#Sendai Gigs
totchiiiiii · 7 months
Today outfits were all black sleeveless except Kaoru and Shinya. Kaoru shirt was white with black jacket. His blonde-ish hair was the same sleek back. Toshiya with shorter hair and black lips, love!
This was the 1st time , I was at Die side of the stage. His eyes were dangerous! His stares! and the pick that did not reach me lol
Toshiya was cool and handsome as always although he only opened his shirt to show some packs like usual.
Shinya and his drum stick right on above my head but I could not grab it lol there was a little war when it dropped on the floor though 🥲
They started with slow and ballad songs on the first half. The stage had big white curtain in front with kind of twist + scary stories about mankind and revolution? screening on it with them behind playing Otogi.
The start of The World of Mercy, Kyo did some haunting sound , with the smoke effect from the bull head it was like a voice of a person was burning inside the Phalaris which caused me to cry...embarrassing 😅 but it sounded really hurt and painful.
WOW! Kamuy was unbelievable, emotional, impactful oh man it was perfect and I couldn't take my eyes off from Kyo 🥹
The candle...the scent of the peaceful death, I try to smell without lighting it 😂 smell good!
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See you again at Zepp Haneda!
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koeni9 · 2 years
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amjustagirl · 2 years
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chapter 14: burn away your fears
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chapters: 14 / 15
pairing: miya osamu x f! reader
genre: romance / angst / fluff
word count: 5.4k
summary: miya osamu does not dare set fire to his heart. it burns anyway.
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A year later, it’s surprising how much things change. 
Atsumu, of course, has the most dramatic change of trajectory. He announces his professional volleyball after a lightouts game against the Adlers where he wins with a setter dump and a record four dramatic aces. The stands are silent, the audience tearful when he bows to them with uncharacteristic humility, kneeling down to touch the polished wooden floors one last time before he leaves the arena. Olympic medals, V-league medals, two stints in Italy (the second one sanctioned by Kaiyo and the kids), and he closes this chapter of his life on the highest of highs.  
He knows it’s difficult for Atsumu to envision what’s next because volleyball has been all he’s known from the age of eight, and gods does Atsumu mope to no end, hanging around the restaurants with a long face until he has to banish him for scaring his customers, growing more despondent after unsuccessful career talks with Meian Shugo (now, a professional sports agent), Bokuto (a junior coach), Kiyoomi (a suit in the JVA). 
It’s lucky he has Kaiyo on his side. 
She very shrewdly sets up a meeting with her cousin Azumi, now happily married to Sakusa Kiyoomi, a sports writer with numerous contacts in the sports media industry. A deal is cut quite quickly, because corporate sharks move in to capitalise on Atsumu’s marketability - good-looks and a charming Kansai accent with the credibility from being an Olympian. He’s booked as a commentator for both Inter High and Spring High -  much to Shino’s dismay though, in her first year of high school volleyball she has to deal with her dad bawling into the microphone when her team wins a match, but it seems be a success because jobs flow in after that, and Atsumu is jetting around the world for gigs, even going viral when he’s filmed on a flight to the volleyball world championship in Rome loudly professing his love to Kaiyo to the consternation of the cabin crew who just want him to turn off his damn phone. 
Shino - well, she breaks her father’s heart (an exaggeration, she’d say, with a flick of her ponytail) by taking a scholarship to Niyama Girl’s High School in Sendai instead of staying in Osaka - her uncle Hinata’s delighted because that’s Natsu’s alma mater, though Atsumu’s somewhat pleased that it puts distance between her and Meian Makoto. Not that it works, he walks in on them making out during a school break when she’s back home and Shino runs off to Kita’s farm in Hyogo to complain and give her father more heartache. 
“Kids are a pain”, Atsumu whines. 
“Nah, just yours. Cos they take after you.” Osamu retorts. 
Shoma’s his usual self, a snack perpetually in hand, intent on learning to cook more dishes so he can feed Asami-chan whenever he visits the Kitas on their farm in Hyogo - Kaiyo and Ichika of course are planning their kids’ wedding more than a decade too early. Not much has changed other than surprising his dad by voluntarily joining volleyball as a club activity. He’s actually pretty good, for an eight year old, though it’s not settled whether he likes setting or spiking better yet. 
Kaiyo’s just her usual self. Everything’s right in her world - she has no more friends to meddle with (maybe she should deal with Suna, hrm), she’s happy with her job, her family doesn’t give her too many headaches (well, other than Shino finding out that ‘Tsumu was a shit husband and dad for the first three years of her life and throwing a snit about it, the aforementioned debacle of Shino running off to Hyogo, Shoma buying tickets and nearly running off to Hyogo by himself) - okay, maybe her life isn’t exactly drama free with two madcap kids and a husband who behaves like a lovesick kid, but it’s pretty smooth sailing nonetheless. She and Ichika regularly have sleepovers (no one’s ever too old for a pyjama party with pizza) and you’re often invited along as a third of their unholy trio. 
Though…you did call out of the most recent one, saying you weren’t up to it. 
He chalked it up to stress from work. Your business is growing strong, though you still find the time to help out at his restaurants, despite him protesting that he doesn’t want to eat into your free time, that you should take your off days seriously, laze in bed or go out to cafes with Kaiyo or Suzuki-san, anything other than rolling up your sleeves to make batches and batches of onigiris with him and the crew. 
“But you’re here, aren’t you?” 
He finds himself unable to argue with that. Even though you’ve finally given in and moved into his apartment, insisting on paying rent to him (now it’s funny because you’re each other’s landlords) which he only accepts as your pre-condition to moving yourself and Kombu-chan in. He’s squirrelling that cash into a little fund for - well, he doesn’t quite know what to do with it, but he has plans that potentially involve a long holiday to Thailand and a ring. 
For now, it’s nice having you to come back to every night after a long day of running the restaurants. It’s a little more crowded, a little messier - a litter box and cat bed that he trips over in the living room, a ludicrous amount of kitchen utensils and never enough space on the countertops, but it’s all the better for it. Catching each other’s eyes in the toilet mirror whilst brushing teeth and cracking up over a joke you just shared, playing tetris with a too-full fridge, babysitting Shoma and introducing him to the wonders of a blanket fort party when Kaiyo and ‘Tsumu go for their weekly pizza dates - he never thought he could be this happy so easily. 
His apartment truly feels like home. 
“What time are you coming back?” 
A text from you isn’t amiss around this time. It’s past the lunch crush and he usually heads back to the apartment for a quick nap, since he’s usually covering the dinner shift as well. You’re often in the kitchen experimenting, drawing up the menu for the weekend, and he should find you there. But the apartment remains quiet even after he calls out a cheery tadaima, so he goes to investigate, kicking his shoes off in the genkan, padding around until he finds signs of life in the toilet. 
The door is locked, but he can hear the unmistakable sound of someone emptying out their guts. Alarmed, he jiggles it open, and you just groan, head lolling against the seat. 
“Hey”, he murmurs, approaching you gingerly, the way one might with a feral cat (like you and Kombu-chan, a funny coincidence). 
You hug the cistern for dear life. 
He picks you off the floor as if you weigh no more than a bag of rice. Wipes your mouth with a damp towel, urges you to gargle your mouth while he mixes day-old rice with the chicken stock he always has on hand in a pot, serving it to you in a bowl when it comes to a boil. You barely take three spoonfuls of it before pushing it away, claiming you’re full.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, rounding the table to kneel in front of you, taking your hands in his.
“Nothing”, you say, but it’s as unconvincing as Shoma claiming he’s not hungry when he’s staring at food with eyes the size of dinner plates. 
“Shall we make an appointment to see the doctor? I think we should, if you’re not feeling well.” 
“I think you should”, he argues, unconvinced. “You’ve been feelin’ so sick recently, I don’t know whether it’s been a particularly bad batch of shellfish, maybe. And lately you’ve been getting more and more tired, even though you’re going to bed early and sleepin’ in.” 
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s something”, he stresses. “You’re clearly not well - cos you’re pukin’ and you’re tired, and I gotta be honest, you’ve been a bit moody and your back hurts even though your period hasn’t come in the past -” 
It finally clicks. 
“Sweetheart”, he says gently. “Are you pregnant?” 
You confirm his suspicions by breaking down, burying your face into the cradle of your arms, you bawl brokenly. “I can’t do this”, you cry. “I can’t, I - I can’t - ”
It’s not that you’ve never talked about having a family before. In truth, you’ve both left it up to chance, being lax with - well, protection, because if fate decrees it - then well, it’s meant to be. He definitely dreams of a family, made up of you and him and Kombu-chan and a kid that’s got a little bit of him and a little bit of you. And you’re so good with Shoma (he follows you around, convinced that you hold all the secrets to the kitchen in your hands), with the kids who visit the restaurant, going out of the way to add little decorations to their onigiris - a smiley face cut into the nori sheets, an extra bit of fruit sliced into stars and bunnies and hearts. 
But your happiness is worth far more than any of that to him. 
“It’s okay”, he says, measuring his every word. “You don’t have to have it. The baby, I mean - cos’ you’re pregnant, aren’t ya? Iif you don’t want to.” But then he trips himself to add (because the spectre of ‘Tsumu in his chaotic, storm filled years looms, large and ominous), “but if you want to have it, I’m gonna be here for you, every step of the way. It’s your choice, sweetheart, and I’ll support whatever it is you choose.” 
It just makes you sob harder. There’s nothing he can do but rub circles into the small of your back until you hiccup into his shoulder. 
“I don’t know what to do.” 
“It’s okay”, he says, because really, what else can he say? “It’s okay.” 
But it isn’t okay because you keep him at a distance over the next couple of days, even though you cancel the next few engagements you have to hole up in bed, your eyes red and puffy, and you refuse to eat more than a few bites of all the treats he offers in an attempt to lure you out of the fort you’ve built with all the pillows and blankets you have at home. 
He waits, not because he’s a patient man by nature, but because he knows that burns hurt, raw and red. Rushing back to the kitchen before the memory scabs over will leave one too scared to approach the roaring flames in the stove. And if you need time to consider the implications of how your life might change, ponder your choices, weigh what you want your future to hold, you have every right to. 
He’ll wait for you. He’ll support whatever decision you make. 
(even if he dreams and hopes of you and him and well - it’s not his choice to make) 
He waits until you stick a hand out of your blanket fort, fumbling around in the dark to grasp his hand, doesn’t say a word until you croak, staring up at the ceiling, counting the cracks. 
“I can’t do it. I don’t know how to.”
“Neither do I”, he admits, though he burns to add that he’ll try, gods does he want to try with you. 
“I’ll be a terrible mother”, you say. “I don’t know how to keep a kid alive. Do I feed it rice? What if I drop it? What if I start resenting the kid for hijacking my life - I mean, it’s literally a parasite isn’t it, at this point? What if - I don’t know, I mean - my parents weren’t exactly great - and what if, what if my kid ends up unhappy, I wouldn’t know how to make a kid happy, what do I do - what do I do -”
“I’m scared too.” 
Your grip tightens. “Yeah”, you exhale. 
He waits for your breath to even out to unearth you from your hiding hole, removing each pillow from your carefully constructed tower, brick by brick before wrapping himself against your back, arm over your sternum. “It’s okay to be scared.”
You only hiccup. 
“But”, again, he chooses his words with care, mindful not to imply that it’s anything but your choice. “Whatever you choose to do, you don’t have to be brave by yourself.” 
Again, you hiccup. “And if I chose to have it? A baby, I mean.” 
“Then I’ll be with you every step of the way.”
His heart leaps, skips a beat, then two and he almost forgets to breathe when you laugh, a watery sound but a laugh nonetheless. 
“You’re a brave man to promise that, Miya Osamu.” 
“Not as brave as you”, he replies, because it’s true. 
Having courage doesn’t have to mean going out into the great, wide world, performing bold, dashing feats of heroism. It’s as simple as putting one foot in front of the other day after day without letting your fears and insecurities chase you back into your safe hiding place. Life can be hard as fuck sometimes, and it’s so easy to lose sight of your dreams and passions, but you’re trying your best to leave your ghosts behind, overcome everything that’s been placed in your way and by gods, does he love you for it. 
So it just seems like the right time, a week later, to get down yet again on his knees before you, a box with a gold ring inside instead of a bowl of porridge. “Marry me”, he says, the entire speech he’s prepared for the occasion flying out of his head, all he can think of is here and now and there’s nothing he wants so much as to solidify that you and him and the baby and kombu-chan are a family. 
His family. 
You ruffle his hair with a rueful smile. “You shouldn’t propose just cos’ because a baby’s on the way.” 
He’s startled into a laugh. “D’you seriously think I’m proposin’ cos of the baby?” 
“Nah. That’s not why I’m proposing.” 
He gathers you into his arms, meets your frown of confusion with a kiss on top of your nose. 
“I love you. I’m proposin’ cos I’m greedy and I wanna make sure I can tell everyone that you and Kombu-chan and that baby in your belly is my family.” 
You push him away, gaining some space between you and him. “Why me?”  
“Why you?” he echoes. “It’s always gonna be you. There’s never been anyone for me but you.” 
Your frown deepens. “But…I’m just me.” 
“That’s right”, he tucks your hair behind your ear. “You’re you. And that’s all I want.” 
There’s a smile creeping onto your face, spring sunshine after a long, dark winter. “That’s not answering my question.” 
“You want me to give you a list of reasons why I wanna marry you?” You tweak his nose, and he thinks that means yes. “You’re brave, even though there’s so much to be scared about. You’re kind, even though life is hard and the world can be a shit place full of shittier people. You’re smart and gorgeous and funny and patient and all of you makes me wanna be a braver, better man so I can catch up with you and be by your side.”
“Sweet talker”, you poke his side. 
“Well, you asked”, he chuckles. “So, how ‘bout it?” 
“How about what?” 
“Sweetheart”, he groans. “You’re killin’ me.”
A few beats pass, the longest pause in his life, where he’s waiting and hoping at the crossroads for you. But then you take the box out of his hand. With shaking hands, you slide the ring onto your fourth finger, a shimmer of gold in the shadows. 
“You make me happy, Miya Osamu.” 
He takes your hand, the hand with his ring on it. He wants to tell you that he’ll keep trying his best to make you happy, because you’ve made him the happiest man of earth by agreeing to be his family (you, kombu-chan and the baby in your belly), but there’s a tidal wave of emotion that swells in a rush of salt and water in his eyes, tears that you wipe away with a tender smile. 
You take his hand, humming a tuneless melody as you dance in the kitchen, laughing like children as you trip over each other’s feet in an uncoordinated waltz. Heedless to the world spinning off its axis, crashing and burning. He has you and Kombu-chan and the baby and as long as the lot of you are headed in the same direction together (a family), then he’s happy. He has all that he wants. 
He sets fire to his heart, lets it flare bright in the blue dawn sky. 
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It is not a lie. It is not a dream. 
You are happy. So incredibly, impossibly happy that you have to pinch yourself to convince yourself that it’s real, this is your life. Like champagne bubbles that pop, you have to savour every sip. “D’you think grillin’ these onigiris will counterbalance the sweet glaze?” Osamu asks when you wander out of the bedroom, long after the sun hangs in the sky. 
“You can always try”, you offer, still groggy as you slip into a seat by the breakfast counter. 
“Eat up”, he passes you a plate full of onigiris and pork bone soup and pickles and - when did he get up to get all of this ready - “You and the kid needs feedin’.” 
“Osamu”, you murmur. He drops everything to pay attention to your every word, leaning his full weight on the countertop. 
“What’s wrong?” 
You’re not sure if it’s the raging hormones, or the fact that you’re just overwhelmed by how happy and content you are, but you’re suddenly overcome with the need to weep and belly laugh and tell Osamu how he’s made you so, so ridiculously, uncharacteristically giddy, that you do all of the above. 
“Hey, no - sweetheart, c’mere. Why’re you cryin? Was it somethin’ wrong my big mouth said?” 
You let him gather you into his lap, rocking you as if you’re the baby (and not the one growing one), hiccuping and crying and giggling and - yes, you’re definitely going insane - it’s too much but not too much at the same time. 
“I’m - I’m too happy, ‘Samu - and we have a wedding to plan!” 
The tense line of his shoulder relaxes. He presses a kiss to your hairline, smoothing out the wrinkles in your brow. You can feel the curve of his smile grow against your cheek. 
“There’s no such thing as too happy, sweetheart. And don’t worry ‘bout the wedding. Leave everything to me.” 
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That was what he intended. 
But leave to Kaiyo to have everything in hand when she finds out that not only are you pregnant, you also need a wedding planned, stat. It’s not that either of you made a big announcement, wanting to wait until you were at least twelve weeks along, but she deduces it for herself when you religiously avoid any alcohol or raw food at your next izakaya get-together, even asking to meet somewhere which bans indoor smoking.
She swings herself (and Ichika) into full wedding prep mode with so much enthusiasm he has to tell her to calm herself down, because she whips out her old Shiromuku kimono that both she and Ichika wore to their weddings and starts chattering about making arrangements at the Miya family shrine, the traditional wedding venue where she and Atsumu got married more than a decade ago - 
“We were thinkin’ of gettin’ married at Kita’s farm instead.” 
Ichika squeals and calls Shinsuke immediately. Kaiyo just gives him a small smile of understanding. 
There are too many parallels between him and Atsumu as it is. 
A baby before a wedding - of course, it’s not quite an accident since you and he left the question of a baby to chance, and it wouldn’t be the whoopsy daisy accident that Shin-chan was to ‘Tsumu and Kaiyo, both on the cusp of starting their careers. And a wedding that’s accelerated because a baby’s on the way - not that he needed to be walloped on the nose to marry, gods he can’t wait, but still, but still, he’s not the foolish, selfish Atsumu of yesteryear. 
“You’ll make a great dad.” 
Shoma’s over in the kitchen with you, eight years old and holding a knife without any fear whatsoever, producing neat, evenly sized slices of fish that even adults would be hard pressed to do. Atsumu’s ‘hanging out’ with him - though that’s just a euphemism for crash my brother’s shop and bug him to make a load of fatty tuna onigiris for me. 
“Thanks for the vote of confidence”, he replies, tone drier than that awful pitcher of sake Gintama produced in his backyard. 
“You’re welcome”, Atsumu says cheerfully, gobbling up yet another onigiri. “You’re damn good with Sho-chan, he probably wants to hang out with you more than he does with his dear old dad-” 
“Because I always have food and that kid thinks with his stomach-” 
“And Shin-chan comes to the restaurant to mope whenever she has a bad game - ”
“Reminds me of a certain someone, huh.” 
“The point is”, Atsumu swallows a mouthful of rice. “Thanks, y’know? For steppin’ in and helpin’ with my kiddos and Kaiyo even though you didn’t need to. And now it’s your turn. You’re gonna do great.” 
You don’t need to thank me, he wants to tell his twin. Cos you’d do the exact same for me. 
But it’s two o’clock in the afternoon and he’s not about to reach into the well of his emotional depths. “You’re just laughin’ that I’ll be having sleepless nights with night feeds in my old age.”
Atsumu gets it though. He always does. 
“I mean, I’ll help whenever I can! Commentating for games means my hours are kinda chill now, so -” 
Osamu pinches the bridge of his nose. “If your ‘helpin’ means teachin’ the baby to set with frozen grapes, then I’d much rather not, thank you.” 
Strangely enough, his twin does not take offence. He just remains seated, placidly sipping his miso soup, whereas if Osamu’d said that exact thing to him (save the commentating - that’s a recent career move following retirement), he’d have been at the risk of being severely throttled, ‘cos ‘Tsumu’s a hothead like that. Osamu squints at him. Old age perhaps (but that means he’s old too, and he’s not). Or maybe fatherhood has finally mellowed him out (a more probably explanation, cos parenting Shin-chan would tire anyone out - she’s like ‘Tsumu but female and with Kaiyo’s smarts, a lethal combination). 
“Why’re you starin’ at me like that?” 
If he shares what exactly is flitting through his mind, he’s definitely in for a beating, and it’s too late in the afternoon for that. “Nothin’”, he mutters. 
Thankfully, Atsumu’s attention is diverted by the last onigiri on the plate. Or at least, that’s what Osamu thinks because when Atsumu wipes his plate clean, he’s still oddly quiet, whereas typically, he’d be chattering about the mundane shit that happens throughout his day or week - like the fact that he pissed Sakusa-san off during a recent tournament by pointing him out as a former teammate on camera, even though he’s no longer a professional (but it’s Omi-Omi! Even if he is a stuffy suit with the JVA, he’s still one of the best spikers ever!) or when he interviewed Shin-chan before Spring High and asked if she plans to win, as is the Miya family way and promptly got embarrassed, because she pointed out that Inarizaki never took home the title with them (I mean it’s true, but she has NO TACT), never mind that’s exactly how Atsumu himself would have responded as a cocky fifteen year old. 
But now, Atsumu is oddly quiet. The calm before the storm. 
“What’s with you?” Osamu asks, impatient. 
Atsumu takes his own sweet time to reply. Takes far too many beats, as if he’s considering his words which he’s probably never done in his entire life. 
“D’you think we’re livin’ up to Oto-san’s standards?” 
Osamu promptly takes a swig of Gintama’s sake from a flask he hides under the counter for when he encounters a stream of tough customers and requires a break. “Woah. That’s way too deep for two thirty in the afternoon.”
Atsumu throws back in his head and laughs. “I guess he’s probably just relieved that I didn’t end up gettin’ kicked out by Kaiyo. He’d be proud of you though.” 
It’s not the alcohol that burns the back of his throat. “You think so?” Osamu croaks. 
“I don’t think it, I know it”, Atsumu pronounces with the cheesiest grin ever, and he’s about to reach over and slap it off his face when he realises that there are cracks in the facade, a dull shine in his twin’s eyes that telegraphs regret, guilt perhaps.
As much as he shits on Atsumu’s past transgressions, he’s more than made up for it - at least vis a vis the kids. He’s attended every single game of Shino’s that he’s humanly able to, rushing from practice to sit at the stands and yell encouragement after every spike, successful or unsuccessful, so vociferously that she’s tried to ban him from her games until he learns some semblance of volume control (imagine her horror when her FATHER is the commentator for Spring High). For Shoma - he’s never once expressed any jealousy that the little boy prefers hanging out in the kitchen with him, buying child-appropriate kitchen utensils and watching umpteenth youtube videos about cooking and food for the kid, even worriedly checking if Sho-chan’s really, truly, one hundred and twenty per cent sure that he wants to join volleyball as a club activity in elementary school (I didn’t want him to feel like he had to play volleyball cos I did, he explained).
“I think you’re a good dad too.”
Atsumu sniffles. “If I’m ever a bad dad, make sure you punch me.” 
“Happy to.” But even as Osamu rolls his eyes, he adds. “And if I’m ever a bad dad to my kid -” 
“I’d be happy to break your nose.” 
“Don’t sound so happy when you say that, it’s gross.” 
“Sho-chan”, Osamu hears you chime in from the kitchen, airily light but with a hint of steel. “Please don’t listen to your ‘to-san or ‘ji-san when they talk about breaking people’s noses, okay? If we’re going to nourish people with our cooking, we shouldn’t harbour thoughts about hurting them.”
“I broke ‘Tsumu’s nose ‘cos he was a jerk to Kaiyo.”
 “Yep.” Atsumu confirms. “Definitely deserved that.” 
You shake your head. “You are both good fathers, despite your penchant for violence. Sho-chan, make sure you don’t learn from them. I’m sure your Okaa-san would agree with me.”
Shoma pipes up. “‘Ka-san told me to kick anyone who says cookin’ is for girls. They’re wrong. Cooking’s for everyone.”
You look horrified, especially when Osamu nods his head approvingly at Shoma. Atsumu just guffaws. 
Thankfully, you’re still willing to marry him despite your horror at the Miya family’s penchant for violence. The entire Miya family decamps to the Kitas’ farm, much to the delight of Kaiyo and Shoma, the guesthouse is bursting the seams with wedding guests - the entire Inarizaki team, the Onigiri Miya crew, your adopted Thai aunties you kept in contact with and their families, even Nishinoya Yu - he remembers him as the libero Atsumu targeted the first time they played Karasuno (it almost bowled him over to find out that you ran into him in Chiang Mai, what even are the odds of that!).
Much of the day before the wedding is spent catching up with his old classmates - heck, even Aran flies back for the wedding despite coaching duties in the States, and a very rowdy afternoon is spent reminiscing about their school days over pints of beer, before everyone convenes for dinner, the spread prepared by you and your Thai aunties - curries and fruit salads, salt grilled fish cooked over an open fire. His crew will take over for the wedding lunch tomorrow as their wedding present to him. With all the chefs in attendance for this wedding, everyone’s stomachs will be kept very, very full. 
Shoma even gets in on the action, volunteering to wake up early with Asami-chan and Obaa-chan to cook porridge for breakfast tomorrow morning, before everyone will make their way to the village shrine. A simple ceremony conducted by the Shinto priests, taking three sips of sake (alcohol free for you), before celebration over lunch back on the farm. From the sound of murmuring between Morita, Ishida and Miyamura, it seems like they have no plans for lunch to stop anytime before supper, so it’s going to be a raucous, all-day feast, for sure. And between speeches by Atsumu and Kaiyo, Suzuki-san and Kita, it’s going to be a long, long day. 
Luckily it’s summer, where the days stretch past the horizons, the season of love. “You should look for your bride, make sure she hasn’t run away yet”, Suna says without bite. So he takes his leave from his friends, finding you under the forsythia shrub, sheltering from the multitude of well wishers and the summer heat. 
“Have you eaten yet?” 
“Too much”, you groan. “People keep trying to feed me. And Kaiyo and Ichika had this weird competition in the kitchen that they made me the judge of, where they’re trying to deep fry the weirdest things in a vat of oil - which is made even more ridiculous by the fact that it’s summer and it’s boiling hot.”
“You try eating deep fried kimchi stuffed in a bittergourd - “ 
“I’ll pass, thanks”, he laughs, shuddering as he plops down on the grass beside you. 
You both fall silent, listening as the cicadas chirp, the evening breeze whistling through the wheat fields. Birds sing to each other, calling each other home as they wheel about in crazed circles in the still bright sky. 
“I was wondering”, you say conversationally. “Whether my parents would be proud of me now.” 
He stiffens but you don’t seem to notice, or perhaps you do and continue anyway, chuckling to yourself. 
“I have the feeling that they’d be horrified at what I’ve done. Shutting down the restaurant, spitting in years of tradition by changing up family recipes, getting pregnant before getting married - I’d probably get disowned. They’ll probably even pretend that I don’t even exist. And I used to wonder why - everyone else seemed to have parents who cared, parents who didn’t force their own expectations and dreams on them - and I just didn’t. And I spent years trying to get over it, hating what I was trained to do, aiming low out of spite even though really, it only affected myself.”
Your voice cracks. 
“It’s the night before my wedding and I hate that I’m still worrying about my parents even though they’re long dead.”
“Does it matter what they think?” he asks. “Look at how far you’ve come despite them.”  
There’s no use railing at ghosts. Death takes them beyond the veil, leaving behind ash and bone and a trail of troubled memories, nothing else. To his relief, the corner of your mouth quirks upwards, not quite a smile, but far from a frown. 
“You’re right”, you reply. “I’m lucky to be where I am, right now.”  
“For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing great.” 
“Of course you’d say that, you’re marrying me tomorrow.” 
“Yeah”, he breathes, suddenly giddy. “Definitely doin’ great.”
He’s still on a high when you laugh and kiss him good night, hardly able to drift off to sleep between his excitement for tomorrow and Suna’s snoring, and it’s remiss of him, but he almost, almost forgets this conversation amidst the sheer joy that simmers in his heart long after you exchange vows to be each other’s forever, your gathered family and friends erupting into whoops and cheers once outside the solemn Shinto shrine, the party lasting late into the night until everyone nearly collapses from too much food. 
“We’re married”, you whisper, lying back on the grass.
“We’re married”. He echoes almost in disbelief, hand in yours. 
Even with the glow of lights from the farm, there’s a glimmer of starlight in the violet-dusk sky. Fireflies dance over the sea of flowers in bloom, the wheatfields singing in the wind.   
“I’m happy, ‘Samu”, you say, unbidden. “I’m happy.”
He grips your hand tight. There’s no need to say what you already know.
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a/n: we are finally, finally within sight of the end :) hope you guys like this chapter!
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yridenergyridenergy · 2 years
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It seems that Toshiya took the opportunity to lift Kyo's skirt as if to peek underneath it while Kyo was trying to bother Shinya, in the JESSICA performance at Sendai Gigs yesterday?!
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hotarutranslations · 11 months
From Arai Station
Saturday, this week!
Sendai Broadcast 10:25AM~ I'll be on "Ara Ara Kashiko" 🍀
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Its hot, right, when moving, right, I dressed really casually
Arai Station 📍
I think if you know, you know, What's in a 1~2 minute walk from there,
that's right,
I made a surprise appearance at an M-line live,
From this Arai station, there are various places to go, I learned about that this time!
If you're interested, this time in particular,
There is a Miyagi live on August 5th, those visiting from outside the prefecture, I think there is really good information so, 🥴❤️‍🔥
I'll announce it again after the show!
August 8th Live, The tickets have gone on sale 🐣
Details → Kyodo Tohoku
Of course everyone in Miyagi as well, Its information you can enjoy this summer, Look forward towards the show!
July 15th (Sat) 10:25AM~ Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko"
Definitely please watch it  🌷
On that day we, will have our first day of the summer tour--- lol
Its kind of intuitively, a continuation from spring, but, When thinking about it, compared to the first day of spring in March, the temperatures are incomparably different, its properly spring, huhh
Thank you very much in summer as well!!
🎈 Lawson Ticket 🎈 Ticketpia 🎈 e+
Tickets are on sale at each play guide!
I picked up a lot of trash on the road today 😕 Properly throw out your trash, ok 😕
see you ayumin <3
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sixthgunbr · 1 year
💪🏼 Instagram Reita
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"A área dos bastidores do Sendai GIGS é muito legal e eu gosto do local.
Fomos bem tratados e nós definitivamente voltaremos.
#thegazette #sendaigigs"
3 notes · View notes
wrbmch · 1 year
1月20日(金) Rina Sawayama 東京ガーデンシアター
1月28日(土) Petit Brabancon 豊洲PIT
2月15日(水) Wet Leg Spotify O-EAST
2月23日(木) ITZY 幕張イベントホール
3月16日(木) PHOENIX Zepp Haneda
4月9日(日) BLACKPINK 東京ドーム
4月24日(月) THE 1975 東京ガーデンシアター
4月26日(水) THE 1975 ぴあアリーナMM
5月9日(火) 椎名林檎 東京国際フォーラムホールA
5月27日(土) BUCK-TICK パシフィコ横浜 国立大ホール
6月7日(水) madeon Zepp Haneda
7月8日(土) 凛として時雨・9mm Parabellum Bullet Zepp Haneda
7月12日(水) Petit Brabancon Zepp DiverCity
7月13日(木) Petit Brabancon Zepp Nagoya
7月17日(月・祝) Petit Brabancon Zepp Osaka Bayside
7月22日(土) Petit Brabancon Sendai GIGS
7月23日(日) Petit Brabancon Zepp Yokohama
8月18日(金) SONIC MANIA 幕張メッセ
8月19日(土) SUMMER SONIC ZOZOマリンスタジアム/幕張メッセ
8月20日(日) SUMMER SONIC ZOZOマリンスタジアム/幕張メッセ
9月9日(土) 9mm Parabellum Bullet 渋谷La.mama
9月17日(日) BUCK-TICK 群馬音楽センター
9月19日(火) 9mm Parabellum Bullet 日本武道館
10月19日(木) BUCK-TICK Zepp Yokohama
11月13日(月) ACID ANDROID harevutai
11月14日(火) ACID ANDROID harevutai
11月24日(金) slice of alcove SPACE ODD
12月2日(土) Måneskin 有明アリーナ
12月28日(木) MUCC 東京国際フォーラムホールA
12月29日(金) BUCK-TICK 日本武道館
1 note · View note
livegraphy · 6 months
2024.01.08 MON. @新代田 FEVER 第五十回 渡邊忍 成忍式 ~SEIJINSHIKI~ 渡邊忍
2024.01.27 SAT. @KT Zepp Yokohama Silver Lining Tour ストレイテナー
2024.02.03 SAT. @仙台 Rensa Silver Lining Tour ストレイテナー
2024.02.04 SUN. @LIQUID ROOM 15th Anniversary TOUR 〜1GO! 1A! O-BAN-DOSS〜 夜の本気ダンス
2024.02.11 SUN. @Kアリーナ横浜 BUMP OF CHICKEN TOUR ホームシック衛星2024 BUMP OF CHICKEN
2024.02.17 SAT. @Zepp Namba Silver Lining Tour ストレイテナー
2024.02.18 SUN. @Zepp Nagoya Silver Lining Tour ストレイテナー
2024.02.24 SUN. @日本武道館 Nothing’s Carved In Stone 15th Anniversary Live at BUDOKAN Nothing’s Carved In Stone
2024.03.02 SAT. @Zepp Sapporo Silver Lining Tour ストレイテナー
2024.03.09 SAT. @Zepp DiverCity Silver Lining Tour ストレイテナー
2024.03.10 SUN. @Shibuya eggman aobozu SHORT TOUR 2024 〜僕らは星の子どもたち〜 藍坊主
2024.03.22 FRI. @TOWER RECORDS 新宿店 CANDLE SONGS リリース記念イベント AT 新宿 佐々木亮介
2024.03.17 SUN. @Billboard Live TOKYO 9mm Parabellum Bullet presents 「カオスの百年 vol.20」昼の部 9mm Parabellum Bullet
2024.03.30 SAT. @さいたまスーパーアリーナ 風とロック さいしょでさいごの スーパーアリーナ "FURUSATO" 風の日【夜】 MAN WITH A MISSION、BRAHMAN、ACIDMAN
2024.03.31 SUN. @さいたまスーパーアリーナ 風とロック さいしょでさいごの スーパーアリーナ "FURUSATO" ロックの日【夜】 怒髪天、GLAY
2024.03.22 FRI. @名古屋 CLUB UPSET CANDLE SONGS リリース記念ワンマン AT 名古屋 a flood of circle
2024.04.07 SUN. @LINE CUBE SHIBUYA SYNCHRONICITY'24 Wonder Vision supported by ライブナタリー syrup16g / 凛として時雨
2024.04.21 SUN. @仙台 Rensa MAD SAKASAMA TOUR 2024 TK from 凛として時雨
2024.04.28 SUN. @千葉市蘇我スポーツ公園 JAPAN JAM 2024
2024.05.12 SUN. @Zepp DiverCity SCHOOL WARS TOUR <卒業試験 (母の日)> BIGMAMA
2024.05.18 SAT. @名古屋 DIAMOND HALL MAD SAKASAMA TOUR 2024 TK from 凛として時雨
2024.05.19 SUN. @横浜 BAY HALL BRIGHTNESS TOUR Nothing's Carved In Stone
2024.06.08 SAT. @LIVE HOUSE 小田原姿麗人 aobozu TOUR 2024 OTOMOTO 〜みなぎるシルバー〜 藍坊主
2024.06.09 SUN. @ベルーナドーム GLAY 30th Anniversary GLAY EXPO 2024-2025 GLAY
2024.06.14 FRI. @新代田 FEVER 家庭科|PEACE OF CAKEリリース記念 “食べ物縛り” BIGMAMA
2024.06.22 SAT. @MORTAR RECORD モルタルレコードPRESENTS『ソングイズライフ~マイリスペクト2マン#2』 渡邊忍、ヒダカトオル
2024.06.23 SUN. @下北沢 ReG そこに鳴る pre. 藤原美咲 Birthday special oneman live 〜アルティメット感謝祭〜 そこに鳴る
2024.07.07 SUN. @CLUB CITTA' 25th 01 MAN SHOW LOW IQ 01 & MASTER LOW
2024.07.15 MON. @Zepp DiverCity BRIGHTNESS TOUR Nothing's Carved In Stone
2024.07.21 SUN. @横浜 BAY HALL CANDLE SONGS -日比谷野外大音楽堂への道- a flood of circle
2024.07.27 SAT. @Zepp Osaka Bayside 凛として時雨 TOUR 2024 Pierrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre Vibes 凛として時雨
2024.07.28 SUN. @新宿 BLAZE SHINJUKU BLAZE LIVE SERIES ~Many Thanks~ 9mm Parabellum Bullet
2024.08.03 SAT. @なんば Hatch テナモバ presents “STRAIGHTENER MANIA” vol.2 ストレイテナー
2024.08.04 SUN. @国立代々木競技場第一体育館 HIKARU UTADA SCIENCE FICTION TOUR 2024 宇多田ヒカル
2024.08.09 SAT. @Zepp Haneda 凛として時雨 TOUR 2024 Pierrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre Vibes 凛として時雨
2024.08.12 MON. @日比谷野外大音楽堂 a flood of circle デビュー15周年記念公演 "LIVE AT 日比谷野外大音楽堂" a flood of circle
2023.08.16 FRI. - 17 SAT. @石狩湾新港樽川ふ頭横野外特設ステージ RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2024 in EZO
2024.08.22 SAT. @Zepp DiverCity 凛として時雨 TOUR 2024 Pierrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre Vibes 凛として時雨
2024.08.31 SAT. @日比谷野外大音楽堂 Live at 野音 2024 Nothing's Carved In Stone
2024.09.07 SAT. @渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO androp -15th. Anniversary tour- androp
2024.09.08 SUN. @ベルーナドーム BUMP OF CHICKEN TOUR 2024 Sphery Rendezvous BUMP OF CHICKEN
2024.09.29 SUN. @代官山 UNIT そこに鳴る oneman tour 2024「開眼証明」 そこに鳴る
2024.10.14 MON. @海の森公園 森づくりエリア TOKYO ISLAND 2024 -androp 15th Anniversary day-
0 notes
12oo5 · 7 months
uratanuki oneman live “Flower”
in miyagi [ SENDAI GIGS]
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⌇ セトリ ⌇
9、NO.1 Girl
24、Life goes on
0 notes
thyele · 11 months
向日 葵さん「なおちゃんとのアコースティックライブ&トークショーのイベント『ヒョンな南下がり。』いよいよ来週末開催🌻🐎 8/12(土)名古屋 静かの海 8/13(日)京都 紫明会館 チケット発売中!真夏の昼下がりに一緒にまったり音楽しましょ☺️ご参加お待ちしてます! 詳しくはこちら💁 https://t.co/BXlA7Izeik https://t.co/pankdBwfjd」https://twitter.com/aoi_official/status/1686938568999182336
向日 葵さん「[Open/Start] <一部>13:30/14:00 <二部>17:00/17:30 ※一部二部の内容は異なります [Ticket] All seats 前売¥5,500/当日¥6,000(税込) 当日DRINK代 ¥ 600 / 入場整理番号付 ※8/12.13両日共通 【前売りチケット】 🎫静かの海🎫 https://t.co/rbJEdi6C3b 🎫紫明会館🎫 https://t.co/UwdsT9aPup https://t.co/idKWDujF1A」https://twitter.com/aoi_official/status/1686939291107405825
Vif編集部さん「【Present】H.U.Gのサイン入りチケットホルダーのプレゼント応募は本日8月3日23:59締切です!まだ応募していないという方はお忘れなく!(サポートメンバーを含めた5人全員のサインが入っています!)https://t.co/uXhPYWhmT4 #Vif #HUG https://t.co/yN5a0QX1gF」https://twitter.com/Vif_music/status/1686952793784098816
nao 首振りDollsさん「え!?!? レコーディングスタジオの事務所のテレビにえ!?!?!? https://t.co/C1GV9ztQfo」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1686999815429963776
leaya(бвб)さん「木曜日なのでゴールデン街カンガルー🦘 19:30からやってます 何卒(º_º)」https://twitter.com/leaya_bass/status/1687006772287127552
源 依織さん「2023.8.13 お久しBlitz出演時の個人チェキ予約開始しました! https://t.co/epY75vLDVH」https://twitter.com/prin_guitarist/status/1687009805838553088
バンドスタジオBASS ON TOP高田馬場店さん「プロが教えるんでしょ?? 難しそう…。 そんなことはありません! Sakura氏が生徒さんそれぞれのレベルに寄り添って丁寧に教えてくださいます✨ ご予約はこちらから👀 https://t.co/i9poKhKer2 #ベースオントップ #Sakura #櫻澤泰徳 #ドラムレッスン #ドラム #生徒募集中 講師 @sakurazawa https://t.co/BzG4ZUmMd5」https://twitter.com/bot_baba/status/1685968956153311233
バンドスタジオBASS ON TOP高田馬場店さん「🌸馬場店限定Sakuraドラムレッスン🥁 【最新空コマ状況】 8/19(土) 完売✨ 8/20(日) 18:00/19:00 9/17(日) 完売 9/18(祝月) 残り5枠 8月初日の追加枠完売しました🔥 8月はあと2コマです。 ご予約お忘れなく!!!!! ご予約はこちらから👀 https://t.co/i9poKhKer2 講師 @sakurazawa https://t.co/UiXVGZjSrp」https://twitter.com/bot_baba/status/1685968883315007489
Paradox Translationsさん「Are you ready for https://t.co/UoQstUyuPD next activities? If you don't know what we're talking about, check the live report and the information at the end 🫵 https://t.co/Qg9eBRp6zu」https://twitter.com/Paradox_Transl/status/1686806698676092928
葉山拓亮さん「【CD会場販売のお知らせ】 8/5(土)Tourbillon Live 2023 20years Since Time Began Zepp Haneda(TOKYO)にてCD販売が決定! ※会場限定購入特典付き 詳細はコチラ https://t.co/QoQkrcwpX9 https://t.co/hQxUnrBg5J」https://twitter.com/HiroakiHayama/status/1687012310127345664
恐さん「血や体液が流れ出ない 綺麗な体が欲しかった 僕はそろそろ お薬の時間だ」https://twitter.com/bpmkyou/status/1687019285653401600
Deshabillz2023 8月19日(土)心斎橋SHOVELさん「名古屋帰りでこれ買ったんよ行きも買って楽屋に放置してたらほぼ空になってたんよ 押忍! 楽屋泥棒やな笑 押忍!確かに美味い笑 多分シビィが配ってたな、自分も食いつつ #うなぎボ〜ン https://t.co/jJJ7InALWV」https://twitter.com/Deshabillz2022/status/1687023167515336704
Shintaroさん「Next Gig 8/5 MUNIMUNI at Neo Tokyo Chop Dome MUNIMUNI 18:00〜 https://t.co/974aVdytsG 🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️ https://t.co/QWF3cTys1n」https://twitter.com/Shintaro_iod/status/1687023860179521536
MUCCさん「【逹瑯】BARKS NIGHTMARE×MUCC 4回連続対談企画 掲載 【対談 #1】 逹瑯(MUCC) × YOMI (NIGHTMARE)が語る、<悪夢69>と歌うこと「10年前のアドバイスを今でも守っているんです」 https://t.co/dyWN6g4Wxi #NIGHTMARE #MUCC25th #悪夢69 https://t.co/iaiAEVZvmz」https://twitter.com/muccofficial/status/1687025539763286016
Hydeさん「[STAFF] 「HYDE LIVE 2023」Sendai PIT公演でのグッズ先行販売について 8/5(土)・6(日) 12:30~ [販売場所] 会場正面入り口前 ※先行販売開始2時間はHYDE CARDをお持ちのお客様のみグッズをご購入いただけます。 詳しくは↓ https://t.co/x9rObTfsn3 #HYDE #HYDELIVE2023 #HYDEGOODS…」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1687025948942819329
Hydeさん「[STAFF] 「HYDE LIVE 2023」Sendai PIT公演 当日券販売について 8/5(土)・6(日) 公演日当日、会場にて整理番号付抽選券を配布の上、当選者のみに販売 会場調整の上の販売となるため、販売数が少ない場合があります。予めご了承ください。 ■抽選券配布 [配布場所] 会場当日券窓口付近 [配布時間]…」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1687026183060549632
leaya(бвб)さん「今週土曜日! 何卒(ºº) 08/05(soil)*ネオ東狂池袋手刀ドーム 「夏休みのおじさま 2023」 出演: TOKYO YANKEES L.I.S.K. MUNIMUNI ↓前売りおパー券予約制 https://t.co/eeqqpG7dc6 最重要差し入れサイト;https://t.co/ukkywSynhQ https://t.co/GsartF9uvL」https://twitter.com/leaya_bass/status/1687027320811671554
Hydeさん「[STAFF] HYDE LIVE 2023 仙台 PIT公演にお越しの方へ 仙台公演は入り待ち・出待ちが可能です。 熱中症予防と感染症対策にこまめな水分補給をお願いいたします。…」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1687028217201516544
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「『CM』 #アメブロ https://t.co/3Ry0PfuxLc」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1687028307513225216
KING OFFICIALさん「【KING WEB SHOP】 Tシャツ色選び、変更、新規、追加 期間:即時~8月5日21:00 入金期間:全員8月10日まで 入金延長可:最大9月25日まで 未入金、入金済問わず ※当初申込の色・サイズ変更可 ※変更がない方は、当初のご注文で発注   ※品切れは、個別に連絡します ご注文 https://t.co/fwDWSru1fO https://t.co/SeoWEgNepB」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1687028599667519489
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「日本テクノ🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 https://t.co/B7c5nwMTqe」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1687028817251225600
SUGIZOさん「8/11「WHAT IS JAM?」、SHAGとスペアザの共演‼️ Afro Begue、更にパジャ海‼️ 間違いなく最幸のイベントになる‼️ 是非足を運んでね‼️ 海を目の前に是非自由を楽しんでね‼️ SGZ #SHAG #SPECIALOTHERS #スペアザ #AfroBegue #パジャマで海なんかいかない #PAJAUMI #WHATISJAM https://t.co/FYktzDnUGT」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1687037880483688449
舜8/13覇叉羅 ソレイユ復活祭🎸✨さん「タブ譜できた…!! MIDIファイル読み込むとか横着せんで普通に打っていくのが正解やった(´﹃ `) でも絶対単純な曲しかやりたくない作業だな、こりゃ。 NEiNとかLemとかのフレーズをタブ譜にしようってなったら何年かかるのかわからんな💦」https://twitter.com/shun_thefuzzbox/status/1687038766274469888
XA-VATさん「【本日8/3 23:59迄】 XA-VAT TOUR2023 「T-V-SHOW」 チケット🎟 オフィシャル2次先行受付 👇本日8/3 23:59迄 👇申し込みはこちら https://t.co/fqT0jnS8kt #XAVAT #ザバット」https://twitter.com/XAVAT_official/status/1687036929962106880
幻覚さん「. https://t.co/Idu1RHO5nK」https://twitter.com/genkakuoffical/status/1687040673864962048
幻覚さん「. BALZACの HIROSUKE様から コメントを頂きました! ありがとうございます! #BALZAC #HIROSUKE」https://twitter.com/genkakuoffical/status/1687040719624757248
music stationさん「明日よる6時30分からはMステ3時間半SP✨✨✨ #Mステ #今週のMステ気になる人RT https://t.co/XPfEfshSGn」https://twitter.com/Mst_com/status/1687025517952987136
seekさん「Psycho le Cemu 福岡、広島、岡山に向けて リハーサル開始 西日本の旅めっちゃ楽しみ! https://t.co/TOTPXsMAkE」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1687047452376117248
HYDE CHANNELさん「THE LAST ROCKSTARSが緊急記者会見を行うことが決定! 会見終了後は、テレビ朝日系「ミュージックステーション」での民放初パフォーマンス終了後の舞台裏にも密着! 【明日16:00〜放送】 https://t.co/a2V5vsWpDR @HydeOfficial_ #HYDE #HYDECHANNEL #THELASTROCKSTARS #YOSHIKI #SUGIZO #MIYAVI https://t.co/73ejvP8FMP」https://twitter.com/HYDECHANNEL/status/1687048433063108608
Drum 篤人さん「今日はこちら。 なので、個人的には2日連続で配信します〜。」https://twitter.com/atsuto0107/status/1687052659440898048
Köziさん「ヂーク四十九日 https://t.co/nkBPr9G1RM」https://twitter.com/Kzi_official/status/1687052971744669696
L.I.S.K_officialさん「今週土曜に迫ってまいりました 次回LIVE未定なので是非! L.I.S.Kは19:50~予定です 08/05(soil)_*ネオ東狂池袋手刀ドーム 「夏休みのおじさま 2023」 出演: TOKYO YANKEES L.I.S.K. MUNIMUNI ↓前売りおパー券予約制 https://t.co/n7Hc3DND6v 最重要差し入れサイト;https://t.co/vh9Ur7AEuO https://t.co/QWce9XNOHI」https://twitter.com/LISK__official/status/1687053047237869568
常盤 美妃さん「真夢さんの弾けるかわいさたるや… 「バッカみたい」スタンプ希望! 「なに?」スタンプ希望! 「学校サボりました」スタンプ希望! 糸屋に入っていくシーン、 はじめて見た時 ゾワッとしたことをおぼえている。 #糸地獄抄 #昭和精吾事務所 #糸地獄 #岸田理生」https://twitter.com/ex_miki15/status/1687039727197896704
びじゅなびさん「📝ライヴレポート <MUCC 25th Anniversary TOUR「Timeless」~志恩・球体~> 2023年7月26日(水)東京・Zepp Shinjuku 🗣️にぎやかで愛に溢れるミヤ・バースデー。 「俺の第二の故郷は、ここなんで」 記事はこちら▶️https://t.co/XNwISGNg9C @muccofficial #MUCC https://t.co/DZ7w8XMjcB」https://twitter.com/visunavi/status/1687055719940366336
Hydeさん「[STAFF] 西武新宿駅前のユニカビジョンでHYDEのLIVE DIGEST映像が放映決定! ▼期間 8/5(土)~8/11(金) 7時,9時,11時,13時,15時,17時,19時,21時の43分から 詳しくは↓ https://t.co/zDs0EHZFQG #HYDE #HYDELIVE2023 #楽天チケット #RakutenNFT #幕張メッセ」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1687056174611582978
SUGIZOさん「[INFO] 9/17(日)に#SHAG が出演する「#メイカーズピアジャズフェスタ NAGOYA 2023」公式サイトに、SHAGメンバー #SUGIZO、#別所和洋 のビデオメッセージが公開されました!是非ご覧ください!そして、是非お越しください‼ リンクはこちら https://t.co/7ys5VpxEdb」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1687065619467022337
nao 首振りDollsさん「もう三曲目〜順調〜」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1687070995411243008
nao 首振りDollsさん「昨日は夕方から深夜にかけて首振りDollsの曲作りで、翌日にはダスボンでレコーディング。 我ながら音楽してる。 レコーディングしてたら 5日はブクロックか。 ひょー。 さいこー。」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1687071611764305921
THE LAST ROCKSTARSさん「#TheLastRockstars 2nd Single "Psycho Love" streaming worldwide Aug 4! - Composed by HYDE, lyrics by YOSHIKI/HYDE Listen and share! https://t.co/CgkvBLS50g #PsychoLove #TLRS #YOSHIKI #HYDE #SUGIZO #MIYAVI @YoshikiOfficial @HydeOfficial_ @SUGIZOofficial @MIYAVI_OFFICIAL https://t.co/JNv3xJXCwb」https://twitter.com/LAST_ROCKSTARS/status/1687073071398563841
こもだまり𓃦昭和精吾事務所|ACM:::さん「#糸地獄抄 あと数日!? いいとこチラ見せ、昨日のひはさんとリサくん、見ていただけましたか? 本日も追い込みで2つ放流します。 官能的な身の上話🔴と初々しい身の上話🦷。 昭和精吾事務所らしい語りに寄り添い支える劇伴が活躍の場面です。 22:00!」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1687077877236584449
SUGIZOさん「[INFO] 8/11に開催される「 #WHATISJAM? Vol.8 “THE 1st ANNIVERSARY”」1stティザー動画が公開‼ 音楽の多様性・可能性に満ちたヴァイブラントなライヴ・ジャムを是非体感してください‼ 詳細はこちら→ https://t.co/CebylVqyLV #SHAG #SPECIALOTHERS #AfroBegue #パジャマで海なんかいかない https://t.co/Q044IJmULH」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1687080521334226944
こもだまり𓃦昭和精吾事務所|ACM:::さん「#糸地獄抄 2023 いいとこチラ見せ! ▫️File 08:沙夜さんの身の上話、「イ・タ・イ・・・」 ・刺青の記憶の官能的な語り! ・沙夜ちゃんの語りの音の粒立ちと血の粒のバランスが美しい! ・静かな語りに潜む激情を音楽が後押し! https://t.co/ZZfuz5ZC9P」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1687085917515694080
金髪豚野郎K助(偽殿下)さん「みんなにも花火をお裾分け 元気ない人もコレ見て元気出してね 何気に浜辺で見てるガキんちょ共が良い味だしてる 8/13もコレに負けないくらい盛り上げていこーぜ! 尚、動画に入っている女性の声は隣のお客様で私とは一切関係なく決してリアルに充実した夏を過ごしているわけではごさいません (°_°) https://t.co/LANnhiaywM」https://twitter.com/goldenpigdrumer/status/1687086332341071874
こもだまり𓃦昭和精吾事務所|ACM:::さん「#糸地獄抄 2023 いいとこチラ見せ! ▫️File 09:ロングショットで送る常盤さん一人語り ・少女の初々しさあふれる甘やかな身の上話! ・語りをじっくり聞ける場面!(倍くらいあります) ・語りの展開に寄り添い、次のシーンまで滑らかにつなぐ劇伴! ・真夢製の小道具も登場🦷! https://t.co/E1OFcTrLqD」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1687086414452682753
lucy+peter=esolagoto / 中村真悟さん「籠もってました。 8/5あぶぶるに向けて調整。 明日はきちんと喉を休めて臨みます。 https://t.co/V0tohtVCkv」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1687087151400509440
Nostalgic Cinemaさん「【配信のお知らせ】 2023年8月30日(水) 荻窪Rooster ・タイトル Nostalgic Cinema Oneman Live ~subscription concert vol.2~ 【一部URL】 https://t.co/Ir4cD1lpzG START 16:30予定 【二部URL】 https://t.co/wFruZHGwfx START 20:00予定 ・料金 各¥2,800 ・視聴期限 9月13日(水) 23:59 まで」https://twitter.com/NC_official1228/status/1687086809812242433
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totchiiiiii · 1 year
nom nom nom
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kzhanzawa · 2 years
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弾丸仙台 企画の名前が素敵 (Sendai Gigs|仙台ギグス) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjS0K3wv2cpYzrMR8duwklgDjji_ciEo8wSG2Q0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
xxvansxx · 2 years
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昨日のツアー初日めちゃくちゃ楽しかった。 フェスも良いけどほぼほぼのハコで音を感じるのも良い ギグスラブリー❤️ 追伸 なんちゃらベガスかなり久々に見ました。 #ライブ#ライブ参戦 #ライブハウス#邦ロック#社蓄#社蓄の休息 #荒井#仙台ギグス#sendaigigs #ヘイスミス#ヘイスミ#heysmith #15周年 (Sendai Gigs|仙台ギグス) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjMUwDHvLNu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yridenergyridenergy · 2 years
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Edited compilation of Dir en grey at Sendai Gigs
tour22 FROM DEPRESSION TO____ 25th anniversary
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nemu33 · 2 years
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元EMPiREなりのラストツアー @ sendai gigs / 元EMPiRE
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hanarumi · 2 years
June 23rd 2022
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6:46 PM · Jun 23, 2022: 頑張ったーーーーー褒めてちょ🥺🤞 I worked hardddddd Praise me 🥺🤞
6:52 PM · Jun 23, 2022: なんか仙台キグスさんのスタッフさんが俺の顔書いて歓迎してた。(Photo) The staff of Sendai Gigs-san drew my face to welcome me.
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7:54 PM · Jun 23, 2022: えっ今日隙間ないじゃん😭 Eh I have no free time today 😭
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8:15 PM · Jun 23, 2022: ましお…シマリスちゃん ましおの気遣い 
頂きます🥲 (Photo) Mashio... Shimarisu-chan, Mashio’s consideration
I will receive it Their conversation: Shima: You should do it at 23 o’clock!! There’s a live today after all, it’s better that you stream! Sakata: For real??? Shima: Yeah Sakata: No but really w Sakata: It’s not good Sakata: “Does Mashio wanna do it together” Sakata: Even if I say that Sakata: Ah, you can? Sakata: Mashi you’re at home now? Shima: The vibe will feel wrong so, you should do a live performance good work livestream Shima: I’m at home Sakata: Let’s do it Shima: I will feel guilty toward Sakatake ww Me, sometimes I randomly stream in the middle of the night too so Shima: I haven’t taken a bath too, so you do it aloneeee! Sakata: For real (i don’t know what Sakata meant when he said “Ah, you can?”, also this is related to the email incident which made Sakata not sure what to do, how he should act and stuff ;w;)
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9:01 PM · Jun 23, 2022: よーっす https://twitcasting.tv/sakatansab/movie/736227212 Okayy
9:40 PM · Jun 23, 2022: 坂田家は志麻くんに感謝しよ🥺🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Sakatake let’s express gratitude for Shima-kun 🥺🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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