#Seth definitely wanted to see them wreaking havoc
evolving-dreamer · 4 years
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Actual footage of Vanessa and Bracken's first encounter
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 https://www.tumblr.com/thesirenrealm 🥂
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒏: ✧  Passionate ✧  Hot-heated  ✧  Mischievous  ✧  Determined ✧  Protective
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I ship you with Paul Lahote! The hot-headed werewolf who can back up his bark with his bite. He isn’t for the faint-hearted as he has a big personality. But you were never intimidated by him, even when you found out about his secret. 
・He loves to go shopping with you. Many might think he’d hate it, but he actually really loves fashion and trends. He’ll help you pick out outfits, and wait for you while you’re in the changerooms. 
・Will take you out to all the best places; especially clubs, bars, and restaurants. 
・Loves spoiling you; roses, jewelry, etc. Oh and especially books! He’ll go out to get them, take you with him, or surprise you. He is a soppy baby tbh; he may seem like a dude-bro but he has a soft heart. 
・Being around the wolf pack a lot and getting into arguments with Jacob 
・Seth is like a younger brother and he constantly looks up to you
Relationship Tropes: 
  ✧ Very Comfortable With Each Other (PDA, kissing, hands on thighs, back rubs, neck kisses) 
  ✧ Two Morons Who Think They’re Smarter Than The Other
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢  
Your passion, the way you feel things, your intensity. He couldn’t see himself with someone meek and mild. 
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑  
Your best friend is Leah Clearwater; the two of you are like two sides of the same coin. But where she is reserved, you’re more passionate and outgoing. You have a strong bond and she loves being around you; you help each other with problems and sort through issues. You see a side that not a lot of people see - she’s witty, funny; therefore you have a lot of inside jokes. 
𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐲
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I ship you with Jax Teller! You deserve someone who would risk their life for you, who would die for you. He would be so loving, but also expect you to be a part of the club. It would make him so proud. 
・His pet names for you are, ‘babe’, ‘sweetheart,’ ‘darlin’,
・Riding on the back of his motorcycle. The wind in your hair, feeling free as he speeds down the highway. 
・He’s really proud to call you his Old Lady. He doesn’t mess with the crow eaters or any other woman but you. (Because he knows you will wreak havoc on anyone and everyone.) 
・He gives you every cent he earns - you’re in charge of his finances
Relationship Tropes:
 ✧ Mutual Pining Thinking The Other Hates Them
 ✧ Charming Suave x Fierce Intimidating 
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢  
How sweet you are with him, but how sour you can be with others. He loves knowing that you love him while others won’t ever get to experience it. 
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑  
I think your best friend would be Tara - she would give you a new outlook on how to look at things and give you great advice. She’s a nice reprieve from the testosterone that you’re both surrounded by. 
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I ship you with Ivar the Boneless! You said you like to read and watch horror, and from that, I think you have a fascination, or at least a tolerance, of darkness. 
・Will fight anyone on the spot if they disrespect you even slightly. He will kill them. And a few times you’ve told him to stop and other times ... well ... 
・You’re always by his side in public, especially during a battle. You will ride in the same cart as him - but he doesn’t expect you to fight (he doesn’t want you hurt, but if you want to fight, then he would make sure you’re the best.)
・Would most definitely die for you. 
・Treats you like royalty; makes sure you have everything you would ever need, nay, want. 
Relationship Tropes:
 ✧ You Think I’m Scary? Wait Until You See My Wife
 ✧ Evil Mastermind x Enabler/Supporter 
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢  
That you accept him, you do not judge him and make him feel wanted/loved. He hasn’t felt so loved since his mother, and even then it wasn’t unconditional.  When someone is telling a story, and no one is paying attention. You’re that person who looks at them and says, “keep going, I’m listening.”
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑  
Your best friend would be Astrid - she has a similar fire that is within you. That passion is reflected, and she would feel like she found a sister. You would practice together, tell each other stories and memories. 
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softmoxymuffin · 5 years
It Started with Submission: Chapter 3
sorry for the wait. i have a fairly clear direction of where this fic is going and most probably end it at chapter 5 but i promise to make it as good as possible as i could kindly just be patient with me and please enjoy
It Started with Submission
Chapter 1: Gym
Chapter 2: Showers
Chapter 3: Car
Chapter 3: Car
After an incredibly cold shower to shock his senses back up and his dick back down. Seth made his way disgruntledly back to the locker room where he noticed he was all alone. He was actually relieved. He made quick work with getting dress, not caring if his hair was still a wet mess that dripped down the back of his shirt making it stick to him annoyingly. He put on his shoes and packed away his shit and made his way out the locker room.
Only to be greeted by a cocky smile and a happy tune. Dean really did wait for him.
Seth chose to ignore the other man instead made long irritated steps back to the lobby and up to their hotel room. Seth didn’t even turn to make sure Dean was following him. He just knew he was.
They finally made their way up to their room. Just as quickly as Seth packed his things away in his gym bag, he did so as he packed the rest of his things. He had finished in less than 15 minutes, but when he turned to Dean’s side of the room it was clear the other man was taking his time with his own things. Seth thinks Dean must be enjoying watching him all prissy and irritated the way he was right now.
“I’m gonna go wake up Roman.” He announced and left before getting a reply.
The other member of Shield was thankfully in another room across from them. Seth had to admit being the golden child definitely had it’s perks. He usually wouldn’t think of something so petty, but in his current state of mind he was just about ready to blame anyone and anything for his foul mood, because he’d be damn to admit it had anything to do with being left in a gym shower while holding his dick in his hand.
“Woah, mornin…” Roman mumbled as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “Still pretty early.” He pointed out.
“Yeah well, you’re not the one who has the drive for the next 10 hours.” Seth complained. “So come on.” He added before he made his way back to his own room.
“Thought it was Dean’s turn?” Roman asked confusedly.
“Well it’s not,” Seth countered . “So move it.”
He re-entered his hotel room half expecting Dean being the little shit that he was to still be fixing his things. He was just about ready to berate the other man when he was forced to bite his tongue. He was irritatingly surprised to see the other man just sit back casually on his bed with his bags neatly ready by the side. There was that all knowing grin smiling back to him again.
Seth roughly got his things together and said “I’m headed downstairs for breakfast. Whether you guys are ready or not we’re leaving at 6.” Then made his way out and downstairs, practically shoving Roman off his path.
“What’s his problem?” Roman asked the other Shield member.
Dean to his credit just gave the other man a shrug before offering to help him with his own packing.
Downstairs Seth had gone and ordered himself a cup of coffee. He really should have ordered something more, something more filling. But the irritation from earlier just seemed to bleed through him and made him lose any sort of appetite for food. Though it was his first cup of coffee that day, Seth found himself nervously bouncing his leg. So much pent up energy from before not having a proper outlet. He hated it.
He loved going to the gym. He loved the workout. He loved the ache on his muscles. Something about it just made him feel alive. That’s what he had felt like in that ring with Dean. That adrenalin pumping through him just ready to burst. But the second Dean had done what he had done, Seth was over. Whatever release he had been hoping for was gone, and in it’s place was just deep suppressed frustration. All Seth could think about was Dean being the cause of it, and not knowing how exactly to fix it.
Finally, the two other men got down from their hotel room. Their bags all somewhat neatly packed. Roman still yawning slowly looking like he was sleep walking. By contrast, Dean was smiling smugly fresh as a fucking daisy. Seth hated it.
“Let’s go.” Seth all but ordered the other two around. Roman, even in his sleepy state, could pick up on Seth’s irritation. Dean on the other hand went along like nothing everything was normal.
They had gotten to their rental. All their luggage in the back. Roman automatically climbing into the backseat where he sprawled out as much as he could to go back to his own personal dream land. Dean casually sitting in the passenger with absolutely no care in the world. Seth disgruntledly climbing into the driver’s seat.
Though he knew the hours of driving would wreak havoc on his knee, but he was glad he had something to do for all those hours. Seth was not sure how his mind was going to go if he had nothing to do right now. He needed to keep himself busy. With the road in front of him, the wheel in his hands, and the car in his control, Seth would actually have a chance to distract himself from his treacherous thoughts.
That’s what he had thought. For some reason, while trying his best to drive them as carefully and as efficiently as he could, Seth had a particularly hard time ignoring the man who was seated right next to him. Like many of their interaction, this really shouldn’t feel as odd as it did. This was their usual seating. Roman snoring at the back, while Seth drove and Dean rode shotgun. This was normal, and yet Seth had trouble ignoring the presence that was seated right next to him.
Dean was doing absolutely nothing. He was just sitting there looking out the window. He wasn’t fidgeting in his seat. He wasn’t insisting on turning the radio on. He wasn’t annoyingly trying to play i-spy. Nope. He just sat there. Not a care in the world. It made Seth seethe in annoyance.
“Hey, minimart half a mile from here.” Dean spoke for the first time in like two hours.
“So?” Seth asked irritatedly.
“So, we gotta grab something to eat.” Dean pointed out, which only made Seth glare. “Listen you were the one who wanted to get on the road as quickly as possible. None of us got a chance to eat anything at the hotel. We just grab a couple of breakfast burritos to go.”
“Those things are disgusting.” They really weren’t all that bad, but Seth was desperate for anyway to go against Dean right about now. That included willing to ignore the growling in the pit of his empty stomach.
“Come on, we’ll eat them at the car. You won’t have to stop.” He insisted. “I’m gonna need something in me soon.” He spoke nonchalantly
Seth huffed at the double meaning of Dean’s words. The man could act dumb but he knew that Dean was more than capable of mind games to could screw a guy over. He had to admit though the coffee from earlier did nothing for his appetite. He was almost too stubborn to admit it.
“Fine.” He finally agreed and pulled over at the next minimart they found.
Seth stayed in the car while Dean made his way to the store. Seth couldn’t seem to stop himself from staring at the tall form walking away from him. The other man’s jeans looking a lot tighter and a lot more tattered than anything he has ever worn before. He even noticed a slight tear at the back of his thigh showing a sliver of soft skin just below his ass.
It made Seth blush and look away. He has really got to get some food in him. His vision was getting affected.
Dean had finally gotten back to the car with an armful of food. An assortment of burritos, snacks and drinks, all of which made Seth a little queasy but also made his stomach grumble hungrily.
Once they were back on the road Dean had gone ahead and had his breakfast burrito, not caring whether Seth nor Roman was having theirs just yet. Seth on the other hand resided himself to drinking a vitamin water, not really willing to let go of his ‘burritos-are-gross’ stance.
After a few minutes of driving he was slowly getting annoyed by the responsibility of having to focus on the road, especially when the guy on you passenger seat was busy slurping the hell out his breakfast burrito. He never expected any high end manners from his tag team partner but the way he was moaning around his food was damn near pornographic.
Seth mentally scolds himself for even putting the words porn and Dean Ambrose in the same sentence, even if it was only in his mind. But he couldn’t help it. Dean was moaning about his food like it was a damn Godsend and not some radioactive wrap of meat that might have been rotating in a barely working microwave in a minimart out of nowhere. Like Dean really didn’t have go all out on the ‘ohhhs…’, and ‘ahhhh…’, and the ‘oh my God, I can’t believe how good this tastes in my mouth right now.’
Seth really wanted to shove something else in Dean’s mouth right now.
Again… Seth had to mentally scold himself. That was not what he wanted, at least not the way the image flashed in his mind. Why that particular image flashed in his mind he doesn’t know, but he was sure it meant nothing. Imagining shutting you’re your best friend up by shoving something down his throat was not pornographic, it was not hot. It was nasty and violent and rough and hard…
Seth wanted to fucking drive off a cliff which was an impossibility when you were driving across the flatass lands of Kansas.
When he saw Dean finally ball up his burrito’s paper wrapping and unceremoniously throwing it out his passenger side window. Seth was just about to reprimand the other man due to his littering, but was more relieved than upset. He was not sure what he was going to do if he had to spend another hour or so listening to Dean make anymore unnecessary sounds. He then realized that his relief came much too early when the blue eyed man pulled out something else from his little grocery bag.
“Used to love these when I was a kid.” Dean said with delight. “Couldn’t believe they still had them in there.”
Seth glanced in mild panic when he noticed what Dean had been talking about. Dean bought himself some candy. Not only that, but he had bought a lollipop. What was worse was Seth recognized it too.
“Is that a unicorn pop?” he asked rhetorically while he nervously tried to keep his eyes on twisted rainbow candy on a stick.
Dean only nodded and gave a big smug smile and proceeded to put more than half of the damn candy in his mouth. If Seth thought the burrito was gross then the 5 or so inches of colorful candy was going to be the death of him. Of all the goddamn sweets this asshole had to buy he just had to buy the gayest phallic piece of candy that he could find and started to suck on the damn thing.
Seth did his best to keep his eyes on the road. His knuckles grew bone white from the tight grip he kept on the wheel. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably. His skin grew unbelievably warm for under the midwestern sun. His right foot bounced to one side while he gathered all the control he had to not step harder than he really should have. Seth can do this. He can do this. Whatever he did, just don’t look at Dean.
Of course that’s exactly what he did. Not only that he Seth looked over on the precise moment when Dean had shoved the whole damn thing in his mouth. The red, white, and blue coloring staining his thin soft looking lips making Seth think of a Fourth of July in the wrongest way possible. His dimples grew deeper as he hallowed his cheeks out and gave the lollipop a filthy wet suck. The unmistakable sound of the back of his throat straining as he let his jaw go slack.
Fucking hell Dean was a natural co-
Seth swerved all too suddenly at the loud sound of the truck driving a little to closely behind them. The huge cargo truck swerving left and made his way around their own black SUV but not before giving Seth, the driver, the middle finger and a couple of choice vulgar words.
“What the fuck Seth?!” Roman woke from the sudden jostle.
Before Seth could say something in defense he heard Dean make a loud choking noise which should not have sounded as affecting as it did. Dean fell back in his seat, luckily still alive, but his unicorn pop sadly falling down on the carpeted passenger side floor.
For a second there all Seth could think about was the terrifying thought that his lust addled mind was going to cause their certain deaths. He and Roman dying in the car crash, while Dean would die with a damn lollipop stuck to the back of his throat.
Luckily, after giving himself a fairly strong hit to his chest and coughing for a bit Dean was more than perfectly alright.
“You ok Deano?” Roman asked worriedly as he rubbed the shoulder of his coughing friend.
“I’m ok man…” he croaked, his voice sounded a tiny bit rougher than usual, but Seth couldn’t find it in himself to really complain about that.
“I’m sorry, I-” he tried to apologize, genuinely apologize when he was cut off by Dean raising his hand.
“That motherfucker was an asshole…” Dean said before taking a drink of his water.
“Who?” the Samoan asked.
“Fucking truck driver just cut as off out of nowhere.” He added after his drink.
Seth wondered if Dean knew why he hadn’t realized the truck was even there. He wondered through his obvious enjoyment of his candy, had he noticed the his unflinching gaze towards him. He wondered why Dean would defend him when it was a more than fucking clear that Seth was losing his mind just from being less than five feet away from him.
After a few minutes of calming down, Roman seemed to have accepted that everything was in fact alright and laid back down to continue his sleep. Dean had bent down to pick up his lollipop which he, much like earlier with the burrito wrapper, threw it out the window unceremoniously. Only this time, Seth was more than let go of Dean’s littering ways. He was glad to be rid of the damn thing.
Worriedly, Seth had seen Dean pull one more thing out from his grocery bag. He was starting to question which one had scared him most the shock from the truck nearly plowing them over or the anticipation of what Dean had in store for him.
Innocently, the other wrestler had actually taken out small plastic package that looked a little all too familiar. The thing looking more at home in his old lunch box rather than in a 30 year old wrestler’s rough looking hands.
“That a Hostess Cupcake?” Seth asked with a small smile on his lips.
“Yeah,” Dean smiled back. “Your favorite.”
The Armenian chuckled, remembering some night at some point mentioning loving those cupcakes since he was a kid. It was one of the most mundane things they had shared over drunk ramblings, and he was a little touched that Dean had actually remembered.
Maybe it was the fact that he had almost killed himself and his best friends. Maybe it was the thought of Dean buying him his favorite childhood cupcake. Maybe it was because Seth a bigger softie than wanted to admit, but some deep part in him saw this as a good sign. Maybe even a good enough sign to be messed up olive branch from the other man. Whatever it was, Seth was willing to take it if it meant everything goes back to normal.
“Thanks I-” He was just about to say and take the cake himself, but was somewhat surprised that the other man had opened it himself. “What are you doing?”
“Feedi’n you.” He answered simply like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Naw man.. you don’t have to, I-” he protested.
“Nonsense,” he cut him off again. “You’re driving. I mean you almost killed us a couple of minutes ago. You think I’m willing to risk that again?” he asked logically.
Which made Seth a little suspicious, but he was finally in some sort of good mood and he was not willing to let it go. So kept quiet as he watched the other man peeled off the wrapper off of the cupcake. He was even careful enough to not ruin the icing on top. He did his best to keep his fingertips from getting sticky from the chocolate and vanilla.
“I don’t know man.” He said.
“Aww.. come on Sethie. It’s just a cupcake.” He replied innocently as he held the dessert close to Seth’s mouth.
Smelling that nostalgic scent made Seth feel warm and homey. The cupcake looking so sweet and tasty. Though Seth had been driving close to six hours, something about the cupcake seemed to remind him of what it was like being in the 2nd grade and seeing those cupcakes in his school lunch. Seth was an absolute goner the moment Dean had pulled them out the bag.
While keeping his eyes on the road and his hands a bit steadier than they were earlier, Seth had leaned over to the other man’s side and inched his mouth closer to the sweet dessert. Just when he thought he’d finally get a bite, Dean had teasingly pulled the damn cupcake away missing his mouth at the last second. Him doing that for the first time was funny. The second time was little annoying. The third as a little frustrating, and Seth knew it was beginning to show, which only seemed to make the other man laugh a little more.
“Ok, ok.. fine… here you go.” He said right before he practically shoved half the cupcake in Seth’s open mouth.
“What the fuck man?” his laugh muffled by the cake in his mouth.
Fortunately, Seth hadn’t choked as badly on the cupcake than Dean had on his lollipop but the burst of sweet creaminess in his mouth was still a bit of a delightful surprise. Without looking at his rearview mirror, he was pretty sure he had half of the icing just hanging off his lips and beard. The feeling making him feel childish and carefree.
He took slow and deliberate chews of the dessert in his mouth. That sweet cakey goodness making him feel somewhat giddy. Just as he swallowed, he used the fingers on his right hand to wipe the icing away from his lips. Just as he was about to grab a couple of sheets of tissue paper to clean himself up, Seth felt a strong and confident grip wrapped around his wrist.
Dean’s fingers looked long and almost delicate wrapped around his pulse point. Catching his sight off guard, Seth could not look away from the other man. His expression towards Seth looked hot and calculating, almost predatory. He sat there frozen as Dean looked him straight in his eyes, then looked hungrily at his fingers and without warning took Seth’s icing coated index finger in his mouth almost as far as the lollipop had gone earlier. His pink lips wrapped around the very base of his third knuckle. His soft cheeks hollowed around it, the soft suction around his appendage feeling like it was sucking the air out of his lungs. Every bronze centimeter slowly revealed to slide out of his mouth, now clean off icing and wet from Dean’s spit. Until his mouth moved higher and higher to the very top where he sinfully ran his tongue around his fingertip just before he gave it a shocking bite.
It was that that finally pulled Seth from this trance. He nearly jumped out of his seat, causing him to swerve the damn SUV again. And again causing Roman to jostle, this time a little bit harder against the backseat window.
“What the fuck!” Roman exclaimed. “Oh that is it! Stop the car.” He commanded.
Seth could not make his brain work enough to think of anything else than follow the instruction and stopped the car at the side of the road. His heart hammering under his chest. His blood coursing faster and faster sounding like ocean waves in his ears. Feeling as lost at sea as anyone could be in a car in the middle of Kansas with the devil that was Dean Ambrose.
“Get out!” Roman’s voice boomed. “What?” Seth asked dumbly.
“You heard me. Get out!” he repeated himself. “You clearly can’t drive properly, and I ain’t about to get concussed before we even reach the damn arena. So get out of the car. I’m driving!”
Seth’s jaw dropped at his friends clear agitation. Apologies dying on his tongue as he saw the older man climbed out of the backseat. Seth’s eyes quickly turning towards Dean who just sat there who looked like he hadn’t had the 2nd life threatening event happen to him in less than three hours. It fucking made Seth furious.
But that was suddenly halted by the hard knock on his window. Roman standing on the other side clearly taking the responsibility of driving from the Seth. He gave Dean one more scathing look before he huffed out of the car, pushing his way against the Samoan before he climbed in the backseat himself. Roman, for all his annoyance, climbed on to the driver seat as calmly as he could and checked on everything before he started the car again to continue their journey through the Midwest.
Seth sat there fuming. The last few seconds he had on that driver seat freezing, rewinding, and in constant replay in his head. It was like looking at a car crash, but oddly more devastating at how turned on and confused it had left Seth. He couldn’t believe he was stupid enough to fall for it. To believe Dean would just let go of it so easily. This man was petty and found entertainment in the cheapest of forms. He really shouldn’t have been so surprised that messing him up would not be his favorite form of entertainment.
When he had thought it was over, it was far from it.
As he sat there mentally throwing daggers in the back of the other man’s head, Seth was surprised he actually found himself one more reason to grow even more furious.
His eyes following the motion of Dean’s hand, that hand he had used to hold his wrist, now creeped friendily over to Roman’s side where it comfortingly gave the Samoan’s thigh a comforting and quick squeeze.
That definitely made Seth angry enough to wish he had crashed the car earlier.
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mfmagazine · 6 years
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Ross Thomas
Article by Lauren Weigle
Photo by Josh Madson
He’s a lover of travel, sports, and the great outdoors.  Above all else, though, is family… with love following shortly behind.  But, if you’re looking for some juicy details in that area, you may be a little disappointed.  This strapping young actor doesn’t kiss and tell.  What he does do, however, is entertain! Whether he’s tearing up the floor for the Wayans Brothers, getting you to laugh out loud in the movie theater, making you drool on General Hospital, or capturing your attention in his more serious roles, one thing is for sure; he’s having a great time.  And why shouldn’t he?  Good-looking, smart, talented, energetic, with a good head on his shoulders… make sense.
You were in the movie Dance Flick… What was it like working with the legendary Wayans brothers?
The Wayans brothers are comedic icons. I grew up watching In Living Color, so I've been a big fan of their work for quite some time. When I was a kid, my mom would say, "Ross, time to turn that off and do your homework," and I would respond, "yo, homie don't play that!" Of course that didn't fly so well with El Jefe.  When I got the call from my agent about "Dance Flick" I thought, "yes! This is my Jim Carey moment...I have to show these guys I can hang with their comedy". I made it past the first couple auditions, all the way to the final test, which would be in front of the entire Wayans family at Paramount. I was amped to get in there and do my thing, but also a bit terrified to bomb in front of such prolific comedians.
I can only imagine.  So, how did you overcome your fear?
I decided to let it rain and just go as far with the material as I could. They surprised me in the room and told me I would have to B-boy dance to some old school track. So I threw some Michael Jackson spins with a bit of pop n' lock and proceeded to slide down the table that they were all sitting at. Needless to say, they were in hysterics. That was a surreal moment...making the legendary Wayans laugh! I've never laughed so hard making a movie! Every day we came to set was like going to a dance party and cracking jokes. The Wayans are all about family and loyalty, so the whole production had a very familial feeling to it. The director, Damien Wayans, would let us improv as much as we wanted and if it was funny, he'd keep it in. It was a very liberating experience working with these guys...they realize that comedy happens in the moment and a lot it of you can't plan or write for.
I guess you wouldn’t really call it work then.  Was it just one big blooper reel?
We laughed all day long on this movie. I found myself not wanting to go home at the end of the day because we were having too much fun. During our lunch breaks, rather than sit in our trailers, we'd go out into the parking lot and blast the music and have giant dance battles. We had some of the best dancers in the world working on this movie, so we got to watch them battle it out and cut rugs every day. Each one of them had different styles and techniques...it was like seeing the movie Wild Style up close! It was definitely a unique experience being a part of a film where I was also getting the chance to see the inner circle and culture of the professional dance scene.
Well, you've won numerous festival awards.  Can you tell me about some of the projects behind the awards?
I've been fortunate to have worked on some really extraordinary independent films. I enjoy working on these types of projects because I feel there is often more room to push the boundaries and take risks. Independent film is usually harder to get financed and made because it generally doesn't fit the Hollywood model for big monetary return. That being said, the filmmakers and
actors involved don't have giant studios and executives dictating their every move, so there is freedom to push the envelope with the art. I played a deaf man trying to start his own business while facing the obstacles that presents with his handicap, in the movie What's Bugging Seth?. I've worked with acclaimed indie directors Jonah Markowitz on Shelter and Christopher Landon on Burning Palms… just to name a few.
When you were in the sequel to 1992's The Cutting Edge, I hear you did your own stunts?
In my work, I try to do as much of my own stunts as the director will let me do. For The Cutting Edge: Going for the Gold, I had already known how to rollerblade on half-pipes and I could hold my own on ice skates. When I was eleven years old, my mom finally caved in and allowed me to get a half-pipe built in my backyard. I learned how to skateboard, BMX, and rollerblade on
the half-pipe and soon my house became the after school "go to spot" for all the neighborhood kids. I'm sure at the time, my mom was worried I was going to break my neck on the thing, but all these years later I was able to say, "See, Mom! The half-pipe paid off...I was able to do a lot of my own stunts in the movie!" Of course there are always going to be certain tricks that are just too risky for the lead actor to attempt and, for that, we have really amazing stunt guys who are the best in the biz at what they do. One of the challenges that CE2 presented was learning to be graceful on ice skates. Sure I could hockey skate, but the role called for me to go from progressive street skater to finessed ice figure skater. To train for that, Christy Romano and I had a really great coach that worked with us on ice to prepare for the movie. We weren't doing our own Triple Sow Cow Lutz's, but we did quite a bit. The director, Sean McNamara, and I have gone on to work on many other projects together, Soul Surfer being one of them. Sean always knows that I am game to take on any challenge and rock my own stunts!
Even with all the training involved, were there any major injuries?
There was a pretty substantial amount of training involved in preparing for this film. A lot of it, though, we learned on the fly with the help of the fantastic real life figure skaters that worked on film. The only injuries I suffered were a few bumps and bruises here and there, and a consistent black and blue arse.
Okay, let's talk about your steady gig on Beyond The Break. Give me a little run-down of the show.
Beyond the Break was a television series shot on the West Coast of O'ahu in Hawaii. The series revolved around the world of the competitive surfing and the drama that comes with that territory. I played Bailey Reese, who is the equivalent of a Kelly Slater type professional surfer. Bailey's life was fueled by his strong passion for women and waves.
Was it fun working on the show since you're already into surfing "outside the office"?
Working on a show like this was a blast. We got to go to work on the beach and surf all day...not too shabby. Since I loved to surf already, being able to pay my bills doing so was pretty epic. Not to mention, we worked with some of the best world class surfers and watermen in the game. I also took part in once in a lifetime opportunities while I was there, like paddling out with Brian Keaulana and other pro surfers into Waimea Bay; plus being a part of the circle in commemoration of the infamous Eddie Aikau.
What else do you like to do outside of acting?
I love to be active in the outdoors. I am an extreme sports adrenaline junkie, so whether it's a wave, glacier, or motorcycle...I'm on it! I also love traveling to remote regions and spending time with indigenous people. Some of the most influential teachers in my life have been from tribal communities and I take every opportunity I have to learn from their supreme wisdom. As a result, I have also become a strong advocate for the protection of indigenous rights and territories. I spend a lot of my free time campaigning against various forms of globalization on the rainforest and its inhabitants. Last year, I made a short documentary film called Extraction: The Plundering of the Amarakaeri Reserve, which provides first-hand accounts from the indigenous Harakmbut tribe, living in the shadow of seismic exploration on their land deep in the heart of the Peruvian rain forest. I also enjoy reading non-fiction adventure books, writing, playing music and spending time with my family.
Do you get enough time to focus on your personal life to do all these things?
I am one of those people who goes nonstop around the clock. It's a blessing and a curse. Being this way has helped me accomplish many goals and helped propel my career. But at the same time, I always have to remind myself that I need to take time and meditate and be still. I think in order to be clear and centered, we owe it to ourselves and to spirit to quiet the mind and
simply be. This is not something that comes easy for me, but something I constantly work on.
So, tell me about how you got onboard with General Hospital.
My manager, Allan Grifka, had received a call from General Hospital casting director, Mark Teschner about a role he thought I might like to do. Mark and I almost worked together the summer before on a film he was casting, but I was already involved in another project that filmed at the same time, so I couldn't do it. Mark kept me in mind down the line and sure enough, thought of me for the role of Brandon on GH. It was a character I'd get to really sink my teeth into and play with. Brandon is a bad guy and really a disgusting person, so getting outside myself and tapping into that was a challenge I was intrigued by. I was offered the part and two weeks later I was on set wreaking havoc on Port Charles.
How does working on a Soap Opera differ from acting on regular television series'?
I have a lot of respect for Soap Opera actors. These people have to learn incredible amounts of material and in an extremely small amount of time. Often times, you are literally getting pages upon pages the night before you shoot. It takes discipline and technique to thrive in this genre of work. For me, it was a real learning experience and one that forced me to be on my game. You have to be on point because nine out of ten times you are only getting one take. I am used to working in film where you spend the entire day working on five pages and perfecting the scene to the best it can be. In the Soap Opera world you can literally be shooting over a hundred pages a day. It's intense, but exciting and a lot fun.
Let's switch over to film again.  How about some of your most recent projects?  Let’s go back to Soul Surfer.
I am very proud to be a part of the film Soul Surfer. Soul Surfer is the inspirational story of surfer Bethany Hamilton, who lost her arm to a Tiger Shark attack when she was just thirteen years old. SS portrays the heroic and courageous comeback of Bethany as she perseveres above all the odds to get back on the board and once again do what she loves so passionately. I play her older brother Noah, who is an important part of Bethany's life and story. Noah has been a strong proponent of Bethany's talent for surfing and her quest to become a professional in the sport, since they were little kids. Rather than focus on his own surfing, Noah generously and selflessly helps propel and support Bethany to stardom. He is also her personal photographer and helps manage her career. When Bethany loses her arm, Noah's world, along with the whole Hamilton family's, feels as though it is crashing down. However, with Bethany's unbelievably positive and optimistic attitude, she has an infectious charm on the whole family and they are able to bond together and ultimately use what happened to her to spread the message of hope, faith, courage, and determination to people all over the world.
So, preparing for anything right now or just laying a little low?
I am preparing for a new role in a movie I am starting at the end of this month. Unfortunately, I cannot disclose details at this point, but there is exciting stuff on the horizon!
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