not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
As stated, please feel free to continue any on going threads.
Please direct any questions you may have about aftermath to @exorcistofgrace
Event End + Wrap Up: Dance of the Dead
The ghosts were going away. It took a whole week and a bit, but they were going.
Geist watched as Revenant waved goodbye to a few fellow ghosts fading out of sight, and then he looked to his father—who was already half-fading.
Eidolon chuckled, looking to his son. “…I’ll miss you. You and Revenant.”
“I’m just grateful that you got to be here.” The Exorcist took a deep breath, looking to him quietly. “And…” He hugged him. He thought he would just pass through Eidolon, but apparently the ghost was solid enough to actually embrace and hold. “I…I’m really going to miss you. And I’m sorry, for causing all this.”
Eidolon held his son, kissing his forehead, before pulling back to make eye contact.
“You only meant well. I don’t think it’s something to be too sorry about. But,” He chuckled, “If you do want to summon me again in the future, at least you know what to do.”
Geist couldn’t help but chuckle in return. “…Yes. That is true.”
Eidolon managed to give Revenant a hug, the image of him flickering. A faint ‘I love you’ passed through the ghost’s lips as he soon vanished.
Silence fell between the Exorcist and his son, looking to where Eidolon once was. And then…
Geist looked to the possessed suit of armor, his son, approaching him. “Yes, Rev?”
“I’m glad I got to see him.”
Geist couldn’t help but smile back at his son. “I’m glad too, Rev.”
STATUS: Ended. All the ghosts that were summoned to Shafter have returned to whatever afterlife realm they might have been lingering in or something. Wherever they went, they have all left Shafter…for now.
Notable Ghostly Interactions + PEOPLE
Juniper, with Tahirah in tow, hunted down Lucius Arganan and Geist at the mortuary, but a scuffle made Geist leave in frustration with Arganan in tow. Juniper was not very pleased…
Geist later reunited with his ghostly father, Eidolon, and both Eidolon and Geist’s son Revenant tried to hide Geist from Juniper, but she managed to track down Geist anyway.
…Turns out Geist had no idea that there was someone already living in Shafter that could deal with the dead (Opal), otherwise he would have approached her in the first place for help. Geist promises to actually consult those who deal better with spells such as these in the future, and also apologizes for the chaos he caused for this event to .
Many people in Shafter during this ordeal, including Lucius Arganan, Tikki, Nobutsuna Kamiizumi, Viper, etc. all encountered their long-dead loved ones, resulting in a multitude of varied reactions.
Note: The Event is over, but feel free to continue interaction threads, discuss in character, snoop, or push your way around the world for information!
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
Dance of the Dead
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(Written by: @exorcistofgrace|| GMs: @prcttyfangs & @exorcistofgrace)
“I’ve never done this before.” Geist couldn’t help but giggle as he continued drawing out the symbols on the ground. “This is going to be fun!” Arganan watched, hesitating. “If you’ve never done this before, don’t you think it’s a bad idea? And just after Halloween?” “Mm…it’s worth a shot. Worst case scenario, we have zombies. Best case scenario? I might be able to speak with my father.” He frowned softly. “I…I haven’t talked to him in years, Lucius. And honestly? I do miss him.”  “You’d risk all that for one relative?” Arganan couldn’t help but chuckle. “You’re a walking example of determination, Geist.”  “Thank you.” He paused, a faint smile on his face, and looked to Arganan again as it vanished, curiosity replacing it. “Do you have anyone to talk to? I can bring them back too for moment or two, if you’d like.”  Arganan thought of those dead that were close—his older brother, and Dagran—and shook his head. “I…I don’t think it would be a good idea. In my case, they’re better off not talking to me.” “Alright, then. It’s just my father.” Geist took a deep breath, before placing his rapier in the middle of all the drawn symbols on the ground. Picking up a dusty tome, he flipped it to the right page and murmured something from it. There was nothing, at first, but then the symbols glowed. A soft mist emanated from them, before it thickened, spreading all over the room. Arganan coughed, and Geist found himself coughing as well.  As the smoke cleared, both men heard footsteps—multiple footsteps—from outside, accompanied by gleeful gibbering and confused conversations. Arganan froze, saying nothing, but Geist grimaced and ran towards the nearby window. He saw what was going on outside, and he hissed out of pure frustration. 
 “Crystals, I fucked up the spell!” 
 “What do you mean?” Arganan looked to Geist. “What exactly happened? Why are we hearing multiple footsteps and talking and…people!?” 
 The Exorcist swallowed, hesitating, before looking to the other and speaking.
 “…I didn’t just bring back my father. I brought back everyone.”
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
Dance of the Dead
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(Written by: @exorcistofgrace|| GMs: @prcttyfangs & @exorcistofgrace)
“I’ve never done this before.” Geist couldn’t help but giggle as he continued drawing out the symbols on the ground. “This is going to be fun!” Arganan watched, hesitating. “If you’ve never done this before, don’t you think it’s a bad idea? And just after Halloween?” “Mm…it’s worth a shot. Worst case scenario, we have zombies. Best case scenario? I might be able to speak with my father.” He frowned softly. “I…I haven’t talked to him in years, Lucius. And honestly? I do miss him.”  “You’d risk all that for one relative?” Arganan couldn’t help but chuckle. “You’re a walking example of determination, Geist.”  “Thank you.” He paused, a faint smile on his face, and looked to Arganan again as it vanished, curiosity replacing it. “Do you have anyone to talk to? I can bring them back too for moment or two, if you’d like.”  Arganan thought of those dead that were close—his older brother, and Dagran—and shook his head. “I…I don’t think it would be a good idea. In my case, they’re better off not talking to me.” “Alright, then. It’s just my father.” Geist took a deep breath, before placing his rapier in the middle of all the drawn symbols on the ground. Picking up a dusty tome, he flipped it to the right page and murmured something from it. There was nothing, at first, but then the symbols glowed. A soft mist emanated from them, before it thickened, spreading all over the room. Arganan coughed, and Geist found himself coughing as well.  As the smoke cleared, both men heard footsteps—multiple footsteps—from outside, accompanied by gleeful gibbering and confused conversations. Arganan froze, saying nothing, but Geist grimaced and ran towards the nearby window. He saw what was going on outside, and he hissed out of pure frustration. 
 “Crystals, I fucked up the spell!” 
 “What do you mean?” Arganan looked to Geist. “What exactly happened? Why are we hearing multiple footsteps and talking and…people!?” 
 The Exorcist swallowed, hesitating, before looking to the other and speaking.
 “…I didn’t just bring back my father. I brought back everyone.”
INCIDENT: Geist just raised the dead and poor Arganan witnessed it. More details below. 
WHEN: Midnight (Shafter Time) 
WHERE: The mortuary, and now through all of town. 
PERSONS INVOLVED: Geist Grace, Lucius Arganan, literally everyone else in Shafter, and the ghosts of their dead loved ones (or those close to them). 
The following should be noted:
 Anyone who is close to the people of Shafter and has died (and not necessarily become a ghost, vampire, etc.) has now been raised from the dead as ghostly beings! LET THE GUEST MUSES APPEAR! Feel free to write up some individual drabbles regarding your muses encountering their dead loved ones, or start some threads and have them guest-star in them! 
This spell only lasts about a week in real time, give or take a few days depending on how the event goes. Therefore, once the week is over, all those raised from the dead will return to, well, being dead dead. 
Yes, the ghosts can cause their own shenanigans. Yes, that could potentially include endangering the lives of the living if they want to…though no bloodshed or anything too hugely horrible in this event, please. No kidnappings, murders or the like. Simply encountering one’s dead loved ones can be seriously sad enough. Last thing we need is a lot of the ghosts going and murdering everyone, or worse. 
Property damage is permitted in this event, however. Ghosts can mess around with things as much as people can, after all. 
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
Spectacular Halloween: End of Part 1
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"For me?" Xochitl beams, taking the taped together puzzle offered to her. 
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All around she sees eyes shining with excitement, sugar addled fidgeting intensifying despite the late hour. "Oh, I see.. You want to know the story of the Crooked Man, do you? I think an old woman has energy enough for that." "Come now, mijos y mijas, sit around the bonfire with old Xo and and lets have one last cup of cocoa before bed. Let me tell you the story. It's about time you all know about the Crooked Man..." "Fifty years ago, or so, when we were still just a few tasked with re-settling the land, he came. The Crooked Man with his crooked grin and twisted soul. "Halloween had snuck up upon us- Our babes, just a few, had no candy or sweets, but we had plenty of food to share. It was enough. We celebrated. They donned their masks of painted paper and found feathers from the land, running person to person and shouting 'Trick or Treat!' We gave them what we could. Nuts and dried fruits, jerky, sparkly rocks from the mines, riddles, and hand puppets. Our Mayor had left to the city with the promise to bring back apples, bananas, and sweets on her return and so they eagerly awaited her after supper, playing with their puppets and telling stories around the fire. "One bye one, we drifted off. The air was warm and the town secure, so after little fussing, we allowed our babies to set up camp right here in the main street and sleep among the stars. The night was perfect. We were safe. "Until the Crooked Man come. "While his mask was gruesome- crookedly grinning from a knife gash of a mouth, skin stretched taut, eyes and teeth yellowing with age- he seemed a kind fellow. He shared his rations of beans and bacon, gave pennies when the children came calling, so little was thought of when he begged stay a single night. "I'll take second watch over the children," he said. "I need but three hours of sleep, and you have been so kind to me. Why, I have children of my own, waiting on me at home. They will be safe with me." "So off to slumber land we fell, dreaming of spooky masks, penny sweets, and apples. "The next morning did not dawn, so much as it did arrive with a thunderous crack and a furious torrent of rain. In our sleeping clothes, we ran to fetch our babes only to find .. no one. The bonfire, like this one, stoked by magic untouchable by the elements, had been extinguished. Their little cots and blankets were peeled apart, shoes left behind leaving bare foot prints of running and joyous playing being washed away by waves of blood running down from the edge of town. "Masks, toys, and sweets wrappers littered the path we ran along, slipping on thick, red mud and calling the names of our children and their nighttime guardians- Mateo! Amanda! Nicole! Maria! Carlos! Dominic!- over and over and over. Even when their bodies had at last been found, we continued to call their names. We pleaded with them to wake, but their eyes opened no more. "As for the Crooked Man, he was gone, though he left behind just one thing. In the blood of our babes, scrawled upon the largest boulder outside of town. A single word: "BEWARE."
Event Wrap Up
Status: End of Part 1
No major property damages have been reported, although Lt. Tarak Bhalli did apprehend some mischief makers attempting to egg the police dormitories, directly across the street and in plain view of the police station. Perpetrators were laughed at and sent home without enjoying night one of the Halloween festival.
No major personal injuries have been reported.
Nurse Winter Storm Sinclaire of Shafter General Hospital has given out leaflets to your trick or treaters with instructions on how to treat the impending too-much-sugar tummy ache. Among his tips are chamomile tea before bed, mint tea in the morning, hot water packs for the tummy, and lightly burnt toast- the carbon of which are said to absorb the toxins causing the ache. He cautions to not flood the hospital resources with your concerns unless the stomach ache is accompanied by high fever lasting more than two days, or persistent vomiting.
The puzzle was completed via collaborative effort. Congratulations! 
One last shot at personal glory to come. Prize titles to be given out at the end of the event.
Part 2 will be announced shortly
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
//OOC: We didn’t think it would be this hard to hit 13 so we’re increasing the rates of puzzle peice drops. As of right now, landing on 13 or 7 nets your ToTer a puzzle piece!
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Update no. 87
Majority vote has shifted the puzzle collection portion of the event to a collaborative effort, therefore we're undoing the drop rates back to rolling 13 only. Happy Trick or Treating!
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
//OOC: We didn't think it would be this hard to hit 13 so we're increasing the rates of puzzle peice drops. As of right now, landing on 13 or 7 nets your ToTer a puzzle piece!
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
Shafter: Event: Update
Giggly and drunk on blood and moonshine, the Vampire Queen has abandoned her booth to run amok with the rest of the festivities, leaving behind a rather annoyed looking Raeesah to tend to the booth by herself. “Just take it,” Raeesah sighs as she sets out the first puzzle piece for everyone to snag.
//OOC: Please remember to save the puzzle peices as transparent .pngs so we don’t break the game lmfao – Also yes, its deliberately this large.
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
//OOC: To clear up any confusion, here is a list of blogs participating in the Shafter Halloween event! If I’ve missed you, please let me know.
@prcttyfangs @crew-from-capulet @scars-ink-and-leather @therhoadespack / @dangerous-smoll @cupido-periculosa @bloodintolerant @brazenlass / @sacrificialmushrooms @gunschelinger @xviperinae @exorcistofgrace / @pinkpompomsandkatanas
@ofspellsandsnakeeyes​ joins the fun!
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
//OOC: To clear up any confusion, here is a list of blogs participating in the Shafter Halloween event! If I’ve missed you, please let me know.
@prcttyfangs @crew-from-capulet @scars-ink-and-leather @therhoadespack / @dangerous-smoll @cupido-periculosa @bloodintolerant @brazenlass / @sacrificialmushrooms @gunschelinger @xviperinae @exorcistofgrace / @pinkpompomsandkatanas
@ofspellsandsnakeeyes​ joins the fun!
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
Shafter: Event: Update
Giggly and drunk on blood and moonshine, the Vampire Queen has abandoned her booth to run amok with the rest of the festivities, leaving behind a rather annoyed looking Raeesah to tend to the booth by herself. "Just take it," Raeesah sighs as she sets out the first puzzle piece for everyone to snag.
//OOC: Please remember to save the puzzle peices as transparent .pngs so we don't break the game lmfao -- Also yes, its deliberately this large.
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
//OOC: To clear up any confusion, here is a list of blogs participating in the Shafter Halloween event! If I've missed you, please let me know.
@prcttyfangs @crew-from-capulet @scars-ink-and-leather @therhoadespack / @dangerous-smoll @cupido-periculosa @bloodintolerant @brazenlass / @sacrificialmushrooms @gunschelinger @xviperinae @exorcistofgrace / @pinkpompomsandkatanas
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
Event; Spectacular Halloween!
The air has gone crisp and the mornings are dense with fog. While the days are ending earlier and earlier, the sun sets to a town glittering with the golden glow of hundreds of grinning pumpkins on every stoop from the smallest resident to the police station and everyone in between. Warm cider is passed out by giddy student volunteers from the local school while the rugged ranch hands help set up the many tables, booths, and games that indicate its time once again for 
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Each year the local businesses and residents set up along the main street to provide a safe and sane week long Halloween Trick or Treat experience for the youngest among Shafter's residents. So come along, come along, space is limited! Squeeze in and prepare yourselves for merriment! The Shafter PD would like to remind everyone not to wander outside the town limits after dark without an appointed escort. A list of escorts can be found at the main info booth, or by asking one of the uniformed police officers, firefighters, or volunteer militia identified by their green arm band that are standing patrol for this event. And as always, good citizens Beware the Crooked Man
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Welcome to our Halloween Event!
We know this is a busy time for many people offline, therefore this event will be fairly low stress. There's no major plotline to follow, only treats to be enjoyed and tricks to be played! Everyone will receive several items to pass out to ToTers. In order to curb cheating or favoritism, we will be using a dice to decide who gets what! To Trick or Treat we will be invading each other's inboxes (No Spamming!) and  when an ask comes your way, we will be using: http://dice.virtuworld.net to roll three (3) dice with six (6) sides. Even Number: Treat Odd Number: Trick Lucky Number 13: Puzzle peice We encourage you to save everything you gather! Prize titles will be given out for the luckiest and unluckiest at the end of the event, as well as a special title to be revealed later on! There is a puzzle to be assembled as well! If you do not have an art program, you can compile these pieces in https://ipiccy.com/ Don't worry about making it neat or tidy, so long as I can see you got all of them.Each of us has unique treats and puzzle pieces to be collected, so be sure to knock on everyone's door!
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
Shafter Bio
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Reclaiming my identity.. Name: Hans “The Captain” Günsche Age: 32/139/157 (was dead for 18 years) Species: Werewolf Allegience: Himself Occupation: Fireman/Baker(part time) Extra Info: Genetically and experimentally enhanced werewolf. Is mute but can converse in several languages. Opt. Link: Hans’ about page
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
Shafter Bio
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NAME: Levi, pronounced “Leh-vee.” His family’s surname was Corman, but he’s no longer comfortable using this.
AGE: 17. He was bitten at 15 and has stayed this way physically.
SPECIES: Vampire. Still very much a Fledgling, with little control over his new abilities.
ALLEGIANCE: Ambrose Coven, through D’Ablo.
OCCUPATION: Student. Wannabe comedian. Walking whoopee cushion. 
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
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NAME: Chance Sanguine
AGE: 27
SPECIES: Human Necromancer
ALLEGIENCE: Desert Circle 
OCCUPATION: Researcher (EryPure Labs, doing his own research on the side)
Chance comes from a long and unfortunately notorious line of necromancers, leaving him with a family legacy of carnage and the ability to gain power from sacrifice, raise the dead… also the uncanny and embarrassing ability to identify virgins. 
His mother gave up major necromancy before his birth, and raised him only on blood magic, but even that was too much for Chance, who was easily upset by the idea of harm enacted on anyone, including animals. Driven by both a need to practice his craft, and a fear of what that entailed, Chance went into the field of research, looking for alternative sources of necromantic power. It was this search that led him to EryPure, where he remains as an employee, using its resources in an effort to make the product not only of nutritional value for blood drinkers, but of magical value for those who require blood or sacrifice. 
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
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                                                The moon shines in the autumn sky                                                    Growin’ cold, the leaves all die                                                 I’m more alone than I’ve ever been                                                  Help me out of the shape I’m in
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not-a-ghost-town · 7 years
Shafter Bio
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Name: D’Ablo della Vega  , Adriano de Capri Age: Turned at 27, looks 30, actual age 515. Species: Vampire Allegiance: Ambrose Coven if asked; true allegiance continues to remain Elysian. Occupation: University history professor is his official title, though he teaches many other subjects at lower levels. Extra Info: After fleeing from Elysia minus a hand to avoid being arrested and banished (or worse), D’Ablo spends some time living the uncomfortable life of a fugitive. He finds a safe haven in Shafter, where he can settle into a comfortable existence among other supernatural creatures.
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