kuridelblack · 2 years
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My Shaman Kamia  🌊✨
I finally got to design her outfit! ^^
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cedar-glade · 2 years
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Mel and Milo, Mountain-laurel, Icing stars,
Kalmia latifolia
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oh-dear-so-queer · 1 year
A freemartin is an animal that becomes intersexual as a result of association in the womb (or egg) with a twin of the opposite sex (note the motif of twinning in some Native American two-spirit traditions that involve animals, such as the Kamia and Wintu), while chimera refers to an animal with organs that combine genetically male and female elements. Similar to chimerism, a mosaic is an individual that has variable chromosomal patterns and a corresponding mixture of male and female traits.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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yappingbitch73 · 11 days
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I literally didn't sleep all night... idk how im gonna survive todayyy HELP
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kaliarda · 4 months
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Kamia Anohi
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awkwardgtace · 1 year
Escaped Cake Topper
day 16 Celebrating more mafia au!
There's a party for the daughter of the Kamia's, a poor human's been snuck along as a gift. When they escape will they really get away or just be found by one of the attending mafia giants?
TW: Fear of being eaten, mouthplay (a lot of it), uhhh the general bad shit mafia au exists with
Escaped Cake Topper
Sloan held their breath as steps approached. They managed to escape. The giant who brought them didn’t close the box well, a spot just big enough to squeeze out was easy to find. The guy didn’t check for any weapons either, it made it easy to get untied. They would survive this. They wouldn’t just be the topper for some giant’s cake.
Unfortunately they were trapped in a much bigger box. The box they escaped into was lifted up. They panicked, giants had to be carrying them somewhere. All they did was go from a single cake to a box of bread and possibly cheeses. They were terrified.
“I can’t believe we’re doing all this for the Kamia girl,” one of the giant’s said. Hidden in the pastries, Sloan panicked and slid closer to a bit of bread bigger than themself.
“I mean the family’s been gaining power and she hasn’t been out much, could give us a good chance to win her over,” another one said.
“Yeah but she picked this place. No humans can even enter the city, it’s hard for any of us to bring some in. Why wouldn’t she want a party with the best treats?”
“Maybe she feels bad for them.” The second one laughed, at least Sloan assumed it was the second because of how far it was. “Could you imagine that? The daughter of Vitus ‘The Crunch’ Kamia feeling bad for humans? She probably just hates them, could even think they’re pests.”
“Careful, don’t wanna get that family angry at you. You know they hate those names. Besides, the family keeps a bunch around. That one always with the eldest, what's its name, River, Riley or something.”
“Well maybe he shouldn’t make such a show of biting down on humans he eats if they’re keeping some close. Can only imagine how little those things manage to do their jobs.”
The box they were in moved to a hard surface. The top of the box started to move. In fear they dived into one of the breads near them. It wasn’t a sweet one, it should be ignored. The light bled into the bread. Hands entered and were grabbing things. They had to cover their mouth when the piece they were in was grabbed.
“At least these things smell good. Sort of like a human,” They managed to look up at a terrifying grin. “Think they’d notice if I took one?”
“I think it’s not worth the risk. The Kamias are here and she’s watching us. Wouldn’t wanna piss off the girl our next in line is eyeing.”
“That’s true, you put his special gift under the table?”
“Yeah it’s right where it needs to be…”
The giant voices trailed off, but Sloan missed who these Kamias were. They were focused on the monsters who had just walked in. The white haired one towered over the giants around him, the one with a bluish hair color was taller than others too. At least she didn’t tower like the white haired one. They’d never seen giants that big and they didn’t want to meet the two either. All they had to do was survive the night and get away. It should be fine…
Sloan tried to stay calm as they watched the massive giants. The hope to avoid the two started to die as they separated from the group. Both the white haired man and the blue haired girl came to stand next to the table Sloan was on. They did their best to shuffle back, hopefully out of sight.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright?” the white haired one’s voice vibrated through Sloan. A terrifying bass they had never heard before. “It’s not going to be easy, they’ll-”
“Dad I know. I know what to expect. You all made sure I’d be ready when I had to do this,” the blue haired one said. Her voice was almost melodic and that made it more terrifying. “I know how to act tonight. Don’t worry so much.”
A chuckle from the bigger one, “Alessia, you can’t expect me not to worry. You could leave still, you don’t have to do this…”
“No, I’m a part of this family in both senses of the word.” The woman who must be Alessia moved. Sloan got a clear look of brown eyes staring near them. They had to force themself not to shiver. “Besides, it would be pretty bad if I walked out now.”
“That doesn’t matter. Don’t force yourself.”
“Dad really, did you worry this much about Felix? Tell him he could leave a hundred times?” 
Another bone rattling chuckle. “Of course I did, and I’ll do the same for Rhys and I’ll be ten times worse when it comes to Ryder.”
Sloan watched the man place a hand on his chest. For a second it almost looked like he’d smiled at his pocket, but that didn’t make sense. Steps started to shake the table they were on, the two massive giants easily shifted their focus to the new one. Sloan just wanted to run, tears slipped from their eyes.
“Ah, Vitus, Alessia, how nice to see you both,” a new voice said. It almost succeeded in making Sloan yelp. “After all this time you’ll be more active with us, Miss Kamia.”
“Dominic,” the man, probably Vitus, growled. “Something you need from us right now?”
“Just coming to say hello to the woman of the hour. You know she looks so much like Dabria, I can only imagine how they’d look side by side.” Alessia held out her hand. Vitus placed a hand on her shoulder. The two had a defensive look to them.
Sloan watched the new giant take Alessia’s hand and kiss it. The bigger one seemed barely controlled in his anger. The new one had a look that could only be described as gluttonous as he looked at her. As the new giant stood to leave Sloan heard him mumble, “Maybe we’ll find out some day…” It was barely audible for them let alone the giants.
That did nothing to stop the anger of the bigger one, of Vitus. A fist slammed down on the table Sloan hid on. The bread they were in was dislodged from its place. They were close enough to touch the not so subtly shaking fist of the angry giant. They had their hands on their mouth to stop anything from slipping out. These people would kill them.
“The Sulvans only have so long,” Alessia mumbled. Even her melodic voice had a tinge of a growl that made her intimidating. The fist disappeared, but Sloan could barely breathe.
“Right… We’ll be working on that tonight. You know who’s with us if something happens?” Vitus’s words were laced with the growl from the man’s chest. 
“You’re not holding any weapons?”
“No, I don’t need them anyway. If I can take down Felix and Rhys without any I don’t need one for the people here.” Sloan was conflicted by the bright smile the woman offered. They’d heard of kind giants, but there was no way she could be one. Not if she was in the mafia.
They gasped as more giants started to approach. They put all their effort into forcing themself into the bread. None could see them. If a single giant saw them they’d die. They caught one last whisper from Vitus, “Be safe. I’ll see you later tonight.”
“Alessia! We almost thought you wouldn’t come,” one of the new giants called.
Sloan was tired of listening. They covered their ears and tried to have the bread help stop the noise. Hearing them talk would make it worse. Unfortunately they weren’t lucky. A scream stuck in their throat as a hand grabbed the bread they were in. A giant was going to eat them…
The movements were too fast. They couldn’t see who had grabbed them. Teeth slammed down removing the bread hiding them. They panicked, pulling their only weapon out. It felt oversized until this moment. They tried to attack the teeth, but all they managed was to make themself more afraid. The long strip of metal was crushed in between the gigantic teeth. Pulling it back they saw it was still sharp and stabbed it into the gums around them.
“Ow,” the melodic voice they’d been hearing overwhelmed them.
“Is everything alright?” someone asked the giant Sloan was trapped with. 
“Yeah, I just bit my tongue. I’ll be right back.”
Sloan was dead…
Alessia rushed out of the room. There was only one bathroom that didn’t let others walk in on her. She tried to keep a smile as she moved. Dodging a number of giants next in line in their families who wanted to talk to her. She found the bathroom and let out a heavy sigh as the door locked. There was another prick in her mouth, if someone had slid something into the food there would be much bigger trouble to face.
Standing over the sink she spit the food she’d been eating out. Gasping when she saw a human sitting in the sink with chunks of bread around them. There was nothing sharp on them as best she could tell, carefully she reached into her mouth and pulled a crushed metal thing. She couldn’t even make out what it was supposed to be.
Without thinking she dropped it on the counter and focused on the human. Scared, teary eyes stared up at her. There wasn’t a lot of time to get them out. She couldn’t hand them off to anyone either. Too many eyes here, too many watching for a sign of how she was wrong. Every action would be watched tonight, every oddity recorded for later. All they needed was for her to reveal the Kamia’s secret.
“Are you hurt?” she whispered. She needed time to think and making sure they were ok could give her that.
“Please don’t kill me!” they begged. Alessia just wanted to hold them close and promise they were safe.
A bang on the door shocked her out of her thoughts. There wasn’t time for this. She didn’t have time to explain. Not when someone could eavesdrop. She ran through all her options. It would be easy to accuse her of carrying a weapon and search her, so that meant her dress wasn’t an option. Her bag and coat were left with all the others. There was no telling who’d be in there later. Who’d go through bags looking exactly for a little human like this.
Another bang. There was one option… Alessia turned on the water, rinsing the bread from the human. Admittedly now she knew why that bread had smelled better than the others. She was glad she took it at least. She pinched the rinsed off human between two fingers and lifted them up. She paused with them in front of her mouth, in the mirror she couldn’t even see them.
“This is the only choice,” she whispered. 
Before they could respond she shoved the human into her mouth. She maneuvered them carefully past her teeth. A bit of a purr left her, they tasted good. Sweet. She licked at them, feeling the small hands grabbing at her tongue. She moved them beneath her tongue, an easy spot to hide them. She took a deep breath, tasting them the whole time, and left the bathroom.
Sloan was too stunned to speak. The giant woman spit them out only to eat them again. The giant tongue poked and prodded at them. A laugh almost escaped as the tongue ran down their spine. It was hard to be terrified when they were being kept safely from the teeth and the terrifying throat.
“Alessia are you alright?” someone asked. Sloan figured this is when they were killed. She had to start talking. Instead she deftly moved them under her tongue, some light filtering in as she smiled.
“I’m fine, just had to make sure I didn’t get cut by my fangs,” her voice was soft. Softer than when she’d spoken before she knew they were there. It still rumbled through their bones, but in a way that almost made them like it.
That started a strangely calm period of time. Alessia would speak, sometimes her voice was too loud or too close to understand. Sloan couldn’t tell which. Whenever there was a lull she’d poke at them again. Sometimes managing to lick their sides despite them trying to keep their arms pulled tightly together. 
They knew how dangerous this was and yet, it felt nice. The woman’s voice was strangely soothing. When she played with them it was like a massage. If they actually survived this it would be a story they never told anyone. It was enough they almost let their eyes fall closed. Then there was a loud noise from the other giants.
“My gracious and humble guests,” someone said. A voice echoing and strange. “Before we serve dinner We would like to invite the guest of honor up to say a few words.”
Sloan’s nerves quickly calmed as that was said. Alessia would just sit around and maybe even play with them more. They blushed as that thought crossed their mind. That was not something that they expected to think. Time moved slowly as they waited for the speech to start.
They panicked a bit when the tongue did move them, but only closer to the throat. The slight calm that started to settle in their heart slowly began to die. Were they just a fun toy this whole time? Now that dinner was coming, was it the end? They did their best to dig their hands into the tongue over them. The smile let in bits of light again, light that terrified Sloan.
“Thank you so much,” Alessia said. Sloan’s heart jumped to their throat. Her voice was louder now, almost hard to understand. “I appreciate all of you coming tonight to celebrate my birthday. As of tomorrow I should be helping out at my family’s bar. I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing some of you there!”
From Sloan’s position they heard, or maybe felt, the subtle growl in the words. They tried not to shiver. They didn’t want to be remembered by this giant anymore. This is who they were brought for, the one that got them tied up and stuck on a cake. They tried not to let tears fall as they let go of the tongue above them. Words were said that were muffled by Alessia's mouth, but they didn’t care.
“You’re safe,” Alessia’s words were like air. Sloan thought they imagined them. They were sure they had until the woman’s tongue moved them again. They were like a piece of candy to her, but she still carefully licked the tears off their face.
That wasn’t the last time she said something so quietly that only they heard it. At least they thought they were the only one to hear it. It was in between times of absolute terror. With dinner served they weren’t just in a giant’s mouth anymore. She had to eat around them. Maybe she didn’t have to, but she was.
Sloan watched bites bigger than them get crushed by the massive teeth before falling into darkness. Whenever she drank some of what had to be wine they were pulled from the spot she’d held them in her mouth. A few times they swallowed some coughing as soon as the liquid was gone. 
Every time they were terrified she’d swallow them down only for her tongue to gently press them against the roof of her mouth. All the liquid would be pulled down her throat, but they were held safely. She’d move them around, calmly licking the excess of the liquid off them. A few times they felt a rumble from the woman. They just hoped it was a purr…
Alessia was getting impatient. Her dad was supposed to be back before dinner. Then she could pass the human to him. No one would try anything against Vitus Kamia. They had to be panicking in her mouth. There was always another option, but that one she hadn’t tried enough. She couldn’t risk them on a chance she’d mess up. 
She was trying to keep them from getting covered in food while she ate. It wasn’t easy when she drank some wine. The worst part was how that could hurt humans if they drank too much. Each time she’d hold them with her tongue to make sure nothing happened. Although the more she drank the more she found herself wanting to keep tasting them. Purrs kept slipping.
“Miss Kamia,” she jumped as she looked at someone from her family talking to her as they held out a note. “We received a call. I was told to deliver this to you. Mister Kamia had some strict rules on how it was written.”
The giant cleared their throat and she grabbed the note. Meeting Felix Rhys is sick. The L in Felix was underlined along with the R in Rhys. That meant something happened to Ryder and they were getting him to his doctor. Her nerves at that had her quickly rolling the human around her mouth with her tongue. They tasted so good and it was kind of calming.
The note told her she was on her own, the human would be stuck with her too. She sighed, casually licking the taste of wine off of them. Dinner had ended, the party itself had another hour or so to go. She wanted to leave and get the human somewhere safe. Somewhere they could recover from whatever she’d done so far.
Alessia watched the night continuing to pass. Most often the conversation drifted away from her and she got to have fun playing with the human. She knew she shouldn’t, that it wasn’t fair to them. She just… never had something so sweet in her mouth before. So many times she would sit with her hand hiding her face to force their arm out. Then carefully try to taste each little finger. The times the fingers curled in almost made her gasp.
There were a few times she got a bit brazen. Happy to test how far they’d let her go before getting too scared. Maybe she’d had too much wine, but she was desperate to test the limits. Carefully she moved their legs between her teeth. She lowered her teeth until they held the human firmly. Then she decided she wanted to taste more of them. Trying to use her tongue to pull free their shoes.
It didn’t take long for her to get what she wanted. Each shoe was sitting on her tongue. She was happy to get a fresh taste of the human. Although the strange calm from them made her try more. She rolled them between her teeth. Lightly biting down on their whole body. At one point she managed to carefully bite their arm.
Alessia carefully pushed them back on her tongue. Just as she did, someone grabbed her shoulder. She chomped down in surprise, her own heart racing at what she had nearly done. She tried quickly to push them back under her tongue, leaving them further forward than before. Just in case.
“Alessia, it’s hard to believe you’re taller than me now,” the giant who grabbed her said. She tried not to grimace at them, but her control was slipping. She definitely had too much wine.
“Anton Sulvan, I was wondering when I’d see you,” she grinned. Close lipped, careful to keep the human safe. She’d never forgive this man for what he’d done. The pain he’d caused… the pain she caused in fear of him. 
“You didn’t think I’d miss your birthday.” He grabbed her chin and made her look at him. He always preferred this. When she had to look up. The human was shaking, she tried to reassure them. A careful movement, just to promise they were safe. A movement probably misunderstood.
“Of course not. I saw your father earlier. I could only imagine you’d be close behind. You always were. I will admit I’m a little shocked, just that sure my brothers wouldn’t be here tonight?”
“Your brothers wouldn’t cause a scene tonight of all nights.” He leaned in close, dropping a box in her lap. She swallowed, feeling the human inch further back. She pressed her tongue down on them. Holding them still. Anton pressed his mouth to her ear. “I brought you a gift. I found one who looks like the one from when we were kids. Thought you’d enjoy it. Wrapped it in a candy rope for you too.”
“That’s so kind-” She was cut off as Anton forced a kiss on her, shoving his tongue in her mouth.
Sloan finally lost it, screaming when another giant’s tongue entered Alessia’s mouth. Their scream was covered by her own shout as she bit down on the giant tongue. Blood spilled into her mouth, but she moved them. Holding them up against the top of her mouth as she swallowed it down. 
There was a commotion they were unable to see. Dozens of giants were shouting and the only reason they weren’t hurt was because of Alessia. Because she’d kept them safe. They were moved around again, held beneath her tongue.
“Bitch,” the other giant hissed. “You don’t want to start a war with me. You won’t like what happens. Our families already have a tense relationship.”
“You think I care?” Alessia’s voice was intense, striking right through Sloan’s bones in a way they couldn’t explain. “Just because you’re a Sulvan doesn’t mean you get anything.”
They could feel as Alessia walked. She wasn’t holding them as tightly in her mouth. Her breaths came quickly.
“You’re gonna be mine! Whether you like it or not!” the other giant called. Sloan shivered, it didn’t sound like an empty threat. They tried to show any comfort towards the giant, reaching for her tongue. There was an immediate response, she tasted them again.
“Try it!”
That time Alessia growled. The growl was louder than any she’d hinted at before. Sloan vibrated as she walked, the growl itself renewing with each step. She did start moving them around her mouth though. Rolling them back and forth and pressing them to the roof of her mouth. She stopped, pressing them to her cheek.
“We’re heading home now,” she said.
“Y-yes Miss Kamia, the hotel you mean?” someone asked. Sloan shivered.
“No, my father left a note. We’re going back to the city tonight. He’s already gone.”
“Roll up the divider. I’m tired.”
Sloan waited as they heard the sound of an engine. They didn’t know what would happen next. The entire time Alessia kept rolling them around in her mouth. Flipping them over and soaking their clothes as she tasted them. A few times she poked at their arm. They lifted it up and let her move it. It was strange the ease she moved them, but after all of this she wasn’t scaring them anymore.
After a while of her just playing with them she sat up. Almost too quickly the warm cave of her mouth had cold air slip in. The tongue that had protected them all night pushed them over her sharp teeth. They were dropped into her palms and left shivering as she stared at them. Her brown eyes were filled to the brim with tears. 
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. Her voice was so quiet, they never thought a giant could speak so softly. “I-I almost hurt you. I wasn’t thinking, I’ve scared you I… There was too much wine. I shouldn’t have…” She leaned forward pressing her forehead against them. They almost wanted to try and push her away, they were covered in food and wine and saliva. “I-I promise you’re safe here. Kamias… my family doesn’t hurt humans. Not really we-we try so hard to make others think we do but we don’t I swear. This wasn’t supposed to…”
The words died, but Alessia only seemed more upset. She pulled away curling her fingers around them. Sloan was lost for words, watching her move in panic. She grabbed the box, a box they recognized. It was the one they were tied up in at the start of the night. Put in it as a present for her… Put in it to die. She pulled them close, her heart was racing. They heard it before she held them against her. 
“Oh my god, I almost forgot,” she whispered. “Please be ok, please be ok.”
Sloan managed to squirm up to see her open the box. They saw the mess that had become the cake they were supposed to be on top of. The remnants of the candy rope that they managed to cut through. The giant woman’s hands started shaking. As soon as she looked back at them, they saw the tears rolling down her face.
“No… they got out. I-I…” A sob wracked her body. Sloan gripped her dress, it was tight and hard to hold. They wouldn’t have been safe there… “Someone else must have… I picked this place to avoid this.”
Her voice cracked, finally knocking Sloan’s mind into gear. “It was me.”
“I-I got out… climbed out into another box. They didn’t know… I-I hid in the bread.”
“You got out? It was you?” Sloan nodded. A bit terrified of how she’d act now. They were a gift for her. Immediately they were pressed firmly against her. She was soft and warm. It was a nice change from the cold air on their soaked skin. “Good, that’s good. I… we’ll get home and you’ll get cleaned up then…”
“Th-then what?”
Alessia pulled her hands from her chest and looked down at them. Tears hadn’t stopped falling. “Then we’ll either get you home or set up in a safe place. A city where you can’t be treated like this again.”
“Really? You… you were really protecting me?” They were pressed against her again.
“I was, I swear. I… my dad was supposed to come back. I was gonna give you to him. Then… then my brother got sick I don’t even know how. He had to leave so I couldn’t and there was nowhere safe. And the wine and your taste and scent and I…” Tears fell near them, rolling down her hand into the cloth in front of them. “I messed up again. I shouldn’t. I swear I didn’t mean to hurt you or scare you. I just had to keep you safe.”
“...I believe you.”
Silence settled over them both. Sloan listened to the massive heart of the woman slow to a calm beat. The tears falling near them eventually died out. Her grip stayed firm and held them safely against her. The whole time she really was protecting them. The whole time she was safe. 
Eventually she moved again. Sloan was pulled away from her calming heart and kept in a loose fist. They almost preferred the tight hold she’d been using until now. She moved until she was lying on her side in the car. A car that was bigger than any they’d ever seen. Just like her… A bigger giant and a bigger heart. No one had ever been this upset over them before.
She put her hand down next to her face. Sloan was able to see how red her eyes had grown from her tears. Without hesitating they reached out and stroked her nose. An attempt to prove she was believed, trusted. Alessia moved forward pressing against them. The two stayed like that for hours. The whole time in silence just recovering from an awful night.
As the sun rose and entered the car they were in, Sloan gained confidence. They squirmed in her loose hold until they could walk forward. They slid down against her cheek leaning their back against her. Her hand followed and covered them almost like a blanket.
“Will that guy hurt you?” they asked. “The one you bit?”
“He’ll try… he hasn’t liked me for a long time. A bad incident as kids when it came to a human… A human I took before he killed them. Honestly you’re the only one I’ve held outside my family since then. I… I hurt them, I’d been so scared and I hurt them. I-” Alessia’s voice cracked and a tear landed right on Sloan. They didn’t complain or even move. All they did was start to stroke her cheek.
“...You didn’t hurt me. If I still had my sword I would have stabbed his tongue.”
Alessia tightened her grip and shuffled a bit. Sloan watched as her other arm moved down her massive body. It disappeared from sight, returning in only a few seconds with the mangled remains of their sword. She frowned at it, but held it near them.
“I didn’t know if it was important,” she whispered. The strain of unshed tears was painfully clear in her voice. The sword itself was ruined. She’d bitten it before even finding them. Then it spent a night in her pocket. It wasn’t important, it didn’t even do what it was supposed to. Another tear landed on them. “I’m sorry. My older brother… maybe he can fix it. My youngest brother might be able to if the other can’t. He’s made his own weapons and he’s a human so…”
Sloan smiled before grabbing the remains. It was a weird keepsake of the time a giant saved them by tasting them all night. “No… this is fine. It did its job anyway. Kept me alive if a giant was gonna eat me. Helped me make a friend too.”
The pressure on them increased. Another few tears fell.
“Thank you for not hating me.” Her voice was too quiet again.
“Thank you for saving me.”
After that the two fell back into silence, a weirdly comfortable and warm silence. A silence Sloan didn’t mind having for as long as they were with the giant who protected them.
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ritahayworrth · 8 months
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good morning here is today's harvest :))
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sotiriabellou · 5 months
🎶 :]
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gierosajie · 1 year
I got curious so poll time!
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year
Indigenous People's Day
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On this Indigenous People’s Day, we are featuring Matika Wilbur’s recent publication Project 562: Changing the Way We See Native America, published by Ten Speed Press in 2023. Wilbur (b. 1984) is a visual storyteller and member of the Swinomish and Tulalip peoples of coastal Washington. She holds a degree from the Brooks Institute of Photography alongside a teaching certificate that has shaped her style of educating through narrative portraits.  
Project 562: Changing the Way We See Native America, a book born from a documentary project of the same name, resolves to share contemporary Native issues and culture. In 2012 Wilbur set out from Seattle to visit and photograph all 562 plus Native American sovereign territories in the United States.
Wilbur’s engagement with the communities she visited resulted in the creation of hundreds of dynamic portraits and documentation of conversations about “tribal sovereignty, self-determination, wellness, recovery from historical trauma, decolonization of the mind, and revitalization of culture.” She refers to her portraiture approach as “an indigenous photography method” that includes several hours and sometimes days of interaction with the participants, an exchange of energy and gifts, and asking sitters to choose their portrait location. The outcome is a stunning collection of Native narratives and portraits.  
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GREG BISKAKONE JOHNSON Lac Du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
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J. MIKO THOMAS Chickasaw Nation
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HELENA and PRESTON ARROW-WEED Taos Pueblo/Kwaatsaan, Kamia
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STEPHEN YELLOWTAIL Apsáalooke (Crow Nation)
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LEI'OHU and LA'AKEA CHUN Kānaka Maoli
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KALE NISSEN Colville Tribes
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GRACE ROMERO PACHECO Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians
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DR. JEREMIAH "JERRY" WOLFE Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
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MARVA SII~XUUTESNA JONES Tolowa Dee-Ni' Nation, Yurok, Karuk, Wintu
Matika Wilbur will be speaking on UW-Milwaukee's campus Thursday, November 16 from 6-7p.m. in conjunction with her exhibition Seeds of Culture: The Portraits and Voices of Native American Women on view at the Union Art Gallery November 16 through December 15, 2023. 
-Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
We acknowledge that in Milwaukee we live and work on traditional Potawatomi, Ho-Chunk, and Menominee homelands along the southwest shores of Michigami, part of North America’s largest system of freshwater lakes, where the Milwaukee, Menominee, and Kinnickinnic rivers meet and the people of Wisconsin’s sovereign Anishinaabe, Ho-Chunk, Menominee, Oneida, and Mohican nations remain present.
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cauli-flawa · 4 months
Hello all.
The crisis in Congo is vastly overlooked, and so are the people in need of help.
This fundraiser has one donation of $10. GoGetFunding has no minimum on donations, so you could spare a dollar if you have one.
Please donate if you can. Don't worry about it if you can't. /gen
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sugaryfresca · 2 months
Fem name ideas
Laila Eva Marisol Vivien Arabella Aruem Eden
Nailah Violet Xavienna Yazenia Juanita Alayna
Estella Luciana Lorenzia Meina Kamia Lucia
Alejandra Camila Leona Lorena Daiyu Manaia
Leilani Taila Flavia Brianna Zahra Xanthi
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kaliarda · 7 months
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awkwardgtace · 1 year
Fighting Doubts
Hey Hey day 3 Impulsive!!
Today we return to the mafia au. Ryder had a fitful sleep on Rhys's chest and woke up in a not great position. Before he climbs free Felix comes home, but his brothers will be careful when he's out of sight... right?
Fighting Doubts
Ryder bit back a groan as he woke up. The rougher fabric against his face already told him where he was. Another restless nap that landed with him rolling off Rhys and falling into the couch. He was lucky the giant rarely moved in his sleep or this would be a bigger problem. He squirmed a bit to try and grab the fabric to climb up. He’d get high enough, jump on Rhys’s chest and pretend he just wanted a lift to the ground. No one would know this was happening… again.
Rhys shifted a little and Ryder slid down more. Another groan was held back. As much as he hated when this happened, he wouldn’t give these times up. Soon enough his da- no he can’t think like that anymore. Soon enough Vitus would send him away. Mo- Dabria was back and they didn’t need the little human they took in anymore.
Ryder felt the tears slip out of his eyes. He couldn’t climb up if he was crying. Rhys would notice, he always noticed. His brother… the giant wasn’t his brother and Ryder had to accept that. The same when it came to Felix. Alessia wasn’t his sister either. He wasn’t part of this family, he’d just fooled himself until now. With Dabria, Sola, and Luna there was no reason to even pretend they’d want him around. 
Ryder slid down a bit more, this time because of his own shifting. A door opened somewhere, but that didn’t matter. He just had to collect himself a bit. Then he’d go back to normal, pretend it’s all fine. They’d been back a while he didn’t need-
“Rhys!” Felix’s shout made him jump. The oldest of them didn’t usually act like that. Rhys shifted again and Ryder fell even further down. He should speak up, say anything to bring attention to the fact he was there. Something about that shout made him scared to remind them he existed. Felix acting differently might mean things were finally going to change.
“Ugh, what? I was sleeping,” Rhys’s voice was deeper than normal. The giant he had to learn not to call a brother didn’t usually sound like that when he woke up. These weren’t the giants he knew. Has it been an act this whole time?
“Have you stopped the damn rumor about dad trying to get me married?” Ryder relaxed a little. The two had always fought a lot. It was part of what happened from the lives they had to lead. Both fight because they should want to lead the Kamias when in reality Rhys was happy to stay just a member of the family. This was normal, it probably felt different because of where he was.
“Oh,” Rhys’s weight shifted again. Ryder felt it more than before, he might be in danger. “No. Deal with it. It’s useful. I’m not killing it cause you’re annoyed someone was hitting on you again.”
The weight that started to press on him grew. He knew what that meant, especially with the grunts above him. Felix was straddling Rhys. His heart was racing, Rhys knew he was here right? He didn’t tell his bro- the giant he left. Rhys would know, he always did, and say something. Right?
“Kill the damned rumor. Someone tried to ‘share’ a human with me today. They wanted to bite them in half!” Felix’s shout was enough to make Ryder’s ears ring. He tried to cover them, but the pressure around him grew making it impossible to move.
“Fuck off, I’m not killing it. Now let me-” Rhys was grunting. Ryder braced himself; he had an idea of what was next. “-sleep!”
There was a loud thud and the weight pressing on Ryder was gone. At least part of it was gone, Felix was gone. Rhys had shoved the older giant off himself, but they still… they still hadn’t said a thing about him. Did they even care that he might still be around?
“Rhys, kill the rumor!” 
The weight on Ryder disappeared. He heard the thunk that likely meant Felix pulled Rhys down. He tried to climb up. It was harder when he’d already started to fall between the back of the couch and cushion. Suddenly the explanation that a single cushion was safer for humans made a lot more sense. If he could wind up in between the cushions because of a fall they’d definitely kill him.
Ryder lost his grip as the two fighting giants slammed into the couch. He was falling deeper and deeper. The loud slams of fists meeting skin had him flinching. He’d seen them fight before. Times where he was somewhere safe while the two argued just in case it became a fight like this. This time they’d completely forgotten he even existed. It proved that they were just waiting for the time they could send him away… maybe he was too much of a risk. Maybe he had to die.
“Just. Fuck. Off!” Rhys growled. Another thud somewhere that shook even the couch. He could hear the panting of the younger giant. A weight slammed next to him, a few inches closer to the back of the couch and Rhys would have killed him. “Now let me sleep. I’m gonna be out late tonight.”
Ryder knew speaking up would help. If he shouted, screamed, anything. It wouldn’t leave his throat. He could feel the building scream desperate to escape him. The idea of what they’d do if they found him had it trapped. Neither had checked, Rhys had forgotten Ryder was there before. Felix probably wouldn’t have stopped himself from jumping on the couch to straddle Rhys if Ryder was still visible. His vision was blurring again. 
There was a deep growl from further away. It was Felix, but Felix never growled. Seconds later another weight slammed down next to him. Once again just a few inches closer and he’d be dead. The indent was a knee. Felix was the one who came close this time. Ryder slowly realized he was shaking. The sweat on his palms made it impossible to grasp the cloth around him. They had to see him. They had to stop.
A slam of a fist that made both weights get closer. Ryder’s chest was growing tight. He could barely breathe. More slams, the weights even closer. A few more shifts and one would reach him. He’d be dead.
“Enough!” his dad’s voice echoed around… No it wasn’t his dad it was Vitus. Vitus Kamia was there to stop his sons from fighting. Once they stopped he’d get out and hide somewhere until he recovered. The weights didn’t disappear. “I SAID ENOUGH!”
The slamming of fists above him stopped. Ryder thought his ears would bleed from the volume. He couldn’t… he could remember the last time he heard the head of the Kamias shout like that. It was when that other giant almost killed him, the first time he called Vitus dad. The fight must have left them looking worse than he thought.
“What is wrong with both of you?!” Vitus shouted again. His voice was only a little lower than before. A growl came from  the man. Ryder knew those growls well, he heard them all the time. In meetings, at the bar, everywhere. It had been a while. They’d stop letting him help, right now he wished they had kept him active. Then he would have been out with Felix and not hidden in the couch inches from death. “Where is your brother?”
Everything was still. No fighting, no movement. Time might have even stopped. Then the world caught up. Loud thuds followed the weights disappearing. Ryder slid down, sitting on the hard fabric of the couch beneath the cushion. Light blinded him as the cushion disappeared and he was shown to the world again. His teeth were chattering as his body shook. He didn’t want to be found.
Once his eyes adjusted he was faced with two giants staring at him. Pink and gold eyes locked on him. There were marks on both faces from the fight. Hands were reaching towards him, but that made him more scared. He was in the way. They’d hurt him for this. Just like the one they saved him from. The faces blurred.
“Ryder…?” both of the giants said his name. He couldn’t bring himself to move. The hands were coming closer.
“Leave,” Vitus demanded. The giants wanted him gone. He needed to leave, it was important to leave. Once he was gone things would be better. He… he didn’t know what he’d do. The hands were coming closer. Everything was shaking because he was shaking. 
“Ryder I-I thought you left, you weren’t, I…” Rhys said. He knew it was Rhys, but all he saw was a giant that almost killed him and a hand coming closer and closer. How had it not reached him yet?
“I-I looked. You weren’t on him. I-I thought you were out or-or somewhere else. Ryder, Ryder are you… did we…” Felix this time. His hand was closer. They were going to grab him. They were going to kill him. They failed to make it look like an accident. It had to happen before Vitus stopped them. He couldn’t breathe. His eyes stung with tears.
“I said-” Bigger hands grabbed the ones reaching towards him. The two faces were pulled away from him. All he could see in front of him was the house he’d spent most of his life in. There was the sound of struggling behind him. It lasted until the door slammed open. “Leave!”
The door slammed again and he was left in silence. Ryder couldn’t stop shaking, still couldn’t breathe. Heavy steps echoed in the emptiness. Steps never sounded like this before. The steps were heavier than he was used to. Vitus… Vitus was putting all of his weight into every step. The giant among giants was always softening his steps, but Ryder had no idea until today. 
The man came into view, blocking out all of the light Ryder had adjusted to. He waited, the image in front of him blurring and shaking constantly. When it shifted he nearly screamed, but it still wouldn’t escape his throat. Vitus sat down, his weight hitting the ground made Ryder bounce. A deep sigh made the scream he’d been unable to produce escape as a wheeze. 
“Ryder,” Vitus whispered. He couldn’t remember a time he heard the man speak so quietly. He didn’t want to die when this would be his goodbye. He would prefer yelling, something to make him feel like a fool for thinking he had a family. “Ryder, can you look at me?”
Ryder hadn’t even noticed he’d stopped looking. He turned up to face the man he still considered a father. The man had tears running down his face. He’d never seen Vitus crying before. Even when Dabria had been kidnapped he never cried around them. The massive hands came to hover near him. They didn’t grab him.
“Son, just take a deep breath, try to calm down,” Vitus whispered. Ryder tried, each breath hurt. His eyes hurt too. He couldn’t hear his own thoughts. Everything in his mind and heart screamed to run. To get away from everyone who might possibly kill him. From the people who thought he should have been given to any two humans and sent away. “Ryder, did they hurt you?”
Ryder had no idea if he was hurt. Everywhere was in pain and it grew as he stayed still. The blurring in his eyes was coming and going constantly.
“Ryder, I’m going to pick you up,” Vitus’s whisper terrified him. He didn’t want to be held. “We’re going to go to the office where the only one who can reach you is me. I’ll call a doctor and we’ll make sure you aren’t hurt. Ok?”
Ryder didn’t move. He didn’t agree, he couldn’t. The second those fingers wrapped around him he’d die. It didn’t matter who it was. 
“I’m not going to touch you until you’re ready Ryder.” The hands hovering near him pulled back. He… he wasn’t getting grabbed. He started to breathe a little easier. Of course the giants he considered brothers almost killed him, he was just something fun until they had real family. They don’t need him anymore. “Son please, just try to take a deep breath.”
“N-n-not your s-son,” Ryder managed to stutter out. A heavy sigh washed over him. This is when it’ll happen. Now that he said it, Vitus would kill him.
“Of course you are.” That made him jump. It wasn’t true, it was a lie. He wasn’t. “You have been since Felix brought you here.”
Ryder shook his head. It wasn’t possible. He was brought as a victim or a toy. He wasn’t brought as a person they could see like that. Dabria hated him. She wanted him gone. Vitus barely liked him. They put up with him. Felix, Ryder, and Alessia cared, but two of them had just-
“Ryder, I know you’ve had doubts, but you’re my son. All the arguing you overheard when you came here was about how we could give you the offer to stay without trapping you. If it was right to put you in danger that way or if we should find reliable humans to send you to a safe town with,” Vitus knocked him from his thoughts. “Please, trust me. You’re my son and I love you.”
A hand was set in front of him. He was terrified. Someone could kill him, but all the giants here had protected him more than once. Trembling steps brought him up to the hand in front of him. He placed his hands on the palm, the palm that had killed another giant for him.
“I… I thought I might die,” Ryder whispered. He watched his tears hit the palm of his giant father. “I thought they just didn’t care.”
Vitus used his other hand to curl around Ryder. Ryder shivered, but leaned into the touch. He was scared and relieved all at once. The massive thumb started to rub his arm. He still wasn’t lifted up. Using all the courage he had he pulled himself onto Vitus’s palm and crawled to the center. Before he’d reached it the hand had been pulled close to the giant’s chest.
The rhythmic heartbeat calmed him down. Even more so once he realized it was racing. Long fingers curled around and hid him from the world. Ryder felt safe, despite all the fear he felt safe. It was easy to ignore the way everything responded to the movement of the giant holding him. The way the world seemed to shake as he moved. It wasn’t long before a giant door thumped shut followed by the click of  a lock.
“No one else is coming in now, you’re safe Ryder,” Vitus whispered. The whisper on his back made tears flood his vision again. He really thought his brothers were going to kill him. That he’d just be a smear of blood and they wouldn’t ever notice. What would have happened if he tried to scream? If he tried to get their attention?
Those thoughts were pushed away as Vitus walked again. Ryder stared above him at the massive giant’s head bobbing with each step. The man who raised him, his father, still had tears dripping from his face. The fingers around him came closer, as if the entire world had to be kept at bay.
The creak of the chair when Vitus sat was reassuring. It was normal. They stayed in silence for some time before the chin he was watching tilted down. Green eyes filled with fear and worry, why would he be scared? Everything was fine. By the end of the day this would be forgotten… Just like should happen when a giant gets too rough around a human.
The hand around him tilted before pressing him against the firm chest. He wanted to reach up and grab the fabric. It was always calming, the giant’s clothes had changed after Ryder showed up. After he struggled with silk. Yet this time he couldn’t bring himself to move. He still felt that crushing pressure. The fear each time one of them shifted. The slam of each fist that inched his death just a little closer.
“I’m so glad you’re alive,” Vitus’s voice cracked. In all the years Ryder had lived here he never heard that. In one day he’d not only seen the stoic man crying, but heard his voice shattering. “I thought I was too late. That I’d realized too late those two were fighting. I thought we’d lost you.”
“I’m just a human,” Ryder bit his lip as the words slipped out. He hadn’t meant to say it, but it didn’t matter. He started it, he’d finish it. “You would have moved on, forgotten it in a few da-”
The growl from the chest in front of him cut him off. The eyes of fear turned angry. The hands grew tighter. This is what he was pushing for, what he was waiting for. This would be where they finally stopped this game with him and-
“You’re my son, their brother, and we all would have been devastated. If those idiots had hurt you none of us would have recovered any time soon.” 
Ryder had learned over the years to read the tells when Vitus lied. An eye twitch, the smallest change in his voice. He had to. It was that or be terrified of his own father constantly. None of the tells, not a single one appeared with that statement. Somehow after all the reassurances, this was the one that sunk in. That he wasn’t just a human, a Kamia in name only. He was part of the real family, not the mafia one.
That broke what little composure he had. His hands gripped the cloth in front of him tightly. Tears broke out as he buried his face in his dad’s chest. He thought his brothers forgot about him, that they wouldn’t even care if he died. He was terrified of being found by them. He was scared of the best family he’d ever had.
The growl faded away as he cried. The hands increased their pressure, but it was comforting. A promise he was safe. He wasn’t sure he could even face his brothers after this, they had to come back at some point. There was too much to think about, too much about how close he came to dying. 
“Is Ryder hurt?!” Dabria’s quiet voice echoed in the new silence. His dad didn’t speak, he didn’t know how the man reacted. He didn’t care, he didn’t want to face her. She’d blame him, she never wanted him here. Just because she was human now wouldn’t change- “Let me see him. Now!”
Ryder whined when the pressure around him weakened. More tears as he fell back onto the palm. He stared up at his dad. Tears were still a steady stream down the stoic face. All of this felt like a strange dream, maybe a nightmare. He didn’t want it to end by hearing what Dabria had to say. He could still hear her voice saying she knew he was a liability. She’d said it only a few days after his dad had killed a giant to save him.
Dabria pulled him tightly into a hug. He yelped, not expecting the action. That made her pull away and start tugging at his clothes. She pulled off his jacket, finding bruises Ryder hadn’t expected to have. He finally looked in her eyes, tears running down her face. Just like Vitus. The same fear, the same pain… the same worry about him.
“Vitus, call the doctor now!” she yelled. The hand they were on, the hand he hadn’t even realized they were on, twitched. She pulled him close again. Even now she was taller than him. “It’s ok, we’ll make sure you’re ok. You’re safe I promise.”
“I-” he started.
“Get Laura here now. Ryder needs a full check,” Vitus cut him off, Dabria’s hold on him tightened, “You call me as soon as she’s here. No giants are entering the main house until I say otherwise.”
“I didn’t think your own brothers would be a liability. I thought it was all taken care of after Vitus killed that man who tried to hurt you,” Dabria’s voice was quiet. She probably didn’t mean for him to hear her. “Maybe we were selfish to keep you with us. You’d be so much safer if we hadn’t decided to risk it.”
“...you wanted me to stay?” She pulled back, staring down at him. It was easy to forget she’d only just remembered her life. That there were things she still didn’t know. She remembered him, she remembered… she remembered meeting him. Letting him stay. 
“Of course I did. The second I saw you I wanted to make sure you were safe. I thought… I thought we’d do that.” The tears on her face didn’t stop. “You’ll be ok though. If they hurt you at all we’ll take care of it. And… I don’t know, get a house to set up here where this can’t happen again.”
One of his dad’s fingers slid beneath his arm. The hand they stood on moved and he was face to eyes with the man. The green orbs that embodied fear studied him. A new growl slipped out, Da- his mom’s arms tensed around him.
“Those two aren’t allowed back here until you say it’s ok Ryder,” Vitus growled. 
“It’s their home,” he whispered. His mom made him look at her. The fierce eyes that used to strike fear into the heart of any giant that faced them were locked on him. 
“It’s your home as much as theirs,” she said. Ryder shook his head, but a giant finger appeared between him and his mom. It forced him to face the giant with tears slowly drying on his face.
“Ryder, you’re the priority right now those two-”
The words were cut off by a ringing phone. The fact that Vitus dropped everything to grab it made Ryder nervous. The man always ignored phones when he was talking. It was a power play, at least that’s what he was told. 
“You’re here?” he asked. The fingers on the hand around him curled up. A low growl slipped from him, Dabria… his mom just ran her hand through his hair. She was trying to calm him, he knew she was terrified when they couldn’t control their growls. She… he’s an idiot. The phone clattered to the desk pulling Ryder from his realization.
“Dad? What’s going on?” Alessia’s voice came through the phone. “Rhys and Felix just showed up. Felix is crying and Rhys is on the floor with a bottle of vodka. Neither will tell me what happened.”
Somehow hearing that made him scared. They were upset, but was it because they might have hurt him or because he survived. He knew thinking this way was stupid, they weren’t going to do that. This family didn’t act like that, yet he couldn’t stop thinking that was the goal. Rhys completely forgot about him, Felix didn’t look or ask. That… they never used to be so impulsive.
“Is that dad?” Rhys’s voice echoed through. It was quieter, but he knew the giant was shouting. Crashes came from the phone. Ryder’s heart started to race. His breathing grew rapid. They terrified him. “Dad! Is Ryder ok? Did we hurt him?! I thought he left. I didn’t know. He doesn’t-”
“Rhys stop!” Felix’s shout made Ryder shiver. His mom’s arms around him tightened. It actually helped, knowing she was there. The fingers taller than them curled closer, hiding him from the world. “Dad? How bad is it? I-I wasn’t thinking. He wasn’t on Rhys I… I thought he-”
“Did you two hurt Ryder!?” Alessia’s shout was the loudest thing to come through the phone. Three voices argued on the other end. It was followed by a loud bang “Get out!” shouted by Alessia once more. There was silence, the towering fingers came closer and Ryder felt safer. These giants were his family… he was an idiot thinking they just kept him because he was useful. “Is… is Ryder ok?”
The fingers of the hand came close enough the heat from them was palpable. “We’re waiting on the doctor, he…” The fingers moved and the worried green eyes were on him. The pause lasted long enough Ryder realized it was a silent question. He nodded. “He looks alright, but your mom and I are going to make sure.”
“OK, good, good. Let me know if he would want me there ok? I can come home if he’d feel better with another giant around. Only if he wants, ok? If you have me on speaker, Ryder just let me know. I’ll keep those idiots away too.” 
“Alessia!” Rhys’s voice starting again made him reach up to the towering finger. His fingers dug into the skin. The low growl that had only been present for him and his mother grew louder. “Just tell us-”
“Let me know, I’ll deal with them. Bye!” There was a clatter from the phone, but the line didn’t cut. He could hear the mumbling voices from his brothers. “No! Get out. We talked about if you two fight when he’s not in sight. You still did it! We all agreed to be careful. He’s always with one of you and you two almost-”
His dad cut the line. The fingers over him didn’t move until he let go. They flattened, his mother rubbed his back. His family cared, they’d make sure he was ok. Everyone had been worried. They’d thought of it before. This one… this one was a mistake. The fear he felt was already dying. He wouldn’t be sleeping on his brothers’ chests for a while, but the idea of seeing them already felt better.
The hand he was on moved. His mother shifted a bit as they were carried up from the desk. The two were held tightly to the massive chest that had comforted him for so many years. His mom kept calm movements and he finally registered soft promises from her. The damp feeling on his cheeks hit him with the realization he was crying again.
His parents would keep him safe. They’d make sure this never happened again. His brothers would be back in a few days and then he’d deal with that. For now he was going to accept the one stupid impulse driven fight finally locked in that his family did want him around.
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talasdoodles · 1 month
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Artfight this year was a very productive one for me. Like always afterwords I'll be posting the attacks I did with the characters and their owners @ 'ed when possible. Otherwise I'll have their ArtFight names listed in the format I typically use.
Characters here in order are
Fright Light - Crescent-Roll (Artfight)
Gloria - Bugz_Bitez (Artfight)
Fawn Mulberry - megvautour (Artfight)
Jude Wainwright- wintersoldier (Artfight)
Lance - @foxprism
Anthra - cyber__strella (Artfight)
Kamia - @lunaffiene
Serene Sea - Atomicwavez (Artfight)
All of these characters were such a blast to draw!
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annarrchy · 8 months
den exw motivation, thelw na koimamai olh mera, ponaw pantou, anakateuomai synexeia kai de teleiwnw kamia douleia pou exw na kanw
alla I'm just a girl?????
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