rudraksh Rakhis, Kids Rakhis, Handcrafted Rakhis, Fancy Rakhis, Eco-friendly Rakhis, and many more.
Pair your favorite Rakhi with exclusive gifts to the USA such as chocolates, sweets, dry fruits, photo frames, coffee mugs, wallets, flowers and lots more. This year, convey your Raksha Bandhan greetings and love for your brother through online delivery in the USA.
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inc0rrectmyths · 1 year
HELLO HI I literally had a crisis while trying to decide weather to send you an ask or not 😭😭
I wanted to say YOUR WIPS SOUND SO INTERESTING!! Like tell me more about them plisss 🥺
anyways! soo.. my wips are... complicated..
But here are some smol and BAD summaries..
this is the one I'm currently writing. And also posting about here and there. Its a story about an evil manipulative professor who runs a cult in the name of Caesar and wants to gaslight ppl into killing innocents in the name of Caesar. And he gets a job in a prestigious uni where he teaches the history department. The fourth year students consisting of all foreigners, he finds the perfect opportunity to corrupt them. a lot of murders happen in the campus and then they stop. But on the day of Graduation, when the whole campus was celebrating, the professor is also mysteriously found dead. Typical dark academia murder thriller hehe.
WIP TWO: (SAA:1987)
Its about five friends who live in the same tiny neighborhood. One girl and four boys. One of the boys Kunal is in love with the girl Chitra. And she loves him back. While their little sweet love continues to bloom, the other three boys, Shreyas, Aniruddh and Ronit are stuck in a painful and restricting poly relation. And one unfortunate day, Shreyas' very homophobic family hears the trio doing... stuff... And immediately lock Shreyas up in his room. Now keep in mind, he's a VERY sensitive boy who gets scared and nervous easily. This might seem like nothing to others, but this was a big deal to poor Shreyas, who committed suicide after a few days of being locked and unable to see his two lovers. The story ends in a tragically happy way. Where Kunal and Chitra are married, Ronit and Aniruddh are still dating but they both still mourn Shreyas. But all four of them have learnt to let go of him. Yet, he continues to be a missing piece. Typical tragic love story but make it gay and poly :D
Back to murders! But now we kill criminals instead of innocents. Lord Byron Beckwith, a big British official built an institute in 18th cen Britain and the then colonial India. Two elite institutes for students around the globe. But as decades went by, the two campuses got corrupted. And became hotspots for drug dealings, sex slavery and human trafficking. And the victims were the poor students who were threatened to keep their mouths shut. A bunch of them also killed themselves for this reason. But cuz of the reputation the campuses held, the governments of both countries covered these sinister things with sorry excuses. And that's when a secret society gets revived by six Indian and five British students of Beckwith Institutes. And both the Deans aka the ones who allowed these crimes to take place, of Indian and British Beckwith are found dead. Another typical dark academia murder thriller.
The prince of one of the last remaining royal families of Spain was turning 20. And to gift his son, King invited a well known bard and artist to their palace. The bard was asked to paint a portrait of the prince who was gone for a few days. During these days, the king got so impressed by the bard, he asked him to permanently stay in the palace and entertain his peers. When prince arrived and met the new bard, he found him absolutely repulsive. And decided to avoid the man. But on the other hand, the bard is blown away by the beauty possessed by the prince. And the bard secretly makes prince his own muse. Composing songs for him, painting him or reciting poems in his name. No one knew about it. Until prince, who was weirdly fascinated the bard (he denied it) decided to sneak in his room. And found paintings of him and poems comprising of his name hanging from walls. The prince and the bard form an even stranger relationship where one hates the other but is also fascinated by him and the other one is surely in love but will never confess. This an enemies to lovers stuff with a lot of comedy lmao. Also gay <3
WIP FIVE (TGPW) [probably a duology]
The kingdom of Devhagar and Theoisia are rivals and have centuries long history of war, bloodshed and destruction. They both are constantly trying to win over the Northern and Southern regions which are inhabited by strong mythical beings, clever elves, notorious pirate clans and magicians, and most importantly loads of treasures. The never ending hatred of these two kingdoms was prophesied to stop. It was said that five heroes will rise, who will be from both Devhagar and Theoisia and they will team up together to defeat the two evil kings of the two kingdoms and end the reign of tyranny, black magic, hatred and violence. The Magician, a mysterious traveller with no name, said to be immortal finds two small girls while he was travelling thru Theoisia. Thr girls are named Diana and Minerva and immediately feels an aura around them. He decides to take them with him and protect them but mysterious forces constantly attack them, and The Magician realizes he can't fight all of them alone. He calls Kenneth, the captain of one of the strongest pirate ships. Kenneth and his crew take Diana and Minerva with them to a journey that is to find three boys in the kingdom of Devhagar. And they do find the boys after defeating multiple monsters. Shiva, Vishnu and Indra are the three boys described by The Magician. Now the five children are brought back to the magician. Who enlightens them. They have a task to do, they were born to end evil.
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usafphantom2 · 11 months
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U.S. will send F-16 fighters to the Gulf region to protect ships from Iranian seizures
The U.S. action comes after Iran tried to seize two oil tankers near the strait last week, setting fire to one of them.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 16/07/2023 - 15:49in Military, War Zones
The U.S. is reinforcing the use of fighters around the strategic Strait of Hormuz to protect ships from Iranian seizures.
Speaking to Pentagon reporters, a senior defense official told reporters on Friday that the U.S. will send F-16 fighters to the Gulf region to increase the A-10 attack aircraft that have been patrolling there for more than a week, according to the Associated Press.
The official also said that the U.S. is increasingly concerned about the growing ties between Iran, Russia and Syria in the Middle East.
The defense officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the F-16s will give air cover to ships moving along the waterway and increase the visibility of the military in the area, as an impediment to Iran.
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The U.S. action comes after Iran tried to seize two oil tankers near the strait last week, setting fire to one of them.
Officials said that in the last two years, Iran has persecuted, attacked or interfered in the navigation rights of 15 international-flagged commercial vessels.
At the end of April, Iran seized the Marshall Islands flagd Advantage Sweet while traveling in the Gulf of Oman. Six days later, he seized a second ship, the Niovi, a tanker with the flag of Panama when leaving a dry dock in Dubai.
The Strait of Hormuz, a crucial waterway for the global supply of energy, is usually a place of tense encounters between Americans and Iranian forces.
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In early December, an Iranian patrol boat tried to temporarily blind U.S. Navy ships in the Strait of Hormuz, pointing a spotlight at the ships and crossing them 150 meters from them.
Last August, an Iranian ship seized an American unmanned military research ship in the Gulf, but released it after a patrol boat and a U.S. Navy helicopter were sent to the scene.
Tags: Military AviationF-16 Fighting FalconUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air ForceWar Zones - Iran
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work around the world of aviation.
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Celebrating Raksha Bandhan Across The Globe With rakhi.com
Raksha Bandhan, a cherished Indian festival, is a beautiful celebration of the bond between brothers and sisters. Traditionally, the sister ties a rakhi, a sacred thread, on her brother’s wrist, symbolizing her love and prayers for his well-being, and the brother pledges to protect her throughout her life. This festival, rich in cultural heritage, has transcended borders and is now celebrated with great enthusiasm by Indian communities around the world.
The Global Appeal of Raksha Bandhan
The essence of Raksha Bandhan resonates universally, making it a beloved festival not just in India but globally. Indian diaspora, spread across continents, has taken this tradition with them, and now, whether you are in the USA, UK, Australia, or any other part of the world, you can feel the warmth of this festival. The beauty of Raksha Bandhan lies in its simplicity and the strong emotional bond it signifies, which is a universal sentiment.
Celebrating Raksha Bandhan When Your Brother is Far Away
If your brother is in the USA and you are worried about how to celebrate Raksha Bandhan with him, don’t fret. Modern technology and global connectivity have made it easier to bridge distances. You can still make this Raksha Bandhan special by sending him a rakhi and a heartfelt message, letting him know that your bond remains strong regardless of the miles that separate you.
Explore Exclusive Rakhi Collections from Rakhi.com
To make your Raksha Bandhan celebration seamless and special, check out the exclusive rakhi collection from rakhi.com. With a vast range of beautiful and unique rakhis, you are sure to find the perfect one for your brother. Whether he prefers traditional designs or something more contemporary, RAKHI SETS USA offers something for everyone. Here are a few reasons why rakhi.com is your go-to destination for Raksha Bandhan:
Wide Variety: From traditional rakhis to modern styles, there is a wide array of options to choose from.
Quality: Each rakhi is crafted with care and attention to detail, ensuring the best quality.
Convenience: Easy online ordering and worldwide delivery make it simple to send your rakhi anywhere, including the USA.
Personal Touch: Add a personalized message to make your rakhi even more special.
Combo Options: Explore various combo options with sweets, chocolates, and gifts to make the celebration complete.
How to Send a Rakhi to the USA
Sending a rakhi to your brother in the USA is straightforward with rakhi.com. Simply browse through their extensive collection, select the rakhi that you think your brother will love, and place your order. You can also include a personalized message and choose from a range of delivery options to ensure your rakhi reaches on time. This way, even if you are miles apart, your brother will feel the warmth of your love and blessings.
Make This Raksha Bandhan Special
Raksha Bandhan is more than just a festival; it’s a celebration of the enduring bond between siblings. Despite the physical distance, your love and care can reach your brother through a thoughtfully chosen rakhi. So, this Raksha Bandhan, let RAKHI BY CITIES USA help you bring a smile to your brother’s face, no matter where he is in the world. Embrace the spirit of Raksha Bandhan and celebrate the joy of sibling love across borders.
Explore the beautiful collection at rakhi.com and make this Raksha Bandhan unforgettable for your brother in the USA!
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wellubia · 27 days
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 Mukhwas Gift Hamper and Its Benefits
In a world where gifts often lack meaning and depth, Wellubia presents an opportunity to embrace authentic Indian tradition and flavor with our Mukhwas Gift Hamper. Whether you're celebrating a festival, attending a wedding, or simply expressing appreciation, our Mukhwas Gift Hamper is more than just a present – it's an experience worth savoring. Let's explore the reasons why choosing Wellubia's Mukhwas Gift Hamper is a choice that promises unparalleled benefits.
Why Choose Wellubia Mukhwas
Quality Assurance:
Wellubia Mukhwas prides itself on unparalleled quality. We meticulously select the finest ingredients to ensure every blend meets our rigorous standards. From handpicked spices to carefully sourced seeds, each element undergoes thorough scrutiny to deliver a taste experience that exceeds expectations.
Natural Ingredients:
At Wellubia, we believe in the power of nature's bounty. Our Mukhwas blends are crafted using natural ingredients, free from artificial additives and preservatives. By harnessing the essence of Mother Nature, we offer a pure and authentic flavor profile that resonates with the discerning palate.
Promoting Health and Wellness:
Our commitment to health extends beyond flavor. Wellubia Mukhwas is not just a treat for the taste buds but also a boon for your well-being. Packed with wholesome ingredients, our blends offer various health benefits, including aiding digestion and freshening breath. With Wellubia, you're not just indulging; you're nourishing your body and soul.
Customization Options:
We understand that every palate is unique. That's why we offer customization options to cater to individual preferences. Whether you prefer a mild blend or an extra kick of spice, our Mukhwas can be tailored to suit your taste. Personalize your gifting experience with Wellubia Mukhwas and make every occasion truly special.
Vegan and Chemical-Free:
Ethical and sustainable practices lie at the core of Wellubia's philosophy. Our Mukhwas blends are 100% vegan and cruelty-free, ensuring that no animal products are used in their production. Furthermore, we take pride in our chemical-free approach, prioritizing natural ingredients to deliver a guilt-free indulgence that aligns with your values.
Benefits of Wellubia Mukhwas: Delivery at Doorstep, Hygienic Packaging
Convenient Doorstep Delivery:
With Wellubia Mukhwas, the convenience of doorstep delivery is just a click away. Say goodbye to the hassle of shopping trips and long queues – simply place your order online, and we'll ensure prompt delivery right to your doorstep. Whether you're stocking up for personal indulgence or sending heartfelt gifts to loved ones, we've got you covered.
Hygienic Packaging for Freshness:
We understand the importance of hygiene, especially when it comes to food products. That's why each Wellubia Mukhwas blend is meticulously packaged to preserve its freshness and flavor. Our hygienic packaging not only ensures product integrity but also instills confidence in every bite. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your Wellubia Mukhwas arrives in pristine condition, ready to be savored.
 Benefits of Wellubia Mukhwas: Exquisite Taste Experience, Thoughtful Gifting Option
Exquisite Taste Experience:
Indulge your senses with the exquisite taste experience offered by Wellubia Mukhwas. Our expertly crafted blends tantalize the taste buds with a harmonious fusion of flavors and textures. From the subtle sweetness of fennel seeds to the aromatic richness of cardamom, each bite promises a journey of culinary delight. Elevate your snacking experience with Wellubia Mukhwas and savor the symphony of flavors that celebrate India's culinary heritage.
Thoughtful Gifting Option:
Wellubia Mukhwas isn't just a snack – it's a thoughtful gifting option that speaks volumes. Whether you're expressing gratitude, celebrating milestones, or simply spreading joy, our Mukhwas blends make for a heartfelt and memorable gift. With their elegant presentation and rich cultural significance, Wellubia Mukhwas hampers are the perfect way to show you care. Surprise your loved ones with a gift that's as meaningful as it is delicious, and make every occasion truly special with Wellubia Mukhwas.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Wellubia Mukhwas:
Q: What is Mukhwas?
A: Mukhwas is a traditional Indian after-meal snack known for its digestive properties.
Q: What makes Wellubia Mukhwas unique?
A: Wellubia Mukhwas is crafted with quality ingredients, free from additives, and packaged to maintain freshness.
Q: Are Wellubia Mukhwas blends customizable?
A: Yes, we offer customization options to suit individual preferences.
Q: What health benefits does Wellubia Mukhwas offer?
A: It aids digestion and freshens breath, made from natural ingredients.
Q: How should I store Wellubia Mukhwas?
A: Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.
Q: Can I gift Wellubia Mukhwas?
A: Yes, our elegantly packaged Mukhwas hampers make thoughtful gifts for any occasion.
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craftyinfluencerfun · 28 days
Celebrate Rakhi with Ease The Best Options for Rakhi Delivery in Bangalore
Rakhi, the sacred thread that symbolizes the bond of love between siblings, is a joyous occasion celebrated with great enthusiasm across India. For those residing in Bangalore, being away from family during this special festival can be challenging. However, with the convenience of Rakhi delivery services in Bangalore, celebrating this auspicious day has never been easier! Let's explore how you can make this Rakhi truly memorable by opting for hassle-free Rakhi delivery options in the vibrant city of Bangalore.
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The significance of Rakhi
Rakhi, also known as Raksha Bandhan, holds deep cultural and emotional significance in Indian tradition. This auspicious festival celebrates the timeless bond between brothers and sisters. The ritual involves the sister tying a sacred thread, or rakhi, around her brother's wrist symbolizing her love and protection for him. In return, the brother vows to protect his sister and shower her with blessings. It is a day filled with rituals, prayers, gifts exchange, and delicious sweets shared among family members. The essence of Rakhi transcends mere sibling ties; it embodies unity, strength, and the promise of unconditional support within families. Sisters seek blessings for their brothers' well-being while brothers vow to stand by their sisters through thick and thin. The colorful threads of rakhi symbolize love that knows no boundaries or limitations - a beautiful reminder of cherished relationships that endure the test of time.
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Traditional Rakhi celebrations in Bangalore
In Bangalore, Rakhi holds a special place in the hearts of siblings. The day starts with a traditional ritual where sisters tie the sacred thread or Rakhi on their brothers' wrists as a symbol of love and protection. Brothers, in return, promise to take care of their sisters and shower them with gifts. Families come together for this auspicious occasion, sharing sweets and exchanging heartfelt wishes. The festive spirit is palpable in every corner of the city as people prepare for the celebrations by buying colorful Rakhis and delicious sweets. Some families also perform puja together to seek blessings from the elders for prosperity and well-being. It's a time when traditions are cherished, bonds are strengthened, and memories are created that last a lifetime. Even though modern times may have brought about changes in how we celebrate festivals, the essence of Rakhi remains unchanged - it's about love, unity, and family ties that transcend distance and time.
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Challenges of celebrating Rakhi away from home
Celebrating Rakhi away from home can be a bittersweet experience for many. The distance separating siblings during this special occasion can evoke feelings of nostalgia and longing. Missing out on the traditional rituals, such as tying the sacred thread and exchanging gifts, can create a sense of emptiness in one's heart. The challenge lies in finding ways to bridge the gap between loved ones separated by miles. Technology has made it easier to connect virtually, but nothing compares to being physically present with family on such an important day. The inability to participate in customary festivities together can make the celebration feel incomplete. Moreover, logistical issues like sending Rakhi gifts on time and ensuring their safe delivery add another layer of complexity to celebrating Rakhi from afar. Coordinating schedules across different time zones and managing delivery logistics can be stressful and overwhelming at times. Despite these challenges, the bond between siblings remains strong and resilient. Finding creative solutions to overcome obstacles and keep traditions alive helps strengthen familial ties even when physical distances separate us.
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Why choose Rakhi delivery services in Bangalore?
Living away from your family and loved ones during special occasions like Rakhi can be tough. However, with the convenience of Rakhi delivery services in Bangalore, you can bridge the distance and make your sibling feel cherished on this auspicious day. Opting for a reliable Rakhi delivery service ensures that your token of love reaches your brother or sister on time, even if you are miles apart. Choosing a Rakhi delivery in Bangalore saves you from the stress of finding the perfect gift and shipping it yourself. With just a few clicks online, you can explore a wide range of beautiful Rakhis and gifts to delight your sibling effortlessly. Moreover, these services offer various customization options to add a personal touch to your gift, making the celebration even more special. By selecting a reputable Rakhi delivery service in Bangalore, you can rest assured that your gift will be delivered safely and securely. Many providers offer same-day or next-day delivery options, ensuring that your surprise reaches its destination promptly. Additionally, these services often provide tracking facilities so that you can monitor the progress of your package until it reaches your sibling's doorstep. Incorporating Rakhi delivery services into your celebrations not only saves time but also adds an element of surprise and excitement to this traditional festival. Whether you want to send Rakhis within Bangalore or across India, these services cater to all requirements with efficiency and care.
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Top options for Rakhi delivery in Bangalore
Looking for the best options for Rakhi delivery in Bangalore to make this festival special for your sibling? Look no further! Bangalore offers a plethora of choices when it comes to sending love and blessings wrapped in beautiful Rakhis. From traditional Indian sweet shops that also offer a variety of Rakhis to trendy online gift portals specializing in unique and personalized Rakhi gifts, you have plenty of options to choose from. You can opt for same-day delivery services or schedule the delivery as per your convenience. Many local vendors and e-commerce platforms provide a wide range of Rakhis, including designer Rakhis, silver Rakhis, cartoon-themed Rakhis, and more. With just a few clicks or a phone call, you can ensure that your Rakhi reaches your brother on time. Whether you prefer classic designs or contemporary styles, there's something for everyone in Bangalore's vibrant market for Rakhi deliveries. Make this Raksha Bandhan memorable by selecting the perfect option that suits your sibling's taste and preferences!
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Benefits of using online Rakhi delivery services
When it comes to celebrating Rakhi, distance should never be a barrier. Online Rakhi delivery services in Bangalore make it convenient and hassle-free to send your love across miles with just a few clicks. One of the key benefits of using online Rakhi delivery services is the wide variety of options available at your fingertips. Whether you're looking for traditional Rakhis or trendy designs, you can explore an extensive range of choices online. Another advantage is the convenience factor. With just a few simple steps, you can select the perfect Rakhi for your brother and have it delivered right to his doorstep in Bangalore without any stress or worries. Online Rakhi delivery services also offer flexibility in terms of delivery dates and times. You can schedule the delivery as per your preference, ensuring that your brother receives his Rakhi on time, even if you're running late in making arrangements. Moreover, many online platforms provide tracking facilities so that you can keep an eye on the status of your order until it reaches its destination safely. This added transparency offers peace of mind during the festive season when emotions run high.
Rakhi Delivery In Bangalore offers a convenient and hassle-free way to celebrate Raksha Bandhan, even when miles apart from your loved ones. With a range of options available for online Rakhi delivery services in Bangalore, you can ensure that your sibling feels cherished and remembered on this special day. Whether you opt for traditional Rakhis or trendy designer ones, the top choices for Rakhi delivery in Bangalore cater to all preferences. By choosing these services, you not only save time but also add a personal touch to your celebrations with customizations like same-day delivery and gift combos. This Raksha Bandhan, make the most of technology and modern conveniences by selecting one of the best options for Rakhi delivery in Bangalore. Strengthening sibling bonds has never been easier – so go ahead, send your love through a thread of protection and affection with just a few clicks!
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bitofthisandthat · 1 month
✨ Raj or Bernadette for Sheldon
send ✨ for my muse to talk about their favorite thing about your muse. [ CLOSED MEME ]
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The microbiologist looked at him oddly, and clucked her tongue. "This isn't one of those weird 'Sheldon tests' that's going to bite me in my ass, later is it? Because this chicky ain't falling for it."
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Her biting tone softened, as she looked over his features and didn't see a smirk or sign of 'experimentation.' She sighed softly to herself, the nurturing side of her brain taking over, the part of her that was imbedded equally with her snaps and snarls.
"......If you're being serious...I like how detailed you get when you're on a new tangent...when it's constructive, mind you. Not just for your scientific projects and research, but once you hook onto something your friends or family need, you dig in and make sure the solution happens for them. Even if it's a total disaster and they wanna smack the crap out of you later when it backfires--the point is, you showed them how much you care by how obsessively detailed you got.
I get it, you want them to think you're just being highly analytical and solving a problem because that's what you do, but why bother if you didn't care about them? You don't go to those lengths for just anyone. You may not know how to express your feelings like most people, but you show it better than people that say how they feel all the time. Actions speak louder than words, Sheldon. And most people don't know how to show how they care. They just lie to make people feel better. You go the extra mile for us."
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"It's sweet."
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Raj sat there like a deer in the headlights, immediately thinking of how best to answer this so it was perfect. He was not afraid in the least to tell his friends how he felt about them, in fact he was least emotionally restricted out of them all. BUT, this IS Sheldon, and he didn't want to mess this up.
He sat up with better posture, and looked offsides before refocusing on the taller man. "Okay. This is something I have not yet told you, because I was saving it for a really cool and emotional deathbed moment, like when that old lady in Titanic revealed her life story and then died the next day?
But...here goes."
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"Remember when we first met at MIT? Everyone avoided me because I was the new guy from India, but you came right up to me and Howard, and I thought, seriously? Here we go, I'm going to get crap on my first week in America. But you came up to me and started dumping on me about my recently published paper with the University, and you were SO brazen, like, who is this guy tearing apart my 3 years of research and documentation--and he doesn't even know me?? Then I had a second thought: this guy doesn't tip toe around me because I'm Indian, and assumes he can't talk normally to me! He doesn't revere me or speak to me like I won't understand him. He doesn't speak to me like anything other than a fellow scientist! He doesn't care about anything else but the work. And that, is what it is all for, right? And then a third thought occurs to me: wow, he is a condescending ass.
But then, you basically invited me to lunch to further debate about my paper. Even if people bother you with their flaws and you hate them, you still recognize their value. Or at least...what you will admit to their value."
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rakhibazaar · 18 hours
Send Rakhi with Top 5 Gift Combos from Rakhi Bazaar
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Raksha Bandhan is a superior event that honours the relationship between sisters and brothers. On this auspicious day, the brothers promise to protect his sister, respect her affection, and pray for his well-being. Sisters tie rakhi with its holy thread on the brother's wrist. If their brothers are not with them, they buy and send rakhi with sweets to brother online. The tradition has changed throughout time, and sisters now give their brothers a return gift to mark the day.
The physical separation between siblings is no longer a barrier in the modern age. Rakhi and fun gift combos can now be sent to brothers anywhere in the world with the help of online services like Rakhi Bazaar. The best 5 gift combos from Rakhi Bazaar are examined here in order to provide even more happiness to your Raksha Bandhan festivities.
Buy Top 5 Rakhi Combo from Rakhi Bazaar
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Rakhi with Sweets - Raksha Bandhan is only one of many Indian festivals that heavily feature sweets. One of the most popular traditional combinations for Rakhi is with sweets like Gulab Jamun, Rasgulla, and Kaju Katli. These treats not only represent the sweetness of the sister relationship but also bring joy and celebration to the event.
Rakhi Bazaar offers a variety of combos that allow you to send a little bit of cultural celebration combined with your rakhi. In India, sweets have a solid cultural and traditional role. There are multiple sweets for every taste, from traditional Indian sweets to modern desserts. Giving and receiving sweets is a sign of love and joy.
Rakhi with Chocolates- Offering chocolates together with a rakhi is an excellent choice for people who want to give their holiday celebrations a fantastic twist. Everyone loves chocolate, and it can make anyone happy right away. You can order rakhi with chocolates online to amaze your brother. Rakhi Bazaar provides combos with a range of chocolates, including traditional favourites like Cadbury and Nestle, along with luxury brands.
People of all ages love chocolates. Choose from a range of chocolate types, including milky creams. Premium chocolates add a touch of love to the gift.
Rakhi with a Personalized Gift- Add a special touch to your rakhi gifts to make them even more meaningful. Personalized gifts include photo frames, mugs, pillows, nameplates, and cushions. Rakhi Bazaar offers a range of personalized gift sets that may be modified to include meaningful notes or priceless photos. Personalization gives the present more sentimental worth. Gifts with personal touches are treasured and appreciated for a very long time. Every present is different and made just for the receiver.
Rakhi with Dry Fruits- Dry fruit rakhi is an excellent alternative if you're searching for a nutritious and fresh gift. Nuts and other dry fruits like almonds are not only delicious but also a great source of essential nutrients. This set is ideal for their healthy brothers who value such precious gifts. Nutrient solidity is a significant property of dry fruits. Compared to other gifts that spoil quickly, it lasts longer. It's a durable and high-end gift choice. This way, you can send rakhi with dry fruits from rakhi bazaar for your loving brother.
Rakhi with Greeting Cards and Flowers—A small yet tasteful present can say a lot at times. Sending a rakhi with fresh flowers and a lovely greeting card is a great way to express your genuine feelings. The handcrafted greeting cards and flower designs available at Rakhi Bazaar can complement a present box with a rakhi. Flowers give the party a hint of beauty and brightness. Greeting cards offer you a chance to put your emotions into words. It is an ageless and traditional method to celebrate Raksha Bandhan.
Rakhi Bazaar offers a wide selection of rakhi gift combos to suit every taste and desire, revolutionizing the way we celebrate Raksha Bandhan. You can gift your brother personalized presents, messages, flowers, trendy chocolates, traditional sweets, or nutritious dry fruits.
Sending rakhi along with above mentioned top 5 gift combinations not only keeps the tradition alive but gives the festivities a modern twist. Thus, this Raksha Bandhan, celebrate the bond of affection and safety that defines this lovely festival by making your brother's day special with a beautifully picked gift combo from Rakhi Bazaar.
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gifts-myntra · 2 months
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Sweets to India" offered by giftsmyntra.com is a delectable journey of flavors tailored to bring joy to your loved ones across the miles. Indulge in the timeless tradition of gifting sweetness, where every bite is a celebration of love and togetherness
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yuvaflowers · 3 months
Holi, the ancient Hindu festival known as the 'festival of colours', is widely celebrated. Send Holi gifts online to your family and friends to foster joy and unity. YuvaFlowers provides a diverse selection of Holi special gifts, with options for same-day, midnight, and express delivery.
Experience the Vibrant Spirit of Holi with YuvaFlowers' Exclusive 2024 Collection
It seems like you're interested in exploring Holi-related offerings on YuvaFlowers, an Indian gifting portal. While I can't provide real-time information about YuvaFlowers' current offerings, I can give you a general idea of what they might offer for the Holi festival: Holi Sweets: YuvaFlowers may offer a variety of traditional Indian sweets such as gujiya, , laddoos, and other festive treats that are popularly exchanged during Holi. Holi Colors & Gulal: YuvaFlowers may provide packages of colorful powders (gulal) and Holi colors, which are essential for celebrating the festival. These colors are used to playfully smear on each other's faces during the festivities.
Holi Hampers:
Elevate your gifting experience with YuvaFlowers' diverse range of Holi hampers. Our curated selection includes water guns, traditional Holi sweets, cookies, Namkeen, organic Gulaal sets, Desi snacks, chocolates, and more.
Holi Flowers:
Express your care and affection with the timeless beauty of Holi flowers. Our exquisite blooms, bursting with vibrant hues, serve as thoughtful gifts, symbolizing joy and happiness for your dear ones.
Holi Combos:
Make a lasting impression with our specially curated Holi combos, guaranteed to delight your loved ones. Explore our thoughtful combinations of gifts, tailored to spread joy and bring smiles this festive season.
India's Gifting Portal: As an online gifting portal based in India, YuvaFlowers likely offers a wide range of gifting options not only for Holi but for various occasions throughout the year. This may include flowers, cakes, chocolates, personalized gifts, and gift hampers tailored specifically for the Holi festival. For the most accurate and up-to-date information on YuvaFlowers' Holi offerings, including their product range, pricing, and delivery options, I recommend visiting their official website or contacting their customer support directly. READ MORE :
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amitabhnayar · 4 months
A Comprehensive Guide for Couriers: Shipping Sweets and Snacks via the Courier Service from India to the France
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In the realm of international shipping, sending sweets and snacks from India to France requires careful consideration and meticulous planning to ensure that the items reach their destination in optimal condition. From selecting the right courier service to packaging the items securely, every step plays a crucial role in ensuring a successful shipment. This comprehensive guide is designed to assist couriers in navigating the process of shipping sweets and snacks via courier service from India to France, providing valuable insights and practical tips for a smooth and hassle-free experience.
Understanding the Importance of Proper Packaging
Ensuring Freshness and Quality
Proper packaging is essential for preserving the freshness and quality of sweets and snacks during transit. Couriers must choose packaging materials that provide adequate protection against moisture, heat, and physical damage, ensuring that the items arrive in France in the same condition as they were sent from India.
Preventing Contamination
Sweets and snacks are susceptible to contamination if not packaged correctly. Couriers should use food-grade packaging materials and employ hygienic handling practices to minimize the risk of contamination during shipping. Sealing the packages securely also helps prevent exposure to external contaminants.
Selecting the Right Courier Service
Researching Courier Options
Couriers should conduct thorough research to identify reputable courier services that offer shipping from India to France. Consider factors such as reliability, transit times, pricing, and customer reviews when evaluating courier options. Look for services that specialize in international shipping and have experience handling food items.
Checking Shipping Restrictions
Before choosing a courier service from India to France, couriers should check for any shipping restrictions or regulations related to sending food items. Some couriers may have specific guidelines or requirements for shipping perishable goods, so it's essential to verify these details beforehand.
Packaging Guidelines for Shipping Sweets and Snacks
Use Air-Tight Containers
Pack sweets and snacks in air-tight containers to prevent moisture and air from affecting their freshness. Consider using vacuum-sealed bags or sealed plastic containers for optimal preservation during transit.
Cushioning and Padding
To protect delicate sweets and snacks from breakage, use cushioning materials such as bubble wrap or packing peanuts inside the shipping box. Ensure that the items are securely packed and do not shift during transit to minimize the risk of damage.
Tips for Successful Shipment
Clearly label the packages with the contents and indicate that they contain food items. Include any relevant information such as expiration dates or storage instructions to ensure that the recipient is aware of the contents and can handle them appropriately upon arrival.
Shipping During Cooler Months
If possible, schedule the shipment during cooler months to minimize the risk of heat exposure during transit. Extreme temperatures can affect the quality and freshness of food items, so it's advisable to avoid shipping during hot weather conditions.
Shipping sweets and snacks from India to France via courier service requires careful attention to packaging, selection of the right courier service, and adherence to shipping guidelines. By following the comprehensive guide outlined above, couriers can ensure that the items reach their destination safely and in optimal condition. With proper packaging techniques, selection of a reputable courier service, and adherence to shipping regulations, couriers can facilitate successful shipments of sweets and snacks from India to France, delighting recipients with a taste of Indian cuisine.
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sharmablog123 · 5 months
Wishes, sayings, and pictures to send to loved ones on this 75th Republic Day of 2024: Happy Republic day
Happy 75th Republic Day! Wishes, Sayings, and Pictures for Loved Ones:
Short and sweet:
May the tricolor always fly high, symbolizing the strength and pride of our nation. Happy Republic Day!
75 years of freedom, countless stories of unity. Wishing you a Happy Republic Day filled with love and joy!
Let's honor the sacrifices, cherish the present, and strive for a brighter future. Happy Republic Day!
On this special day, my heart overflows with gratitude for our freedom and the values enshrined in our Constitution. Happy Republic Day!
May the spirit of unity and brotherhood always guide us as a nation. Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous Republic Day!
Remembering the countless sacrifices that paved the way for our freedom. Let's continue to uphold their legacy with pride. Happy Republic Day!
Sending warm wishes to you and your family on this Republic Day. May your day be filled with joy and the spirit of celebration!
Grateful to have you by my side as we celebrate this remarkable milestone in our nation's history. Happy Republic Day!
Let's raise a toast to the land we call home and the values we hold dear. Happy Republic Day, my dear [Name]!
"Freedom is not license, it is opportunity." - Jawaharlal Nehru
"A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest citizens." - Mahatma Gandhi
"Democracy is not simply a form of government. It is an attitude of mind, a state of the soul." - Aneurin Bevan
"In a free society, where opinions are uncensored, debate is inevitable." - B.R. Ambedkar
"The only tyrant I accept in this world is my conscience." - Mahatma Gandhi
The Indian flag waving proudly against a clear blue sky
Children holding the flag with faces full of joy
Monuments of national importance like the Red Fort or India Gate
Traditional artwork depicting scenes from India's history
Collage of diverse Indian faces representing unity in diversity
Photographs of nature in India showcasing its beauty and resilience
Upload a picture of yourself or your loved ones celebrating Republic Day
Create a custom picture with text and images representing your feelings about the occasion
Bonus tips:
Add a personal touch to your message by mentioning a specific memory or tradition you share with your loved ones related to Republic Day.
Use relevant hashtags like #HappyRepublicDay #75YearsFreeIndia #JaiHind in your social media posts.
Consider creating a short video message to share your wishes and express your patriotism.
Remember, the most important thing is to send a message that comes from the heart and expresses your love for your country and your loved ones.
I hope this helps you celebrate Republic Day!
For more Information visit us:
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