#Shard Wolves Arc End
catachan-jungle-fighter ยท 4 years
Redone Shard Wolf's Arc End
Shattered panted as he leaned against the side of the crater, the two remaining Sorcerers among the Shard Wolves with him, the cries of the men and women who he dragged with him into damnation sounding out across the night sky alongside the shouts and weapons fire of the Mad Wolves who hunted them alongside the countless allies the Council had made...
John pulls his Handaxe from his belt and plants it in a Shard Wolf's head as he rides past on the back of one of the Seventh Section's warbeast's, hopping off and using the corpse as a landing pad. He rolls off the body and flings his axe he had torn from the traitor's skull into another before yelling "TO THE HILT! KILL THEM ALL! DO NOT LET A SINGLE ONE SURVIVE!" The answering yells and shouts of his Wolves causing a smirk to rise on his face as he begins to jog deeper into the shattered remains of the traitor's camp.
Anna whimpered in a ball as the Mad Wolves rode past and cut down her comrades, the Harpoon that had speared her leg leaving her overwhelmed by sensations... yet when she lifted her head she saw gas masked figures surrounding her crater, everyone of them wearing Jungle Fighter garb.
She closes her eyes as the Flamer's those figures carried were ignited, and she was sent screaming into the depths of the warp by the flame that devoured her flesh and bone...
Henryk swings his Chainsword at the massive beasts the Cavalry Wolves rode past him, barely scratching the armor or the few exposed scales, before he is jerked into the air, his chainsword falling from suddenly nerve less hands, and as his eyes begin to close, his head tucks into his chest and he sees the twin lances that penetrated his chest and carried him...
Toxic giggles in a dark way as he shoots the traitors in their legs and arms, dragging them into a crater one by one before tossing a canister into the pit, a gurgled scream rising from the trapped traitors as they choke to death on their own organs... he then pulls another canister from his vest and tossing it into the pit which ignites the gas that he had used and incinerated them...
Sara smashes the skulls of any traitors that near her, the elderly former Arbites delivering crushing blows to those who were foolish to rush her, a stubber pistol Barking it's shots as she picked off others...
Jane continued hunting alongside her Purging Warpack, any traitor unfortunate enough to cross their path being burnt to ash by the group of pyromaniac's, Jane repeating the same phrase over and over "For Nox, The Fallen, and the Betrayed..."
Evra spins her Scythe in a intricate fashion, lopping the traitors arms off before she delivers a blow to the man's neck that decapitated him, the trail of limbless bodies behind her marking her path quite clearly to the Wolves who had fallen behind her dervish of death...
Quiet pops out of the shadows of the ruined camp, stabbing traitors and dragging them away, the sounds of their screams being used to draw in others to their deaths...
Iron and the Tree brother's made their way through the ruined camp easily, any enemy who made it past the withering fire of the two Ogryn's Ripper Guns, being beaten to death by Iron's augmented hands...
Tiv and Riv marched alongside Battle Servitors that wielded weapons constructed by the Bolt's specifications, the traitors that died by the weapons learning their false gods would fail to save them from a gruesome death...
As all the Wolves finally reached the center, Broken rises from the crater alongside the two Sorcerers...
The sorcerer's manage to attack once, the warp fire blast killing two of Jane's warpack before they are cut down by a wall of weapon's fire from a variety of sources...
The Eldar reveal themselves among the trees, the Mad Wolves who had gone to hunt the traitors down who had fled nodding in respect to the Xeno's who had dealt with those who had run, their mangled remains decorating the ground...
Broken begins to laugh madly before he says "let bygones be bygones? I'll praise the Corpse on his fancy chair three times a da-" his hand barely raising his corrupted Devil's Claw in time to stop the over hand strike from John, the normally smiling and boastful man literally growling as he goes into a strange stance...
John let's the trance of the Blades take him, the stance he takes being a mixture between the two styles he practiced, and he begins to Dance...
To John it seemed as if the world had faded, his blades rising and falling in slow motion against the Bastard who harmed his daughter, each strike of his weapons leaving a mark on his foe...
Broken screamed in pain as he was hacked apart by the man who he had thought he could bait into recklessness...
He screamed louder as one of the blades took his hand off at the wrist, then again as his other hand joined the fallen...
The Wolves watched on in Silence as the Sixth Councilor slowly peels the traitor apart, each blow wounding the traitor heavily but not killing him...
Evra walks forward as John's Dance comes to a stop, Broken barely recognizable as a human under his wounds, and before he can even attempt to speak her Scythe had taken his head off at his neck...
John pants as he turns to Jane "Gather as many fuckers as you need, grab Melta's, Flamer's, everything that can burn the area and scorch this fucking place till we can see it from space..."
And so, the Shard Wolves died one by one... alone and frightened, their prayers unanswered as they were hunted like animals by the entire force of the Mad Wolves...
Broken died, his body cut to pieces by John in a Blade Dancer's trance, before his head was taken by Evra for sending her only daughter into a coma...
The warp tear remains were sealed by a mass of Psyker's working in tandem with a force of Blanks...
The Eldar aided the Wolves in hunting down those traitors who fled into the trees, soon being regarded as honored allies of the Mad Wolves...
The Space Marines who joined the fight had led strikes against the hardest fronts of the traitorous Wolves, the Wolf Priest and Bloodclaw's claiming the Honor of slaying a group of Possessed...
Madame Scyla, a former Assassin turned Healer with the aid of the Wolves, sent her best killers to the Wolves aid, and they returned with stories that reignited that fire in her belly...
The other scattered forces who had joined the fight were rewarded and given various rewards for their aid, the greatest reward going to the Inquisitor who supplied a Exterminatus device to use after everyone was extracted from the world... her reward being several dozen frozen containers of Geneseed the Wolves have recovered over their time of service alongside the weapons and armor of several dozen chapters that had disappeared or thought dead...
Hirex was stuck telling the Inquisition exactly where he had been for the last 40 years, and why exactly he went AWOL...
And the Geist's prepared to return to their Homeworld alongside the Wolves of Catachan, after they slain the traitorous forces led by a madman...
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