#Shadow sk8
autistic-ranpo · 1 month
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gothicswiftv · 10 months
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Reki lost a beef 💀 Punishment: possession
(Inspired by this one tshirt graphic I saw at Spencer’s)
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birdybomb · 2 years
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What if Koyomi joined S?
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chodzacaparodia · 9 months
Having friends became the most stressful thing in Miya's life.
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He was living a peaceful life and suddenly BOOM he has people he has to constantly worry about because they keep getting hurt or doing something reckless
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cheekyboybeth · 4 months
I don’t want to rewatch Sk8 the infinity
I don’t wanna watch it, I don’t like how it ends
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danceofthephilos · 5 months
SK8 Cast Image Colors, and the Super Sentai Roots of Character Color Coding
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Unlike my post about hanakotoba, where only a few examples can be confirmed to be intentionally meaningful choices, image colors are an aspect of SK8's visual symbolism that has been explicitly assigned by the creators to each of the eight main cast members. From design elements to official art and merchandise (such as the art and the Infinity Week logo above) to shots in the show itself, these image colors are a consistent aspect of the series' visual language, and colors, like flowers, have meanings and associations that can provide interesting insight into why these colors were chosen for these characters. Color-coded casts are also strongly historically rooted in the super sentai subgenre of tokusatsu series, a genre that has had massive impact on Japanese pop culture, especially battle anime like SK8, in part, is, so I'll also examine the archetypes associated with their colors in super sentai (and, in Adam's case, another important piece of anime history.)
As color associations can vary by culture, I made sure to use Japanese sources - I mainly started with the dictionary on TC Color Therapy for basic color meanings but frequently checked other sources. My primary source on colors in super sentai is a paper on color theory in tokusatsu by Misako Takahashi, along with fan wikis such as Pixiv Dictionary and other Japanese blogs analyzing the subject. I also supplemented with quotes from SK8's staff when relevant.
All the image colors come from the official character guide included in volume 4 of the Blu-rays.
Reki Kyan - Yellow
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Despite his red hair, Reki's image color is yellow, the color of the signature hoodie he always wears at S. Yellow is associated with brightness, cheerfulness, fun and excitement - all things that Reki embodies at his best, and are very important parts of his character arc and what he represents to the people around him. In Utsumi's instructions to colorist Yukari Gotou, as shown in SK8 Design Works, she requested Reki's design have "so many bright and colorful primary colors it's tiring" in order to draw the eye, fitting of a bright and energetic protagonist. Yellow is a common color for team members in sentai anime, being the third most common after red and blue and appearing in the majority of series, and are often bright and cheerful "life of the party" type characters as well. This is a trend dating back to Himitsu Sentai Gorenger, the very first long-running super sentai series (beginning in 1975,) whose color coding has persisted for decades. Kirenger, the yellow member in Gorenger, was even a big eater with a signature favorite food (a trait more commonly attributed to Langa, but Reki's love for ramen and all things salty - even toothpaste - is a recurring bit in SK8 as well) and a big family.
In Takahashi's paper, she quotes another academic, Asako Yoshida's, analysis of another core aspect of yellow sentai characters, where she describes them as "an intelligent type who gathers information and forms strategies before taking action", and "rather than fighting on the front, they're a tactician who uses their wits and comes up with strategies," traits that Reki also shows frequently, especially in his biggest triumph in episode 11.
Like many of the image colors, it's also used in the show (both in the opening - highlighting his yellow-orange eyes - and in episode 11.)
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Langa Hasegawa - Blue
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Langa's image color is blue, selected along with white from the beginning to fit his snow theme. Blue is associated with positive meanings like calmness and intelligence, but also more negative ones like coldness, sadness and loneliness, fitting of both Langa's calm exterior and the grief that's central to his storyline. Blue sentai members are classically considered "cool" characters, an association that remains strong even as actual characters of that type have grown somewhat rarer over time, with newer series sometimes deliberately subverting expectations. Like yellow, the association of blue with the cool member of a team also dates back to Gorenger, with Aorenger (the blue member) being a cool, stoic character who came from a snowy region. Takahashi quotes Yoshida's description of blue heroes as "the calm, composed and cool second in command type," a character who "doesn't worry about what's in front of him, never seems to get worked up and deals with things calmly," which certainly describes the impression Langa gives off at first - and belies what SK8's producer Kyoko Uryuu described (when comparing him to a petit gâteau) as his "surprisingly passionate" interior.
Like with Reki, Langa's color is shown off in the opening and in the show itself - notably as his "aura" when he's in the Zone with Adam.
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Miya Chinen - Light Green
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Miya's image color is light green, usually shown as a yellowish lime green. I'll get to green as a whole for Kojiro, but yellow-green specifically is associated with youthfulness, beginnings and hope, as it's the color of newly budding plants - and it can also be associated with immaturity, all meanings fitting of a very young character like Miya. While his costume is meant to be an in-universe game character, his bright green hood could also be seen as vaguely evoking Link from the Legend of Zelda series.
Green sentai characters have more varied archetypes, but were historically often the youngest member of the team, while more recently it's been a trend for them to be the oldest member of the team - fitting for the youngest and oldest members of the six characters making up SK8's main "team." The idea of a green member being the youngest also dates back to Gorenger, with Midorenger (the green member) being an innocent younger boy compared to the rest of the team, who was treated like a "mascot" of sorts and even shared Miya's affinity for animals. It's also become a trend for green characters to have close relationships with the yellow members, and to be in conflict with the red members.
Like with most of the other characters, Miya's color is highlighted in the opening.
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Hiromi Higa - Purple
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Hiromi's image color is purple, the color of his lipstick and the inside of his cape. Purple is associated with mystery, rarity, luxury and nobility, and in Japan in particular it's frequently associated with horror (from urban legends like the purple mirror to the common use of purple miasma to show disgusting/horrific food in anime.) Purple sentai members are incredibly rare, and at the time of Takahashi's paper the few that existed were usually mentor figures, but several since have been "dark heroes" or antiheroes - as "Shadow-sama" (fitting of the link to nobility) calls himself, as the self-proclaimed Antihero of the S community. With how he becomes a close friend (and even somewhat of a mentor) to the boys despite his very antagonistic first appearance, he certainly fits the "enemy-turned-ally" archetype, and while he's not actually the much older mentor early purple members were, Reki constantly calling him "old man" does evoke that trope too.
His color appears in the opening as well as featuring heavily in his S costume.
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Kaoru Sakurayashiki - Pink
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True to his surname and aesthetic, Kaoru's image color is pink, the color of cherry blossoms. Pink is associated with beauty, grace, luxury and love. Just like in the west, it's considered a very feminine color - also shown in the fact that pink sentai members are almost exclusively women, and typically particularly feminine and glamorous when on teams with other female members. This is a case where Cherry is in large part a departure from the classic color coding just because of his gender; SK8's colorist, Yukari Gotou, even expressed in Skater's Backstage that she was a bit worried about having a male character with pink hair, but Utsumi described him as a "pink ninja" from the get-go in her coloring notes.
And even Kaoru isn't completely immune to hitting the sentai archetypes either, with his noted beauty and a concern for his looks that Kojiro mocks as effeminate in the series; the contrast between the feminine characteristics he has and his masculine voice and personality are a core part of how his character was designed. He even has a surprising connection with Momorenger (Gorenger's pink member, and only woman) in his affinity for kicks. (As of 2022, there's also finally been a male character properly featuring as the pink member in a sentai series in Avataro Sentai Donbrothers.)
Of course, on top of featuring so heavily in his design, Cherry's color is also used in the opening.
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Kojiro Nanjo - Green
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Rather than Miya's light green, Kojiro's image color is a regular green. Green is associated with calmness, stability, growth and nature, fitting for a very calming and stable mentor character who just "goes with his feelings" like Kojiro - but like light green, it can also signify immaturity, which also suits a character who proudly proclaims to be a "kid" when he's on vacation. Where Miya fits the "youngest member" trope for green sentai members, Kojiro fits the "oldest member" trope, and he also fits the recently trendy close relationship with yellow and conflict with red. In Takahashi's paper, she quotes Yoshida describing green characters as a whole as "a caring type who's always concerned if things are peaceful" (also fitting of Miya, who's always the most concerned for Reki and Langa,) "a soothing person who makes you feel warm and comforted just by being next to them" and as someone who "loves their friends, and 'being together with everyone' is important to them," and in Utsumi's color notes in SK8 Design Works, she described Kojiro as "A calming, mature green. Comforting."
And like with the others, on top of being his hair color, Kojiro's color is also shown in the opening.
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Ainosuke Shindo - Red
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Naturally for the "Matador of Love", Adam's image color is red, a color associated with love, passion and excitement, but also danger and anger, covering both sides of the duality of Adam's connection with love and romance and his violent skating. Utsumi's color notes in SK8 Design Works describe it as "the color of love and blood", and described Adam himself as "a guy who stole a main character's color" - fitting of the fact that in sentai series (and many anime influenced by them,) the red member is almost always the main protagonist and leader. (And perhaps a cheeky reference to Reki, though it seems Adam's color was decided on much earlier on.) Between red and blue being tied for their inclusion in sentai series and yellow in a close second place, the three primary colors form a core trio of characters in sentai series that's also reflected by Reki, Langa and Adam as the three most central characters in SK8.
While many works follow Gorenger's lead with the red protagonist being a hot-headed, passionate natural leader (a role that Adam does command at S as a whole, at least at first,) it's covered such a wide spectrum of protagonists over the course of the genre's history that red's biggest association is simply "being the main character," superseding a single specific character archetype. To momentarily dip into the history of anime itself rather than tokusatsu's influence, I'd be remiss not to mention that thanks to the influence of Mobile Suit Gundam (a franchise that both writer Okouchi and character designer Chiba have history with and mentioned in interviews on Febri as inspiring their interest in anime) it does have a memetic association with speed (and rival characters,) as Gundam's frequently-imitated masked antagonist Char Aznable's custom red mecha is notoriously "three times faster" than any other. (Adam's voice actor, Takehito Koyasu, has even played two "Char Clones" himself.)
As with the other characters, Adam's color appears in the opening but it also surrounds him frequently in the show even from his first appearance, including a red glowing aura to mirror Langa's blue when they're in the Zone (even in the finale when the red is gone from his costume.)
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Tadashi Kikuchi - Gray
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(Tadashi never got an official Twitter icon like the other characters, so I used a different piece of merch.)
Lastly, Tadashi's image color is gray, which is mostly known for being... a bit of a non-color, though it can be associated with gloom, ambiguity or uneasiness. It's mostly seen as a color that blends in and doesn't stand out by itself, which was the purpose behind Tadashi's color scheme, as Utsumi described in her notes as wanting his coloring to "make the main character stand out", given that he was designed from the beginning to appear alongside Adam, who has the "main character's color." Gray is an incredibly rare theme color in sentai series, to the point that there aren't specific character archetypes either; in 2014, at the time of Takahashi's paper, the only gray character she noted was a literal ghost. Even Tadashi's image color is alienated from the other skaters'...
While there are comparatively few (and less obvious) examples of Tadashi's image color appearing in the show, his last emotional scene with Ainosuke takes place in an almost entirely gray room.
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It'll be interesting to see how these associations might continue to be used in the future.
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every so often I'll just start thinking of sk8 the infinity and then my brain and insides start to excitedly vibrate at a frequency that could shatter glass
god forbid someone asks me about it, they're in for a ride
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specterthief · 1 month
here's another sk8 blu-ray exclusive that i subbed, this time one that actually was never dubbed - an episode preview for ep 1 in the style of the other post-credits previews, this one serving as a mini trailer for the series and featuring some really funny reki and shadow rivalry/banter
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gaytor-golf · 10 days
This is a desperation post bc one of my kitties is sick and we cant afford a vet visit right now😔 if ur interested in commissioning me just dm me here or on Twitter under the same user :p
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I've literally never priced anything before so if it's confusing I'm sorry but here are some examples of my art and how I priced them
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😔 also if ur willing to give a random teen on the internet ur mailing address I can do prints as well :3
I can do any character or oc, I can draw couples (no NSFW sorry) furries, literally anything pleasee🙏
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Goober short for gubernatorial (deadpool 3 reference)
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zenodotus-0010 · 5 months
Huh. So, in SK8, three different characters that I've found on a cursory glance are named after major places on Naha, where the story is set. The most obvious one is probably Joe, whose family name Nanjo comes from Nanjō City, the smallest city on Naha, famous for its castle ruins. Nearby is the town of Chinen, where we get Miya's name from, and to the south is Cape Kyan, where Reki's name is from.
These are probably remenants from the Ryukyu kingdom, when upper-class Okinawans would get their family names from the places they ruled or came from. Families living there at the time of annexation under the Meiji dynasty would also have been added to the name register under their places of residence. This means that Miya, Joe, and Reki's families have been in Okinawa for a WHILE, and that there's a pretty good chance they're descended from the upper-class families who were allowed to have kamei (家名) for names.
Shadow's family name Higa isn't a place name, but it is the most common surname in Okinawa, (maybe to signal to viewers that he isn't very "rare" or talented, or to make his plainclothes character seem all the sillier,) tying him pretty strongly to the island. Langa's name, Hasegawa, is also not a direct placename, but it's a common name among the Ryukyu islands and certain parts of eastern Japan, and would hold a distinctly "Okinawan" or "Beach-y" vibe to Japanese viewers.
In contrast, Cherry's surname is pretty unique. I don't actually speak Japanese, so I can't read the articles that came up when i searched the kanji, but given that his character page was the eighth to come up in search results and the second to come up when i searched the kana, I'd wager that it was made for the show. Maybe in-universe, his family invented it during the annexation? Or maybe it isn't an actual family name, and is Cherry's "pen name," as it was, for his art. It's a very artistic sounding name.
Again, though, I don't read Japanese, and most of what I know about Okinawan family names comes from Wikipedia trawling. If anyone has better input, I'd be happy to hear it.
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cowboy-doinggay · 10 months
I feel like if the kids were to call the adults by there actual names instead of there S names they would react the same way as teachers react when students call them by their first name.
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disfunctionalmixer · 2 months
y'all slept on this
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emmiewtf · 2 years
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blanktrouser · 3 months
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kayloyal · 1 year
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quick sketch for sk8tember23 for prompt magical girl
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nonbinary-wyvern · 11 months
SK8 Headcanons I have
Cherry pierced his ears and lip himself and was sooo careful
Miya likes yogurt and ate those tube yogurt lunch things ALL THE TIME in grade school
Shadow's favorite flowers are daisies and black dahlias
Miya plays Stardew Valley. He loves going mining and his favorite characters are the wizard and Sebastian.
Reki or Langa wore braces as a kid and always forgot to put his bands on
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