#Sherry Buchanan
weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Zombi Holocaust (1980) - Belgian Poster
AKA Zombie Holocaust, Zombie 3, Dr. Butcher Medical Deviate, Doctor Butcher M.D., Doctor Butcher, Island of the Last Zombies, Queen of the Cannibals, Zombie Death Cult, Zombies Cannibal Ferox
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mariocki · 7 months
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Tentacoli (Tentacles, 1977)
"I always heard that octopuses don't attack humans, is that true?"
"It is. I guess he had a reason to do it."
"Is it true that the suckers on their tentacles are as deadly as the claws of a tiger?"
"Claws are nothing compared to those, Turner. Nothing."
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thechemistryset · 2 years
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Enzo G. Castellari, La via della droga, 1977
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fairytail-backgrounds · 3 months
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Fantasia parade
there are also some familiar faces in the crowd
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Mystogan even changed his usual attire for the occasion
Fairy Tail, Ch. 128
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Twilight Zone Moodboards // The Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank
Well, I hate to cast a shadow on your medical career, Doc, but I'm not gonna crawl back in that coffin just to save face with you.
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bluecurtainsart · 6 months
Madeline Usher and Daisy Buchanan
: an essay no one asked for
The connection between the characters Daisy Buchanan and Madeline Usher may not be the most significant imagery in Mike Flanagan’s The Fall Of The House Of Usher, however, it may have been a key insight into Madeline’s mentality.
Daisy Buchanan comes from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, which was published in 1925, and Madeline Usher was originally from an Edgar Allen Poe’s short story The Fall Of The House Of Usher which inspired Mike Flanagan’s limited television series by the same name in 2023. The version being analyzed is the latter addition of Madeline. In the television series, one of the first appearances of young Madeline Usher is her dressed as Daisy Buchanan. Her twin brother, Roderick Usher is dressed as Jay Gatsby.
The scene is 1979, New Year's night and both twins take a seat at a bar. The curious bartender will later be revealed as Verna (an anagram for ‘Raven’ and a subject for its own essay entirely) and Madeline is laying out a plan, specifically to and not with, her brother; they are laying out an alibi.
The twins have just gotten away with the murder of Fortunato CEO Rufus Wilmot Griswold. Madeline gave him sherry laced with cyanide and seduced him into the basement, which was still in construction. She walks away from him, saying he can have her if he can get to her, but the poison kicks in and he struggles to walk, collapsing on the floor. Madeline taunts him, calling him a “big strong man.” Before this encounter, there had been a business meeting where Griswold refused to listen to Madeline, blatantly sexualizing, and telling her ‘not to fuck with him’. Every encounter between the two shows Griswold thinking he has the upper hand, however with Madeline being regarded as a genius by her brother and the audience, Griswold does not realize who is really in charge until she is laying out her plan for him while he is chained up behind a brick wall. Madeline gets away with murder.
Then at the bar, she is seen dancing and flirting with another man, returning to the bar and telling Roderick it's his turn to dance with someone. Roderick does not want to, and Madeline does not care, telling him that they need to build an alibi. He listens, and Madeline ends up having a conversation with Verna.
While there are many incidents and examples of Madeline’s genius, this is about her connection to Daisy Buchanan, and that she does all of this (minus the business meeting) dressed as Daisy Buchanan. At the end of Gatsby, Daisy gets away with murder, never being caught because she is an ‘innocent woman’ and this is all Madeline was seen as by Griswold. Throughout the series Madeline has an open distaste for men, saying “Men are as stupid as they are simple” in a future conversation with her oldest niece Tamerlane Usher. Madeline went into the situation knowing she would be underestimated and sexualized by Griswold, and her costume perfectly reflects that.
Aside from false perceptions, there is also the point of philosophy. Daisy says “I hope she’ll be a fool- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.” Madeline is anything but a fool, and time and time again she demonstrates that she is constantly aware of her surroundings. For example, in a conversation with her brother, they talk about a foster home they had been in, and how Madeline had befriended their foster mother, who practically tortured them. This alliance gave Madeline access to important documents and she was able to ruin the foster mother's life. Madeline is anything but a fool. Furthermore, in the conversation she has with Tamerlane, it seems like she has at least some sort of faith in her oldest niece; she does not want Tamerlane to be a fool, she wants her to be a savior of Fortunato Pharmaceuticals. Her other nieces, Victorine LaFourcade and Camille L’Espanya are both extremely smart as well. Camille in particular consumes knowledge voraciously, using it to benefit her in her family. This thirst for knowledge does end with her gruesome death via chimpanzee, but Camille doesn't seem to regret this.
As for Lenore Usher, Madeline’s only great niece, she is aware of how horrible her family is, with this awareness growing as the series continues. She questions people, especially her father, in both legal matters and about her mother’s care. The Usher women who had Madeline as an influence in their lives were certainly not fools. This is all to say that while that quote may be a reflection of Daisy's outlook and an insight into her beliefs, it is the inverse of what Madeline sees. Madeline sees women as superior, agreeing with Verna when she says “Women are the natural leaders of the species.”
On New Year, 1979, Roderick was dressed as Jay Gatsby as previously mentioned. The twins’ classic couple costume might even hint at the roles they play in each other's lives- or rather Madeline in his. Madeline is the planner, this is evident from the beginning. In her own words “If it was our birthday he would forget to eat cake unless I took a bite first.” Roderick needs Madeline to lead him, to mother him, even. The comparison is in no way sexual or romantic of course, but it could highlight who they became in each other's eyes. Roderick saw Madeline as a leader, a strong woman to follow, even if he didn't realize it. In contrast, Madeline had times when she saw Roderick as she saw all men- something to be managed.
It's unclear if Mike Flanagan thought too deeply into the comparison but that does not stifle its relevance to Madeline Usher’s character. Daisy Buchanan represents how the world perceived her, at least for a time, the opposite of how she saw life, and who she became in her brother’s life. In conclusion, understanding Daisy's relationship with Madeline is key to understanding Madeline Usher, “a queen without a crown.”
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brokehorrorfan · 9 months
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Doctor Butcher M.D. / Zombie Holocaust will be released on 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray on November 28 via Severin Films. The four-disc set includes both the original 1980 Italian cut and the 1982 US re-edit.
Marino Girolami directs from a script by Romano Scandariato (Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals). Ian McCulloch, Alexandra Delli Colli, Sherry Buchanan, Peter O'Neal, and Donald O'Brien star.
Both cuts have been scanned in 4K from original vault elements and are presented with Dolby Vision/HDR. It includes a slipcover (pictured below) and reversible artwork. Special features are listed below.
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Disc 1 - 4K UHD:
Doctor Butcher M.D.
Theatrical trailer
Video trailer
TV spot
Disc 2 - 4K UHD:
Zombie Holocaust
Disc 3 - Blu-ray:
Doctor Butcher M.D.
Interview with editor Jim Markovic
Interview with Aquarius Releasing's Terry Levene
Interview with Gore Gazette editor and Butcher Mobile barker Rick Sullivan
The Four Boroughs of Blood – Rue Morgue's Michael Gingold tours New York locations of Italian horror
Down on the Deuce – 42nd street tour with Temple of Shock's Chris Poggiali and filmmaker Roy Frumkes
Tales That Tore Our Heart Out – Filmmakers Frank Farel and Brendan Faulkner discuss unfinished anthology film
Roy Frumkes' segment from unfinished anthology Tales That Tore Our Heart Out with director commentary
Experiments with a Male Caucasian Brain - Visual essay by Gary Hertz
Theatrical trailer
Video trailer
TV spot
Disc 4 - Blu-ray:
Zombie Holocaust
Interview with actor Ian McCulloch
Interview with actress Sherry Buchanan
Interview with special effects artist Rosario Prestopino
Interview with special effects artist Maurizio Trani
Filmmaker Enzo G. Castellari Remembers His Father, Director Marino Girolami
New York Filming Locations: 1980 & 2015
Ian McCulloch Sings "Down By The River"
A local Hospital in New York is plagued by missing body parts. It turns out that one of the Hospital's male nurses is a member of a Cannibal cult which is also connected to a series of gruesome murders. Dr.Chandler, together with his beautiful anthropologist assistant Lori Ridgeway, are sent for an expedition to the remote island called Kito to investigate the mysterious case further on.
Pre-order Doctor Butcher M.D. / Zombie Holocaust.
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pochaunnuswalker · 1 year
Fuck Jason Buchanan and his muthafucking momma since I so card won something on Facebook bitch you can't goddamn read hoe try me broke no huh dumb ass Sherry lainge and aunt Sandy and that's from financial center credit union huh dumb ass dopefiend Kelly renee abddumb ass Sharon bunch broke bitches wanna bet goddamnit try me
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hodgeekpbooth · 2 years
Your best guide to wine shade - Sampieri Wine and Spirits
Much may be learned about a wine from the appearance. So what does indeed the particular nuance of a wine beverage let you know? Sampieri Buchanans Wine Color Principles Wondering precisely what to drink? Past the obvious shades, there are subtleties in tone, tone, and opacity that will can help you assess your wines at first look and make a much more informed decision whenever stocking up. Contract a grape and you will see that the particular juice is very clear. Wine does indeed not get its color from grape juice, but by means of exposure to pigment-rich grape skins throughout the winemaking method. The longer typically the juice remains with the skins, a lot more color the wine beverages may have, up in order to a point. The rest depends on varietal and winemaking strategies. Bright If your wine is light lemon in colour, you probably possess a young, flavorful wine with herbal or perhaps mineral flavor characteristics. Pinot Grigio plus Sauvignon Blanc will be some common kinds in these light-bodied wines. Golden or even deep lemon undertones signal a wine beverages that has spent more hours aging, often in oak barrels. This additional aging means your wine beverages could have a satiety body, with notes like vanilla and spice, creamy spread, or richer berries flavors. Chardonnay is usually a classic example. Explore these wines. Orange Orange wine flavored with walnuts, peaches and spices or herbs are made utilising an ancient winemaking method with roots in Eastern Europe. In this particular technique, the skin area of the white grape is in prolonged make contact with with the fruit juice, imbuing a variety of colors from amber to tangerine. New World editions are often created using Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc. Pink To achieve the rosy hue, the skins of typically the red grapes happen to be removed as soon as the ideal hue is attained. The lighter kinds have just a hint of pink along with delicate floral scents, while the further shades indicate tougher fruity flavors such as strawberry and watermelon. Explore these wine beverages. Web With yellows, your gut is usually probably right. Lighter shades often suggest a lighter entire body, while deeper colors often indicate a new bolder wine. Typically the full-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah are really deep in color leaning towards violet and completely morne. However, the kind of grape really is necessary below, as some fruit have more pigment in the skin compared to others. Although Mild Ruby Pinot Noir-gris is usually clear, it is bursting with cherry plus game flavors. If a shade regarding red begins in order to lighten, with corrode tones around the edge, this may be a signal of aging within the red wine beverages? If you are drinking rust-colored Nebbiolo. Explore these wines. Brown When the wine will be a dark grey or golden color, you are probably drinking the fortified wine. Dock wine and sherry are two great instances of fortified wines that spend a new lot of time period aging in maple, a strategy that exposes the juice to be able to oxygen. Imagine just how a slice involving apple turns dark brown on the table. At the ending of the working day, no matter what color your wine is, the most important thing in order to consider is how much you want it. Please price and review the wines you flavor and maintain your flavour profile up to date with Sampieri, so we can easily continue to enable you to get the perfect wine beverages for yourself.
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peter-ash · 3 years
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Zombi Holocaust (1980) - Australian Poster
AKA Zombie Holocaust, Zombie 3, Dr. Butcher Medical Deviate, Doctor Butcher M.D., Doctor Butcher, Island of the Last Zombies, Queen of the Cannibals, Zombie Death Cult, Zombies Cannibal Ferox
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mariocki · 4 months
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La via della droga (The Heroin Busters, 1977)
"Listen... it's getting very hard for me to cover for you."
"Yes, I know. Don't worry about it. It's my life, after all."
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vhs-ninja · 4 years
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Zombie Holocaust (1980)
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minya8chan · 4 years
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What Have They Done to Your Daughters?
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may8chan · 4 years
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What Have They Done to Your Daughters?
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techaddictsuk · 2 years
The Heroin Busters (1977)
The Heroin Buster (1977) has been painstakingly remastered and celebrated almost 50 years after it slipped out. Here is my review of this slice of poliziotteschi. #heroinbusters #filmtwitter #moviereview
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