#She loved and trusted Inanna SO MUCH it’s hard to read sometimes. And I start crying
ivyinforests · 5 months
I got myself used to sleeping an appropriate amount. Fatal mistake. Now I can barely make myself stay up late doing objectively fun things and it feels ridiculous. I used to stay up till three with chem and algebra and now I’m struggling to work past 11 analyzing Enheduanna and making lesbian cake. These are my favorite things to do!!! If I told myself this a year ago I would think it was a joke.
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shadow--writer · 4 years
So I’m writing a fic with some nice, wholesome Julian head scratchings in it because I reckon he would enjoy having his head scratched and I will make that man feel treasured whether he likes it or not. Got me thinking, I bet Volta would also love affectionate head scratches because she is a very good girl, yes she is. Anywho, what are your thoughts on the main 6 (+ courtiers, Morga, anyone you fancy) and how they feel about head scratches/ head rubs (from someone they’re comfortable with)?
Head scratches you say 👀👀👀👀. I don’t write for any of the courtiers or Morga, but I hope you like this very soft domestic main six!! But I agree Volta is very good. 10/10.
I have to admit I was rather relaxed writing these, head scratches are the best
And yes I am jealous again, scratches are the bomb.com.
Hope you enjoy!!
Main six x MC head scratches/head rubs
Ah! You’re relaxing on your shared bed, just reading when he crawls into your lap
He’s tired from working too hard for too long without sleep poor poor doctor Devorak 
Head scratches and pats only happen when he’s like this, tired and almost asleep
He’s not quite used to them but he does love them
Just doesn’t know how to ask
While reading you run your hand through his hair, making him sigh
Once you bring fingernails into the equation he is putty in your hands, leaning into your touch
Hearing his little sighs and thinking he’s asleep you stop
He cracks one eye open, a little miffed
“Don’t stop now my love. Keep going please.” (Voice rough with sleep imagine it)
Teasing him a little you oblige
He loves head scratches. When you pull on his hair gently mmm the good stuff right there
Scratch his scalp, tug his hair lightly, untangle his curls 
If he’s not already asleep he’ll sing to you. Just softly, voice thick with the promise of sleep
He’ll fall asleep and be out for a long time, just resting in your lap while you run your hands through his hair 
It’s very domestic, and it’s one of is favourite things in the whole world
It’s calming and some of the best sleep he ever gets 
He’ll kiss your finger tips and sometimes if you are in his lap he’ll run his hands through your hair too
He lives for head scratches 
Especially from you, he trusts you wholeheartedly not to hurt him
He’ll straight up just ask you for head scratches, he loves them so much
He’ll lie down in your lap, you both resting on pillows and plush blankets
He’s very warm too, hair all fluffy and curly
Faust will curl up and sleep on his chest while you run your hands through his hair
Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Please use your nails, rub circles on his scalp, detangle his hair with a touch, just scratch gently at his scalp
His hair is so freaking fluffy it’s like running your hands through a soft stuffed animal’s fur
He will fall asleep with you scratching his head (most of the main six will, it’s quite relaxing)
He’ll spark little magic shows for you, just little shows of light and smells
Sometimes after having a rough day he just wants to lay in your lap and talk to you while you run his head
Fluff his hair up more. Please
He might even make a noise that sounds strangely like purring 
He’ll deny it but you know what you heard
He’ll tell you stories from his trip while slowly...falling...asleep...
He can’t help it he’s never been more relaxed then he is here like this with you
He’ll yawn every few seconds while talking before snuggling into your thighs
He snores softly, but don’t stop the head scratches
Stop when his hair is all mused and soft and detangled
You’ll probably fall asleep, you, Asra and Faust all snuggled together 
It’s the best sleep you’ll ever get, fully relaxed 
He’ll return the favour eventually, don’t worry.
Her head aches from her hair being pulled up for so long 
Take her hair out of the ponytail and slowly run your hands through it
If she’s talking to you she’ll stop mid sentence to let out a little sigh as you run your hands through her hair and scratch her scalp gently
She probably had a long day of countessing 
She’ll wrap blankets around the two of you as you work your magic 
Warm your hands a little bit as you scratch her scalp
She’ll be out like a light if you two aren’t talking 
Her hair is very soft and silky
And it’s long too, making your job both harder and longer 
You don’t mind though, getting her as relaxed as she is is a tough feat
Please please please tease her hair 
Fluff it up, make she she wakes up with hair that seems to poof off her scalp
It’ll make her laugh
She’ll love it
Please don’t forget the bottom half of her hair though
Tug on the tips lightly to make her arch her head into the touch
She’ll tell you little stories from her old home and about her sisters
Oh the back of her head is a golden spot 
You might need to maneuver to get it but don’t worry 
The results are worth it
She’ll let out a little gasp, sinking into your touch
Run your hands up and down, dragging your nails gently along her scalp
Has she mentioned how much she loves you?
Because prepare yourself, she’s gonna say it a lot
This man has never had a head scratch in his entire life and that is a travesty 
Lie him down, shoulders and head agains your stomach and thighs
Just enough that he’s on your lap but he’s not too on your lap to worry himself about crushing you
His hair is very smooth but super soft
After you’re done with it though, it will be just as soft and fluffy as Asra’s
Inanna will lie down on Muriel’s legs, her tail beating against the ground as she watched Muriel relax into your touch
Gently scratch his scalp, use your fingertips more than your nails
He’ll let out small content grunts and sighs as you work
He likes his hairline scratched the most
That way he can see you a bit better, and you can pull his hair back from his face with gentle caresses 
Tug gently on the hair that normally covers his face
Detangle it with your fingers too, running them up and down through his hair
Don’t forget the top of his head though 
Massage your hands through his scalp, rubbing circles with your fingertips
Scratch the back of his head and tug lightly at the hair there, make sure to untangle those rough knots
He’ll fall asleep soon unless you’re talking 
But he’s so relaxed he’ll start up a conversation 
Maybe talking about what the girls got into and their adventures 
Inanna is now asleep on his legs, him running a hand through her fur
You all are just this nice little family, relaxing in the quietness of his hut
This is the most loved he’s ever felt
Portia is also a very busy baby who doesn’t spend too much time on herself or poor hair
By the end of the week her hair is so knotted and rough it’ll take hours to brush it all out
Luckily she has a very cute and kind apprentice helping her out 
She’s very talkative, ask her about her day while the two of you relax on her pillow mound with her in you lap
Start at the base of her hair and work your way up 
It’s very knotted and if you start at her scalp it will hurt a lot 
Slowly brush your fingers through her hair, tug lightly and pull apart as needed 
Once you reach her scalp, all conversation will be cut short 
Wow you’re very good with your hands
Like really good wow
Lift up her hair a bit while you scratch at the bat of her scalp, working your way up 
She will melt into your touch with a little sigh
“MC those hands of yours are magic.”
Pull on her bangs gently while you rub at her hairline 
Take your nail and lightly run circles around her scalp
Her hair will slowly decurl while you work, each tangle you get rid of map going to make her hair so much softer 
She’s very soft and smooth hair, and once her tangles are gone you get to bask in how soft her hair is 
She love love loves headscratches and she’ll do the same to you if you ever ask
Okay so Lucio isn’t really the type to get so close to someone in an intimate setting like this
He’s always worried he’s going to do something to mess this up or maybe it’s a plot to kill him 
Hey it happened once you never know
If he’s very comfortable with you he’ll let you take his golden arm off, I know this is about head scratch’s but make sure to rub his arm gently too once you take the golden arm off
His hair is not soft at all
So much hair products and gel
Start at his hairline, brushing his bangs down over his eyes
He’ll be running that mouth of his you know he will
He’ll be talking about his day, asking about yours, telling stories all sorts of things
He’ll let out a very rough sigh when you scratch his scalp and the back of his head
Keep that up. Keep doing that yes
He doesn’t let anyone get close to his head
But now he has that tinge of regret because he loves head scratches so freaking much wow
Fluff up his hair
Your hands are going to smell like hair products after this 
They are gonna smell terrible but you don’t mind 
Seeing Lucio this relaxed and sleepy is totally worth it
He’ll babble on but his words will slowly...become...slurred...as...he grows...sleepy 
He snores
He denies it but he snores 
But you’re glad he fell asleep, it means he trusts you. Trusts you to take his arm off, trusts you with his hair and head, and trusts you enough to fall asleep
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only-fragments · 7 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could tell me about your experiences with your gods! I'd love to learn more about them through the eyes of a worshipper. Also yoooooo I live in WA too! I go to WSU currently on that super fun (I gate it) east side
Hello, fellow Washingtonian! Sorry it took me a while to respond, I wanted to wait until I was actually at my computer. Thank you for the great question! I'm always happy to gush about my gods. :) Bast came to me a couple years ago, though I know now that She was always in my life. She primarily speaks to me through feelings more than words or images - I kinda just woke up one day and felt this overwhelming urge to start worshipping Her. She was (and is) very direct with what She wanted; I bought a statue of Her, set up an altar, and things went on from there. She also speaks to me through my tarot deck, and has a penchant for giving me multiple major arcana cards in a reading (that's Her sense of humor, I think - poking fun but still educational/insightful). While She has helped me with my romantic relationship, Bast otherwise doesn't emphasize Her love/sexuality/pleasure aspects with me. She is very much Mamma Bast, loving and maternal yet strict when necessary. I consider Her my main deity and go to Her for guidance, comfort, and help first, and feel Her presence strongly whether things go well or not. I have a ton of devotional jewelry for Her, including an ankh ring I always wear, and currently one tattoo. I also dedicate the work my partner and I do with fostering kittens as a devotional practice to Bast. She is a constant presence in my life. Inanna came to me about two years ago in a dream; I had never heard of Her before, but I woke up with Her name on my lips and very shaken, like I had been in the presence of something old and powerful. Since then I have tentatively stood on Her path - I do have an altar for Her - though I wouldn't say I'm walking it quite yet. She's here for something specific and until I'm ready She won't give me any more instruction. I worry it's something terrible or scary or hard - I know it has to do with Her own descent into the underworld - but I know I can trust Her to lead me out of the darkness at the end. She's an intimidating presence and shows me only Her fiercest aspects; the raging warrior, the arrogant naked queen, the woman who died and hung on a hook. My devotional jewelry for her is all snakes and bird skulls and bullets. She showed Herself to me with the Strength tarot card, and prefers answering readings with swords cards. While with Bast I feel like a child with her mother, before Inanna I feel like a poor worshipper just grateful to be noticed. I don't ask much of Inanna, and when I do I make sure I repay Her in kind. She can be a powerful patroness, but you definitely have to show Her proper respect.Wepwawet kinda poked His head in sometime in the last year. He primarily keeps me safe when driving or otherwise traveling, and has probably saved my life a time or three. Or four. Or five. He's a very quiet presence, not asking anything of me but happy to be acknowledged in little ways. I do have an altar for Him, and carry a travel charm I asked Him to bless. He seems very laid back, like He's fine letting Bast and Inanna take care of the big things in my spiritual life while He makes sure I get home in one piece. He probably has the hardest job of all, though, so I try not to ask anything else from him. ;) I have a hunch that my father asked Him to watch over me, though that could just be because I associate them both with things like hot rods, Harleys, and ships. And then I have Tanim and Daren, but who knows who or what the fuck they are.Was that helpful or insightful? :)
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