woolybird · 2 years
HumanAU-comics-songfic based on the Legends of Hoole arc
By First Aid Kit - Wolf
✨Part 1
It was difficult to cram almost all the main characters into the text, but I managed💪
and I still love humanizations, yesss
(just in case, I signed everyone in tags)
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gethoce · 1 year
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Adult Kirby(s)
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fyngrot · 5 months
What do you think about Penryck and Ullryck?
(unfurls comically large scroll) PENRYCK AND ULLRYCK MY BELOVEDS i have thought so much about them because i feel like their characters had a lot of potential- first things first, they do not get along AT ALL. penryck is constantly at ullryck’s throat and vice versa. a lot of this comes in part from the fact penryck, as the sky dragon, has a reputation for being a powerful hagsfiend and boy does he know and love it. he’s arrogant and chaotic and loves to stir up trouble just for the sake of stirring up trouble! intervening in the political struggles of the n’yrthghar is nothing but a silly little game to him and he takes great joy in pretending to be a “dumb” hagsfiend so he can get close to and manipulate owls (like lord arrin) for his own goals. he’s well respected, but less for his leadership and more for his sheer power and cunning mind. he doesn’t really care about anyone but himself and doesn’t respect those who follow him.
enter ullryck! penryck’s general persona and demeanor infuriate her like NO OTHER. she’s a shrewd strategist and, unlike penryck, a fantastic leader. she’s patient and personable with others (albeit absolutely willing to use them if she needs to), and has ideas for the future of hagsfiends + the drive to pursue them. thus, a guy like penryck who’s really just concerned with his own amusement puts a bad taste in her mouth. she detests the fact he has any followers and wants nothing more than to see him fall- and luckily, she’s a fierce warrior and assassin with a reputation to rival his, so naturally they start butting heads!
i personally believe the reason penryck and ullryck kind of stop being relevant after the coming of hoole is because penryck was manipulating shadyk at the ice palace- after arrin’s defeat (which i like to think was partially penryck’s fault- when things started going south in the battle at the beyond he declared arrin useless and boring and took his hagsfiend faction and left, thus contributing to arrin’s loss) he went on the hunt for another easily manipulated owl and found shadyk, promising him power. notably he only provides shadyk with young and inexperienced hagsfiends rather than his normal faction, as after arrin he views it as a waste of good warriors. this was a big miss steak on his part :)
shadyk naturally ended up boring penryck too, but while he was off messing around, ullryck defected and convinced most of the hagsfiends in his faction to side with her instead by playing into their annoyance at penryck’s attitude and disdain for them- thus forming her own faction and gaining leadership. when penryck returns and finds out ullryck overthrew him, boy is he PISSED at her and the traitors. thus begins a huge hagsfiend vs hagsfiend conflict, with ullryck and penryck’s rivalry turning into an all out battle between their supporters, and penryck trying desperately to defend his reputation of power against ullryck- who unfortunately, is kind of legit a better leader than him 😭 but he knows if he can prove he is more brutal and powerful than she is, then hagsfiends will return to his side, and he switches focus from messing with owls to regaining what he lost- at least until the battle of the long night, which every hagsfiend is kind of thrust into by virtue of it being the big hagsfiends vs owls event. rip
i love them so much. to every hagsfiend: i love you 
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curious-sootball · 1 year
More GoG and TMA crossover thoughts, part 2/?
Not a point unique to this au, but: I headcanon Emerilla as pretty mean (at least, before she went missing and infiltrated Shadyk's army), so when Lutta showed up and replaced her, she ended up acting much nicer. Most characters assumed that a near-death experience made Emerilla change her attitude for the better; Lutta somewhat reluctantly played into that (since her and Emerilla's default levels of politeness are wildly different and she wasn't sure how feisty she should act)
Lutta has a sort of passive mind-reading abilities in this au - since she's Stranger-aligned, she can peek into memories of people she's impersonating (it isn't very focused and only works when she's actively impersonating someone). Peeking into Emerilla's memories isn't fun - Strix Strumajen isn't a straight-up horrible mother, but she is very abmitious and she banked a lot on marrying her daughter into the royal family. Emerilla believes that she isn't really allowed to be anything outside of her mother's design and takes it out on other people.
Kreeth knew about Hoole's powers manifesting, but didn't know how well-developed those powers are. She warned Lutta about being as amicable with Hoole as possible - since he's the only one who can 100% tell that she's not Emerilla, staying on good terms in theory means he wouldn't try and check that using The Eye (at least, that's what she thinks: Grank toned down his own use of Beholding, and Hoole's powers pull attention away from other avatars near him)
Lutta's first impression of Hoole's court was "Why everyone has tons of beef with everyone else?! Isn't that exhausting?". Strix Strumajen is wondering what the hell is going on in her daughter's head - why is she suddenly amicable with literally everyone? Why isn't she flirting with Hoole, like they agreed? Wait, why is she cozying up to Snow Rose?! *owl equivalent of pearl clutching ensues*
Yeah, Snow Rose is around. She's Hoole's honorary (Vast and Lonely marked) wine aunt. Lutta-as-Emerilla at first visits her only with Hoole, but she ends up liking her a lot more than she anticipated.
Snow Rose is concerned for the nobles's kids. She's on her way to be almost everyone's cool wine aunt, and she isn't against it, but those kids ought to get better parental attention!
Hoole figured out that Lutta isn't really Emerilla sooner than in the books, but didn't confront her about it (he talked about Emerilla with younger nobles who actually known her, and when they all confirmed that she changed in some ways that aren't really consistent with near-death experience and a following repentance, he started putting the pieces together, but never tried to confirm it). She ended up confessing it herself (because she thought he was going to check it using Beholding anyway), a while after they started officially courting each other.
Hoole was actually going to tell her she doesn't need to court him if she doesn't want to (because in his eyes he became the most eligible owl bachelor around without doing anything to earn it, and people competitively courting him on top of being a king is overwhelming). It was a very awkward conversation.
Hoole and Lutta team up. Please, I just want to see those two get in trouble together as the kids they are. (Also, the Eye avatar and a Stranger avatar working together. I want to see the ensuing chaos)
Meanwhile, Emerilla is getting her character arc - she's a server in a freshly ravaged Ice Palace and she wants to stab Shadyk to death multiple times over. She started out pretending to be a gadfeather, but switched to being a server after Shadyk demanded them to sing one raunchy song 17 times in a row - that was the final straw for the band, and they ragequit.
She heard about the new royalist stronghold in S'yrthgar, but doesn't really know where it is or how to get there. Besides, she can spy on people here, and that's very valuable intel, as far as she knows.
Shadyk isn't doing too well: marked by the Slaughter and speedrunning becoming the Corruption avatar. Ice Palace melting is the side effect of all the Corruption manifestations. (And yes, Hakon is very dead in this AU. Multiple people made sure he is very, very dead and not coming back)
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featheredcritter · 4 years
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two posters for two songs that really vibe with two characters and i didn’t want to make a whole script about Billy The Kid Icicles
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olahresidence · 2 years
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Shadyk Lovares
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Kate has been recycling like crazy these days. #ShadyKate all the way!!!
Cam too. 
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gethoce · 1 year
Another question: Is Adult!Shadow Kirby's assigned ability Magic? (considering the similar tophat)
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(Additionally, does he contain the same Matter types as Adult!Kirby?)
The intention behind his outfit was that he got dragged to so many weddings by Prince Fluff that he quit bothering to switch out of his formal outfit but I can totally see him have the magic ability as well! He's a bit of a trickster and an ability like that would open up so many opportunities for mischief. ~
Also, yes, reflections are considered the same kind of Matterborn as their original counterparts, they're just reflections in addition to that!
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curious-sootball · 2 years
Another questionable GoG post: "Peacemaker" from "High noon over Camelot" but it is Shadyk and Theo as Mordred and Gavain
Also, "Skin and Bone" from the same album feels a lot like what Hoole would've said if he was raised by hagsfiends
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olahresidence · 3 years
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olahresidence · 3 years
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olahresidence · 3 years
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olahresidence · 3 years
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olahresidence · 3 years
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