lapieldekatell · 3 years
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Todos los edificios son la residencia de estudiantes de la Sewanstraße, en Lichtenberg, un barrio de Berlín, en la antigua RDA. Yo vivía en el portal que se ve de frente, creo que en el octavo piso. Mi ventana daba al parking que se ve en la foto. La residencia estaba organizada por dentro como pisos. Yo lo compartía con dos chicas, Alena, de Nowosibirsk, y Aynur, de Ankara. Alena era muy joven y muy niña y siempre estaba rodeada de sus amigos rusos. Eran todos muy majos e increíblemente aburridos e inocentes. Aynur era una mujer muy compleja y muy guapa, arrastraba mucha tralla y me quería cuidar. Mantuvimos el contacto durante muchos años. Se casó con un alemán y le fue fatal. Estuve en su boda. En las casas de la derecha, entrando por el segundo o tercer portal, había una cafetería. Era un lugar horriblemente deprimente. Solo fui una o dos veces. La mayoría de la gente que vivía allí eran africanos y rusos. Fue en el curso del 97-98.
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burningoreo · 7 years
Rambut yang bergoyang (hier: Wohnheim Sewanstraße)
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krauldenbaer · 6 years
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Nachtrag zur Schwimmhalle Sewanstraße: Die Kunst. Wenn ich mit allen Bädern durch bin werde ich eine eigene Serie zu ‘Kunst am Bad’ starten.
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stompin · 10 years
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msw-berlin · 13 years
U-Bahn Station: Tierpark
Today was a very long day.  This morning, mom and I went for breakfast in Charlottenberg.  It was a beautiful cafe in the backyard of an old villa and a darling little girl (about one year) was sitting next to us.  Unfortunately we were quite a long walk from Schloss Charlottenberg, long enough that we stopped for cold drinks.  The Schloss was nice if a bit long and boring so I eye-flirted with one of the museum guards.  Imagine my surpirse when he found me at the end of the tour and slipped his phone number into my hand (not that I have a telephone with which to call him anyways).  Once we got back to the hotel it was time for my departure and I packed up all my stuff and headed to the Tierpark.  My lovely roommate was at the apartment which was good because I got the key stuck in the lock.  We then headed out to get essential groceries (like soap for dishes, toilet paper, and cereal).  She was supposed to meet her friend at the fair at 6:30 but we left the store at 6:35.  We finally made it down at 8:20, but all the little shops were closing up and the parties were gone because of work in the morning.  Fun/handy things we have in common: don't like beer, never smoked-don't want to, only nuetragena face products, same toothbrush (different colors).  All in all, a good day.  Unfortunately, my feet are too sore for me to be worried about tomorrow.
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burningoreo · 7 years
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Helöw (hier: Wohnheim Sewanstraße)
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burningoreo · 7 years
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Hayoloh (hier: Wohnheim Sewanstraße)
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burningoreo · 7 years
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Mood. (hier: Wohnheim Sewanstraße)
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krauldenbaer · 6 years
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Die Schwimmhalle Sewanstraße ist eine klassische Schwimmhalle in einer klassischen Plattenbausiedlung. Besonders sticht die sehr schöne Keramik Kunst aussen an der Halle ins Auge. Innen ist es klassisch, hellblau-gelbe Duschen für die Herren, rosa-gelbe für die Damen. Ach ja, die Schuhe lässt man ziemlich wild im sehr großzügigen Eingangsbereich stehen, das ist lustig. Ebenfalls amüsant sind Surfbrett und Schlauchboot als Kunst-am-Beckenrand. Das Schwimmen war ziemlich seniorenmäßig an diesem Dienstag Mittag. Ich habe mich aber insgesamt sehr wohl gefühlt. Und ja: Dienstg ist ein guter Tag, weil das Bad hier ausfühliche Öffnungszeiten hat.
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msw-berlin · 13 years
App. 1441 Sewanstraße
Today we went and checked into the program and my apartment.  The German was a little bit overwhelming but the subway trip was pretty easy.  My roommate arrived while we were getting started.  She's from Turkey and she learned German for nine years..and then hasn't practiced it college...but still.  She's 20 and in med school (the timing of upper level schools is different here).  I think we will get along quite well-luckily for me she is also fluent in English.  The apartment has two bedrooms that look in to a little park, a warm bathroom, and a tiny kitchen that shares a countertop with the nice living room (we even got a tv!).  There's also a balcony-she was surprised that it has a sort of netting all around it to keep the birds from getting in.  Hopefully at some point we'll take some chairs out there-especially if the nice weather holds!  She also has exciting plans to go to Hamburg or Amsterdam some weekend-it would be fun and I do need to use my Europass.  Then we parted ways and mom and I checked out Alexanderplatz, had a nice lunch, and went to a truly terrible museum-even she thought the art was bad.  At least I have a student discount.  We meandered through a quaint street fair but there wasn't anything worth buying except for some stunning coats that I would never have occasion to wear.  I should probably find internet soon so I can tell people I'm alive.  I think mom only texted Cynthia yesterday.  Hopefully we aren't causing too much worry.  Seeing the apartment and talking with her made me a lot less nervous about the days to come.
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