#beth rants
cheekyboybeth · 2 days
Annnnd I’m done!
I hate school but the term is now overrrrr!!!
Just one more term to go and it’s gonna be the best one
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not-falling-but-flying · 11 months
I remember when I went to Israel and saw whole communities behind walls and fences, I asked my Israeli guide to explain. What were we looking at? Because my head couldn't comprehend what appeared to be ghettos in the middle of a country that was said to be a US ally. Our guide said that we needed to read everything, read what the Israeli government didn't want you to read. Learn from Palestinian sources and Arab friendly news.
I remember when I went to West Bank and I stared up at Israeli soldiers who were casually pointing weapons at us. I asked our Palestinian guide what we were doing that warranted such a reaction. Existing, he said, the same crime they condemn us for every day. We shuffled off to the Church of the Nativity as we learned about the lack of water in Bethlehem. We talked to people who lost their homes and loved ones to Israeli farmers illegally crossing the border. I didn't look back. I didn't need to see the soldiers watching us any longer.
I remember visiting the Gaza border and weeping for the people in the city we could barely see. Local officials loudly proclaimed how awful Gaza was, and how all of those poor people wished they were living in Israel. I cried. I wonder how many of those buildings are standing. I wonder if those officials are still using those precious souls as propaganda. I wonder how many of those people are still alive enough to dream of freedom.
I remember coming home and telling everyone I knew what I had seen. Hungry faces and the fear of parents. Children playing on broken playgrounds. The stark difference between what we see here in the US and the occupation I saw firsthand.
I remember screaming about it for years and no one around me wanting to listen. I remember telling them that this "peace" between Israel and Palestine was anything but peaceful. That people were dying, and that it would only get worse if nothing changed.
I remember seeing the news that Hamas had attacked and that Israel was retaliating. I looked at my brother, and I told him that a whole lot of people were about to die.
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beth-purcell · 1 day
Bendy and the State of Affairs
Or, Beth is Holding a Match and in Front of a Few Bridges
Yes, this is inspired by the going-ons, especially on tumblr and no I'm not going to name-drop because it's more just one account doing this; I've just lost my patience and I need to get this out of my system.
So I'll keep it under the cut so you can choose to skip and if you do skip, have a good day. If you decide to read, please remember to be respectful and it's just my opinion, as well as have a good day.
For context, one of the founders of Joey Drew Studios, Mike Dejsardins (Or as he was known during the peak of Bendy, Mike Mood), has come back to the internet via his YouTube Community Page, answering some questions that were left there. Despite claims for others to leave "civil" comments, there are quite a few nasty ones, and whatever you take from the guy, there's something that the fanbase can't argue.
He owns Bendy.
No matter how many people yell and complain and spew vile at him, that's not going to change. And assuming he doesn't sell the IP or loses it in a lawsuit, Bendy will always belong to him and the Meatly, and we know that Meatly enables his behavior and I think there are those in the fanbase that don't understand that this isn't like the Sonic movie, where multiple factors had to line up to even convince the higher ups at the movie studio that they'd make more money than had they left it alone. And a multimillion movie company is not the same as (as Mike himself confirmed) two people working on a game franchise with three people in the company overall.
Which tangentially brings me to the other question; Why are these people who claim to be "fans" of Bendy being so vile? Like, Mike certainly isn't a saint, but claiming people who aren't out there trying to "reclaim" that was never theirs in the first place are bootlickers when they could just be wanting to work for the game series that they grew up with? Hate to be the asshole, but I'm not going to have someone who spewed awful every time the topic of my project came up on said project, even if they claimed it's because "they want better". And that's just assuming that Mike and Meatly wouldn't tell other developers they know and interact with.
And honestly, you're not looking like a fan with what I'm seeing. There's a different between "Hey I like this, but I acknowledge there are faults, but I also acknowledge that I will not yuck anyone's yum." and "I like this, therefore I will not stop talking about how much I actually don't like aspects of this thing, and will use my "love" as an excuse to do awful things like disrespecting artists and writers by redistributing their paid work alongside asking people to work for free."
It's not like you could make your own story or game about an animation studio that fell from grace and tell it exactly how you wanted, with the staff portrayed as you exactly want, but I suppose you won't get those clicks if it's not labeled an "AU" of Bendy.
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nurse-buckley · 9 months
Someone better beat me and remind me to do my physio exercises.
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bethancahill · 2 years
Meh. I’ve been thinking about coming out for a while now and sooner or later imma probably just blurt it out. My school has this club for lgbtq+ people and I’ve wanted to go for longer than i have really wanted to come out but there is really one issue. I am like 90% sure that one of the people that is sort of leading the group is actually my ex boyfriend. Imma be honest I have no clue how to go about this
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nurse-floyd · 4 months
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Me just trying to enjoy my evening.
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rooolt · 6 months
whenever I hear the words “especially on tumblr” on teen talk, I feel like I’ve taken a bullet to the chest
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kaseyskat · 6 months
im a sparrow oak garcia defender until the day i die fuck you especially will campos
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risetherivermoon · 17 days
there are a multitude of reasons why i rarely talk abt my experiences with did/osdd online nowadays, and its actually very fucking saddening to have to see someone who created content that i found comfort in, someone who created and played characters who were relatable and comforting to me, to be a part of why i stopped.
whether or not you understand what a disorder like did/osdd is, it doesnt excuse being an asshole to people. claiming someone is lying about their mental health issues while preaching mental health advocacy? (and suffering from mental illness as well) hating and putting people down for their own problems that you have no business commenting on? its utterly disgusting
i can't put into words how hurt and just...angry i am, ive been trying to collect my thoughts on this since i saw the initial tweet, im just...devastated, disappointed and upset.
do better.
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Leverage 3x9 - "The Three-Card Monte Job"
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cheekyboybeth · 3 days
I’m actually so tired and it’s only 10:55pm
I might sleep but who knows?
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All of my strong feelings about KC and their fans aside, why the hell are Bills Mafia members burning Taylor Swift faces and making signs about how she sucks?? I expected more out of that particular fan base, to be honest. They normally are pretty cool.
She isn't on the field, friends. She's literally just another human in the stands.
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eccentricallygothic · 3 months
ummm isn't beth like 17? why's she getting all cozy with daryl?
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nurse-buckley · 1 year
I get up at 04:45 to catch the first of two busses at 05:38. My shift runs 7:00-19:30. I get 1 hour break in all of that. That doesn’t count towards my clinical hours. I don’t get paid. I pay (well i don’t because I can’t afford it) £9,250 to be here. To train. To work the role of a nurse for FREE. In total, the NHS will have me work 2,300 hours unpaid clinical practice over three years. On top of this 2,300 hours educational learning including essays, nursing exams, maths exams and clinical simulation. That’s the role of a student nurse. Try fitting in social life, family events, chores, housework and looking after your own physical and mental well-being. Having a job to PAY for all of this, because we have to pay for travel and parking too.
It’s no wonder so many students are burnt out right now and are just wondering, what is the point?
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bethancahill · 2 years
Ok look, I know the colors aren’t even close to the correct colors and the color job is pretty shabby but like it’s the closest I can get with the few off brand crayola markers I have. Also it’s the first time ever wear any kind of bi stuffs soooooo yea
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devereaux · 1 year
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