#Servamp eve pairs
yarrayora · 8 months
ship dynamic where it's like A willingly becoming B's pawn but B is the only one aware that A is the one who actually holds the power in this relationship and not even A knows it
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xthunderbolt · 2 years
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now all kuros felt mahiru's reaching hand...
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ani-n-mu · 1 year
Happy birthday Mikuni and Jeje!
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
(Sorry that we’re a little late ;-;)
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blv-maniac · 2 years
servamp manga 123 spoilers//
okayyyy this chapter was so good OMG
first of all, we got niccildio !! i'm happy now
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and ofc lily ,, i love him but i don't understand what he is saying ??
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jeje's badass too just look at this move give him a credit
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also he's so wrong w this, i can't lmao
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and they are just precious,, i love their friendship sm they care about each other very much :'D and cappuccino </3
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they're cute together as always i'm a proud bro now
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so shortly i'm obsessed w this ch the only bad part of the chapter is that i couldn't see the sloth pair again but it's ok ;;
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mahi-does-some-art · 6 months
Any headcanons for how different Servamp characters prefer their smores
These may be the most important headcanons I'll ever write ever, anon.
Mahiru: Simple is best! Usually won't get too fancy with it-- Likes his marshmallow with that perfect golden-brown crust. Before he would be confused why some people would burn the marshmallow so much it caught on fire but Sakuya convinced him to try it once and was surprised that it wasn't horrible.
Kuro: Would either toast his marshmallow golden-brown or where there's be some black char spots but not where the whole thing is burnt. He had the idea to put ice cream on top of his smore once and started doing that without fail.
Sakuya: He burns the fucking thing like no tomorrow and swears its one of the best ways to do it. Other than that, also normally makes a standard smore with the gram crackers and candy bar chocolate. He'll also always have sticky hands no matter how careful he is. This boy cannot make a smore that doesnt ooze onto his fingers.
Tetsu: Is very skilled at getting the marshmallow perfectly cooked. Likes his marshmallow golden brown.
Hugh: He condems under roasted marshmallows like he won't eat a whole family pack of uncooked marshmallows straight out the bag. Something about the integrity of a s'more. He has a habit of roasting the thing, sliding the crust off and eating it and repeat till there's nothing left.
Mikuni: This pretentious asshole likes to use the expensive bar chocolate on his s'mores and will swear its better. He'd probably try to make his own marshmallows to roast and after that he's even more snobbish about it. He'll still eat the normal s'more he's offered. Likes his marshmallow with a couple small charred bits.
Jeje: Will fully burn the marsh. Mikuni thinks he's a psychopath for it and God Forbid he burns one of his Eve's homemade ones.
Licht: Will eat the marshmallow no matter as long is its not fully burnt. He has tried it burnt and he rambled on angrily about how it was a slight to such a deliciously holy treat. Using the normal candy bar chocolate and store-bought gram crackers are very special to him and he prefers it that way.
Hyde: Unintentionally scorched his marshy ONCE and got kicked out of his chair for it. Perfers his the perfect golden-brown. He'll get a little bowl of hot fudge to dip his in and it's perfection.
Freya: Doesn't like anything burnt when it comes to it. Will shake up a can of whipped cream and put some on the top of her s'more. It always gets on the tip of her nose and she can't eat a smore cleanly at all wwwww
Iduna: Golden-brown to somewhat charred. Her mess is even worse than Freya's and she always gets goopy hands. She says it's part of the experience.
Niccolo: Likes his with a few char spots and a side of ice cream. Doesn't mix them but likes to eat them both as a pair.
Ildio: It literally doesn't matter, he'll eat it. Even after he starts slowing down and is able to actually taste it, he likes all forms of marshymallow so he's not picky on this front.
Misono: Ate a burnt s'more once and swore never again. Likes his marshy golden brown or a little undercooked. The high quality ingredients the Alicein get makes for an extra yummy s'more. Guess that's where Mikuni gets it from.
Lily: Actually likes his marshy golden to burnt. He likes the flavor of it. Actually perfers it being in the form of a s'more's flavored macaron with toasty marshmallow fluff filling. He likes the texture of the macaron cookies paired with a bit of the crunch of the gram crackers.
I'm not gonna do the rest of Team M bc its 2am and I'm drawing lol. Plz add onto this if you have any opinions!
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longwombraider · 8 months
Mlp infection AU got me HARDDDD
so obviously I have to do a servamp version of it! I'll probably post a part 2 later but here are the characters and what I think their roles are in an infection au☺️
(Format is heavily inspired by @/mrsgendered on IG, creator of the Evergreen Infection Trails!)
Sloth Pair
Kuro- immune 
Health- 100% 
Stress: 80% 
Consciousness - 100% 
Servamps are now taking charge of being the Eve's main defense and offense since they're immune. He sees the fires everytime he closes his eyes
Mahiru - Uninfected, not immune
Health- Healthy, 96%
Stress: 87%
Consciousness: 100%
Mahiru has taken upon himself to start rescuing people and delivering supplies to people since he has a servamp, meaning he can be protected (as long as kuro can keep up) Hes trying to keep everyone chipper, but the stress is taking its toll on him. He should stop overworking or it'll be easier to infect his weakened body.
Envy Group
Mikuni- Uninfected, not immune
Health; Healthy, 98%
Stress: 80%
Consciousness: 100%
Mikuni is primarily worried for Misono, so he had been keeping an eye on Misono, helping him from the shadows. He doesn't fight, and no one knows what his true motives are. He appears from time to time, usually only approaching Mahiru or Misono to hand them intel or products Johannes had created to aid them. His whereabouts are constantly unknown.
Nowadays, he seems to not carry Abel around with him anymore. Mahiru wonders why...
Jeje- Immune
Health; Healthy, 100%
Stress: 60%
Consciousness: 100%
Follows Mikuni along and shoots down any infected down whenever Mikuni goes out. He never misses.
He's constantly seen around Mikuni's neck, alert and upright even in snake form. The infected had always gave him a feeling of disgust.
Johannes- ??? not immune
Health; Sickly, 87%
Stress: 90%
Consciousness: 97%
A prodigy researcher helping to discover a cure. Having a sickly body even before the infection doesn't help. His weakened body is further weakened due to his inability to fall asleep and his workaholic tendencies.
He constantly dons headphones to focus on his work, and not the pleas and groans echoing from the outside.
He trusts he is safe from the infected because it's Mikuni's shop. It should be safe, right?
Greed Pair
Licht- Uninfected, not immune
Health; Healthy, 95%
Stress; 88%
Consciousness: 100%
Licht has been worried about his parent's back in Austria. He can only have faith that they're still out there, alive. Took charge of offense, he, along with Lawless, patrols the borders and are usually on the front lines, fending the infected off. It's been getting difficult to keep up.
He hasn't played the piano for fun ever since. Screams and groans echo in his ears instead of musical notes.
Lawless - Immune
Health: Healthy, 100%
Stress: 87%
Consciousness: 100%
Together with Licht, they are sent to defend the area from the hordes of infected. The emotional stress is eating him from the inside out, and he can't help but rely on Licht to keep his emotions in check. He's worried because he can see Licht is starting to crack too.
A newly summoned rapier is used everytime they go into battle. It won't be good if it breaks halfway. Even magic has its limits.
Melancholy Team
Tsubaki- Immune
Health: Healthy, 100%
Stress: 60%
Consciousness: 100%
The camellias don't bloom anymore. He goes around, like a grim reaper, killing off any infected that had entered the late stages. He hopes it brings them peace.
The only thing keeping him rooted is his family of subclasses. He hopes they're doing well. He hasn't seen them since the infection began.
Belkia- Immune
Health: Healthy, 100%
Stress: 89%
Consciousness: 100%
A medic, helping to tend to the wounded and early infectees. He goes around with Tsubaki to rescue any possible injured, or to kill off the infected that breached the border.
He's tired. The injured and sick doesn't stop coming, and he's trying to give care to every one of his patients. Tsubaki and Belkia are what gives each other hope.
Sakuya- Immune
Health: Healthy, 100%
Stress: 78%
Consciousness: 100%
He accompanies Mahiru and helps him with whatever errand Mahiru needs to run. He doesn't need Mahiru needlessly putting himself at risk by going out and exposing himself to the infected and disease. He also helps Mahiru in distributing supplies and rescuing the sick or helping to fend off the infected.
He'll do whatever he needs to to keep Mahiru safe.
Higan- Immune
Health; ??
Consciousness: ??
Was sent by Tsubaki to other parts of Japan to help to contain the spread of the infection with his fire abilities while also killing off any infected. He was also ordered to keep in touch at least bi-weekly.
It had been 3 months since his last text. Nobody knows of his whereabouts.
Otogiri- Immune
Health: ??
Stress: ??
Consciousness; ??
Primarily the subclass used for assassination and the gathering of intel, she was tasked to find out more information about the virus and its origins. However, just like Higan, she hasn't been contactable in months, and is currently missing.
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It’s been a bit now since chapter 131 was published but I am very slow and I’d like to say something about it; specifically about this particular part.
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I love the way Lily smiles in this panel. Of all the Lily smiles we get throughout the entire manga, I think this is one of the best. Which is no small feat, because Lily is smiling most of the time he gets to be part of the story, even when busy with things like beheading some clown he found in a back alley, or being attacked by creepy puppet versions of himself, or scaring the living daylights out of his Eve’s shitty father. His habit of always smiling is even acknowledged in what I’d consider some of the more meta (but still official) Servamp content we have, like Lust pair’s (absolutely bonkers) Idol Drama CD track.
This is me, the always smiling, soothing-type big brother, the one where all the love is gathered, the lusty vampire, Snow Lily.
Of course by now we can assume that – like many things about Lily – his smiles aren’t entirely honest. Lily is guarding his truths very well, and he has always presented himself as harmless and sometimes downright ditzy while leaving no clues as to how he actually feels about the events going on around him, hiding it all away behind a smile. Misono even comments on this in Lust pair’s shared character song “Not Fragile Love”: 
What the two of us have built up over time now crumbles,What have you continued to hide from me behind that smile?
This panel, and this expression are the culmination of all that, I like to think. This calm, eerie smile in the face of Misono’s fury is nothing but a facade, and what a good one at that – we have no idea what his thoughts might be. The only thing we can be sure of with Lily, I think, is that he loves Misono (this is all for him, after all); and yet he doesn’t seem upset at all that Misono is currently not very happy with him, or may even never forgive him at all, as he himself stated. We can only guess that he might not be as pleased as he shows himself to be.
Misono’s challenge is to break his Servamp’s facade. When Lily’s betrayal was revealed I remember someone saying it is as though lust pair’s arc all the way back in volume four didn’t even happen; but I don’t think that is true at all – the lust arc we already had was needed to make Misono into someone capable of doing what he needs to do now; capable of seeing beyond the walls someone put up, to offer his love and to reach out himself when it is rejected, like he has watched his friends do before, time and time again. 
I love volume four with all my heart and I maintain it’s the best Servamp as a series has ever been (though maybe, the coming chapters are about to prove me wrong). But the story back then wasn’t really about Lily all that much. He didn’t go through any major changes, he only allowed hints of himself and his past to be revealed while all the big secrets we learned were about the Alicein family rather than him. Lily’s turn to be changed is now, and he will experience his change at the hands of Misono, who has come all the way back to him, back to the chess board, back to the very first technique he learned to use through his bond with Lily. 
Misono has gathered the strength to crack him open like a geode, has learned to meet all he finds inside with kindness, and compassion, and love. He will wipe that smile right off of Lily’s face.
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I was looking for something in the early chapters and found this in chapter 3. After seeing Kuro defend Mahiru, Tsubaki laments that he’s the only servamp without an eve now. And then I realized that Tsubaki doesn’t know that Pride Pair’s contract was fake. The way that this panel is framed seems like this line was his own personal vent rather than an attempt to misdirect Mahiru about people he could not have known yet.
It’s possible that Tsubaki may not see Hugh’s betrayal coming, or even if he expects the betrayal, Hugh’s lack of an actual contract item or eve might be a problem for him. 
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joydoesathing · 1 year
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a lot of three symbolism in the latest cover page for the 3rd servamp and his eve, i see
we have:
the Holy Trinity- Pater (Father), Filius (Son) and the Spritus Sanctus (Holy Spirit)
the Three Branches of Government - Legislative, Executive and Judiciary
and a triangle
I have now confirmed that the envy pair seriously has this recurring theme of religion and law/government now
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blvcklizard · 2 years
I said I'd elaborate on my thoughts on Lily's and the Alicein brothers' dynamics and I had a really long week so I'm relaxing by dumping my thoughts here once again. This might or might not make any sense, idk. Also I includes spoilers for the recent chapters.
So starting off chronologically, you know that Lily was supposed to form a contract with Mikuni.
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I think this interaction is incredibly interesting, because it's Mikuni pointing out that Lily doesn't seem happy about him becoming his Eve. Like, it makes sense with their characters, Mikuni is observant and intelligent, and Lily is... really not the kind of person to outright say what he feels on that matter, especially given that his hands are tied by his promise.
I also feel like this panel is defining their later interactions though, especially in the recent chapters.
Lily is very much ready to put his own feelings aside and team up with Mikuni (and Mikuni is fully aware of it). There's some truth in every lie, and Lily was bound to end up with Mikuni from the start. He is ready to become his Servamp (which we'll use as an allegory for, well, the stuff going on with him right now) essentially for his promise (Misono).
And that is the difference between his connection to Misono and Mikuni.
Misono means a lot to Lily. If he has to lie to him and betray him to protect him, he will do so no questions asked, and no matter what Misono would want in the situation.
And that's what's drawing him away from Misono, but also bringing him closer to Mikuni.
What's the central similarity between these two characters? They're ready to set the world and themselves on fire to protect Misono. And, essentially, they both end up hurting him in the process, whether it's because the less painful option is still painful (Mikuni) or because he's not acknowledging what Misono himself wants (Lily).
If you like, lust pair's contract is built on an illusion, literally. But either way, Lily lied to him, which is... not ideal, considering that breaking the trust between Servamp and Eve can and, in that case, did end very badly for both of them. You know the concept of ending up hurting someone because you love them too much? That's Lily with Misono, 100%.
That's not really new information, but it makes things really interesting if we look at his dynamic with Mikuni now, or him teaming up with him at least.
He was supposed to form a contract with Mikuni but didn't, and that's the reason why he'll always be closer to Mikuni than to Misono. (Unless he does come to realize what Misono was trying to tell him at the end of lust arc.)
And, sure, you can say that this has nothing to do with Lily himself rather than how he feels towards either of the Alicein brothers and that their story wouldn't change if he had formed a contract with Mikuni instead of Misono, but both from an in-universe and outside standpoint, this doesn't make sense.
There isn't a single pair of characters in Servamp you could swap in the narrative without the storyline falling apart, and this is especially true with Servamps and Eves. The whole manga is a network of delicate dynamics that work this way and no other.
But also in-universe, it's just who Lily is. Whether he's his Eve or not, he loves Misono, and that'll always be what will make him unable to let him build the sort of connection he has with Mikuni.
Remember what Gear said about the characters of the last three Servamps? They may be more human, but in a self-destructive way.
Lawless, whose families killed and rejected him.
Ildio, whose freedom doesn't let him connect with anyone.
And Lily, whose love burns anyone that gets too close.
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yarrayora · 2 months
tfw if Tsurugi is revived as a Servamp would it still be him or would St Germaine be in control as his demonic core? but either way I can see Vainglory (god i HOPE it's vainglory) making his way towards Sloth Pair ignoring Mikuni entirely because:
The one St Germaine wants to connect with is Kuro, to the point of inventing distance limit within the eve contract
Tsurugi would probably also want to make his connection with Mahiru "real" using the contract (touma is another possible option but with mahiru being beside kuro to attract st germaine im leaning towards mahiru) as a callback to THIS conversation
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i feel like Jeje has spoiled Mikuni a LOT lol. sure he fights back against Mikuni but it's pretty clear by now he has always done that as a bit to make Mikuni laughs
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because despite of this
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jeje is pretty subservient towards mikuni
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so of course he ends up feeling confident he can control the new servamp as an eve, despite, you know, he multiple cases of various servamps killing their eves
and even if he has a plan ready to subjugate the new servamp into obedience... would it work? especially because we don't know whether the distance limit will still exist or not with the creation of the new servamp, since sloth pair has demonstrated their ability to just... destroy that
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xthunderbolt · 2 years
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— K U R O M A H I ; [kuromahi soulmate au where mahiru and human kuro lived in the same era and people could see the red string of fate around their fingers but one day mahiru's string disappears and he finds out that it was because kuro died when he then meets him as a vampire]
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ani-n-mu · 2 years
Help we keep seeing similarities between these two hsbdhssjdjh
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Don’t mind Jeje chilling next to Mikuni xD Just imagining Dainsleif chilling with Scaramouche now lmao
(p.s. image of Scaramouche is from the Genshin impact version 3.2 trailer and Mikuni is from Servamp Alice in the Garden movie (after credits scene :D))
sorry for blurry image quality qwq
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blv-maniac · 2 years
are you excited for the new chapter ?
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he looks very very badass and i think we'll see great fight
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Because drawing digitally and detailed is taking too much time I'm gonna use my draft sketches
So remember how in 2021 I had made an au where I made a bunch of ocs to be the eves for the servamps?
Well I remade it with @ky-kyu :3 and we made a bunch of ocs so here's my four >w<
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Sooo starting off with the first oc I had made this is the wrath pair for this au! They look a lot different compared to the original drawing and I'm proud of my progress :3
In what would be the beginning of the story Lilith is starting their sophomore year and is in a really deep depression because of them losing their eyesight slowly and their eyesight getting worse over the summer but eventually their depression goes away bc of another character (🤫) and they're in a contract with wrath and she's named Lucinda and poses as their service dog :3
Their contract item is the necklace she's wearing
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Next is Lilith's cousin Claudia! She's in a contract with Gluttony who's named Esteban they also got changed A LOT design wise
She technically started off the au because I remember seeing the draft of the gluttony pair and thinking it'd be a cool idea as an au so here it is!
Claudia and Lilith come from a mob family where Lilith's mom was the head of said family up until she had Lilith where she gave the position to her brother who requested she take Claudia with her to flee for the kids safety so she's been raising the two of them since Claudia was born she's also a year older than Lilith
Wrath and Gluttony have been in their family (like Lily) for generations and the cousins were the next ones to inherit them in this au :3
their contract item is the fork necklace he's wearing
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Next is the list pair! They real didn't change much aside from a bit for Diana! When she was around 6 she lost her leg in a car accident
In this au she's related to the Alicein family and lust gets requested to take care of her bc her family is so busy working in the us C3 branch
Lusts name is Belladonna (following the plant them :3)
their contract item is the heart on his belt
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Lastly from the ones I made is the sloth pair! That actually didn't have a design for this au so I got to have some fun designing them
Clyde is the eve for sloth and Kuro actually keeps his name (the whole name Clyde gave him was Kuro Hades) because of connections (🤫)
Clyde lives alone and their hair is naturally black hut due to a condition has been turning white since they were little (it also turns white due to stress) and they also have heterochromia and I love them dearly they're my silly.
They're also besties with Claudia and have know each other since elementary school!
And their contract item is the pearl necklace he's wearing
I have a ton of doodles but I wanna make a separate post for Kys batch of eves so the doodles will come after :3
I'm currently working on detailed drawings of my batch that will come out as soon as I get them done....
There's a ton more detailed lore especially with how they're connected to the original eves but really this au is just for shits and giggles and mainly meant to be lighthearted realistically I know it wouldn't entirely work out following the original storyline but here there's no exact main character
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childrenofthesun77 · 7 months
Giving the heroes 13 mikuni's (well 12 now I guess. Or are 12 fake mikuni's left and the original is not among them so it's still 13? What did you do now mikuni, I'm so confused) to defeat makes a lot of sense now that I thought about it a bit.
Almost all characters are on mahiru's side at this point, with the exception of mikuni, jeje, lily and tsubaki. Even former antagonists like touma and tsubaki's subclass are trying to stop the ritual from succeeding. Now that all the eves and servamps on the heroes side (and gear, touma and tooru) got a chance to show off their powers against pandora I'm expecting that fight to end one way or another soon, meaning we need other antagonists for the many heroes to fight and there aren't a lot left.
Tsubaki is still figthing with kuro. I guess other characters could join the fight, but my guess is that this fight will be mainly between the two and maybe mahiru will join to support kuro at some point. All the servamps coming together to convince tsubaki that they are also his family would be cool too I guess tho.
Last time we saw jeje he was bound in chains and tsubaki stole his jinn, so jeje is currently not exactly a threat unless someone frees him.
Lily could start a fight with someone, but he's not a great fighter, he's a schemer and he already revealed most of his plans to misono. I also feel like while other characters could fight against lily in the end it's misono who has to get through to lily so any other confrontation would only exist to give the characters something to do.
In a similar case I feel like misono should be the one to stop mikuni, but with mikuni's plots harming so many people now (I see lily and mikuni as the true antagonists at this point) I would understand if the other characters got to fight him too. Which thanks to mikuni multiplying a lot is now possible. Some mikuni's are already covered by tsubaki's subclass (so far we've seen belkia, higan and lilac. Plus two pairs of unknown subclass of tsubaki, but I doubt they will defeat mikuni) but many others are not, leaving a lot of mikuni's to defeat to stop whatever spell he cast to aid tsubaki.
I wonder if tsurugi could also return as an antagonist. Not out of his free will of course, but because mikuni is puppeteering his corpse or something. Mikuni told jeje to leave the body as nice as possible and lily killed tsurugi by beheading him with one clean cut. When mikado woke up again the corpse was gone. So did mikuni take it with him to do something with it? Dead tsurugi vs touma would be emotionally brutal😅
The count could return in one form or another too I guess, but I feel like that is something mainly for mahiru and kuro to deal with.
Of course it's possible that a few more heroes get pushed off the board by injury or something similar (tooru is too injured to fight and freya, ildio and lawless did take a lot of damage as they shielded the eves from pandora's blast) but with so many characters on the side of the heroes we need more antagonists to give them something to do while the main characters deal with the bigger threats.
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