#Sherburting On Soundcloud
shrbrt-blog1 · 7 years
The Melvins crush Detroit so hard that the Detroit Police shut the show down
You have to know that headline is fucking misleading... So yes the Melvins played El Club in South West Detroit last Thursday. It was sold out, jam packed, sweaty, and filled with the huskier, bearded, beer-gutted Detroit elder punks and grunge fans. I felt like a thin baby at this show, like a god-damned stoner-metalhead in training and I saw this band for the first time almost 19 years ago to the day. The Melvins, of course, are celebrating the release of a new double album that came out on July 7th. A Walk With Love & Death out on Ipecac Records the 3-month tour all over the US and Canada ending in early October. Did I mention how sweaty it was in El Club? Even for the opening set, I was dripping from every nook and cranny. I had room to move closer to the stage but most people were completely irritated by trying to get through the crowd. Thus the angles for both bands are from 1 angle a piece. Just how it was that night.
I would love to have shot this great gallery of images but it just wasn't happening and for one of two very simple reasons...Now either they sold the right amount of tickets but failed to take into account for the girth of most of the fans of the Melvins, or they pulled the always classicly dick move, intentionally oversold the show to cram in as many beer guzzling pizza buying people. Thus why I said I felt small when I walked into the venue.  With all that being said, I had a blast and usually at the shows I go to by myself I feel awkward. Instead, I just tried to do my job and even though I feel I failed, I still got a couple halfway decent images. I also saw an older guy get decked in the face for trying to get through the crowd during the Melvins set. If that doesn't say how ridiculous people were being at this show, then I don't know what will. In the end, the fans who paid deserved better, the Melvins deserved better, and well I still can't complain even though DPD came into El Club like they were raiding a rave 15 years ago. Here's to hopefully seeing the band again in Detroit and being able to actually photograph them. 
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Evol Intent - Middle Of The Night (Sherburt Remix) by Sherburt https://ift.tt/2Cbwd1h
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weliketheiroldstuff · 3 years
We have returned... and it is so good to be back.
American Nightmare 20th Anniversary Tour @ The Magic Stick in Detroit, MI 2.20.20 Shot by Sherburt
Hey, so first off, we’re back. After over a year-long hiatus we have returned. While some independent outlets got to keep on chucking along with content through the era of Covid-19 we here at ILTOS were all deemed essential in March of 2020. Literally, every single person who has contributed ideas and/or content has been put through the wringer by massive corporations who continue to ignore the poverty-level wages they pay their workers. It has been increasingly frustrating trying to up the ante at our day jobs so we can keep the menial wages and benefits the corporate overlords we serve deem beneficial when they’re more of a slap in the face than anything.
We dealt with the anxiety everyone felt, we went from being heralded as heroes for working at grocery stores and restaurants, which lasted about as long as the original lockdown. In no time we discovered how truly brutal the general public could be. In our home state of Michigan, grocery workers were assaulted, and one dollar store security guard in the Flint area was murdered over enforcing masks at his store. I can’t help but think about how fucking petty people can be. I will always understand a person’s desire for freedom, but it had less to do with freedom and more to do with being arrogant. This shit humbled us, I don’t know how it affected everyone else, but it opened us up to a lot of things we might have been ignoring. We all deserve better.
For us, we soldier on. We continue to work at our day jobs while trying to figure out other ways to bring content for music fans when the only real music we’ve had has been through album releases and live streams. We plan to be back shooting shows this summer both local and national and have laid the groundwork for a major massive festival in the fall. Thanks for sticking with us. Thanks for being patient. Thanks for remembering that we had other work to do. Thanks for understanding that sometimes we just have to handle our business. Thanks for coming out!
Time was not completely wasted. Covid gave me a break from the chaos of 100 hour work weeks to fine-tune the programming for the future. It gave me a minute to get some better equipment. To establish a new HQ, I also have to be thankful for it. Literally what I am doing as I type this, is what I’ve been working on doing for the entirety of the pandemic. I was in a dark place like most of us were, and I had an epiphany. I don’t want to worship the past but simply show how the old influenced the music that ends up in my inbox on a daily basis...
How did we get here? How did bands evolve from one sound to another? What about the fanbases that helped them do so? Does the original work that drew us into an artist still pull at those same parts of us decades later? I have no idea but I’m gonna spend my life trying to find my answers to these questions, not just for you but myself too. This shit is inherently selfish, but I want you to live through me too. This is a lot of hard work to get here. Just to strive to be mediocre at something great is a massive fucking deal. Most people I know would rather watch vulgar television or play video games than find a craft they could kill themselves doing. And I totally understand that, and I think about giving this shit up every single day. Yet I don’t.
With all that being said, we’re happy to be back. We’re back, it’s time to push out our thoughts on a lot of things. Thanks for sticking with us. Thanks for sticking with my crew. Thanks for sticking with me. - Sherburt
FOLLOW SHERBURT www.instagram.com/sherburtphoto www.facebook.com/sherburtphoto www.twitter.com/sherburtphoto Sherburt on Youtube Sherburt on Soundcloud
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