#Sherry Dooley
thenhc · 6 months
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(via Josh Weinstein)
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cwhapd · 4 years
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canwehaveapooldad · 6 years
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rfsnyder · 2 years
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Sherry Dooley
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Artist Sherry Dooley
Artist Sherry Dooley
Sherry Dooley, 50, is from Portland, Oregon in the USA. Sherry is a visual artist and had this to say about her chosen submission subject and why she was motivated to address cultural and racial stigma:
I’m submitting a new series I’m doing regarding “the Wall” Donald Trump keeps insisting he will build, in hopes to keep us “safe” from Mexicans.  I don’t agree with it, I find it offensive to our neighbours, and racially motivated.  Racial profiling at it’s finest.  After his degrading comments regarding the Mexican people being criminals and rapists – his wall will only hold the US citizens hostage, while making our friends our enemies.
I’m a full time professional artist.  After attending the Women’s March On Washington, I become inspired to not only paint “pretty” paintings – but to make a statement.
My theme is Cultural Stigma/Racism.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m a mother, a sister, a daughter, and a woman. I’m a fifty-year-old artist and wanderer, with scars. Born and raised in Oregon, I tend to lean far left, if I must use a label. Recently moved back to Portland Oregon after five years in New Orleans.
What is your artistic/creative background?
As a child, my mother put me in various after-school creative functions. I’ve always loved to draw, but never mastered it, and it doesn’t really matter. I consider myself “self-taught” – with no fancy, over priced art degrees. I started painting in 1998. Found wood, and old house paint, anything I could find, I would use. I’ve continued to paint ever since. Ninety percent of the time my art has allowed me to be self-employed.
What motivated you to deal with your chosen submission subject?
I chose Cultural Stigma/Racism because it seems to be a topic/situation that can be erased, with just the right amount of effort. Preconceived notions about a certain population, I believe, stems for just not knowing, and maybe a refusal to know. But once you learn something, once you’re forced to see someone, something in a new light, you cannot un-see it. Un-know it. We all have to start somewhere. I did. Why can’t others?
  Modern Frida: It’s Your Wall. I’m Free, Are You? 16x20x1.5 Acrylic/Mixed Media Cradled wood panel. by Sherry Dooley
Modern Frida: Misguided Finger Pointing 16 x 20 – Acrylic/Mixed Media on cradled panel wood. by Sherry Dooley
What is your process when creating?
The process, where does the process truly begin? Usually an incident, a situation, which has stirred up my thoughts, and has bled into my emotions, then the process, has begun. Sometimes without me even realising it. The process has begun. Never just a thought…emotion is the fuel of the fire I need to create.
Who are you influenced by within your artistic discipline?
I believe the question should be…”Who and What am I influenced by…” When I first began a very primitive style of painting women, friends influenced me. Body shapes and hairstyles, pretty scenes, Goddesses and nature. It evolved from there. As cliché as it is, once I was introduced to Frida Kahlo’s work and life story, I drew inspiration from everything Frida. Not just her self-portraits, in fact very little of her creative ability moved me, it was more about her life and situations that would inspire a piece of me to be brave. Brave in the sense of being vulnerable and puking my sorrows onto the canvas or wood for the world to see. I’ve evolved over the last 19 years, and no longer sob into a piece of art. I can see passed myself and create a bigger image, which isn’t just my little world, but something others can relate to.
Who inspires you in general?
Injustice and women.
What causes and world issues are you passionate about, campaign for, volunteer for…?
There are so many – but if I were to be passionate about each and every cause, I wouldn’t be able to get up in the morning. I don’t know why, but homelessness hits me hard. Not so much creatively, but more in an “Action Required” stance. So I feed the homeless when I can. I rally others to do the same. I’m moved and feel obligated to create pieces that are slick with emotion for women who have been sexually trafficked. I’ve been there…and I paint what I know and feel. My most recent cause is immigration. Just in the last couple of years, the word “illegal” has replaced human being. Dehumanising at the very least. Now we have a war against those that have less. Those that are searching for a better life. Those that do American’s dirty work and are vilified for it. Those that might have an accent. Those that might not be white enough. I’m getting all jazzed up as write this…it just pisses me off that in 2017, I’m having to experience and see first hand an earlier and uglier time in our country, today. RIGHT NOW? So, in honour of those that are being targeted and shit on by those that believe it’s okay to do so, I’m painting those women. I’m painting black women. Arab women. Asian women. Light-skinned women. All Women. All American women. Sorry, but American women are not all blondes with blue eyes. That is not the norm – and will never be.
What do the statements “art saves lives” and “art creates change” mean to you?
I read both statements at face value. Period.
Have your artistic and creative outlets saved your life in anyway and do you think your message within them could help create change in the world?
Yes. Art saved my life. Once I was able to escape the life of commercial sex trafficking and a nasty meth habit, I needed something, anything, to feel good. Painting felt right, it felt good. Stimulating that old brain chemistry with a new vice, art. When I sold my first piece, it was validating a wounded child, whom felt worthless. Yes, art saves lives…and can rebuild lives. Will my art ever make a change in the world? I think it has – as more people get to know me and what I create, they also get to know my past life. With that said, the stigma of a prostituted woman slowly shifts from what they had believed. It changes from judgement and idea of choice, to one of compassion and understanding. In my eyes that’s huge. Seeing “throw-away” women in a new light, shedding judgement, and opening the heart. Yep, that’s huge.
What are your present and future goals for your art?
I want to continue down my new path of making a statement for women and those that are oppressed in America. Stand up against division, and stand taller than any fucked up wall. Build it. It won’t stop people from connecting and loving/embracing each other.
Sherry Dooley Nostalgic Folk Artist
Sherry Dooley Nostalgic Folk Artist
Sherry Dooley Nostalgic Folk Artist
Sherry Dooley Nostalgic Folk Artist
If you would like to know more about Sherry Dooley and her work please follow these links:
Facebook Page
If you have any feedback on this article please fill out the contact form below:
[contact-form] Visual artist Sherry Dooley addresses racism and cultural stigma in the USA Sherry Dooley, 50, is from Portland, Oregon in the USA. Sherry is a visual artist and had this to say about her chosen submission subject and why she was motivated to address cultural and racial stigma:
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astronoglow · 5 years
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Little Shop of Horrors
Little Shop of Horrors is a musical with music by Alan Menken and book and lyrics by Howard Ashman that was based on the 1960 Roger Corman film The Little Shop of Horrors. The musical debuted Off-Broadway in 1982 (with Martin P. Robinson designing and performing Audrey II, and Anthony Asbury as his understudy). In 1986, the musical was turned into a film, directed by Frank Oz in his first non-Henson film (but still utilizing puppetry).
Little Shop of Horrors tells the story of a nerdy young florist's assistant named Seymour Krelborn, an employee of Mushnik's Skid Row Florist Shop. The incompetent Seymour is about to be fired by Mr. Mushnik when Audrey, another employee, urges him to bring out a mysterious new strain of plant that he's been tinkering with. Seymour, who has a secret crush on Audrey, names the mysterious plant after her. Mushnik gives Seymour one week to see if the "Audrey II" plant improves his lackluster business.
Unfortunately, Seymour soon learns that Audrey II can talk and has a gruesome appetite for fresh human blood. He also discovers that the plant brings him success, money and fame--as well as the romantic interest of Audrey. In order to continue his good fortune, Seymour decides to keep Audrey II alive by feeding it blood...with tragic results.
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Directed by Frank Oz and shot in England, the film starred Rick Moranis as Seymour, Ellen Greene as Audrey, Vincent Gardenia as Mushnik, and Steve Martin in an acclaimed turn as sadistic dentist Dr. Orin Scrivello, D.D.S. Also in the cast were Levi Stubbs (as the voice of Audrey II), John Candy (as radio host Wink Winkenson), Miriam Margolyes (as a dental nurse), Kerry Shale (as a Life Magazine flunky), and Danny John-Jules (as a doo-wop singer). The original ending featured Paul Dooley as sales entrepreneur Patrick Martin, but when the scene was reshot and recut for a more upbeat ending, his footage was dropped, and Jim Belushi replaced him.
Oz's own comments on the film tended to focus less on the puppetry effects and more on the difficulties of adaptation in general:
“It's not War and Peace or even a huge, splashy musical. I adhere to the essence of the Howard Ashman book. The street is simply the background, but I'm not opening up the story, going in for dizzying overhead crane shots or shoving in irrelevant dance numbers.”
The movie utilized multiple animatronic versions of the plant Audrey II, ranging from a tiny bud to the enormous version for the climax (with multiple buds built for the end, and a huge array of rampaging plants for the discarded "Don't Feed the Plants" finale). Though not an official Creature Shop production, many of the same performers, designers, and technicians worked with Oz on the film. As Jim Henson remarked in a 1987 interview, he didn't have a hand in the puppetry for Little Shop, but "I was very close to some of the people in that production." These included offspring Heather Henson, in a bit part as a dental patient, and Brian Henson, who served as a principal puppeteer on Audrey II.
The puppeteer crew also included, amongst others, Donald Austen, David Alan Barclay, Michael Bayliss, Marcus Clarke, Sue Dacre, Graham Fletcher, David Greenaway, Toby Philpott, Nigel Plaskitt, Mike Quinn, and Mak Wilson (the latter appearing on camera as a doo-wop singer). Lyle Conway designed Audrey II for the film (based on Marty Robinson's theatrical designs), with Sherry Amott as head of fabrication, and Neal Scanlan and Dave Elsey also contributed.
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The stage version was revived 2003, making its Broadway debut on October 2, and ran until August 22, 2004. Kerry Butler starred as Audrey. Once again, Martin P. Robinson supervised the puppet design, but this time, Audrey II was constructed in collaboration with the Jim Henson Company. Robinson was the primary plant puppeteer, with assistance from Anthony Asbury, Matt Vogel, and Bill Remington, all of whom doubled as singing Skid Row occupants/derelicts and dental patients. The new Audrey II was considerably different from the original off-Broadway version, while still more stylized in contrast to the film's animatronic plant. As with the other productions, however, four versions were used, from a hand-puppet Audrey to a giant version which, at its full height, rose 22 feet into the air and hovered menacingly over the fifth row. A hydraulic lift, operated by joystick, is used to help this effect.
The same puppet, weighted down further, was used in a national tour; Paul McGinnis, Marc Petrosino, Michael Latini and Anthony Asbury all performed in this version with Matt Vogel filling in for vacationing puppeteers. Robinson and the Jim Henson Company received puppet design credit in all listings and reviews.
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Although the reference is made in name only, and does not feature any elements from Little Shop of Horrors, a comic book story from Muppet Magazine issue 16 was entitled "Little Swamp of Horrors".
In the Muppets Tonight episode that featured Rick Moranis as a host, Dr. Phil van Neuter calls the movie a family film. When Clifford points out that it's not, Van Neuter remarks that Clifford doesn't know his family.
In the plant episode of Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures, the plant, Tootsie, is a parody of Audrey II and grows after eating Bert's oatmeal cookies and plant food.
The Parque Plaza Sésamo stage show Gran Musical features a medley of songs from the show, using tracks from the movie's soundtrack. Lola, Abby and Zoe lip-sync to "Prologue (Little Shop of Horrors)", The Count portrays Orin singing "Dentist," and they all sing "Don't Feed the Plants" as an Audrey II replica comes on stage. The park previously used the title song, in Spanish, in the 2010 stage show Gala Sésamo.
During callback auditions for season 44 of Sesame Street, one of the auditioning actresses sang "Somewhere That's Green" with Elmo. A clip of this performance was included in a 2013 video. (YouTube)
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Leslie Carrara-Rudolph played Audrey in a Concord, California production of Little Shop.
Andy Heath puppeteered Audrey II in a 2004 Jersey Opera House revival, and more recently a 2006 production which later transferred to the West End.
Robby Merkin played keyboards and orchestrated for the original off-Broadway run and arranged and played keyboards and synthesizer for the 1986 film
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jfradioshow · 2 years
#JFRS Daily Podcast: December 17, 2021
The John Fredericks Radio Show @jfradioshow guests for today: Mallory Staples, Patrick Assalone, Debbie Dooley, Sherry Gilligan, Greg Dolezal, and Mary West + epic rants and America speaks to John Fredericks at 1-888-JOHN (5646.)
Check out this episode!
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soclaimon · 3 years
Two sexual assault survivors spur Airbnb arbitration turnaround #SootinClaimon.Com
#SootinClaimon.Com : ขอบคุณแหล่งข้อมูล : หนังสือพิมพ์ The Nation. https://www.nationthailand.com/business/40004887 Two sexual assault survivors spur Airbnb arbitration turnaround For Sherry Dooley, Airbnb Inc.s announcement last week that it would no longer force guests into confidential arbitration to settle claims of sexual assault was disturbing. For Natalie White, it means she may get her…
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gawainethedragon · 6 years
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Join Running With Scissors at the Dryer Masonic Center in Tacoma, for Handmade and Haute on August 18th! We will have amazing handmade boutique vendors that will put the sizzle in your summer! Admission is always free at any Running With Scissors Show! We will be open 10am to 5pm. If you are interested in being a new vendor for Running With Scissors please private message Sherrie Mayes Vineyard Include the date of the show you are interested in, the name of your business and a picture of you booth all set up along with 2 pictures of product that you would be selling. Your growing group of amazing vendors include: Lynna Thompson - Giggles and Hoots Magical Garments & Accessories https://www.facebook.com/gigglesandhootsclothing/ Beth Anne Gonzalez - Tin Box in the Woods no Facebook page www.tinboxinthewoods.com Melynda Hart – Grimm Bros Foods https://www.facebook.com/GetGrimm/ Dawn Vogel - DefCon One Publishing https://www.facebook.com/madscijournal Crystal Silvas - Sugar Fairy Carnival www.facebook.com/sugarfairycarnival Renee Hazen - Renee Hazen Designs www.facebook.com/bunnymanbooks Daniela Evjen - Wildchild Imaginative Crafts www.facebook.com/wildchildicrafts/ Dotty Higday - Mad Dot Designz No Facebook page Garan VanNess - Sense-ble Crafts www.facebook.com/sensicrafts Joie Orr - Ginger Surprises www.facebook.com/gingersurprises Carol Margaret Dooley Corwell - Anam Cara Crafts www.facebook.com/anamcaracraftsbycarol Dawn Wiltbank - Hidden Vale Farm www.facebook.com/hiddenvalefarm Anna Fletcher - Airplants by Anna www.facebook.com/airplantsbyanna Bill & Gail Rocheleau - Snack Attack https://www.facebook.com/pg/BngSnackAttack Bill & Gail Rocheleau - Snack Attack Second table Ten by Ten Spaces India May - Brigids Whispers www.facebook.com/brigidswhispers Tammie Wales - TW Coffee Artist www.facebook.comtwcoffeeartist Kelsey Tovar - 47 North Creations www.facebook.com/47northcreations Ximon Dunedain - Icon Alchemy www.facebook.com/iconalchemy Nan Maynard - Bad Girls Baskets and Beads www.facebook.com/Bad-Girls-Baskets-and-Beads-208911869679047/ OUTDOOR 10 by 10s Tamela Glover - All Tutus Aren't Pink www.facebook.com/alltutsarentpink Kat Summers - The Monster's Garden www.facebook.com/themostersgarden Desiree Horton - Co-op of Creation www.facebook.com/coopofcreation Kanoelani Glitzy K Sparkles - Wondemeir Studios www.facebook.com/wondemeirstudios
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manualstogo · 4 years
For just $3.99 Call of the Yukon Released on April 18, 1938: Can a wolf-dog find love with a beautiful collie, or will the St. Bernard get the collie's attention? And what about those bears! Directed by: B. Reeves Eason Written by: James Oliver Curwood, Gertrude Orr and Bill Peet. The Actors: Richard Arlen Gaston Rogers, Beverly Roberts Jean Williams, Lyle Talbot Hugo Henderson, Mala Olee John, Garry Owen Connor, Ivan Miller O'Malley, Billy Dooley watchman, Al St. John Joe, Nina Campana Knudka, Sherry Hall Ed, Charles Anthony Hughes Bill, Jimmy Lono Topek, Frank McCarroll trapper, Emory Parnell Swenson Runtime: 1h 10min *** This item will be supplied on a quality disc and will be sent in a sleeve that is designed for posting CD's DVDs *** This item will be sent by 1st class post for quick delivery. Should you not receive your item within 12 working days of making payment, please contact us as it is unusual for any item to take this long to be delivered. Note: All my products are either my own work, licensed to me directly or supplied to me under a GPL/GNU License. No Trademarks, copyrights or rules have been violated by this item. This product complies withs rules on compilations, international media and downloadable media. All items are supplied on CD or DVD.
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cwhapd · 4 years
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urbanenemy · 5 years
12/6 新入荷リスト
2 MINUTES 50  Call Me Back / Forget It ANGIE GOLD  Get it over with / Easier said than done AUTOGRAPHS  While I'm still young / Fabulous B.RIFF & THE BACCHANALS  It's Closing Time / Next Time BITCH  Big city / Wild kids BLASÉ  I'm your man / Breaking out BLUE  Love Sings / I'll Get You Back BRITISH SHOES  Running from mummy / Where would we be without shoes CAP HORN  On N'Attend Plus Que Toi / Ecoute Et Danse CAROLYNE MAS  Quote Goodbye Quote / Call Me CAVERN  No reason to cry / Cry for you / Won't let you go CHALICE  In My World / Mr Won't You Help Me CITY LIMITS  Morse-Code Messages / If I Had The Time / I Just Can't Say Goodbye! DONKEYS  What I want / Four letters DOOLEYS  In Car Stereo / Can't Dance EASTERN DARK  Johnny and Dee Dee / Julie is a junkie FIREWORK  Victim To Death / Queen Of Fashion HARDTOPS  I know a girl / Indian giver INVADERS  Best thing I ever did / Much closer still JACK RABBIT BAND  The Sprayer / Kathy / Revenge JEEP  Wild rover / Lark in the dark JEEP  Wild rover / Lark in the dark JO & THE NEONS  You Don't Know What You're Missing / Aggravated Assault JOHNNY PALERMO  Silly old songs / Make it allright JOHNNY PALERMO  Saturday Night / Summer Again LOOKALIKES  Call me / Just what you got MINOR CLASSICS  Sign language / This side of paradise MODELS  Freeze / Man of the year PARADOX  Changes / It's Alright PERFECTORS  YT502951D / Tiny radios PHYSICALS  Breakdown / On stage / No Life / All sexed up PLAGUE  In love / Wimpey bar song PRINCIPLES  U.S.A. 423 / Down On My Love PRODUCERS  Walk Right Back / Revenge Is Sweet PRODUCERS  On the beach / Goin' steady PURPLE HEARTS  Plane crash / Scooby Doo / Gun of life RADIO STARS  The Real Me / Norwegian Wood RICHARD AND THE TAXMEN  Now We're Through / Baby Please Don't Go RUE AND THE ROCKETS  I Only Want A Love That's Real / 9 Times Out Of 10 SHOCKING STOCKINGS  Red China / You move the movement SIDEWINDER  Basil Herd / The Game SPARE CHANGE  LONELY SUITS LP STARJETS  War Stories / Any Danger Love STEP  Chain Gang / In The House STEVE RODWAY  Say Goodbye To Love / Falling In Without You STINGRAYS  Countdown / Exceptions / Action TEACHER'S PET  Missing person / Tug of love TOASTERS  Stuck On You / Baby's On The Rag TOP RANK  Erämaassa / Aika Muuttuu TOP RANK  Suitcase / Better Say Nothing TRADEMARKS  Magic in her eyes / Run for your life TRIXX  Sherri Don't Do This To Yourself / Fill The Page UNTAMED YOUTH  Untamed Youth / Runnin' Wild WILDFIRE  Run to ground / Wild dog WRAP  Let Me Go / He's Not There ZERO-G  Pitter Patter / I Can't Get Started
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guiltypuknowme · 7 years
In And we’ll never be lonely anymore, Eames serves as the DJ at Yusuf and Ariadne’s wedding reception. Behind the cut is his big, huge, gigantic playlist.
"Tell It Like It Is” - Aaron Neville
“Let’s Stay Together” - Al Green
“Moon River” from Breakfast at Tiffany’s - Audrey Hepburn
“Hooked On a Feeling” - B.J. Thomas
“Who Put the Bomp (In the Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)” - Barry Mann
“God Only Knows” - the Beach Boys
“If I Fell” - the Beatles
“Till There Was You” - the Beatles
“All You Need is Love” - the Beatles
“I Saw Her Standing There” - the Beatles
“And Your Bird Can Sing” - the Beatles
“I Will” - the Beatles
“I Want To Hold Your Hand” - the Beatles
“Stand By Me” - Ben E. King
“I Want You” - Bob Dylan
“Elusive Butterfly” - Bob Lind
“Mack the Knife” - Bobby Darin
“Beyond the Sea” - Bobby Darin
“Dream Lover” - Bobby Darin
“Rockin’ Robin” - Bobby Day
“Tossin’ and Turnin’” -Bobby Lewis
“Sway” - Bobby Rydell
“I’ll Never Dance Again” - Bobby Rydell
“Volare” - Bobby Rydell
“Sweet Nothin’s” - Brenda Lee
“I’m Sorry” - Brenda Lee
“It’s Just a Matter of Time” - Brook Benton
“(Baby) You’ve Got What It Takes)” - Brook Benton & Dinah Washington
“Hey! Baby” - Bruce Channel
“True Love Ways” - Buddy Holly
“Not Fade Away” - Buddy Holly and the Crickets
“Tequila” - the Champs
“All I Really Want To Do” - Cher
“One Fine Day” - the Chiffons
“Sh-Boom” - the Chords
“Let’s Dance” - Chris Montez
“The Twist” - Chubby Checker
“Johnny B. Goode” - Chuck Berry
“Brown Eyed Handsome Man” - Chuck Berry
“You Never Can Tell” - Chuck Berry
“(I Don’t Know Why) But I Do” - Clarence “Frogman” Henry
“Spooky” - Classics IV
“Love Potion No. 9″ - the Clovers
“Down in Mexico” - the Coasters
“If I Didn’t Care” - Connie Francis
“Who’s Sorry Now” - Connie Francis
“Do You Love Me” - the Contours
“La Vie En Rose” (from How I Met Your Mother) - Cristin Milioti
“(Today I Met) The Boy I’m Gonna Marry” - Darlene Love
“Everybody Loves Somebody” - Dean Martin
“That’s Amore” - Dean Martin
“Runaway” - Del Shannon
“The Wanderer” - Dion
“Runaround Sue” - Dion
“Chapel of Love” - the Dixie Cups
“As Time Goes By” from Casablanca - Dooley Wilson
“Just One Look” - Doris Troy
“Save the Last Dance for Me” - the Drifters
“There Goes My Baby” - the Drifters
“You Belong to Me” - the Duprees
“Son of a Preacher Man” - Dusty Springfield
“La Vie En Rose” - Edith Piaf
“Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien” - Edith Piaf
“I’m Beginning to See the Light” - Ella Fitzgerald
“Almost Like Being in Love” - Ella Fitzgerald
“A Big Hunk O’ Love” - Elvis Presley
“Such a Night” - Elvis Presley
“Hound Dog” - Elvis Presley
“Can’t Help Falling in Love” - Elvis Presley
“Jailhouse Rock” - Elvis Presley
“One Night With You” - Elvis Presley
“At Last” - Etta James
“Tell Him” - the Exciters
“Ain’t That a Shame” - Fats Domino
“Blueberry Hill” - Fats Domino
“I Only Have Eyes For You” - the Flamingos
“Build Me Up Buttercup” - the Foundations
“Witchcraft” - Frank Sinatra
“Somethin’ Stupid” - Frank Sinatra (with Nancy Sinatra)
“At Long Last Love” - Frank Sinatra
“You Make Me Feel So Young” - Frank Sinatra
“Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” - Frankie Valli
“C’mon Marianne” - Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
“Sherry” - Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
“Rag Doll” - Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
“Dawn (Go Away)” - Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
“Green Grass” - Gary Lewis and the Playboys
“Ko Ko Mo” - Gene & Eunice
“Duke of Earl” - Gene Chandler
“Town Without Pity” - Gene Pitney
“In the Mood” - Glenn Miller and His Orchestra
“Moonlight Serenade” - Glenn Miller and His Orchestra
“Little Brown Jug” - Glenn Miller and His Orchestra
“I’m Into Something Good” - Herman’s Hermits
“Mrs. Brown, You’ve Got a Lovely Daughter” - Herman’s Hermits
“There’s a Kind of Hush” - Herman’s Hermits
“Carrie Anne” - the Hollies
“Shout (Parts 1 and 2)” - the Isley Brothers
“(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher” - Jackie Wilson
“I’ll Be Satisfied” - Jackie Wilson
“I Want You Back” - the Jackson 5
“A Little Bit of Soap” - the Jarmels
“Come a Little Bit Closer” - Jay and the Americans
“My Love Is Strong” - Jimmy Clanton
“Handy Man” - Jimmy Jones
“If You Wanna Be Happy” - Jimmy Soul
“Bad Boy” - the Jive Bombers
“Cherry” - the Jive Bombers
“Chances Are” - Johnny Mathis
“It’s Not For Me to Say” - Johnny Mathis
“Rock and Roll Waltz” - Kay Starr
“Dancing in the Moonlight” - King Harvest
“Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows” - Lesley Gore
“The Girl Can’t Help It” - Little Richard
“Stagger Lee” - Lloyd Price
“Lightnin’ Strikes” - Lou Christie
“Just A Gigolo” - Louis Prima
“Do You Believe in Magic?” - The Lovin’ Spoonful
“A Wonderful Dream” - the Majors
“Dream a Little Dream of Me” - the Mamas & the Papas
“Dedicated to the One I Love” - the Mamas & the Papas
“(Love is Like a) Heat Wave” - Martha Reeves & the Vandellas
“You Got What It Takes” - Marv Johnson
“Let’s Get It On” - Marvin Gaye
“Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” - Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell
“My Guy” - Mary Wells
“Hang On Sloopy” - the McCoys
“Love is Strange” - Mickey & Sylvia
“Daydream Believer” - the Monkees
“Sincerely” - the Moonglows
“96 Tears” - ? & the Mysterians
“Can’t Get Enough of You, Baby” - ? & the Mysterians
“These Boots are Made for Walkin’“ - Nancy Sinatra
“Sweet Caroline” - Neil Diamond
“Feeling Good” - Nina Simone
“I’m a Girl Watcher” - the O’Kaysions
“Dance By the Light of the Moon” - the Olympics
“Try a Little Tenderness” - Otis Redding
“Tonight You Belong to Me” - Patience and Prudence
“Crazy” - Patsy Cline
“Diana” - Paul Anka
“Let the Bells Keep Ringing” - Paul Anka
“It’s a Good Day” - Peggy Lee
“I’ll Dance at Your Wedding” - Peggy Lee
“Why Don’t You Do Right (Get Me Some Money Too)” - Peggy Lee
“‘Deed I Do” - Peggy Lee
“Downtown” - Petula Clark
“Sea of Love” - Phil Phillips
“Smoke Gets in Your Eyes” - the Platters
“the Great Pretender” - the Platters
“Only You (and You Alone)” - the Platters
“Twilight Time” - the Platters
“What Is Love” - the Playmates
“You Don’t Know Me” - Ray Charles
“Hit the Road Jack” - Ray Charles
“Hallelujah, I Love Her So” - Ray Charles
“What’d I Say (Parts 1 and 2)” - Ray Charles
“Let’s Go Get Stoned” - Ray Charles
“Sweet Sixteen Bars” - Ray Charles
“Silhouettes” - the Rays
“Come and Get Your Love” - Redbone
“(Just Like) Romeo and Juliet” - the Reflections
“Barbara Ann” - the Regents
“That’s All” - Ricky Nelson
“Hello Mary Lou” - Ricky Nelson
“Fools Rush In” - Ricky Nelson
“Unchained Melody” - the Righteous Brothers
“Be My Baby” - the Ronettes
“Crying” - Roy Orbison
“Oh, Pretty Woman” - Roy Orbison
“You Send Me” - Sam Cooke
“Wonderful World” - Sam Cooke
“Having a Party” - Sam Cooke
“Bring It on Home to Me” - Sam Cooke
“Frankie and Johnny” - Sam Cooke
“Sleepwalk” - Santo & Johnny
“Will You Love Me Tomorrow” - the Shirelles
“Let the Good Times Roll” - Shirley & Lee
“Since I Don’t Have You” - the Skyliners
“Pennies From Heaven” - the Skyliners
“I Hear You Knocking” - Smiley Lewis
“Cry to Me” - Solomon Burke
“I Got You Babe” - Sonny & Cher
“Goodnight, Well It’s Time To Go” - the Spaniels
“Stand By Me” - Spyder Turner
“I Want Candy” - the Strangeloves
“You Can’t Hurry Love” - the Supremes
“the Happening” - the Supremes
“Where Did Our Love Go” - the Supremes
“Hippy Hippy Shake” - the Swinging Blue Jeans
“Ain’t Too Proud to Beg” - the Temptations
“My Girl” - the Temptations
“Little Bitty Pretty One” - Thurston Harris
“A Lover’s Concerto” - the Toys
“So Much in Love” - the Tymes
“Concrete and Clay” - Unit 4+2
“Danke Shoen” - Wayne Newton
“Kansas City” - Wilbert Harrison
“She’s Not There” - the Zombies
I bolded some of my absolute favorites. The ones in italics were (if I remember correctly; it’s been a few years) other serious contenders for Arthur and Eames’ first dance/kiss. Forgive the fact that this is just in alphabetical order by artist, rather than Eames’ meticulous chronological/reverse-chronological order. Also forgive the fact that there’s no way the reception could be long enough for Eames’ nine-hour playlist.
Also, it’s not included here, but I always got the feeling that Eames’ snuck the Dan Band’s “Total Eclipse of the Heart” on here.
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thepoolscene · 7 years
The Pool Scene - Jennifer Yo, Kawania Watson - Gulf Coast Tour, Womens Pool
New Post on http://thepoolscene.com/?p=21967
Yo Claims Second Win on Gulf Coast Tour
Austin’s Jennifer Yo did it the hard way, coming through the one loss side to defeat Brittany Williams in the finals, and secure her second Gulf Coast Women’s Regional Billiards Tour title. In February of this year, Yo captured the first tournament of her career on the Gulf Coast Tour, and her second win more than establishes her position among the most talented, female players, spanning Texas and Louisiana.
On May 27th-28th, 2017, the Gulf Coast Tour held its 6th stop of the year at one of its newest venues, CK Billiards in Dallas, Texas. Room manager, Jamie Charbonneau, and tour sponsors Cyclop Pool Balls www.facebook.com/CyclopPoolBalls, Ozone Billiards www.OzoneBilliards.com, APA of North Harris County www.facebook.com/apanorthharriscounty, Jimmy Jenkins Realty, and www.OutsvillBilliards.com, facilitated a successful tournament which featured a two-day 9-ball event, non-smoking venue, and a generous $1,000 added to the prize fund.  Players from all over Texas and Louisiana, representing Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Weatherford, San Marcos, Pflugerville, Boerne, and Shreveport, including Dallas locals, converged on the pool room to enjoy a weekend of comradery and competition. 
Match play commenced at noon on Saturday, and brought back the final six players on Sunday.  In only her second appearance on tour, hailing from Hallsville, Texas, Brittany Williams came out firing, ousting San Antonio’s Megan Hardin, 7-1, Dallas’ Aryana Lynch, 7-2, and Veronica “Pistol” Perez, 7-3, while Kim “Texas Heat” Pierce took down newcomer Ellen Robinson, 7-4, Gail “Thunder” Roles, 7-2, and Cindy Cole, 7-4. Jennifer Yo was on a roll, securing wins over Sophia Lopez, 7-1, Angie Payne, 7-5, and Jennifer Dooley, 7-4, while recent event winner, Kawania Watson, overcame Sherry Gear, 7-3, and Shreveport’s Tina Williams, 7-6.  As the winners’ side final four unfolded, the one loss side was in full swing, with 14-year old Lynch eliminating Shreveport’s Doria Rhone, 5-1, newcomer Stacy Tucker, 5-1, Dooley, 5-3, and T. Williams, 5-0, to reach the final six. After suffering a loss to B. Williams in the third round, Perez came back with wins over Payne, 5-4, and Cole, 5-0, also reaching the final six, and the money. Back on the east side, Williams slid by Pierce, 7-6, and Watson defeated Yo, 7-4, pitting Williams and Watson for the hot seat. Watson fought an impressive battle, but when the smoke cleared, it was Williams by a game, 7-6. On the west side, Yo came back to life, ending Perez, 5-3, while Pierce overwhelmed Lynch, 5-1. Yo went on to defeat Pierce, 5-4, and redeemed herself against Watson, 5-1, marking her third win on the one loss side. The final match featured an undefeated Williams, vying for her first-ever tour victory, and Yo, going for win number two, as the first set of the true double elimination final got underway. Yo took the first set, 7-4, but Williams wasn’t down for the count. The second set was a real crowd pleaser, and although Williams fought diligently, Yo came with it, hill-hill, ending the second set, 5-4. Congratulations to Jennifer Yo on her second title, and Brittany Williams on her highest finish to date, on the Gulf Coast Tour.
The Gulf Coast Tour welcomes its newest members, Stacy Tucker (Dallas, TX), Doria Rhone (Shreveport, LA), Chris Fields (Weatherford, TX), Amy Reece (Dallas, TX), Cindy Cole (Dallas, TX), Keingchay Phoutthavong (Dallas, TX), and Ellen Robinson (San Marcos, TX).
  Ellen Robinson took home her very first “W”, going undefeated to win the Gulf Coast Tour’s first-ever, second chance 9-ball tournament! Aryana Lynch and Veronica Perez achieved their highest finishes to date, 5th-6th, while Cindy Cole exceeded her personal best, finishing 7th-8th. Congratulations to all those who are making history and reaching milestones, on the Gulf Coast Tour.
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The Gulf Coast Women’s Regional Billiards Tour is open to amateur players of all ages and skill levels. The next Gulf Coast Tour 9-ball event will be held on June 10th, at Bogies Billiards and Sports Bar, 3040 FM 1960, in Houston, Texas. This event will be $500 added with 32 players, played on 9’ tables, with Cyclop Pool Balls. Free practice begins at 10am, and the mandatory players’ meeting begins at 11am. For more information about the WPBA sanctioned, Gulf Coast Women’s Regional Billiards Tour, visit GulfCoastWomensTour.com. Follow us on Facebook @gulfcoasttour1 and Twitter @gulfcoasttour.
The WPBA (Women’s Professional Billiard Association) is the governing body of women’s professional billiards, and the longest running, professional billiard organization, in the United States. The Gulf Coast Women’s Regional Billiards Tour is a sanctioned, WPBA Regional Tour, part of the grass roots system, feeding new talent into the WPBA Pro Billiards Tour. WPBA Regional Tour Player dues, in the amount of $25 per year, are paid directly to the WPBA, and help fund programs for professional and regional tour players, support the WPBA’s mission to produce world-class events, and grow the sport of pocket billiards by increasing its visibility as a respected and true, professional sport.
Written By: Kim Newsome
Photos By: Kim Newsome
1st Jennifer Yo $600
2nd Brittany Williams $410
3rd Kawania Watson $250
4th Kim Pierce $100
5th-6th Veronica Perez, Aryana Lynch $50 ea.
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cwhapd · 4 years
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cwhapd · 5 years
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