#Shafter; Event
exorcistofgrace · 7 years
Event End + Wrap Up: Dance of the Dead
The ghosts were going away. It took a whole week and a bit, but they were going.
Geist watched as Revenant waved goodbye to a few fellow ghosts fading out of sight, and then he looked to his father—who was already half-fading.
Eidolon chuckled, looking to his son. “...I’ll miss you. You and Revenant.”
“I’m just grateful that you got to be here.” The Exorcist took a deep breath, looking to him quietly. “And...” He hugged him. He thought he would just pass through Eidolon, but apparently the ghost was solid enough to actually embrace and hold. “I...I’m really going to miss you. And I’m sorry, for causing all this.”
Eidolon held his son, kissing his forehead, before pulling back to make eye contact.
“You only meant well. I don’t think it’s something to be too sorry about. But,” He chuckled, “If you do want to summon me again in the future, at least you know what to do.”
Geist couldn’t help but chuckle in return. “...Yes. That is true.”
Eidolon managed to give Revenant a hug, the image of him flickering. A faint ‘I love you’ passed through the ghost’s lips as he soon vanished.
Silence fell between the Exorcist and his son, looking to where Eidolon once was. And then...
Geist looked to the possessed suit of armor, his son, approaching him. “Yes, Rev?”
“I’m glad I got to see him.”
Geist couldn’t help but smile back at his son. “I’m glad too, Rev.”
STATUS: Ended. All the ghosts that were summoned to Shafter have returned to whatever afterlife realm they might have been lingering in or something. Wherever they went, they have all left Shafter...for now.
Notable Ghostly Interactions + PEOPLE
Juniper, with Tahirah in tow, hunted down Lucius Arganan and Geist at the mortuary, but a scuffle made Geist leave in frustration with Arganan in tow. Juniper was not very pleased...
Geist later reunited with his ghostly father, Eidolon, and both Eidolon and Geist’s son Revenant tried to hide Geist from Juniper, but she managed to track down Geist anyway.
...Turns out Geist had no idea that there was someone already living in Shafter that could deal with the dead (Opal), otherwise he would have approached her in the first place for help. Geist promises to actually consult those who deal better with spells such as these in the future, and also apologizes for the chaos he caused for this event to .
Many people in Shafter during this ordeal, including Lucius Arganan, Tikki, Nobutsuna Kamiizumi, Viper, etc. all encountered their long-dead loved ones, resulting in a multitude of varied reactions.
Note: The Event is over, but feel free to continue interaction threads, discuss in character, snoop, or push your way around the world for information!
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
Dance of the Dead
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(Written by: @exorcistofgrace|| GMs: @prcttyfangs & @exorcistofgrace)
“I’ve never done this before.” Geist couldn’t help but giggle as he continued drawing out the symbols on the ground. “This is going to be fun!” Arganan watched, hesitating. “If you’ve never done this before, don’t you think it’s a bad idea? And just after Halloween?” “Mm…it’s worth a shot. Worst case scenario, we have zombies. Best case scenario? I might be able to speak with my father.” He frowned softly. “I…I haven’t talked to him in years, Lucius. And honestly? I do miss him.”  “You’d risk all that for one relative?” Arganan couldn’t help but chuckle. “You’re a walking example of determination, Geist.”  “Thank you.” He paused, a faint smile on his face, and looked to Arganan again as it vanished, curiosity replacing it. “Do you have anyone to talk to? I can bring them back too for moment or two, if you’d like.”  Arganan thought of those dead that were close—his older brother, and Dagran—and shook his head. “I…I don’t think it would be a good idea. In my case, they’re better off not talking to me.” “Alright, then. It’s just my father.” Geist took a deep breath, before placing his rapier in the middle of all the drawn symbols on the ground. Picking up a dusty tome, he flipped it to the right page and murmured something from it. There was nothing, at first, but then the symbols glowed. A soft mist emanated from them, before it thickened, spreading all over the room. Arganan coughed, and Geist found himself coughing as well.  As the smoke cleared, both men heard footsteps—multiple footsteps—from outside, accompanied by gleeful gibbering and confused conversations. Arganan froze, saying nothing, but Geist grimaced and ran towards the nearby window. He saw what was going on outside, and he hissed out of pure frustration. 
 “Crystals, I fucked up the spell!” 
 “What do you mean?” Arganan looked to Geist. “What exactly happened? Why are we hearing multiple footsteps and talking and…people!?” 
 The Exorcist swallowed, hesitating, before looking to the other and speaking.
 “…I didn’t just bring back my father. I brought back everyone.”
INCIDENT: Geist just raised the dead and poor Arganan witnessed it. More details below. 
WHEN: Midnight (Shafter Time) 
WHERE: The mortuary, and now through all of town. 
PERSONS INVOLVED: Geist Grace, Lucius Arganan, literally everyone else in Shafter, and the ghosts of their dead loved ones (or those close to them). 
The following should be noted:
 Anyone who is close to the people of Shafter and has died (and not necessarily become a ghost, vampire, etc.) has now been raised from the dead as ghostly beings! LET THE GUEST MUSES APPEAR! Feel free to write up some individual drabbles regarding your muses encountering their dead loved ones, or start some threads and have them guest-star in them! 
This spell only lasts about a week in real time, give or take a few days depending on how the event goes. Therefore, once the week is over, all those raised from the dead will return to, well, being dead dead. 
Yes, the ghosts can cause their own shenanigans. Yes, that could potentially include endangering the lives of the living if they want to…though no bloodshed or anything too hugely horrible in this event, please. No kidnappings, murders or the like. Simply encountering one’s dead loved ones can be seriously sad enough. Last thing we need is a lot of the ghosts going and murdering everyone, or worse. 
Property damage is permitted in this event, however. Ghosts can mess around with things as much as people can, after all. 
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adeadlysong · 7 years
Event End + Wrap Up: The Singing Plant Bonanza of 2017
Earplugs? Check.
The end of a piece? Check.
Tahirah hesitated as she put the ingredients in a pot in the backyard, intending to bring them to a boil. She liked the singing plants, and it would have been fun to let them last the whole week, but...
At the same time, vegetarians were getting scarred, and some people were getting annoyed. She knew Juniper and Nita were definitely annoyed, as well as others. The last thing she wanted to do was inconvenience the whole town, so...
“Mutus Plantus Melodious!”
Poof! A gust of mist spread from the boiling pot, wavering over the garden plants and spreading far, far throughout the entire town. Tahirah heard the plants’ ‘voices’ around her begin to fade, and she sighed.
“Maybe I can conjure up the spell again sometime...” She smiled faintly at that as the last of the plants sung one final song. “I hope so. It would be nice to hear them sing again.” 
It wasn’t like the plants’ voices were that bad. She’d just make sure to ask everyone if she could cast the spell again, next time.
As the plants finally finished their song and went silent for sure, Tahirah closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Things were back to normal. At least, as normal as they could be.
STATUS: Ended. The spell regarding the singing plants has been ended, and all plants have returned to normal. They no longer sing, nor will they sing nightly requiems or hiss at people that upset them.
Other than some plants being killed by Nita due to being ripped out as well as some plants being smoked and some being consumed, no other plants were harmed, surprisingly.
Tahirah and Juniper found the counter-spell in the library, after much searching.
Tahirah Zakiyaa used the counter-spell to return the plants to normal. She sorely apologizes for any scarring the singing plants have caused to other residents during the time of the spell.
Note: The Event is over but feel free to continue interaction threads, discuss in character, snoop, or push your way around the world for information!
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exorcistofgrace · 7 years
“Rev!” Geist embraced his son. “Rev? Are you alright, son?”
“Yes, Daddy!” Revenant nodded his metal head. “I’m okay! It’s kind of cool that all these ghosts are floating around. I don’t know if everyone is happy, though.”
“Unfortunately, no. They’re not. I’m going to have to try to fix this somehow...”
Geist turned to see the one person he only wanted to see. 
Eidolon Grace stood there, looking as ethereal as ever. He’d died only in his early fifties, and he looked the same as he did before the fateful day that would determine his fate. Wearing a white silk blouse and black trousers, they were complete with low-heeled black shoes. A gold silk vest rested over his shirt, as well as a red cravat around his neck. A black, cape-like coat draped over his shoulders. If it wasn’t for the outfits being so different, as well as the fact that Eidolon had no blood-spatter on him like Geist did, one might mistake Eidolon for Geist.
Eidolon smiled, facing Geist. “My son. I...am glad to see you.” 
Geist swallowed, before rushing over to him, hugging him. This was the man he wanted to see and talk to, and now after all these years—! “Father!”
Eidolon smiled, hugging his son in return before looking up towards Revenant who was with Geist. “And..my grandson, Revenant. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“Grandpa?” Revenant peered up at Eidolon. “Whoaa...”
Eidolon chuckled, looking to Revenant. “It’s good to see you too, grandson. But...” He looked to Geist, raising an eyebrow. “Your father is going to need some help hiding.”
Geist blinked, looking to his father. “Hiding? Why?”
Eidolon sighed. “You’re no expert in necromancy, Geist. I know that. And given all the people that came back to haunt everyone, I imagine the town residents will be quite pissed at you, and more than one is for sure. Perhaps I can offer some assistance in hiding?”
The Exorcist paled. Ah...Juniper was going to deck him for sure the moment she found him, wasn’t she? “...er...yes. Yes, that would be helpful.”
Arganan waved at the other three to get their attention. “What do I do then!? Run and hide from all the ghosts that want to haunt me!?”
Eidolon looked to Arganan sheepishly. “You’re a friend of his? I suggest you hide, too. Everyone will probably want to question you about this mess.”
“...Ah. Good point. Thanks.” 
As Revenant, Eidolon and Geist went to go hide, Arganan sighed. “Well, it doesn’t seem like there’s any ghost going after me. Thank goodness for that.”
There was a brief chuckle, then a voice.
“I hate to break it to you, Count, but you’re wrong.”
The former Count’s good eye widened, and without even turning to look at who it was, somewhere in his heart—he knew who it was. It was unmistakable.
Tahirah and Juniper discovered that Geist is behind the whole spell, and tried to get his help. Unfortunately, he ran off to presumably check on Revenant. Geist has not been sighted since. Probably hiding from everyone that wants to deck him for what he just did...
Lucius Arganan is face-to-face with a certain someone—a certainly dead someone. Could this mean the start of something heartwarming, or continued heartbreak?
Meanwhile, the ghosts continue to roam Shafter, encountering the living/dead-ish residents...and yes, this also applies to during the daytime, too!
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
Spectacular Halloween: End of Part 1
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"For me?" Xochitl beams, taking the taped together puzzle offered to her. 
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All around she sees eyes shining with excitement, sugar addled fidgeting intensifying despite the late hour. "Oh, I see.. You want to know the story of the Crooked Man, do you? I think an old woman has energy enough for that." "Come now, mijos y mijas, sit around the bonfire with old Xo and and lets have one last cup of cocoa before bed. Let me tell you the story. It's about time you all know about the Crooked Man..." "Fifty years ago, or so, when we were still just a few tasked with re-settling the land, he came. The Crooked Man with his crooked grin and twisted soul. "Halloween had snuck up upon us- Our babes, just a few, had no candy or sweets, but we had plenty of food to share. It was enough. We celebrated. They donned their masks of painted paper and found feathers from the land, running person to person and shouting 'Trick or Treat!' We gave them what we could. Nuts and dried fruits, jerky, sparkly rocks from the mines, riddles, and hand puppets. Our Mayor had left to the city with the promise to bring back apples, bananas, and sweets on her return and so they eagerly awaited her after supper, playing with their puppets and telling stories around the fire. "One bye one, we drifted off. The air was warm and the town secure, so after little fussing, we allowed our babies to set up camp right here in the main street and sleep among the stars. The night was perfect. We were safe. "Until the Crooked Man come. "While his mask was gruesome- crookedly grinning from a knife gash of a mouth, skin stretched taut, eyes and teeth yellowing with age- he seemed a kind fellow. He shared his rations of beans and bacon, gave pennies when the children came calling, so little was thought of when he begged stay a single night. "I'll take second watch over the children," he said. "I need but three hours of sleep, and you have been so kind to me. Why, I have children of my own, waiting on me at home. They will be safe with me." "So off to slumber land we fell, dreaming of spooky masks, penny sweets, and apples. "The next morning did not dawn, so much as it did arrive with a thunderous crack and a furious torrent of rain. In our sleeping clothes, we ran to fetch our babes only to find .. no one. The bonfire, like this one, stoked by magic untouchable by the elements, had been extinguished. Their little cots and blankets were peeled apart, shoes left behind leaving bare foot prints of running and joyous playing being washed away by waves of blood running down from the edge of town. "Masks, toys, and sweets wrappers littered the path we ran along, slipping on thick, red mud and calling the names of our children and their nighttime guardians- Mateo! Amanda! Nicole! Maria! Carlos! Dominic!- over and over and over. Even when their bodies had at last been found, we continued to call their names. We pleaded with them to wake, but their eyes opened no more. "As for the Crooked Man, he was gone, though he left behind just one thing. In the blood of our babes, scrawled upon the largest boulder outside of town. A single word: "BEWARE."
Event Wrap Up
Status: End of Part 1
No major property damages have been reported, although Lt. Tarak Bhalli did apprehend some mischief makers attempting to egg the police dormitories, directly across the street and in plain view of the police station. Perpetrators were laughed at and sent home without enjoying night one of the Halloween festival.
No major personal injuries have been reported.
Nurse Winter Storm Sinclaire of Shafter General Hospital has given out leaflets to your trick or treaters with instructions on how to treat the impending too-much-sugar tummy ache. Among his tips are chamomile tea before bed, mint tea in the morning, hot water packs for the tummy, and lightly burnt toast- the carbon of which are said to absorb the toxins causing the ache. He cautions to not flood the hospital resources with your concerns unless the stomach ache is accompanied by high fever lasting more than two days, or persistent vomiting.
The puzzle was completed via collaborative effort. Congratulations! 
One last shot at personal glory to come. Prize titles to be given out at the end of the event.
Part 2 will be announced shortly
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adeadlysong · 7 years
All of the plants in Shafter could be heard in the evening.
Apparently some plants got smoked today, while others were ripped out miserably, singing a love song about loss until their final note. Therefore, they were all dead.
The surviving plants all sung a requiem tonight.
“I have to admit,” Tahirah managed, listening as she sat on the front porch, sipping a warm cup of water, “Despite the plants mourning the loss of their kin and all that supposed to be creepy, it’s kind of sweet.”
“Sweet?” Nuriel sat beside her. “I find it more creepy than sweet. What about all the vegetarians? They’re going to feel really bad about it.”
“Vegetarians?” Tahirah blanched. “...Are there vegetarians that I was unaware about in Shafter?”
“Uh, probably.”
“...Oh geez. I really need to fix this soon!”
“...Why so soon? The music is awesome!”
“Yeah, but a lot of people are also getting annoyed!”
Plants were killed today by Nita ripping some out as well as some plants being smoked. The nightly requiems begin.
Tahirah hopes that there aren’t too many scarred people out there. If so, she sorely apologizes for the damage.
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adeadlysong · 7 years
[Event] The Singing Plant Bonanza of 2017
“Bel-la Sig-nor-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ra-ah! Bel-la Sig-nor-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ra-ah!”
Tahirah couldn’t help but giggle at the array of plants warming up their ‘voices.’ Said singing plants consisted of a patch of petunias, lillies, and even some peonies. And my, they sounded good! She was sure Juniper and the rest of the Desert Circle would be proud that she could pull off a spell like this!
“TAHIRAH!” Arlyn came rushing over to her, panting a bit. He looked a bit worried, which worried her a little, but at the same time she knew he was always so overprotective of her (moreso than Nuriel). “Did you cast a spell just recently, as in today?”
Tahirah nodded, gesturing with a hand for the plants to pause their warmup before looking to him, smiling widely. “Yes! I cast a spell that should enable the plants to sing for a whole week! Isn’t it wonderful? Juniper and the others are going to be thrilled!” She clapped her hands together, giggling. “For once, I didn’t mess up everything!”
“Uh, well...” Arlyn looked to the plants, then to her. “Well, yes, it is wonderful. But...did you mean to cast it on every plant in town? The flowers outside the music store sang the Hallelujah chorus earlier, and the peppers we just bought started a barbershop quartet! Nuriel also called me earlier, saying that the potted plants in the bar launched into performing “Lady Marmalade!” 
The young woman blanched. “Wait...what? That—that should only affect the immediate area, as in literally this garden alone!” She flipped open the spellbook she used, frantic. “What could I have done wrong? I followed every instruction carefully! I triple checked what was required in this spell! How could it affect the whole town...?”
It was then that she saw the last note on that page regarding the spell in fne print, and she grimaced as she read it aloud.
“Please note that this spell affects an area as large as a whole village and/or town. The location where the spell is cast should be kept in mind before casting.”
Tahirah stared at the page, then sighed as she lowered the book.
“...Well, then...The PD are going to be annoyed with me for this, aren’t they?”
Incident: Tahirah accidentally cast a spell causing all plants in Shafter to be able to sing. This includes edible and non-edible plants.  When: A few minutes ago (Shafter Time) Where: The whole town, technically, given that the spell affects the whole area.
Persons involved: Tahirah Zakiyaa, Arlyn Icia, Nuriel Flame, and all other residents of Shafter.
Please note that this spell will be in effect for literally a whole week, and the following must be noted: 
1. Any plants that are consumed or die or eradicated by anyone during this period will be treated to a requiem by the surviving, singing plants every night. Updates may or may not happen during evenings depending on how many plants die during the day.  
2. The plants are not physically hostile to you consuming them or killing them via cooking them/stomping on them/etc. They can’t physically attack you if you do those things to them, which is probably a good thing. At worst, they can hiss angrily at you and sing a lot of requiems to annoy you, but that’s pretty much it.
3. Even if the plants are plucked off a vine or bush or something, they can still sing until they’re dead either from dehydration, being cooked, etc.
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
10.45am- 7 hours after the break in; 30 minutes after Zaide's abduction
The great rumbling of marked police cruisers begin to slow and stall out in the sweltering desert heat as their town treads struggle to keep up with the gargantuan draconian up in the sky above them, sailing straight north and on into the nothingness of red stone .
In the distance is a single black speck rapidly growing larger to the approaching officers- a car, and one awkwardly shaped speck attempting to make a getaway.
However, this far out, the sentience of the land is stronger- It feels. It knows. It must protect what belongs to it.The rock and packed dirt gives way to soft, fine sand with no traction, no grip, seemingly attempting to swallow up anything on foot heavier than desert skinks scurrying across.
You have something of mine
, it seems to hiss, or is that that only the sand grating against leather boots sinking in?
Give it back. Give it back
The getaway car has stopped The land is not happy Zaide is alive, unbound, but unconscious Approximately 4 minutes to approach- Unless Shafter has something to say about that
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
[EMERGENCY] [Shafter PD]
[EVENT] [Police Station]
10.02AM:  7 hours after the break in
A distinct scuffle from within one of the locked offices suddenly disrupts the ordinary work chaos of the already over-taxed police department with the grating scrape of metal desk legs on tile and a frantic shout of, "NO! Tar-!" before being silenced. Detective Bhalli is the first to arrive and roughly shoulder open the door painted with 'Lieutentnant Tarak Bhalli', shattering the digital locks in the process. The office is empty, the usual tidy order disrupted with clear evidence of a struggle between two or more people. Some scattered papers are held down in place by a unique pendant on a broken cord, the telltale charm never seen out of the grasp of Officer Zaide Evans.
"ALL HANDS ON DECK!" Detective Bhalli roars across the bullpen, calling every officer and detective to order. "For all appearances sake, Officer Zaide Evans has been abducted. He was last seen in my office with his father, Zander Evans, approximately 10 minutes ago. There is evidence of a struggle having taken place, along with his charmed amulet being left behind. Zander Evans is approximately the same height and built as Zaide, in his mid forties to early fifties, with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.  
Dawn squad: search radially beginning from here and spiraling outwards. Wilder squad: Hit the outskirts. Hawks: I need your eyes to the sky. These men are both gargoyles, so search out every high perch in town. Dismissed!"
Booker's personal assistant is called aside and ordered to relay the information to their Chief that had been sent home shortly after the break-in was reported. Once she is gone, Tarak stares at his phone in hand, knowing exactly who Zaide's next of kin contact would be. Regretfully he dials in the number to inform his mother of the events.
Incident: Appears Officer Zaide Evans has been abducted. Signs of struggle evident. Suspect: Zander Evans, father of Zaide Evans When: Approx. 10 minutes ago (Shafter time) Evidence: Papers scattered; chair on the floor; heavy wood desk shoved aside; soot-like black smudges on the desk, walls, windows, and book shelf; enchanted amulet belonging to Zaide left behind- this amulet is warded with protection charms as well concealment charms that hide his gargoyle nature and make him appear fully human. Where: Shafter PD Station House- Tarak Bhalli's locked office. +Exits: Front door (locked until Tarak smashed it); two windows- one facing South to the main street, one facing West towards the desert. Security Footage: Offline Lead Detective: Tarak Bhalli
OOC: The next event won’t crop up for a couple of days. You have plenty of time to play with this update.
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
[Event] [Breaking News]
                  Breaking, Entry, and Theft at                      the Shafter Police & Fire Departments
Some time between the hours of midnight and 3am, both offices of Police Chief Booker Rhoades of the Shafter Police Department and Fire Chief Octavia Bellrose of the Shafter Fire Department were broken into.
Logs and security footage record both Rhoades and Bellrose leaving their own offices for the night only  for the United Biometrics Security Systems to detect the personal security keys of both Rhoades and Bellrose being used to gain entrance to their offices some hours later. All that appears to have been taken is a single cardboard box, the contents of which were not divulged publicly but are speculated to have been evidence related to the explosion at EryPure Labs earlier this month. At present, both Chiefs and their departments have declined any comment. If you or anyone you know may have information regarding this case, please call the number below or go directly to the Shafter Police Department.
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
[Event End + Wrap Up]
Suddenly, an immense opalescent dragon explodes from the top of the ignited building, the sound drowning out the harsh metallic locking of the protocol shutters battering down, but not the hair raising pulse that radiates from the sealed laboratory followed by a gargantuan gasp from the building. Glittering shards of glass rains down from the now destroyed secondary laboratory building, followed by plumes of dust and at last, thick, white smoke.
"The fire's out!" Their Fire Chief announces. "Buildings one, two, and the auxiliaries are off limits until further notice. Everyone make way for the paramedics!" She beckoned for the crowd to depart and let in their three vans full of medical personnel to descend on the wounded.  A few feet away, the dragon lands and Jackson Sinclaire hops down clutching the limp body of a scientist- The worst of the wounded, Zaafira Bhalli, the head Engineer of EryPure Labs. He hands her to the paramedics only to be stopped by the Fire Captain Octavia who quickly removes the nearly destroyed robotic prosthetic somehow still clinging to Zaafira's leg, and then is allowed to be sped away in the ambulance.
Event End
Wrap up
Fire Status: 100% Contained Case Status: Open: Unknown Ignition Point, Unknown Ignition Event
EryPure Labs has suffured tremendous damage. The Main building, building 2, and the smaller bungalows attached to building 2 are severely damaged and off limits.
No other buildings have been majorly affected.
Electricity is disrupted to the entire Northern part of town for a week.
Ayla and Jackson came to the rescue of Zaafira Bhalli, at personal risk. Jackson suffers a torn shoulder, Ayla suffers assorted miscellaneous scrapes and bruises.
Penny Rhoades , one of the first firefighters on the scene, has collapsed from vertigo, a side effect of being too close to the siren speakers. Suffers minor hearing damage.
Zaafira Bhalli was caught in the explosion and stuck beneath rubble. Suffers smoke inhalation, concussion, broken ribs, broken femur, broken clavicle, internal bleeding. Curiously, there are no burns on her body. Admitted to the hospital. 
Of the 300 employees for EryPure Labs, 50 suffer smoke inhalation, 9 have sprains, 1 suffers a broken leg.
Of the FD and PD, 5 suffer minor burns, 10 suffer smoke inhalation.
Items of Note
Zaafira's blown out prosthetic leg- damaged beyond repair
Note: The Event is over but feel free to continue interaction threads, discuss in character, snoop, or otherwise push your way around the world for information.
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
[Event Update!]
A tremendous shriek from the building itself cuts through the chaotic rabble, a piercing warning followed shortly by flashing yellow and red lights. "Who just ran in there?" a voice demanded. Short, bossy, flanked by guards easily twice her size, the head of EryPure Labs arrives with soot smeared on her white coat. "Who just ran in there?" she asks again. "Don't any of you read protocol? The lab is going on lockdown to extinguish itself!" Another piercing wail ripped through the air. The ground beneath them rattled as thick steel curtains slid slowly down all the windows and entrances, with the intent on turning the laboratory into a tomb. "I can't override it! Its going to seal itself and suck out all the oxygen. They have maybe fourty seconds to get out."
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
There's a great, but muffled rumbling from off in the distance, followed by the distinct sound of an explosion. Plumes of black smoke rise in the air from the direction of the EryPure labs, though no flames can yet be seen. The people on the street shriek in surprise and back away, while some brave souls dash forward to help start evacuating the people within.
The building appears to suffer no structural damage and the smoke seems to be confined to one lower level laboratory.
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