#Seventeen astrology
uyuforu · 2 months
hii! if you have time could you do a synastry reading for jk and mingyu from seventeen? mingyu just revealed his birth time (10:08am) and it turns out he’s a gemini rising!
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Jungkook (BTS) & Mingyu (Seventeen) Synastry
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This is interesting! I had no idea Mingyu revealed his birth time, perhaps Eunwoo is the next one lol! Well Mingyu Astrology will also be part of the contents from now on. Since it is Synastry, with this post we will look at how JK and Mingyu feel toward each other. I'll make a Composite post later to see how is their relationship and dynamic :) I will also mostly focus on conjunctions here otherwise the post will be too long... I hope you will enjoy this post!!
Jungkook was born on 1997/09/01 at 3:23pm
Mingyu was born on 1997/04/06 at 10:08am
All pictures were found on Pinterest
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๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Sun in Mingyu's 4H: Jungkook seems to see Mingyu as someone he consider like a member of his family. It seems like a very true and very close relationship. You can tell JK feels very comfortable with Mingyu with this aspect. This is good. JK sees Mingyu as like a brother to him.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Sun in JK's 3H: Mingyu can enjoy talking to JK often, and he perhaps feel like talking with JK is something very fun and he probably likes to do it everyday. Sun 3H synastry is a sign of sharing deep thoughts and secrets often, it's feeling secure to speak about anything with the other person. Mingyu and JK could have a lot of inside jokes together.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Moon in Mingyu's 3H: JK feels like he can speaks about anything to Mingyu, and mostly about his feelings, his shadow side, and he feels like anything he shares to Mingyu, it will be safe but also it will be received without any judgment. JK and Mingyu could often speak to each other about how they feel, it could feel like they are helping each other with their emotions and how they deal with it. If one of them have a bad day, you can surely know they will talk about it together. Same with anger, sadness, etc.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Moon in JK's 3H: Same as JK!
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Mercury in Mingyu's 4H: JK feels like he can talk to Mingyu in a very casual and open way. He feels like he can tell us his secrets and deep thoughts, those will be safe. And it will. JK also thinks talking to Mingyu is like talking to a brother, a family member, someone he knows and someone he can trust. They could spend a lot of time talking to each other, and this could also be a sign they speak daily.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Mercury in JK's 4H: Same as JK!
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Venus in Mingyu's 5H: JK absolutely adores Mingyu! JK thinks of Mingyu as someone he always has fun with, it seems like a cheeky relationship, like two brothers being playful with each other. He thinks he has the most fun with Mingyu, so hanging out with him a lot makes sense. JK must really like to spend time with Mingyu.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Venus in JK's 3H: Mingyu really like to talk with JK. He may talk the most with him to be honest, so I am not surprised if they talk the most to each other. Mingyu could often say to JK how glad he is to be in his life. Mingyu could often confide to JK, they could laugh and have a lot of different conversations together. Mingyu could also talk about his love life to JK the most. He loves the way JK talks and it must also be that they could sing a lot together too, like going to Karaoke.
๋࣭ ⭑JK's Mars in Mingyu's 5H: JK may like to hear Mingyu compliment him. He may enjoy hearing Mingyu praising him, because Mingyu's opinion matters much to him. JK could also become more extrovert when he is with Mingyu, he could be more confident too. He feels like he shines with him.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Mars in JK's 8H: Mingyu could feel energized by JK's energy. JK could help Mingyu being more confident and doing things more proudly. Mingyu could also feel more prone to competition with JK. Actually, JK could motivate Mingyu to be more hardworking. They could exercise a lot too together. JK may push Mingyu to go over his limits.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Jupiter in Mingyu's 9H: JK could often find himself sharing a lot of life lessons with Mingyu, and they could also just share a lot of experiences together in general. He can help Mingyu see further in his dreams but also in his experience in life in general. Thanks to JK, Mingyu could learn more from JK.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Jupiter in JK's 2H: Mingyu could help JK a lot with money and how to manage it. He could help JK about investments, or anything money related. They could talk about possessions together, and Mingyu could know a lot about it. Mingyu could help JK about self confidence too and self acceptance.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Saturn in Mingyu's 11H: JK could be quite jealous when it comes to Mingyu's friends and connections. He could often want Mingyu to hang out a lot with him, and like... only him? lol that's very JK. JK could see his friendship with Mingyu being longterm. Mingyu could know more people than JK and could be friends, like close friends, with more people than JK. So Mingyu could invite JK to know more people.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Saturn in JK's 3H: Mingyu could sometimes not truly understand JK, and there could be miscommunication between them. They could sometimes argue about some subjects or because of the miscommunication. They could say some harsh words to each other sometimes. Mingyu could criticize JK sometimes and be harsher than JK, and JK could not like it.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Uranus in Mingyu's 8H: JK will help Mingyu in his life and probably create a deep transformation. Perhaps healing traumas can happen too, and this could make sometimes Mingyu feel triggered, but JK is here to help.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Uranus in JK's 1H: Mingyu could help JK about self esteem and illusions JK holds about himself. JK could speak a certain way about himself that Mingyu doesn't agree on and could help JK see the truth about himself. Mingyu could also help JK change his appearance if JK desires too, to adopt a certain aesthetic.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Neptune in Mingyu's 8H: Not gonna lie, Neptune 8H Synastry is the n°1 delusional aspect in synastry lol. JK could sometimes stalk Mingyu online, but it's a friendship there, so this could mean JK sometimes check his social for example to see what is going on. JK could feel a very spiritual connection to Mingyu, as if he could heal with him about his traumas. This is a very intense connection. So they have to be careful about it not being toxic!
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Neptune in JK's 1H: Mingyu could feel like one of his duty is to take care of JK, he could feel very connected to JK and mostly his emotions. Mingyu could see through JK's appearance how he really feels, and so they could totally understand each other. Mostly Mingyu to JK. Mingyu could also idealize JK a lot, but they have to be careful about not being delusional.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Pluto in Mingyu's 6H: JK could help and transform Mingyu's life in general. This could be about health and routine. JK could introduce Mingyu to a new diet style or a new sport or routine. JK could ask Mingyu to exercise often with him. Mingyu could find himself change his routine thanks to JK. This could be a healthy transformation.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Pluto in JK's 11H: Mingyu could help JK invest himself more into humanitarian pursuits and also making more friends. Mingyu could introduce JK to new people and could want to make JK more social and extrovert. He could often ask JK to hang out with him outside. This can feel threatening to JK sometimes, mostly since it conjuncts his Saturn too.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Rising in Mingyu's 7H: Mingyu could see JK as someone balanced and someone who he can be friends with easily. He could also see JK as friendly. But there could be time when Mingyu feel like JK could be a threat to him. He could feel some kind of competition sometimes.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Rising in JK's 6H: JK could see Mingyu as someone stable and who is healthy, he could also see him as someone who exercises often, someone who eats healthy and someone who is concerned about his health. He could also see him as very hardworking.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Vertex in Mingyu's 3H: JK will be a major turn in Mingyu's voice. He could help Mingyu about his singing/ rapping abilities, but he could also help Mingyu being more confident about his voice. Not being afraid to speak up. He will change that about Mingyu, but he could also help him open up and express his feelings.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Vertex in JK's 10H: Mingyu will be a major turn in JK's career. Perhaps Mingyu helped JK a lot with his career, and it made a major change for JK.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's North Node in Mingyu's 4H: JK could be in Mingyu's life to help him with his family perhaps. He could also bring a sense of home to Mingyu's life, like a brother. He could help him find a place to be safe with.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's North Node in JK's 9H: Mingyu could be in JK's life to help him expand his point of view on life, see a wider perspective on things. He could also help him discover other cultures, or teach him some life lessons.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Chiron in Mingyu's 5H: JK could help Mingyu with his creativity. If Mingyu finds himself stuck and without any inspiration, JK could help in that. JK will probably also help Mingyu discover other talents of his or just make his talents stronger.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Chiron in JK's 10H: Mingyu could help JK heal a lot of traumas related to career. If JK struggles with his reputation and image to the public, Mingyu will help him with it. He will be present for JK during scandals or rumors, which JK will appreciate.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Part of Fortune in Mingyu's 7H: JK may feel like his relationship with Mingyu is perfect, and he feels very lucky to have him in his life. Perhaps Mingyu brings him a lot of luck and balance in his life, and JK feels thankful for that. He feels like Mingyu is the perfect friend for him.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Part of Fortune in JK's 5H: Mingyu feels like JK is bringing him more luck in his life, he feels like he is more lucky with JK in his life. He also feels like life is more fun with JK in it, it's so cute :((( This could also mean JK and Mingyu has some kind of competition between them, but it could be not that serious tbh.
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JK & Mingyu share the same Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto since they are only 5 months apart. Those conjunctions only represent the fact they come from the same generation and were born at the same time basically.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Sun conjuncts Mingyu's Mars: JK and Mingyu could have a certain competition going on between them. This could for example be at their gym session where they compete who will finish first, this kind of competition. The competition feeling could be more on Mingyu's side who feel like he could need to compete with JK, wanting to be at the same level as him. They could also argue easily even if it is not a big deal.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Sun conjuncts JK's Saturn: Mingyu could sometimes feel like JK is not that okay to do things with Mingyu. Mingyu could want to push JK's limits, and make him go out of his comfort zone. This is a very karmic aspect to be honest, and so JK could sometimes feel uncomfortable with Mingyu.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Mercury conjuncts Mingyu's Mars: Arguments could happen more often than what we think! They could argue or have some fights sometimes, and they could go quite verbal about it. But it could also mean when they face conflicts, they will most of the time talk about it instead of hiding their pain and anger to each other, which is quite healthy in my opinion. Otherwise, the way they speak to each other is often very entertaining and passionate. Could sometimes insult each other just for fun.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Venus conjuncts Mingyu's Chiron: JK will help Mingyu heal his traumas a lot. It's a very tender and loving way to be honest, JK is here to support and encourage Mingyu.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Venus conjuncts JK's Saturn: Karmic aspect, once again. They both feel like their friendship is something they see longterm but they could sometimes pass through obstacles together which can be hard emotionally sometimes.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Mars conjuncts Mingyu's Vertex: Conflict could happen sometimes between them. This could be related to career or competition in general. Probably inevitable for both of them to argue one day over envy, jealousy and competition.
๋࣭ ⭑ Mingyu's Mars conjuncts JK's North Node: Mingyu will help a lot JK on his life path, he could feel very invested in helping JK reaching his life mission. He could not realize it, but it just means Mingyu will play a major role in JK's life, mostly towards his purpose in this life time.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's Chiron conjuncts Mingyu's Chiron: Once again, this conjunction could be because they are only 5 months apart. But Chiron conjunct Chiron could be a sign of healing their traumas together. They could trigger each other about certain things but helping each other about those. SO this could be sometimes a painful relationship, because this is never easy. But they will help each other a lot.
๋࣭ ⭑ JK's North Node conjuncts Mingyu's North Node: Are on the same life path!! This makes sense since they are 5 months apart, but it means they probably met in order to help each other reach their life purpose.
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Thank you for reading!
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astroyongie · 2 months
Could you please do a Seventeen FWB rap line 
Me being delulu and being my solulu ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Seventeen Rap Line Friends With Benefits
he is quite a light heart fwb, because scoups doesnt really have any rules when it comes to the relationship. you both are friends and have the physical pleasure when needed. plus he is loyal to you in a way. sex with him would be a giving-given situation
With this dude, fwb is quite a thing. Although sex with him is more technical and lacks emotions, he is still very passionate about what he does. he is also free and doesnt have rules, but he takes the whole thing as a competition with your other hooks ups since he wants to be the best one
In his case, he is very strict with it. Sex with Vernon feels somehow intimate, romantic even yet he has boundaries that shouldn't be crossed with what he is confortable or not during the sessions. he does try to provide of you but the realtionship outside the bedroom wont be the best
he is quite lighthearted about the whole thing, plus sex with wonwoo as fwb is fun and versatile and you guys can always try stuff. he doesnt really have rules or boundaries, but he will listen to yours. he is also a good friends outside the bedroom and the type to hang you with you and other friends
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ssentimentals · 7 months
seventeen members as their natal charts: minghao
sun in scorpio, moon in aquarius
unusual in a way that sparks curiosity, this man has wide variety of interests and a warm heart; non-judgemental and kind, he's patient and is surprisingly headstrong and passionate about his beliefs. he does not open up easily and needs time to warm up, but he's not cold (even when he's being perceived like that)
'well, that turned out worse than i thought.'
your whole team left and your heart aches with loneliness and this heavy responsibility on your shoulders. or you thought that everyone left, but then there's a wool coat on your shoulders and cup of hot green tea in your hands. 'it is not wise to self-isolate at the time of sadness.' minghao looks at you with gentle smile and carefully adjusts his coat on your shoulders. 'or at the time of need.'
warmth from the cup makes your palms tingle and you stare down at it, not being able to look at minghao. because you know he's looking at you with his gentle smile, his too understanding eyes and you don't feel like you deserve it. he is not judging - minghao never does - and one part of you wants to cry and another one wants to cuddle into him and ask him to never let you go.
'drink a little,' minghao carefully urges. you can't not listen to him and obediently take few sips. 'good. give it to me for now.' he takes cup from your hands and puts it to the nearest chair. 'now come here.'
you simply fall into his arms. there's no other way to say it, your body simply falls on his and he catches you. minghao doesn't disappoint, he holds you tight, lets you sag into him and let go. 'it's okay,' he whispers. 'let it all out. it's okay, i'm here. it's gonna be okay.'
and maybe you're delusional and tired, but when minghao says those words, those it's gonna be okay, they never sound like an empty promise, they always sound like a plan that he's going to execute perfectly. and you trust him with it with your whole heart.
this man wants to know everything about their partner, he is the most loyal and caring people once they are sure in their choice; ideally, they need someone who craves intimacy and also knows how to respect boundaries, because his freedom is a non-negotiable thing
you quietly giggle, when minghao's finger reaches your kneecap. 'hao, you know i'm ticklish there!'
he only smiles and placing a loving kiss, caressing your skin with all tenderness in this world. 'i see a scar here. how did you get it?'
'a scar?' you frown, sitting up and checking. 'gosh, hao, it's so tiny, it's not even a scar! you scared me for a second.'
'still,' minghao presses, pushing you down and smothering your face with kisses. 'wanna know. tell me.'
'you silly,' you mutter, moving a little to press yourself closer to him. these kind of nights, when you two just lay in bed, talking about nothing and everything are your favorites. you kind of want to stay in this bubble with minghao forever. 'it's nothing interesting.'
'but i wanna know,' he even whines a little, kissing up your neck. his kisses are soft with no heat behind them, only gentleness and affection. 'i wanna know everything about you. everything is interesting if it's about you.'
his words warm you up. no one has ever shown this desire to get to know that deeply, everyone usually scratched only surface level and went on. but not minghao, no. he won't stop until you tell him everything, until there'll be no secrets left between you two because that to him is the peak of intimacy and that's what he wants to have with you. in return he'll give you all of him and anything you ask for.
'i think i just fell,' you mumble, trying to remember what happened. 'now it's your turn, where is this scar from?' you ask, pointing at the one on his right hand.
minghao smiles. he feels infinitely grateful that his desire to learn more is mutual, how he found someone who is equallly entranced by him as he is by them. fate is very kind, he thinks, kissing the tip of your nose. it's the kindest if it gave you to me. he tells you the story and his heart grows bigger and bigger in his chest at your undivided attention. he thinks he can get used to this feeling. and when you lean in to place a kiss on his scar, he hopes it'll never fade away.
a/n: finally finished these series! check out my other works here - nini
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etoile-filante222 · 10 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙ wonwoo as a boyfriend ˖⁺。˚⋆˙
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✧ my interpretation of wonwoo in a (romantic) relationship
✧ leo moon, gemini venus, gemini mars
so wonwoo strikes me as someone who appreciates a good conversation. with both a gemini venus and mars, he needs a partner who he can really talk to, have intellectual conversations and discussions. wonwoo is very witty and enjoys a little banter, especially if his partner can give him the same energy back.
there is this stereo type of gemini placements being cheaters, that is not entirely true. this 'observation' may come from the fact, that people with these placements need constant mental stimulation and get bored of monotonous routines. wonwoo needs a little bit of excitement in his relationship, may it be exploring new things and places with his partner or just constantly learning something new with or about each other. could be reading a new book together or travelling to a far away destination. if he doesn't get that, he may get bored and fall into a routine. this can lead to him seeking excitment somewhere else. wonwoo seeks a fun relationship, so he would like his partner to not take things too serious.
that doesn't mean he dislikes or is afraid of commitment. in fact, people with their venus in gemini enjoy being in a relationship and once you've managed to pin him down, he'd be a lovely partner who is very loyal and honest. with a leo moon wonwoo likes to feel desired and enjoys basking in the affection and attention of his lover, but he also likes giving the same energy back. wonwoo loves deep, but without suffocating his partner. he is also not one to be overly possessive or controlling, he is very trusting and would like for him and his partner to give each other enough freedom, while still being devoted to each other.
the following contains 18+ content
gemini rules the shoulders, arms, hands, lungs and vocal chords. so with his mars in gemini, i get the feeling, that wonwoo really enjoys dirty talk. i strike him as the opposite of quiet in the bedroom. as much as he loves telling in detail, what he feels and what he is about to do, he also enjoys his partner talking dirty to him. doesn't necessarily have to be absolutely filthy - i mean could be, could also be on the more tamer side - he just enjoys talking and being talked to through the act. wonwoo is easily excited by touching and feeling his partner - and being touched. he could also be really into hand stuff - so touching, feeling, hand jobs, as long as it involves hands.
thank you so much for reading! ✧ let me know what your thoughts are
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theninthdoor · 10 months
Mtl seventeen love to chase or be chased?
Vernon || the chariot: Yes! He really enjoys the chase - both ways, actually. It's an essentially part of the relationship/romancing for him, and makes him feel confident and motivated to move forward with it.
Jeonghan || ace of wands: Yes, he likes it (chasing and being chased). It's fun and helps with fueling the passion and interest towards one another.
Mingyu || seven of cups: 1) he's very selective; 2) he likes the chase more than the relationships. Mingyu is definitely the type to chase after someone for the attention or for the excitment it brings him. Plus, he chooses whom he changes after! He's not going after just anybody that shows interest in him.
Joshua & Hoshi || the fool: They both prefer a lighthearted and short chase. It shouldn't be too intense, or they lose interest.
The8 || page of pentacles: If he sees it has necessary, he will do it. It's not something he enjoys too much, though. The situation/person must be worth it somehow.
Jun || seven of wands: He'll go as far as he sees fit. If the romantic interest starts asking too much from him, he's going to pull back.
Woozi || five of wands: Woozi will chase, but it's not something that he loves doing, exactly.
Wonwoo || ten of wands: Wonwoo sees it as a burden, but a necessary one. He just doesn't realize that the chase isn't the only way to start a relationship, so he keeps doing it even though he doesn't like it…
S.Coups || nine of swords: It's a complete headache for him, but he still does it… He can't avoid it. The urge is stronger than him.
DK || queen of cups rx: He hates it. It's likely that he's had some bad experiences with it in the past, so now he associates the chase with toxic people and/or relationships.
Seungkwan || the high priestess rx: No. He doesn't trust people who make him run after them. He thinks it's disingenuous.
Dino || five of pentacles: Clear no. He sees it as a waste of energy; something that usually leads nowhere.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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li-bruh · 1 year
S.Coups in bed
Seung Cheol's combination of Venus x Mars promises spontaneity, a lot of experimenting and openness to try new things. He's quite an interesting lover since he doesn't waste any time to get straight to the point. He is well aware of his surroundings and feels his partners energy. No words needed. He's the kind to know his partners body inside out. Don't get me wrong, he's not exactly the type to just hook up with anybody. He takes his time to get to know someone but once he feels the spark, he won't hesitate to initiate any form of sexual intimacy. Seung Cheol loves a good talk , especially after doing the deed. Connecting to someone mentally is very stimulating to him. So he prefers to talk about god knows what. He's the king of aftercare - caressing his partners body until both fall asleep. A very sensual lover who gives them whatever they ask for.
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lagoonalake · 4 months
hii can you do an astro compatibility about who in seventeen would be mtl be attracted to a libra sun with cancer rising? Thank you!!
Libra sun
Cancer rising
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moonlight-yuyu · 7 months
- Seungkwan As A Boyfriend (Astrology) -
Seventeen Masterlist
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✧Seungkwan as a boyfriend would be the type of boyfriend who would give his s/o sooo much security and stability in a relationship
✧For Seungkwan it would be important to come of as mature and wise in a relationship and someone who his s/o can relay on
✧Thus loyalty would be the main point of the relationship
✧Seungkwan would also need his freedom and time for himself from time to time.
✧All in all Seungkwan would be the type of boyfriend who is in for a long time and commitment would be an important part of the relationship!
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neotan-astrology · 2 years
Seventeen Eros Analysis
nsfw (18+)  
S.Coups, Jeonghan and Joshua  - Aries Eros
extremely intense and passionate
can be into one night stands because sexual attraction is pretty impulsive for them
don’t really care for emotional connection
love when the other person is playing hard to get
high sex drive
sex is purely seen as physical
sex is an adventure
into rough sex
turned on by competitiveness because they love the thrill
but yeah in the end will assert themselves
will be down to try everything at least once
risk takers
public sex?
also kind of egoistic when it comes to sex
like they know they are good so yeah
Jun and Minghao - Leo Eros
praise kink
like partners who boost their ego
so someone who tells him how good he is doing
turned on by confidence
someone who can flirt back with him
will like to make his partner jealous tbh
just to get that little but of more attention
but very loyal
partner who dresses up for him
likes fancy lingerie
wants intensity but also a bit of playfullness
like sex is supposed to be fun for him
kind of a stress reliver
Hoshi and Wonwoo - Virgo Eros
turned on by dirty talk
will like to please his partner
kind of submissive
prefer quality over quantity so long lasting sex
likes consistency
wants commitment
like a sense of belonging when it comes to intimacy
like need security
open to try things but depends on the mood
shower sex
tendency to think too much
very detail oriented
the kind to actually plan his moves
Woozi - Sagittarius Eros
very sponatneous and open minded
sex is seen something as fun
so yeah playful
really curious and wants to explore
likes things to be adventorous
very passionate
attracted to people who can push him out of his comfort zone
like to explore options
have a lot of stamina
outdoor sex?
very straightforward about what he wants
DK - Aquarius Eros
extremely kinky
also experimental
love variety
will be willing to do anything you just have to tell them
need mental stimulation
wild imagination
fantasies a lot
scenarios and stories turn them on
the kind to have ‘friends with benefits’
can be emotionally detach to their sexual partner
like know the line between love and sex
sex being seen purely as a biological need
Mingyu and Dino - Pisces Eros
emotional and so romantic
want the soul mate kind of love
actually sees sex as ‘making love’
sees sex as something to feel connected to their partner
the kind to say ‘i love you’ during sex
partner’s needs are of utmost importance
body worship
a lot of sweet words
a lot of kisses
just wants his partner to feel all his love
partner’s preferences becomes their preferences
so yeah keep adapting according to what their partner needs
extremely sensitive and intuitive
Seungkwan - Libra Eros
a romantic at heart
extremely charming
knows how to flirt
graceful movements
will focus on his partners needs and wants
sometimes to the point they can forego their own pleasure
like things to be pretty so will like if his partner dresses up for him
can be very gentle in bed
the kind to set the room up with candles and flowers
can be into massages specially back massages (mainly giving)
wants a sense of belonginess when it comes to sex so can be possessive of his partner
Vernon - Scorpio Eros
one of the most sexual signs
hot passionate sex
very intense
want to captivate all senses of their partner
wants a soul level connection
like make their partner’s mind blank so they just think of them
likes to maintain eye contact
attracted to his partner’s smell
likes foreplay
knows what he wants and will let his partner know that
likes being desired by others
doesn't really show it but knows that they have sexual magnetism
will take the lead
rough sex
oral sex
open to casual sex but still prefer being in a relationship
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astral-lucy · 10 months
Seungcheol is such a Husband Material Ughhh its not fair that there is only one cheol in the whole entire universe.
I was wondering what type of girl would he be compatible with him so can u like draw an ideal natal chart placements?
I personally think someone with Cancer Moon will be good for him as he has a Capricorn Moon, the cancer can remind him to not be so hard on himself and also as he is the leaderof svt, the cancer moon s/o can take care of him and give him the love he deserves and vice versa.
Also he is such a DADDY material *fainting*
hello love!
okay i love this question so much! let's dive right into it.
it's said that he's a virgo asc, so this person's chart should give pisces vibes in general - someone who is romantic, emotional, probably more on the calmer side and def someone who enjoys music. so someone with pisces sun/moon/mars/venus.
i understand where you're coming from with the cancer moon, but i think someone with a capricorn sun/moon, a leo moon or even a virgo/taurus moon would absolutely suit him.
someone with a virgo/sag/aries/leo mars or maybe a gemini/aquarius mercury. i also feel like someone with a gemini/libra/aquarius venus would fit him but a leo/aries venus would trine with his jupiter, so it makes sense too. a taurus/virgo sun could also fit him as they'd be understanding of anything he needs to do rationally.
hope this was what you wanted!
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uyuforu · 2 months
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Mingyu Astrology Masterlist
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Basics
Sun • Moon • Mercury • Venus • Mars • Jupiter • Saturn • Uranus • Neptune • Pluto • North Node • South Node • Ascendant
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Asteroids
Juno • Groom • Briede • Union • Karma • Boda • Lovelock • Destinn • Child • Ceres • Pallas • Lilith • Chiron • Fortune • Vertex • Vesta • Sappho • Psyche • Fama • Harmonia (…)
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Houses
1H • 2H • 3H • 4H • 5H • 6H • 7H • 8H • 9H • 10H • 11H • 12H
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Persona Charts
ಇ. Moon Personal Chart
ಇ. Venus Persona Chart
ಇ. Juno Persona Chart
ಇ. Groom Persona Chart
ಇ. Briede Persona Chart
ಇ. Boda Persona Chart
ಇ. DSC Persona Chart
ಇ. Fama Person Chart
ಇ. Union Persona Chart
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Solar Return Charts
ಇ. 2023-2024
ಇ. 2024-2025
ಇ. 2025-2026
ಇ. 2026-2027
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Synastry
ಇ. Mingyu & Jungkook (BTS) Synastry
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Composite
ಇ. Mingyu & Jungkook (BTS) Composite
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Astrology Readings
ಇ. Mingyu's Love Languages
ಇ. Mingyu's FS appearance indicators
ಇ. When will Mingyu marry?
ಇ. When will Mingyu have children?
ಇ. Mingyu's In-Laws
ಇ. Mingyu's Fashion Style Evolution
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astroyongie · 2 months
yongie idk if you done svt type of kisser. i can't seem to find it. 😭😭😭
Seventeen Kisser Types
scoups: Passionate rough kisser
wonwoo: Passionate rough kisser
vernon: Chatty peck kisser
mingyu: Technical good kisser
hoshi: Chatty peck kisser
dino: Chatty peck kisser
the8: Wet tongue kisser
jun: Technical good kisser
woozi: Passionate rough kisser
Joshua: Technical good kisser
jeonghan: Chatty peck kisser
dk: Chatty peck kisser
seungkwan: Technical good kisser
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ssentimentals · 8 months
seventeen as their natal charts: dino
sun in aquairus, moon in leo
very intelligent!!! disciplined, unique, passionate about their work - this man longs to hold authority and will have it one way or another, impatient and impulsive, he doesn't like following rules imposed by others, always is striving for the next challenge and is more serious and stoic than he lets on
at certain times you wish you had enough bravery to stand up and disagree with higher-ups, but words get stuck in your throat and nothing comes out. you stare helplessly, looking around to see if maybe someone else has guts to-
'i disagree.'
it's lee chan, of course. fierce determination on his face makes you swoon a little - a lot - and you watch in awe as he calmly stands up, facing management team fearlessly. his puppy-like personality can be misleading, but you always knew that he's much more serious and intelligent than people think. now all of that paired with chan's gorgeous smile and striking confidence and voila, your crush on him was really unavoidable. you almost don't breathe, hearing him talk in defence of whole team, in defense of you. one fact after another, chan didn't leave any room for arguements and looked like he won't accept 'no' for an answer. most of the people looked surprised, but not you. you looked proud. it didn't take long for the management team to reluctantly agree and it took even less time for everyone to crowd chan, congratulating him. 'you were amazing, channie!'
'thanks,' his smile was confident and at the same time bashful as he nodded to everyone, looking around. you stood a bit far back and your heart skipped a beat, when once he spotted you, his smile grew even bigger. 'hey!'
it's me, he wants me. barely breathing, you slowly come up closer. 'have you heard? now you won't have double shifts on the weekends!' he looked like an excited puppy, waiting for the praise.
'i heard,' you say, smiling softly at him. your fingers are itching to fix one hair strand on top of his head, but you hold on. 'it's not only me now, though! there are at least four more girls, who always overworked.'
'well yeah, but i mostly did it for you.'
chan is passionate about everything: his work, his friends, his trainings, god, even his food. to have his laser focus on you is almost dizzying. your throat constricts and you swallow loudly, not being able to break eye contact with him. 'thank you, chan. it means a lot. i would've never- done that. so thank you, really.'
his answering smile is brighter than the sun itself. he looks like he's searching for something in your gaze and you don't know what he found but next thing you know, he asks you out on a date with a confident: 'come to dinner with me. i'll tell you everything about disagreeing with higher-ups without losing your job.' and you said yes.
a true free spirit, he will not settle with anyone who's narrow-minded or controlling; this man loves deeply but also a bit carelessly, his emotional side is complex as he doesn't open up easily. someone who likes to dream big and also has both feet planted on the ground suits best for him, if you fuel his ambition and be his safe place he will bring whole world to your feet
being a light sleeper, you immediately stir at the sound of quiet footsteps. in the darkness of your bedroom, you wait for few more moments and when sound repeats again, you realize that there really is someone in your apartment. chan's supposed to come back only in two days and fear grips your heart as you try to come up with a plan. what to do? there's nothing you can use as a weapon in your bedroom and-
'shit!' there's a loud bang and your legs work before you mind does, pushing you out of the room. 'fuck, that hurt- baby?'
it takes two seconds to register that you're not getting robbed or murdered and that it's channie standing in the middle of the living room. but it takes much more from your body to unfreeze, for your heart to calm down and for your arms to wrap around his body back. 'i'm sorry baby, i wanted to surprise you,' he whispers, lovingly caressing your back. 'you were not supposed to wake up, i wanted to hide all those presents, but i tripped on this stupid carpet.'
only now you notice bunch of designer bags on the floor. chan starts peppering your neck with kisses, smirking in satisfaction at your surprised gasp. 'channie, what is this?' your eyes widen, looking at him. 'for what-'
'for everything,' he interrupts, solemn. 'for everything what you do to me. these five days without you i realized that you are my peace, fuck i hated it there without you, missed you so much. didn't know how to convey, how to tell-' he blushes a little, looking embarrassed. 'and then i just kind of went crazy in the mall.'
you smile, gently cupping his face in your palms and making him look at you. you know very well what he's talking, how hard it is sometimes to put all feelings into words and that it's easier to just buy something, do something - anything to show the love. 'i missed you so much,' you confess and his eyes light up with love and adoration. 'and thank you for the gifts. i'm so glad that you're back.'
chan's arms tighten around you as he kisses you slowly, throughly; he missed your taste so much, he can't not have it again. 'me too,' he whispers right into your lips. 'i'm so glad that i'm back too.'
a/n: i'm all here for intelligent leader!chan agenda :D check out my other works here - nini
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boldlybrightsun · 2 years
S.Coups's Natal Chart Analysis
I am not a professional astrologer and I am still studying astrology so these are based on my opinions and do take them with a grain of salt. This post is not meant to send hate to the idol in any way and is intended only for entertainment purposes and based solely on astrology.
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Note: S.Coup's birth time is alleged to be at 9 A.M. Since the rising sign could change from Virgo to Libra, the above chart is not accurate to interpret rising sign.
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S.Coups has a Leo Sun at 15 degrees. Sun is home at Leo and is an amazing placement to express your creativity and individuality. With his Venus conjunct Sun in Leo (I'll talk about Venus in detail a little later) he is a person who thrives in Spotlight. This whole Idol career is really well-suited for him. 15th degree is a Gemini degree that gives him natural talent in everything communication-related. Thanks to S.Coups, I discovered a new thing in astrology called the Avatar Degrees or Gates of Avatar. These are the 15th degree of every fixed sign, for example, the 15th degree of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio. People with these configurations are supposedly one of the most spiritual people you'll ever meet. Apparently, the energy from the divine universe can be channeled directly by these people. Has Seungcheol ever thought about taking astrology and tarot as a career?
Overall Sun is really happy in Leo and it gives him leadership qualities. People with developed Leo Suns are not overbearing and are very well-liked and very warm people. People with Leo Suns are really confident in their abilities too. With his Leo Sun at 15 degrees, he can be quite verbal about it as well as like it he is praised verbally.
Moving on to his Moon in Capricorn, it is kind of opposite to his Sun. As much as he is confident in expressing his individuality, he represses his emotions. One could never guess that behind his Leo facade. He could potentially be hard on himself and could appear to be really cold in terms of emotions. This is more because of the inability to manage one's emotions properly. He processes his emotions like this: Something made him sad, and he is the type of person to take it to heart and ponder on what went wrong. He would likely distract himself by indulging in work since it works temporarily and he can get work done using that as fuel. But remember how I said this is temporary? All these piled-up emotions finally show up above and at this time even the smallest stress can cause huge problems for him. It can interfere with his work because he had initially used it as fuel, and can frustrate him more. A break would do him really good during those times.
Onto his Leo Mercury at 26 degrees in the sign of Leo, it kind of aligns with his Leo Sun. He finds it easy to express himself. Since he does not have a Mercury-Venus Conjunction, he could find it easier to express himself and his ego than to express his creativity. But since they are in the same sign, he won't have that much trouble, but it's just a matter of convenience. Leo Mercuries are known for their loud presence but since he has his mercury in a Taurus degree ruled by Venus, he could be a bit less outgoing than your usual Leo Mercuries. Leo and Taurus both fixed signs make someone a really stubborn person. He probably has certain things he believes in that he won't change for anyone else. Let me break this placement down : Leo - Ego, Individuality, creativity while Taurus - Love, art, comfort. He won't change his views on Taurus qualities and when challenged, he will use his Leo characteristics to express himself. When further agitated, his Mars will come into play which I'll discuss a bit later.
S.Coups has Leo Venus at 11 degrees. 11th degree is an Aquarius degree ruled by Uranus. Leo Venus natives are known for their flamboyance. Venus not only tells us about love but also about self-love. Seungcheol has his Leo Venus at an Aquarius degree (sister sign). This can lead to some complications with self-worth and the love he gives others. Now this placement along with his Moon (Moon is also included when we talk about self-worth) kind of creates a sort of unbalance. Leo Venus natives are known for their creativity and celebrity-like persona but with Seungcheol, it's a different case. Assuming you read through my analysis of his moon, it can be concluded that he is a person who restricts his emotions. But his Leo Venus is entirely different. He wants to love and be loved passionately. At an Aquarius degree, he can sometimes give more than he receives. When you put his Capricorn moon in here, it results in an individual who gives love so much, and even when they get cheated or betrayed, they think that they deserve it. He definitely has a good sense of self-worth and makes sure that others' opinion doesn't affect them so much but he is hard on himself. He might have to work this if he hasn't already been doing so.
Seungcheol has Libra Mars at 10 degrees. Mars is detrimental in the sign of Libra. Libra Mars natives have a hard time standing up for themselves and can have power struggles. These people can become passive at times when they need to assert themselves. I have mentioned more on Libra Mars in Enhypen Jake's natal chart analysis but this placement is expressed very differently in both of their charts. Seungcheol's Leo Venus Sextile his Libra Mars making it a little easier for him to navigate. This aspect gives his hard Libra mars placement a soft touch. Libras are people pleasers and Libra Mars folks can easily fall prey to these tendencies but Seungcheol's Leo Venus makes it easier for him to manage it. But one thing that he might do is trust people easily. Libra Mars people are very diplomatic. Seungcheol is definitely a natural leader. Libra Mars people usually think about others before making a decision. This makes him a team player. With his Mars at a Capricorn degree ruled by Saturn, he has the persistence, plan, and effort to achieve a goal. But as I already mentioned that Libra Mars is passive, these people can easily lose their passion as they have it if they don't work on their persistence.
Moving on to Seungcheol's Sagittarius Jupiter at 5 degrees. A literal Star. I don't know what else to add lol. If he wasn't a celebrity I don't know what he would be doing. Jupiter's energy is best expressed in the sign of Sagittarius. As much as Hard work he puts in, he also has luck by his side. This placement parties hard. There is a need for discipline since Jupiter is all about expansion. " The bigger the better". "The more the merrier". These are the things that Jupiter conveys. This can cause trouble with big spending and addiction tendencies. But that aside, this placement makes up for a dreamer. These people have big dreams and big goals. They look at the big picture and have an optimistic view of life. I doubt that is the case with his Capricorn Moon. He might view things negatively even when things aren't in reality. Sometimes this can cause really high highs and low lows. He might need to learn to balance these both. His Libra Mars would hate me for saying this but I can't help it. With Jupiter at a Leo degree, these people naturally attract attention in a room. These kinds of people are seldom disliked unless he has a rising sign or 1st/10th house placement that can affect this.
**Kind of long but I loved doing this. I'm starting a whole Seventeen Series. Wish me luck. Jeonghan's will be the next**
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etoile-filante222 · 11 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙ jeonghan, the epitome of a libra man ˖⁺。˚⋆˙
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✧ just a short rant about my fav libra
✧ libra sun, mercury and venus
when i first got into seventeen, i thought you could immediately tell that he is a libra. a man who truly embraces his venus energy. not only is jeonghan extremely charming and gracious, but he also has a very teasing and pleasant personality.
jeonghan has, with his 3 libra placements (+ an aquarius moon), a lot of air influence, this may make him a bit more quirky than other libras. he jokes around a lot and enjoys poking fun at his members, without taking it too far. jeonghan's a witty individual with a great sense of humour who enjoys making others laugh. just a silly little guy <3
one thing that's very noticeable about him is his active mind. you can always see him holding or playing with something, just constantly moving one way or another. jeonghan is also very intelligent and observant. he can tell when the mood shifts and notices little details, that others might not pay attention to. a libra stellium makes him appreciate balance and harmony, he values a peaceful togetherness, while also enjoying fun experiences.
besides his striking, libra-like personality, there's also his very libra-esque looks. there is no denying that jeonghan is drop-dead gorgeous, he's a venus ruled libra. for a while, i also had this theory of him having a libra ascendant (although that thought got pushed back and i'm clueless about his rising again). his libra venus gives him this artistic vibe, not only his looks but just him in general as a person.
i love him ♡ so soft and caring and sweet and smart and pretty and-
thank you so much for reading! ✧ and yes, this is very biased teehee (both because jeonghan has been my ult for years now and because i'm also a libra :p)
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theninthdoor · 9 months
hi! could you do this for svt pls? thank you!!
request: MTL to consider living in the States? (not full-time, just having property)
Vernon || the world: Absolutely! At some point in the future he's very likely to go for it, honestly, if he hasn't already (?).
Joshua || eight of swords rx: "It's a no-brainer". Does he already have something there? I wouldn't be surprised, honestly.
Jun || the star: Yes. It might be one of his big life goals, actually.
Woozi || the sun: He would love to!
The8 || the lovers: Yes. He's moreso looking at it from a professional standpoint - it would be really convenient when it comes to making connections and getting work opportunities beyond the k-pop scope.
Seungkwan || the fool: I think he would, but it would be a spontaneous decision. He's not making plans for it, but he's totally open to give it a go if he ever feels like it.
Jeonghan || queen of swords: If a good opportunity were to ever come up, he wouldn't be opposed to it. As of right now, though, he's not thinking of it.
S.Coups || the high priestess: I don't think so, unless there was a very good reason for him to do so. He likes being closer to home; in his element.
Hoshi || ace of wands rx: He simply has no interest in doing that.
Wonwoo || ace of pentacles rx: If he were to invest in property, it wouldn't be in the US. He doesn't see the benefits of doing that.
Dino || king of wands rx: Nope. I think he doesn't really like the lifestyle there - that's the big obstacle here.
DK || five of cups rx: He just doesn't see the point in doing it, honestly.
Mingyu || eight of cups rx: "That's not where happiness is" is what I heard when pulling his card.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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