#Shinobu and Kanae's unnamed tsuguko
kyojurismo · 1 year
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basic info
name : aiko chikafuji
[ meanings : “love, affection” ; “near the wisteria” ]
age : 19
pronouns : she / they
sexuality : bisexual
birthday : june 16th
relatives : unnamed parents
kaito (older brother)
hana (younger sister)
hair color : black to purple
eye color : blue
height : 165 cm (5’5 ft)
weight : 58 kg
affiliation : demon slayer corps
occupation : demon slayer
kanae kocho’s tsuguko
current rank : hinoe
combat style : flower breathing
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aiko used to live in a small village with her family. her father was a lumberjack, her mother was well known for her talent in sewing. they were a modest family.
one night, a demon attacked their house and in protecting their children, both mother and father died. kaito tried to attack and stop the demon but lost his arm; aiko tried to protect hana from losing an eye stopping the demon’s attack with their body. a big scar on the stomach reminds them of what happened that night.
the three siblings were saved by kanae kocho, the flower hashira. she felt sorry for taking so long to arrive, but aiko was glad she got there in time to stop the demon from killing the rest of the family. kaito received medical attention from kanae’s younger sister, shinobu.
at the time, aiko was 17 years old. for the demon slayers, kanae was 19 years old while her sister shinobu was 16 years old. aiko learned about the existence of demons and the demon slayer corps, before deciding to train to become a slayer herself.
kanae was touched by aiko’s determination and accepted to train her. after the final selection, aiko became kocho’s tsuguko, mastering more and more the breath of flower and following her master in her missions.
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aiko’s thoughts about the hashira & viceversa
aiko’s relationships with the kamaboko squad
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cinnamonbean · 2 years
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So I recently read The Wasp's Nest by @demonslayedher, and as usual, began obsessing. I've been following the author here under my main blog for a while, and it's very easy to add onto or hyperfixate on their ideas. I genuinely can't find many blogs like theirs, but it's really cool; and I want to appreciate that.
Below the cut is going to be a simple collection of thoughts I had upon reading chapter one because,, oh my goodness; I have a lot?? For some reason? And I will probably never be able to use them myself.
Whether or not I make this a mini-series for every chapter or few chapters is. Up for debate. I have a lot going on in my personal life right now, so we'll see. This is just Mocha rambling about a cool fic instead of working on their own fics goodbye.
Please keep in mind I did not read chapter two.
Please read the following with only chapter one in mind. I had to force myself to avoid chapter two to ensure I would finish this post. And while I contemplating that art I wanted to post alongside the icons,, I concluded that would take too long. So. Later.
• You probably can't see it through the ugly filters but I used the opposite color from Kobayashi-San's hairclip for Mita's eyes. Vice versa for Kobayashi-San's eyes too.
• I know it looks more like green flame but I was actually trying to use water lilies as the motif for Kobayashi-San's eyes! :) I couldn't think of anything cool for Mita's,, so I made it the same flower shape as Koyuki-San's in vain efforts of referencing it to those round-winged butterflies people make? ,,,
• I can't really use butterfly symbolism for the clips. I also improvised on the colors since I really deadass did not know what colors to use. 💀 I didn't use light blue for the border of Kobayashi-San's because they reminded me of the flowers on Makomo's mask,, and I had a Hashira au where she had those colors on her own hairclip,,, I don't mind changing it if it helps the accuracy of the fic! >:)
• Speaking of hair clips,, you gave me a really good headcanon idea for Kanae rereading one of your older posts, but I will probably post it on it's own as a separate post.
• I'm automatically taking everything Mita says with a grain of salt?? Like she seems nice, just. She runs her mouth too much. Is it to cope? Hmm. It'd be interesting to see if Ichijo-Senpai had a larger impact on everyone than we're made aware. Like. Is it really so black and white that Kanao began smiling because of Kanae and Shinobu? Maybe she's just so used to seeing people die because of those other students that she really doesn't think the people she made it past final selection with won't make much of a difference. (I'm salty they were the only five because of plot armor, but that's a story for another day.)
• Mainly because of my personal unrelated headcanons, but I really don't think of Ichijo-Sempai as mean? But if she is,, I can see her contributing to Mita's general moodiness. Bad influences amirite. But also the possibility of her being generally nice and having her parallel one if not both of Mita and Kobayashi-San as we read along makes me weak in the knees.
• I couldn't decide if I liked freckles or facial acne for Mita better, so I gave her both and gave her that emo pale skin. Assholes don't get to have pretty faces I don't make the rules 🙄 (/hj).
• Shinobu, because of your content of her and how she acted in the fic gives me vibes of a practical woman who doesn't care for detailed or pretty looking things. Or believes in doing things simply because you like them. Which makes that scene of her eating with Giyuu even funnier. Like. "You're smiling at your food? D i s g u s t i n g." (/j).
• I'm also. Very sorry. Like VERY SORRY. BECAUSE FOR THE LIFE OF ME I CAN'T DRAW BLACK HAIR IT'S JUST NOT POSSIBLE FOR ME... Ya start with a color you think is close enough to black without being back. Then you add colored accents, put in shading. The lighting. And then, only when it's too late, you realize it. You've given them completely different hair colors. I swear I'm colorblind. (/sarc).
• I was also just too lazy to make the mouths. So they're pitch black and ugly. You're welcome :')
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Here's the icons without filters! I originally wanted to make them edited with like gif thingy backgrounds?? BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW,, and I'm not waiting until chapter ten or worse is posted while I'm trying to figure this stuff out.
Before anyone asks, these are free to use, edit, etc. with credit. But really. I'm already cringing at several things in these icons. Really, where are Mita's ears even. Fjsnfjsjf.
Thank you for reading and have a good... whatever time it is where you are. 🚶‍♀️and ty for reading this if you read all the way through.
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demonslayedher · 2 years
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So what if aaaaall the Butterfly Mansion Tsuguko wore it?? (my takes on Shinobu's deceased Tsuguko are based on this fic)
Edit: I realized it's hard to appreciate Shinobu's grouchy face without zooming in, so here, I did it for you:
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cinnamonbean · 2 years
This isnt related to anything
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But I thought of this somewhere around two am when I had a headache and couldn't sleep.
Kobayashi; Kanao, what's wrong?
Mita; she lost her coin yesterday. She's been acting like this ever since.
Yes, its messy. I know Kobayashi wouldn't call Kanao by first name, at least I think, but posting this was an impulse I didn't look through the again for. I'm also probably not finishing this,, but I might draw in the picture of Kanao at the top left as a separate thing.
Below the cut is some more sketches, and headcanons. And if you haven't read the Wasp's Nest........
Go do that.
So. Clears throat. So anyways.
The premise of that was Kanao losing her coin. The one Kanae gave her, which might have as much personal significance as her hairclip depending how you look at it. Kobayashi asks if she's okay,, and Mita explains to her how miss perfect uses a coin to decide for her things she wants to do. (Not sure if she should know Kanae was the one who gave Kanao the coin, but it could go either way.) Mita doesnt even like Kanae, and that's canon to the fic. So. Why the fxck should it matter if she loses a simple coin? She'll earn much more during her time as a demon slayer.
This is. Obviously unhealthy? So when Kobayashi finds the coin, she decides to hide it from Kanao, and try to push her into making choices for herself. You know, the small kinds. Along with the illusion of actually helping her. (Though in Kobayashi's mind, she probably thinks it is helping Kanao.)
Mita catches on, steals the coin, and returns it to Kanao. Mainly with the excuse of. "Well, I got tired of being a dick to Kanao, so it's your turn." It probably genuinely bothered Mita, too. Because tricking someone for the sake of "helping" them is bullshit, and it's canon she's felt that way about Kanae in the past.
But it might be ooc for them anyways.
Alternatively, can you imagine Mita stealing the coin and deciding to watch the chaos Kobayashi would be so panicked. Where could she have possibly put the coin? Where could it have possibly gone? She couldn't have. No. Dont tell her.. did she actually spend such a sentimental belonging?? This could be either comedic or actually extremely angsty depending who's writing it.
Moving on! I said I would make a different post for stuff about Kanae I thought of as a result of op's fic,, this is that post.
First though, I wanted to take another look at Ichijo. All we really know is that she was Shinobu's tsuguko before Mita, and that she trained using Water Breathing as opposed to Flower Breathing or Insect breathing.
I found this very strange.
Because on one hand, it might have been set before Giyuu became a Hashira, or maybe she just felt more comfortable seeking guidance from a female Hashira, having heard rumors of Water Pillar-Sama being cold and unapproachable.
On the other hand; could you imagine if Ichijo was just flat out rejected by Giyuu? It would make sense. He probably didn't think he was responsible enough to care for another swordsman, and at least he wouldve been responsible enough to figure he couldnt care properly for himself let alone someone else.
I doubt Ichijo would see it that way, though. In her opinion, she was just rejected, without being given a chance. Maybe that's when Shinobu steps in? Maybe in Mita's eyes, Ichijo was ungrateful of Koucho-Shihan's hospitality?
Speaking of Giyuu. And speaking of Koucho sisters. The masks. The butterfly hairpins. The [former] Water Pillar and the Insect/Flower Hashiras were the only pillars who gave special accessories to their students. I'm surprised nobody's talked about it, or maybe I just havent found anything yet, but what if there was a stigma of bad luck against girls with butterfly hairpins as well? Similarly to how demon slayers with fox masks always die in final selection,, something like girls with butterfly hairpins always die off easily.
I'm going to dig in a little deeper to this.
See, I had a hypothetical a while ago where Kagaya, while he still did final selection; likely did Giyuu and Sabito's. Noticed that one of the fox masked kids who survived didn't have his mask, and insisted on looking for it. Years later around the time he becomes a pillar, Giyuu is summoned to Kagaya's and receives his mask, because, along the help of some Kakushi and demon slayers at the time, the group were eventually able to find the pieces of Giyuu's mask.
And if asked why Tomioka got that kind of special treatment, Kagaya probably would've gotten confused and explained that he wouldve done that for anyone. Regardless of what it was. Because he wanted to help people; that's the kind of person he was. Probably when he hands it back to Giyuu probably with a message or two of how he should remember and cherish his roots; it's easy to forget those things when becoming a demon slayer. This touches Giyuu because he went through the trouble of finding it and holding onto it for Giyuu, in fear of it breaking in his crow's claws.
I do feel upset that a lot of the pillars just already had that level of respect for the master, and how it's never really expanded on savs for Gyoumei's life being saved and the public apology he made to Sanemi during a pillar meeting.. even if not all of them had something to push forward that level of respect,, I still feel like it's not expanded on in depth enough?
But I'm getting off topic again.
Point was, Giyuu later takes Kanae on as a tsuguko, and she eventually spots the mask, and is possibly told the story of how he got it? Maybe it stays at the back of her mind, and later during her time as a pillar, she sees a stand of butterfly hairclips. Buys the entire small stock for Shinobu. She's been known to make pointless, grand purchases, with or without reason, according to op. Shinobu probably figures out a way to use all of them; she can distribute them to her future tsuguko, when she finally becomes a pillar.
It would be so sad for her to be somewhat annoyed she has to share her collection with Onee-Chan and Kanao at the start, recieves the hairpin back, and gets sad, deciding that from then on decides to share them with her own tsuguko/friends by her own discretion. Which makes her very depressed whenever her box fills up with hairclips again (from students dying and the like).
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Rest in peace, you two.
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