notasliceoflife · 4 years
Sesshomaru finally sees the christmas card: and his face has been poorly photoshopped onto a stock image of a man wearing a christmas sweater, which has also been poorly photoshopped into the "family" scene
Makes a face at the image and how poorly it was put together “ I’ve got a feeling that the more I complain about these things, the more often you pathetic bastards will continue to try and force me into them. So, against my better judgment. Thank you for including me in your foolish bullshit.”
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inuyashaaskblog · 5 years
Hello! May I have some Sesshomaru headcanons please? Just general ones, I adore hearing about him ahaha. Ty very much!
Thank you so much for sending it in @brokenescence and Of course! I love him so much as well! Have a nice day ~
General head cannons:
• spends basically all his time for his „job“ meaning being Lord of Western lands - keeping enemy’s out, checking that he‘s still the one in control
• I mean have you ever seen him doing something for fun? No, except that fighting is probs a lot fun for him, he doesn’t have any other hobbies or such
• Despite being rather serious most of the time, he DOES have humour.. it‘s just rather dark and very sarcastic.. making fun of his oppentents is pretty much all he can do but especially with Inuyasha, he does it a lot (check the manga, he‘s hilarious in there)
• Food head cannon: we all know he say‘s he doesn’t eat human food, he probs eats demons and humans. But if he were to try some modern human food just for fun I‘m pretty convinced he‘d like some fancy savory food (and he‘s a savory person for sure)
• that man barely ever sleeps.. we‘ve only seen him sleeping after some serious fights where he got wounded, other than that he‘s always on his feet. Might be because he‘s demon.. or because of insomania?
• when he does sleep tho, he uses his mokomoko as a pillow, I know it for sure
•Despite that he always says he‘s the greatest and no one can beat him, I‘m really really sure he‘s doubting himself a lot. He feels the need to become as strong as his father, but he‘s like his idol. He kinda thinks he can’t reach him without Tessaiga. So he uses all his strength and time to become as great as him (also to make him proud)
• That‘s why he might have insomania, maybe not bc of nightmares (tho I‘m sure he‘s got some too of being to weak and people especially his father favoring Inuyasha and not him) but because he doesn’t want to „waste“ his time on something „useless“ when he could spend it on becoming stronger
• Boy‘s got issues, daddy issues and prob also mommy issues cause she was one cold lady and even though you can‘t see it, I‘m pretty sure Sess is desperate for praise (one reason why he‘s keeping Jaken?) and also for affection... he just doesn’t want to admit it because he thinks it would weaken him colliding with his daddy issues and his own very high expectations of himself (which are as toxic as his venom in his veins)
• He doesn’t actually hate Inuyasha, it‘s more that he hates it that he inherited Tessaiga and that his father left his mother (and kind of him with that at least thats how he feels). That‘s why he‘s so mad at him. Deep down he knows it‘s not Inuyasha‘s fault but it‘s easier to blame him then looking at his own feelings which are self doubt and even more self doubt and loneliness, why didn’t gave his father the sword to him? Why didn’t he love him more or at least as much as Inuyasha? Why did he make fun of him for giving him a useless sword?! (At least so he thinks)
Ok, this was really fun to write but I have no idea if it was the kind of thing you were looking for? If not, maybe you could specify it a little bit?🙈 I‘d be nice to hear some feedback, too long, too short? Any feedback is well appreciated.
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inuyashaaskblog · 5 years
Helloooo, the local Sesshomaru thotie is back. So how about some headcanons on his relationship with his family members(mom, dad, bro,) if you would like. Thank you much!
Yay another Sesshomaru one (my fave 🙈) And ofc I‘d love to. Here it goes:
Family Headcanon Sesshomaru
He completely adores his father, he‘s his idol nr. 1
Pretty much all he does is to become better them his father and if he were alive to impress him as well and make him proud
He actually just really wants to be loved by him
Even tho he‘s not the worst father, Inu no Tashio probs didn’t give him much affection, how could he if he‘s in fights most of the time
So he didn’t get to see his father so much
But he did learn a lot of fighting from him, the most time they spend togther was practicing
If Sesshomaru wouldn’t be such a loner they would have made such an awesome team
I also believe they did fight together on several occasions, Sesshomaru always giving his best so his father can see his strength and eventually will pass his title on to him
Even tho he said he would kill his father for Tessaiga, he wouldn’t have done it, he would have tried but he couldn’t have done the fatal hit
Let alone he couldn’t because his father was stronger than him when he was still alive
Sess was completely shook when he heard his father died. How could the strongest demon of the Western Lands just suddenly die? In a fight with a human? For a human?! The woman he left his mother for?
He just doesn’t understand it how his father sacrificed himself for such a lowlife and leave him like that, he can’t even proof his strength to him anymore, he can’t proof he’s worthy of Tessaiga and he can’t proof that he can be as good as the Lord as his father
And he can’t feel loved as much as he wanted to. He takes it as a proof that he inherited the Tessaiga to Inuyasha, a baby hanyou, that his father didn’t love him as much as Inuyasha, or maybe not at all?
And also Tensaiga? What kind of twisted joke is that? Giving him a sword he can’t cut and kill with? He feels like his father is making fun of him and feels really hurt
Their relationship is very complicated, it was a burden to both of them. Sesshomaru always wanting to impress him and wanting to feel loved and his father always worrying about his son and how he sees humans
After his death Sesshomaru is seemingly mad at him, and he is, but he also uses his anger to cover up his sadness
With time he understands his fathers motives and wishes but it takes a lot of time
Feels at peace when he finally becomes more powerful than him and thanks him for not giving him the Tessaiga which would have limited his powers
Mother (Inu Kimi)
She did most of his upbringing especially when he was a baby
She definitely loves him a lot but has a bit of trouble showing it
When Inu no Tashio left her, she becomes even more distant towards her son, treating him rather coldly because he reminds her of her ex husband and his betrayal
Sess kind of gets that but he still wished his mother would be a little more affectionate towards him
Because of her coldness (and his fathers absence) he becomes very cold hearted as well, not revealing emotions at anytime
His mother definitely influeced his world view a lot. A lot of his hatred for humans and hanyous he already had as a child, when his mother thaught him they were worth less than demons
She did that especially after Inu no Tashio left her for a human and Sesshomaru also feels betrayed by him
Sesshomaru prob left his mother very early, still being a teen, to live on his own but came to check in on her more than he does as an adult
Now he basically never does, which is why she was so delighted to see him
Even tho she raised him and they look very similar and even are quite similar, he feels more connected to his father because of their shared passion for fighting and so he only needs to prove himself to his father not his mother
She raised him very strictly I imagine, she thought him manners, proper language, everything a future lord needs to know, and he’s thankful for it
They treat each other respectfully but don’t have such a close mother son relationship
Step mother
Because he prob never really got to know her there is not so much to say
But he definitely despises her
She’s the reason his father dies so pitifully and also why such a horrible creature (Inuyasha) was created which then caused him not inheriting Tessaiga
He just really doesn’t like her
His father probs wanted him to meet her when he was still alive but he declined, he doesn’t want to betray his own mothet as well
He doesn’t see her as his mother like at all, just a pathetic human
But he definitely did check her when his father wasn’t there to see what she’s like and to understand why his father would like his mother (he doesn’t tho)
He must have seen her at least once otherwise he couldn’t have created a fake version of her at the beginning of the series
Oh this is a lot, I‘m gonna do a short version of this
We all know he kind of hates Inuyasha; for being the son of a human for whom his father betrayed his mother, for being a hanyou which is a shame to the family, for having inherited the Tessaiga and for not helping him in a war when he needed him but Inuyasha was pinned to a tree
And yeah all of this reasons aren’t really Inuyasha‘s fault
Deep down Sess probably knows he’s being a bit unfair and doing him wrong
But he wants to, he wants to blame someone, blame him for that he cannot reach his own goal of surpassing his father
He also blames his father for that but he avoids blaming himself
Just how Inu Kimi saw the betrayal of Inu no Tashio in Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru saw his fathers betrayal in Inuyasha
Everytime he saw him he had a little stitching pain in his chest
This little brat, his father loved this brat more than him? He can’t even fight properly, he behaves childishly, doesn’t acknowledge anything and takes Tessaiga for granted
But deep down Sess actually cares for his little bro, after all they share the bloodline, if he wants to or not
We see Sess saving Inus ass quite a lot of times and frankly, if Sesshomaru had really wanted to kill Inuyasha, he definitely could have, he just always uses lame excuses to not do so and ‚postpone‘ it
He’s even a bit proud of him, seeing him evolve and becoming stronger and learning how to use Tessaiga properly (big brother feelings)
That also makes him jealous again, always seeing him with Tessaiga, the one thing he wanted so much but he couldn’t have
When Inu was younger they prob barely ever interacted but I‘m sure Sess also checked him out, he’s a bit curious after all
But he definitely didn’t show himself to him before Inu was in his teens
He wouldn’t have fought him back then because he realizes it’s useless to fight someone that young
He probably did tell him he would kill him some time tho, which also fueled Inuyasha‘s will to fight, become stronger and a full fledged demon, he wanted to be able to fight his elder brother
With time he respects his brother a little more, seeing him more as an individual and as a brother than as a filthy hanyou
He also mocks him way less and insults him less at the end of the series than he did at the beginning
Even though their relationship is still not warm or anything, they get along better the older both of them get
Phew that took me some time, but thanks a lot, I really needed to kill some time at the airport. Hope you liked it ~ As usual I‘d be very grateful for a little feedback
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