#Severen x fem oc
fanficdumbchic · 2 years
heyy can i request some severen headcannons of him meeting/pining for? a lone vampire oc? nsfw or sfw is up to you :) -fem reader
love your work btw! <3
Severen Pining for Another Vamp
Headcanon - Severen x Fem Vamp OC  - SFW
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AN: Omg, thank you so much Anon. I hope you like this one.
Severen is one cocky bastard and meeting you, another of his kind was truly humbling.
It was a night like any other. He had stolen a pick-up truck and was cruising down the highway when he saw and woman stranded with a broken down buick. He immediately pulled over, giving her his most inviting grin, “Car trouble, young lady?”
She nodded, “Yessir, I’d ‘preciate if you could give me a lift up the road to the next station.” He jovially offered, “Of course, I’d love to help ya out.” She climbed in without a second thought.
He looked over at the doe-eyed beauty he had ensnared in his trap. He grinned ear to ear, keeping up the nice-guy routine to lull her into a false sense of safety. “So where were ya headin?” She paused for a moment, “Well, I guess I was headin’ North, got family up there.”
But the gas station passed by with no sign of him pulling off. He was surprised when she wasn’t immediately showing signs of worry, just a mischievous little smile. She taunted him, “Oh, so you’re one of those guys?”
He retorted, “Whatcha mean by that darlin?” She began tying her long dark hair back into a ponytail, “You’re one of those guys who thinks you’re just gonna have your way with me, huh?” He looked at her in disbelief, “No miss, not one of those, you’ll be seein’ soon ‘nough...”
She gave him a cocky grin, “So will you, hun.”
When he pulled off the highway onto a desolate road, he pulled the revolver from his hip, cocking the hammer to make clear he meant business. She laughed, “That isn’t gonna do you a lick a good, hun.” He admired her confidence but it was starting to annoy him.
He pulled over and immediately pin her down to the seat with his weight. As he pulled the hair from her neck, he heard the deafening shot. He looked down to see she had pulled a .38 and shot him right in the stomach. He wanted to cackle but it was fun to play. He slumped over like he had been fatally wounded, waiting for the best moment to spring on her.
However, as he felt her breath against his neck, her jaws opening to bite, he jolted awake and restrained her. “What in the fuck?” he was shocked. She jumped back, fully expecting him to be dead from the wound she had inflicted.
Then it finally dawned on him, “You chewed, ain’t ya?” She nodded, a stunned look on her face, “You too?” He nodded. She pulled off of him sitting back in the driver’s seat. She was in shock, “In all the years I’ve been on the road, I have never come cross another a my kind.” He looked at her in amazement, “I ain’t seen any besides my clan.” She was startled, “There’s more?” He nodded with a big goofy, grin on his face, “You wanna meet em?” She looked at him with concern, “No, I don’t.” She pushed him from the truck and sped off.
When Severen made his way back to the Hooker Clan, he was excited to share the big news. Jesse and Diamondback were in disbelief, Homer was skeptical, Mae and Caleb were unsettled by it.
Severen wanted nothing more than to find her again. He kept his eyes peeled while they traveled each highway, looking for any sign of her. He was intrigued and couldn’t stop thinking about her.
Finally, a few months later, he spotted a Datsun broken down on the side of the road, the same woman with her thumb out. Severen made Jesse pull over the station wagon. Luckily she couldn’t see him past the bright headlights. She immediately leaned in the passenger window to talk Jesse and Diamondback into giving her a ride to the nearest fuel station. Severen ducked down in the back seat so she would take the bait. The moment she climbed into the back and they pulled back on the highway, he climbed over the seat and plopped down next to her, “Howdy darlin, long time, no see.”
A stern, displeased look took over her face and she rolled her eyes, “I take it this is your clan?” He nodded with pride, draping an arm around her over the back seat. From the front seat, Homer turned to face her, pulling his Derringer on her, “How do you know she’s one of us, friend?” She rolled her eyes, “Go ahead, pip squeak, shoot me.” Homer fired right into her chest, a shot going right through her heart. She was not phased, shrugging sarcastically. Diamondback berated Homer, “How many times do I have to tell you boys? No gunfights in the car!”
At the next stop, she got out and made her way back to the highway. Severen ran to catch up with her, “Where you goin?” She turned back to him, “Y’all seem alright, but I do this alone.” He followed her and tried to persuade her, “Why dontcha stay? Safety in numbers and all that?” She rolled her eyes, “What? You got a lil crush on me or something?” Severen grimaced, “So what if I do?” She started back towards the highway, “I work alone.” Severen called from behind her, “I’ll just keep findin’ ya!” She called back, “Good luck with that, cowboy....”
It was the greatest annoyance to the Hooker Clan. Jesse lectured Severen, “I ain’t doing all these stops and searches for some puppy love bullshit...” But Diamondback sympathized with Severen, “Jess... he likes her... and he doesn’t just like anybody...” Jesse rolled his eyes but continued to humor Severen’s infatuation.
The next time he found her, it was by chance. They had just happened to stroll into the same dusty, lonesome little bar. His eyes lit up the minute he saw her at the bar, already luring in a patron. He leaned on the bar next to her. She didn’t even have to look up to know who had darkened her doorstep, “Hello Severen,” she said dryly. He chuckled, “I told ya I’d keep findin’ ya. Hell, I didn’t even mean to run into you this time. Think that’s a sign?” She continued sipping her drink, “Perhaps, perhaps not...”
From one of the booths, Jesse watched on, poking fun at Severen, “Boy, she’s givin’ him one hell of a time, ain’t she?” Diamondback chuckled, “That’s probably why he likes her Jess...”
Severen kept at it, talking her ear off until she finally engaged with him. “So what’s yer name doll?” She actually made eye contact with him for the first time and he got shivers down his back. She finally answered, “My name’s Leslie.” He grinned ear to ear, “Pretty name for a pretty little lady.” That finally got a grin out of her.
He whispered in her ear, “Before we all get to wastin’ this joint, how bout I show ya what ya been missing in the lady’s bathroom?” Her cheeks went red immediately as she sipped her whiskey.
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fanficdumbchic · 2 years
Strangers In the Night
Series - Severen x Fem OC - Part 1 - 1120 words - SFW
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AN: This is the first part of a series where Severen finds a reincarnated mate. This will most likely end up in NSFW territory in later parts.
The Hooker Clan finally spotted a run-down little joint on the side of the road. Miles from town and a minimum police response time of 45 minutes created an ideal hunting spot for the night. Neon signs hung in the dingy windows, casting glows of red and blue into the pitch-black night. The surrounding dirt roads were vacant and the howling of a train in the distance echoed through the flat land. The moon had yet to rise, and the night was young.
They sauntered through the doors, receiving some hard looks from the patrons. The bar tender rose a brow as he set eyes on the strangers, especially Severen. He looked like trouble right off the bat. Severen made his way to the bar, “Evenin’, could I get two shots a yer cheapest shit?” The bar tender nodded, eying him over, already feeling uneasy by the brash swagger this young man possessed.
As he slid him the shots, the bartender informed Severen, “That’ll be 3 square.” Severen downed both, unphased by the harsh liquor, and proposed, “Hows bout free?” The bartender gave an annoyed sigh, “I don’t play those games son, I said 3 bucks.” Severen feigned a surprised gasp, “For that donkey piss?”
The bartender scowled at him, “Out. I don’t take shit in my bar. Get out.”
Severen chuckled, “Aww, I’m only playin’ sir,” and slapped 3 dollars on the bar.
Diamondback remarked to Jesse back at the booth, “Severen loves playing with his food, don’t he?”
Severen was about to start hassling the patrons at the bar, when his attention was taken by a waitress that entered from the back, carrying a tray of beers for a group of hicks at the pool table. His mouth hung open in disbelief as her face was all too familiar.
He had ceased his games with the bar tender as he focused intently on her. So many memories, long buried in the past hundred years came flooding back. Severen remembered his dusty little hometown in the heart of Texas.
It was 1866, he had returned from the war, defeated. Yet, he had fought those 4 long years knowing he would come home to her. He could survive all the horrors he had witnessed and suffered if it meant coming home to her.
He gleamed as he picked wildflowers on his way into town, imagining her kind eyes meeting his and her arms embracing him at last. His cheeks ached from his constant smile as he thought of finally seeing her in her wedding dress; their marriage no longer postponed by a war between the North and South.
He practically skipped up the steps of the front porch, knocking on the door and smoothing back his greasy hair. Her father opened the door and immediately grimaced, pausing as he saw the flowers in Severen’s hands. Severen beamed, “Is Lizzie here?” Her father sighed, a painful gasp leaving his lips, asking in nearly a whisper, “You didn’t get our letters?” The smile faded from Severen’s face, “What happened? Is Lizzie alright?” Severen was frantic, attempting to barge past the elderly man into the house. Her father stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder, “Severen… I’m so sorry… we tried to write… the fever came though last year and took her from us…”
Severen immediately felt as though it could not be real. But it was. The young man had suffered so much looking forward to a promise of one remaining hope. He fell to his knees as her father tried to comfort him, though no comfort was ever found, until now.
Severen could not take his eyes off the ghost of his past life. The waitress wasn’t merely a reminder or a similarity but an exact spitting image. He could not bring himself to move or do anything but stare, as if one wrong move would make her disappear again.
He watched as she brought out another order to a booth near the front, one empty glass and a beer. As she approached Jesse and Diamondback’s table, he sprung from the bar stool. He could already see Diamondback flicking open her switchblade under the table.
He pushed himself between Diamondback and the waitress, reaching his hand under the table and snatching away her switchblade. She looked up at him with confusion in her eyes, shooting a questioning glance to Jesse which prompted him to puzzle at Severen’s strange gesture. “Anything else I can grab y’all?”, Severen heard the waitress ask from behind him. He glanced back, feeling the blood rush from his face as if he were in the presence of a specter. Her voice was the same, just as sweet.
As she went back to the bar, Jesse got up from the booth and immediately yanked Severen out the front door by the collar of his leather jacket. As they stepped into the balmy night air, Jesse demanded, “What in the fuck was that, friend?”
Severen composed himself, fidgeting with the switchblade in his hand. He sighed, “Not her, Jess.” Jesse rolled his eyes and pursed his lips, “Why not, Sev? She’s just a waitress, what is wrong with you?” Severen didn’t know how to explain it but began after a pause, “Jess, she was from my life before…” Jesse looked at him like he was talking astrology, “What do you—” Severen stopped him, “She’s the spittin image of Liz, Jess.”
Jesse huffed, “You can’t be serious, friend. That reincarnation mumbo jumbo ain’t nothin’ but wishful thinkin’.”
Severen shook his head, “I know my wife’s face, Jess. It’s her. I can’t let ‘er go ‘gain.”
Jesse scoffed, “So you wanna turn her? Like we aren’t having struggles enough with Mae and Caleb. We just got that smoothed out and you wanna risk it again? I’m telling you, this is bullshit and it’s not possible—”
Severen glared at Jesse, “What if it were Diamondback, Jess? Ya tellin’ me you wouldn’t?”
That hit Jesse, while he could deny Severen’s theory, he couldn’t refute his point. Jesse sighed in exasperation, “Fine, not like I’d be able to stop ya anyways, but she goes by the same rules.”
Severen walked back through the doors to see the gaggle of hicks at the back hassling the waitress. They made crude jokes about her figure and one decided to slap her on the backside as she hauled away their empties on her tray. Severen could feel his blood begin to boil as he sauntered towards the pool table. Having seen their treatment of the waitress, Caleb darted from the booth he shared with Mae to Severen’s side. This would be an easy kill, even for him.
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fanficdumbchic · 2 years
Strangers In The Night
Series - Severen x Fem OC - Part 2 - 1212 Words - SFW
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Caleb and Severen stared down the group of hicks around the pool table at the back of the bar. As they harassed the waitress, the bartender looked on in apathy, uncaring of protecting his one waitress. One was trying to pull the waitress into his arms, knocking her tray of empties out of her hand. The glass smashed to the floor, scattering over the hard wood. The waitress jerked away from the man as hard as she could and would have fallen into the jagged glass. But Severen caught her in his arms, looking down at her, still in disbelief. It felt unreal to be holding her once again.
They shared a moment of eye contact. He could tell that while she had never met him before, there was the faintest glint of recognition in her eyes, and it startled her. He helped her up to her feet and placed himself between her and the rowdy hicks. Severen looked over to see Caleb was seething. When Caleb had the chance of a guilt-free meal, he relished in it.
Mae watched on, her chin resting on her folded hands draped over the back of their booth. She smiled, proud, watching her mate embrace the night and its price. Caleb growled, “There is no reason to be treatin’ a lady like that.” With one swing he had punched one of the degenerates so hard, the recoil immediately snapped his neck. The rest of them pulled knives, clung to their pool cues, and one broke a bottle to arm himself. Caleb chuckled, mocking them, “None of that will do a thing, son.” The nearest plunged his switchblade into Caleb’s stomach and watched on in horror as Caleb was unphased, pulling the knife out like it were a mere splinter.
Severen looked back to see Jesse guarding the front door and Diamondback sauntering down the hard wood towards the degenerates. Caleb grabbed the one he had already killed by the back of the collar and drug him to the booth where Mae sat, propping the corpse on the table, “Just for you, baby doll.” The rest were shaking as they watched the sweet, unassuming Mae tear into their buddy’s neck, and drain the blood from him.
Diamondback had opened her switchblade; she glanced over at the waitress and made a step towards her. Severen immediately blocked her, “No, Diamondback. Not her.” She rolled her eyes, assuming she’d learn the why later. She circled the men, looking them over like she was picking a steak from a store shelf. She chose suddenly, slicing open one of their throats and immediately feasting on the blood erupting from the wound.
The hicks were surrounded now. Only three remained. One saw Homer, seemingly unarmed. Assuming him a mere child, he snatched him from Jesse’s side, holding the jagged glass of the bottle to his throat. The man panicked, thinking he had a bargaining chip, “You just let us go now! You just let us go and we won’t tell nobody. But if you don’t, your son won’t leave either!” The man felt a deep dread as he heard the unsettling child laughter from Homer. Before he could comprehend his mistake, the jagged glass was taken from his hands and thrust deep in his gut, twisted by the fiendish child.
Jesse and Caleb finished off the other two with gunshots, hungry and tired of the game. As they fed, Severen looked behind him to the waitress cowering and gazing on in wide-eyed terror. She looked up to him with her doe-eyes, only able to muster a whisper, “What… what are you?”
Jesse had finished his feed and looked to Severen, “Behind the bar, friend, one left.” Severen remembered the bar tender who was currently trying to hide in built-in cupboards below the bar with extreme difficulty. Sure of her safety, Severen’s swagger had returned in full glory. He bragged to the waitress, “Watch this, darlin’.”
He climbed onto the top of the bar, kicking aside glasses and mugs that shattered on the floor around the bar tender attempting to crawl away to safety. The bar tender reeled back as black cowboy boots with sharp spurs jumped to the ground in front of him. Severen grabbed him by the collar, yanking him up to his eye level, the man’s feet dangling below him. Severen growled in his face, “Now why wasn’t you doin’ nothin’ to stop ‘em?” The bar tender trembled, groveling pathetically, “It- it wasn’t… it wasn’t my business… those boys were always like that…” Severen furrowed his brow in anger and through clenched teeth reprimanded him, “Well now it’s my business, you chickenshit!” Severen smashed the bar tenders face into the bar covered in shards of broken class. The whimpering man scream as the shards stuck into his face. He looked up to the waitress with begging eyes, “Please, Liz, help me…”
The waitress looked down at him with anger, “You never helped me Ben…” Severen cackled, “That’s my girl,” as he jerked back the bar tender and flung him into the bottle racks behind the bars. The sounds of shattering glass was deafening and the man rolled onto the floor. Severen bent down, hoisting up the battered man by his collar. He chuckled, “I could toss a shit bag like you round all night, but I don’t want my dinner too full a broken glass—” the man’s screams echoed through the small bar as Severen finally sank his teeth into his jugular to drain what remained.
The waitress gasped as the corpse of her former employer hit the ground with a sickening thud, the mysterious blue-eyed stranger licking the blood from his hands. Severen turned to face her, “Ya think I’m a monster, darlin’?” he asked as blood ran down his chin and onto the stained wife-beater below. She stuttered for a moment, feeling the eyes of predators surrounding her, their gazes beating down on her back. She mustered her courage and quietly responded, “Well, I didn’t let any of them much anyway…”
Severen chuckled in relief, the rest of them joining in with their eerie laughter. Jesse raised an eyebrow at Severen, “Do it. Now.” Severen slid back over the bar and pulled the waitress into his arms, “So you still go by Liz, huh?” She looked up at him confused, “I always have.” He laughed a little and pulled her closer. She began to shake and tear up. Severen asked, “What? Ya think I’d hurt ya, darlin’?” She nodded and shakily whimpered, “If… if you’re gonna kill me, please just… do it quick…” He shook his head and gently wrapped his hand around the side of her neck, “Nah, darlin’, I’m too greedy to be lettin’ you go ‘gain.” She gasped as he pushed her head to the side and sank his fangs into her neck. Only a second after tasting her blood on his lips, he pulled away. She immediately reached for the bite wound on her neck. She shook as she looked down on the blood that had smeared onto her hand. He pulled her close again, “Yer all mine now, darlin’.” While initially appalled and horrified, she was puzzled to find his embrace felt so right to her, like something old and familiar.
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fanficdumbchic · 2 years
Two of a Kind
Short - Severen x Fem OC - 600 words - SFW
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Severen waited by the side of a desolate road in the middle of Arkansas. Surrounded by corn field as far as the eye could see, this was an easy spot if only someone would just take the road. After waiting around for about an hour, he was about to move on to another spot until he saw the flash of headlights in the distance. Severen pushed the greasy, dark hair from his face. He stuck out his thumb and tried to give his friendliest smile as he saw the headlights approaching him, quickly hiding the loaded revolver under his leather jacket in the waist of his jeans.
A worn-down pick-up truck pulled over to the side of the road. A young woman smiled at him through the passenger-side window. She asked, “You need a ride?” In his sweetest voice, he answered, “Well I sure do, Miss. Would mighty ‘preciate a lift as close to town as you can get me.” She nodded and motioned for him to get in the truck.
Severen climbed into the passenger seat and as she drove off, he began to have a nagging feeling in his gut that something wasn’t right. He shook it off as nerves. After all, he did think she was quite the looker. He was far too experienced to get nervous around a pretty girl. He did like what he saw. She was doe-eyed with long hair the color of dark chocolate.
He was surprised when she didn’t try to start small talk to fill the awkward silence. That was such a standard for the ones foolish enough to offer him a ride. He started it, enjoying the refreshing change of tactic, “So you from around here?”
She shook her head, “No… from up North…”
He chuckled, “Oh, a Yankee girl, huh? What brings ya down South?”
She thought for a moment, “Well, change of scenery I guess.”
There was a full moon in the sky that night as they drove through the towering corn stalks enclosing the road on both sides. Severen knew damn well it was at least another thirty miles to town. He had time and he enjoyed playing with his food. He slid a hand towards her thigh, not touching her, but inching close. “So darlin’,” he sweet-talked, “ya in a rush anywhere?”
She shook her head, “No, I’m never in a rush hun.” He slid his hand onto her thigh, moving closer to the driver’s seat. She felt the heat of his breath on her neck as he made his demands into her ear, “Pull the truck over, darlin’.” He pressed the cold barrel of his gun into her ribs.
To his dismay, she did as she was told with a cocky smirk on her face. The moment the truck was in park, he went for her neck. But before his jaw could lock down on her flesh, he felt her hands grab each side of his head and effortlessly snap his neck. He fell back onto the seat in shock rather than defeat.
She climbed on top of him and was about to finish him when she noticed his eyes were still moving. Taken aback, he quickly reasserted himself, grabbing her by the neck and throwing her beneath him. The pistol was pressed tightly against her temple. He chuckled as he cracked his neck back into place. He smiled down at her, amusement in his cold blue eyes. “Ya really thought ya was being a clever little thing, didn’t ya? I commend ya, but you ain’t got a prayer.”
She began cackling, “Well, I’ll be damned.”
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