#Shelley&039;s Art Scandal
Le scandale de l'art de Shelley - Pleins feux sur Allen Jones
Il y a des artistes qui cherchent à être controversés, soit pour faire passer un message, soit pour se faire remarquer. En général, il s’agit d’œuvres qui sont controversées pour l’époque, mais avec le temps et l’évolution de la culture, la plupart des œuvres d’art scandaleuses semblent beaucoup moins risquées. Allen Jones n’est pas de ceux-là. Né à Southampton en 1937, il a grandi à…
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Shelley’s Art Scandal: Banksy has been Monkeying Around
Shelley’s Art Scandal: Banksy has been Monkeying Around
  “Devolved Parliament” 2009 Banksy
I don’t think that it has escaped anyone’s attention that currently British politics is in a state of complete and utter mayhem.  I can honestly say, being English I have never been so dismayed at those who are leading our country or watched a completely shambolic display from those who are supposed to be the voice of the people and acting on their behalf,…
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Shelley’s Art Scandal - Anti-Semitic or Misguided?
Shelley’s Art Scandal – Anti-Semitic or Misguided?
  Freedom for Humanity – False Profits
Back in March 2018, a story hit the papers about a mural which had graced the streets of London. The story was about a misguided comment from Jeremy Corbyn and the content of the artwork. Before I started delving into the story, as I have to say I avoid the news mostly, only reading the headlines and then investigating things that I find truly interesting, I…
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Les femmes et le monde de l'art - pourquoi sont-elles si peu nombreuses ?
Les femmes et le monde de l’art – pourquoi sont-elles si peu nombreuses ?
Heureusement, la Journée internationale de la femme, le 8 mars, n’a échappé à personne. Cette journée a été créée pour tenter de contribuer à l’éliminer la discrimination à l’égard des femmes dans le monde entier. Il est vraiment difficile de penser qu’à notre époque, cela existe encore, mais des actes horribles se produisent pourtant à l’égard des femmes dans le monde entier, mais la…
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Shelley’s Art Scandal – Women and the art world – why are there so few?
Hopefully, it didn’t escape anyone’s attention that it was International Women’s Day on the 8th March.  This day has been created to try and help eliminate discrimination against women across the world.  It is really hard to think that in this day and age that this still exists, but horrendous acts still happen towards women all over the world, but discrimination doesn’t have to be large awful…
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Shelley’s Art Scandal – THAT painting by Balthus…
The Guitar Lesson – Balthus 1934
Well… It’s been a while, hasn’t it… since I last wrote about scandalous art, so I thought I would make my come back with a big bang and investigate one of the most notorious and provocative paintings.
We are now in an age, where we, thankfully, are becoming increasingly aware of consent, trying to stamp out acts against minors and ensuring adequate processes are…
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