marshmallowloves · 2 years
Zelda OC #1 - Kamia + Serachiiya
>> (list of posts for other OCs)
I was never into Zelda much as a child, despite owning both Oracle games as well as LttP+FSA (but not playing the latter as much since I had no friends with which to play kdjfhg). But during sixth grade (around 2008), my friend showed me her drawings of a character she made for the series - a silver dragon who was created to be a guardian for Link - as well as a series of silly random stick-figure comics about the Triforce trio she drew in her notebook. She told me about the games she owned, and related to my minimal knowledge that I only obtained via old flash animations and playing Smash Bros Melee. I knew Zelda and Link were the good guys, Zelda and Sheik were the same person, and Ganondorf was evil, but that was about all I knew.
And so I was like “wow, I wanna get in on this!” So I started drawing little comics too, and eventually came up with a character of my own. The idea for this character came purely from watching the aforementioned flash animations, one of which featured Saria. I had no idea who she was, but she was cute and green and that was enough for me to look up pics of her and draw my inspiration from there. And thus, Kamia and her fairy Serachiiya were born.
(cringe placed under the cut for your safety)
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Kamia was Discount Saria. Actually, maybe more like Bad Bootleg Saria. Her name was Saria’s but with two letters changed. Her outfit was almost identical to other Kokiri girls’ (though I never specified what race she was). She had her own fairy with a name that is so ungodly Japanese-sounding but is absolutely not Japanese. And because I was an 11-year-old in 2008, which meant I was not anywhere near as well-read and oddly mature as some 11-year-olds I've seen today are, Kamia had zero characterization and her only personality trait was "nice and polite, until you piss her off." Which is true of many preteens' OCs across just about every fandom. Very cookie-cutter.
Serachiiya, on the other hand, was a bitch. That's it. Her personality was laced with sarcasm, a short fuse, and the worst cuss word I could get away with at 11 (hell). I think the main reason I made her was to give Kamia a problem to continuously interact with, which is usually not a good reason to create a character kskjdfg. In fact, in this comic, Kamia reacts to one of Serachiiya's nasty quips by... throwing a rock at her. Because when you have a fairy whose canonical job is to protect you, your first instinct should always be to physically assault them when they are sassy. (To be fair, I did not know that fairies were guardians in canon. I only saw them as like... funny little friends. and you're totally allowed to have funny little friends throw stuff at each other for comedic effect.)
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In addition, because I knew nothing of the series proper, any time I had these two interact with canon characters, they were naturally incredibly OOC. The person who says "Excuse me!" in this image right here is actually Princess Zelda herself, but because I am incredibly ashamed of how poorly I butchered her appearance (and character) in this comic, I will spare your eyes and not show her. Zelda, for some reason, asks the two of them for "directions to Hyrule." You know. The entire country that they're in already. That Zelda literally runs. Because that makes sense. (And I know exactly why I wrote that, too - at the time, Hyrule was the only location in the Zeldaverse that I knew by name, so I used it liberally 😂)
Surprisingly, I did not ship her with Link like any OOT-era fangirl would do. I did think he was cute, but I don't ever remember having plans for her and Link to interact. Even more surprisingly, this comic is literally the only thing I have in my possession that shows Kamia and Serachiiya when I originally made them. I've redrawn them several times since then, both for nostalgia purposes and to show how bland and bad they were as characters. But 11-year-old Marshy, as far as I know, did not write or draw anything else about these two beyond this singular comic. I wish she did, because I would have loved more adorable and cringe material, but alas, that's all she wrote.
Despite never coloring the two of them, nor drawing Kamia below the waist, I do very much remember what the clothes and colors were in my head - and given who she's ripped off of, I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.
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And there you have it! Baby Marshy's first two Zelda OCs (who I count as one kdfjhg)
(Fun fact! That comic was drawn in the notebook that was sold with the FLY pentop computer! Does anyone even remember those?!)
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marshmallowloves · 2 years
A history of marshmalleaux’s Zelda OCs
I wasn’t really sure which blog to put this on, but I figured since these were all self-indulgent to a degree, I’d start with putting it here~
So anyway! I was looking through some old drawings, reminiscing about my old art and thinking of how much has changed... and I thought it might be fun to talk about the evolution of my small handful of Zelda OCs!
Because of how many images I plan to post about this, I’ll separate it into multiple posts by OC. You’re by no means obligated to follow these posts, but I just thought it’d be neat to see how far I’ve come with my OCs~
List of OCs/Self inserts:
Kamia + Serachiiya
Ixchel + Seracia
Iphenia + Naida
Koci + Rina
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