utterlyhooked · 2 years
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This was so endearing... so cute!
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gabrielokun · 2 years
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utterlyhooked · 2 years
my favorite thing about the scene in the magistrate's is that, when they last parted in the ginkgo grove, he was like, when we see each other next, we'll be mere acquaintances... smh. buyi. babe.
(also fuck if zhou hejun didn't win me tf over when she chopped off that asshole's head—amazing. fav moment of tv this year)
@pardonthelitany Yes, amazing!!! Even when He Zhaojun told him, go on, be a ghost and see my father and brothers kill you again! The chopping off his head was *chefs kiss*! Even though the rational part of me was saying - it's not possible for her to get it done in one clean swoop. She doesn't have the strength in her arms to do so even if the blade is as sharp as it can possibly be. That’s why highly skilled executioners were hired for decapitation of the nobility. An unskilled one could take several swings before the head is cut off completely. But for cinematic purposes... *slow claps*
I think in the ginko grove, he was pretty much resigned that she will be someone elses wife. He was going to love and protect her for the rest of his life, just from afar... sad... but in the magistrates even though he said to Shaoshang that no matter what she decides, it will be correct....  he more or less knew that the wedding was not going to happen just as he said to He Zaojun while sheilding Shaoshang - "Lady Ancheng need not scare Miss Cheng like this. The Cheng and Lou families have already planned to withdraw from the marriage."
I also think that he just has this need... an impulse to just protect her no matter what. He can’t help it. An instinctive reaction to sheild and protect.
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What I love about this scene is how he enveloped her and the reassurance of “I’m here.” A protective gesture, like a wall, a fortress that could withstand fire and flood for centuries! But the thing that really, really gets me and I can’t bloody get over it.... is the way he stares at her..... fecken hell that stare!!!!!!!
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gabrielokun · 2 years
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utterlyhooked · 2 years
A favourite scene! One of many of course...
LB: We meet again, Young Lady Cheng.
CSS: General Ling, how is your injury? Do you have military matters to attend to today?
LB:  It was just a minor wound. I had recovered long ago, and I didn’t do any strenuous activities lately.
I think this scene is mostly overlooked in favour of sweeping romantic ones, but let me convince you...
Ling Buyi gravitates towards where Shaoshang is, it’s probably an impulse, he can’t help it! He is always stone faced even as he gets closer, of course can’t show emotions... must... keep... up... appearances!!! But... he breaks* ever so slightly as soon as Shaoshang asks about his injury**. His eyes lights up, his voice softens, there is a certain happiness when he speaks, and what is that, is that a smile? He smiles while talking when he answers her. A small smile but a smile... from LING BUYI?!!!... in public!!!... for all to see!!! It’s unheard of, perhaps impossible even!... I sooo love that part! ........... And then he goes back to being his stoic self, he has a reputation to maintain! 
And while he is there, it might have been very strategic... why pass up the opportunity to tell the parents, hopefully parents in-law soon...  that... “Hey, there’s no need to be so courteous, your daughter and I have been in life and death situations! And by the way, she undressed me and treated my wounds, so no need to be so polite!”... And also, this is my not so subtle way of telling you, I’m an interested party, would love to be “considered” for the son-in-law position, oh feck it, I want to be the son-in law! Besides, the betrothal is not official yet. I might be able to turn the tide. You see, I’m one of the most eligible bachelor in the known world! (hahahha).... Oh, Shaoshang’s tired, let me just scare the living day lights of all the people that are queuing and let them scram! I can totally just tell the soldiers guarding the city gate to let you through but why do that when I can have my soldiers line up like honour guards and I will escort you in with much fanfare, and with beautiful background music of course! LOL
* I don’t know if this is the interpretation from the actor, or the director, or both, or the production team thing. It’s mostly micro expressions and can easily be missed. Whoever it is, I appreciate the detail and the subtlety.
** Watch episode 44 to understand why he is happy being asked about his injury.
Bonus, we can also admire Wu Lei’s proficiency on horseback.
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utterlyhooked · 2 years
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I’m surprised how people here have moved on so quickly from this series. Meanwhile, I’m here... have rewatched a number of times, too embarassed to say how many times!... can’t get over... overthinking... noticing small details!... over-analising... Aarrrghhhhhh!
He particularly looks great in white! Ooooohhhhhh Shaoshang, how do you not melt under that stare!
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utterlyhooked · 2 years
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A very romantic self defence lesson.
Where can I sign up? 0.0
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Yes! Yes please! Tell me where my Mingmen is!
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utterlyhooked · 2 years
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utterlyhooked · 2 years
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To those who know
Why was he not conferred as a prince? He is not without merit. What with that 100 wars in one year, and he is renowed to not lose in battle. That alone is a feat, and that was only one year, what about the other years? Another is, he is “Shiyilang”, technically he is the Eleventh Young Master of the Empire... the whole empire! He has a fief so he is kind of a prince, but still not a prince. He is powerful that he can search barge in to  a Prince’s household without fear nor was there any consequence. So he was given that power, so why not be a prince when he can be above one in rank? Isn’t the heirarchy, Emperor - Prince (there are ranks between the prince’s) - and Nobles? And the other is a reward to the last living descendant of the Huo Clan who died for emperor king and country.
So, why was he not conferred as a prince? Asking for a friend...
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utterlyhooked · 2 years
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utterlyhooked · 2 years
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